Defiant Faith During Adversity | Pastors Hart & Ray Ramsey

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[Music] well you know the word define the word defy simply means to push back against and not to tolerate or not to make an agreement with um and and was interesting raised in this times you know these are the these are the days that we taught about it's easy to teach faith and to have faith when everything is calm when there's no storm it's easy to have faith when there's nothing to have faith for because of theory a classroom subject that we take a book tests on but when you have to go out into the field and what we're dealing with now is that defined faith is regardless of what I see I choose to believe it's a battle between really um you're believing and you're seeing it's a battle between facts and truth and so I was I was going back to some years ago I wasn't just reading through some all of study notes because one thing that the Lord said to me and I want to speak to that thing that you said about adversity because one of the things that lore spoke to me was that in this season he's not gonna give new revelation he's gonna have us go back and actually live out the revelation that we claim to have so you mentioned adversity or you know adversity faith is tested in the wilderness of adversity adversity means the word you know I'm into these word Rousseau so the Latin word for theory for movie it word of verse from means of the term also adverse means it's like to be something that's turned against you that's when life turns against you it seems and so on adversity is can I believe God when the circumstance don't be a witness Wow can I can I believe God when went on when life is against me and this is an interesting thing what happens to us is we become so carving what we're dealing with that we lose sight of what's driving what we're dealing with and so on and there's so many little things I want to throw it and I'm gonna turn you loose because I want to get your gift stirred up and get us going because here's the thing so so the disciples on a ship the civil stories arm in the Bible where disciples are seem to be the same scenario they caught in a storm on the sea when you read it you think that they tell the same story over and over again but really it's not it's really like these are different stories one time you know there's one story where they in a storm Jesus is sleep on the bottom of the boat right that's one story another story then the storm he comes walking to them on the water and he gets in the boat with him another story he comes walking on the water and Peter acts to get out the vote these are three different stories but in every such scenario right consider this they were so caught up in their story they were so caught up in the adversity that they forgot to use their faith Wow when you when you allow the circumstances to get you into survival mode then everything looks like a threat and the last thing you expect when Jesus come walking to you in the water the last thing you expect is all these things against me it can't possibly be that the thing is coming towards me he's my blessing or the things coming towards me is my help Wow and so I believe that the Lord uses storms and adversity to really take us to the next place we're supposed to go and this is no different but but because it is such a users turn pandemic and I've told you before we started and I want to just address that there people who said to me um that whenever they hear the term kovat or Corona a corona virus or pandemic they panic and and their reasoning is that they because they work in the field and they see so much death and so much sickness and they have themselves feel at risk and for that what I say to you is um this is where your faith in God comes into play and I'm not talking about faith as a theory I'm talking about faith as a real fact of life I'm gonna say I'm gonna say something my faith and I don't if you want to jump in on this witticism what I found about faith is or it always begins with fear no now I'm talking I got people in the room and we practicing social distance things away I mean there's they've 1 2 3 4 5 is about this less than 10 of us here so don't judge us but I'm gonna tell you something here's what I found this is for all of us but when Jesus challenges a person of faith he normally calls him out of fear into faith and then he measures their faith based on the surrounding fear or the threat that's around it Wow that makes sense to you sir so so we can't really have faith if there's nothing around us to scare us or to threaten us you got it and so on I have all I wish I said this outline or to the staff and there's no way I can get it to them now but there's there's so many scriptures in the Bible and I want to pull up and just kind of jump into if that's cool what I want to do at first is I want to go to armed let's see the best place to start this let's start addressing the issue of I'm walking by faith walking by faith and then a pandemic starts and hardly one person say I thought I had faked it till the attack came Wow okay so what what does that mean it means it doesn't mean that because I feel fear I don't have faith what do you think about it wow that's that's really deep I think that you know anything that God gives us is tested yeah it's so funny how the scripture tells us to have an answer for the hope that's inside of us but so many believers are defensive when they get questioned about their faith yeah they you know defensive when they're questioned about heaven or about you know not and we're not talking about disputable matters we're talking about the basics of the faith who Jesus is you know we just kind of unraveled and so you said something a minute ago that was talking about how God would have us to go back to the things we've already learned and it just kind of took me all the way back to a very traumatic time for me which was school so it made me just think about how you know you go through you know the first nine weeks and you're learning all of this stuff you take me little quizzes along the way the teacher is just kind of testing to see where you are but you know when you're in an exam when the teacher stops talking the teachers not teaching anything new in the exam only testing what you know and the test is not to disqualify you it's to qualify you for the next grade and so you know there's so many things that we've been praying and asking God for and he his answers yesterday men it's in his word he wants us to have it he's saying yes I've got this but but I've been teaching you little principles and now when it's time for you to get to the next level it you have to have a test you know for some people in here they might relate more to video games you know video games are all complex now oh and I was a kid 100 years ago still a man-child I just appear young but I remember when you would play a whole level and you would beat all these little minions and you you know all this kind of stuff and but when you got to the end it's almost like the lights change the music went weird and all of a sudden here comes the boss yeah and if you could beat the boss you could get to the next level yeah you see what I mean and so I wonder if it's just that we've gone so long talking to talk you know gone so long just kind of at our lowest level and now gods allowed us to to meet a boss yeah you know and so something on the inside of us is trying to rise up and I just wonder how do we how do we let that raw radical fate that's inside of us meet this this test that we're in I think it comes down to and that's the sort of great analogy on the videogame because I'm gonna tell you but it comes up to this when you first feel the fear you have to have a fear management system you know the description about we Cortana thinks in Psalm 16 the must show in Psalm 16 verse verse 10 and 11 16 verse 9 I'm not sure I'll test that I threw it up there let me see if that's it doesn't that's nothing we just get rid of it because I want to go I would just shut up free free on hand tonight that's not the one or go Lucy verse 9 if it's not verse 9 verse 8 I'm looking for it if not it keep going back up I'm looking for a certain thing keep going back no that's not it okay so I'm looking for the scripture that says what time I'm afraid then when I trust because I find a scripture for me I know I wanted to show you something that we teach from it all the time but we always quote that verse and then we leave the left the other one out there for those of you say well you don't have it in front of you now we came tonight to talk not so much to pull up Scripture because the thing is what we're trying to get it right now is there people who are feeling fear and that you're thinking it because you're feeling fear that you don't have faith you do have faith but the problem is it comes down to what you're feeding yourself you got it you can't constantly be watching the news or discussing this thing or getting updates on your social media feed about this pandemic and not feeling yourself the Word