How NOT To Beat Root Of Nightmares [DAY 1]... | Destiny 2 Lightfall

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before we start I want to just take a second to acknowledge the passing of Lance Reddick Zavala is and always will be an iconic part of this franchise things really just don't feel the same without him one thing I will say is that the collective mourning and the coming together of the destiny Community was palpable for once everything was still and we were all on the same side it's as if even on his final day the commander rallied all Guardians into Unity so thank you to everyone in the community for just being so respectful of the situation it really is touching to see and to our commander rest in peace don't worry this video has nothing to do with the recent contest mode drama though if you want to hear my thoughts I'll touch on it a bit at the end what you're about to see is a condensed version of over 17 hours of gameplay yeah today my friends and I set out to beat the root of nightmares raid on day one we tried this once with King's fall and it went horribly so hopefully this time will be a bit different this took me a while to put together so grab a snack and together let's Revel in the journey that is root of nightmares what have you done oh two minutes two minutes left to right we got Donovan Memento apples myself duck Evelyn is it gonna be great I don't think you I think you're getting it wrong We're Not Gonna sleep with one minute till reset we scoured the neptunian map for the raid yeah I see it I see it all right let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go watch oh [ __ ] boys yo that's so [ __ ] cool all right let's go let's go I didn't get to see the opening [ __ ] this place is gorgeous over here over here to the left it's definitely this way yep yep oh yes first encounter survive the answer okay okay I shoot ball oh okay yep you gotta Leviathan Scions does it kill us I am awesome oh no no okay so it's a Time Buff tormentors defeated nodes activated so tormentors defeated probably isn't important my guess is that we literally do just have to survive that main ball over here there's Tormentor like a beam of light that points off to another one of those uh Helix little swirl things so we actually figured this encounter out really fast although watching us occasionally completely missed the point is kind of funny we gotta figure out how to get that debuff down first and I I don't think killing the Tormentor would be the answer to that I feel like going to foreign [Music] I just I don't know [Music] okay so at this point we knew that there were two Scions that spawned a Tormentor killing the Tormentor resets the white mechanic and there are some orbs that can be connected via buff that's pretty much the whole encounter now we just gotta survive let's rock barrier [Music] on the other side I see it I see it after a few more wipes we began consistently getting to the second and third set of orbs Third Base Third Base good [ __ ] though beautiful I'm gonna get apples up never mind I see Scion [ __ ] guys get ready to drop this Tormentor oh get him get him get him come on come on let's do it let's go um hey let's get the storm into let's get this thank you thank you oh my did it again tormentors on right he's all the way up here we're gonna drop his ass drop his ass good [ __ ] good [ __ ] beautiful yep I say Scion too wait I'm light him light him I'm sorry I swap from strand to solar and dusted off the Old Reliable with this we were now consistently getting to the final rotation okay we're gonna use deterministic chaos actually I can't never mind it's an exotic I'm an idiot watch out watch out Evelyn watch out watch out watch out watch out oh my God stop stop tapping me stop stabbing me talk to the old dogs please tell him okay careful careful sweet sweet I'm dead I'll get him I'll get him okay get up buddy I'm taking out barriers oh never mind I got it the other one okay Tormentor on left [Music] this is an encounter we're gonna be passing from left to right because you see those Pistons they're also watching yeah so about the second encounter I wish I could tell you we got it on our 8th 11th or even 20th attempt oh my God oh my God yeah that's not what happened we figured out the mechanics really fast there are light and dark orbs that must be connected across the the chasm in a sort of zigzag pattern this is very similar to the first encounter and of course you're timed while doing so all right we got we got the first we got the first one yeah your scent is blocked by Interlopers uh what is that we need the white Shield guys down we also quickly figured out how to get the field of light and Crux of Darkness debuffs for the shielded guys and then you can damage things around you and we're traveling upwards so what took so long that's a good question oh it's Santa time our survivability was lacking pretty frequently and the runners were still getting used to their paths oh my God I also realized after