How NOT to Do PETRA'S RUN! - Rivensbane - | Destiny 2 Season of Plunder

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you promise enough bangers in today's video we will be attempting to acquire The Forsaken riven's main title of course this includes the completion of Petra's run for those of you who don't know Petro's run is a version of Last Wish where if even one person dies the whole team is instantly sent back to orbit pretty brutal on top of this we will be doing Petra's run completely legit including Riven and trust me when I say you're going to want to see how this ends but before we get to Petra's run there are a few other things we got to take care of first a lot went into the making of this video and I really hope you enjoy so to get the rivens main title There are 16 triumphs you must complete now this would mean a lot of Last Wish clears for us and it does but maybe not as many as you think whichever raid is the weekly Pinnacle drop will have all challenges enabled this means we can theoretically knock out seven of these triumphs in one run that is if we do every Challenge on a team of all Arc Titans for example we already had a number of these triumphs completed so we waited for Last Wish to Be the featured raid and began knocking out the rest obviously 1000 voices I also think the Scout rifle I did get a glittering key so that means we can go ahead and get the ermine ship and then assuming we get this at some point I had a glittering key from our last Riven clear so we entered the wish that spawns a secret chest after morgif for those of you who don't know this is how you get the Last Wish ship maybe we could do a uh centipede oh Jesus everyone deactivate on the count of three one two three oh I got the wrong emote hombre oh [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] hey hey um is there a method to this or is it just like the challenge is not to get hit by her like Arc blast or that thing that she just did because access to Ribbons free online wishes if we get any more people in this little green circle I think we might break the game we're gonna turn into one ribbon-sized Guardian oh my God apples your Titan is this Jesus this is how we share their brain cells pass it to each other you know how like some animals convene once a year in like a puddle and reproduce um okay okay says would you rather fight a chicken every time you get into a car or fight a monkey with a sword once a year I thought the monkey has lament monkey has Crown splitter oh I just got hit I'm actually afraid of chimpanzees like not like I don't have a phobia there's an angry monkey anything but an angry monkey I'm pure oh I'm just making sure I'm never in her lunch sight as random as it felt at points I actually really like this challenge it completely changed the way we played this encounter forcing us to hide behind cover and adding a whole nother layer to the fight I feel like a new light look like a new light feel like a new light smell like a new light huh this is kind of cool I'm never gonna do this again yeah it's like it did it she hit a [ __ ] Scion she's throwing oh she's looking at me I have her gaze that's actually hilarious [ __ ] hey I got a Transfiguration an account someone must have gotten hit somewhere along the way but luckily ninja and apples both still had the checkpoint so we'll come back to this one if you watched our other Last Wish video then you know how badly I struggled on this jumping puzzle needless to say we're gonna be taking this one very slow on Petra's run oh this guy oh yeah these ogres yeah and they just push you also honestly I wouldn't under crash or anything just in case oh [ __ ] the more death challenge ended up being a bit more annoying than I'd anticipated turns out having like 10 ogres pushing you around is kind of obtrusive to the encounter yeah okay I think we should win no no no no uh okay I'm in a bad spot the Vault challenge is really easy all you have to do is not let any of those taken Knights enter the main room okay oh [ __ ] you I did it [Music] uh-oh so you're going trees man there's a lot of nights coming through thank you apples we did Riven legit every time we ran this raid so that we could practice for our inevitable Petros run but for the challenge we cheesed her for the sake of time and because we still had to do shirochi oh that's not me trying to see here okay oh that is me we went back completed the Shiro Chi challenge shoot my babies don't stop oh Jesus and practice Riven one more time before jumping into the main event we had practiced Riven maybe five times leading up to this however we had still not managed to get in a Flawless completion usually it's these last eyes that mess us up after this warm-up we were feeling pretty good about things so we decided to take our first jab at Petro's run that's right okay again 1K nope all right boys start doing the Clash of Clans in order to activate this version of The Raid you must enter this wish into the wall every time and it's about as annoying as it sounds attempt number one we entered the wish and started the Cali encounter oh my God my control oh wait what the [ __ ] remember left or right top to bottom oh Evelyn this is mine you [ __ ] no no someone's a tour what it didn't count for some reason we didn't get kicked back to orbit naturally half the team began questioning if we had put in the correct wish myself included it's wish 13. it means like I was looking at it and it was wish 13 put in but it said you