How Much it Cost to Live in an RV Full Time [1 Year RV Budget Review]

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welcome to life uninterrupted I'm Brian and I'm Shauna and if this is your first time to our channel let's give you just a little bit of a backstory we sold our home and everything in it and left our corporate jobs to live a more purposeful life full-time in our RV and that was about a year ago one year time flies when you're having fun that's for sure yep and now it's over yeah seems like a lifetime ago that we just started this and here it is just a couple days past one year so and that was probably one of the fastest years of our lives I guess because you know what they say how time flies when you're having fun yeah just say that did you say that oh all right so we have you know a ton of notes and we don't want to miss anything so you're gonna see our eyes glanced down or refer to our notes and our spreadsheet with all of our expenses expenses and our budget items and you know hopefully we're not going to do a lot of editing in this video we're just gonna kind of do it and you know if we mess up when we talk and we have to restate things then we're gonna do that because this is real life that's just real life so yeah so I gotta talk about some of the things we yeah spirits this last year it was one heck of a year not without its challenges but there were challenges and there were some some great experiences some celebrations along the way so let's recap unfortunate incidents yeah things yeah a lot that was unexpected so we survived some major storms and that would be tornados thunderstorms hail storms wind storms winds - lots of wind storms I said wind storms more than anything yeah and any of you who live in an RV you know we have a 35-foot coach I can imagine we've had small Owens - so we know what it's like in super windy conditions but even with this larger coach with sort of anchored to the ground with the hydraulic stabilizers and everything still get rocket and rule itself mm-hmm but we're always safe felt safe yeah we were always safe we got the opportunity to visit family that we haven't seen in a while we got to see our son in Maryland that we got to see your side of the family in Indiana it was actually an extended stay seven weeks six or seven max it was at least that we did have a death in the family during that year my mom passed away in August of last year we survived a major break down major break down and I'll put a link to the video here I'm gonna feel for that something that we would never have expected worst nightmare but we just wouldn't have expected it no no we got to go home for the holidays and that was always the plan anyhow that we were gonna go home for the holidays but we we definitely achieve that even in light of the breakdown but we made it home limping but we did it we did some extended boondocking which was great we did 30 days in the Quartzsite Arizona area and out in the desert and it was a wonderful precursor to Booch yeah the coronavirus lockdown this whole whole mess so Wow yeah which is what which was what took us through to the end of our our first year yeah it's made life a little more difficult for everybody not just those of us who live on the road but it's especially challenging for those of us who live on the road but fortunately we've managed to work through it just fine yeah absolutely I think we were better situated than some folks and that we had the freedom and in areas to be able to move around a little bit and in fact we are still boondocking right now we're moving around slowly but we do have a goal in mind and we are boondocking at Walker Lake here in Hawthorne Nevada Walker Lake Wow yeah this is the Walker Lake recreational site that's a huge natural lake that it's quite amazing the story behind it so we'll leave a link you can go and explore that about and see about you know this whole Lake in this recreation area yeah it really is nice so that's the lake in the background and we're we have a sort of a campsite here that's perched up basically almost higher than anybody in this air no one in front of us no Riley nobody to the back or size of a so pretty nice it's beautiful yeah we got we got really lucky we did all right so let's talk about some of our travels we travel to 27 States and Mexico mm-hmm and you know some of those states were repeats as we made our way you know around the US East Coast down to the keys back up and then to Arizona again for the holiday so couple of those states were repeats well yeah and part of that was because of the corona virus and then having reservations that were changed on us several times which I'm sure several of you have had the unfortunate luck to have that occur so we bounced around from Arizona to Nevada back to Arizona California so that's all included in there I think we actually hit 17 new states in this last year but actually 18 plus Mexico that's right but a total of 27 so we moved around quite a bit in the last year yes yeah and Ricky and Lucy are French bulldogs are becoming more and more well-traveled and so we are we have our back to the lake and we're facing our coach and Lucy and Ricky are right there in the door so they might they might say hi at some point during the video so yeah look out for that all right well why don't we get into the spreadsheet I'm sure everyone's dying to know how much we spent over the last year yeah so these are our average costs or expenditures over our first year and you know if you're living full-time we'd be curious to know how your costs you know compared to ours solutely one thing we want to make clear is that when we decided to start this lifestyle we never went into it with a mindset of being super frugal or super minimalists or doing without