WHAT I EAT IN A DAY | plant based + high protein

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hey everyone so today I wanted to share what I eat in a day because I have been vegan for about 10 years now and I was vegetarian before that but honestly I've struggled trying to get my protein in um I'm from an Indian background so my protein is usually lentils and beans and pulses but when you're trying to get some muscle um you need a bit more than what I was getting from that and so I am right now trying to get about 130 g of protein in my diet every single day but we know what that means that means you have to really think about what you're eating and how much protein is in every single meal so I wanted to show you guys what I'm having at the moment breakfast lunch dinner I've tried to make them really simple because who's got time to make things too complicated no one but also trying to keep them balanced and healthy and nourishing and one thing I will tell you I have realized from increasing my protein recently protein is incredible for keeping you fall and making you feel like you've eaten enough now I used to have a heavily carbohydrate BAS B diet and I would just always want to eat I would be hungry after my breakfast after my lunch after my dinner I'd want to eat cereal before bed I'd want snacks in between but when I've been consciously eating and making sure that my meals are planned and are filled with goodness I am honestly not feeling those same hunger pangs so let's do this I'm going to start my breakfast and um just go through my day with you you can finally pre-order my book joyful using the link in the description I am so excited to share it with you all it has everything from delicious plant-based recipes to education on how spices can heal your body meditation tips basically everything you need to make your life a little bit more joyful so please go ahead and pre-order now and I cannot wait for you to have [Music] it today's video is sponsored by ag1 I've been drinking ag1 is part of my morning routine for a couple of years now and I really appreciate how it's such an easy way to get all the vitamins and minerals that I need to really support my immunity I've noticed that when I stop taking my supplements I feel way more tired and overall I just do not feel my best but when I'm consistent in taking my ag1 I have way more energy during the day it is packed with so much goodness and has really high quality ingredients there's pre and probiotics for your gut health your daily dose of vitamin C and there's also adaptogenic herbs for mood and stress with the holidays around the corner I am going to be so busy spending time with my family and attending holiday Gatherings and eating lots and lots of food which can definitely get me out of my routine aging one makes these cute little packets that you can take when you're traveling around too all you have to do is pour the little packet into some water or mix it into your daily smoothie which means I won't miss out on taking my supplements while I'm having too much fun if you want to check them out go to drink a1.com slra and with your first purchase you will receive a oneyear supply of their vitamin D3 and K2 and five travel packs so for my breakfast first I usually eat my breakfast after my workout in the morning I used to actually intimate and fast till 11:00 a.m. but now I've started having a bigger breakfast in a bigger lunch and a much smaller dinner so for breakfast I just love bread so much and there is never a point in my life where I want to cut it out and I will not and you don't have to to have a healthy balanced diet so I have a sour dough bread every morning so I start off with my protein shake okay let me show you what protein I have so I've already had my protein shake but um this is what I put it in I have San Warrior collagen building protein peptid this in two scoops you get 30 g of protein which is amazing so I make it with almond milk and I like to add in frozen strawberries cuz strawberry and vanilla is so yummy so I throw in about five or six strawberries two scoops of my san Wario protein and about a cup and a half of almond milk I like putting into a bowl because I like eating everything with a spoon so it feels like a meal and I'll nibble on that and then I get to the best part of my day which is my toast I always get sourdough toast so when you are getting bread the best way to think about it is like there are so many different types of breads you can get and they all have lots of additives in them but sourdough bread is incredible because it's actually way easier to digest so I get myself a really big loaf of sourer bread at the beginning of the week and I just make my way through it and this may sound very specific but I've noticed you have to be specific when you're trying to get things right and so I usually do a 35 G slice um of my sourdough bread so let's cut into it [Music] oo so I know I'm not good at cutting bre so I've got my toast um I like it quite well done and then I usually put like about 2 tbspoon of hummus I mean you can low toast with with so many different things but humus is my all-time favorite I could eat humus all day every day it's a really good snack option too so good my mouth's literally droing and then I love tomatoes on my hummus toast so good so I usually put on some