wish for a promising future the fire team will be instantly wiped and returned to the beginning of the fight against morgette the Spire keeper yeah I was the wrong wish we went back to orbit figuring it was so early in the raid that we might as well just to be safe you just got lucky why would you go to orbit oh [ __ ] yeah then you guys are totally right man why no one listen to me turns out we did actually enter the right wish we just got really lucky and for some reason the game didn't register those two deaths whoops they give a number between one through ten whoever's closest we'll have to put in the wish seven five uh seven was closer oh let's go oh wait wait does that mean I'm putting it oh what the [ __ ] attempt number two we entered the wish and took another stab at Cali it's nice I like that was too busy blessing us with Lumina and stepped on the wrong side of his plate so we returned to orbit and began attempt number three entered the wish up and hopefully third time's the charm all right she is conceiving an ontological weapon good [ __ ] I get better we got it we can do it finisher good [ __ ] Cali's death brings us to the first of three jumping puzzles in this raid and next to Riven these honestly scare me the most yeah that one is terrifying to me fortunately we all made it to the other side in one piece which of course means we've reached chirochi and honestly this boss could really go either way for us this is a lament only this is hard Shadow are you kidding me one go complete the ritual what the [ __ ] okay all right close for good [ __ ] who put the stasis crystals all right Four's ready two's ready what oh [ __ ] oh I'm gonna burn give me a second four four five four three yeah hit me there we go uh guys any damage there he is ready serious ready step on please four is ready let's do it you got you good [ __ ] boys which felt pretty good but we were now faced with the second and more intimidating of the jumping puzzles in this raid and I'm not gonna lie I was kind of dreading this part dude I'm scared to this [ __ ] jumping puzzle I'm gonna take it so slow so we're just gonna go one at a time because even though that's a bit slower it'll just be the safest room yeah I'm fine with that I'll go first I I don't wanna oh oh no all right we decided to go one at a time to keep things as safe as possible this segment isn't that hard but the chances of at least one of us messing up are pretty high okay I can make this I can just skip that careful man yeah yeah yeah you can go right now okay foreign we all made it to the end which of course means it's time for more Geth this encounter really shouldn't pose much of a threat to us but stranger things have happened I'll take both of those no my controller died no oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ bro dude I was like oh you're not here I'm getting these first two on left okay I have two taking strengths thank you she's being captured she's being captured seven thank you oh my God as I suspected morgoth just kind of fell over on only our third attempt we've already reached Vault and I'd be lying if I didn't say this looked promising vault is another encounter that with any luck shouldn't really be that bad what's sad is as well probably gonna come crumbling when we get to Riven nonsense nonsense no you're right we got this first shot this was a crucible ornament I think it looks really cool it gives me time to play more Pokemon was that a glamio it is hey all right man on your markers then stairs was pen now stairs was Amber Mysteries the door's stuck oh my God [ __ ] you nice honestly I'm not even sure what happened there but unfortunately this brings us to attempt number four Riven that is the big part which of course started with us entering the wish twice of the oh my you wish for a promising future what the [ __ ] did I just return to don't worry about it bro don't worry about it don't worry about it sweetheart all right let's do it keep numbers in mind this [ __ ] let me wipe her here we can wipe her here smoker let's go we dropped Cali and proceeded to the first jumping puzzle not trying to enter that wish again all right back to shirochi we had it pretty easy with her last run so this time should be no different Diamond lands oh wow nice huge huge underground I can get it girl from amramgram where do you think I found my wife apples where do you think you found your kid no this is our first try what do you want fun about this is our first try just trial oh please please I should be dead but I'm not give it a second give it a second one and two switch one and two switch okay attempt number five I look right that looks about right yes is our future really promising though no all right visual I have visual on Ontario cheat I mean Cali whatever you sure are you sure I'm sure if you wiper here [ __ ] boys let's go yeah careful let's get into Focus mode Focus mode activate dude there's no point to go down for the chest you can just go around I can just skip past the thing yeah classic smoother look it was bound to happen at least once I don't want to talk about it I'm more likely to die at a jumping puzzle than I am on Riven attempt number six started with us you guessed it entering that goddamn wish let's do this wish yeah let's get this wish all right duck is here who died all right attempt number seven entered the wish kiss him kiss him wait what no killed Cali past the jumping puzzle and ended up back at churrochi number six when I make ramen I no