or living it was cheaply as possible we just wanted to go into it so that we could live less cheaply than we did in our sticks and bricks definitely so to give you an idea we spent roughly a little less than $10,000 a month to live in our sticks and bricks that's with mortgage insurance vehicles all that stuff so gives you an idea of and when we talk about our costs how much less expensively we're living now yeah and our overall goal really was to have more experiences and less stuff than it was to have a minimalist lifestyle although you know that's all part of it you certainly have less stuff we should we certainly do I like to say we have everything we need and nothing that we don't yeah and our goal also was to stay within our own budget our budget may be completely different from your budget and all of that okay so what we're going to do a comparison against our budget and then you can compare that to your own all right so let's get into this thing we had originally said we thought at least we would spend about $4,800 in fuel we actually spent five thousand six hundred ninety seven dollars and seventy seven cents and that averaged out to about four hundred seventy four dollars and 81 cents a month now that does include gas because our coaches gas and gas for the Jeep and propane we just lumped all of that in together so that then leads into the miles per gallon that we get on our coach and our Jeep to be honest with you I really haven't taken the time to calculate I've kind of looked at averages that previous owners said you got about seven miles to the gallon so I'm just I've always kind of went with seven miles to the gallon and mileage wise on the motorhome let's see we traveled nine thousand four hundred forty four miles the entire year so that's an average of about seven hundred and eighty seven miles per month and then of course the Jeep even though it gets towed behind the motorhome and there's some wear and tear regarding that we actually only drove the Jeep under its own power seven thousand five hundred sixty nine miles for an average of six hundred and 31 miles per month so let's move into lodging lodging we actually budgeted forty eight hundred dollars for the year and you know when you first start out as a full-time are very you don't really know what to budget and we came up with these numbers was watching other YouTube videos full time our viewers and what they budgeted for the year of course everyone's expenses are gonna be a little different depending on the type of coach how you travel where you stay so we chose $4,800 as a starting point we ended up spending three thousand four hundred and seventy one dollars and 21 cents overall and that was an average of two hundred eighty nine dollars and 27 cents per month we'd significantly actually I think we almost cut our budget in half from the first six months to the second six months and that's attributed to staying in place quite a bit also the purchase of a thousand trails membership which we'll get into in a a little bit but we were able to go from three hundred ninety five dollars on average per month to one hundred eighty three sixty five now when we calculated the cost per night we did it two different ways and I'll share that with you the average cost per night for the year for 365 days all-in and that takes into account every place that we stayed whether it was boondocking in an RV park a campground all in came out to nine dollars and 51 cents per night that's not too shabby right yes pretty inexpensive yeah what do you consider the average stay is usually around thirty thirty-five dollars a night for an RV RV park so again that's all in now if we take the average cost per night for paid stays only so this doesn't take into account boondocking or thousand trails anything like that this would be paid stays in an RV park a campground and so forth that average is twenty nine dollars and sixty six cents that's very close to the average that you that you would pay in it a regular RV park so keep in mind there's everything when you're out on the road there's everything from free all the way up to our experience is I think well over two hundred dollars per night we weren't staying you know it'd be nice to make you stay one night or something just to kind of get a few other things but even in one night you wouldn't get the feel for things if it's like our vacation we're taking a a week vacation in the middle of all this that might be acceptable yeah but better be pretty darn good for 200 bucks a night so to recap 29 66 for all paid stays and nine dollars and fifty one cents average per night for the past 365 nights yeah which is great so let's talk about what that breaks down to yeah as far as where we stayed whether it was RV park campground so on so we spent one hundred and forty nights in RV parks we spent fifty two nights in the campground or state parks we spent 91 nights boondocking 71 nights lot docking or mooch docking and that one includes staying at our family's house in their driveway or Cracker Barrel Walmart harvest host we threw in there as well that's what we would consider a lot docking which docking and then we did have 11 nights in a hotel when we had our major breakdown but we didn't take those expenses into consideration in our budget because we were reimbursed for those but I just want to throw it out because if you start doing the math that needs to add up to 365 nights and I'll put a link to that insurance program that we use it might be helpful for you if something like this were to happen I know it certainly was for us a lot of insurance policies have four full timers anyway have this kind of coverage so check your policy if you're a full timer it may have reimbursement for those kinds of expenses emergency they may