Can You Beat VOW OF THE DISCIPLE Using Only GLAIVES? | Destiny 2 Season of Plunder

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can you beat valve the disciple using only glaives probably not but today my friends and I are gonna try anyway now you may be thinking well toad what about caretaker or rock or don't worry we'll get there first let's lay some ground rules the only weapons will be allowed to use are glaives doesn't matter which one abilities are allowed only because this is already gonna be rough as is and they at least give us a chance let's be real glaves aren't exactly an optimal source of DPS so sorry we'll get there anyway enough Preamble let's find out if you can beat valve the disciple using only glaves finally can we get much higher this is probably impossible my bet as well as I'm sure everyone in the chat is that this is going to fall apart once we get to caretaker he is raid ready if I've ever seen it hey guys it gives you a void overshoven yeah oh that's awesome no I can't be the only one who's a bit tired of this opening but luckily it shouldn't pose much of a threat to our run if anything this just gives us the chance to acclimate to this weird ass play style stasis exotic wave would be pretty cool yes it would oh that's so cool time for the first encounter the totems obelisks what what's this encounter called acquisition okay I guess I guess that makes sense the only real threat here is the Unstoppable ogre however we filmed this right before season 17 ended so we still had Unstoppable glaive I'm gonna go ahead and start it if you guys already wait uh Lighter dark dark dark dark dark dark dark dark light oh come on low-key what's my symbol uh can someone open the door thanks what was uh your caller a symbol is black part black part warmest in the plane yeah oh yeah hit me is with a glaive is gonna be a [ __ ] I got black heart all right go nice hey there we go okay right side can someone open the door please please There You Go Kill Guardian something I got love okay then it's love Guardian something Fleet and love love yeah or is that at middle or right oh come on there oh what I have I have uh Guardian all right hit it what okay mine was definitely Guardian okay there we go oh I was worried for a second I was like I'm pretty sure it was Guardian uh taliban's hands hands Caleb on his hands uh lochi Lighter dark later dark next symbol three two one later dark Ness okay my simple is Fleet does someone open the door oh can someone open the door worm that's worm Fleet and what's the last one Ash plane fast plane oh sweet oh I [ __ ] only got the wrong one guys uh oh I'm out of glaive ammo it's Fleet ass plane worm right yeah yeah all right all right all right shoot worm hey let's go was that our first try yeah yeah yeah nice oh my God and no one comments on the horse of many asses yeah no okay let's tackle caretaker I was really hoping that that would take a little bit longer but here we are so the funny thing about glaves is that they don't put out very good DPS and they have a very limited firing range two things that are pretty much core to the caretaker encounter and as we established an acquisition hitting the obelisks with the glaive projectiles can sometimes be easier said than done what's up handsome boy how you doing dude this is gonna [ __ ] suck and then we're gonna shoot his face and then we're gonna shoot his back yeah we're gonna run out of ammo really quick that way actually can you melee him you should probably experiment with that because that's gonna be really useful John we should also experiment with meleeing the totem I don't think it's gonna work and the first one is assplane Aspen what the [ __ ] is Ass Point assistant it doesn't work you can't melee it I'm sorry he's pretty close already oh bro it's almost like it doesn't know what it's doing like [ __ ] glaze get it yep I got it is it just not try it again what the [ __ ] do you want to realize too we're gonna have to take care of those flying little bees with uh Glades all right sweet all right cool oh man that's oh my gosh got it witnessed witness scorn wait oh no I feel pretty confident that we can that we can do this plane power black heart look at that all right beautiful good oh [ __ ] no we're not oh my God this one just doesn't work oh thank God some [ __ ] all right uh that should have been it it did its like thing oh my God holy [ __ ] oh my God it's hitting the top how the [ __ ] do you think oh my God light Earth's Corner oh oh [ __ ] the issue is the glaive projectile it's really wonky black garden get black garden you're the best that's it sir commune [ __ ] get out of my way oh my god get the top one no what the [ __ ] I forget that one constantly I'm sorry I'm sorry um hello [ __ ] no damage I don't think there's a way we're gonna be able to stand on the second round because I'm I'm out of ammo so after some trial and a lot of error we realized that surprising literally no one caretaker is just not possible with glaives only first of all between stunning him killing ads and hitting that damn Obelisk by the time we're actually at the damage phase ammo is running real dry on top of that let's say you could hypothetically reach his last stand this way this is when the glaive's second big weakness comes into play the glaive range stat is well poopy so hitting the caretaker at the final stand distance would prove quite challenging but we had a feeling this would happen and came prepared for the duration