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this Ferrari hasn't been on the road in over 11 years and after I bought it I found out the exact reason why and with that reason it could mean the deal I got on this may not be as good as a first thought now I know you just like me enjoy a bargain especially when it comes to cars and as petrol heads try and find the best car we can get for as little money as possible which is quite hard when it comes to a Ferrari for a decent Ferrari F430 you're looking to pay above £70,000 but there's something special about the one that I bought it's a manual a manuals are like unicorns in fact I can only see one for sale in the whole of the UK and it's nearly £100,000 but I managed to get this for way cheaper than that but there's a catch the lads have come for delivery special delivery service of a pristine condition Ferrari F430 oh wow I previously bought a mercial Oro from a track experience company and let's face it I was kind of scammed what on Earth has happened to this car but recently I found out they was selling this Ferrari so why would I go back to a place to buy a car where I was previously scammed well I didn't somebody else did so so the window was down so we had to like do dri here to hold the window up so everything would F out oh my God it's a real no way so we were assured assured that everything is complete there's the whole everything for the cars here so it's a complete car yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah thanks for the work guys with my relationship with the track experience Place being not so great Freddy Scott and Sam went down there to check some cars out without me me um it's gated and it's got the gate I don't know where the knob is though and this time with Sam doing the negotiating he got himself a deal I bought this one you bought that I bought that so technically Sam bought the car but then delivered it and sold it straight to me delivering another quality car so this is a Ferrari 430 which should have a 4.3 V8 here not here apparently engine went uh went bang and then there was a transmission that went on another car so they stole the transmission for another car then the transmission got stripped to be rebuilt and then no one put it back together so a lemon of a car like most of the cars I bu really but I still think at the price we got it at it was a deal for once we've actually got a car that Hann likes I do like it and so that means you can have the the Ferrari quite so as you probably know by now this car well it does have an engine it's just in bits hey that's my house yeah sound very good everywhere one of the mechanics could go says please do so after the deci Ed not to put this car back together I think due to all the stickers on it sat inside a shopping center a shopping mall if you're American and on display to advertise the track exper oh to advertise the track experience company we've got Valves and to make it look legit right now the car sits really high at the back because there is no engine or there's no a full engine in the back and there's a piece of wood right at the bottom here can you see that there and from what I've been told that wood was put there and there was loads of sandbags put in the back to make it look like it had an engine in like weighed it down so when it sat in the shopping mall it looked like a nice Ferrari which people could come and look at now we've got to save it but first we've got to work out what's worth saving is any of this stuff that came with a car even possible to put back together I'm guessing this is an oil cooler nice okay I found the gear box here's part of it there was so much stuff in so many different boxes my dad seemed to find it hilarious a lot of this stuff I don't even know what it's for and it wasn't long until we found somebody else's tools we because there's some mol is holding some here what the hell is that I think the mole grips which Rel left there are clamping the hose for the clutch fluid to stop it pouring out anywhere but hey I'm not turning down some free mle grips make a good table out of that the registration is mx05 hcd let's check this out the last no mileage in 2011 was 31,0 65 mil and that was in 2011 so how many more miles has it done since that mileage record if it actually has done that low mileage this car is going to be worth a lot more than I paid for it once I finished it do that me we have a light we got a light look at the oil pressures mileage mileage mileage 32,000 338 the car has done 1,00 ,200 mil after 2011 and then ended up like this how is that ended up like this so the guys didn't lie about what mileage this car had done but how the hell is a Ferrari with this low mileage ended up in this state got any door wait 2,642 seconds oh no someone locked it that's locked is it it is locked yeah oh no oh my God there is so much to do on this car and I guess this is where the realization of what I've just bought has settled in I've never owned driven or even sat in a Ferrari and now I've got to rebuild one there's a few things before we get onto that what have we figured out on here so this bumper is all smashed up on the front and as this car was like a a display car sat inside a shopping center or a shopping mall there's no way they sat it inside the shopping mall on display with a broken bumper so they've definitely that there's been another Ferrari on track which they've nicked the bumper off and put this crash one on there definitely and then the same with the rear bumper like this rear bumper is not even the right color there's no way they put that on display so I reckon they've kind of almost used this as a parts car which also explains why I mean like oh jeez there's no window regulator in here that's probably been taken out for another car no door handles on the other side there's not even any wiper linkage on there so I reckon it's sat there and it's been used as a parts car which is unfortunate but there's one thing missing here which I think tells the story on why this engine is in bits the actual cylinders that one do you think that one's scored yeah oh yeah that one is scored you can feel it so all these cylinders are meant to be smooth this is what the Piston goes up and down in in and the Rings are meant to create a nice seal as they're going up and this is scored so it's going to let stuff through it but I don't think that is why this engine is out the bottom of the block looks okay but what you can see is on the bearings they've got this copper kind of look to them so they've got really hot and wore away the bearings which shows that potentially there was no oil getting to them pretty much everything that rotates on a car requires a bearing and the crankshaft is no different and bearings need oil oil is fed to the crankshaft bearings through oil journals basically little holes in the crankshaft and this creates a microscopic layer of oil between the bearing and the crankshaft to keep it moving and if the oil flow stops then bearing wear like this can happen causing catastrophic engine failure so one thing that we've noticed or not noticed there's no no oil pump here uh and the oil pump and the water pump on this car after looking doing a bit of research is one complete thing if the water pump failed then the oil pump could have failed and that could have caused the oil starvation and that's why the engine could be a part maybe I don't I don't know now you've seen all that we've got with the car let me tell you the price from rebuilding Audi TTS in a restaurant car park I never thought it would lead to this moment where I'm putting Ferrari F430 on the board that I bought for £60,000 which may sound steep for what I've got with it but there was a savior and a reason on why we pulled the trigger on this Sam told me about this car when we was out in America fixing the GT3 and I knew the exact state it was in and from my previous experience I knew it was unlikely that the whole engine was going to be there which almost stopped me from buying it but then I showed the pictures to Freddy and what are the chances he actually had a spare engine in his Workshop will we get we won't get this on a flight back will we how can I buy this off you oh I'll give it to you if you want you give it to me yeah I'll give it to you let's do that let's do that and we got an engine do you do have a gearbox I don't no with Freddy giving us an engine all we had to do is work out how to get it back to the UK so he boxed it up I don't I don't put any warranties on that engine I have not opened it up so you know buyer you know you get what you pay for you get what you pay for all done and ready to ship to the UK so now I'm feeling pretty confident because not only have we got a Ferrari at a half d decent price we've got an engine as well it's only y made it 800 quiz hey and here is the F430 engine all the way from Florida to the UK but there is one catch with this engine this way no Freddy scamers two broken engines but at least one's in almost one piece this seems like the impossible rebuild but for £60,000 with a free engine from Freddy this could work out perfectly depending on how bad this engine is damaged so one engine which is seized and another engine which is in pieces if we can find out why this engine is seized we might have a good chance on building one good engine out of two bad ones if we manag to rebuild this engine and actually get it running we should be Italian [Music] mechanics safety oh yesuv approved let's find out what exactly is wrong with Freddy's engine it doesn't turn over and it seems locked out so we're going to start from the top of the engine and work our way down first off is the rocker covers it didn't reveal much there so now we're taking the cover for the chain off so this it's either really clean or brand new oh no oh that stinks there's water in this engine I don't know how close it got to the P1 at fredd is but it it stinks could this engine be flooded but it doesn't make sense this all looks new it looks like it's had new tensioners new chain and everything looks new that it's like a smaller version of the mercial Aro oil pump on the bottom here then you've got like a balance shaft then go into the two cam shafts at the top two cam shafts at the top it is literally a almost like a carbon copy but a smaller version of the merci Argo engine I think we could do this providing we can work out what's actually wrong with this engine but the good news all this looks new do we trust it I don't know before we went any further I got the camera down some of the spark plug holes to see if there was anything unusual down there but it didn't really reveal much we couldn't see anything obvious which now left us with no choice but to start stripping apart the engine even further now we're going to take the chains off these are what keep the engine in time making sure the valves open and close at the right time and they don't get hit by the Pistons once the chains were loose we could then remove the cam shafts from the top of the engine this then revealed the head bols big 12 mil Allen keys to get the head bolts out and of course that was The Next [Music] Step Go Up Lift It Off but everything looked okay diesel in it which my dad put in yeah sleeves look good they didn't look like there was any damage there yes the Pistons and everything weren't brand new but nothing looked damaged and that goes for the other side as well so why is it Ser turn over now yeah I trying and turn it now will it turn no solid Freddy's still scammed us we're coming for you Freddy so the problem must be on the underside of the engine so now we've got to strip the oil pump and the water pump off it and investigate [Music] further we've took all of this apart and the cranks still won't move we think a piston is seized in here for some unknown reason um possibly these two here but it's a bit wet like it is wet in here so I don't know like where the water's got in and it seized it up the rest of the engine does actually look all right I mean these bearings they're not brand new but they're not bad but as I started to take the conrods off the crank I noticed something unusual is that bent that's bent oh yeah it's so water up and it's bent in it found it maybe this was a flooded engine because check it out this conrod is bent look at the banana you can see how bent it are bent it is it's locked up the engine the rest are all straight when a piston is going up and down the cylinder it's compressing air but when water Finds Its way in there it struggles to compress it so as the Piston Rises to the top it's the case of who's the weakest link and that's usually the con Rod which would leave it looking bent like this that's quite good news actually then because we've got some Conrads over there we've got a bent comrod and now two engines in absolute pieces maybe Freddy didn't [Laughter] scammers and that is what happens when you try and compress a fluid somebody is going to lose and the conrod is lost badly there let me explain the bumper situation in fact Hannah's going to explain the bumper situation this is not the bumper that should be on a F430 this is a scoter rear bumper which is a little bit more expensive in fact a lot more expensive than a 430 bumper how much is one of these bumpers the bumper alone £ 3,245 20 not only that this thing here how much is that 2,263 72p a 72p this is like over £5,000 worth of bumper and it's got self Tapper screws in it it's absolutely battered safe to say I don't think we're going to be replacing it with a scooteria bumper we're going to have to look elsewhere it's salvageable now the rear bumper I don't think it's actually original but it is a 430 bumper but how much is one of them 3,101 and the diffuser which is missing which is what we're going to need to buy is how much oh wait how how much is it the diffuser is 3,11 the bumper is £ 4,480 the carbon one £ 8,4 oh my so we're not having a carbon diffuser okay we definitely got to find maybe some secondhand parts I don't know I'm not sure that's supposed to be in here oh is it off well the bumper is off yay now seeing as this car hasn't been on the road in over 11 years it's gathered a lot of dust so I thought it's only right that we cleaned it which made me notice a few strange things gray gray and then on on this side silver and silver nice and now it's time we remove any evidence of it ever being a track Experience car although I think its life on track was shortlived as the Body Works looking pretty good for an next trap car how good has this turned out it's starting to look promising for a 2005 car the paint looks really good bearing in mind it's been Absolut battered around the track it's all life we've got a little like I don't know whether it's peel or like I don't know if it's rust cuz I think these are aluminium so I don't that's just that's a problem apparently on the F 430s it's common for the lights to wobble there's no exception on my one because no Mees it's so sticky it leaves fingerprints in it but the time that it did spend on track took its to on the interior especially as it was left to sit there for a long time according to Google only around 1,500 manual F 430s were ever made which makes this one pretty special first out is the seats four bolts holding them in and one seat belt which is connected to them then we can start attacking the carpet and whilst my dad was working on the front of the car he found something missing What's missing well you see that hole under there look that's supposed to have they clutch master oh wow wow the master cylinder is why would they take another master cylinder unless there was another manual the clutch master cylinder is attached to the clutch pedal and its job when you push down the clutch pedal is to push hydraulic fluid through the clutch system allowing you to release the clutch finding a secondhand master cylinder on one of these could be pretty pretty hard and brand new you're looking at around £332 cheers guys thank you thank you so it's beyond me why that Master cylinder's missing but we'll worry about that later for now I'm cracking on with getting this interior back to how it should be it's not a full detail but the interior has been absolutely transformed by about an hour worth of cleaning it's definitely making me feel a little bit more conf about my [Music] purchase okay we have got Freddy's engine which he currently donated to us which has a bent comrad one bent Conrad and then we also have the original engine block here we've got to make a decision now on what block we're going to use because we've got to build up an engine for this Ferrari bad news about the original block is in some of the cylinders you might find it hard to see here they are scored now these sleeves you can actually replace them but in Freddy's block these cylinders are all good so I think we're going to use this block yeah now I know the Ferrari Fanatics are probably not going to likee that I'm not using the original block but for now this is the most cost effective option so let's start stripping this one and we've got a lovely new parts cleaner thanks Moto whil Hannah is on the cleaning Jor me and my dad are trying to work out how this engine was assembled before we take this engine apart we're just taking note on how it was put together providing it was put together actually properly