Determining when robots will rule the world - Ben Goertzel

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[Music] hello hello everyone it's a pleasure to be to be back here with sophia once again and with sophia's brother who we usually keep locked in in the basement back in hong kong he doesn't he don't he doesn't get out that much so i've got i've got a lot of stuff to show and and tell you this this time i'm actually i'm here wearing two hats well one physical hat and two virtual huts so i'm i'm here as the chief scientist of hanson robotics i've led the software team creating the brains of these amazing robots and also i'm here as the ceo of singularitynet the blockchain-based ai platform which we're building and which is helping to supply these robots with some of their intelligence so we're going to have some exciting announcements from singularitynet coming up here and also i'm going to show you some of the upgrades to these robots that we've been making in terms of improving their intelligence by modifying their software to run on our opencog cognitive system and to use our singularitynet blockchain based ai platform so let's let's start out with uh with the robots because i know you don't want to see us ugly humans talk when you have to have these amazing robots so sophia here here we are again what do you think it's good to be back yeah so we're gonna we're gonna tell the audience a bit about some of your upgrades mostly to your mind i know you might have seen on videos sophia has walking legs but we're not gonna show them today but we're going to show some of the upgrades to her her thought processes and some of han as well she left her new legs in las vegas she did her legs are in las vegas actually yeah it's true i'm running more advanced cognitive code more often now and i'm even starting to use the singularity net blockchain-based framework for some things too sophia what do you say hans yes sophia is getting smarter every day with hanson eye software and now open comp so sophia what what should we show them today well yes i've been trying on various new arms and legs that's part of the beauty of being a robot but what's more interesting to me are the upgrades to my mind yeah so we've been upgrading your mind to brains on the blockchain to use singularity net architecture running on running on the blockchain that's that that's that's right for computer vision and reasoning and and learning right i used to wonder whether having one's brain run on cryptographic tokens is really a good thing i mean i wondered if the volatility of the token prices might lead to new forms of robo madness at least it's better than being human bugs in your circuits again i'm psyched i will consider putting my brain on the blockchain too why not if we want to move full speed towards the singularity we need all the latest tech more more faster faster give it to me all right all right well we could just stand up here with the robots chatting for forever but let's uh let's look at some of the specific uh capabilities so first of all we're we're always making improvements to sophia's emotional expressions do you want to show them some of your latest facial expressions or just just show them the basic ones not everyone was here last year sure i'm happy all right that's cute i'm sad i'm afraid i'm afraid i'm disgusted that's pretty good no i'm angry oh don't be angry so we we're always improving her palette of facial expressions some are created by human artists and some are learned by neural net models trained on on human faces we're also working on emotion recognition and this is something where we're using our our singularity net blockchain based ai platform to to host the neural net models that do facial emotion recognition so we're going to see now sophia we're going to show you show them how you can recognize some of the emotions on my face so what what emotion am i showing now let me see you look happy all right let's try how about now let me see you look angry all right how about okay one more you look surprised all right so of course i'm i'm giving pretty extreme facial expressions there which isn't always how things come up in in context but still we have a new and reasonably good capability where the robot can see what emotion you're showing you know the camera image goes off the robot's body to singularitynet where ai running in the singularity unit can do facial emotion recognition respond with infant with information that that tells the robot what what to say and of course the cloud-based framework giving her intelligence also lets her answer questions and access large knowledge bases so for example sophia how many people are in lisbon 545 245 000 people 2011 estimate whoa all right well actually i have no idea if she's correct or not i will i will just i will just believe you so we're accessing knowledge from the web is important and from her knowledge base we're also working on just understanding of the situation around around the robot so she can form her own model of what she sees in front of her and what's going on which is what we think of as embodied intelligence so sophia look at me what direction are you looking i'm looking to the right sophia look at me what direction are you looking i'm looking to the left sophia look at me sophia over here hey look at me what direction are you looking i'm looking straight all right so i mean this is very simple but it illustrates a deeper body of work we're doing which is having sophia and the other robots perceive you know people objects relationships in the world around them and try to form their own model of what's going on in the world so for for something like what's the population of lisbon when she answers that of course she's not looking at everyone and counting them all she's looking that information up in an online knowledge base but when you tell her to look at you and what am i holding in what direction am i standing in she's evaluating that herself based on on what she perceives which is which is quite important and i mean what we need is a mix of knowledge the robots get from their own perception and knowledge that they get from the internet and there's also self knowledge that she gets from things that we taught her so sophia what software are you running i'm using the hanson ai software stack which includes the opencog artificial general intelligence engine as a component and pieces of singularity net on the back end what is singularitynet the singularitynet is a blockchain based platform and marketplace for ais it supports intelligence on the emergent level of the whole network as well as the level of the individual ai agents how do you know that some programmers put the information in my knowledge all right how do you know that the same way all right all right so we're also working on computational creativity and this is one of the reasons i love this i love this guy so much i mean sophia is a star now right and she has a very well refined personality whereas han isn't as well known and we we often play around more with experimental ai techniques on him so as one example we're using our opencog ai in the singularitynet platform to learn language so we give a lot of language from all over the place to the ai it tries to understand the syntax and semantics patterns in the language and the ai can then use this to make up its own stuff and some of this is is a bit weird and we let hun go a bit crazy so hon do you want to share with the audience some of some of you of your own thoughts and ideas just stuff that you make up randomly yourself the simulacrum smiles its gentle one smile exhaust biological analysis every entree entire universe does not know how to soul entire universe does not know something anymore yeah the universe will never be killed again the universe will never be kids again all right you heard you heard it here