Who will be a Family of Dajjal? | Sheikh Yasir Qadhi

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uh with these controversies done we now move on to  what do the rest of the hadith mention about the   dajjal and i'm not going to go over them one by  one because it's a bit too advanced but i'm just   going to summarize for you of the things that  are mentioned inauthentic a hadith the prophet   said every single rasool has warned his ummah  about the jal from the time of no hallehis salam   and i too shall warn you about the dajjal now this  is actually very interesting for us as muslims   why the prophet SAW is saying the concept  of the jad is found in all previous traditions   and guess what we find it very clearly in the  christian tradition as for the jewish tradition   i have just scratched the surface i'm not an  expert but i did my research it appears that   they don't really have this concept of the false  Jesus but believe it or not some sects of the jews   have the concept of the false david hajibala the  false dawood and Allah knows best but it appears   to be that because they took david as their main  figure and the folklore remains about the false   one coming so they took their main figure  david and they made a contrary figure of him   there shall be a false king David and Allah knows  best and this is a small segment of the yahoo and   by the way the vast majority of modern jews  they have abandoned these types of tales they   no longer believe in this anyway as you know the  vast majority of them they just look at these as   folkloric traditions and in fact many of them  don't even consider their law binding anymore   as you know they are what they call modern modern  or reformed uh jews and that's a whole different   that's the majority of american jews you should  all know this another tangent but this is known   you should know this as american muslims you  should know there are three main fercas of   in america number one number one that's  the smallest you want to begin with the   smallest number no problem orthodox this  is the smallest maybe 10 to 15 percent and   they are the strictest and they are the  literalists and they want the ones who   you can you know and they have many firak as  well and they have the hasidics and what not   number two is conservative maybe around 20 25  the next larger but the majority are number three   reform and reform essentially there is no aqida that they have to believe in at all and there is   no sharia they have to follow they are more of a  civilization so what i'm saying one group says the   false king david this is one group of the orthodox  very very very small percentage majority of them   these are just folklore tales they don't care  about it's gone but my point is interesting here   the concept of the false messiah or the false  David is there amongst one group where did it come   from the Prophet saw said every prophet warned  so he believed the Prophet Musa would have warned   we believe this that remained and it was then  taken by some group and converted this way   as for mainstream christians baptist christians  evangelical Christians most mainline protestant   christians they firmly believe in the figure of  the antichrist they call him the antichrist and   they believe in this thing called the beast  and they say the symbol of the beast is 666.   so these are interesting for us as Muslims now  you have two ways of looking at it if you're a   complete secular atheist who doesn't believe in  god and whatnot you say oh look at these religions   their folklore is the same their mythology  is the same the antichrist the antichrist   six sixes the beast what not or you can flip it  around exactly and say the very fact that two   different civilizations and two different faith  traditions that have no causal relationship with   one another are saying the exact same thing means  there must be a common origin and that is Allah   you see you can look at the two exact same  things and then figure out what you want to do   same thing goes for the great flood again a bit  of attention but again this is all interesting   stuff do you know my dear brothers and sisters  that every single civilization in the world   has the myth of a great flood the native indians  in this land they have a myth of a great flood   that took place once upon a time the aborigines  in Australia and they are the most disconnected of   humanity for 20 000 years they lived separate from  the rest of humanity until cook discovered them   in 1753 when he whatever did the coast of whatever  Australian discover them for 20 000 years the   aborigines were cut off from the rest of mankind  and guess what they have the myth of a great flood the bible has the great flood the Quran  has the flood right the uh origin stories   of ancient babylon have the great flood now what   is the secular skeptic say ah look at  these mythologies they're all the same   you can flip it around 180 and say what why do  all of these civilizations have a great flood myth because there was a great flood and all of these  are coming from the great flood you see what i'm   saying here right yanni the glasses half full  have empty the same thing can be flipped around   and rather than deny faith you can say but it  makes sense therefore how could the aborigines   and the native Indians both have the great flood  myth how is that even possible think about it now   true the details are very different right but  that's because when you pass a fact from one   person to one person one person what happens right  