How Jay Shetty Met His Wife Radhi Devlukia Shetty: Our LOVE STORY 💘

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our first guest on the show is the number one person in my life she's a vegan recipe developer a plant-based dietitian and an ayurveda Enthusiast her hilarious fun and entertaining videos steal our hearts every single week on Instagram and her recipes make our mouth water my first guest is none other than my wife my love my everything my soul radiolukia Shetty oh thanks I didn't pay him to say that we'll make him food to say that thanks for doing this for me thanks thanks for having me as your first guest what are we going to talk about so as you're going to find one of the first things people always ask us wherever we are is it for brother and sister yeah that happens all the time even if we're like holding hands or walking in a couple way people will be like hey are you guys brother and sister are you related and we're like is would that not be really weird right now if we were related yeah holding hands when you're like lying on my shoulder on a plane yeah but definitely definitely not related no relation anyway the eyes are not exactly the same color either no so the way we thought we'd do this is we are some of our friends to pick out things that they think you'd all like to know about us so I'm gonna go through the topics that we have here and so the first thing that they asked us to talk about is how did we meet okay so how did we meet do you want to tell the story no you took no it's okay you can turn back okay okay okay so we the first time I actually met Ravi was before I became a monk and I met her very briefly I thought she was beautiful and and attractive but I didn't really think anything of it like I just I genuinely just was so focused on what I was doing at life at that time and I was so spiritually inclined and spiritually focused that I I literally didn't think anything of it mum introduced me to you yes so I should tell that story yeah so actually I met Rady's mom even before I met her yeah and so I was training to become a monk and I met Rodney's mom and I was asked to show her how to do a particular service at the temple so I had to take her around Etc now the incredible thing about this is that that is the only time while I was there that I was ever asked to show another person how to do this service so the one day that I had to show someone how to do this particular service this voluntary service at the temple one day that her mum turned up and at that time I didn't know she had a daughter I didn't know anything about this lady I was like oh she's around my mom's age yeah and and she was she was wonderful and and we got along but I was just showing her what to do and then literally didn't speak to her nope and then my mom wanted me to get more involved and and I really wanted to get more involved in um like the spiritual side of my life and so she met him and wanted me to get introduced to the youth Community there and so she passed on my number to you but you pass it on to your sister yeah absolutely yeah so I passed around to my sister I was like no I need to stay focused do my thing and my sister's very spiritually inclined too big shout out to Amy and and then yeah and then you guys got connected new became friends yeah and actually at that point my mama said to me oh you know I'm in this really nice um really nice guy at the temple and she was like to me after I met him I prayed and I was like I hope my daughter meets somebody like this I know he's going to be a monk but I hope she meets someone that's like this because he seems really nice um little did he know what was going to happen hello gone and then um never happened he became a monk I heard you speak oh I heard him speak all the time because he used to do lots of youth programs or university talks and session on philosophy meditation yeah philosophy meditation and I was just like oh my gosh he's such an incredible speaker and the way that he makes such incredible wisdom so relevant to us who were like young teenagers or yeah yeah no yeah I was a teenager I was still a teenager yeah I don't remember anything I barely remember things happened like two years ago um so no I wasn't a teenager I was out of University which feels like a long time ago so I was in my 20s and uh yeah I saw him speaking I just thought it was so incredible how he was able to articulate such yes such deep wisdom in a way that was so relevant to people who were so young and and probably wouldn't have been so interested in reading a book about it um and so I was in awe of him and he also looked really cool he had like a bald head he didn't look like the type of person who was going to be speaking about these things he had like tattoos and a bald head but then he was in robes and I said this is really really cool but weird at the same time it was so strange yeah and then it was then when I left being a monk which is all a story in itself we can talk about that another day when I when I left being among her and my sister were really really close yeah and me and my sister are really really close I trust my sister she's one of my best friends and I sat down with her one day and she said well you know what Riley like someone and and I was just like oh who and I was thinking she was gonna say some other person's name and she's like she really likes you and I was like oh I I really like her like I'd love to get to know her better and we we'd interacted we'd had we'd got to know each other a bit better because we'd organize charity events together Etc and so I'd seen her not in the role of being a girlfriend obviously or