How Magician Communicate with the Jin? | Sheikh Yasir Qadhi

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[Music] [Music] so the magician will literally sell himself to the jinn and when you sell yourself to the jinn you cannot be a worshiper of allah you cannot be a worshiper of allah and that is why it is very common for thee for the magician to actually do acts of blatant kuffar things that are absolutely disgusting things that involve and i don't even mention it inside the masjid but it involves dishonoring some of the signs of allah it involves nudges it involves humiliating his own body it involves any sacrilegious vulgar profane and i don't want to give examples but wallahi the worst of the worst things that even even a a person who's bad will not do what the magician does right you will have thieves you will have murders you will have they have a limit of what they how they maintain themselves magicians have no depths of depravity that they're not going to go down to doing stuff that even an agnostic atheist would feel disgusted at doing and i do not want to give any examples but anything you can think of wallahi they do worse than that i swear by allah they do worse than that and i speak from my own experiences with doing exorcisms and whatnot that they do much worse than this and the anything you can think of they do worse than this and why do they do it because again from the perspective of the jinn getting a thrill looking at you humiliating yourself putting nudges on yourself eating this doing that going there look at the thrill that you're giving the jin right and so in return if the jin just has to go and slap somebody and come back more than happy to do it so that you have to grovel even more right correct right and this is the reality of what is that the magician is basically giving this jin some boost and misguiding himself by becoming uh away from islam or worshiping other than allah subhanahu wa ta'ala literally i mean they say that you sell yourself to the devil that's literally what you do literally it's not even a uh it's not even a figure of speech here that's what you do is you sell yourself to the shaitaan do what you ask me to do what you want and i will then you know obey you now therefore what therefore happens here is that what happens is that uh and okay so why would the why would the magician do this before i move on why would the magician want to do that what is the motivation of the magician money money and maybe even fame but money the main motivation of the magician is money and what did the firaoun's magician say what's in it for us right so magicians what do they gain money from whom from people that come to them it's a profession it's a job and a job that gives them power as well that's another thing it makes them feel powerful above other men but not above the jin because they are the servant of the jinn right they have to humiliate themselves in front of the jinn but in front of the other people it makes them feel it's like imagine how a massive bodybuilder would feel though nobody can beat me up right walking around like that that type of boost i got the gin that's going to help me this is arrogance correct that arrogance will be given to the magician no doubt about it because he feels he has a weapon that you cannot oppose but what does allah say they can never harm somebody except with the permission of allah so to then summarize very briefly so then what exactly is how does this happen that the man who wants to do this evil deed the man or woman who wants to do this evil didn't become a magician so they learn and study this art from somebody who's already trained and this person will tell him you need to do this and this and this and again this is filtered down through our horror movies as well in this element of truth sit at 3 am facing such a direction in the middle of a pentagon and you draw it out and you will have this color light and you will have this and that so these are signals being given to the gin world that i'm willing to enter so these are this is re in reality this is exactly how it happens right that these are signals that are being given to the jinn world that this is what the babylon jinns were taught that how do you communicate with us how do you get in touch with us and from that has been developed as we said into madaya but the point is so the magician does this and he will sit there and sit there and subhanallah have interviewed a number of these people uh before and after their tawba sometimes before sometimes after and yes this is exactly the the reality that they will say that we did this and you know every day nothing happened nothing happened nothing happened so the jinn is seeing if you're serious you're not until finally one day they see something or a power or a presence or a voice or whatever and then they are told do this so raise it up a notch are you serious then do this so then there's direct communication they will go and do it and then the relationship begins the relationship begins and then this gin that they contact typically and i say this from my own experience i haven't i don't know of anything in the quran sunnah that would support this but nothing negates it as well from my own experiences what i have found that the jinn that communicates with the sahir is not typically the jinn that goes and irritates or does the the harm rather that jinn does indeed have minions servants because here's the point the myth is that the the magician controls the gin i've asked people with what chains whips how what are you going to use to control the jin how you can't even see it how can you control it but cannot the stronger gen control the weak region in their own world yes because that's their world and quite literally quite literally the jinns are like some type of mafia with the boss with the godfather at the figurehead right and the the magician contacts one of the upper guys one of the henchmen one of the bigger maybe even the boss himself and then his work is subcontracted out literally tells one of the lower guys on the on the ladder you have to go do that right minimum wage outsourcing it right outsourcing it but no not to india no no don't worry now having said that there's a lot of indian pakistan yes unfortunately it's reality isn't it [Music] you
Channel: Quran and Islam
Views: 107,635
Rating: 4.9078803 out of 5
Keywords: quran, islam, Allah, Muhammad s.a.w, guidance, omer suleiman, yasir qadhi, noman ali khan
Id: u2IJV1m2684
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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