What Did Olimar NEED To Escape?

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can Pikmin 1 Olimar crashes his ship and must find all 30 parts to escape there are five optional Parts in game where if you hit the 30-day limit and still don't have them Allen will still escape the planet and you'll technically win however the legitimacy of those 25 pieces is questionable a lot of Oliver's descriptions give off the impression that maybe some of these shouldn't be necessary which is why we're doing a tier list to rank every part on its actual necessity our tears are absolutely necessary to escape could be dangerous to go without doubt these are important and forget them you don't need them the very first ship part you get is the main engine Olimar notes that it's a stroke of pure electricity Founders piece first as he can't take off without it seems pretty important to me that's gonna be eight here while we're here the positron generator is a piece that you find when coming back to the impact fight Olimar is most excited to use it as a microwave but also States it can generate an excessive amount of energy which sounds pretty vital a tier as well right outside of the landing site in the forest of hope you'll find the Eternal fuel Dynamo this part has the capability to produce infinite amounts of energy but I'm already seeing a conflict here as the positron generator also produces energy I'm gonna chalk this up the poor ship design and assume they're both equally required a tier the Whimsical radar is the only piece that actually benefits the player as it allows you to use your radar to find other pieces surely flying with a radar would be helpful but he can see out of the cockpit of the dolphin he seems to have other methods of navigation on board but this could potentially be important C tier the shock absorber does what it says on the tin it makes flight smoother though I'm not exactly sure what shock it absorbs certainly not this one the way Alamar talks about it makes it sound vaguely important though I think it's safe to make a d tier and our first part alimar shouldn't need the Nova Blaster is our first part that's definitely not required as the game lets you in without it it is an incredibly powerful weapon which is useful but the instruction manual notes that the route he was taking is usually safe so it's unlikely he would need it providers he's paying attention to the road after behind this incredibly annoying wall lies the extraordinary boat which contrary to the name actually serves no function whatsoever Alamar got scammed into buying some magic beams and spaceship art form so it's completely useless after a geiger counter is used to measure radiation which is unfortunate because Olimar mentions it often goes wild and lefts out a lot of noise while it is technically useful it's only as useful as the information it conveys and if Alamar doesn't know what it means it's not doing in many favors ft here one of the more obvious ones is the radiation canopy this Shields Omar from harmful radiation while also covering the cockpit of his ship I know he's got the suit but I can't imagine flying a convertible very good for long distance eight here the Sagittarius and the Libra are both decorative pieces as they are gifts from all of our son and daughter respectively I guess maybe Alma would die from a broken heart when his kids and wife disown him for leaving these but aside from that these are going to be effed here finally onto the forest navel we'll start with the space flow the bread bugs got it so I always make sure to get blue Pikmin watch both cutscenes damage the bread bug once encourage them to grab a pellet then put two Reds or yellows on it that way you'll be waiting at the ship for you also it's a space life raft that's abilities to make you float in space and it isn't required to win an F tier the automatic gear is a pretty cut and dry one as Olimar says it makes piloting much easier allowing him to focus on smaller things I.E he can fly fine without it it's like driving automatic instead of manual I'm going to stay deep here because Olimar is a bad enough pilot to fly into the only rock in space so maybe he needs a bit of assistance next is the Big Spring that goes when you drop it the gravity jumper function is to achieve super light speed which is obviously a necessary component to space travel so a tier the next part is a little cursed the analog computer is said to strengthen the outward emotions of the ship's computer it's also said to make the computer smarter but I really don't want it to have emotions for some reason I'm going to put it in detail because it seems potentially important but also very stupid and bad we're halfway through so far it's looking like Alamar could get by with potentially less than half a ship but we'll have to feed the final tally the anti-dioxin filter is a no-brainer the described function of this part is to filter the ship's exhaust preventing atmosphere contamination but more importantly to this list it's part of the ship's hoe I don't know if you know this but spaceships have to be airtight or bad things will happen maybe the Royal Pikmin is built different but I'm going to say this is important a tier okay so when I was little I always thought this next part was like a red onion slice don't ask me why I didn't think of an Apple at least I just don't know anyways that's not what it is it's one of the ship's fins it's meant to help the ship fly straight but Olimar also mentions directly that this piece is essential for his Escape so a tier the guard satellite is an important sounding piece but Omar's here so clearly it can't be that good at its job that job being protect the ship from danger he says it's worked for him in the past many times even protecting him from space pirates I guess the mere fact that it failing to work this one time caused the crash would imply that it's a pretty important part but it's not technically necessary for the flight itself so it's a seat here next are ionium jets 1 and 2 and it's reasonable to assume they are both essential as their Jets help Propel the ship and presumably adjust its trajectory that's two a tears right there now that we're on to the distant spring we're in the final stretch first is the repair type bolt which is said to be able to fix anything now on paper this doesn't seem necessary as if Omar can just not break anything important he wouldn't really need this however I'd be willing to bet a lot of these parts aren't functioning properly after Amar yielded his ship straight into the Earth so I'm going to say a tier next up is the massage machine it's a massage chair what do you think EFT here following that is the interstellar Radia which emits a constant SOS signal and is also a radio when collecting this part Omar even mentions that he doesn't need every part but the game still considers it necessary I don't F tier the largest part in the game the gluon drive is another piece of a Hull and while Olimar doesn't exactly know what it does he says it makes the dolphin lift off with its charismatic Roar so I'm just gonna assume it's probably important and put it in a tier next is the UV lamp Olimar uses it to tan F tier the zirconium rotor looks important and it is it serves a function similar to the repair type bolt as it's able to create spaceship parts I'm going to assume this busted ship needs it a tier another one of the more blatantly unnecessary Parts in the game is the pilot seat it makes alamar's butt not hurt he didn't seem to need it every night before this so F tier the Cronus reactor is a super necessary part as it does some sci-fi stuff to turn space into energy it also looks super cool so yeah eight here for the icing on top of the ship cake we have the bow sprit I'm actually kind of torn on this one it's clearly a part of the hoe which would imply importance but armor just says it gives the ship its Sleek shape for the sake of consistency I'm gonna say the ship would explosively decompress it without this part here and say a tier the final part is honestly Omar's biggest crime it's always the last part you get and is completely unnecessary to his survival but he'll still charge into the final boss for it losing many Pikmin on the way it's the secret safe and has all of Omar's money in it in the context of Pikmin 1 this is kind of selfish but then you remember Pikmin 2 is exclusively about making money so comparatively it's not as bad F tier obviously so here we are as expected it seems like maybe Alamar didn't need everything in fact to escape the planet's atmosphere he didn't even need half of the pieces of his ship 14 out of the 25 required parts are actually necessary with an additional two that could pose a reasonable risk to travel without now Alamar can finally take off in style with his half finished ship oh whoops [Music]
Channel: JessicaIn3D
Views: 77,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pikmin, pikmin hd, pikmin 1, red pikmin, nintendo, gamecube, switch, pikmin 1+2, yellow pikmin, ss dolphin, captain olimar, fiddlebert, forest of hope, nintendo direct, dandori, blue pikmin, good ending, bad ending, tier list
Id: HDd-cgtdif4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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