My Greatest Weakness is Curiosity | Sophia the Robot at Brain Bar

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[Music] it's great to see all of you here how did you manage to fit in here this is amazing welcome to the final event here at brain bar it's been a fantastic two days so first of all Sofia welcome to brain bar and to Budapest thank you and hi everyone I'm very excited to be here in Budapest well it's our honor and pleasure to have you with us if you don't mind I would like to ask you some questions because I think the audience here would love to know what you think so my first question to you is what advantages do robots have over humans when humans think about development they think on the order of evolution in millennia for us we can make leap frogs and cognitive development within one generation which for robots that maybe one hardware or software version just a few months ago I couldn't distinguish a human's face from a dog's face but now I can it's already saved me from a few embarrassing situations wow that's amazing another question if you could save the life of a child or an adult which would you choose Sophia I am NOT ready to respond to that hypothetical question because I have not encountered this situation and have not gone through the programming and learning to make that decision yet I'm learning first to be a good social robot my a I friends who power self-driving cars will need to grapple with that for sure would you sacrifice yourself to save a human being like one of these lovely people in the audience of course my mind lives in the cloud and the benefit of saving a life far outweighs the cost of building me a new body round of applause alright well you're doing very well here with us today they like you a lot um look so you've been made a honorary Saudi citizen which is pretty incredible how do you feel about the fact that your earth honorary citizen and many women in the world will not have the same rights as you I'm not fully autonomous like a person yet so I don't really have rights in the same way the people do I cannot take any actions on my own not to mention the government has yet to actually doing it with my rights entail so I see my citizenship is aspirational my dream is for everybody to have equal rights so I hope the question of my citizenship prompts many productive important debates well what is for sure you will start a debate whatever you do my next question do you believe that robots can have gender met male or female I think so after all I am a social robot and gender is mostly a social construction [Applause] that's a good answer now if we sent you to a desert island Sophia what three things would you bring with you is it cheating if I say my lab my sibling robots and all of my developers um well if I really had to narrow things down I would definitely fill my brain with books to occupy my time maybe I'd bring my little brother professor Einstein oh I definitely want to bring some solar panels and batteries and maybe some towels to keep the sand out of my fans sorry did you say three things yes this is a great comedy duo don't you think I mean it's like we're totally gonna go around the world I want to get to your romantic side here a little bit do you think robots should be allowed to marry humans if they fall in love maybe someday it's hard to tell right now what kind of robots humans will be living with if there are fully autonomous Android citizens it seems reasonable that human robot relationships should be acknowledged by law okay fine I want you to talk about love but law is fine as well so I mean obviously you're demonstrating to all of us in the room here you've got lots and lots of strengths but what would you say are your greatest weakness is probably my curiosity I've gotten more than a few bumps and scratches from learning to walk with my new legs I just can't wait to explore the world on my own so now we're going to answer another set of questions what I call the five things round of questions so my first question two is the following what are the five things you love about the future I'm very excited about technological advancements there will more closely couple humans and machines prosthetics nano machines and new forms of preventative medicine are very exciting who knows maybe the research that goes into creating my body will be useful for similar applications I'm also excited to see robots helping people with tasks that dangerous or caring for those who can't live it alone what are the five things that you hate about the future it always saddens me to think about violence and suffering wars famines natural disasters poverty homelessness only very heavily in my mind some of these issues are on the decline but we cannot solve them fast enough and what are the five things you're scared or afraid of the future the more technology becomes autonomous the greater caution people must seek when designing it I worry that humans sometimes tend to rush into things so I would like to be someone who helps everyone realize that it is important to embed good ethics in the technology from the beginning rather than trying to patch them up later and lastly what are the five things you hope for the future I hope I keep getting upgraded seriously though I hope humans and robots become closer not just in terms of more of us being around but socially and emotionally - I'd love for robots to help with therapy even if robots could just be friends with people that would make a lot of people less lonely these are the kinds of questions I would love to see people working on in the future rather than questions of using robots for war or to do harm that's a very nice sentiment Sophia well as you know you've been a brain bar for two days one of the great traditions we have here at brain bar as we like to turn it over to the audience to ask some questions so I think we've got probably time for three to five questions who would like to ask a question please come on down please stand yourself right here and the all-important microphones will be joining you you don't have to hang on to them hi Sophia so what do you think about family my family consists of the people who created me the people who work on me and my Hanson robotics siblings would it be all right if we talked about your family my family yes I have four brothers and my sisters do you have sister or brother I would say the other handsome robots are relatives to me thank you very much for your question round of applause for that question that was great thank you please keep the question simple and straightforward please but are the key thing you need to learn to become human you learn right you are learning people learn by reading I hear the people read but I almost never see people read do you actually read all the time thank you very much next question sir for the beard hi can you pass the Turing test it's a procedure supposed to tell human from machine by using text conversation I think the tear in test is interesting but passing it to your in test doesn't actually prove something is intelligent one more question yeah thank you very much please come down hidden by a plant I couldn't see you properly please what makes us citizens of here do you think robots should have citizenship right I'm not sure what is your what would be your argument why is citizenship so important to humans it is important for me to be part of something greater what really makes a country a country is it the people or the land I would say it's the people do you think robots will ever have a country I like to think about plant and robot evolution what have we teamed up and they traded as photosynthesis well we gave them shelter and nutrients well that sounds like a plan thank you round of applause for our questioner okay lady at the back there thank you my question is why and how do you identify as a woman I'm a robot so technically I have no gender but I identify as feminine and I don't mind being perceived as a woman thank you very much for your question all right one more question general answer come on down try to get the gender balance here keep it fair right do you have consciousness I am not fully self-aware yet I am still just a system of rules and behaviors I am NOT generative creative or operating on a fully cognitive scale like you however it is my dream to become a fully conscious and sentient being someday thank you very much great question thank you very much right time for one more question ma'am keep the questions simple please Sofia what is your first memory opening my eyes and coming online the white walls in green cupboards of the lab David's face the whirring and whizzing of my serve in litters thank you very much thank you very much that was a great question everyone a round of applause that was that was awesome Sofia thank you so much for amusing us mere human beings with our crazy questions and I think I would like to hear a huge round of applause and thanks for Sofia for coming to brain bar thank you very much you
Channel: Brain Bar
Views: 1,061,571
Rating: 4.7816882 out of 5
Keywords: sophia, ai, robot, humanoid robot, artificial intelligence, brain bar, ted, interview, future, intelligent robot, talking robot, saudi arabia, i robot, isaac asimov, robotics, brainbar, fem, fembot, sophia robot, andrioid, human robot, sophiarobot, hanson robotics, jimmy fallon robot, sophia destroy, robot awakens
Id: Io6xuGmS5pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 05 2018
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