How Much Farmland Can ONE Water Block Hydrate?

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time to summon a in 50 zombies in one single location I'm not attacking you ready Oh check it out so many experience Wow like a whole lot after Wow I even notice it so much hey what's going on guys lug that zip here watch out it's a dragon he's gonna get us just kiddin he's stupid it's adamant they can't they can't actually hurt you in fact none of these dragons can hurt you but why are the dragons here well you got anything to say mr. dragon no well fine I'll tell them huh we're finding out some special minecraft theories we're gonna do some myth-busting today some Minecraft Sciences you could even say we got three very special questions that would be asking today namely how many experience levels oh yeah how many zombies do you need to kill to get 100 levels in Minecraft how many snow golems do you need to be able to defend against a horde of mobs and last one and a really interesting one to say the least just how many blocks of farmland can you hydrate using just one single source block of why you ever wondered that no well then you're probably normal human being but today we're gonna be figuring it out for the rest of us those Japs up sin it's gonna be an interesting video to say the least if you wanna see more Minecraft science videos you can let me know about dropping a like on the video and subscribing and big caps out to Xavier for helping set up this world as well as grabbing inspiration for some awesome reddit users on what we should do our questions on with that we can go ahead and begin with question 1 so our first fun a little trivia question today how much farm can you get from one water book that's right y'all know farm land it's what you use to plant your crops your wheat you seeds and it's in food you know it's helpful to eat you know you can stay alive I stay alive good good good and typically water can hydrate up to 4 blocks away we've got one source water block here and then 1 2 3 count of 4 blocks in that direction now normally speaking as a sign said you can do that in any of the direction that the water is coming from so if we were to try until this might take a little bit for it to hydrate but needless to say it will in fact reach all four blocks in all directions and not only that but get a load of this you can do it in more than just the straight ways as well you can do it diagonally so you can hydrate up to four blocks in this direction - you see a little bit darker that means the water finally gets it you can slowly start to see these blocks can you hydrate it as well so with all that in mind you could easily say that you can hydrate a whole bunch of farmland with one single water block in fact that's 80 total blocks without any flowing water whatsoever we're looking at 80 different blocks of farmland right here oh I'm hungry I'll get some seeds you really don't need that much water to get a real nice source of food going in fact what we're gonna do is gain rule not a mule game rule random tick speed and you know that does well it actually increases the growth rate significantly and we've got all our lovely crops growing right here all 80 crops using one single water block but it gets even more complex than that what if we let the water flow you know cuz water flows it moves it's not stationary you can actually you can let the water even move you you could say what happens when we use one source block to hydrate all of this in mind instead well if you couldn't tell all of these blocks are technically being hydrated better even this little tiny little baby little sliver is gonna hydrate the same way a source block would as well so all that being said we've got a grand total of 23 by 23 one side to the other of hydrated blocks you're gonna subtract the seven by seven for the dry land you know on the corners right here forty nine blocks forty nine block for now bye for now blah et cetera and twenty nine blocks for the total amount of space that the water is taking up and you are left with three hundred four hydrated farmland blocks from just one bucket of water have you been watching my headphones like slowly sink off of my other and watch this I like goats try and see when the headphones started to kill it happens like in every video however we're gonna take it even further get a load of this water can keep flowing if it goes down far enough see this guy it's water it's flowing Stan in countable amount of blocks in the sky and what you're seeing right up here is a little preview what we're about to look at a y'all ready I don't think you guys are ready we got the sign right here the side side there's lots of signs it's science sign and subscribe okay you guys right here's some more information from one source blog we can create 840 farm land you saw right over there right however we can make these even bigger by making them descend a total of 20 blocks you can repeat this pattern 12 times down to make 10,000 80 blocks of farmland if you split the streams that's 20,000 160 blocks check it out we have nice teleport it's gonna take us up to explain a little bit more of what I would just say oh I just I just missed it Oh stupid well try again right there pressed U and there we go so all of this water flowing in one single direction remove the source block and watch