of God and being faith faith comes by hearing but so does fear you got it and so whatever you put in you the most that's what's gonna be driving you as soon as I give you the scripture I want to put up there because I want to show you I'm gonna show you this is obvious a part of this that we keep we keep up de-emphasizing to look to get to the main scripture we do it quite a bit um you have it mm-hmm what is it okay so watch it's not so follow me with the camera so much awesome they said the Bible says here's what it says but when I'm afraid I will put my trust in you witness was the next verse say what's the next verse say oh y'all ready next verse I want I want to see this is the one because it says a couple of times I don't want to look this is when I said 60 but it's 56 he says when I'm afraid I'll put my trust in you there's the thing it says that I will feel the fear right I feel the fear but when I feel the fear I then I will put my trust in you but here's what the next verse says I cut I caught him off guard his word says it says I praise God for what he has done no I praise God for what he is what promise promise and it says I trust him God so why should it be afraid and this is what he's he's taking you through the way he sets up his fear management system it's a fear management system it's not saying I won't be afraid to say when I do become afraid go back to verse 3 when I become afraid then I will activate my I would on purpose the word will means I'm gonna make a decision that when I feel afraid I'm gonna put my trust in you and then he goes to the next verse flip to that for me he said I praise God for what He has promised not for what he's done not for what I see not for my circumstances I go back to the promise so look watching so the promise could be different from the news the promise can be different from the experience the promise can be different from the diagnosis the promise could be different from what has been to happen all the sudden life changes things shake down I've become afraid and I gather myself so I'm gonna trust God well what did I ask him I trust you the problem is hummus and it's not the only time he said that now I'm I'm gonna just be all out then I got divorced 9 let me save his verse 9 it's not verse times we go to verse 10 I'm looking for okay go back to verse 9 again I want to show you this it said verse now he says my enemies would retreat when I call to you for help this I know God is on my side then in verse 10 his what he said I praise God 40 years promise yes I praise the Lord for what he has promised why does he keep saying that he's trying to eat trying to clue us in and how to handle things he's saying listen well you feel when you feel afraid go to the promise and you hold God you could halt the prompt stuff that gotta say this is what you said and you're not a man that you should lie and it's not looking like the promise and people are dying and this thing is frustrating and I don't know what I'm gonna do and and I believe that this is a time where imitation is crazy I was I was I shut myself down the day I was spend time with the Lord in acts the Lord what do guys like me say to the generation that will tell their grandchildren about this crisis that's actually and so what came to what the Lord showed me was a video I saw on social media I don't have you saw this in the Cartersville Georgia in Atlanta area where the the hospital crew after shift went up on the roof and in the order lifting their hands you see he's Hospital crews praying and and here's my thing this I want this gonna blow your mind this is what I saw and please do not go presumptuously trying to do this he hear this first the worst kind of faith is an ignorant faith educate your faith but that means that you got to know what the word says and what the word means don't just get the promise get the context of the promise here's one I'll show you the Lord said that these are the days for the gifted to rise up the gift those who have the gifts of the Spirit and so I'm Darrell I want a lot of my which gifts he says specifically the gifts of faith the gifts of healing and the gift of miracles again these three gives me to need the comforter forefront okay there's another gift I want to talk about later on but you see these gives me that come to the forefront these are the gifts that the Lord says that need and these gifts for example when the hospital crews finally take a break and they go up on the roof this the arm there shouldn't be people in the part of the heart in the homes who just are grateful for what they've done it should be Saints that's right that's that's where the ministry is that's what the choirs need to set up yes that's the parking lot let's stop thinking about church the way it used to be what about our job now is to reinforce if they're the hospital workers okay then what about if your gift is there to exhortation set up in the parking lot and exhort them if you have a prophesy give a prophetic word to them say you yeah you're the fourth one from the right here you up there but your hands lifted the Lord said what about them what about stuff like this what about you if you have a bonafide gift of healing you walk into the hospital anybody got a gift to this time hey my hands are burning you have burning now because the thing is if healing is your hand we don't need healing in a church service we need healing right now can i sir what this is what's so beautiful about this is there's been such a temptation to reject the grace of God are you to reject the very foundation of the gospel which is that we're saved by faith through great by grace through faith yes sir so it's not anything we earned it's not anything we deserve and so these these charisma gives these grace gifts it's it's where the Lord will move through somebody and it's not that you deserved it but what happens if you reject the grace of God because you think I don't deserve it I have all this sin in my life yes therefore God either can't use me or I can't receive from god that's so good what did you do with that they take this out so so there's two minutes out this is a merit mentality and this is a mercy mentality here's the funny thing about the merit mentality people cook the same well the Lord blessed me because I did this and Lord bless me because I did that that's a merit mentality but what happens is what when you when you can't point to something that you did and you need the Lord to move not kind of mission takes over what about the I did this and the Lord showed me mercy and blessed it anyway what about all I had really to offer was equivalent to a poor boy's lunch of 5 loaves and 2 fishes and the Lord multiplied it for 5,000 God keeps getting the glory God keep giving me mercy you see them saying I think in this time this is what we have to gather and we have to get that the gifts of the Spirit of God gave us they were for to benefit every ones for benefit from it right and so God is gonna use me when I'm perfected matter of fact they've got it here's the thing and you know this if God was only using perfected people nobody be used let me say something watch out for people who give you the idea that God uses them because they're holy or God use them because they're better God used them because they were tore gotten that's not the case God uses people because he wants to that's it is that about right now i'ma show you the soul so I want to say this about the gift thing because it was on my heart so you know that one the big biggest problem about people gifted people not using the gifts to speak to this crisis is that um if we're not talking of faith comes by hearing God's version of the outcome faith comes Oh so when I keep hearing what God is gonna do I hear what God has done or what I hate when I hear how God wants it to turn out if I keep hearing that then I have faithful but if nobody's talking about how miracles playing that is I have faith praising I mean how healing plays into this and I have the gift of faith and a gift of prophecy plays into this if nobody's talking about that then who's gonna use it you see them saying so right now the church in an initial part of a crisis usually you see this that church goes into hiding sorry you look what happen Jesus was crucified the disciples went to hide he had to come through the wall to them and here's what the Bible says in the book of Matthew and the Lord abraded them or rebuked them for the unbelief he asked them basically why are you here hiding the world needs you you know saying he had to come to the wall I promise you we put up walls - for protection because when crisis happens the first thing the church does we respond by being afraid it doesn't mean we don't have faith what it means is we have to gather ourselves we have to know who we are and now here comes a defiant partner the fine part is wait a minute why am i ducking and hiding when when these bullets of the enemy can't you see I'm saying so you have a shield made of nothing but faith it kind of puts me into mindset I think it's Acts chapter 4 yeah right and so at Acts