the fact that you warlocks have a much tougher time with the Pistons than the rest of us [ __ ] goddamn things sucks after a lot of wipes root of soup we swapped myself in Memento to ensure both sides had a healing lock which definitely helped um okay no I'm doing so bad on ads with me eventually I started running which took some time to figure out but it was worth it in the long run where is it there it is there it is after a few more deaths I put on thundercrash for the Champions and eventually we reach the third level oh I didn't first right here okay oh yeah I have I have like two more hold on give it to me what the [ __ ] so close we got there though this is the one this is the one we got this here oh yeah back here where though okay see oh my God oh my God all right all right here we go fill another one up though um I see barrier coming back over this should be my last oh if I don't okay okay dark stone just clear just clear hey get out of here are we good yes we're good let's [ __ ] go let's do it holy [ __ ] oh I got the legs that's cool looking Christ that was miserable I won't lie we spent a lot longer here than I'm willing to admit bro can you take a moment to like take a picture in here it's the plant [ __ ] so I thought these were for an exotic Catalyst of some sort which of course they aren't but it didn't take us long to figure this out yeah I want to watch it I want to watch it guys oh look at it go the next section sort of takes the place of a jumping puzzle for this raid just a bit more involved whoa oh my God that's for sure the final boss area up there all you have to do here is get the field of light buff and then get the dark buff so that you can get the darkness of Refuge buff I know it's a lot of Buffs just bear with me this is something that'll come up again later it's over I will that's hot that's hot yeah no oh [ __ ] it nobody knows I mean first boss and we're gonna hit a massive [ __ ] damage [Music] yo dude it's the room yo holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this is cool aside from how dope this room is the first thing we noticed was that one planet was light and another was dark locator of planets okay there's four lieutenants on each side yeah there are yeah there are What's Happening Here is that we essentially need to get all the light planets on one side and all the dark planets on the other which can be done through of course a series of Buffs now you get to watch us figure this [ __ ] out yeah I don't see much happening yeah what is this okay okay planetary shift switching they're switching they're switching the planets oh my God yeah they are but the darkness planets on the dark side yeah we're gonna shift to the planets and then that's gonna start a damage phase once we have all light on one side all dark on another okay okay we kill the caretaker and a planet lit up or a caretaker oh my god oh this was a light and now I go over here over there which would make sense because that's where I put it we started getting an idea of the mechanics but we still weren't sure what we were actually supposed to be doing with them as a team okay what are those planets doing that's a white mechanic for sure I'm gonna grab this blue planet right here I will grab this Venus looking one our first theory was that all six players would attune with the planets on one side then swap with the planets on the other which we quickly realized wouldn't work you're gonna do one at a time eventually Memento swapped two planets but then they went back to their spots because they weren't actually correct even still this implied progress towards a mechanic I also just realized that Donovan literally spells out the encounter right here but my dumbass still didn't understand how to get insight shift is the timer Attunement is what allows you to move them inside allows you to see them and once you've gotten all of those pieces you have to communicate where to move EGS yeah we should name each part there should be like L1 L2 L3 L4 this is where things go a little off the chain Apple's put together this masterpiece of a map for us to follow and then Duck's mic just decided to break yeah we can't duck you're really low the funny thing about this is that duck figured out the encounter he just couldn't properly communicate to us because his mic was bugging out fortunately it didn't take long for both apples and Memento to also understand the encounter it's all the darkness yeah I grabbed it I ran over here asked apples which one's light and I put it there the duck ears you're progressively getting lower I'm waiting for you guys to figure out exactly what I figured out okay okay no no no no no I feel like after way too much back and forth debating numbers and explaining we were finally all on the same page and ready to start the encounter for real this time so now let's just make sure it stays yeah look at that I'm probably gonna die I'm dead all right put on the noble run your ones oh my God I saw that I cannot hear you dog oh