How many MORE characters can you unlock in your very first repentance run? (Part Two)

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so that maximum character video got a lot more attention than i would have assumed to figure out makes sort of a sequel to it a lot of you had your own ideas in the comments below and i'll take a look at some of these i read some numbers to see how likely any of this would be i recommend watching the other video first and i have a link to it down below first thing i would like to say is that you should remember that all these are hypotheticals don't take any of this as me saying this will happen because frankly it could take years to find any suitable seed the first comment i want to dive deeper into is this one from a long time channel viewer cosmic and i'm including this just to further the point that all of this is hypothetical and may not even be possible yet he says theoretically if you get enough r keys and forgive me nows you could unlock 30 characters only missing keeper and lilith which are from green mode although there are a finite number of seeds which unlikely this will ever happen and he's spot on here yes if you get enough of anything on a run well you could do now worries even more right is the second part in isaac there are a finite number of seeds meaning that at some point we've explored them all if we assume that no changes to the c combinations have been made since base rebirth and we can use every alpha numeric character except for i o u and v because according to tyrone they look way too much like the other characters and there are 2 to the 32 minus 1 power or 4 billion 294 million 967 000 295 possible seeds this means for the dream run that cosmic is talking about here you need to find one of those seeds that has generation properties of our key and that many times over so we can easily rule that out like cosmic does the next comment i want to explore comes from jean usagi they state ideas question mark card plus r key allows three runs making three hush kills possible which opens the ante birth floors if school bag can hold two of the same item arky could be the plopiad allowing a fourth run where you can actually access these floors otherwise finding another question mark card in the second run or another r key in the second or third would do the same thing if you can get a fifth run through ridiculous slack or another exploit going through ascent unlocks the red key it isn't likely you'll get the red key but it is in a fair few pools including the secret room which i believe means it could be farmed for using the infinite steam sail trick if you can get the red key and a charging item or two you can open extra rooms on any floor this can include sacrifice rooms which if you use in the dark room teleport you back to a new dark room you could theoretically chain this endlessly with 50 plus chances each floor potentially endless rooms mean potentially endless chances for a stick's run at which your biggest concern is probably crashing before you can break the game up to literally unlock every character possible in the first run now although far fetched so was my original run so let's examine this the first flaw i see which is pointed out also in reply by x7 gaming is that using r key does not reset the timer so if you wanted to get your three hush kills your best bet is using a dice room for one or two of the resets and hoping you still make the time now let's say you managed to do that and our next step being looping the dark room in order to do this we will need the red key which gets unlocked by opening mom's box and home meaning the order here would have to be kill hush three times whether it's by our key or dice room go to ascent and opens my open mom's i can't open mom's box go to ascent and open mom's box reset again find our key and make it back to the dark room so yeah on your average first run this seems a bit too unlikely my first thought was you could diplopia a question mark card pick up starter deck then you get four runs but you would still need a way to reset once more not to mention to unlock hush you need to beat mom's heart 10 times meaning you would need to reset the womb 2 10 times and three more for the hush kill then once more for a cent and once more for dark room then looping dark room enough to keep resetting far-fetched and you're gonna get married to the pope before this to be fair i thought it was a better plan until i remember the hush unlock the last comment i'll explore was this one from jasper and they say as long as you have school back and we need to go deeper you can just continue doing victory laps until you find an r key since our key removes a victory run modifier and resets it to just a normal run once again and you can keep on doing it no matter how many times you want to now this is a killer idea except for two things the first being who to unlock the logical option would be to go for blue baby because in order to get jacob and esau need to already have beaten hush three times so if you plan to get blue baby you have to beat mom's heart 10 times without ending the run the best way to do this would be to use we need to go deeper to go down to the womb skipping mom and then skipping to darkroom to finish another lap problem is after you third a lap fourth mom's heart kill you become the loss meaning you can sacrifice back to the dark room again making you end your run there are a couple ways around this however one of those being a respawn item like judas's shadow if you respond as a character with hp you can continue on the other option here being arrow rooms once again which should bring down to the dark room the other way albeit hard we'd have unlocked the void and get the void part of the spawn after either mom's heart or satan it is a 10 chance to spawn after mom's heart and a 15 chance after satan so good luck now let's discuss some other methods of farming unlocks within iran glowing hourglass glowing hourglass can be used to fully reset the room you are in and revert your run to which state in the previous room for example if you enter monstrous fight with three hearts get hit twice and pick up squeezy then use the hourglass you send to the room that you were in previous to that fight with with three hearts and no squeezy so it would seem we could use this to rack up multiple mom's heart kills right well no if you use it after the fight and fight it twice it only counts for one kill on the profile screen plus the item phases out after five uses so if you were to use it to unlock blue baby you would need two of them although i since we could be able to use this for some cheese in the future you see if you use it after only one kill and then exit to the main menu you still get your eden unlock despite your technically not beating the fight yet it's possible with a better understanding of the item we could produce some cheese unlocking forgotten yes believe it or not you can still technically do this however it is just as out of reach as acquiring the red key see no matter how many runs you've gone through when endings unlocked the first time you fight mom will always put you in a cutscene but i don't believe it's the same for the mausoleum mom fight two different bosses at two different points in the game however both lead to boss rush so if you were to unlock the all path you could still do boss rush and you could still acquire the shovel pieces however then you would have had to have beaten the first floor boss in under a minute and then reset the run meaning you have to make it all the way to the lamin under a minute reset and then kill your basement one floor boss the only hope we have for this is an igt exploit which i don't really see happening so where does this leave us well i propose a new sort of speedrunning category sort of like mario odyssey's minimum captures but it's for max characters in one run this will encourage people to find siege where some of these out of hand scenarios actually end up being possible just like minimum captures if it's proved that our dream 12 out of 34 characters is possible then everyone has to reach that standard or it's not valid i'll probably be doing some runs on my twitch channel of this trying to go for at least 9 out of 34. until someone beats that then run isn't valid until i hit that etc if you are interested in helping the community find this dream seed then a link to my discord will be down below we have a dedicated seed finding channel for this type of challenge along with that i am also interested in forming a speedrunning tournament based on character unlocked and i'd love to see you guys input on that but take care and see you in the next one oh and just one more thing if you like supporting small creators like me come stop by the twitch channel every once in a while it's fun to have you guys and i love meeting new people but yeah see you guys in the next one
Channel: bd1p
Views: 44,470
Rating: 4.9724708 out of 5
Keywords: The Binding of isaac repentance, the binding of isaac, repentance, TBOI, Challenge, minimum percent, min percent, min%
Id: QL4b-_ixfdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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