chapter 3 we've seen the first miracle I'm sure it might not have been the first one but first when we see documented by Luke yeah and that's Peter and John going into the temple yeah by the Gateway they see the guy by the gate called beautiful who who has never walked in his life he's lame and so they see this man from a distance and I mean you can find a process to how miracles work even in that story but you know the guy looks at them asked them for money and essentially Peter says look on us he's already looking at them but now it says he looks at them expecting to receive something probably money and when Peter gets close enough he says silver and gold I don't have that but what I have he knew what he had because he knew the promise such as I have give unto you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth arise and walk he grabs him by his hand Yanks him up in the Bible says immediately his ankles are strengthened he walks for the first time not only does he walk with him it says he went everywhere with them walking so that's physical healing leaping that's that's emotional healing and praising God that spiritual healing but when he goes into a blue bead Solomon's porch with them he's leaning against Peter and that I think there's people who want to lean on the church but they don't trust the church because we've taught them to look for merit we've taught them to look for our own righteousness yet Peter in this moment this man's leaning on him peak crowds begin to gather my guess is they're saying I want my money back right but they see this guy and they said what is going on and Peter said whoa whoa whoa don't look at us supposing it's this was done by our own righteousness or our own power and he pointed them to Jesus and so it does seem especially based on what you're saying this is a the church's final finest hour moments like this where maybe we retreated but in Acts chapter 4 I want to say it is when they're threatened they guilt go into a room and then they same thing they get this defiant moment and they said you know what they could they ask God they were actually told it was illegal to preach yes and they said you know what God give us all the more boldness you know and they tell me one of the ways that they got boldness was they asked God stretch out your hand to heal right and then they told me that signs and wonders be done in the name of your holy servant Jesus and the Bible says the place where they were was shaken yes physically the building shook and they went out there but go back there talk about this the bogus because I think that's what it is I think if you don't have what you ask for it so this is what borussia in the Greek bonus means means or outspokenness key didn't didn't say we can Guardians be honest we're gonna say give us is it to your outspokenness a boot is that what we need don't you think it's what we need now to be bold enough to to sick arm instead of saying well I don't wanna catch what you have no what about Jesus walked up the lepers and then literally touch them that's it not listen to me the worst faith to have isn't good faith don't go out there ignorant and without educated faith and do dumb stuff I'm what I'm simply saying is or let them let the Lord not provoke you let this be a proper provoking time you got it because that's a key point that you just made from actually after for they did cower in a room when they were frog and release but then they prayed they went to their own company and they pray for bullets and another thing that you mentioned and I believe is this what the Spirit of God is doing ray is that for many of us I think the Lord has told us away from our our arm we have not just depended on the church the church has become for us a crutch a gathering has become a crutch we started saying listen I think one of the most offensive things that we have done to the wrongness one make people mad some people but no people will do to show that the power that church is pulls a price break that's it what about I mean not earrings praise breaks okay not not a manifestation of anything praise bridge and and we we can dance that is it's more than that because what about your praise begging do no good right now one for folk that's sick that's it but but I want to flip back let's keep doing doing this until until the Lord just keep continue to push us in the direction further that he wants us to go in I really believe I really believe that the church is the answer to this our not the government now I want to rebuke some of the people they're people I want to rebuke this this thought that arm when a crisis so we look into the government stimulus package the government did two trillion dollar stimulus package and all the benefit that will come from Bethel or the government but we can't look to the government's right we got to looked at Jesus with the Lord the answer said this is not just naturally spiritual or one of the things that I've spoke about sent on we always look at look you say well you know I'm dealing with and and we get so caught up in what we're dealing with and we miss what's driving what we're dealing with so so Jesus never Oh notice he never spoke to the water in the instances of the storm instances in Scripture he will he'll sit on he'd get up but from the bottom of the boat he go on speak to the winner he said peace be still he speak he could have spoke to the water that they could see yeah but that's not he did what he was trying to be he's trying to teach us that everything that's out of order in our life is driven by something we can't see so he spoke the wind is always indicative of spiritual movement so it's a Jesus would prefer to speak to the wind that was driving the waves he's told to win peace be still and then the winds died down Wow but the Bible says that when Peter was walking to his Jesus when he saw the wind boisterous you can't see the wind what you've seen was what the wind was doing to the waves he began to sink his problem was he was looking he was distracted by the thing he was dealing with another thing that was driving it that's hope it's it's funny because a friend and I were talking the other day about this very same thing and we were talking about how the scripture says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal they're not fleshly they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds that's a fortress it's not just you know a sin addiction it's a stronghold it's a Fortress of the enemy where he's in there working and you can't seem to penetrate what it is and a lot of times we do it in the natural so I think as Paul who tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places again all this about to connect goes back to Hebrews 11 by faith we know and understand what you talked about recently we know and understand that the worlds were framed by the words of God so that everything that's visible was made from things that are invisible if you believe what the Word of God says then you'll understand that the cure to all of this stuff that we're seeing is exactly what you said it's not gonna be found in the natural it's found in the spirit well you might be saying well no we believe this was that all this was created in a laboratory okay so what moved those people to do that it was something done in the spirit and that's why God speaks through the prophet Isaiah and tells the tells the the people of Israel he says listen he says no weapon formed against you will prosper why because I made the Smith yes so in other words all the way from the fountain of the world when I planned out all the people I would create I made a defect in the way that this Smith would make that weapon that day so that it would be faulty against you but if we're trying to win in the natural we're gonna lose yeah but if we as believers say tell you what we're gonna go all the way to the spirit and unplug this thing from the wall so that it dies in the natural so yeah what you're saying is just so is on point let's talk what I'm plugging that thing from the world so I believe I really believe that someone asked me o matic I was looking at you know we always set up questions to took the guidance and we have not we've told you what are questions and I we we don't scare at all so we if we had I've got a time don't know y'all just I don't know but one question that was on here and I could find that you you're asking about all this I think it's number two mm-hmm many people suffering with this of our situation including believers and widely believers why do you believe it that this is and how can we protect ourselves from doubt fairness but but when I read his question is all questions what I saw was the issue of it happens to believers - so does that mean that that we in defense of indefensible against it and the answer is no let me let me take some this that's crazy first of all in Ezekiel I believe it is the Lord was it was making commentary on his punishment and God says I'm a paraphrase God says if you guys don't get it together he says I have for our fears punishments and a power and they were four things