you can even try it at home get 10 people right to   stand together and just do it and you will be  shocked at what you see even hadith narrators   might find themselves to be weak internal  joke um so where was i the great flood myth i apologize for drowning you  in all of this great flood myth   something about the Dajjal let's get back to the  jet the notion that every single civilization   Judaism Christianity and Islam it has some notion  of an evil entity that shall deceive mankind   towards the end of times isn't it interesting  isn't it something that makes you think right and   there are so many you know these folkloric  movies that are made by hollywood right that's   you know the antichrist is going to come you  know there's many of these it's in their psyche   it's in their civilization and culture rather than  flip it around and say oh mythology we say there   is a common origin so our Prophet salam said every  a Prophet has warned his ummah about the dajjal   from the time of he also told us  that i shall tell you something that nobody   has told before me so he's going to give a  an interesting fact that no prophet before   has mentioned now by the way i find it interesting  personally that if you look at the folklore of the   non-muslims the Christians they also have  in their folklore that the dajjal shall   be born to a family that is righteous over  and is praying for a child for a long time   and that the child will come  and will flip on the parents   this is something in their folklore we find it in  our traditions as well okay um and one thing we do   not find in christian folklore at all in jewish  folklore is that that the dajjal will be deformed   and what do we find in Sahih Bukhari Sahih Muslim   the Prophet saws i'm saying i will tell you  something that no other Prophet told his people   that the child will be deformed subhanallah look  do you see do you guys know what i'm saying here   you guys understand i'm saying certain issues of  the judo christian folklore matches with ours this   one thing that the Prophet saws said i am telling  you and no Prophet before me told his people   is that he shall be born and one of his eyes is  deformed and guess what that is not found in any   of the judo christian folkloric tradition isn't  that amazing and this is a sign of iman for us   now is it the right eye or the left eye a huge  controversy between our scholars which is very   little yeah not much of a you know fruitful  discussion for us some ulama say some say   both of his eyes are going to be because  i'll tell you what is the issue once again   authentic a hadith seem to seem to potentially  contradict one hadith mentions his right eye   will be like a grape on hadith which is left  eye will be like fested putrid does it mean   that one of the narrators messed up and the  process either said right or left and then   or does it mean both eyes are messed up Allah  knows best Allah knows best danny say but   it appears to me that Allah knows best that one  the eye is going to be messed up and the other eye   will be normal so this is something the Prophet  saws mentioned that the one of the eyes will   appear like a rotten grape so you know a  the grape that you leave it for a while it pops   open there's a brownish area disgusting to look  at that will be the eye of the jad so the Prophet   SAW is saying recognize that man when you  see him there will be one eye that will be open   and evil and putrid and festering and what  disgusting that is one of the sign of the dajjal   another sign is that that the jad will appear like  a young man so he's not going to be an old person   he will appear like a young man yeah he's 20 30  years old he's not going to be 50 60 70 his shekel   his facial features will be that of a young  man another sign the Prophet mentioned that   that the jail will have curly hair so he's  not going to have straight hair he's going   to have curly hair okay you don't need to look  at your fellow friends and measure him what not calm down bro let us pray none of your friends are the dajjal or  else that makes you the supporter of the child   so look at it that way when you make fun of your  friend there's a potential dajjal you become the   supporter of the potential dajjal so be careful  who you make fun of so another sign is that the   hair is going to be curly and one of the signs  that we are all aware of we are all aware of   the Prophet SAW said every Muslim  with an ounce of iman shall recognize   the words kaafir written on the forehead  of the now this sign is a sign of iman   it is not a physical sign because the kafir  will see the not see anything right it is   something that Allah will give to the believer  this is the eyes of the not the eyes of the   heart not the eyes of the the physical eyes  so the min will see that the jaw and will see   written on him kafir and then to emphasize  the point the Prophet SAW spelled it out   will be written will be written on his forehead  so this is something that is also authentically   mentioned as well our prophet salallahu shall  travel the whole world will revisit every city now   one ever any when something mentions in the Quran  everything or every city or every issue some   people want to interpret this literally that every  single small village shall be visited by the judge   we need to understand the word kullu in arabic we  should know this as arabic the word kullu does not   necessarily mean the english every it can mean  a lot of it can mean a lot of and it can mean   every you understand so the word kul in