multicolored tomatoes and then these bad boys oh my gosh Nothing in life is complete without a pepper and Chino I think that's how you say it pepper and Chini they're so good they give like a really good Tangy flavor and I just chopped them up they're not too spicy either which is really nice so choke them on top if I really want to sometimes I'll even put on half an avocado on there because you got a load on those healthy fats but I'll sometimes save my avocado for like a snack during the day and then lastly I love aruga and I just top the aruga like this so I sprinkle like a tablespoon of hemp Parts on top and that's literally it oo yum yum I don't get bored of this every single day I eat the same thing and I look forward to it every single day it's so good and so easy and so beautiful let's take a bite I put a little bit of balsamic glaze on it sometimes just to give it little bit of I save her every single bite I'm going to go eat this I'll be back for lunch it's lunch time thank goodness I'm so hungry I have a few lunches that I switch between so I'll probably do many Y in a days but today I was feeling like this one it's an edame creamy um spaghetti or actually I think it's a fetuccini and then I do mushrooms and broccoli that I sauté but it's high protein because in the creamy sauce what makes it creamy is the silk and tofu don't knock it till you try it it's actually really great you can't even taste the tofu in it super fast as well it really doesn't take long everything will be done by the time your pasta is boiled so that's pretty good so I'm using shitake mushrooms I love the flavor and the texture of shitake mushrooms so I literally just take out this part I don't know what you're supposed to but I always do I always take this part out cuz I don't know I just feel like that's where all the dirt lies maybe I made that out but I do anyway so take out the middle bits and by the way if you want to make this a little bit easier and faster you can always do all of this stuff as meal prep beforehand so you can have your mushrooms chopped and ready prepared for you if you want but um I like doing everything fresh if possible honestly I just roughly chopped these so you don't need to be too precious about it just chop them up and actually what I'm making right now will serve you for 2 days so that's helpful so with the mushrooms I'm going to add in spinach as a second veggie um right at the end but let's sauté this and then we're going to make our sauce so I'm using um double the amount of pasta cuz it's a two serving dish my camera died um so I'm going to just film it like this but while the pasta is cooking so I just put edame spaghetti or tag lelli in so you can either sauté the veggies or you can put them into the air fryer I can swich between both depending on how I'm feeling I do a spray of Avo oil tucking in the shums and honestly I just do oh my God my hair need put a fire and I just do really simple seasoning so I'm doing um ASA fatia and then just going to pop in some herbs later on at the end whoops and because um I'm using healthy fats in so many other places in my cooking sometimes when I'm cooking I'll just use a tiny bit of oil but I'll add in water instead just because I'd rather have fat in my food rather than when I'm just cooking like this and it's unnecessary the other good thing about using these Ed Mar spaghetti is not just because it's high protein but they get done so fast I think they've been literally in there for about 5 minutes and they already cooked so okay so i' got the silk and tofu don't do this at home I put in the whole box into this yeah I think there's about like 20 g of protein in one box of this not bad so Chuck the whole Silkk and tofu in then I have white me so tablespoon of that then I put a good like 1/4 cup probably of nutritional yeast for the flavor flave little bit of asaaa go maybe like half a teaspoon of salt cuz you've already got the Miso in there which makes it quite salty this on you know what I forgot to put in a little bit of mustard i' say like half no like a good teaspoon no half a a tablespoon of mustard in there gives a really nice flavor look at how rich and creamy this is it's really nice so so thick it's got really good texture go in the [Music] [Music] pasta so I'm going to let it thicken up a little bit and then just going to Chuck in little bit of the spinach you literally cook it for like less than 5 minutes you don't even need to but it's nice cuz it thickens up the sauce a little bit ooh look how creamy and Rich it looks oh so good the mushrooms look perfectly cooked too okay also don't forget to say prograph you before you every single meal and then take it all bite it's so good and the portions feel so big as well this isn't even all of it um but it's really yummy I'm going to go eat lunch I'll see you at dinner time for dinner so for dinner we're going to make these plant crumble tacos um I use this thing called plant boss um you can get these on Amazon unlabeled like from different brands but essentially it's textured pea protein and what you do is put these little so they look like this look probably yeah M actually nice but what you do is you grab a bowl and then you just have to to rehydrate it so you just add water to it while that is rehydrating we're going to chop up our veggies because what is a meal without