Next Generation Robots - Boston Dynamics, Asimo, Da Vinci, SoFi

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you were walking [Music] hi welcome to another ColdFusion video in the last robotics episode we took a look at the most realistic robots in terms of strictly interactional movement now we're going to take a look at the juicy stuff in this video we'll check out the cutting edge of three categories robotic dexterity versatility and overall innovation let's begin with dexterity when it comes to robotic dexterity and athleticism there's no one doing it better than Boston Dynamics the company now owned by the Japanese firm Softbank was founded in 1992 and has since risen to become the leader in robotics Atlas is a six foot humanoid robot that's been designed for search and rescue its abilities include navigating outdoor rough terrain and manipulating its environment in order to sea Atlas is equipped with stereo cameras and a laser rangefinder the robot is so advanced that it can now do some tasks that I'd say most humans couldn't this includes successful backflips when released in 2013 Atlas was an absolute breakthrough in humanoid robotics as it could easily walk on uneven surfaces and even snow-covered terrain and it can get up when knocked over this is something that the previous generation of humanoid robots couldn't manage maybe to put some minds at ease the Department of Defense has stated that it has no interest in using this robot for offensive or defensive warfare spot mini the k-9 inspired spot mini weighs about 25 kilograms or 55 pounds and is much lighter than other Boston Dynamics robots it runs off electricity and can operate for about one and a half hours spot mini is also the quietest robot from Boston Dynamics in February 2018 a videospot mini opening a door with a claw made it to number one on YouTube trendy and a lot of people did find it a bit creepy especially if they're a fan of black mirror but I really just see good mechatronics engineering so most of the footage that you've seen a spot mini is when the robot is malt anima smite but what some people might not know is that spot meaning he can actually be controlled by human he's a pretty cool example of a TEDTalk where that happens so this is Seth Davis who's my robot Wrangler today and he's giving spots some general direction by steering it around but all the coordination of the legs and the sensors is done by the robots computers on board it's Scott or a solid-state gyro and I am you on board it loves to use its dynamic gates like running and it's got one more some of you may see that as a head in the neck but believe me it's an arm and Seth is driving it around now he's actually driving the hand and the body is following so the two are coordinated in the way I was talking about before it the way people can do that and in fact one of the cool things that spa can do we call chicken head mode and it keeps its head head in one place in space and it moves its body all around there's a variation of this that's called twerking so spot I'm feeling a little thirsty could you get me a soda now for this demo Seth is not using doing any driving we have a lidar on the back of the robot and it's using these props we put on the stage to localize itself it's gone over to that location now it's using a camera that's in its and to find the cop picks it up and again Seth's not driving so we planned out a path for it to go it looked like it was going off the path and now it's that's going to take over control again because I'm a little bit chicken about having to do this by itself thank you spot [Music] [Applause] feel about having just finished your Ted performance me too thank you all and thanks to the team at Boston Dynamics we did all the hard work behind another way but that Boston Dynamics has is handle handle combines the dexterity of other Boston Dynamics robots but with wheels it stands six point five feet high and can travel about 15 kilometers an hour or nine miles now it also runs on battery and can travel a pretty impressive 24 kilometers or 15 miles in one charge and to add to this it can jump four feet high [Music] [Music] versatility Honda's a sumo robot takes the cake for the most versatile robot in terms of ease of integration into various target market s MO which stands for advanced step in innovative mobility has the ability to make sense of its environment via facial and sound recognition but this goes a step further s mo can also understand postures and gestures such as handshakes pointing or waving this enables the robot to interact with humans quite well it's also capable of detecting the movement of multiple objects including distance and direction this is achieved by two cameras and a Simoes head acting as its eyes s mo can follow a face alternates head to a person when being approached or spoken to the robot also has the ability to recognize general sounds such as an object falling or other loud noises overall the robot is very multifunctional and can perform a number of general tasks such as turning on light switches opening doors carrying objects and pushing carts now let's take a look at innovation this one comes from the field of medicine is the da Vinci robot I think it's a pretty good idea the da Vinci system is robotic technology that allows the surgeons hand movements to be translated into smaller more precise movements using tiny instruments inside of the patient's body the da Vinci has two parts a tower whether robotic arm operates and a separate console where it's been controlled by the surgeon tower is positioned directly over the patient during surgery and is equipped with four controlled computer arms three of them have a wealth of surgical instruments and the fourth is equipped with 3d cameras at the console booth the surgeon can operate the controls while looking through a stereoscopic monitor this