in the scripture is the sword which is war it's famine it's our pestilence which could be disease or sickness it's pestilence and then it's wild animals God said these four things I would unleash upon you and so people look at this the same well did this come from God the answer is no but do I believe that God allowed it the answer is yes and let me tell you why now I'm gonna tell you what this is this is a powerful thing when when you have judged a person and something happens to them the first thing you say what is a judgment when it happens to you and I was an attack right so here's the thing with what we gotta settle him look around the camera head we have this arrow is it a judgment or is it an attack if it happens to them so someone wrote on my Twitter feed that arm that arm the Lord was judging New York because because the governor lit up that the governor's mansion to acknowledge our or gay pride so to say this is a judgment against New York but then watch it's now suppose this thing strikes your family right if it strikes your fanny my question is what what sin do you point to to say that it is because it can't be a judge it can't be both a judgment in an attack you got it so so if it's an attack for you is an attack for them to that's the problem with not saying we go back to the grace issue the church does not even know what season we are living in the acceptable year of the Lord it is a season is there is this is it armed the season of God's goodness and God's grace rather and God is pouring out grace on the earth God is trying to visit the arm the time of the Gentiles got to trying to win people to himself he's going after not willing that any should perish so so you're not gonna see a whole lot of quote-unquote judgments being poured out now this there's a time for that matter of fact have you taught my judgments the Bible says all the judgments is happening right now they're happening in the house of God's right in the Bible says in first Corinthians 11 that we ought to judge ourselves so we'd not be judged of the world and then the Bible actually says again judgment must begin in the house of God so this is a judgment okay if we want to let's let's lean on this science it's a judgment I don't believe it is but let's say it is if it's the judgment God not judging the world God is judging the church right cuz that's what the scripture says judgment begins in the house of God could it be that we have aligned ourselves and traded our our our equity so to speak in the kingdom to for political alignments offer acceptance or for relevance could it be that will be a backslidden of God there's a gift that I didn't mention there's a gift of the mission um put on the screen for me in the King James on the toilet Acts chapter 5 verse 30 when I want to show you a gift that we don't talk about and this gift to me is for the world but it begins in the church except the five verse 31 here's what it's talk about Jesus anyway says it says him if God exalted with his right hand to be a prince and Savior and a savior what is for to give repentance to Israel for to give in our song he give repentance to Israel and forgetting the sister what are you quoting if I give you something is not another gift yes that's the gift of repentance so here's what it says not the what gift is a Greek word did me or dealer my how you pronounce it but it means to give something of value to give something of value the word repent is the word Metanoia and it doesn't just mean a chain or changing of heart that is a change it's a change the way I see something change the way I think about it to the point where I changed the way I respond to it so repentance is not me make me change me making up my mind I'm gonna do something different repentance really as me is God acting on me give me the gift of seeing different it's a parable oh my god that's what that is I can't do it anymore I can't be that anymore I can't go there anymore this is a gift now you can't make you can't make all adoption for one scripture but you can make up to that's right so look at the scripture you look at 2nd Timothy 2 and 25 King James again my chair is making noises and need some wd-40 budget in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance Wow so we talk about the gift of the Spirit the the necessary gets right now gifts of faith gifts of healing gifts of miracles gift of prophecy right but what about the gift of repentance because what I believe is I believe this dealing is for the church yeah I really really believe that God pulled us out of his house and put us in our own houses so he could deal with this individually yeah a lot of people were getting on the pecking order that was established in church was causing the same kind of culture in the church that the world has but the haves and the have-nots he got it they'd be titled the end title of and the no title he was setting up all these system in church and I've got pulled church apart and God says now here's what I want you want to do seek my face that's right so God is almost like putting a body on a ventilator and now the Holy Spirit is saying I'm gonna breathe for you but now the oxygen you're gonna get is pure I need you to come to me for yourself and so what you're seeing is people same place I'm so afraid I don't know what to do God is not checking you one person made an interesting comment on my post the person said I thought I had more faith in this well how do you how would you know if you're not putting position to use it you know if you I mean how would you know who where you are in the Lord if you've not put in the position to use what you have that's right you got it and so I believe right and this time what we're dealing with or as it relates to even Christians getting sick is that I believe that in every season in every epidemic and every pandemic in every situation like this yes we're gonna take hits I believe that we should it is important that we follow the rules that they put out and I'm gonna speak to that a little bit towards the animal speak to this this issue of it's important for us to know what the Scriptures mean when it says certain things I was talking about that they don't give some that we want add to this well it's very interesting I was thinking about Daniel in his friends in the Book of Daniel in Daniel chapter 1 and how they were you know I guess Israel was removed from their home which is a common judgment any time you know any time they turn against the Lord or just kind of got lacks concerning him or begin to worship other gods he was just rip them from their own kind of pull them from where they were so you know you need a timeout or you need a change of scenery and so in one of these times they were they were overcome by a kingdom and so the king said you know I want the most intelligent the best-looking and they need to be nobility in other words I need them to understand what it's like to have and to you know speak well and all that and they had to have knowledge of science math and science so Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were all pulled out from their homes and they knew each other they were friends but what's interesting is how Daniel it was set on a different course than Shadrach Meshach and Abednego but they were all of their faith was put to the test so in Chapter one it shows that they they were distinctly different than the people around them and they showed it in a tangible way so they refuse to eat the King's food they said hey tell you what you know allow us if you if you don't mind they weren't like you know defiant in a sense of rebellious yeah but they were saying hey let us eat you know just some fruit you know vegetables and all that and the guy above them was I mean he trying to get me killed but you know okay whatever and in the end they were stronger healthier than the other people that were there so people started to immediately go there's something different about them they weren't sure what it was but it was their relationship with God we fast forward we find that their ultimate boss test that they had was will you bow to this statue and they said we're not gonna bow to this statute it see it started in the small time when it was just them in God yes right and so they said you know we're not gonna bow to this statute and they said well you know anyone who doesn't bow will be put to death will be thrown into this furnace and you know to make them even more afraid they they heated the furnace of seven times hotter and the people who made the furnace hotter died because of the fire and they're like that's fine and dandy but we're not gonna bow in fat in they're like well you know I guess the whole thing is what if I die in faith and so their thing was okay if you throw it in the fire God will deliver us if I go into ICU God will deliver me that's the whole idea but even if he doesn't yeah I'm still not gonna bow to this statute so that's their test but if you you rewind you have Daniel and Daniel is a dreamer Daniel's of visionaries that you know his call to Authority and I think if you're an