of this encounter we will have the medieval claws enabled this basically means that for the rest of caretaker we will be allowed to use glaves swords and bows of any kind someone gave me this idea in the comment section and sorry I can't remember who but shout out to you hopefully now we can have a shot at killing the caretaker while still fitting in with the theme so you want to revert do medieval clause and then reverse yes so we are only allowed to use bows swords and glaives so he needs a primary glow second whoa primary bow secondary glaive I'm okay with trying to just do damage with the glaves but like I won't be able to do anything let me let me grab a heavy to infuse into leviathan's breath I thought about Black Talent oh wait would Black Talent does anyone with damage than leviathan's breath it's on my third page it's from season of the Dorito forget what how it's called [Laughter] all right light em up that's good let's go oh is he ascending already what what is he doing oh he's not ascending okay well we got the threshold give me one second ye olden days traveler enter I think in Mexico The Traveler enters Mexico okay is that like a destiny spin-off oh are we damageable let's go soon oh yeah put this [ __ ] we're rocking this dude's toes so okay okay well okay that's a big chunky outfit oh whatever all right there we go Darkness Hive pyramid all right pyramid oh we have to take oh I hit stop all right it's all right it's all right it's all right oh no it's not all right can we include swords slaves bows and uh Speed Run give speed which Queen light oh that's that's appropriate give witch Queen like and open the door oh [ __ ] oh man that is rough but that crit all right we're good oh I can't no no oh [ __ ] sir yes sir come on guys we got it we can do it okay that's that's manageable I'm saving my uh well man like the last three blades black Fleet Mexico now yeah yeah okay that's that's awkward yeah dude for that no no there was all immune what the [ __ ] no oh look at that Nova I like that Nova okay okay I have one Leviathan oh God oh God oh my God oh go go go go go go yeah yeah no no no no no no no no no what oh [ __ ] oh no we're [ __ ] okay whatever uh that was close oh there we go you said now and I thought you just meant damage and I was like oh [ __ ] I just like gave her permission you know what I'll do it for you Colonel what Shader is it let's go oh whoa this looks wrong over there homie oh that's Mexico witness Mexican Witness Goes to the Tower [Laughter] oh that was that was awesome that was great the [ __ ] this is gonna be close oh no I'm not gonna make it oh no to Mexico give the pyramids here with the Mexicans oh [ __ ] please the [ __ ] auto aim please please yeah first super let's go bring the heat bring the heat okay um that's that's better that's better take him take a kick his ass kick his ass kick his ass please kick his ass what in you distract him he doesn't know what to do he doesn't know what to do [ __ ] Hey look it's Mexico oh boy [ __ ] give me give me that give me that give me that give me them toes boy give me them toes give me them toes boy oh yeah hit it from the front hand in the back buddy six glaze first now the cycle gone wrong gone sexual here's the question three Thunder crashes and a little bit of heavy get us there I'm gonna bet no I'm gonna try Thunder here okay okay that's that's maybe serviceable close oh please no yes that is a serviceable amount of damage is about to man's about to get service like a phone let's go I have super now okay all right sitting here for a second Thunder crash him Thunder crash him oh come on take him take him take him take him come on oh my God God I knew caretaker would be a roadblock for us but that [ __ ] took a while anyway back to glaves we're back to glaives now until Rock grenade all right exhibition this should be interesting to say the least the only glaring issues I can see here are the overload hopgoblins and pretty much everything else [Music] it's kill all right it's Earth and kill one of these days I should really learn the symbols I shoot the the white dude's gonna spawn at the front of the room I don't think you can say that John go go [ __ ] oh yeah oh no I didn't never mind Fleet worship black heart no watch out for the screeds inside oh yeah thickest and John come on me please what do you mean by that so forward of you and now putting that in now please even hive I think definitely grief it was 100 grief okay stop uh come come cleanse us up here traveler stop let's go all right I'm dropping Shield off right oh yeah you need one more you're right the [ __ ] come on let's go let's go good [ __ ] with exhibition finally out of the way we were understandably tired so we grabbed the rock checkpoint and decided to regroup the following day now rock is interesting because on paper the only serious roadblock is going to be our damage which is might I add a pretty serious roadblock that and rock has the tendency to kick the [ __ ] out of you if you get too close to him so Spears really aren't the best method of attack but hey that's kind of the point [Music] but uh I'm gonna only go at Rock's feet as a last resort if you use your glazed Shield it negates like 90 of the damage he does to you all right I got it R1 R1 R1 all right all right wait for apples all right careful careful careful a little bubble over here careful careful don't die again it's the last resort oh my God bite me wrong [ __ ] fight me wrong but remember you