How *NOT* to Solo Ghosts Of The Deep! (What the actual...) | Destiny 2 Season of The Deep

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so a couple weeks ago Bungie dropped the brand new ghosts of the deep dungeon as is tradition on this channel I'm gonna give it my best solo attempt I've heard this dungeon is currently the hardest to solo of the bunch which both makes me excited and terrified so put on your best photo finish taken King armor and I'll show you exactly how not to solo ghost of the deep Simon you got a pain yeah I don't know how this is gonna go this is a very difficult dungeon not even difficult it's an endurance test the only weapon I've got from this is the rocket launcher I think I've gotten it four or five times because the first boss is very up close and personal and he likes to get all up in our I have Legend of aqueous here I've literally never gotten to use this thing oh wait pet the dog oh wait [Music] all right let's do it all right boys it's been a minute since we've tried a solo dungeon and it did not go well last time [Music] I'm gonna swap onto strand just for fun catalysts are really cool and all but I think that for the majority of them they kind of drag on because you know you have to like go around and just kill like so many enemies that it becomes monotonous and by the time you're done with the Catalyst you don't actually like the weapon anymore anyway so the opening encounter isn't that hard but it establishes a pretty annoying trend for the rest of the dungeon that being that every zone is a respawn restricted Zone on top of that these encounters tend to drag on quite a lot especially solo so dying and having to restart the whole thing just feels really bad also y'all are gonna have to get used to my whack-ass call outs for the symbols oh wait wait wait hold up God damn it oh it's a respawn restricted Zone oh oh right it's the there we go there we go are you okay let's put on serious mode there we go I don't know if Hammer Titan is ever not gonna be good perfect there we go um oh come on come on come on how much health does the first boss have anyone know synthesis there it is sweet now I just have to do that four more times sounds easy enough and to be fair it is but as with all things in this dungeon it's not about how hard it is it's about how long you can take it man this place reminds me there's like a Halo Reach map a big Team Battle Halo Reach map okay okay okay okay okay oh come back no there's no way I'm getting that one back okay he's super charged let's not let's just go for it oh okay okay okay oh my God okay um we're looking for star what the why did I run out of time on the imbued with light all right now we're looking for Top Hat where's Top Hat there's Top Hat star Vex there we go all right that is for Scarab almost done let's look for Scarab sweet one more way through like everything right and you know warlocks you guys are good enough with restoration please [Music] oh yeah oh let's go let's get out of here got one shot you nope there we go okay Bex where is it where is it oh it's right there let's go come on yeah there we go please just not a rocket launcher man okay we're going deeper [Music] with the first encounter out of the way it's time for this long ass Bridge section and I do mean long it took me about 25 minutes to reach the first boss now part of that was because halfway through this underwater section I freaking died oh no way bro oh you're kidding you're kidding that's I just got catfished what the hell and since this is a respawn restricted Zone I had to do the whole water section again for the fear of like large objects submerged underwater I think it's called sub mechanophobia thalassophobia okay if you have the last phobia don't do this dungeon eventually I made it out of the water and cut through these acolytes with triple shotguns though it wasn't long before I found myself back in the water some more Hive and a couple failed jumps later and wouldn't you know it we're at the first boss of the dungeon first boss time swap back on to our solar get up you think I'm gonna die 12 times that's a solid prediction all right so for this boss it's advised that you use double specials tractor Cannon and a ball camera if you're a Titan and of course don't forget synthesps but if you know me and you've been around the channel for any amount of time then you know we like to do things a bit differently really shake up the meta every once in a while so instead of the usual Titan Hammer with double special synthiceps and tractor Cannon I'm gonna be rocking Titan Hammer double specials synthesps and legend of aqueous now I know some of you right now are breaking out into a cold sweat at the thought of me fracturing The Meta to such a degree but don't worry because it didn't work so like I said I'm gonna try with aqueous first didn't mean to just interrupt their prayer all right what symbols are we looking for um Scarab uh Scarab with top hat and table we got Scarab we got one veto uh that's not what we're looking for I think that's actually what we're looking for so I may have already forgotten the symbols okay this was one of them come on get out here get out of here one down crazy show stopper it's like the table with some utensils on top I don't think I have a name for that one we'll call