authority you should probably have vision and you should be able to dream dreams and so for him what I found was interesting was he was put in a crop where the king had a disturbing dream and he said you know and I'm sure they had heard the story of Joseph and they'd heard you know one of the patriarchs and how Joseph was taken out of prison because of his ability to interpret the King's dream the King simply told him his to dreams and and Joseph interpret of the dream so I'm sure he's heard this he's probably identified with I've got this gift as well but when he gets in front of the king the king says check this out I had a dream that was very disturbing and I'm not going to tell you the dream you need to tell me the dream and interpret the dream so the Bible doesn't say that Daniel was this great man of faith he was terrified he went back to his friends and he's like look man can you guys pray with me and I think that's what is interesting even at this time of a bit is that we still have people we can connect with we can either gossip or we can be impressed with the news and in the rates is interesting how many people are surviving but that's not really being that's mentioned as much right it's not big news it's the fear but but what he did was I said he said listen will you guys pray with me will you fast with me and out of that collectively they got the dream and the interpretation and when he went back and gave the dream and its interpretation he was promoted yep but they weren't but they weren't because they had their own trial their own story but again fast forward he's the same Daniel when he who now understands the value of prayer so he's praying three times a day and they tell him listen you know anyone who prays to anyone but the king in the next thirty days is going to be thrown into the Lions you got you know you guys know the story ultimately he understood this was the power this is the secret sauce to how he was had longevity he's not going to stop praying they throw him in there with the Lions spoiler alert the Lions just suddenly lose their appetite right you see and so and so ultimately I just think that it is interesting how God would pull us apart I can't remember who it was that used to use the term separation for clarification if that was Bishop oh yeah separation for clarification God will pull the thing apart so you can see the sum total of its parts and get an understanding yeah so I think that's what that's how that speaking to me now the marys most that's what yeah separation of clarification observation for illumination unification for cooperation Wow you think that's where we're headed do you in case you for cooperate because we've been we've been a bitter Bunch as churches come on here it's funny how people are crying out because they can't go to church but when the church was meeting they don't want to go to court it was complaint let me speak to that book that he mentioned because it's admit it is amazing how for the years that we've been a family doing ministry in top of my ministry that that you spit that I like it's like yeah like what is that let me let me say what it is a part of a teaching called the merits most the board mayors most means it's the word or to rightly divide it all from all I think it's what's the scripture hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 so it says the Word of God is quick and powerful sharper than a two-edged sword listen to the dividing asunder that's it dividing asunder and it's also to rightly divide the word Amaris Moses to the by and and so but it you said separation for clarification is the first step and and that's interesting because that is so appropriate surround so what you do you pull the thing apart the individual parts to be clear on what you have to be clear on who we are you know people's I just ain't amazing a lot of people who didn't go to church say miss church sir Martin but you weren't going with me but you know what but the Lord does that sometimes it's nothing like not having food to give you appetite back separation for clarification but then then the second phase of this marasmus is observation for illumination so not only I pull it apart to be clearing what I have but I observe it to be enlightened so I think for own light we started looking at ourselves observation for illumination I start look at myself and I'm observing you know it wasn't really them it was me I was a head underwater treasure get the print but I'm home I'm depressed who's it can't be the church yes I'm saying I'm just like it's like I never went cuz I always give my mother church but wait a minute now you ain't you ain't giving sense we stopped meeting but you still broke see so it speaks to again it speaks to not what you're dealing with but what's driving it Wow okay so it's observation for illumination and then unification for cooperation I put it back together just and thence to watch it work do you think that that is is that where repentance comes in do you think that it's a coat and and we I don't know if if people watching can relate to this but I used to hate being in groups in school with people who didn't get it oh you know and sometimes I was that person so you know I was the one who didn't want to do the work but sometimes I wanted to do the work because it was a class I liked but I was in the group with people who didn't get it and in all of us were penalized all of us we couldn't go to do what everyone else was doing until we were done with this assignment and I wonder when you're talking about repentance does this end when we get it yeah there's this end when we have that illumination of whatever it is God saying to us you I think the answer is yes and you know and I think or even pushing in further and it's so easy for the church to experience condemnation because we don't know the grace we've been given we don't understand that that we are right just because of what Jesus did that we're forgiven because what Jesus did that everything about our life is about what Jesus did you know when you look at the Passover you know next week is Passover so amazing that this plague is honored during Passover yeah so we get a chance to see a real-life confrontation between the blood of Jesus and this plague Wow and and so you know I'm not I'm in no way and I'll be honest with you I am very vocal about my disdain for somebody using government yeah not because I didn't vote for them but because they're not wise in many ways and that's that's for another discussion but but the interesting thing is one of the leaders said this can be over by Passover and I know he heard some people faith said it because because if there's a there is a confrontation of thought between this this virus and and the church's belief that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Passover he will he's the blood on the door first when he's a lamb that was slain he's the blood on the door he sees a lamb that we ate he sees the ark unleavened bread he's these days he's a bit of herb I mean you go to he's the whole thing he's a sandal that we yeah he's everything in the store but the death angel my heart about it is yesterday I think when the church understands who we are because this Ray is preparation that's right this is not the big deal the big deal is coming this right here was God had to say okay I need you just the enemy because the enemy always overpraise his hand God is never playing catch up to the enemy that's right the enemy carpet-bombed the entire war because he's looking for something that's right we see where you get that from all through scripture when he was when he was looking for Moses he killed all the all the children in Egypt in Goshen when he was looking for the Messiah he killed all the children in Bethlehem what he's looking for something he's looking for someone that's right but what he doesn't realize it's not one person this the church that was prophesied it's been accelerated the churches will come for this this generous new generation has been accelerated and I'm going under status to you um you know one of the powerful thing about the deliverer story you talked about the three Hebrew boys is that God was one deliver him either way neither they won't be delivering a fire into paradise or gonna be delivered out to fire back to do the job either way they can get delivered um and I think the big issue now is how do we prepare the church to deal with what's to come I want I want to kind of kind of skid off of that for minute and deal with this issue much in our time so I want to ask you a question so there's a there's a pastor matter of fact I don't remember but the church that we went to before we start our church oh yeah we agree encountered his ministry I passed him oh you saw here what so the Florida shuts down worship yeah he's having services so he was arrested okay so people ask me what I thought about it they said we're easily being persecuted I'm like no no I wouldn't say no the what persecution works well yeah I mean I guess I can I know which pastor you're talking about and I'm gonna be careful about words