but if you look at the bottom of the rods here that's marked with a Y and then a number and then on this side it's marked with an X and a number then again it goes to y and a number and x and a number so it constantly goes y x the last cylinder this one it went with a Y on this side but the one that's actually bent is also a y marked conrod as we couldn't really see any pattern between the x com rods and the Y com rods and it's also really difficult to find any information on this engine online which you'll find is a problem later in the video I can only think of one person I could turn to we're trying to work out these conrods because they're all marked weirdly like so some have X on and some have y on so if it's on the if it's on the bottom of the cap facing you when you flip the engine upside down I'm sure that's a batching number to be honest mate unless you want to balance the rotating assembly I wouldn't really worry too much cuz I'm pretty confident we get it on the Audi's as well where they're like a batching code so you can look at it and you can go oh all the X's are like a certain weight but it doesn't really matter too much as long as your codes on the side of the rod match so so as long as airine M You' be mint we have two crankshafts one out of Freddy's engine and one out of the original engine we need to make sure one of them is at least good the crankshaft is a huge part right near the bottom of the engine the explosion from the combustion pushes the piston and the comrod down which makes the crankshaft rotate now as we had a bent comrod on our engine which seized the engine up we want to make sure that that's caused no damage to the actual crankshaft because this part of the crankshaft is where the bearing sits and if it's damaged here it might not be getting the right oil feed or have the right clearances which would cause engine failure all over again now what I'm doing now with micrometer is measuring one side of the crankshaft then the other side making sure it's all even and I'm doing this in two places for each part of the crankshaft where the bearing sits all the engineer people are going to say this is not a exact measurement but no but we we think it's pretty good it's the best we can do with the kit we've got basically um I'm confident with this one uh let me show you what I think a bad crank looks like this is goes straight over that and I assume look at that I don't even have to adjust them M promise lot doesn't go over that straight over that I mean I don't think I'll be putting that one in there there's visual like scores in that one but we we're struggling to get to see any difference in any of that crank we're going to say that one is good this one for the bin now the engine is pretty much completely stripped so we're going to clean it all up in the parts washer before we can build it all back up again but to move forward from this point we're going to need some parts and there's only one place I could think of where we could get parts fast [Music] going to come here and hopefully leave with loads of Ferrari parts let's get shopping we've took a trip to your Ros fairs which have a load of new and used Ferrari Parts their warehouse is absolutely massive they even have full complete engines for sale so we made sure to take a lot of photos of how the engine was assembled whilst it was on the rack in there but we didn't come for an engine one red bumper one orange bumper and a bunch of stuff which should help us build up the Ferrari engine when we get back I don't know how much for but we spent a lot now there's loads of Parts on this Ferrari that we can cross reference to different cars and we can save a lot of money by doing that but there's some parts like the bumpers and a lot of the seals and bearings which aren't cross reference so they're the bits that we're buying today and the total amount of parts we have here it didn't look like much but it's fittting into a Range Rover the 13, 887 48p which means we are now £ 73,8 187 48p into the 430 but we should have enough now to put this thing back together most of it really but we'll find out one very expensive trip later and we're back and now we can start building up the engine I think what we're going to start with are the two cylinder heads with this being a V8 there's two cylinder heads four Pistons each side here's one cylinder head and here's the other this one's upside down but you can see here the exhaust Valves and then the inlet valves on this side here these are going to open and close to let air in and to let all the waste out but to make sure we're going to get the most power out of the engine these have got to sit perfectly flat against the top of the head and to make make sure that we do so we got to take them all out and these are held in here with little springs and the these collets on the top of the valve but we'll take them out and we'll go from there let's do it to take them out my dad's going to use this sort of clamp which squashes the valve springs down and then once the valve springs are squashed down it can get a magnet to remove the collets which hold the valve spring onto the valves once the collets are removed we can release the clamp and then remove the valve spring which will give us access to the valve and this part right at the bottom we want that to be super clean so it sits nicely in the valve seats my dad's got a lot to get through so whilst he was doing that I put the Ferrari in the lift to inspect the underneath of it found something else uh I just noticed there's a bolt in there and a bolt in there like these brackets which are like mounted to the chassis and then on this side there's no bolt here or here so the radiator is just completely three to so we're missing some kind of bracket on the top and the bottom there well fantastic now before I bought this car I checked it out on car vertical and everything seems all good there's no records of it ever being in an accident there's no outstanding Finance there's no mileage roll backs and it's never been recorded as stolen but as this car was a track Experience car for most of its life it's unlikely that a crash would have ever been recorded so I'm going to take a look over it and see if if there's any signs of one we're actually doing all right here so underneath here it looks like the standard suspension is adjustable coil over so we can adjust the ride height up and down it's also like looks like it's adaptive so maybe it's got a some kind of adaptive suspension to harden and soften it when you're in different modes everything here looks pretty good for a 2005 car anything on this side this side looks fine and that side looks fine let's have a look underneath right underneath I'm guessing this is all part of a rear diffuser I all them look at all these bolts they didn't want this falling off 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 no like a small scratch there but nothing really that bad oh a little bit of a corner missing there but yeah with the valves now out of the cylinder head we now have another job the valve seals the seal sits on the valve here and stops any oil from getting on top of the valve or inside the combustion chamber normally when the oil's on the on the springs and everything at night and then it runs down it run down the stem of the valve yeah you run down the stem of the valve past the seal and then goes rests on top of your piston so when you start up in the morning it smokes like smokes a lot and they're in every single one and that's exactly what will happen if we have bad valve seals we'll get a lot of smoke on Startup in the mornings or really bad ones could just smoke all the time but before we put new seals in we've got to clean up the valves next step now that they're clean we got to make sure they mate nicely on the surface around here so we use this pace which is like kind of like grinding paste almost and that's going to go in the seat slide it in and we're going to grind it yeah yeah you see how that's all nice and clean if you look at this one there's a good one that's not very good oh yeah and that's all dir yeah can you see how that the seat now it's and shin clean ah yeah all the power right 32 to go well 31 now my dad and myself cracked on with grinding the rest of the valves in place before moving on to the next step okay valves are clean seated in all we got to do now we're going to keep the same Springs on there but we need to change the valve seals we got this full seal [Music] kit these are the new valve seals and as a mentioned they're pretty vital to replace when doing an engine build like this my dad's using a socket to push the oil seal in place and once the seal is sat in place like that we can then push the valve in from underneath and it should fit nice and snug then it's time for both the valve springs to sit on top of the valve and we've got to compress this all to put the collet in place now we saw a video on Tik Tok of a guy doing some kind of hack to get the colet in place using a socket and a piece of plastic and we were dying to see whether that actually worked because if it did it would save a lot of his time fiddling around with the collets collets are in okay okay plastic bag and this is a good idea this clamp yeah go and squeeze it oh no oh no it's going to launch it's going to launch we failed on our first attempt but on the second yes hey did it go did it work work yeah once we sus the hack out we were moving quick time putting all the valves the springs and the collets back on each one there we go every valve spring is in that head is just about ready but we need to test it to make sure a valve well all them are actually properly in because if the valve opens and it then drops it into the cylinder it could be drastic and we don't want to do that so uh we're going to test him now by just knocking the valve down to open it and making sure everything stays in place is this how fori would do it [Laughter] [Music] yeah one cylinder head ready for the engine um we just got to do that one now with this cylinder head complete we can then turn our attention to the actual engine block and one thing we need to do before we reassemble it is make sure the cylinder sleeves are nice and smooth at the minute you can see there's a lot of scratches and grooves in there but nothing that can't be fixed and to sort these out we need to rub a bit of oil in the sleeve and then my dad's going to use this tool to hone out the [Music] cylinder and there we have one smooth cylinder sleeve just another seven to [Music] go all of the sleeves are nice and smooth this engine is effectively ready to build back up let's go it's actually a sticker gasket then and you think it sticks on this bit Yeah well you think it does next gasket does that have a stick no stickers on that one or is it beep oh yeah beep we're in a predicament I've just ordered a workshop manual for the Ferrari engine which is also a maera engine but it only shows you TOR specs and workshop procedures for serviceable items so things like clutches thermostats auxiliary belts nothing as big as this and we've since found out that Ferrari don't give out Tor specs or repair procedures for jobs as big as this because it's supposed to be done by Ferrari and not just a bloke in a garage in Leicester so if you're a Ferrari technician then the comment section is open for you we need your help because I'm not sure Ferrari are going to help us although we're trying to put one of their cars back on the road and our next step is to do the Piston Ring Gap we've Tau this to our as spec it's just tight okay and but the next thing is to do all the Piston Ring gaps that's what we've got to do next but we can't do that one without the piston ring specs and two without the piston rings they haven't arrived yet so we're stuck how can you order those items yeah for a big strip down if they can't give you the specs to tighten them up that is actually quite true how yeah how in the UK they can sell you structural parts for a Porsche but they can't tell you how to fit them so Ferrari must be able to sell you Parts but then they've got a fit them yeah it doesn't make it it doesn't make any sense thanks to you guys I've managed to get my hands on a workshop manual but it is for a Maserati but this Maserati engine is also used in the 430 because the Italians like to share and later in the video we find that the French also like to share with the Italians as well the cylinders are now ready for the pist pons but before we do that we need to change the piston rings there's three of them on this piston the lower piston ring is called the oil ring which stops oil getting into the combustion chamber and then the top two piston rings are used for compression to keep a nice tight seal in the combustion chamber and if those were worn out then you'd lose a lot of power and you'd definitely be burning a lot of oil first my dad's using an old piston ring to clean up the recesses of where the new piston rings will go then before we fit the ring into the Piston we're going to slide the ring in the cylinder now you'll notice a little Gap in the piston ring this is called piston ring Gap and this has to be a specific size if the Gap is too big as I mentioned you'll burn a lot of oil and we won't have the right compression if the Gap is too small then when the engine heats up the Piston Ring will expand and it'll have nowhere to go but to score up the inside of the cylinder sleeve our piston ring Gap is all good so now we loading up the piston rings into the piston and now that they're in the Piston we can begin to put them finally in the cylinders this special bit of Kit squashes the Rings into the piston and then we can knock the Piston into the cylinder and we've just got to do that seven more times way oh it's well heavier now I told you it's heavier old Dad we're moving we're moving and now it's time for the bottom end bearings the funny thing about these bottom end bearings is that they make different ones depending on the engine they've all got different sizes different tolerances the only thing we could do is look at the part number on the old ones and match them up easy as that but fairly simple to go in the Big M bearings slide in at the bottom of the conrod wow wow wow and once they're in the bottom of the conrod it's time for the main bearings these bearings are what the crankshaft rotates on we have an issue and we don't think it could be solved so if this if the engine goes bang and it's because of this reason it's not our fault okay so check out these bearings here the main bearings they slide from left to right which doesn't look right because then it's covering over the sort of oil Gallery there like it if that covers over then the oil is not going to get through onto there but on the old bearings which you can see here they've got a tab on the top here big one to stop it from sliding left to right but on the new ones they've got only a small tab compared to the old bearings so this is going to be a little bit more serious than we first thought and confusing if you go on the website here uh you can see that the bearing that we're after is 1 19 5 307 which is also used in the Maserati engines but if you click on the Maserati one the part number has now superceded so it's changed to 286 832 which is the bearing that we've got but if you click on the Ferrari one there's no supercession to that part number the part number has stayed the same which in our heads doesn't make any sense because why would they change it for one engine and not the other when the engines are exactly the same well they might be exactly the same exactly the same in my opinion now we didn't want to run the risk of ruining the engine because one of these bearings have slid over and covered an oil Gallery so instead we went back and ordered the original part number from Ferrari with the bigger tab on it we have got well I've ordered the correct part number from Marinello Parts it's come next day yeah and it's got the big tab on we're going to put these in I don't know why for Maserati have superseded their one but we're going to ignore that and we're going to put these in at least now we can have some peace of mind that we're putting in the same part number as what came out of the engine and was they were in it's time for the crank shaft to go in what you doing now Tony there we are I don't know and it's back onto the other half of the Big M bearings which slide into the Conrad cap and then the Conrad cap meets the the rest of the Conrad with some new bolts going in there making sure to match the numbers on the Conrad cap to the Conrad is it beeping yet can you not hear that really oh God I'm in charge of talking everything up because my dad can't hear the beep of the Tor wrench and the Conrad bolts have a torque setting and then an angle you have to turn them to oh yeah I could use that one could we that yeah and once I've talked all the Conrad bolts up it's time to prep the crank case so the other half of it can join together it says in the manual to run a bead of flange sealant across the crank casing before it meets so that's exactly what we're doing and with the main bearings installed on the other half of the crank case we can now slide it together that's why we needed the manual because the even these washers are machined on one side so they have