my God index plan oh [ __ ] the planet moved out from under me yeah index planets reveal themselves now what that doesn't sound like a good sound each index plant has a light or a dark coloring we have to find the one that matches them it just gives us planetary no no no I see I see I see okay [ __ ] no I can't see it also didn't take us long to figure out the index planets although we still couldn't hear Ducks so we're gonna have to get that figured out do I still sound low I mean you sound really [ __ ] high but it's better than nothing R3 R3 and you said L2 yeah I shot the Nugget no oh no no it's every other pad I'm assuming it's not is it like caretaker I can't I can't okay so we got that we got them finally reaching a damage phase this was a huge sign of progress It's like caretaker oh it's like cows it's like air Terror it's like your mom say whatever well no but I got up thank god with a couple DPS faces under our belt I swapped over to void only to immediately change my mind and swap back over to solar full purple we tried getting Donovan to swap to Starfire protocol but he didn't want to because it's ugly and he didn't want to give up devour if you want to just rock the protocol you should just join us eventually though we got him to swap over to at this point we were all quite hungry and pretty tilted so we decided to take a little break petition to make these the official call outs step on it oh light it's light I think yeah it's like it's like oh well thank you thank you thank you all right we're good everyone get out and let us do solid so I will break oh he fell off the map I knocked my lieutenant off the map so I might not come down that's probably a wife be getting out damaged by Donovan question mark our damage was pretty shite so apples took on the mantle of div [ __ ] oh my gosh oh my God he's in London you tried telling the boss not to shoot tell them they don't have your consent oh [ __ ] that dude here you get it oh no we wiping oh we're wiping all right oh my God that was awesome that was our best damage yet oh this one's a bit late five okay oh yeah it's okay it's okay oh wait never mind yeah thank you thank you you're a legend I'm gonna be off the map we've now been here for a couple hours but progress is progress so we kept moving forward I got I got first I got first try to stay stationary so we don't blow each other up I'm on your right all right get out here good damage oh [ __ ] oh I got it I'll get him okay it's six the same thing the same thing got mine all right yep I'm popping super once you hit the solid I'll let you out of there let's go let's go clear this thank you okay I got dark right here I damaged them for you to rest he's dark right someone resin it was my pleasure okay okay oh oh hey well please thank you stop stop what the hell is he doing let this be something man oh [ __ ] watch out watch out watch out he's doing the thing yeah damage damage we got we got to keep that dip on him keep that div on him we got this get over here get over here get over here get over here after multiple hours on that encounter we could finally move on and do something else and I was thrilled but little did I know that the time we spent here is nothing compared to what lies ahead and we just spent four hours time like the adrenaline is moving you take out your Sparrow you could take out your Sparrow got your necks I got all your necks oh my God no it's cute for six long months oh my God all right boys are you ready let's go it's all been leaned to this eight and a half hours of pain later this is a what this is like a Borderlands Vault okay yeah yeah oh my God look at this foreign [Music] you know oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh dude he's ascending what the [ __ ] oh oh my God I got it I got it I got it I got it all about it can I ask you what your uh resilient status oh [ __ ] off Carl it's 86. 86 actually the higher resilience than you only I'm glad oh sorry get him get him get him where'd he go oh he writes he's right there for real I jumped off the [ __ ] map I saw that huge apples I'm still alive he's alive oh he suppresses okay I mean you know it is what it is everyone stay safe we're damaging we're damaging definitely not oh we're definitely not damaging apples if we go to the Tower and Don if we go to the tower does that mean you guys can put on Starfire oh I'm sorry I gotta use release a trip sorry bro I'm kind of kicked off that was perfect you are no use to me dead there is like no ad clearing being like done that is lies and slander on my name you're welcome you're welcome oh my god get him get him get him turn around oh don't turn around for [ __ ] he'll turn around for you if you ask him nice turn around give me Daddy no all right Donovan Donna we'll see these kills no way where is he where is he where is he where the [ __ ] did he go good job what no oh when you go in Biz is it like gorgeous do you lose his gaze or whatever the [ __ ] Gorge who the hell is Gorge Donovan also dies a lot