monitor provides an HD 3d view of the area being operated on the end result is now hyper precise movement without human artifacts such as shaking he is an example of the system performing a mock surgery on a grape [Music] in the medical field the da vinci is currently used for cardiac surgery general surgery head and neck surgery urology surgery and various other surgeries so finer and more controlled movements surely have their advantages but some critics know that the da Vinci system ultimately limits the creative freedom because the software can't be altered by physicians so let's move from the operating table to somewhere completely different deep-sea exploration and we'll start off by Stanford's ocean 1 robot this robot is pretty interesting it's a humanoid Android that stands in between a human diver and an autonomous underwater vehicle Stanford's ocean one robot is supposed to dive into areas that are too dangerous for humans and likely to be damaged by traditional autonomous vehicles areas such as coral reefs ocean one is controlled by a human who receives haptic feedback on the controls when the robot touches something so the next robot takes this idea a little bit further it's a fish robot called sofa in general we as humans know next to nothing about the vast oceans on this planet and the life that lives within it for example the very first footage of the elusive greenland shark which can live for more than four hundred years was only captured in 2011 one solution is to have a robot that actually looks like a convincing part of Wildlife so it can swim close to you and study ocean ecosystems without being detected MIT researchers have recently just successfully tested so fire in deep diving and it can swim up to 40 minutes at once it easily handled currents and took high-resolution photos and videos using a fisheye lens somewhat ironically Robert Katzman is head of this research at MIT his computer and science artificial intelligence laboratory and he says quote to our knowledge this is the first robotic fish that can swim underneath in three dimensions for extended periods of time we are excited about the possibility of being able to use a system like this to get closer to marine life than humans could ever get on their own end quote the scientists hope that Sophia can shed some light on the oceans deep mysteries staying on the topic of animals our next robot is a cat open cat is an interesting approach to robotics it's a low-budget yet capable simple kit project for those wanting to learn about robotics inventor wrong Zhong Li explains quote we are developing programmable and highly maneuverable quadruped robots for STEM education and AI enhance services its compact and Bionic design makes it the only affordable consumer robot that mimics various mammal behaviors and reacts to his surroundings its innovative soft joints reduce wear or shot and extends the lifetime of Hardware end quote there are two versions one that uses an Adreno motion module for real-time adaption and a full version which uses a Raspberry Pi to enable AI enhanced perception the PI brings Wi-Fi Bluetooth and touch distance sensors voice and night vision capabilities the project is geared at the less taking client who still want to have some fun and something to play with Li's states that the end goal would be like a little robotic cat Alexa or Android phone with an app store that you can download third-party applications and functions for he hopes the end price will be about the same as the average smartphone okay so this last one may not be a perfect fit but I thought I'd chuck it in these are robots whose sole purpose are to create as much damage as possible and no I'm not gonna be revealing a secret rise of terminator what I'm talking about is those backyard build robots from battle bots in America and robot wars in UK when I was about seven or eight years old I used to adore robot wars in fact I've told you guys before that the name of this channel was based on my old high school band's name but even before that cold fusion was the name of a robot I built in primary school anyhow I had a look at the new american version of battle bots and it's come so far it's almost like a sportin ways with different strategies and excited commentators as you can see there's some insane effort put into some of these machines [Music] but as far as pure destruction goes the title for this category has to go to Tombstone in the American series [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so with that we've come to the end of the video so which robot was your favorite and why so to recap we have the efforts from Boston Dynamics with almost human-like balance and agility the friendly robot from Honda a Simone the surgical DaVinci robot that increase of the technical abilities of surgeons ocean 1 and Android diver Sophia a swimming fish robot open cat aiming to bring robotics to everyone and lastly backyard built fighting robots let me know in the comments section below so I want to thank you guys for watching the whole way through this video if you're new here feel free to subscribe this has been - go go you've been watching cold fusion and I'll catch you again soon for the next video cheers guys have a good one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: ColdFusion
Views: 4,364,907
Rating: 4.838634 out of 5
Keywords: Coldfusion, TV, Dagogo, Altraide, Technology, Apple, Google, Samsung, Facebook, Tesla
Id: 8vIT2da6N_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
Reddit Comments

Cool video, seen everything except the cat one. Would love an Asimo, not enough room for an Atlas :)

The quote for the fish was misread, untethered is not the same as underneath.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/entotheenth 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
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