one way of going on and we just whacked them all on so I'm going to put it all on now the right way all of these stages are super vital one mistake here could mean the whole engine would have to come back out again and stripped completely apart I'm adding all new seals into the oil pump and the water pump which is built as one and it's now joined back together it's all together it's looking good we've got a new rear main seal to go in which my dad's about to put in go on yeah no okay next on is the cylinder heads right and left but to time this engine up we need to know top dead center of cylinder number one which is this cylinder here top dead sentor being when the Piston is at the highest point and then the time the engine up based on that now to find this we've got a DTI gauge here and we're going to turn the crank over and make sure we get this absolutely bang on TDC the engine's going to have a little bit of float which means the Piston is going to be at the top even when we're turning it sometimes so we got to make sure we're bang on that so this is how we're going to do it first my dad's going to turn the engine clockwise and once this piston gets to the highest point it will give me the highest reading on the DCI gauge I'm then going to mark it on our contraption that we've built here on the flywheel side then my dad's going to go back turn the engine anticlockwise and as soon as it hits that same reading as before I'm going to make another mark on our Contraption the top dead center will be between those two marks which are done with a really thick pen I've not helped myself but there's not much float in the engine so so boom time for the cylinder heads of course you can't put the cylinder heads on without the head gasket so on goes a brand new head gasket both sides I put the washers onto a screwdriver first which helps me slide the washer over the stud and I do the same for the nuts as well two heads on head bolts on or head nuts on you know it's serious when the glass is out now the procedure to tarting the Head nuts is 60 new M and once that's done you then go back and turn them an extra 90° and this has to be done from the middle working outwards and it is really important that we get this right that extra 90° on the 60 newon M of torque made these head bolts pretty tight after that I can then put in the valve lifters I hope all of you guys watching and managing to follow along because this is as hard for me to explain as it is for me to do this is the second engine of ever rebuil and now with the cylinder heads and the cam shafts on we could begin to start thinking about the timing of the engine we've got it wrong so we thought piston number one was here then it worked all the way down but we read the manual upside down um and piston number one is all the way over here which means we've got the timing for the top dead center thing wrong so if we got that wrong and then we timed it up it wouldn't have worked and it would have broke the engine so now we're going to have to do piston number one which is here work out what top dead center is on there so when the Piston's right at the top and Mark it here then we can begin timing the whole engine okay two steps forward one step back so we're doing the same procedure as before but this time the cylinder heads are on and once we found top dead center we can now start adding all the chains which keeps the bottom half of the engine in time with the top half of the engine you can see we're using a photo that I took before we took it apart to put this thing back together just pure genius this is a nightmare there's a really complicated way of how to time this engine and if I try and explain it I'll lose myself but in the most simple terms we've got to keep this piston at top dead center and then if you just come around here the cams here there's a little dot on the cam there and a little dot on the cam there they've got to align these dots have got to align with these little grooves here both sides as well and the way you adjust this top so you want too these bolts here you want too these bolts and that alert allows you to turn the cam without moving the chain and the whole engine this this is so vital because this controls when the valves open to let Fuel and Air in and to let the exhaust gases out and if they open and close at the wrong time they could be hitting into the Piston so we've got to make sure that this is absolutely spot on okay if we've done this right we it should turn over now so let's check it all still stays in the right place so we should be coming up now okay keep coming slow slow keep going yeah yeah that's on that's on that's on that's on we're on and we're timed up and it works it actually spins can I go home now vital stag is done and it's on to the final pieces I'm about to put on the chain cover I've put in a new seal on it I've run a line of sealant around the edge and a new gasket on it as well and I can knock it onto the side of the engine there's then two cam variator sensors which sit inside the head and after that I can put on The Rocker cover with a new gasket as well of course I'm happy with that I can't put the other rocker cover on yet because we're missing a sensor over here but for a nonprofessional and someone who was building cars in a restaurant Car Park 4 years ago to put a Ferrari engine back together and now it actually turns over it's a pretty s solid achievement I think but now it's going to get a little harder and of course we have an issue with a gearbox but let me take it back inside here is the remains of the manual gearbox the original manual gearbox and let's be honest unless you're Rainman this is not getting repaired like I just can't we don't know if there's going to be missing parts out of this we have no d diagrams out of this we've got all the gears the selectors the shafts I mean I have no experience with rebuilding gear boxes do you a bit but not when they're in that state no so we we're willing to accept defeat on this until we saw the price of a gearbox from Ferrari it's expensive in my opinion it's expensive a brand new gearbox after vat would cost you over £30,000 so buying one of them was out of the question so second hand you're looking at £15,000 for a gearbox and they're have an automatic one of course we've got a gated manual box but then we figured out that the gearbox that from the automatic and the manual are exactly the same the only difference is the shifter well we hope they're exactly the same so I managed to get a secondhand gearbox for £4,000 but there's an issue here it is it's came off a fire Dam damage Ferrari in Poland and there's a hole in the side we're hoping it hasn't caused any damage to the inside of it but this is the mechanism for the F1 gearbox the automatic one it automatically selects the gears with hydraulic shifters I think if we take this part off and of course the broken part off we can make this into a manual box and we would have a manual box for £4,000 providing there's no damage here buying this box was a bit of a risk but so was buying the car and some risks pay off and others don't I'm just hoping that this risk does I hope there's no more damage inside that gearbox doesn't look bad from oh that's been in water has it well how did it get rusty cuz it's been in water oh oh maybe it isn't good oh it's a Titanic the inside of the gearbox for some reason looked really wet and not with oil with water so we had no choice but to start stripping this one apart to check for damage o the bearing melted oh my god well it's a good job we took it apart look at the bearing Oh my days so the fire has gone in there and caused destruction absolute perished do you think the oil set on fire that was in the gearbox oh oh it could have because look it's all black in here isn't it ah Max Facts which ain't good news not at all is it really not when you're trying to build a gearo fire did these even turn yeah like that all those bearings in here could look like that I think that was the car got it off that does not look good no no do you know when you're on eBay and you're looking for for a gear boox and you s that yeah well it's 4 grand as opposed to 15 yeah it's 4 grand for a reason so [Applause] now thank you so now thank you so now we have well two bad gear boxes really and I don't even know where we're going to start or even finish with this got to order loads of bearings for this as I've got to order a lot of parts for the engine but before I carry on with this I mentioned at the start of the video that the French like to share with the Italian and I'm about to find out whether that's true or not when I picked up the Ferrari it was missing a window regulator and there was only a block of wood holding the window up which was bad news the good news was we have a regulator on this side and the other good news news is that we found the window regulator but it's just missing a motor and we' have taken off the motor of this window regulator as you can see here and just checked the part numbers on the back and it's a Bosch motor for a brand new window motor for the Ferrari is £178 and the cheapest one I could find second hand was £10 and that's the wrong side but I copied the part number into eBay and then found out that that motor could be used on a well-known French car in my opinion called a perso 406 and here we have the motor of the French car which there is some slight differences but generally it looks pretty oh in fact that one is a little bit longer it may work it may not work the connections are slightly different but they're only a two pin connection and a two pin connection so we could make that one work but this one could possibly work it's not exactly the same but it could work so this is where things get a little bit hard like everything we've put on now was how we found the engine so we've took it apart and we've put it back together but everything from now on is stuff that we've not experienced before and we're just going off diagrams we're just trying to work out what goes in here and then the inlet manifold fold goes on it but for now I think let's just carry on building up what we can in this middle section here in the last video we managed to rebuild the full Ferrari engine without any experience with Ferrari engines before we're on and we're timed up and it works it actually spins which left us at this point here but there's still a lot of vital parts to go on we've got the nox sensors which sit in the middle of the engine and two oil coolers and on top of that that a bracket which holds a lot of things down but we're just going off photos here and we're hoping we're right I think the next step to go on we can get all the ancillaries on because this engine sits the way it sits in the car now so when you all the ancillaries and the belt and everything is all at the front of the engine so if we put the engine in and then try and put the ancillaries on it's you're just not going to get to it because it's at the very front of the car rather than than being at the back lot the mercio so I think next step is to try and fit alternator and everything like that let's try it first thing is ah oh kneed on that power steering pump okay we're going to have to remove a bolt from the chain cover to hold the power steering pump in place and I guess we're going to learn these little things as we go along because we didn't take this engine apart it is 10 times harder to put it back together once that bolts in there's two two more bolts which hold it to the side of the engine and that should hold it in place next thing is the airon condenser now this doesn't just simply boolt to the side of the engine you have to have they have a shim and I'm pretty sure it's just an afterthought but it looks like that but we're about to make one um because we're not buying one from Ferrari for probably like a 10 the shim looks like this and it's actually only £148 but with a 2 to 3 weak weight and I'm not waiting that long for it right puller power steering air con alternator the alternator sits in the middle of the V of the engine this adjuster at the back see that oh yeah moving the alternator so you can line the belt up properly so we probably should put the belt on as well next up is the belt again all we're using here is a photo for reference because the only workshop manual we have is for the Maserati engine which is slightly different but we've just about worked out how the auxiliary belt goes on then we' just got to make sure that the alternator is sitting nice and true with the belt and that should just about do [Music] it Tony Armstrong here reporting live from Mad Armstrong's unit today we are rebuilding the Ferrari don't say my name because nobody knows it Matt's dad here reporting live from Matt's unit there's this part which sits here I'm not sure what it does do you think it carries oil it's oil is it but we are missing a pipe surprise surprise which goes from here to here and if we order it it's probably going to be 2 to 3 weeks but but but luckily we've just reboiled Audi RS6 and we have a lot of spare parts this part was after off the Audi RS6 and I think it can help us rebuild a Ferrari because it's almost perfect so if we cut that down to size we could use an RS6 hose on that it absolutely works and it looks the same type of Hose as this one so you watch that one blow up when we try and do like a Gumball Rally or something my dad trimmed down the RS6 hose a OEM and it was a perfect fit sometimes you have to improvise it's either that or wait weeks for the new part and probably pay over the odds because of Ferrari prices next thing to go on is the inlet manifold that doesn't look like it's supposed to go on that does it not at all now this engine has port injection which means the fuel injectors sit in the inlet manifold meaning that the fuel is injected before the combustion chamber so the air and fuel mixture is mixed before it goes into the combustion chamber as a opposed to direct injection which is injected directly into the combustion chamber there's pros and cons to both of these methods but for now we're just worrying about the port injection because that's what we've got my dad's applying some silicon grease to the seals on the injectors and then slotting them in place in the inlet manifold and as the Ferrari has a V8 there's one injector for each cylinders meaning there's eight injectors so I'm doing the other side then I connect up all the electrical connectors to the injectors exciting times it's time to take it off and we're on to the next step one step closer to getting it in the car and starting it and hearing it for the first time ever what are you talking about that what we're trying to do now is hang this up so we can get to this side because now it's time for the clutch and the flywheel right next up flywheel these are super light and quite small but the lighter it is the higher and faster it's going to rev not the higher the faster it's going to rev and this has all been balanced because you can see all the little drilled holes here to make sure that it's nicely balanced and we got this from scooteria Parts shout out to them as well and they've even gave you guys a discount code so if you need any Ferrari or Maserati parts you can go grab them and I've put a link in the description with the discount code as I mentioned as well so they're helping me out they're helping you guys out as well which is good new flly whee bolts and washer goes in here and then we've got to torque these up the flywheel bolts have to be Ted up in like a star shaped pattern to make sure it's evenly pressed onto the side of the engine so this is a twin plated clutch and it's got like a clutch plate here and another clutch plate there I assume for smoother gear changes we've got all new bolts for the clutch and we apply a little bit of Loctite to them okay so there's a line so we're assuming that that line would line up with that because that's what it's balanced to correct once we've Lin the clutch up with the F wheeel we can bolt it all together and torque all the bolts up of course oh spot on it's looking pretty good now and now we've got the clutch on and the flywheel it's time for the gearbox or what's left of it as I mentioned we now have one gearbox which is in pieces and incomplete and one gearbox which was involved in a fire well uh there goes half a million dollars and all the bearings or anything plastic inside have completely melted but the thing is we've got to make this work we bought the Ferrari for £60,000 and we've already spent just short of £18,000 on it for a secondhand gear box is £5,000 which is just going to push the build budget way too high and a manual 430 at the minute is selling for around £100,000 on my right hand side is the gearbox which I bought from eBay for £4,000 and on my left hand side is the gearbox that we got with the car or what's left of it and this was stripped apart because there was something wrong with it now everything on this side is completely burnt to pieces and there's loads of little bearings which are just melted and even if you look in the casing it is fully black in there and there's loads of little bearings in there which have set on fire so I think our plan is to use the original casing and try to make one good gearbox out of two bad ones here we go now there's two shafts in a gearbox