should believe Shield it's so useful okay let me back up let me let me chill Frederick's careful okay okay okay okay excited I have yeah I have no I'm all as well Whoever has oh [ __ ] does anyone have ammo watch you okay ammo also ended up being a pretty big issue here I had completely forgot that we had to shoot the leaching thing to actually get the buff that combined with shooting his weak spots before damage and you run into a similar but not identical situation a caretaker hey uh I get a special animals you need to split again oh my God it might it might come too the thing is I think it's possible like I really think it's possible and we also need a lot more damage you want to keep it within three phases I think it would be much more doable as soon as we have the ability to use bows the big big thing is ammo [ __ ] I don't want to enable medieval so soon do it do it [ __ ] I know it's possible eventually due to time restraints as much as I really didn't want to we re-enabled the medieval clause and I have some more to say about that in a little bit let's go home wait okay oh light up air up is stuck all right slice up his calf kidding me right now it was at this moment that he knew come on oh what the [ __ ] weekends get his ass oh my God that was beautiful okay I'll throw it on a bubble for you guys oh let's go let's go oh [ __ ] don't put too much space in it okay back up back up back up I got a lot of ammo I don't know about you guys oh he's not ready for this barricade he eats my barricades for breakfast all right he's going he's going careful careful just don't die all right don't die I didn't mean to do eat [ __ ] Big Boy your cleave ain't [ __ ] big boy I don't we have one shot to capture our ammo economy ain't looking too great uh light Earth kills though here we go Boys Save Your supers for that last slippers okay I don't know how this is gonna work we might have to sacrifice some maybe just one person then next call out he's super and we can uh oh there you go there you go oh we're doing demon what don't die don't die it's all right all right we got this we got this oh I'm using mine [ __ ] I just missed oh Light Em Up oh final spam uh all right we're gonna we're gonna do this this time I haven't slept anymore I haven't slept in the last seven to two hours well I haven't slept in the last like 78 weeks ago real nice nice tear them up beautiful beautiful Well's gone Well's gone and with the tikkus careful careful careful careful careful we got this in the Bag Boys that's some Nifty damage dude this is gnarly bro that's right yeah but we need to save supers for the third space okay let's let's see what no one used their supers let's see where we're at I'll put it down uh well and then we'll be in here code you and his feet me and his feet oh he's on your ass uh oh no it's still one more there's still one more and uh yeah oh no it's not no it's not no it's not no it's not it's not oh wait it's okay it's okay careful careful careful I'm gonna get out of here let me get out of here I'm low no save it save it save it just save it save it visit we're out one more and we got this in the bag do you have ammo for the first time I don't it's about to get real yes but right someone split right right right right oh right I gotta stop stop kissing his feet yeah I'm not doing it I don't know three heavy bricks let's go oh my God oh my God someone else get it I can't right now all right we're going yeah R2 R2 oh I don't know I don't have ammo Apple's gonna weaken we're gonna all right all right get him get him get his ass get his ass whip his ass okay okay wait wait wait everyone wait everyone wait oh all right kids as good as this get him with the knives [Music] that's what I'm talking about that was great I got that risen umbrella oh my god get the mark after a hefty chunk of Time Rock finally fell and while this was fun it also feels kind of bittersweet because honestly I really think this encounter is possible with glaves only it would be really hard and ammo would be scarce as hell but I almost want to try again it really feels like it should be possible but I guess that doesn't really matter because at the end of the day is it possible to beat Val with only glaves I'm gonna say no caretaker will end any glaive only run you throw at him at least that's what it seems like to me I just can't see a way around some of the challenges that fight throws at you but hey I would love to be proven wrong if any of you are crazy enough to attempt and Conquer this raid using glaives only let me know because I really don't think it's possible caretaker that is regardless if you like the video then leaving a like is greatly appreciated as it helps me out a whole lot if you're new around here consider subscribing I post fun Destiny related content on a regular basis if you like this video you'd probably like to see us try to beat Vault of Glass using only the kavastav auto rifle either way thank you so much for watching and goodbye [Music]
Channel: Toadsmoothie
Views: 255,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Xbox, Gaming, Streaming, Destiny 2, Twitch, destiny 2, first person shooter, next-gen, steam, playstation, Video Games, Witch queen, PC, Lightfall, Destiny quest, Destiny exotic, Destiny season 17, Destiny future, Solar 3.0, arc 3.0, Theater Mode, challenge, funny, meme, Rhulk, VoTD, Glaives
Id: Ftdthr4UZKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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