5 SPICES THAT HEALED MY GUT | natural remedies for better digestion

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today we're going to talk about our gut and one thing I know for sure because I've experienced it myself is that when your gut is unhappy every single part of you ends up being unhappy and so your gut is the center for so much from our emotions to our immune system to our skin our hair our nails like every single thing roots from a healthy gut and so I wanted to share some of the spices that change my gut completely you can finally pre-order my book joyful using the link in the description I am so excited to share it with you all it has everything from delicious plant-based recipes to education on how spices can heal your body meditation tips basically everything you need to make your life a little bit more joyful so please go ahead and pre-order now and I cannot wait for you to have [Music] it another day hey everyone this video is sponsored by better help and I don't know about you but I've been been finding things feeling really heavy in the world right now and having a space to emotionally release and talk things through when you're going through something with someone who you can trust is just so important for your peace of mind whether it is processing things from your past or to just make sense of life right now therapy is such a beautiful place to start you don't have to wait to start therapy when something traumatic happens in your life just like we end up going to the gym for our maintenance of our body and meditation for our spirit therapy should be a part of our Wellness routine for our mind for me it's helped to understand myself so much better and process all the little daily things that happen that sometimes end up sticking with me or affect me in ways that I didn't even realize and if you end up going to your friends or your family they could be giving you advice from a biased point of view but when you're able to go to a professional they can give you a better perspective on the situation and that's why I wanted to share better help with you guys today we can give so much more to other people and ourselves when we are able to grow and better help's mission is to make therapy more affordable and more accessible finding a therapist can actually be really difficult especially when you're limited to the therapist in your area and better help is a platform that makes finding a therapist really easy because it's online and it's remote it's so easy to sign up all you have to do is you fill out a form and a few questions and because finding a therapist is literally like dating if you don't end up fitting well with your therapist you can can easily switch to a new one at no additional cost or without stressing about upsetting them or your insurance you can get 10% off your first month of better help by using the link www.b betterhelp.com slra if you have been thinking about therapy I definitely suggest giving better help a go thing about spices is that they are pretty much like your medicine box that are preventing and protecting you against bad digestion against low immunity against all the things we just spoke about and so I highly recommend incorporating spices into your daily life I mean I grew up eating spices because I come from an Indian background but since I started using spices as medicine and being more proactive about using them every single day they have changed my entire life I wanted to share the top I think I've got five or six here I'm going to share with you that I use every single day in so many different ways you can incorporate them in so I'm going to start you guys off with cumin this is one of my favorite spices it's used a lot in Middle Eastern food Mexican food and Indian food so I'm sure somewhere along the line you've probably had it even if you haven't used it yourself but this is incredible now cumin seeds are very cooling to your stomach they help with inflammation in your stomach but also they help to stimulate and stoke your digestive fire and in ayurveda your digestion is actually considered fire that's how it refers to your digestion and if you think about it with a fire a fire needs to be constantly stoked it needs wood pieces put in or coal pieces put in to keep it Al light so you can really think of spices as those little wood pieces or the coal every time you're making your food you can use cumin in so many different ways so you've got these whole seeds but you also can find it ground into powder and with the seeds I recommend with any spices you should sauté them in oil it's an essential way to reap all the benefits from the spice so when you actually sauté in a fat it releases not only the smell and the aroma which by the way is amazing it also helps to release the nutritional properties and make them more accessible to your body so I've used them across so many dishes whether it is marinating My Tofu I usually use the powder for that in my marinade with the whole spice I will sauté it and then put it into my curries or my soups and sometimes I'll even just sprinkle it on top of whatever I'm eating another way you can use the seeds is simply just putting into some water boiling it on the stove and drinking that water during the day as a tea or even letting it cool down and sipping on it cold next up we have fennel seeds now fennel seeds are something used in India after every single meal so growing up after we would end up eating our meal you'd have a mixture of fennel seeds and then these little I don't know to how to describe them they're little sugar balls and they'll be multicolored and when you go to Indian restaurants you may have seen this too so they'll have fenel seeds mixed with these sugar balls and you'll eat it just raw like that after your meal that's because fenel seeds are incredible for digestion they're so good for especially after you be in a little heavy meal or not a little heavy meal a big heavy meal if you're feeling that discomfort after eating you can throw some fenel seeds into your