but there is something about obeying the laws of the land yeah and it's not being it's and I think sometimes sometimes our wisdom is a cloak for fear yeah and sometimes faith is a cloak for presumption yes and so essentially it's not that you did this thing in faith as much as it is maybe you didn't want to transition because you didn't think you'd have as much pool on the internet oh yeah maybe you thought this was to you know new school and you don't know how to do and I'm seeing this a lot with churches I'm seeing a lot of churches particularly with older leadership or maybe doing an older style ministry and when they think I got to go on the Internet I don't think I can and instead of trusting God they say by faith we're gonna wait a minute how can you gonna end it when you've been preaching Saint Facebook is the devil exactly uh-huh but you would tell the full Facebookers of the devil don't have a Facebook account and I was like okay by the way we got we're gonna be live on Facebook that doesn't work yeah so so okay so this is this I'm sorry if you that offended you I didn't mean to offend you actually I kind of did um I want I want to show this and then I'm gonna let up a story kind of take us out there's something that jumped in my mind about Psalm 91 cuz you thought of fun so many wonder you guys need a hit pastor or a teacher from 91 oh I just heard a piece of it safe harmony bless my world I think it's on YouTube um it's a powerful teacher mafic I told all the dolphin congregation in Atlanta they need to hear it so I want to show you the put Ezekiel chapter 14 verse 21 I want to walk us through some things and then you know the church should be you know the church be walking on water maybe walk on eggshells is like isn't it's time for good you know it's time for us to kind of see who we are and kind of kind of plunge into this are Ezekiel chapter 14 verse 21 so here's what it says for thus saith the Lord God how much more when I send my for sore judgments upon Jerusalem the sword famine the noise some beast and the pestilence now give me a New Living Translation now this is all this or Old Testament but it's important I want to show you this I'm using this as a pivotal point now all this is before the cross okay and so you say well what is what difference does it make if the cross does not make a difference in your life you're not a Christian that's just the bottom line because that what makes us Christians is what Jesus did across it says now this is what the sovereign Lord says how terrible it will be when all four of these dreadful dreadful punishments fall upon Jerusalem and here the dreadful punishments war famine wild animals and distant disease destroying all of her people and animals so these feels the four different potential punishments and the destruction that Jerusalem or Israel always faced now why is that important because when you read Psalm 91 Psalm 91 either speaks too directly or alludes to folk to the armed protection from those four things okay remember I was talking about having a educated faith you can have an ignorant faith so now put on the screen from you Psalm 91 and look at verse 9 how many one verse nine people asked me say a pastor if the government said the church can't meet is that an infringement on our rights well if they were saying we couldn't meet because they didn't like what we're preaching yes but if they're saying we can't meet because of the spread of a disease they're not infringing upon the right they actually exercising their god-given Authority to separate us to stop a pandemic okay and I gotta speak to this because the same we have faith in its not educated look at this um the Lord says um if you make the Lord your your refuge if you make the most high your shelter verse 10 says no evil will conquer you no plague will come near your home now remember Psalm 91 covers for of dreadful punishment or for them the sword award famine diseases and wild animals okay so he's gonna speak to each individual or he's gonna do to it in this case he's speaking about the plague he's speaking about our armed diseases and his we sing he sent in the case of a pandemic use the word pandemic he says no pandemic will come near where your home he didn't say your job he didn't say your church he said your home now you sell fast you can be grabbing at straws what if I'm not because you that's a description only y'all have seeing but I said twenty six and twenty up there cuz everybody everybody all of a sudden have become a Quincy when I said twenty six and twenty I want to put it up there he says go home go home my people and lock your doors hide yourself for a little while until those angers passed now that's an old testement scripture but but I want to see I want to show you something there's a power in your home and if you understand how this works okay I'm by the book I'm gonna talk about this do you know when that when the tenth plague hit hit Egypt right um God did not protect people Wow nope he did not protect people I want to show it to you but Exodus chapter 12 verse thirteen I want to show you I want to show you this because he was I just I don't think it's faith he says but the blood on your doorposts will serve as a sign the word sign is a signal what's the signal that people that we got some wherever I see the blood on the doorpost it's a signal to me that you trust me God did not care who was in the house it matter of fact if you should studied as you find there was some Egyptians who spend a night with some Israelites the only restriction that they had work on the scripture is they cannot eat the Passover because the sighs people God said we want to eat in the Passover so you need to understand this they could not eat the Passover but they could be in the house and hence we said the blood on your dope was a service assign marking the houses not marking the people marking the houses where you are staying when I see the Blood I will pass over you why cause you in the house right the plague of death will not touch you when I strike the line in Egypt why because you are in the house go home before I will not come near your home put the blood of declare the blood of Jesus over your home so we can't go outside or didn't know he said it can't come on your property okay so so you see why you I'm not grabbing a struggle I'm trying to say educate your faith to understand now so what you mean we can't either house notice a different scripture for that here's what he said but sick even quote the scripture he says I will give my angels charge over you to keep you in all of your ways what it means here's a how-to he breeds to protect you on the route you have to go to take care of what you need to take care of well you go about your business second quarter that very easy they will bear you up lest your - before the games of stone so Satan trying to tempt Jesus in the wilderness with that's what he said he said why'd you go up to the pinnacle of the temple and throw yourself down after all it is written in Psalm 91 I think of verse 14 then he will give his angels charge over you I did what bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone he left out the part that says you'll give in his charge for me to keep you in all of your ways and he left it out because they beat up on the pinnacle of the temple is not a part of his daily route he was eating go up to the pinnacle of the temple to pray right so now it becomes a temptation or testing of God Wow so if you have to go to the grocery store you have to go to Walmart I'm gonna get to go pick up some stuff you could go out there to protect yourself and garden faith and trusted and I'm not coming back with nothing why because he has given an angel charge over me educate your faith to keep me on my way but when I go to the house now watch it the house is different no plague come nigh don't say out of your my plagues don't come to my house that's it they don't come to my house you seem saying and so I thought it was important to share that way because because if you haven't already go to youtube and there's a message on there my pastor ray I don't know what it was called that day but you teach teachers specifically in Psalm 91 there was a major part of the teaching that day and he's gonna bless you okay you wanna close out with something well yeah Justin I was kind of thinking of some practical things that you were sharing the other night and I wanted to you know you're talking a lot about I mentioned the weapons of our warfare not being carnal you talked about the shield of faith yeah and in a message you're talking about I covered that as well I think I talked a little bit about that but how we put on the armor of God how its spiritual how its invisible but what we do is we pray the Word of God so for I mean this is just a practical tip maybe you know get some podcast where they're teaching the Word of God get some podcast where they're teaching about grace going YouTube watch some previous messages that we've done here as far back as you can go and just constantly continue to hear the word of God