be called different things but I think ours is called emergency lodging expenses or something like that so check your policy if not I'll put a link here to family motorcoach association's policy that we had at the time and that worked well for us oh it was hugely hugely helpful for us during that time okay groceries if you recall from our six month of video groceries was out of control we had a lot of comments oh my god a lot of comments on what do you eat and you know must be nice to eat lobster and filet mignon all the time and those kinds of things so yeah it was quite shocking that wasn't yeah but again we were not living this lifestyle to be super frugal and minimalist and do without we enjoy our food and we enjoy going out to eat at least prior to the pandemic and yeah anyway I think we did a good job getting those calls definitely did a good job I think there's probably still a little room from a sermon and we've made some changes along the way but we budgeted seventy two hundred dollars for the year for groceries we ended up spending seven thousand three hundred forty three dollars and 73 cents so yes of course we exceeded our budget by a little bit and our average grocery bill per month was six hundred $11.98 yeah in our first six months we spent on average $800 a month and we brought that down to 650 931 so the second six months we brought it down yeah big win a hundred and fifty dollars one hundred and forty-one dollars so hey in a little bit counts so the hundred forty-one dollars that we saved you know per month the second six months we can put that into an emergency fund or whatever exactly that's right and a big part of that was we got an instant pot for Christmas and we're using that instant pot regularly making big meals and then freezing that we're planning our groceries we're trying to stay out of the grocery store unless we really need to buy something yeah when we can we'll go to Sam's Club or Costco and kind of bowls and buy some bulk items plus if you haven't already watched the video to that little spare 12 volt refrigerator we have I'll put a link to that that allows us to take stuff out of our refrigerator and freezer it put in this secondary small refrigerator which then gives us more room to put in our primary refrigerator and freezer self Gallup's and we can buy a little more might rain today yeah we can book she exactly and have the storage for it okay the other side of that hinge is that dining out so the other side of that yes is dining out as Brian said we budgeted $2,400 a year we ended up spending three thousand six hundred eighty six dollars and 56 58 cents yeah how did we do that you might say for an average of three hundred seven dollars and 22 cents per month across the entire year across the Shire year yes so our first six months was quite high $700 per month but we brought that down significantly to two hundred thirty eight dollars and nine cents and a big part of that is attributed to just well in the first six months we were traveling to so many different places and we want we really wanted to try the cuisine in that particular area who doesn't yeah and of course we were still in kind of that vacation mode during that time in the second half so we cement it quite a bit with family too so I think actually most of that $700 for eating out was actually spent when we went to Disneyland oh yeah Disney World that was a big expense yeah yeah absolutely I'm kidding but yeah that's included in that so it sure is you know yeah a couple days two or three days while we spent two or three days at Disneyworld mm-hmm it adds up yeah that's up there's your 700 right there yeah we did it we spent a lot of time with family in the second six months we did a lot of boondocking so there wasn't a lot of opportunity to go out and hit the breweries and the big restaurants and that type of thing so we really brought that down yeah that's going to a nice brewery or brew hall or your house and sampling the beers and things so it's gonna be an our bucket list as soon as things are reopening yeah yeah and that's another good point right the whole coronavirus locked down brought those dining out expenses way down this is true yeah you know then that said though traveling through the u.s. I mean grocery costs vary wildly when you're in little small town for instance you can go to a larger town a larger chain stores you can get a package of bacon for three or four dollars you know maybe if maybe five and some of the small towns we've been in eight nine I've seen it up to 12 dollars a pound for bacon so you had to pick and choose whether that's important to you or not worthy not something you want to eat if not you do away with it but anyway my point is in smaller towns are significantly higher we did spend a certain amount of time this winter significant amount of time actually in smaller towns so yes those costs are going to be higher yeah memberships okay memberships we budgeted a thousand dollars we knew we were going to purchase a thousand trails didn't quite know how much it was going to be at that time so we budgeted a thousand we ended up spending nine hundred fifty six dollars and 59 cents for an average of about seventy nine dollars and seventy two cents per month and what we purchased we have harvest host we have thousand trails we purchased in the August timeframe last year so we didn't get a full year rate of that Passport America which we highly recommend because you get pretty much 50% off at RV parks sometimes that's only for three nights we've stayed in parks works for five or seven nights as well so that's good yeah passport America can vary widely between only available during certain months to 14 nights any time it just it just all depends on the parking this will put links to all