remove the source block and watch ooh I'm curious and I'm pretty sure isn't this set setting tick speed look what happens check it out I'm removed this and did it I'll remove the whole source block I didn't remove the source bug I just removed a block block look at that look the waters gone look they all start to instantly dehydrate but that's not what I really wanted to show you what I was trying to show you got did it just it just it's supposed to just you stay down like that okay I was supposed to continue to it like drift on down point is you can do a whole bunch of water just flowing and step-by-step all the way down hydrating all this water ten thousand blocks all you need is one single source block water and it will slowly but surely travel down in block like direction although I think this one was spaced just a little bit off but y'all get the picture crazy to see how fast it moving it's like look look it all dehydrates fine fine fine but then look at dirt forms and then grass like look how fast the grass forms that grass is fast and look at this water right here I actually a little bit of waterfall it's just slowly getting to me slowly but surely getting bigger until it goes right through us and passes right on by look one little sliver it's adorable well it's going really fast geez hold on now look at this it's the thinnest little guy oh very quickly and then look hits the ground gone now in theory you can have as much farmland and chunks as you can load on the x and z axis you can keep the flowing water going in every single different direction we don't take into account food here because crops obviously need sunlight to grow but we're talking more specifically about farmland in general now assuming you have 64 trucks rendered you could have a little odor 16,000 farmland loaded at any time you put those in your spawn chunks well you'll have a lot of wheat growing in the day moving on the more science a learning there's another experiment how many zombies it take to reach level 100 in Minecraft have any I'll even reach that normally that seems like such an out of reach thing to do 100 levels I know you get like 70 something just from killing the ender dragon but 100 yeah the test is we're gonna remove entity crabs so we can hit a hundred zombies all at the same time using a sweeping edge and a couple other enchantments look at this guy that was the game roller you do that in your game and you can suddenly have all mobs in one single spot and your mana crab world now check this out we're all gonna need a sweeping sword to kill all the zombies at what so we got sweeping sword or sweeping edge with some smite uh-huh and finally a function which summons in 50 zombies when activated so you do this it's gonna cause a bunch of zombies to fall on into place these zombies will die in one hit and will not move press this to reset the experience so we're going into game-mode 0 so you all can see but I currently have seven experience levels but now we're gonna do XP - 10 L we don't have any experience whatsoever I guess we could've just press this to reset it as well that's okay so time to summon a and 50 zombies in one single location I'm not attacking you ready Oh check it out so many experience well I like a whole lot of you Wow I even notice there's so many experience balls oh my goodness it feels so nice it's good but how many lovely gonna get from that huh well I'm gonna let this thing do its rocky we got two oh there's a couple more hanging out okay so we've got 13 levels as you can see from killing 50 zombies wait level 13 easily special mean it should only take about 500 Ami's right you know cuz 513 you get about a hun well no because each level is more drill to get to the last one that's right every level is a little harder to get level forward hard to get level level fives hard to get level 4 level 6 how to get level 5 etc etc set a time to reset the experience once again and try again let's try function which summons 400 zombies in hold on I want to clear my inventory so we can see exactly what we get from killing four hundred zombies at once yes check it out it's four out of here I'm gonna kill you y'all bad now wow oh my gosh the lag oh my gosh what the heck is happening and look the levels are just slowly adding themselves this is really bad I'm like so bad right now wow I'm like trying to like look around in game and my poor character's head is just tilting all over the place you know this is crazy I'm gonna go ahead and let it stop lagging quite as much and we'll go ahead and see what the levels look like it a little bit actually listen to it listen it sounds like fun little like Annabelle uh-huh y'all hate me yet there we go starting to move in a human being speed now still a little bit more than I was experimental I mean Ian's right here they can't even reach me the too busy all trying to absorb into me that some of them are like left behind look at those guys but like Oh Tyler don't leave we love you I love you guys too but even about that much we're gonna slowly make our way to the next sign so you can see that according to the next side oh he almost passed it right here we are gonna get 400 zombies to get us all the way to level 34 that's barely enough to afford a max level in chat in fact you'd only get too out of it to be honest cuz 34 take you to 31 and then 31 