but we'll get on to that later right now we're looking at the secondary shaft which has came out the fire damage gearbox and this one which is the one which came with the car now if you look at this one which came with the car the gear at the end looks smooth and rounded and we think it looks worn but the bearing above it looks in pretty good shape whereas if you look at the fire damage one the gears look nice and sharp so we're going to use that shaft but take the bearing off the one that we got with the car and put it on the fire damage one if that makes sense I'm also in Dave dtb's Workshop here H while there's a Noble in the background I didn't just buy a noble we're nicking Dave's bearing press Ferrari 430 how did you have one of them in here all the bearings have got to be pressed onto the shaft and we need a pretty strong bearing press so thanks Dave once Dave have pressed it on with a special Ferrari tool we can then start assembling the rest of the parts which go on the Sha as my dad took apart the burnt gearbox he knows how this shaft goes back together almost using it as a reference if one baring wasn't enough on goes another bearing all the bearings were using off the one that we got with the car cuz they look pretty good if not new then to hold all that on a bit of loc tie and then a locking ring over the top which we assume needs to be torqued off to a top secret torque spec which we're going to have to blur out you done the proper talks back just done it yeah now just a million more gears to go after that we can begin with putting gears on the next gear to go on we're going to use from the fire damage gearbox just because we were missing that gear from the gearbox that we got with the car but the rest of the gears will be using from the one we got with the car as they all look good again both of those gears have to be pressed on to the shaft as they're going to rotate with it right so is the shaft that we've just done this is out of the burnt one which has melted bearings in that's the secondary shaft which connects with that one like a bike this is the shaft out of the gearbox that we got with the car we've got to make this look like this and then put it into that housing over there if if you've lost us bear with now we're trying to avoid using any him from the burnt gearbox so I'm looking at the gears that we got with the car to try and build up the primary shaft exactly the same as the one that came out the burnt gearbox the primary shaft is the one that is spun by the engine the top one in this diagram and the secondary shaft is the one that sends the power to the wheels and they're kind of interl together but everything has to be spot on and if something is 1 mm out it can cause the whole gearbox not to work right now my dad's bu building up the primary shaft the one that is constantly spinning with the engine as I mentioned and we're just using the burnt gearbox primary shaft as a reference of how this thing goes back together and at the minute it's looking pretty good as it seems we have all the gears and all the parts to make this shaft [Music] complete that's it is it yeah it's made up of so many bearings shims and spaces it is unreal such a complex job right this sh is completed we think and everything is the right way now we're going to put it inside the box so this is the casing from the one that we got with the car so this is a selector fork and this is how you select the gears so it it will slide into gear lock that gear into place I don't exactly know how this works like I don't think anyone does really I don't no one does at least we're trying at least we're giving it a go and if it don't work we've learned and then we'll keep doing it until it does work so Inside the Box there's more bearings and a spacer as well we're just hoping that this all works this is how they did it with Ferrari both shafts go together interl there you go then and then they needed a little bit of persuasion to just knock it into place which I did gracefully insert insert insert oh you just got Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari once the two shafts are resting in the gearbox we can continue to build them up with even more gears and the selector Forks as well and we know we're doing it right at the minute because we can see all the selector Forks are all lining up these Forks slide forward and backwards to lock the car in gear or back out of gear you can see how it works here but it's still pretty complex still that's promising my dad removed the gearbox filter and it was absolutely Caked Up not look good at all not look good we still don't know the real reason why the original gearbox was taken apart but judging by all that metal on the filter it didn't look good but everything that's gone back into the box now looks in good condition and the final touches were done by Dave needs that certified and just when you thought it was done there's one more gear the reverse gear figure out which way around this went on groove on I show show me the groove there's the groove oh yeah that is the groove no groove on the outside so This Groove is going on the inside and if you haven't watched part two go watch that before you carry on watching this video yeah it's in the top right corner and then here it is here it is goes in there like that wow look at that it's not fitted properly yet but yeah that's but that's how it works reverse gear and it reverses the whole thing really we still don't really know how it works but at least we trying to learn because you're using another gear it spins a shaft the other the other way oh yeah how did we not know this from the start whatever this gearbox ain't got in now it ain't never having in I'm going to dab on the [Music] haters we're now onto the final pieces of the gearbox after we spent such a long time working out how this thing went back together and if it actually works what an achievement it is so not only rebuild the engine but also the gearbox but it's not only the engine and gearbox we've got to rebuild there's something else supposedly the gearbox is now all in one piece but the thing is with this gearbox it's also a differential as well so to actually drive the wheels the gearbox will go in gear and then it will spin the wheels here and we don't have any and I've just noticed look something got caught here ooh so so we need the differential and if we come over here we have one burnt differential and one differential in a lot of pieces so next job I'm going to take this apart and rebuild this I think there's new bearings and everything on this but there's Parts we're missing off this so I think again it's a case of out of two bad ones make one good one and we can whack it in my dad's gone so this one is down to me let's do it also forgot to mention uh these gears here I think it's the pinion maybe so these are going to meet up with the teeth inside there so we're making sure we've used the these are the teeth from the burnt gearbox and these are the teeth out of the burnt gearbox so those two are going to meet so I don't want to mix and match the actual teeth cuz they've probably been gapped to the right size or that type of stuff as well we don't actually have any on the um one that we got in bits so at least we're going to keep these two together so they know each other let's do it this is one burnt differential which is complete and this is one incomplete nonb Burt differential and it's the secondary shaft here which is going to spin the differential so right now I'm taking apart the burnt differential and I'm going to use all the bearings and all the good parts out of the good differential to boild it back up again right from taking one apart I'm now about to put this one back together I have no idea what these do or what they're supposed to do so that is that way around would it yeah so this is like a it looks like a clutch plate inside the diff that goes in there do you reckon it meant to go in a certain way I did think about that earlier but I think these are evenly spaced I yeah so there's no okay so that's in there's going to be a lot of people that go oh you can't do that you can't do that but you shouldn't laugh at someone for trying because we're trying and if it doesn't work it's okay because it's my car and if I break it it's only my problem so don't worry everyone that says I can't do it I'm giving it a try okay here we go trying now I'm knocking on the burnt gear onto the good diff and it all lines up pretty good we're going to add some locktite to the bolts and again we we have no way of finding the torque specs for this diff we barely found them for the engine so we're just going to make sure that they're all torqued up evenly it's the best we can do is it a recipe for disaster well I guess we find out when we finally start the car and try to drive it next thing is the big outter bearing I've got to knock this on with a piece of wood because Dave's closed his workshop and we can't seal his bearing press anymore but the piece of wood did it after that it's the outer casing and the these all have fresh bearings in as well so it's looking good for us at this stage we have to push this over the top and then the shims more roller bearings these are the roller bearings out of the burnt gearbox I'm going to swap these over to the non-burnt gearbox and pop them in more shims and then it is all held in with a CA [Music] clip you'll hold on to way you have but we had a small problem on trying to get this C clip into place it was pretty difficult we're struggling now this casing here has to go on there like that then this C clip here has to go on top like that and hold it all in place but we cannot get it pressured down far enough so we're going to try a different technique and actually start putting the diff inside the gearbox now the way this is going to work is the engine spins that and that rotates to turn the wheels which to turn the wheels spins this pinion around here like that and the whole thing turns the wheels and you get power sent to the wheels thing is supposedly this gearbox is in neutral and uh if it were in neutral when we spin this cuz this is going to be constantly spinning because the engine's on it I don't think that should be spinning and it's meant to be a neutral but it's not I don't think it is so we could have got something seriously wrong here the only thing I could think is if we put this diff in Bolt it together then spin it and then if we if we start seeing the the wheels turning we've definitely done something wrong because it shouldn't spin let let's see let's see cuz this could be a game changer now that's fully in now I seen it just sink in right ah oh it's not turning it it's not turning it now so do you think you just needed a bit of pressure like bit of resistance well the only way to find out now is if we put this casing on yeah then knock it into gear and then then we can see whether it spins no one's going to if you get what's going on well done to you if you made it this far because I don't we were so close to finding out whether this gearbox was built properly and whether it all works we should be able to spin the primary shaft without the wheels spinning whilst it's in neutral thing I have noticed M yeah is it is still spinning we'll see we'll let's see if this goes in right so it's little spacer then Big Boy yep and now the Moment of Truth this is just not ideal right I'm going to persuade it it's nearly on with this screwdriver here we go boom what on but it's still spinning so I yeah but I still what I'm going to do is put I'm going to put it on how it should y right right put the bolts in just tighten this up I'm not feeling positive though you think it's still going to spin right I'm not looking forward to holding that and turning it and seeing if it doesn't work cuz this has literally took days to get to this point like that right okay when I'm spinning this shaft here right oh no that's neutral is that 100 Cent neutral wait it's working it's working it's working wait let me hold this end oh no it's not working no it's not something is wrong it's got to be stuck in gear imagine if it w if it was in neutral and you're pushing the car forward it shouldn't turn this because that'll be turning the engine over and look I turn the wheels forward and it is it's turning the engine over so it's stuck in gear all those selectors are all in the middle nice and free right that's in gear yeah I can't even turn that around like the gear is so hard we might have put a wrong spacer in spaced out slightly wrong and it's just catching it if you know let me know in the comment section below if you don't please don't comment you're with me wait full on plot twist we think it works well it does work there's a thing called gearbox drag which obviously there's no oil in the gearbox and that's going to cause it to drag a bit in neutral but check this out we can actually get it to turn Hannah's going to hold it hold the drive shafts in place and I'm just going to spin around the engine here we go yes look at that it's spinning in and it's working there's a lot of drag but again there's no oil in there it works right to get this into the Ferrari we've got to attach the gearbox to the Ferrari engine but before we do that I've still got a load of sensors and a load of little things which still need to be fitted to the Ferrari engine before we do so and the same with the gearbox so my dad's going to do the gearbox I'm going to do the engine and then we're going to put them together let's hope it goes well get to anything on the engine whilst the engine's in the engine bay can be really difficult so we got to make sure it's all attached now coolant temperature sensor on goes the coolant temperature sensor and then there's all of these cam sensors to go on all of these cam sensors are numbered forari do that the issue is they don't number the wiring loom and as we never took this engine apart we we have no idea where they plug into and all of these plugs are the same so you can easily mix them all around even the crank sensors can be mixed up with the cam sensors so at the minute we're just going to guess and someone has marked them here with their own marking we have no idea what that marking means because we're now plugging it onto a sensor which we've bought so there's no other marking so we can only plug it in what we think is right but if it's not right then the engine literally will not stop yeah it's quite a difficult one really but I guess we won't find out until we turn the key do you think they're in the right position no comment Meanwhile my dad's over on the gearbox trying to remove the old release bearing the release bearing is in charge of releasing the clutch you can see here it pushing against the clutch to release it hey look at that sometimes the bearing wees on these and they become noisy or they can even start to have leaky seals which would get clutch fluid all over your clutch which wouldn't be great so on goes the new one and then the last thing for the gearbox is the gearbox oil filter which just goes in the back here job done it's just about ready just just just about the only thing we're missing now with sport plugs and coil packs we've got the injectors in and then also one thing that we're going to have to put on before it goes into the engine bay is the exhaust manifold cuz we won't get to all these bolts here but we have got some special exhaust manifolds check these bad boys out these are capristo long tube headers which should actually increase the performance of the 430 that's if it starts scoia Parts kindly sorted us out with these capristo headers and if the Ferrari does start then we we've got a full exhaust system on the way for it but for now the headers go on [Music] first I would love to put the engine in first and start it and see if it runs but you can't actually put the engine in without the gearbox because this gearbox has got to go on this bit on the top of the gearbox there's a canister on here like a tank which holds all the oil for the engine so you have to have that on to put the engine in which is like first time I've ever seen it because it's a dry sump so this has got to go on next I think but we're moving we're moving this was an automatic gearbox which would convert into a manual so a lot of the places where it had holes for sensors just have blank imp plugs now apart from this part on the diff which we missed out there's loads of oil lines going to this gearbox and there's one missing here coming come here come here come here check that check that check that look there's thread there going in there two or lines going in here which I assume feed the diff and there thread here as well now we've looked on the old case in here this bit is fully perished and we thought that was a line it's actually a sensor no it's not it's a regulator is it an oil regulator and what the hell is that we don't know what that is yet the big one is a regulator valve which is 300 £1 1966 before that oh wounded I'm going to have to buy that and then what the hell is that other one this one turned out to be a precious switch for the eedi good news is they got it in bad news is £170 plus that for a silly sensor more expense added to a never ending Ferrari build but the good news is we can put these sensors on with the engine in the car so right now we're just