more see he wasn't even a [ __ ] mean oh I just shot a Stacy oh my God shut up oh my god oh I watched that I have one more I have one more I have one more thing I'm gonna do it I'm right here I did it that's the first time forever better knock him up yeah that was the only thing oh my God no it's okay it's okay the charger oh my God all right needle Stronger needlestone Yeah good ass damage again now oh [ __ ] oh sorry um this is like okay it's fine it's fine it's fine oh [ __ ] boys it was now three in the morning and after seven hours straight at nazarak we decided to rest and come back tomorrow we woke up rallied at nazarak and Against All Odds Donovan was wearing Starfire protocols [ __ ] is easily but we do this Donovan you look like Little Red Riding Hood because he was a prank I like it I'm red this is Greek after our four hour nap we were feeling good and ready to finish the fight give me a second give me some fist chips right oh okay I got it I hate it that's also it's also established right now right in the Spy guys we can't have any more deaths literally oh okay literally not one okay it's okay it's okay oh my god um [Music] all right there we go there you go I love this guy all right massive massive okay nice thank you I'll have one second one well we need to walk yep yep okay okay with everything hit him with [ __ ] everything hit him with [ __ ] everything please please kill his ass kill his ass come on [Music] oh [ __ ] so close I didn't have if I had one more heavy [ __ ] last minute try one more rocket if I had one more sniper shot you find one more [ __ ] Saltine cracker bro if I want more anything else is dead I just missed two [ __ ] Rockets um I got it oh bro it's white it's like okay just keep him dead I'm Gonna Save My sniper yeah I know okay it gets dark it's dark her shoulders it's dark okay everyone's here again yeah refresh if you need to good just refresh the rewards I see it orbs over here I have no special I gotta put on outbreak so there's damage yeah a second and and he's damageable he's damaged cool tractor give everything you got everything you got your seals come on we got this we got we can [ __ ] do it we can [ __ ] do it Hammer Hammer Hammer get him get him yes [Music] oh look at that I'm so happy we may have been 55 minutes past what is technically day one but after 17 hours of trials and tribulations we actually managed to get our first contest mode clear they even called the emblem a good night's sleep which is something I think we could all use the nezerak theme is actually titled honorrophobia which is defined as the fear of Dreams and Nightmares seems pretty fitting there's a lot of opinions surrounding this raid and contest mode right now and all I can really do is give you mine I don't mind this raid being a bit simpler to understand I think it establishes a more clear difficulty gradient for players as far as raids go however I do see why someone like datto would be upset with the contest mode difficulty I really like root of nightmares though I do hope that the final shapes raid is maybe a bit longer or a bit more challenging and involved personally I would love to see a raid boss with wings that flies around the outskirts of the Arena like occasionally crashing in I think that'd be really really cool anyway if you enjoyed the video a like would be greatly appreciated and if you're new around here consider subscribing we just passed 60 000 subscribers which is just wild and I'm glad you all seem to be enjoying our Shenanigans real quick I want to give a shout out to the latest channel members and bear with me because there's a lot of them causalique Shadow Devin huffaker cedrics Rey shelled Master bit of smudge no it's not Memento reaver157 Colton Randolph Quentin van heck Connor Damon drowning in the Deep Nightshade Dawn Nick Wilm Aiden O'Keefe Victor Vic Vivo Enthusiast yogurt pancakes Zenna Mr blade Armani warland Edge waffle Jam Master Aster Praxis the Italian beatboxer Aiden dead at Dragon 84 3cbc James ladurious Solomon sneaky DJ and Lil Liz I really really appreciate all your support also a massive shout out to everyone who came out to watch us clear this thing live on day one anyway if you made it to the end I truly appreciate that I hope you're having a great day night or ever it is and until next time Guardians goodbye
Channel: Toadsmoothie
Views: 214,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Streaming, Destiny 2, Twitch, destiny 2, first person shooter, next-gen, steam, playstation, Video Games, Witch queen, PC, Lightfall, Destiny quest, Destiny exotic, Destiny season 17, Destiny future, Destiny roadmap, Solar 3.0, arc 3.0, Destiny Speculation, Halo, Forge Mode, Theater Mode, TWAB, This Week At Bungie, Trials of Osiris, Dungeon, Solo Dungeon, challenge, funny, guide, Raid, Oryx, Funny moments, Divinity, Sound challenge, meme, group content, fireteam, gameshow
Id: u4z6lSidbVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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