because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God wouldn't have robust built up fake for the challenge that's ahead and I think that especially now what's happening with a lot of people I've made this kind of this comment on Facebook who's afraid to look off in public now you've heard I mean but what happens as we're having symptoms trying to come on our body if we don't know how faith works then we won't know the promises our voice activated we've heard this many times but many times you have to speak the Word of God over your body you've got to declare what God says over and over again you've got to listen to the Word of God and that's how faith comes so what are some things that we say to people who say okay you know I'm having symptoms you know obviously you want to go good check but but there's some things that you can knock out yeah where you are you know what would you the first thing I'll say is that is that be careful too because of this that we're a climate of fear if you people get a scratchy throat is that I think I got the virus no don't say that now now if you have a persistent scratchy throat do the normal stuff naked you can fall or drink up there's some concoctions you in my wife made something the other data was good for me but not good to me it was a mixture of all spoiled like lemon and apple cider vinegar with honey and Lord Jesus I mean it tastes like it was Clorox or something I'm not kidding but but I'm saying you could you could do some self-care in that that's an unnatural yes if you feel like if you feel like you like you coming down with something the first thing you do is say okay I gotta get checked but begin your faith declaration then Mass Effect don't wait till you feel that it started now start it and now start speaking to over your body you self with it and then I'm gonna tell you something the things I'm telling you of faith things and not all men have faith the world this is foolishness to the world and it's foolishness trip the Bible says do these things are spiritually discerned so even the carnal question don't talk and I'ma tell you something be careful of listening to people were full of fear do not let people were full of fear pull your faith down even if it's your spouse even if it's just sibling if it's your mama your daddy let the person with faith talk the most the people don't have that not if you're not afraid just hold your tongue let the people are a faith speak and I'm saying that as a dig I'm saying it as that like if we want to win let the strongest players play so what I would suggest is number one you take care yourself follow the quarantine okay um when you go out six thousand six if someone mean that says on it's better to be six feet apart at six feet under you know how to I think that's not was a great quote and so you followed that and you speak to your body you declare the word the Lord there's a couple scriptures that we talked about earlier remember them they're right Psalm 103 yeah I'll put someone with three verses one two and three real quickly uh we're out of time but I think they won't mind us a little bit long for this it says give me King James I want I want to say this real fast I'm gonna walk over to this one it says I bless the Lord O my soul and all this within me bless His Holy Name verse two bless the Lord O my soul watches and forget not all of his benefits the word benefits is a big deal the Bible says bless the Lord who daily loads us with benefits so these benefits are daily thing that God loves us with I want you to be able for the frame of mind that it loves to do us good he loves to do us good the Lord loves to bless he he gets pleasure out of adding to us not taking away from us so bless the Lord all myself forgetting out of his benefits and it is it begins to list the benefits has been says in verse 3 who forgiveth all thine iniquities and who healeth all that diseases okay who watches when Jesus when they brought the man to Jesus on the cot and let him down to the roof remember that the Bible said that Jesus the Bible says that Jesus arm acts the Pharisees which is easier to say your sins be forgiven you or to say rise take up your bed and walk and he said but to prove to you that I have the power to forgive sin I say to the you sick of the palsy take up your bed and walk so this this is important because um healing and forgiveness come from the same source right so if you if you can't believe you are heal you can you better not believe you're forgiven mmm because because it's the same thing man fat jesus says easy to heal a body and to figure if sins why cuz he have to go to cross and die okay now so I talked about Frank okay good so here's what I want to do um then put another switching for me look to put Psalm 107 verse 17 where you want to address this one so yes Psalm 107 verse 17 through through 20 it says fools because of their transgression and because of their iniquities are afflicted of course transgression has to do with being out of bounds I think we can we can relate to that we're crossing the line and iniquity is that sin that desire to sin I've asked this question before you know we treat iniquity like it's not a big deal I wanted to do this thing but I didn't do it so it doesn't matter and I asked the question who would want to be in a relationship with someone who every time they pass them Monday oh I could just do it that person oh would you want to but they never acted on it would you want to be with this no you wouldn't because that but that's what God does God sees our heart that even if we don't do it we still wanted to and he forgives it every time it it says the next verse it says because of whatever this scenario is there they've drawn affliction to themselves their soul aborts all manner of meat and they draw near unto the gates of death they lose their appetite they very a cure and it says then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble and he saved them out of their distress as the next verse says he sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction and it's just it's beautiful because it shows again that even in the Old Covenant God was still a God of mercy yes he may they may have had an old agreement with God because what had God had to do and the Old Testament would show the power of sin because when he said we were sinners we didn't care what does that mean I'm gonna do what I want to do and we kept bumping our heads on stuff and getting inviting disease and death and I and we never for the life of us could understand that what Adam and Eve did through inviting sin into the wall and into humanity was what was inviting this death but God was always a God of grace and always a God of mercy but he always was ready to heal always ready to deliver and say that's powerful that's powerful he sends his word and healed them although they brought upon himself so he's actually not I didn't practice social distancing and I got sick and there's there's so much grace and the same God that sent His Word then sends his word now that's right he sent Jesus as his word as matter fact in Isaiah 53 Isaiah 53 if you listen if you read no other scripture doing this quarantine your quarantine chapter is isaiah 53:5 that is the quarantine chapter of the weekend if we give an out one um I wanna I want to I want to pray with you I want to make sure that you you know you're loved by God faith does not work if you don't believe you love by God I've learned that about money Barton's faith which worketh by love is not working it doesn't work by the love I give it works by the love I receive I have to receive the love of God after after the note I'm loved I'm careful that God is concerned about me and so I have faith I heard Joseph Prince say this and it stuck with me we see His grace he sees our faith if I could just see this grace poured out if I could just see the love poured out then he sees my faith it's not up to me to measure to see if I have faith to see well it's my faith strong enough no here's how you measure your faith can you see Jesus Jesus in the sand or you look at the problem you looking at Jesus are you are you focusing on what Jesus did for you are you focusing on what this thing can do to you the thing that consumed you the most will determine the level of your faith if I'm consumed with Jesus I'm consumed with the fact that He shed his blood and shedding his blood meant that he died for me and him dying for me is a big deal because he absorbed and took everything that I was supposed to get every negative thing that's was come into my life he took it all the good things that God gave to him he gives to me that's the process the power that covered the New Covenant and so I want to pray for you I want to make sure that you understand that God loves you let if you've been disconnected from church for a long time let me say this to you if you're believing you've given your life to Jesus Christ you mean you've lost track of God with God never lost track of you he knows where you are he loves you he said but you don't know what I've done the Bible says that God commended