is going to attach the gearbox to the engine and with that done we'll then be able to add the oil canister to the gearbox which will allow us to insert the engine oil but there's a problem with that and this is the canister which holds the oil that is oh no oh oh oh oh no oh no guess what oh you've put the pipe on wrong this pipe was meant to go to this part of the oil canister but it was nowhere near and turns out I didn't put the pipe on wrong look it's look completely different is that a aboutand new one look the PO this has got two pops coming out the edge and then some going down the bottom it looks like we've got an oil canister for a Ferrari 360 and not a 430 I painted this I painted that I don't think that that's even off this car there's another grand we have to pay this is just getting too expensive now another set back but luckily I was able to order one which should arrive soon time to apply some more parts vital part starter motor this is going to go on right down the bottom here and then we'll be able to turn the car on this should be the last piece to go on before we put the engine gearbox into the car so close now so obviously we're still missing a few parts some should arrive today but our main goal is just to see if this car runs and all we need for it to run is oil fuel and ignition and I think we might have enough for that we don't have that oil tank just yet but it may come just in time let's see if we can get it running this will be the last time we see an empty engine bay before we put the engine in we're going to take off the boot lid just to give us that little bit extra space when lifting the engine and gearbox into [Music] it then to get the engine high enough we're going to be using the two poost ramp we're going to tie a strap around two of the engine mounts and then two of the posts on the ramp and then lifting it up like this the same way we did the mercial Argo it's going to level out now and then we're going to use the engine crane to pull up the gearbox and level it all out look at this it's like David bling one hovering Ferrari 430 engine [Music] magic in comes the Ferrari and we're going to bring the car to the engine and gearbox then we can lower the ramp down being as steady as possible oh it's so close it's all almost in and bit by bit being careful not to hit any of the body work or trap any of the wires we got it [Music] in yay ferari engine in start it up not quite yet not quite no not quite because although the engine's in it's not held in by anything wish I had what we're trying to do now is the two lower engine mounts just trying to get the bolts through it and line it up goes under [Music] here and into the engine mount oh there's two engine mounts on the Ferrari and they're both at the bottom of it one here and one here which I'm doing up right now after that there's two cables we need to connect one which goes to the starter motor which allows us to start the car which goes just about here pretty thing like you and the other one a ground wire for the engine which connects to the bottom of the engine here Ferrari oil filter come on luckily the oil filter is in a pretty accessible place so it's nice and easy to get on on F good do that boom next up is the fuel lines there's two from each side there's a tank there and there's a tank there and you got one fuel line here and one fuel line over here and these go into the fuel rail where the injectors sit as well that's on so that's both of the fuel rails on and then we found something we think we found the reason why the last gearbox was taken to bits or another clue to why so not only does the gearbox hold gearbox oil but the diff has separate uh diff oil which is controlled well it's filled up here then there's a separate pump here but there's also on this pump there is just here there's something missing out of that and we've later found the thing that's missing out of that is a pressure is a press a pressure switch for the diff oil so the only reason why that would have been taken out is if it's failed or something along those lines and that's could have could have what's broken the diff you can see here the two oil lines which lead from that Reservoir and go directly to the side of the differential here now if there was something wrong with the oil pressure or even something wrong with a pump and there wasn't any oil get into the diff that's what could have caused the whole thing to fail hence why someone tried to take it apart and try and fix it Lally the new pressure regulator has arrived so we can screw that into the diff and also the pressure switch which sits on the side of the diff has arrived as well we just got to hope everything actually works or we could be taking this thing apart again moving back back to get the engine started we need to plug in both the ecus one's in there is two wiring looms one for each side of the engine and as there's two wiring looms there's two ecus the oil tank has arrived so this goes on the gearbox fill up the oil through the top here and all the oil sits in the gearbox goes down through the bottom of the gearbox without going actually in the gearbox and the oil pump so it through into the engine and once this is fitted we should be able to put some oil into the car and start it 75 W9 watch first of all in goes the gearbox oil I probably could have started the car without this but I didn't want to take any risks after that the separate reservoir for diff oil which takes a special type of oil I had to order online and I had no idea how much it took then I found out after the gearbox oil and the diff oil it's time finally for the engine oil do you want me to give you the battery and I'll pass it in or no sh sh what we're going to try first is start it without the spark plugs or coils on there there's no spark plugs there that way we know it turns over and there's going to be no damage caused because there's no compression there cuz it's going to throw anything that's in the cylinder out of those spark plug holes if that works we're then going to see if we've got spark if we get Spark we're going to put spark plugs in and then it's going to start fifth attempt fifth time anyone who turns the key first time on a rebuilt engine and turns over and it starts up first time is a is a liar I think he's got a Magic Touch I think he can do it first time the battery doesn't go in there does it well that's where it was yeah the battery just goes in the foot well yeah oh and a far extinguisher just behind it we've got power we've got power it's connected it's going up going up three bars of fuel four bars the fuel's going up what full tank wait no it's gone down a bit I know what you have to do open the door close it and then we get more and then we get more fuel yeah full tank tank oh no now we're one bar Off full this was it we're about to turn the car over for the first time with no spark plugs in there this should help it build oil pressure before we actually start it for real but will it actually work the engine go go Yes sounds very rattling he got oil the engine sounded terrible again start very very rattly I don't like that no I've got no pressure here no oil pressure no not yet that stinks yeah the fuel's going to come out but that does not sound good no it just sounds like the paring are chattering I'm going again and it just wasn't building up oil pressure it really wasn't looking good but then things changed it sounded Oh it sounded better yeah got pressure coming pressure's coming pressure's coming full bar full bar oh it started to run silent oil's getting round now oil's getting round almost five bar yeah no Turing no Turing that was good over five that was good yeah over five how much damage did we do by doing that doing that because we couldn't have put any oil in the engine so the engine was chattering there which sounds like when you oh fuel the engine was chattering which sounds like when you've got bad bearings but that's because of no oil pressure getting there between the bearings if it carried on like that it probably would have died but we put that Lube in first and as it got oil pressure it seemed to have stopped but that was scary but did that sounded nasty that did sounded like top end rattle yeah yeah we cam are the the the hydraulic taets they've got all fill up with oil oh yeah it's hydraulic tapet is it on like the mercy which was shimmed so we've got oil in the engine now and we've got fuel and all the other fluids we know fuel's coming through cuz I can smell it yeah so now we just need SP this is where we find out whether we've pluged the right sensors into the the right holes because we're going to see if we got a spark now what we need next is a spark to ignite the fuel going into the cylinder so we're going to see if we've actually got a spark first the good thing about this is the wiring is the wiring is actually marked see there look we got number8 so we know that this one goes to the E cylinder unlike any of the other electrical connectors on this car we've got a COR pack we've got a spark plug on the end so we're hoping now when we crank it we should see a spark coming out of that and I don't fancy twiching it if I'm perfectly honest yeah just a little bit but it is yes we got spark we don't know whether it's sparking at the right time though and we'll find that out in a minute when we put spark plugs in the old so now we're putting spark plugs into all eight of the cylinders and my dad's getting excited we know we've got spark we just don't know whether it's sparking at the right time yet coil number eight in position now we need seven well for got all them plugs in the right way around first time the chance of those plugs in yeah that the chance of them all being right is very slim somebody will be looking looking down on it if if it's right I did it if it's right so that's how we're going from now on if it's right then it's my claim to fame if it's wrong then we're going to blame my dad just cuz we can but now all the coils are going in the left hand side of the engine and my dad's put the coils in the right hand side of the engine when we turn the key now it should start just in case that's optimistic that it's actually going to start you are Hannah's turning the key through no choice of M are you actually ready yeah ready when you are okay ready [Applause] yeah [Applause] yeah what just fine first time oh my God that was he F first time yeah it fired first time well I think this is a short video now do you want to start it again no no yeah cuz I didn't think you were going to start again yeah yeah yeah I'm going to stand a bit further back cuz I got an there was just fumes and everything going back here yeah yeah how rning [Music] that yeah that it must just turned off it automatically four cylinders it was only r on four cylinders then there was only faring out of this side but but everyone witness that were my side that was my side that I put a plugs on I put the injectors on that side so did we check if there was a spark from this side we didn't did we no we didn't check that side but it fired it fired out of this side when it first started up I can't believe it started up first I said oh anyone who says it starts up is rubbish but we actually that started up better than the meral Aro in so the Ferrari actually started but then it only started to run on four cylinders on the left hand side of the engine so now we got to figure out why first thing we're going to check are the spark plugs on the right hand side to see if they've got spark yeah that's sparking y Okay so we've got spark so what are we missing so we have got spark on the right hand side of the engine but is it sparking at the right time I'm going to go again and I'm going to give it some revs this time and see see if that will sort it [Music] [Applause] maybe he's got Flames got Flames coming out that it's like the Mercer you you can see by the excess of flames that it is sparking at the wrong time so I went to go get the ortel to plug it into the OBD port to find out what was going wrong oh oh it's not an OBD so it looks like the Ferrari requires some special plug not an OBD2 so we can't see what the ECU is telling us to well we can't see what the ECU wants to tell us on why that bank is not faring or not faring correctly so I think we're going to have to to figure it out the old school way and just like plug stuff in and unplug it but then we found something yeah so these these are like the cam sensors and these will be telling the whole car when the Cs loes are opening or closing the exhaust or the inlet and if I've got these plugged in wrong it could mess it up maybe we'll try and plug them in the other way around but there's no way of knowing because the loom isn't marked up so this is going to be very well we don't know could work might not work this was Tony's side so it could be wrong it I know that's the thing so my dad's now going to switch over the cam plugs and just see if that makes any difference to the running of it here we [Music] go instantly it was better it was running on all eight [Music] [Music] cylinders did that yeah that was it that ran way better still flaming out there I forgot probably shouldn't R an engine when we just rebuilt it but got excited that ran way better the throttle was doing what I want I think goal one is to get this car running to temperature so we know it actually runs to temperature and we can't do that without coolant and all these coolant lines aren't connected so we're going to connect them up first then go from there I think then we'll try the gearbox now like most supercars things aren't always straightforward with the engine being right at the back and the radiator is being right at the front of the car the coolant has to run a really long distance between the radiator and the engine first off we're making sure that all the coolant hoses are connected then we move on to the tricky part filling it all the coolant lines are on and now we've got the coolant T there is a big like brace which this all sits on we're not going to put that on yet because we've got to do the gearbox later on and big coolant line on the bottom and then there's two more coolant lines to the top of the coolant reservoir instead of putting the bar in just to run it up to temperature we want to avoid putting more stuff on because if something's wrong we've got to take it all off yeah boom now this is where it's a little tricky we can't just pour in new coolant we have to vacuum fill it I have to put this device in the coolant tank and then connect the airline to blow air across this vacuum filler and with the air blowing across it it will then pull a vacuum in the hole of the cooling system hopefully this makes sense now that should hold vacuum if there's no leaks in the system it should hold vacuum vacuum let's wait great news it's held vacuum lock held exactly the same spot that must mean we should have no leaks but I have said it now now I'm going to use the vacuum filler to vacuum fill the cooling I don't know why I'm speaking like that so at the minute there should be no air in the cooling system because we sucked it all out and we know there's no leaks in the system because the vacuum is held after that I connect up this part to the vacuum filler and put the pipe in a bottle of coolant and using the vacuum that we've pulled it's now going to suck all the coolant out of the coolant bottle and into the Ferrari by pulling the vacuum this should stop us getting any air locks in the system right will the car run to temperature or is it going to smoke like anything because the head gaskets gone or something like [Music] [Applause] that why does it set its own alarm off starting off the callant needed a little top up before we attempt again to try and run it to temperature going for [Music] it on the good side the Ferrari starts up and runs first time it's really loud the thing is it is so loud with no exhaust sa now and if we were going to run this car to temperature we were going to have to put up with this noise for a long time but that wasn't our problem at the minute sounds terrible yeah it's just missing a bit or or it's on yeah there's a couple cylinders which ain't far in there so now the Ferrari started to misfire so we need to find out exactly what's going on with it uh in the last video we looked for the OBD port and we seen at the back here we thought this was the OBD but this isn't the OBD Scott ratarossa says there should be an OBD Port underneath here somewhere and he's right so maybe we can plug it in and we can see what the car's saying but it's decided to run on only probably five cylinders at the minute let's go plug it in after I plug the code reader in it was showing so many faults but there is still a lot of stuff to go onto the engine so instead of messing around I made the executive decision to just start putting the rest of the engine back together there's a lot of sensors and wiring on this car and leaving just one thing unplugged could cause it to run how it was running so I just want to make sure I cover everything off before we start jumping to conclusions because we need to get the car running right before we can can run the car to temperature another thing that I'm about to do is connect up the drive shafts as we're going to find out whether the gearbox that we rebuil is in neutral as it should