brings you down to 28 once you use it but look we're still getting these levels by the way like there's so many there's so many how funny uh-huh barely enough to afford a room as a chairman right well that's a little random it's kind of scary just a whole bunch of drag hey don't get lost stupid spirits getting stuck on farm Lander path Flanders now since blades get twice which means we use them instead to stone in 400 blazes might be faster good experience that way instead as you can see though we just wrapped up her experience and we got just a little halfway over level 34 time to clear the experience once again got 400 blaze right here and I'm gonna kill them dead oh yeah and this is moving a lot faster I assume it has a lot less like I get what's the word I'm looking for particles to deal with now I'll save you the trouble we're gonna skip the rest of this part where it's all collecting it so we just past the point where the zombies got us the rest of this is extra compared to the blaze but if you guys do not recall remember each level is harder to get than the next level so even though we already got to the halfway point which is level 34 we're probably not gonna get to level 68 in fact killing 400 blaze is unfortunately only gets us a little bit shy of level 45 that's level 44 save you the trouble and tell you that it's gonna take 31,000 experience to reach level 100 if you were wondering one zombie drops five experience so in theory you need to kill 6,200 zombies to reach level 100 it's a lot of zombies really in fact it's so strong that we're not gonna do it the Enderdragon driver drops 12,000 experience when killed so take a little over three fresh andrew dragons to get to level 100 that's right even though you kill the Ender Dragon you get to level 78 you still need to kill two more to get the experience from 78 to 100 it's kind of absurd can I kill you mr. Adam come on man none of them want to die for my pleasure oh yeah by the way here's what we get from 400 zombies we got a grand total of five stacks of rotten flesh almost six stacks rotten flesh from four ablaze Roger we got almost three stacks of blazer or blaze but final bit of science kind of it's a little bit of nylon one how many snow globes to take the fight off 50 zombies it'll never be more than 50 hostile mobs in the world that's just how minecraft games spawning works once you hit 50 hostile mobs they stop spawning in you no additional hostile mobs now with that in mind it beats you know how many snow golems you'll need to protect yourself from these hostile creatures so we got a nice little Rina setup over here we're gonna pretend that the cobblestone wall right on that side over there is protecting a village command block will summon 50 default mobs enough snow for 64 golems to stack snow one stack of pumpkin you see right they can they protect the village I guess we'll find out won't we now I already tried doing this experiment once before and I made a terrible mistake namely there was two layers of these snow golems right so they started attacking each other because the snow golems are trying to shoot snowballs through the ones in front of them it just wasn't working out real nice so here's what you're gonna do instead seven and sixty four of these mobs now I'm gonna go into game-mode 0 so they can all see me come on down puppy come on down now and with any luck we'll start to see the snow goal yeah the snow golems are going in although everyone's mad at me oh boy look at this oh yes this is good out yo stupid I have it fire all right we gotta get back fat where am I Oh No where did it go well it looks like it didn't matter that we didn't do all the snowmen last time they all still died pretty quickly anyway so instead we're gonna just place them all blend with eye things check it out here's how we're gonna attract our friends when a spawn and a villager so that I don't have to be the one that dies villager yes come closer we won't spawn in a couple more of our boys as well you press that get it going that's perfect what's with the spiders your spiders move a little bit what you are you seen these spiders we're home I bought a little spawn anyways it looks like everything is erupted in sheer havoc here and all the snowmen are fighting each other instead of doing anything uh they're all well you guys are cool with just two theories slash questions for today's science video right now well too bad you gotta be hey that's my friends if you learn anything well I'm surprised but if you did leave a like and like I said subscribe and hit that Bell be notified of ever seen my cavity right as it comes out whether it be farmland failed experience or was that third one we did oh yeah experience levels you now are now Lauren now I've seen the video bye
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,754,966
Rating: 4.5951977 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, secrets, secret, science, the science, minecraft science, farm, farming, minecraft farm, xp, experience, water, block, build, how, how to, game theorists, no swearing, new, funny, dragon, mobs, mob, minecraft mob, ender dragon, minecraft ender dragon, logdotzip,, minecraft logdotzip, logdotzip minecraft, 1.13, minecraft 1.13
Id: xJT8iPLpYnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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