his love or he revealed his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us while we were enemies God treated us like we were his friends and that that we did for us he that he that are spared out his own son but delivered him up for us all the Bible said that with him God will freely give us all things you are God's mind God wants to love you the gospel of Jesus Christ is simple is that we had no righteousness he had no sin Jesus took our sin gave us his righteousness it's called the great exchange and he loves you trust in that trust that trust that he shows that he cares and so I'm father I pray for those who are watching tonight that don't know you and those who do know you would feel distant I pray for those who are strong in faith I pray for all of us got it between different places and each one of us has something in our lives God that during this time of quarantine doesn't do this time of threat in the earth our eyes go to say well what about this thing that I've been holding on to that this pleases the Lord what about this thing I've been using for comfort or to ease the pain or two and we each have something father that we need to say father we latest at the foot of the cross and we say this is a thing is that's an idol in my life and I received the gift of repentance from you to see it differently so I could respond to it differently and father tonight I pray that you're breaking the power in homes right now breaking the power in people's alive of fear bringing the power of lust breaking the power of greed breaking the power of God of anger all kinds of powers that are at work many coming from a single a single Oh rude you're breaking these powers and you caused us got to know you in ways we've never known you before father we've heard so much about you in church but now you have identified us as a church even scattered as we are and there's order of people now father we want to know you personally we want to know who you are we've heard of you heard of you for years now we want to know if ourselves God that is up for that's the prayer of the church and father I pray you a new unleashing unleash an army of gifted people people who are gonna gift of faith the gift of prophecy the gift of healing the gift of miracles word of wisdom word of knowledge that God did you our people who are called Oh God - Apostles and teachers workers of miracles oh god all kinds of gifts who cause your church to descend upon this this world God and let this pandemic bow to the name of Jesus the name of Jesus is greater than any name that's created in laboratories or any disease of sickness or even war or pestilence wanna animals the name of Jesus is the name and we release that name up over those who are watching tonight if you're at home lift your hands do that by active faith if you have to the Lord and said Lord it's me father do you know who these people are healed bodies Oh God the symptoms are there's someone watching tonight I see by the Holy Spirit you just got your diagnosis and you're terrified you and you in the state is called fifty-fifty fear and the Lord says you will live and not die you will live in that dies matter of fact to this person that you know exactly who you are the tears are streaming down your eyes right now I see you and his little austerity to you you your fear is the worst of the symptoms you want to go through the symptoms and the law said the symptoms you have now is all the symptoms you have but just remember do not be don't go close to people but just remember that the symptoms you have that they not will get any worse that's for those there's a woman one person I see you right now or you're weeping just with your hands lifted and the law says I've got you no need to fear and for those of you you've been diagnosed and you say pastor I'm just terrified the laws the Lord heals you tonight go through the process go through the process and trust the Lord for healing and father I thank you for the opting in the streamable gifts in your people and faith so strong and boldness to declare and to operate in these gifts we see this we believe it tonight we thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name Amen and amen you know before we leave tonight we got some announcements and we got an offering so before we do often let me do the announcements first so don't forget every Tuesday evening from 6 p.m. Central 7 p.m. eastern we're doing corporate prayer the number I don't even have on the screen but if not we always posted the graphic so you could see on the number six or five three one three four eight zero two we put up our lid on probably next video see it um don't forget on April the 18 this with all new members of NCC there's a virtual new members class April 18th at 10 a.m. is virtual that means online it goes live at 10 a.m. or I believe that's a Saturday morning right on virtual new members class April 18th on priest Billy said for that and then April the third lady Kay it's doing what virtual ladies night out is a Solaris to me it's gonna be good because I'm supposed to be an actual ladies night out but because of the quarantine there's gonna be virtual I look forward to that it's gonna be on on the woman the woman refine Facebook page the ladies night out is going to be a woman refine Facebook page if you don't follow that page follow that page now don't forget to our follow if you if you're not following my page of Hart Ramsey or Facebook Rey is it's ray Ramsey or follow us and as always inspiration is always our faith building there's always encouragement we want to be a blessing you want to help you amen but that being said or put the offering graphics up tonight I want to say this to you and I want to I want to really speak to you not just about our church but about your church as well if you're not a member of NCC I'm encourage you to be faithful in your giving I'm faithful to continue to so I'm for those of you who can then some of you you surpass amount must income was cut off and there's no way for me to solace I'm gonna tell you this right now this is what I believe I believe that the people who cannot you just don't have it to another that you you don't or you won't is it you can't that God is gonna supply your need especially you said pastor I gave so I was a giver I mean I was entitled but I run out now now it's time for you that harvest is coming God is putting in somebody's mind method every once in a while I post your cash up I did a potion cash app on your social media page and watch what God does you I just put it out there this is my cash I'm a don't even ask for anything what's what God does but for those of you you said pastors no goddess bless me I'm gonna position where I can continue so for those of you who want to sow into NCC um your members it's tithe and offering time members give your tithe give it offering if you're not a member we don't want your tithe send your tithe to your local church if you're in between churches you say pastor I want to only tithe I'm in between churches we will receive those times but if you have your member of a church ties to your church you want to make sure that when you come back to your church or to the building that you improperly you still own your property the Lord um they make anymore property again but you want to lose what you have I believe my life is a testimony of the of the blessing of giving I am a giver I will continue to be a giver and God will continue to bless me it's something he does we have five ways of giving and I want you to avail yourself to them um you can give you get the church app that the church website or you can give to there's a text at ID number three three four three five seven four seven nine seven or if you are local you can come and drop it at the church or you can actually mail it in we but people be milling their tithe and offering in and um you know and someone actually pass the house they giving that well the giving is down they are giving us down and we expected that to happen cause something just don't do it do not to give online but I want you to I want you to really be committed to this um don't worry my faith is we're not gonna sink in this God has got his church on we're not gonna die and listen and you say passable we're hungry no don't I'm gonna tell you if you are a member of as they say I'm ahead of tato no no if you're hungry let us know let us know we wanted we want to be a blessing as well I'm working on something i'ma talk to you about it by the grace of God on the week before Easter but man I'm gonna tell you I want you to be ten care and I don't don't take advantages of any situations but I want you to be taking care of man god bless you Pastor and I love you we're minutes of our time it's okay continue to stay in faith continue to be bold for the Lord and stay well stay safe in Jesus name
Channel: Pastor Hart Ramsey
Views: 2,901
Rating: 4.9603958 out of 5
Id: 1rdoIFr8ufs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 27sec (4107 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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