of these memberships you get a discount and it helps us out to you so in full disclosure we have an america the beautiful' pass also known as the national park pass which was a significant savings for us wisely cost eighty dollars and we've saved mmm-hmm hundreds yeah I'm going to actually go through that in just a moment as to what we saved and we have an escape fees membership which we have not used yet so we haven't been able to take advantage of that and I think that's it as far as memberships go um but I calculated as far as memberships how much we saved by purchasing each membership so harvest folks we spent three nights so we should have been more but three nights and harvest hosts and when you take out the cost of the membership and those three nights we ended up saving $43.98 so it paid for itself fantastic thousand trails we purchased that in August of 2019 so we didn't get a full year of that but we did manage seventy-five nights in the thousand Trail System if we take those 75 nights and take out the cost of that membership we actually saved one thousand four hundred seventy four dollars and fifty cents that's a huge win yes and then we had other reservations within our first year at Thousand Hills parson and it being cancelled so we did have to we occurred some additional RV perk expenses that we may not have had but overall I think fourteen hundred and seventy four dollars wasn't good savings yeah then our passport America will be almost 50 percent off per night we spent twenty five nights in the passport America system and we saved four hundred sixty one dollars not too shabby our america the beautiful' pass also known as the National Park Pass we spent twenty four nights in their system and we saved two hundred seventy one dollars and eighty four cents and that comes up to a total savings of two thousand two hundred fifty one dollars and 32 cents which in my book that's another one absolutely yeah you know and talking about national park pass or America the Beautiful Pass but also if you don't have that are those to be - dude you may have a senior pass or some of the older passes that are still modern but I mean it that's in turn entrance fees or free 50 percent camping discounts at Army Corps of Engineers parks so that's an awesome benefit and I have to say most of those nights I think why isn't all 24 of those nights all 24 those nights I think we spent at Corps of Engineers parks yes primarily yeah and they're great all over the US oh my gosh if you have not stayed at an Army Corps of engineer park you need to look into that they are awesome I'm sure we haven't been disappointed yet how many of us no no you have it all right you get the biggies all right so next two items are repairs and maintenance repairs is going to be hugely skewed because of the engine debacle so we had a budget of $4,500 repairs for the first year were nine thousand two hundred ninety four dollars and seventeen cents [Applause] $6,100 of that was the engine okay so if you take that out of the 90 to 90 for you're looking at around only $3,100 or so so well under the $4,500 budget but anyway leaving the engine costs in there that's seven hundred seventy four dollars and fifty one cents per month alright so some of the repairs that we had during the first year slide Rams had a cracked windshield had some on and repair due to that issue in South Dakota the cruise control went out so I had to fix that was able to fix that myself replace the main water pump in the coach the refrigerator door broke and fell off in my hands fell right off at 9:30 p.m. had to replace the door I was only a couple hundred dollars all the engine rebuild work had replaced the struts in the Jeep the front struts and also the brakes and the front and then we had some tire repair due to a big rock that was in the middle of the road that we hit so we had jumped right out in front of me yeah knocked the alignment out of the Jeep so an ad that aligned and so that's pretty much it for 2019 now some of the things we're gonna expect to have to spend a major replacement items in 2020 are going to be tires on both vehicles so I expect to spend probably well over three thousand dollars on the coach and probably close to a thousand dollars on the Jeep alright let's talk about one of my favorite topics that would be clothing I budgeted nine hundred and sixty dollars for the year and that was really to include necessities socks underwear t-shirts that we might want to buy some place that we go to her a hat souvenir things stupid are things exactly we ended up spending four hundred sixty nine dollars and seventy cents for an average of thirty nine dollars and fourteen cents per month and that pretty much proved proved itself that it was just going to be a few things here and there which is a huge change from the life that we used to live in our sticks and bricks shopping was my thing and I could spend easily three hundred dollars in a week on clothing so shopping has a completely different meaning to us now it's usually just for necessities big change that we've made yeah entertainment is the next topic and entertainment we budgeted $3,000 we ended up spending fifteen hundred and seventy three dollars and 33 cents so just about half of what we budgeted for an average of 131 dollars and 11 cents now entertainment is basically park fees entrance fees excursion fees anything that we would pay really to have fun to go hiking to go snorkeling to go actually Disney World is included in that so that also it's also important I think to note that most of these expenses were in the first six seven eight months the last two or three months there's been basically nothing entertainment when it comes to entertainment fees when we purchased our ebikes we spent a lot more time just