it utensil yeah there it is that's utensil come on come on we can do it we can do we can do it I got a good giggle when I watched it for the first time what the why oh I didn't I'm I'm so stupid oh come on come here okay that could have been done better damn it man we should have waited to do the Avatar video come on you didn't need to do that to me right there you guys are on that Mega AI tonight oh my God ectar hop off my dick man oh my God that Thor but there's Rex there's table all right come on let's get that shield down oh come on come on we can we can we can we can we can we can how was that damage was that okay I have I really wanted Legend of Aquarius to work maybe if we buy the oh I have the ornament for it this is the pay to win ornament oh come on okay okay not gonna lie I was expecting a bit more from the Pay to Win ornaments like right here oh come on come on we can make this no way man uh the ornament wasn't paid to win okay let's switch to traffic I'm sorry this ornament is paid to Win It just I want to see how big of a difference tractor makes is right now we're not operating on any debuffs I didn't really did I oh my God okay I hope to have you here all right well oh my God oh that's a lot better that is so much better that's still like a six phase but it's a more comfortable six phase what do you mean I threw a grenade 5.1 Milli though God damn when am I gonna stop doing that man [Music] I'll take what I can get with all these missed throws oh that was disrespectful hurt my feelings Shaq a big strong man outside what's off inside everyone is calling Shack dumb but Shaq not though there we go and three hurt my feelings oh so close to half I don't know [Music] here we go oh no in a way I was just about oh oh can I have that back please I'm not getting that back person utensil star for the last one hi what why did I kill a hive wizard there my mods a little bit to further optimize damage I missed my hammer I need that back leave me alone leave me alone no shot yeah I'm gonna get out of here now just because I don't wanna I think that was our best single phase damage um Circle utensil person really I thought it was I thought that was it so I realized this in a bit but what happened there was that I kept forgetting that these two are different symbols this is also what got me killed a few attempts ago okay now now I'm just being shy okay that's like table with a person on it utensil but not utensil utensil with legs yeah yeah that one I think that's where I messed up oh my God what the okay no wet God damn I feel like I just kind of have to throw myself at this encounter until we get it where where hammer wear hammer wear hammer wear hammer and why not here their Hammer everywhere oh okay we're doing 128 per melee right now all right good damage oh you you whatever oh you you suppressed me we've been at this for a while and not once has he done that yeah that sucked I gave it another attempt and died to an unfortunately timed pressure failure oh suck you really suck I I can't make that I'm not gonna respect come on let me out please no way I hate this so much I then tried again and died on my way to damage I'm gonna go get my soda that I have downstairs are you guys ready for this tasty so we decided it was about time to give lament a shot put full warning I am not good with lament like at all oh right so can we do this until that's charged up sorry I'm like I'm a lament nude oh okay get me out of here okay okay oh my God I hate lament so much I'm so bad with it oh my God like the terrain I'm telling man a lot of women users out there give me give me give me a good one code good one oh you you oh my God okay we're switching back to tractor while it may seem odd to get that close and then switch to something else my damage with tractor was just way better and quite frankly I was tired of this boss oh I'm a I'm a chicken nugget man I got a table person utensil with legs okay fine I'm not complaining you back there hurt my feelings relax let's go yes yes oh oh my god oh I need a sip of sprite oh I'm not a total donut if this gives me a rocket launcher I'm leaving let's go look at the tokun [Music] this bridge section was a bit shorter but still kind of long because well I suck there we go there we go there we go today but I couldn't get it oh I couldn't get it goddamn moth oh this is truly one of the dungeons of all time wow I am so bad at this game there is there like a rally here or something this is really annoying there we go yeah that's that's better what am I gonna do about you oh what was that little ammo influx I think we can just run from here let me smack there we go we'll get this chest to get another rocket launcher [Music] oh play time's over we have to actually start using our brain who is that [Music] ahead and ditched lament nacrius since well they aren't going to be much of a help here one of our live viewers then recommended that I try leviathan's breath although upon realizing that I didn't actually have the Catalyst we sent it back to the Lord so we're just thinking arbles Taipan then I threw on Arc resist for the added protection and went in with arbolest and Taipan which is a setup that I don't think I really need to explain deep sight and then we have to do a ritual we have to kill the dude what was his name called