someone that I was dating I'd seen her interact with other people other other humans uh inside a project management organization organizing events so I'd seen her personality and like observed how she behaved wrong certain people how she had talked to people how she interacted with people and and based on all those things I thought she was a great person so when my sister told me that I was I was secretly quite happy as well and I always heard about him through his sister and his sister would talk about him with so much love and affection and he treats her like she's his baby no matter how old she gets she's literally like his baby and I used to see like conversations between them he's like oh my gosh she's so sweet like he's so sweet even though he's yeah he's gone off being a monk but he was still really really caring and loving towards towards his sister and his family and then yeah I told her that I liked him before before uh he knew about it or before you'd probably even thought about it yeah yeah so then that was it really that's how we met we almost met before I became a monk then we had a conversation Etc yeah I never had conversations never spoke but but I just seen each other in our own elements yeah and then when I left left being a monk uh you know later that year we we started going out so that was around the towards the end of 2013 and then it just went really fast we both we both kind of as soon as we spoke about it we both knew that we wanted to be with each other and we were really certain about it and it could have gone really wrong but we were like we could have both been really crazy um but it ended up just working out we both really had kind of understood each other just by observing one another I guess and um there were a few surprises I'm sure but um we yeah we got along straight away and we were both pretty much went from yeah I really like you too yeah I love you in like a day and then it was like yeah we want to get married in like a week um as in we didn't get married in a week but we wanted to we said we wanted to get married eventually in a week after that um and then we ended up spending a lot of time at each other's homes right um he was spending a lot of time at my house for ages um I mean that's pretty much where I took him to have all of our dates because I loved being around my family and I was like Best of Both Worlds I can be around the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with and the people that I've spent most of my life with um and so yeah most of our dates would would involve my parents um and my sister and my brother-in-law of the time and so we got to know each other kind of in our own environments as well really fast which I think helped us fast forward a lot easier yeah absolutely and I remember that my sister gave me like an action plan she's like this is all you're going to get along on this is what you're going to struggle with like this is going to be your challenges and and I definitely owe it to her to bring us together yeah like she was a huge partner she was us being together my sister definitely and and she was like because she knows me so well and I feel she got to know you well as well she was just like this is what you guys are going to agree on this is what you're not gonna agree on this yeah it was just it was so nice to have that yeah because you could go into a relationship having more understanding of the other person can I just say one of the things she said that songs and films that they time but you know a good Bollywood song questions yeah a question I decided to get over there yeah and you you barely yeah yeah you've got to go love a love for it yeah but yeah we spent a lot of time in each other's parents homes and with our families which was great because you had to be yourself I used to love what your mom used to tell you my mom was so funny so obviously like it was a person to her that was you know we were dating and so usually you'd put in a lot of effort in the way that you dress and uh you're doing your hair when the person you're dating comes over but um yeah I would literally be in the same clothes that I was wearing like the whole day which was pretty much like pajama bottoms and and a really scruffy top and my mom would be like do you not want to maybe you know put a different top on or you don't want to change your trousers like no Mom if he can't love me in what I'm wearing right now which is what he's probably gonna see me for the rest of his life then it's just not meant to be okay we have like he has to love me for and she went okay but you could try you know a little bit yeah I was like No And it worked so yeah and she's so beautiful and cute like even when she's dressed all hobo chic I'm just like I love it you know and and it's quite nice actually like I I genuinely believe this like I've I've rarely see her with makeup on yes and so like it's it's fun when you when you fall in love with someone based on who they are and their personality and their energy and all of that beauty shines through so yeah I love you
Channel: Jay Shetty Fan Channel
Views: 720,459
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Keywords: Jay Shetty, Radhi Devlukia, love story, relationships, spirituality, how jay shetty met his wife radhi devlukia shetty: our love story, jay shetty, jay shetty motivation, jay shetty inspiration, how jay shetty met his wife radhi : our love story, jay shetty and radhi love story, jay shetty love story, radhi devlukia shetty, jay shetty and radhi, jay shetty and his wife
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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