going on bike rides and kind of stayed away from the parks and and excursions that sort of thing I don't know if that'll pick up in the next this next year or not maybe as we go to national no because we're gonna have the mark of the beautiful past and that's not gonna ya know I don't know but that's one of the reasons we got the bikes so that we could just kind of go out and do something that's less expensive and still enjoyable right and meet a lot of good people that way too so yeah okay health insurance this is gonna vary for a lot of people depending on if you're retired if you have Social Security if you're retired military and have those benefits ma'am a veteran I'm not retired so I don't have you know veterans benefits as far as that goes so this cost is gonna again I'm gonna very first for a lot of people so right and this was an area that we were very anxious about a little apprehensive going into this lifestyle we didn't know what we were going to do when we first started out so we went out again and found what others are doing as far as health insurance costs and we've changed throughout the year so we budgeted seventy eight hundred dollars and that was just based on what we knew as far as the insurance that we had we left our with jobs we went on to Cobra Cobra can be very expensive if you've ever had to go that route ours was actually not too bad when we started I think it was around six hundred and fifty dollars per month but then it jumped up Daniel yeah after January there's gonna be two thousand dollars eighteen hundred to two thousand dollars per month for both of us on a I think a relatively mid die deductible plan yeah so we knew that had to change yeah we start shopping around for options went out and sought what other full-time our viewers are doing and we came up with Christian health ministries which is a health savings health sharing plan yeah am I saying that right yeah yes you're a cost sharing health cost sharing yeah there you go and reduced our cost significantly we went from let's say we budgeted 7800 we ended up spending seven thousand nine hundred sixty-five dollars and 31 cents for an average of six hundred sixty three dollars and seventy eight cents per month but keep in mind the majority of that cost is under the new Cobra plan as well yes yes and now our health insurance costs that we're presenting here to you do include our insurance that we pay the premiums doctor visits so we did have a few Urgent Care situations in there and then prescription so that's all included in the total that we're sharing with you today so it didn't mention that we went to the Christian health ministries and we brought that expense down to three hundred seventy four dollars per month and I'm going to put out more information on CHM in case is something that you might be interested in yeah it's not for everyone right now if you're relatively healthy and you can you know live with high deductibles and paying a certain amount of money out of your pocket because I believe that and I've always said this that health insurance is just in case insurance not in every case insurance so right that's just my viewpoint yeah so we started that in March and was we haven't had a lot of opportunity to bring our cost down for the last year but we seductive should definitely see some cost savings in 20:20 in fact moving to CHM will save us about four hundred and forty four dollars per month right yeah I think you have the next one let's talk about cell phone carriers and why are wireless coverage so we had a budget of twenty two hundred and twenty dollars per year we came in at two thousand one hundred fifty five dollars and two cents for an average of 170 959 per month the first six months were a little bit higher because we had different plans we were paying a hundred and eighty five dollars just about including taxes and everything second six months we were down to 174 67 so we did have a major change we were with AT&T and we switched over from AT&T to their sister company I'm sorry from horizon to their sister company visible so our cell phones to lines under Verizon were about a hundred and eighty one $185 per month including taxes under visible we were able to get that down to $80 per month for two lines which is awesome awesome and then we have our AT&T plan for our cell router and that is 37 dollars a month and some change so significantly less yeah so you know that we purchased a portable washing machine our rig does not have didn't have a built-in washing machine and dryer so we purchased a portable to store in our shower so we anticipated that the laundry expenses would be very low in fact we budgeted one hundred and twenty dollars for the year we ended up spending one hundred seventy seven dollars 75 cents for an average of 14 dollars and 81 cents per month oh yeah the cost actually went up from the first six months to the second for the first six we're paying about ten dollars a month which was really cheap and a big reason for that was because we could use our portable washing machine pros we were plugged in to a park that had water had electricity when we moved out to boondocking then we were reliant upon laundromats and those can get pricey yeah because the unit we have takes probably around 10 gallons of water per load it's a lot of water so we can't do that boondocking else you've met out of water pretty quick right maybe you can hand wash a few things here and there we've done we've done that yeah and actually we purchased for the back of the rig one of those um of these little arms that stick out so you can actually dry your clothes off the back we've only been able to use that once once or twice that most RV parks don't allow you to use those yeah that's true too but when we can okay okay