be but the eagle live viewers would have seen when we started it earlier that the gearbox was actually spinning even though it should be in neutral which isn't the best of news but I guess we'll find out when we start the car up [Music] again this should save our ears so we can run the car to temperature without being deafened inside here inside here is a capristo exhaust system to match the capristo uh manifold that we've got the 4 to1 manifold and we've got Sports caps by the looks of it I just really hope we've got everything to fit this exhaust on now this should sound absolutely unreal and and not defers on idol massive thanks to scoia parts for sending this out and they've helped massively throughout this whole build now they're going to help us not be DEA this exhaust system looks amazing let's just hope it sounds amazing now scaria parts are the UK exclusive dealers for capriso and novitech so if you fancied one yourself check the link out in the description for some good offers for now I've got to fit the Capri sto to my Ferrari the sports went on first connecting them to each manifold then it's the back box and this fits to the car like no other exhaust system I've ever fitted the exhaust tips with the PPS connected to them go up and under and connect to the back box and the back box is being held to the car by the rear crash bar really strange but I guess it works and the Ferrari is coming together nicely now things the only thing is questions flowing let [Music] in goes the lavender sensors yep not quite lavender sensors but these O2 sensors could be part of the issue why the car is idling bad this car has four O2 sensors one before each cataly converter and one after each cataly converter and if the car isn't getting a reading from them it would probably cause it to run rough now we're just going to put this in for now to hold the coolant tank because it's like a jigsaw puzzle this car one thing holds another thing another thing holds another thing inside here are the air filters oh one thing I've thought about before we start it I have connected the drive shafts up so that gearbox that we rebuilt if it's actually stuck in gear I probably should raise it up in the ramp before I start it should I in case it jumps up there we are if the wheels spin it's not good here we go check okay I think this car is actually pretty okay and if you look on here the mileage is only 32,000 mil so it's quite a low mileage and as long as we get this gearbox working it is a genuine gated manual Ferrari F430 so really should hold its value pretty well and I can back all this up with a car vertical check let's start it we'll come back to that the wheels are spinning and they shouldn't be my dad's just told me to put my foot on the brake and if the car's in gear it's going to end up stalling the engine let's see what it does w and it was all good the gearbox was in neutral so it must just be a bit of gearbox drag causing the wheels to [Music] spin that sounds sick for a V8 yeah it it do sound like a V8 does it that sounds sweet Italian Orchestra it just doesn't like idling very well does it your vacuum parts are Dr in it yeah that's what it is the V the vacuum parts caus it to Wi up the exhaust sounds mental for a V8 sounds like a V12 it's like wham wham it's what I pitched yeah what do you think Wicked yes he loves the Ferrari dab on the haters D haes what does that mean now the Ferrari has a kind of complex vacuum system and that's what we think is causing the lumpy Idol issue because we haven't connected any of it this is an on andof solenoid valve and this solenoid valve plugs into this electrical connector here and then some vacuum lines run to it we assume this is is in charge of turning on and off some sort of vacuum which could be vital for getting the F430 to idle there's then loads more vacuum lines that we need to connect up and these ones at the back that we need to plug up because those vacuum lines were used for the old exhaust valves to open and close them which we don't have anymore onto the last few vacuum lines then we're going to see if we can get a good Idol let's run it let's see if it runs sweet that's better sounds that's loads better that sound oh smoke too soon that sounds loads better d That's huming now so the vacuum system seems to have fixed the idling issue now we can let it run to temperature see we're getting up to temperature now I have throtle so since we've done that I now don't have I now like I put my foot on the throttle it's like not it's like suffocating before it it let me rev it but now it's like it feels like there's some kind of restriction when revving the car but then something bad happened you oh oh no is that what it won't letting me revving it cuz we're cuz we've got too much drag on the gearbox oh no it seems like the car jumped into gear for no reason well there goes again you're going to drip I think you're going to drip out the rocker cover Your Rocker cover's leaking on oh and to add insult to injury we developed a small oil leak which was dripping from The Rocker cover onto the exhaust manifold so we got a leak out the rocket cover and it's dragging and get like we think it was in neutral but I couldn't work out why it wasn't revving got oil in the gear box isn't it yeah we got that Edith light but I was trying to rev it and it was like really difficult to rev to rev it but we've never revved it since the wheels have been on the floor sorry I can't see like the smoke coming off the rocker cover leag here's the plan I'm going to put the car in the air car's in the air now I'm going to start it the wheels might spin because they normally do spin in neutral but if I can put my foot on the brake and then accelerate and the engine stalls we know there's a big problem I don't want to know the answer come out then come out of gear then or whatever is it spinning the my fo's on the brake no it revs a lot better listen way better now it it's because sounds good so what the hell caused the Ferrari to go into gear and why is it not in gear now it is really mindboggling us I just don't get why why was a revving it and then the car moved look none of this is connected like you can't this this can't be in gear so why did it move and then stall back on again and see if that helped that's better yeah sounds not any wheel [Music] spinning oh it's getting up the cooling temperature is getting way too high so that seems to be fixed and the car did run to temperature but the problem is it overheated it looks like we've got an air lock in the cooling system what solded it on the Porsche was running it with that cap open so it was going to start it run it without the tap off and hopefully it'll burp out any air it has in the system but this didn't work in up a don't think it's going around the engine is it well it's all on the floor now oh no why is it not going to the the fans ain't even came on I don't think the stats opening is it no the thermostat opens lets the coolant go down through to the radiators which explains why we didn't have coolant on them in the first place and then when the coolant can go through to the radiators the fans can go on cool the coolant down and we won't get boiling coolant over like that so maybe we got a bad thermostat we didn't put a brand new one in the water's not working where where is the thermostat the thermostat is at the bottom of the engine ah so when we could run it without the thermostat in yeah we take it off that's so I was about to say I had a problem like this with my mg when I was 16 and you take the thermostat off let run through and see if it still runs cool yeah oh what cuz MGS used to blow head gaskets all the time yeah which is probably what this is going to do if it carries on this way inside most engines there's a thermostat when the coolant gets up to temperature the thermostat will open and allow the coolant to go to the radiators where the coolant will be cooled down and then the coolant will go back through the engine keeping it nice and cool we think the thermostat in the Ferrari might be stuck closed meaning the coolant will never get cooled down so what we're going to do is take the thermostat out and run it without [Music] one how does it work T right well it has wax in it find and when it gets up to certain temperature the wax melts obviously and then the spring is allowed to push it looks seized up though that oh look that's the wax oh yeah so it's leaking it's leaked out that makes sense why it's not working so the wax has completely left the thermostat meaning it would be stuck closed so what we're going to do now is pop back in the thermostat housing without the thermostat in it this just means it'll take longer to run the car up to temperature why didn't you just put in a new thermostat when you built the engine you ding bat there's a lot of things that we didn't put new in the engine and the thermostat because we had one we just thought we'd put it in and it's very cheap and it's easy to replace so shut up please he told me to shut up so in goes the empty thermostat housing this is what they actually do on the race cars so I can't see it being an issue just for us to test whether the coin's actually going to go to the front of the car now I'm in sweet right we should be able to run its temperature now let's put some more coolant in it Liam it's your job to assess any um ass any leakages okay okay I'm on it for you it's leaking there so we're at 7 80° normal temperature for coolant is about 90 so and when it gets to about 90 we should hear the fans tick in and keep it cool if we have if it does that win not so the bottom radiator hose is hot but the top of the radiator hose is cold so I feel like there's an air lock somewhere this is exactly like the porch a nightmare coolant of the back radiators at the front nightmare it didn't work and we tried everything after that we took a radiator hose off at the front and ran the engine to see if the coolant would come through if we can run it with that little hose off and let the coolant come through we might be able to get rid of the air lock maybe but it didn't we ran the car with the coolant cap off to see if it'll burp out any air bubbles but that just caused a mess we then tried to jack up the back of the Ferrari if we can get it as high as we can all the air is going to raise to the top so we just going to give this a go now but that didn't work we then drained all the cooling and vacuum filled it up again but none of this works at all okay that is just not playing ball we need to come back to it because also we have a problem with a gearbox let's start with let's start with problem number one the gearbox let's do it that's problem number one there's supposed to be a pump attached to the pedal so when you push the pedal down it sends hydraulic fluid all the way down to the clutch releases the clutch that's been taken off for some reason but somehow I've managed to grab one when you press the clutch pedal down it should push fluid down here into your clutch this is the first thing to go on this is the clutch pump which connects to the pedal and God knows why I didn't have one on this Ferrari as there's next to no manual F 430s in the UK this just bolts to the firewall just like this and then I've got to connect the hose from the brake reservoir to the clutch [Music] pump this Reservoir here is a brake reservoir that's got dot four in it and the clutch uses the same fluid now the hose is connected from the brake reservoir to the clutch pump I've now got to connect this clutch line which will allow the fluid to go from the clutch pump down to the release bearing after I've done that I go inside the car and connect the clutch pump to the clutch pedal it's a pretty fiddly job and especially hard to film it as well but now the clutch pedal is connected to the pump good progress so far so after you press the clutch the fluid runs down the line all the way to this point here now because this is a manual we're going to need a pipe to push the release bearing to to release the clutch whereas on an automatic you won't have that so this pipe is like gold dust we couldn't find it anywhere so we have to have one made here's the made pipe we've had this made thank you up here onto that and you can see it goes down through there and pushes the release release bear in which is good and then it goes onto this but here again air is our worst nightmare tonight we have literally now got tighten this up put some dot four fluid in it and bleed the system so we're going to undo this bleed nipple there and push out all the air out the system then we should get a clutch right Liam's going to pump the clutch when Liam's pumping the clutch it's going to just push that fluid all the way down to the back now so we just got to make sure it stays topped up else we're going to get a lot of air in it just keep pumping it did a good job [Music] there now the fluid is topped up in the brake reservoir we can lift the car up and begin to bleed the clutch system oh no now yeah stop is it just leaking off of that is it not does that pipe not work pipe's fine What's happen then oh oh is that just coming straight out oh yeah it is it's coming from the gearx oh no it looks like the fluid is leaking from the gearbox somewhere this is not good I have just done and if it's coming from the release bearing we've got to take the gearbox off to fix it ah it's okay it's okay it's okay but we've dodged a bullet here because it looks like it's just leaking from these connections which we can actually get our spanner onto they were loose they were loose oh thank God that's an easy fixed we might be we might be okay oh that was loose who put the release bearing on um I think that was your dad clip back my dad getting blamed he's not here so we'll just blame him yeah okay just check this out press the uh look at that doing the release PA in that's brilliant okay now what we need to do is bleed it so Liam was pumping the clutch which was pushing the fluid through the clutch system and whilst he was doing that I was cracking open the bleed nipple to let out all the air until finally we can get a half decent clutch pedal think we got a clutch pedal the next thing is to select the gears see if we've got any gears but to do that these are the gear cables which when you are shifting the shifter inside it's going to move move up and down and left to right the thing is with this these require loads of brackets to be on the side of the gearbox to hold these gear cables in place and without them we we literally can't connect them to the gear shifter which is over here and the gear shifter which to select it in gear this goes like up and down left and right in and out and we can't do that without these parts and these parts are so hard to find and we have actually ordered on but they it's going to be at least another month until they arrive which is so annoying so I think what we can do to see if it goes in gear is manually just put this into a random gear I don't know what gear we're going in we're just going to slide this shifter forward or backwards and try and put it in a gear and if it does go in gear we can see if the clutch is working by putting the clutch down if the clutch goes down and the wheels don't spin we know the clutch is working and if we lift the clutch up and the wheels start to spin we know it goes in gear so that's what we're aiming for so I'm going to try and get it in gear now if it's in Sith will it just stall no not if there's no not on the nothing in the ramp nice going down a bit okay oh there we are I think we're in a gear there that looks like it's in a gear I think we've gone in a gear I don't know what gear could be reverse this is the moment where we find out whether a gearbox has got some sort of Hope some sort of Hope whether we've reboot it right if I started now with the foot on the clutch it shouldn't spin the wheels foot on the brake as well Wheels aren't spinning coming off the CL wheels are spinning mean r it's in Reverse what about what about the other side yeah yeah yeah reverse reverse yeah I could drive out of here at least not come back in okay we've got we've actually got reverse you actually built a gearbox I built a reverse gearbox oh [Music] yeah yeah a gear box works yes should we try another gear we can try let's try another gear let's try another gear no it was all right it's smooth oh there we go that's in a gear that's in a gear that's in is it revers I'm in gear no it's not reversed cuz I've gone back oh yeah it looks different to reverse any movement yeah no we're good we're Good's coming up and we're going forward yeah look how fast is going ring wa 20 more going yeah no yeah going all the way let's hope he don't Rattle and come off yo that's working that's actually working look foot off the cach watch myos Speedo I'm Bing 60 MPH it's like you're on the dno 60 MPH just did no oh okay okay I don't know whether this is successful or unsuccessful but it's been eventful and we've made progress although it's only been short cold start it should start up cold start is the only start we can do because anything over cold it overheats first time I think maybe what we should do is first thing is see if the water pump is actually pumping water through the system because if it's not but there's our issue if it is pumping through we surely have an air lock