like for God it was like Nazi or something like uh what are you gonna do about it so nice let's do his knee first where are you where are you come on where are you did you forget who I am oh that was a huge Hammer all right I'm gonna die huge see Muma or nakuru damage I tried using this pulse rifle but it just wasn't cutting it so I swapped onto the root of nightmare's Trace Instead This encounter is long even with three people solo is a whole other animal the mechanic rotation alone is pretty long but on top of that this wizard also has quite a lot of Health oh what symbol is this you want utensil with legs there we go that's what we like to hear I cut through the remaining Hive Guardians and went to start our first damage phase oh my God I forgot there are still ads here holy in my first damage phase I hit her with a whopping yeah this is gonna be a long fight I went into the water to kill this Wizard and Upon returning I got mothed really hard I can't see what is happening oh no way yeah let me put double Arc resist on I went back in and was immediately Smitten by vorlog in my next run I realized that you can't actually do the chest ritual first in the sequence it has to come after another ritual I then died to an acolyte I also put on Laura Lee and updated my drip to match this is actively draining my soul on my next attempt I didn't even get to a damage phase it doesn't help the four logs AI has like cranked to the max that boy be ducking and swerving my shots like no tomorrow I then died to the moths trying to kill vorlog that's crazy at this point I was just throwing myself at the encounter hoping that I'd get lucky which isn't really what you want to do in this situation I then proceeded to die twice in five minutes and get absolutely Bamboozled by Warlock oh hello just killing me man I finally realized this wasn't working and swapped over to risk Runner to survive the first section something that proved to be a really good change after every rotation I swapped risk Runner out for arbolest the reason being that arbolesque can one shot the Wizard's Shield there you are the first damage phase was fine I guess I can't really hope for much more here but I did realize that we could kill the hive Boomers and they'd stay dead for a whole rotation there we go yo there's a super conductor we do Hunter first let's switch back on to RB here here utensil with legs okay come on come on let me hit you God damn it it's the same I hate you so much calm down kill Joy oh wow yeah that dropped it all right not bad okay we're chill with that oh our conductor let me do this to you don't let me do this to you oh uh person dude I feel like even getting her down to half else is an achievement oh my God there we go okay that was close okay there we go okay this is utensil with legs another one and another one that was personal okay it's over [Music] yeah we knew it was gonna happen at the moment I like looked down and didn't see a healing nade I'm upset but at the same time that was such a good run but I'm proud that we made it that far how long was that that one attempt was almost exactly an hour long when you're playing for that long chances are pretty high you'll choke at some point I didn't have it in me to run it again solo so I brought duck in to help me clear it for a chance at the Exotic percent confident that that is yours oh no yours is a person it's a ball get it right in what planet is that a ball what it looks like a person this is I'm not about to do this chat what do you mean Chad to me that screams like basketball I may not have soloed it but I really am happy with my attempt I do think the boss's health bars will be nerfed a little bit at some point but I'm glad I gave it an attempt beforehand but either way if you made it to the end I really appreciate that and if you want to see more content just like this every week consider subscribing and helping me on my way to that coveted 100K Mark also so I know I'm a bit late but a huge shout out to all the latest channel members and there's a lot of them Unholy Pepe Cade's horn mightiest mango Dr direwolf Dango dot puffins muffin Nova puffer fish Legend Valen Colin Gilmore hell garma big hat Benny Houston Rorick Matthew damoram montair Zephyr type J red423 dotting Zoo zero two five four Lucas totally not Tardis bf-1046 Ryan Wolfe Walton zinola spark spark boom my mate James Amazing Scout Aiden O'Neill Richard Osgood Fenris wolf astel shovel Monarch Justin Pagano and trash Panda I truly appreciate all your support and I'm sorry that was a bit late alright I'm gonna wrap things up I hope you're having a great day night or whatever it is and until next time Guardians goodbye thank you
Channel: Toadsmoothie
Views: 198,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Streaming, Destiny 2, Twitch, destiny 2, first person shooter, next-gen, steam, playstation, Video Games, Witch queen, PC, Lightfall, Destiny quest, Destiny exotic, Destiny future, Destiny roadmap, Solar 3.0, arc 3.0, Destiny Speculation, TWAB, This Week At Bungie, Trials of Osiris, Dungeon, Solo Dungeon, challenge, funny, Raid, Oryx, Funny moments, Divinity, meme, group content, fireteam, Nuzlocke, Calus, Witness, Legendary, Solo
Id: VAk0FSfNzXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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