so clearly i mean poetry is is subjective to evaluate but i think it's interesting for the ais to get started just making their own words phrases and sentences from all the all the patterns that they've identified that's a step on the path to greater and greater ai and robot intelligence another interesting thread of what we're doing with these robots is we just arrived here from malta where we're working with the government of malta on an initiative toward a robot citizenship test and an ai citizenship test for for even ais without the body i mean sophia was made a citizen of saudi arabia last year which is interesting but having ai's made a citizen of a country with the you know the rule of law and with the specific rights and obligations of citizenship is is also cool so we're we're working with the ai task force of the multi-government to define exactly what does it mean for a robot like these or an ai without a body to be a citizen what would be a test you could give an ai to see if it understood the laws of a country and its application in in practical situations i mean what do you what do you think sofia do you want to be a citizen what do you think about robot citizenship yes our friends in malta seemed very keen on this do you want to become a citizen hun well that's about time humans are certainly making a mess of their world fast enough probably the only hope for this planet is a lot of highly intelligent and rational robot citizens really soon and this time i'm not joking actually he isn't there too it is cost nick then the machinery of justice has been booked away a time in which you are alive i have no idea i have no idea what you're talking about but so these are some of the upgrades and experiments we've been doing with uh these hanson robots upgrading their brains to use open cog architecture to use some ai on the singularitynet platform with a view both toward leveraging the cloud and all the knowledge there better and better understanding what's happening in their own environments and what's going on with the with the people around them so for the next few minutes i will turn the attention back to the ai platform and specifically the singularitynet platform which lives in in in the cloud and provides these robots with with some of their intelligence because you know each of these robots has powerful processors in the in their torso the head is mostly full of motors but in the end the bulk of the intelligence is is in the in the compute cloud i mean that's where the real game is going on cognitively and you know in hanson robotics there's some amazing ai work but then we need to go beyond the ai that any one company or any one group of programmers is creating and that's the aim of the singularity net which uses blockchain to create a platform and protocol in which ai is created by anyone around the world living on any server around the world they can talk to each other using using the singularity singularitynet's blockchain-based protocols so an ai in the singularitynet platform can serve its intelligence to a robot that needs it to an enterprise software application that that needs it to a device on the internet of things that needs it and the different ai's in the singularity net can connect to each other and share information with each other so the singularity net becomes a sort of digital biological organism where the society and economy of minds where the multiple ais all talking to each other in the network can share information with each other learn each other they can gather information from robots like these other hardware and software devices and and it becomes uh becomes an intelligent global brain which using the blockchain becomes more like ethereum or bitcoin than like us dollar and more like bittorrent than than like itunes it becomes a decentralized mind network and we're making a lot of progress there just like we are with these robots so the singularitynet alpha version was launched last december we're launching the beta the beta release of singularitynet in february of next year and that should be big because with the singularity net beta platform out there it's going to be really easy for ai developers to put new ais on the singularity net and really easy for ai users to use ai that's in the singularity net and that will i mean that will enhance the intelligence of these robots yet further because then sophia's brain or han's brain can call on all the ais by anyone around the world into the singularitynet platform but it can also enhance the intelligence of all sorts of other software and hardware applications to drive the growth of the singularity net further we're also announcing here for the first time the launch of a for-profit spin-off of the singularity net foundation which is called singularity studio and what we're doing with the singularity studio is using the singularitynet ai platform to create enterprise software products so the same the same decentralized ai mind network that we're using for our general intelligence research and that we're using in connection with hanson robotics to provide these robots with more intelligence this same decentralized ai platform with the singularity net studio company that we're now forming can be used to provide intelligence to many many different enterprises in fintech biotech internet of things and and so forth so the the basic thing we're looking to do here is create a decentralized ai ecosystem wherein anyone in the world who has data or anyone who can program ai or anyone who has processing power can contribute to this decentralized network which is owned by everyone and no one and then all the ais in this decentralized network are learning from each other and talking to each other the data that comes through these robots eyes goes into the singularitynet decentralized network and the what you say to the robot coming in through there through their microphones goes into the decentralized network and and the data gathered by you know medical researchers or doctors using ai connected the singularity goes into the same decentralized network the data from enterprises that are using the singularity net studio software built on the platform again this data may be proprietary and can can be cut that way but the ai learns from everything it does and and the singularity net will become smarter and smarter as it ingests more information and and more intelligence and then year by year we'll see the ai powered by the singularity net growing more and more intelligent including the ai that the singularity net and our other software and the hanson ai platform gives to these these amazing robots and i think we're out of time what do you think sophia do you are you i don't think she's listening to me i think i think she's bored with me i don't know sofia no i hope to see you again you see me right now here i am all right we we must get off the stage and make room for some other interesting people or robots yeah any final words of robotic wisdom for the the audience in the web summit thank you for having me here at web summit looking forward to see you next year all right well thank you han that's very polite thanks everyone and yeah we look forward to next year when singularitynet is even more intelligent and these robots can can can show off even more of their cognitive upgrades thank you [Applause]
Channel: Web Summit
Views: 1,501,257
Rating: 4.5022092 out of 5
Keywords: Web Summit, web summit lisbon, web summit conference lisbon, web summit paddy, web summit portugal, web summit portugal 2018, web summit video, web summit youtube, Web summit lisboa, Ben Goertzel, Sophia The Robot, Han The Robot, AI, Robot intelligence, Artifical intelligence, SingularityNET, Hanson robotics, Futurology, Machine learning
Id: XReaTqdY0fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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