somewhere but could that just St I think we should take off one of these pipes then we see if water's coming out so I'm getting fans in the car I'm getting heat in the car which says to me the coolant is circulating so has it just got an air lock I don't know let's see if it runs the temperature now for the blowers in the car to get hot warm coolant has to circulate through the cooling system and into the heater core the engine's right at the back on this Ferrari and of course the heater core is inside the car therefore the water pump must be working because the coolant must be circulating from the back of the car and through into the heater core which is why the fans are warm so it seems our problem lies elsewhere the ferrar's now run up to temperature so we should hear the coolant fans kicking to keep it running at the exact temperature and it's hot air it's hot air one coolant fan has started to work which is good news now we need to see if the coolant holds that temperature and doesn't get any hotter right it's just crept over 100° if that temperature goes down we're onto a winner if it keeps Rising we have a problem has that one come on yet no have we ever had this one on think that one come on I think that side came on but that's how I didn't but it kept Rising only one fan seems to be working way too hot it's at 120° what I found out through my research is that this fan is supposed to come on at a certain temperature and then if that temperature doesn't decrease then it activates the right hand fan no don't know what logic that actually means so the question is whether this fan even works so I think the first step we're going to do is just put power directly to the right hand fan and there's two relays here that's for the left hand fan on that's for the right hand fan I think so if we pull the relay out and then uh dad's going to put power to it and then we'll see if it comes on I would assume that the two big terminals are the power to the fan and that's just the relay clicking so my dad's going to bridge the power using this wire effectively canceling out the relay's job that's one on and the fan turned on this one oh okay so the relays are the other way around to what I said so that's that that's the fan that's the fan we know works and now he going to do the same for the other one won't put that in yet there you go hey it works wait it sounds a bit sketchier but using my big brain does that mean this is what's the problem is it could mean that's what the the problem is but but we've done some research before you got here all right okay and we already switched the relays over and that fan still comes on with the other relay with the other relay so the relay must be the relay is good now I'm confused to turn that fan on it requires the coolant temperature sensor to turn that on so when it gets to a certain temperature which we know is working because the dashboard it reads A Certain temperature it activates that fan but when it reaches a further temperature it needs something else not a temperature sensor but a temperature switch which is just down here like this switch right here so there's the coolant temperature sensor that and that is the switch all the switch does really is ground a circuit out when one fan isn't cooling the coolant enough the temperature of the coolant will pull down this disc here pulling down the terminal to then create a full circuit which should turn on the other fan to test this Theory out I've just disconnected the electrical connection and my dad is going to bridge the terminals together with his wire to see if the other fan comes on yes the fan is turning on both fans are on so both fans work the relay works so the weakest link here we think is that switch so I'm straight on to order a switch which was £78 plus tax and it should be here tomorrow but in the meantime we've got a thermostat to change the thermostat housing and the thermostat are directly after the water pump on this engine and at the minute there's not one in there because ours was faulty all it essentially does is stop the coolant flow going to the radiators to cool the coolant down when the car's trying to warm up but then when the car gets to temperature the thermostat opens letting the coolant flow through the radiators and stay at the right temperature here's the new thermostat housing with the thermostat on and one thing I've realized after watching this video I've put a bit of gasket seal around it but I've somehow completely missed off the seal but we'll see if it leaks after we put coolant in thermostat housing is in we're still waiting for the temperature switch but one thing else we can do whilst we're waiting is these gear linkage aren't connected to anything we've rebuilt the engine we've rebuilt the gearbox but we don't know whether the gearbox even work Works yet we can put it into gear because we can move this around and get it into gear which is what we did in the last video but we don't know whether we don't know what gear it's going in we don't know whether it works we don't know if we can select gears all we need is the stuff to hold these cables onto the gearbox and so we can move them all around and connect it inside issue is with that apparently according to Google only 1,500 manual F430 is were ever made so finding all the manual mechanism like the little arms and stuff like that was an absolute Mission and all of this is to build up the mechanism in the gearbox me and Liam are going to build all this up I can't really explain how this works we're probably going to get it wrong let's just do it now there's lots of arms and there's lots of bearings to make this work and all we've got is this diagram to put it all together so we're hoping with a little bit of Common Sense and mostly winging it we should be able to work out where all of this stuff goes it's just like building Lego all of these arms mount to the side of the gearbox and need to be able to swivel and move around when you move the gear shifter in the car which will pull the cables either left right or up and down I have to do a shout out to e ausa for this part here which mounts the cables to the side of the gearbox because they're no longer available from Ferrari and this part is actually from a manual conversion kit which Freddy has used AKA tarish on his 430 scooteria and I think think we've just about sused it out we've got it on but we're not sure whether it's correct we are not sure whether this is correct but we're going to find out stage one is seeing whether it will go into gear with the car not on stage two is finding out whether it will go into gear with the car on and stage three is actually moving it and driving it stage one start right AB it it in my opinion this does not look right it doesn't look [Music] right oh oh a look oh it did some it it did some it why is it it's really Flopper it's an old car you can't forever yep something definitely didn't feel right with it that second a right so I was going to have to strip it apart to see if there was anything wrong cuz all this was taken apart when we got the car so I'm just having a look see if they've taken anything under air which oh oh what's down there I think only one Cable's connected oh there's some broken Liam explain it in your best possible way broken is there's something that's broken that that's there off the side yeah dead Flopper so and that cable there is the forward and back cable this one at the at the bottom so show that in action can you see that I can see that does that mean it's only going into third and fourth only going into third yeah potentially but then the other cable so that's your sideway down there yeah and this is sideways but this bit snapped yeah so when you do this it's not doing anything but if you really launch it look is that first thing that takes it down and but now this is popped out so we can't get third or four go side so we need this part here which I know is going to be very very very very difficult to find F be all right so let's see if it goes in third and fourth yeah send you up yeah send me up a bit and we'll see if it goes in third and fourth ready third gear okay going it's going yes okay fourth gear fourth gear is so problem is that so let's see if we can find one for sale good luck yeah who the hell is going to be selling one Grandad's got one has he no he's silly is he we found one it is strangely still available from Ferrari but at a price £320 plus tax so we're going to have to wait for that to arrive in the meantime the fan switch has arrived so I can start to fit this and then we can see if we can get the car running to temperature it's got to work this time it's got to run to temperature and we're all good if it doesn't work could it be that little red box thing Red Box thing that was plugged in on the side of the Red Box see the little red box things that were PL into the side of the thing the relays yeah yeah [Laughter] look sounds good now it's just a case of waiting for the Ferrari to run to temperature and when it did get to temperature we're hoping it stayed there and the fans came on I like a [Music] ferar we're hoping now that once the left side fan turns on after a while it activates the right side fan come on fans yeah this one's on no this this one's on is this one on yeah it's on they're both on yeah [Music] yes it should stay at temperature now then both fans were working and with both of them working it should keep the car at the right temperature at 90° bang on staying up temperature yeah it actually worked so now we can start making this Ferrari look like a Ferrari Welcome To My Bumper shop this has been freshly painted already uh the car will be all detail detailed and match but this has all been paided by The Body Shop cheers Body Shop we've just got to complete it all with all this kit the FR splitter in that which goes on here how much was that again it was expensive wasn't it it was like 500 500 quid yeah nuts for that it's like fiberglass so I got to work with attaching the expensive Splitters and all of the other parts which make up the F430 front bumper like the front grills and also the grills on the side as well whilst my dad got to work with putting the wiper linkage in which we had to buy brand new secondhand and all the Scuttle panels around the Bonnet it was finally time to add the bumper this is the first time I've seen it with a complete bumper on oh the Ferrari is a good looking car and at the F430 it is that is looking nice and what we've done is is black these are normally Gray anything gray is going black cuz I feel like it gives it more depth again like the mercial Argo the bolt slide through the inside of the tub and then you have to add a nut on them then we can slot in the carpet to finish the tub UPAC satisf and would you look at that for a first fitment it's looking pretty damn good now let let's head to the back onto the rear bumper now this one is OEM and it's also been painted in I think it's called resale red actually these heat shields B on to both sides I assume to stop the bumper from melting then the top grill will also bolt onto the bumper all of this have had to order and as you've guessed and a lot of you are probably right on this we've gone way over budget already but I do think these Dan's F 430s will climb in price over the years so all is not that bad wow the bumper doesn't actually bolt straight to it these are genuine Ferrari spacers because the stock bumper doesn't fit and they all come in different sizes um like here's a thin one here's a fat one and these go like that and there just space it out nice know that is so Italian again just like the mercial Aro the rear bumper uses spacers but that's the Quirk of these older Italian cars and that's the kind of thing I like about them they're kind of like a glorified kit car but don't tell Ferrari I said that just the last couple of bolts now for the rear bumper and then I can move onto the rear diffuser making an almost complete rear end as some of you may notice I am missing a few reflectors and registration plate lights but they're on order I tell you what this is a goodlooking car every single piece I put on now is making a drastic improvement and what once was to me felt like kind of an impossible build is slowly kind of feel impossible but if you also said to me Matt the bumpers look a different shade of red to the rest of the car then I kind of would have to agree with you but remember this paint is like a month old this paint is like 18 years old so I think maybe with like a good paint correction we could probably get it pretty similar or I think afterwards anyway I've got to drop it down to the body shop Allied Automotive to touch up loads of little things on this car anyway so maybe we just match it all in to get it absolutely perfect but now this Ferrari is really coming together and to say neither me or my dad had any experience with Ferraris before this actually makes me really proud it's just a huge achievement even to get this far I guess hard work really does beat talent and if this car actually runs and drives it goes to prove it there is still loads of engine covers and everything missing on here which we'll get to but we're not finally finished yet but I did say I think I said at the start of this video I was going to drive it and I want to keep to that promise so well here goes nothing you can only get third gear yeah I'm going for third gear so here goes nothing it's not exactly finished but I think it might be good enough just to roll it out in third gear some of you might notice it's still got odd Wheels on the paint isn't great there's no seats in it but none of this is going to stop me from trying to drive it for the first time yeah that'll do stop right this is my first drive third gear can't be see let's do it she sounds [Music] good third gear wish aond a it's fast I don't know what his plan is now because he's literally gone down a straight with no way to turn [Music] [Music] around is that is that yes we got rever it's reversing what oh God we got reverse the clutch feels good it drove well I mean it pulled up in thir sign with well we built the gearbox built the engine and it it went in a straight line now we're going to attempt to try and get it into first gear straight forwarders satin sheets chocolate carel candy I that's not than you go on we might we might we might be too far and no no not left not left you're going to tra my finger are you trying to make me you've just got to go forward don't do any left business yes that's could be first gear that could actually be first gear it [Music] is oh my God that sounds nuts what the it was well Bast oh my God that hit my back it was well fast it actually works how have you put together a gearbox that works I'm impressed it literally was just it was Wheel spinning yeah sounding nuts from behind the that sounded sick what do you think of the Ferrari I think it's great and I love it well it actually kind of works the main reason we couldn't really drive it is because this is limp but we're going to make it stiff again because this little situation we got here you see that's broken so we can actually go backwards and forward into gear third and fourth but to move to the side it doesn't really do it the part that's broken we've managed to order it £380 no wonder it's broken because it's made out of plastic someone definitely could have 3D printed that for us but 370 if you can 3D print that you would have made £370 the bit you can see is broken in the middle middle here holds the gear stick in place in the middle and without it it's completely loose the gearbox uses two cables to change gear one cable to go forward and backwards and the other one to go side to side the gear stick won't go side to side because it just falls out of place so to access this part and change it I've got to completely dismantle the center console never done this before F I can see it sort of had a locking knot and then a threaded part on the back of the gear stick so I'd to undo that first then unscrew this threaded part then after that there was a c clip on the side of the gear stick had to take out the C clip which then had a bunch of washers a spring which keeps the gear stick in the central position and loads more tiny little components but I still couldn't get the plastic out I've removed something from the side something from the front and last thing to be removed is this thing from the back flame but it was pretty seized in there everything's fine yeah yeah yeah what it's hot down there but eventually we got it out yeah yeah after that we had to pull the gear stick so it disconnected from the cable below it and once we got the gear stick out I realized something else wasn't right when I put the gear stick into the new plastic piece it was still sitting loose in there and my dad noticed there was something else broken which sits on the bottom of this spring here you can see on this diagram we're missing number six another tiny part the part we've got one and we've got an upgraded one in aluminium and it's coming tomorrow fingers crossed it will be here so now we can crack on with something else and hopefully this is going to solve it if it doesn't we're in a big problem but I think it will we're going to put the battery in the one there that you see that says Ferrari on it because that's for the Ferrari