longer use the full pack because it's too much sodium it's fair oh I feel that holes pause what whoa oh no resume we're family friendly around here all right let's [ __ ] your song but it's good oh my God it's just I wasn't in the right position all right what the [ __ ] oh my God no that is not my fault that was very unfortunate this brings us to attempt number eight and how do you think we started this one let's see fine I see five bro is that five and now we send it yeah it's under just under this Sunday okay [ __ ] well I'm running malfeasance it's happening [ __ ] you're heavy malfeasance is heavy seasons Jesus Christ I can't take this one apples can you can grab them all right malfeasance come on come on nice let's go look at that we actually made it pasture take any splash down that's scary and I will stay scared can y'all shut the [ __ ] up this is like one of those names where it's like me trying to clutch up a 1v3 my teammates oh no I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up no what no don't do it no way ninja you got it Ninja how holy [ __ ] it's cuz Riven let you ribbon is blessing this run oh my god let's go ninja time for more Geth round two again not much of a threat here at least I hope like a big taken over here they actually do damage I'm stuck on left I'm stuck on left I'm sucking he's sucking thank you thank you I can't pick it up I can I can pick it up I'll do it okay I'm gonna go to Apples do it we got this boys and girl let's do it [Music] for only our second time I was really hoping that last time was just a fluke and that this time things will go a bit smoother it was so slow there's open coincidence code you need to grab it you need to grab it then toad I can't oh no no no okay oh stairs is the only place left to dunk let's go let's go oh my God we did it while I was excited to pass the Vault we all know what comes next all right boys moment of truth I had a first time getting to ribbon the urge to cheese ribbon was strong but we stuck to our guns will we fail probably but we said we wanted to do this legit and that's exactly what we're gonna try to do you guys okay never mind I don't even [ __ ] risk that what I can't Thunder crash ribbon right no no man me Evelyn apples for the three sets of eyes just keep things clear all right keep ahead in the game we got this does everyone have the picture up yes I am all right let's do it three two you are finally here previously spawn Canada [Music] you could be so much [Music] you know that you won't bet you have hurt so much [Music] [Music] oh yeah okay [Music] your eyes are L2 R5 yeah L2 R5 L2 R5 F1 all API fish swimming like kind of in a circle it's the R2 yep all right let's go come on boys yep yep all right first one is mine okay my eyes are L2 R2 all right Evelyn is L5 L5 R1 okay Apple says L1 R4 dude okay on shoot okay Take Aim three two one shoot good [ __ ] [ __ ] boys and girls get the pimples I'm trying to pick me up all right all right oh [ __ ] [ __ ] jokes take it slow take it slow here okay [Music] all right oh my God boys give us the resting give us the blessing take this [ __ ] down take her down back up back up back up back up let's go okay careful careful careful careful don't get stuck in her geometry all right let's go let's go it's not over boys It's Not Over oh that smells foreign [Music] Ninja Turtles [Music] it's me it's me let's go all right ten nine eight seven six five four three I can't move two stop thank you thank you oh let's go let's go foreign [Music] [Applause] first try on Rhythm on our first Petros run ribbon attempt we [ __ ] did it huge shout out on top of this to one of our members monkey stinky who dropped a huge Super Chat to top this glorious Triumph that was my second holy [ __ ] we went back in cheesed ribbon a few times what the [ __ ] that's so dumb and searched for the final piece of the Riven Spain puzzle this one okay let's see can apples bless the 1K nope all right through your actions let's go let's touch one case one go this is easily my favorite Destiny accomplishment our team was awesome it was an absolute journey and I just hope I was able to do it justice in this video Last Wish easily remains my favorite raid of all time a lot of time and effort went into this video so if you enjoyed a like or comment would be greatly appreciated it really does help me out a ton if you're new around here consider subscribing I post fun Destiny related content on a regular basis at the time of posting this we just passed 30k which is just unreal thank you guys so much the fact that I get to call this my job is a dream come true I'd like to take a second to shout out our latest channel members Percival and Levi George my man I really appreciate your support sorry he's a good friend of mine I hope you're having a great day night or whatever it is and until next time Guardians [Music] thank you
Channel: Toadsmoothie
Views: 350,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Streaming, Destiny 2, Twitch, destiny 2, first person shooter, next-gen, steam, playstation, Video Games, Witch queen, PC, Lightfall, Destiny quest, Destiny exotic, Destiny season 17, Destiny future, Destiny roadmap, Solar 3.0, arc 3.0, Destiny Speculation, Halo, Forge Mode, Theater Mode, TWAB, This Week At Bungie, Trials of Osiris, Dungeon, Solo Dungeon, challenge, funny, guide, Raid, Oryx, Funny moments, Divinity, Garden of salvation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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