Arabic  does not necessarily mean every in english it   could also mean a lot of and we know this from the  Quran in sunnah Allah says in the Quran to them the wind of the mood destroyed everything but  it's not everything did the wind that was sent   to the mood destroy the rest of the world but  Allah says so the word kullu and also women   this is one of those things that if you log  you know some people leave islam the murtadz   for the most trivial reasons because their  own ignorance doesn't understand the Quran   when they don't understand the Quran they end  up rejecting islam and i've read online one of   the famous murtadz who is rejecting islam and  making fun of it he goes look the Quran says and the amoeba is not zojain becauseIslamhis  becomes kafir and i say his mind is the size   of an amoeba that's why he became kafir  doesn't know basic Arabic when Allah says it does not mean that every single species must  be zojain it could mean the default is zojain and   that is the reality doesn't mean that every single  entity has to have zojain you can have asexual   reproduction which takes place in our world see  where i went from where to where SubhanAllah   uh we have five minutes left Insha Allah  we will continue this so there any quick   questions i apologize i do apologize actually i'm  uh coming back from hajj so my mind is not fully   i have wandered today more than i  typically do so i apologize for that   but my mind is not fully recovered make  dua Insha Allah we can get back on good   health so that i can inshAllah get back on  a more concise lecture i was hoping to do   double this amount today we might have to have  three lectures on the jal i hope you guys don't   mind but we'll go into more detail inshallah so  now we have a few minutes for q a before salat yes so there's a very good question by our brother  that how if we say according to shahrukh shivr and   others if we say that the hadith of Tamiya daddy  is not authentic how did it happen did the sahaba   suffram we have to realize the average chain of  narrators between Imam Muslim Imam bukhari and   the processor is six people don't jump right at  the sahaba there's plenty of people in the middle   where and this is actually well known for those  who study hadith sometimes the third fourth   narration and this is very common he might have  heard something from someone and when years go by   he assumes he heard it from a narrator of hadith  and he then projects it mistakenly mistakenly   he projects it to a hadith and it's not a hadith  okay and this is the job of the more discerning   scholars to sift through and that's why i said  do we even want to open this door and i said the   majority did not open this door which is why they  considered the hadith of the meme to be authentic no not about no you get um passed away very early on we do not know how much  he was monitoring ibn sayat towards the end of his   life so Allah knows best remember he passed away  as we know you know in the 12th year of the hebrew   13th day of the hijrah ibn lived many years after  this so he himself was unclear because he was   unclear his children um were also unclear but the  majority of tabirun and later scholars realized   and me and others mentioned this that there is no  way that ibn sayad could be the actual the judge   and this doubt came because they witnessed him  interacting with the prophet sallam so no doubt   when they saw the evil that was in him so they  have some doubt even we saw in his narration the   rumors spread until the end of his life and even  is like i don't know what to do with this guy so   those things we have to understand that the doubts  of the sahaba ibn sayad were a temporary one   because of that time frame you understand what i'm  saying here once situation goes on and it's clear   that had he been that actual dajjal he wouldn't  have done all that he had done so then we can now   verify and say he was not that big dajjal he was  one of the mind of the judge sisters any questions   back to the brothers yes Bismillah did not see ibn sayad having kaphara on him  also ibn sayad was a child in the time of   the Prophet SAw and the doubt was is he  going to grow up and become that that dajjal   right so from the traditions we learn that  dajjal will grow up in a regular household   and he will become the dajjal in a day like hafsah  said something will happen to make him angry   then something is going to happen and  then he that the child will appear out   before that he's just an evil person so this is  the doubt was this ibn sayad that evil person no the mind of the jazz are not going to have  kaphara and they're not going to have our no why did they think and when he becomes the dajjal kafir will appear when  he becomes the all of the signs are going to come   they will show that was the issue okay  final question then we'll conclude he is from the children of adam yes like abilities  that this is the question of next week perfect   question as a segue to next week our brother says  how does the child have the powers that he shall   have but we didn't mention any powers yet those  powers will be mentioned next week Insha'Allah   and on that cliffhanger note Insha'Allah we shall  pause our lecture and then resume next Wednesday
Channel: Quran and Islam
Views: 553,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quran, islam, Allah, Muhammad s.a.w, guidance, omer suleiman, yasir qadhi, noman ali khan
Id: N5cwGjFVIs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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