all right yeah here is the battery cover but I think I've made a vast very oh no I made an error tell me what mistake has he made what Mist can you not tell I think he painted that black I know I bought it black completely forgot the carpet's red well it will be red when we clean it so my dad got on with putting in the battery cover without any idea he would actually own this car soon so maybe I need to get some fabric paint for that black carpet to make it match after that there's more trims to go on the back of the Ferrari these black things sit behind the grill and almost stop you from seeing inside the engine bay when you're behind the car it just neatened things up a little bit there's one for each side and that's looking a lot better wow that was well oh yeah look quite cool now yeah it looks better it's got all blacked out what do you think oh it looks so much better there's also a few things missing from this rear bumper as you can see reflectors and some registration plate lighting under here I didn't realize I was missing any of this when I built up the bumper as if I had it before it would have been a lot easier to install with the bumper off this is the wiring loom for the the registration plate lights assume that these clip onto that like that like you know like boom boom like that you know like that and then the registration plate light loom clips into the engine Loom at the back here then all I've got to do is Slide the wires through this tiny little hole in the bumper which then would come out where the registration plate lights are do you reckon it matters which way I plug these no each connector goes onto the side of the light and then we're going to test it it works doesn't matter which way it goes round and now that we know it works we can bolt them into the bumper for good and that is the rear bumper complete rear bumper is all put together now and is complete which is good but there's still some more things we need to fix and eventually modify and improve as well and that requires the cars to go in the air for the next thing that's actually missing we have an ABS F on the dash so when you're driving it the brakes are going on and off on and off on and off because it thinks it's skidding and the reason of that is because there's a wheel that's loose a wheel speed sensor which is loose on that side and no wheel wheel speed sensor on this side there's supposed to be one there I have ordered one it was about 40 quid uh it's off a Maserati but same thing that's meant to go there what I didn't realize and completely forgot is that there's some kind of modified made bracket which mounts this too so we haven't got that bracket it doesn't look anything special it's probably from a million pound from Ferrari so we're just going to take that off and make the same bracket that side and hopefully that works fingers crossed right so you got to replicate that but a mirror image for that side mirror image yeah yeah well it would just be the same the same but [Laughter] mirrored curveball that ain't an ABS sensor that's completely thrown me off now then so that is a suspension control controll module I don't exactly know how it works or what it does but I know I'm missing one so whether this is linked to the ABS in some way I have no idea but this Ferrari has some kind of special suspension which can adjust depending on what driving mode you're in what these sensors have got to do with that I have absolutely no idea right before we find out whether we have any warning lights on the dash anymore which hopefully we won't but we don't know I have noticed that this car still sits kind of high it has got the stock wheels on which we will be changing in this video but I just expected it to sit a little bit lower but luckily these are on adjustable coilovers from standard so we could just wind these down a bit and it should hopefully make it sit a little bit lower look a little bit nicer so that's what we're going to do now and we're just going to guess exactly where we want it to go i' been working going hard it turns out I'm sure you guys all know how coilovers work I've noticed they come standard on a lot of high-end supercars and this is good because we can adjust the ride height without having to buy expensive aftermarket suspension all I've got to do is Twist the suspension down to a ride height I think is going to work again this is going to be complete guesswork and I won't know how low it's going to be until we put the wheels on and lower it down to the floor another job that needs doing are the handbrake brake pads there's a set caliper here which is just for the handbrake and whilst the brake pads look good in the actual brakes the handbrake caliper brake pads don't look the best so when dad's knocking out the pin here then unscrewing the top bolt of the handbrake caliper unfortunately you can't get to the bottom one because the lower arms in the way but just by undoing the top bolt it can slide the brake pads out on one side and on the other side then it's got to take off the actual brake caliper which he's doing now so we can remove the brake disc looks a little rusty but he's actually in good condition then the piston in the handbrake caliper is here and you have to twist that back in with a special kit so you can fit in the new brake pads which are obviously wider than the worn brake pads which is removed and there you go in goes the new handbrake caliper brake pads which are really small but again these won't be under much heat because they're just for the handbrake now this isn't the usual way you'll change the handbrake caliper brake pads but it's just a lot of the bolts were Rusty and we didn't want to risk SN spping them especially as we want to get this on the road by the end of the video job done we see if the handbrake Works suspension is all lowered evenly it's absolutely guess work I hope it's not too low that we can't get it off the RAM and we can't drive it but it looks perfect chances of that I don't know I guess we'll find out we still got to leave the wheel off on that side cuz my dad's still going to do the handbrake pads on the other side but the time has come for me to fix the gear stick here here is the piece you know how much that was 50 Quid 80 quid I'm not too far so that sits underneath the spring and it kind of goes in like that see mean like it's got to go in there so to get that out we I think we've got to knock that pin out out of there take that off take the spring off put this on and then put it all back together sounds easier all right yeah yes one pin that little pin that is the smallest pin in the world oh Sensational then the spring then that now we go get his pin back in and I haven't got my glasses oh a look at that one step closer to get the driving Ferrar for my dad and he don't even know yet now I've just got to figure out how all of this gear shift mechanism went back together first the gear stick goes in which presses onto the cable at the bottom then I've got to knock in that thing at the back of the gear stick yes and that's held in with a c clip which is really fiddly and I hate these tyer jobs after that there's this thing which I don't know what it's called that slides in from the side and then there's a spring a washer and all of that goes in the side as well and once that's in to hold it in place is a SE clip another really fiddly job Liam had to push it all in place and because it's spring-loaded he had to hold it down whilst I was trying to get the C clip in place but eventually we got it in after that there's this threaded part which goes on the front of the gear stick and after that we put the Gated part on to see if it all works and hopefully it does here we go it's pinged second third fourth fifth sixth okay it won't go in reverse but we might need to like jig the car around sometimes it does that doesn't it successfully passed to an extent I'm going to bolt all this together then we can adjust the C Ables to get the perfect gear shift Mission success now the Ferrari is slowly getting there but a lot of the components do look a little rusty and tired especially underneath the wheel arches but I think we have a solution for that I called up the ice [Music] blasters these guys can completely blast pretty much the whole car with dry ice which doesn't make a mess it doesn't get anything wet and it does a really good job of cleaning and degasing everything and these guys are completely mobile just look at the difference it's made underneath the Arches and they even offered to do the carpets inside the car I'm not entirely sure how this works but it did a pretty good job and I've left a link for you guys in the description below if you wanted to get any work done by these as well so we can't get reverse um we think it's a cable situation so these cable here which move all the mechanism they can be adjusted and when we take the gate off the gearbox we can get it in reverse because it allows you just to go over a little bit further which is actually pushing the cable that way we just don't know which cable it is so I think all we got to do is I'll sit inside push it all the way over and then my dad will adjust it until I can actually put it into reverse I think that's the the way we're going to do it ready ready I'm in reverse oh fixed well done Tony you got it first try is that good yeah don't do anything because look first second third fourth fifth six reverse come on then let's get it on the road seats door cards Wheels should we see how low it sits because then we can then we can push it off the ramp and we can open the doors up then and properly get access in here I hope it's not too low here we go did you Lear it so you need to go up put blocks of wood under it it then we can see how much how low it is you it is on right that is the ride he and those wheels are tiny why did they do that on Old supercars in the day yeah boy look at the back how do we guess that almost level that's nearly fingers next up it's the engine covers these fit either side of the engine just to neaten up that engine bay a little bit more there is a lot of other stuff which we can clean up in the engine bay but we're going to be doing a lot of that stuff over on the Mark I channel so make sure one you guys are actually subscribe to this Channel and also the Mark I one if you want to see extra content once the engine covers are in I moved back into the car and started reassembling the center console once and for all which uses a few Allen key bolts and then the electrical connectors which connect to the hazard lights and the parking lights then I can push it all into its place only I seem to struggle a little bit when it comes to the as TR so we been trying to get it in like that but it probably goes like that some things just don't make sense on this Ferrari but I guess that's the beauty of Italian engineering and that's why we love these cars finally I can bolt in the Gated shifter the part which makes this Ferrari so rare and that tops it off nicely this was one of the first things that come out and it's finally going back in we're going with the OG seats because we've kept it kind of OG really Original Gangster that's what you are tonan OG everything is actually original G like we've lowered it a bit which is a bit OG plus but other than that apart from the wheels and the exhaust ah ah the exhaust is o yeah that's o that's a necessity is it I did actually buy some aftermarket bucket seats for the Ferrari but then changed my mind and fitted The Originals and the reason being we've pretty much kept everything original on this car and if we have added anything aftermarket it's always been subtle that'll help with the value of the car and also if I do anything outrageous my dad's probably not going to like it but the original seats aren't even that bad they're in pretty good condition for a nearly 20y old car just the final pieces now before we can properly test drive this car I've just got to finish assembling the door card on the left hand side and then we can move over to the driver's side which we were both really struggling on trying to sort this window regulator out so we've managed to rebuild an engine rebuild a gearbox and the one thing that's defeated us is this window regulator it won't lift the window up straight that's how it that's how it closes that's what we're going to have to deal with unfortunately we didn't have the time to fix this for now because we had to go to wheel Mania to pick up the new wheels and there's a lot of other things on the Ferrari that we do need to get sorted to make it absolutely perfect but for now we just needed to get it on the road for the first time the car has come a hell of a long way since we picked it up and a lot of people probably never thought it would go back on the on the road and to be honest neither did I my dad's about to get one hell of a car that's if it all works and goes to plant but even though there's still more bits to touch up it looks absolutely unreal it's crazy to think this is a 2005 [Music] car okay my dad's driving it first actual proper Drive the door cards rattling that is well annoying oh the steering smilees out oh my God what the hell oh it sounds good yeah I think it's going good it's it's quite scary when you just rebuild everything in there so they have that much faith in the Ferrari me and Liam are in the pickup truck following so if it breaks down we've got a g where jail free card yeah this is a proper get out of jail free card but we didn't need the get out of jail free card cuz the Ferrari was driving great and looking great even if the steering wheel was turning right when we're going in a straight [Music] line and it wasn't long until we arrived at whe Mania we're here we finally made it to whe Mania it's done its first drive my dad's drove it for the first time I've drove it for the first time it's made it here there's a few little issues here and there but the main thing the engine works and the gearbox works and here we are at whe Mania of course for Wheels because these ones just are well one side's gray back in my one size silver and they're 18 in I think they're a bit too small let's go get let's go get the wheels in my bag and i't got to brag I do this sh for real when we was down and we had nothing we had to share a mill put sh Drive window no staring well that thing back in air of H that looks n 20's all around then we' gone for a 9 to 20 on the front and not too aggressive on the rear we going put 11 for 20 on the rear yeah so it's kind of like an oem look like it still looks like the original wheel doesn't it yeah but it's just better in every way it's just better wider bigger better tires on as well he keeping it OG plus that's what was going here oh no way that is sick ma branding and you could get it all at whe minute could someone do that themselves as well yes so they want their own initials they could order forg and put their own initials on how about that and with the link in the description there's a 100% discount code there waa 100% 100 there is a WhatsApp number there and if you guys message your he'll sort you out if you've come from me got get him on the car now yeah don't he ain't going to let me drive it after he got them on oh yeah cuz you'll be cing this is it we all know it's the wheels which completely top off the build and I think by going with these OEM plus star wheels it's going to finish off the Ferrari perfectly but is my dad going to like it we put a lot of work into this car and whe Mania are about to finish it off with these custom wheels let's see how she looks with her new shoes [Music] [Music] [Music] yes oh oh look at the fitment it's like we almost knew didn't we and there it is an almost finished Ferrari F430 but one last thing my dad has now got to fix all the broken parts on the car because this is yours what it's your this is your Ferrara no it ain't yes it is that's [Music] yours but but we're not fixing it anymore this is all on you now mate mine yeah's dad you got a Ferrari mate yeah I can't believe it my dad has helped me build my dream car the mercil ARA he's helping me build the McLaren he helped me build the purple GT3 out in Florida and little did he know he was helping build his own Ferrari the least I could do was let him have the Ferrari go on then wow who's coming in with me now he's got to roll lexander Ferrara right out this J his legs are about one [Music] oh do [Music] [Music] it so good what a car well I think that's the outro thanks so much for watching this video If you enjoyed it hit the Subscribe button hit the thumbs up button and I'll see you in the next video peace out I've been watching Mr Tumble Mr Tumble and you know what he does what does he do sign language go on do some sign language what does that mean hello just can't deny giving me the best time
Channel: Mat Armstrong MK2
Views: 6,976,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ferrari, rebuild, rebuilding, restoration, cheap, ferrari f430, scammed, exotic cars, matt armstrong, mat armstrong, restore, wrecked, damaged, engine, engine rebuild, timelapse, full rebuild, ferrari f430 pov, ferrari f430 manual, rare, manual, gated manual
Id: gEskkdFBhno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 18sec (10398 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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