veggies actually a meal without veggies is like mac and cheese and it's really good so for my veggies I'm using pepper here there's something I really enjoy doing I'm going to teach you how to throw it oh missed throw it hey so we're going to use bell peppers I'm using a red one you can use a green one red actually has way more flavor than the green one I I mean you can decide on what seasoning you want to do I'm going to make it Mexican so I'm going to do a bit of avocado on top do a bit of H sour cream on top but these plant crumbles just so you know have a total of oh I cut that off didn't I it has 15 * 3 45 g of protein and I'd say it's probably two servings per each thing 25ish g of protein per serving check out my chopping action so I usually if I am eating a meal um in the evening um sometimes I alternate between having a protein shake and having a meal but if I am having a meal like this I try and eat it really early so recommended you eat at least 3 hours before bed but I found it so amazing waking up with energy and my body and my gut feeling so much better by eating basically my main meal in the afternoon and then if I am having this then I'll have it by like 5:00 p.m. so you can put other vegetables in this if you want to I'm doing cabbage and peppers sometimes I'll put mushrooms in there too but I had mushrooms in the afternoon so now we have to cook it hello Kelsey hello [Music] lis so I've drained the plant uh crumbles and I'm just going to crumble them in here oh so you can get flavored ones of these or plain ones so if they're plain you can add in some taco seasoning and if they're flavored then you're fine let me show you please don't fall in oo so fast and easy as well these are I like mine a bit Saucy so I may put in like 2 tablespoon of some salsa in here and then we are literally good to go there you goo so this is it after adding a couple of tablespoons of salsa and it is ready to go let's assemble honestly this camera is really good for food for the tortilla wraps I'm using these almond flour wraps she's going to use two Tores per person oh and they've actually got six g of protein pretty great oh my gosh I know people who actually asked me if they're meant to cook these when they came over they watched me make these ters they were like wow I didn't know you had to heat up these tortilla wraps I've been eating them raw for the past 3 years can you imagine eating tortilla wraps raw no never never assom okay so we have our rapes oh sometimes I like shredded lettuce in this as well that tastes really good this this there's enough filling for like four wraps if you want but um I tend to not need more than two I'm going to put on some avocado I would put cilantro on but I actually um have run out so I love sour cream but it's just not something I want to have regularly I actually use Greek yogurt instead like a vegan Greek yogurt I've used kite Hill dollop of the sour cream or yogurt and if you want a dollop of the salsa as well that's literally it try and show you there you go yum this makes it look really nice so that's dinner done let's have a little bite shall we M so good I love this meal so that's dinner done oh by the way you can add some hot sauce to that too I like being spicy as well if I want something sweet afterwards either I've started doing this thing where you warm up your protein shake as a hot chocolate that tastes really good or I have like either a dark piece of dark chocolate or I found these things called good pops where they have these little ice creams that are only like 120 calories or something but they taste really good they're a good cheeky little treat another thing I've been doing doing during the day is if you really want something sweet you can put yogurt and put a bit of your protein powder in it cuz the protein powders tend to be sweet and you can have it as like a little mousse honestly I don't to get that hungry during meals it's more of a craving of having something sweet or having a little chip or something like that than it is actual hunger and especially once I've had my lunch I don't tend to get that hungry at all I'm eating in the evening because I know I need to have the nutrients versus being hungry I hope this was useful and I hope that this video was a good indication and a good way to see that you can get a good amount of protein um in your day if you really just think about the meals that you're having it's really simple and one way that I've found makes it way easier is tracking I just use my fitness pal but there's also so many other apps out there but you can just write down everything you're eating and it will be such a good way for you to know what has protein in it what has high fat in it what's high carbohydrates and once you've done it for a couple of weeks you don't need to do it anymore cuz you got into the routine but it's so insightful to know the foods that you're eating and how what they're made up of and their composition thanks guys for watching let me know if this helps and if you try out the recipes and give me some of your favorite high protein meal that you have in the comments below thanks so much
Channel: Radhi Devlukia
Views: 272,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: srn3UssrF9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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