insurance for the RV and the Jeep so we budgeted $3,000 and through the course of kind of shopping for some insurance and getting some discounts and in a couple of cases I had to increase our insurance amount for some of the coverage personal item coverage in the rig so that's it's kind of changed over the last year but we've we budgeted 3,000 dedup spending twenty two hundred forty two dollars and 81 cents for an average of 186 ninety per month now that's full coverage full-time or insurance on the motor home and only liability on the Jeep part of the year some part of the year I had full coverage on it just because we weren't sure you know what was going to happen and we just didn't want to have some huge expense on the Jeep but even though it ended up happening so those costs kind of period through the year and the biggest change was when we changed our residency from Arizona to South Dakota cut those cut those costs well and a half yeah if not more so yeah and I think even in Arizona they go by your zip code as to what what how much insurance you're going to pay we were in one of the higher zip codes as well yeah we saved a lot all right so that brings us really to the end of all of our monthly costs and categories not so nothing left to talk about and yeah is that in number the tally of all of that right right so our budget based on what we thought we were going to spend for 42,000 at three hundred dollars right and let me also say that I thought that was on the high end and our actual total expenditures for the first year forty-seven thousand one hundred seventy two dollars and 96 cents for an average of 39 3108 for a month right there's Ricky in the background saying hi if you can hear that it's to be a star so 47,000 172 you know what we've heard a lot of people say that if you're gonna live a full time RV life you're gonna explain to spend anywhere from 36 to anything you want to spend really but the average is around 30 to probably 45,000 so we're not too far out of the ballpark keeping in mind that I mean well over 6,000 of that seven maybe even eight thousand that were was the engine yeah a couple of big mistakes that are my fault that kind of helped increase those costs and we actually probably could have been closer to around probably $40,000 and with all of this we then put together a new budget for 2020 and we're going to make some changes we reduced in some areas just based on the way we're going to travel for 2020 and the way we've had to travel because of the coronavirus our fuel costs we anticipate will come down so we've budgeted less our health insurance we know is going to come down because we've switched providers and we're also doing more to take care of ourselves so that we can hopefully avoid Urgent Care and telehealth and that type of thing you know that said we've been we're pretty healthy and we've had you know things come up you know you get a sinus infection or an eye infection or something like that but you know those things come up and you deal with those but in terms of our overall health we're in good health so as long as we stay that way and there's no accidents or anything out here on the road I think we'll be fine you know the long the short of it is and we've learned a lot over this last year and you know those are opportunities to improve and we'll certainly look at that just like in our professional lives you know we look at the mistakes we made and projects that we did and you know what opportunities do we have to do things better or differently the next time so every mistake is a learning opportunity this is true right and we've had a lot of those it was not as cheaper inexpensive a life as we had expected yeah but for us the rewards completely outweigh you know the mistakes that we've made and the costs associated with those so one of our favorite sayings is house may be small but our backyard is huge ooh right yeah I mean we get to call this our home right here how many people get to do that so that's fantastic this is true yeah I expect the unexpected if there's one message that we can pass on to you I think that's it and then also just to roll with the punches roll with the punches and again just to clarify our goal was not to see how cheaply that we could live relative to other full-timers our goal was to trade our stuff for experiences but to live within our budget and in some cases we did that and in some cases we didn't lessons learn we were far away our goal is to enjoy life as much as we can for as long as we can do it out here and helping reduce those expenses will just ensure our longevity out here yes oh absolutely well all in all it was a challenging and a very exciting year yes I look forward to at 2020 once we get out of lockdown how exciting this year's going to be absolutely yeah so I think that's going to wrap things up if you liked the video give us a thumbs up if you haven't already go ahead and subscribe we'd love to have you as part of our Luo crew definitely hit that Bell and then you'll be notified anytime that we launch a new video absolutely until next time we'll see ya [Music]
Channel: Lyf Uninterrupted
Views: 73,435
Rating: 4.9182439 out of 5
Keywords: how much it cost us to live in an rv full time, cost to live in an rv full time, cost to live in rv full time, 1 year rv expenses, 1 year rv budget, full time rv life budget, living in an rv full time, real cost to full time, one year full time rv, rv living costs, rv living costs one year, rv full time living costs, how much does rv living cost, full time rv cost, full time rv living budget, One year full time rv living costs, fulltime rv living cost, rv lifestyle, rv life
Id: 2JJScYLyipQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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