mouth they can be either raw or you can dry roast them or toast them it does wonders seriously it's something that I have practiced from I don't even know how old my mom would either boil them in water you can do that with all of these by the way I'm not going to keep saying that but you can do that with all the seeds you can boil it and drink it as tea or you can just grab a few in your hand and chew on them I recommend chewing them down till it almost feels like powder in your mouth that's when you are really breaking down the fibers around it and getting all the goodness from inside and I say within like 10 to 15 minutes if there's any gas in your body you'll probably start releasing it and if there's any discomfort in your stomach you'll start feeling an ease this also helps by the way with acid reflux or any heat that you get sometimes when you eat spicy or oily food you might notice a lot of heat that builds up in your esophagus or in your chest area and fennel seeds can really help to cool that down next up I want to talk about coriander or in America I think you call it cilantro um but coriander seeds look like this this is a mixture that I make that I'm going to tell you about later it's my Magic Mix but coriander seeds are little pockets of just this just a they're they're like little Airy Pockets but with so much flavor and coriander actually ends up making the third of a trio of spices that's known as the super incredible queen of digestive blend wait what queen of digestive blend and coriander seeds are actually the third Spice in a super secret incredible digestive blend of spices that has been known for thousands and thousands of years in ayurveda as the epitome of spice blend so coriander cumin and fennel are the trio of spices where if you're not using anything else I recommend using those three now there's so many ways you can use it I have mixed in here the three three spices I also have a bit of um cardamum in here because I like the taste of it but you can add them all whole spices in equal parts you can do a tablespoon of coriander seeds a tablespoon of cumin seeds and a tablespoon of fenel seeds or you can make it in a big batch like I do where you can do a cup of each and keep it stored then every single morning my routine is before I sit down for my meditation I will boil some hot water with a tablespoon of these seeds in it the mixture boil it up and then I will will drink that water or drink it as a tea so after 8 hours of sleep usually during that time your body is doing its detoxing it's when it gets an opportunity to rest and notice where there's toxins in the body from your organs to your tissues now this tea in the morning helps to release it out of your body and so I usually start my morning with it before I have anything else and it helps with inflammation it helps to remove the toxins um and it helps to stoke your digestion and like we said after 8 hours of sleep your digestion needs a little nudge before you overload it with food and so it helps the digestive juices juices it helps the digestive juices start to flow it um stimulates the enzymes that your body needs to actually break down the foods and so this I've been doing for since I started my IAT like uh practices and teachings which was maybe at least 8 years ago I notice when I don't have it in the morning like I feel a difference in my digestion so definitely try those three together and coriander seeds does very similar thing to cumin infernal but again it's a cooling seed so you'll find that when you drink it you'll feel this soothing sensation um a cooling sensation down your digestive tract which actually feels really nice by the way if you're not someone who likes drinking tea or hot drinks throughout the day one thing I recommend is boiling it as you would for tea but then you can grab a big jar of whatever um you keep your water in you can pour that into some cold water and you can drink from that so you don't have to have it hot all the time it's just recommended because hot water is better for your digestion with the CCF another way you can use it my mom by the way only uses this spice mix when she's making her Curries at night or when she's making lentils and so you can actually blend up the spices you can dry toast them first and that means you put a pan put it on a low to medium heat and you just toast the spices till you start smelling the aroma once you've done that you can transfer it into grinder or a spice grinder or even a blender and you basically make it into a powder like this then it makes it so easy to use you can just add as you would some sort of curry powder or a garam masala you can use the CCF powder instead and it has a delicious flavor so that's also another way you can use it thing I forgot to mention about CCF amongst all its other great qualities is it actually stimulates your lymph system now your lymphatic system is what actually removes all the toxins out of your body it carries the toxins through every part your body collects them and then disposes of them the CCF mix actually helps to stimulate that so it helps to just get all of the stuff out your body that you don't need there's probably not one person in this world that hasn't heard of this next spice Turmeric now whether you've seen it in a Starbucks latte or whether you've seen it in curries and probably some face masks there's so much that we can do with turmeric the reason it is spoken about so much is because inside of turmeric there is a property called kkit and it basic basically is the best anti-inflammatory uh component that exists like it really helps with inflammation in the body if you think about it if your digestion is not great and you are producing all these toxins in your body you really need anti-inflammatory spices and foods to help keep that down and so turmeric has so many incredible benefits but digestion is also one of those turmeric is a spice which you can put into everything from desserts to um your evening milk I love making a cardamum and turmeric milk at night it's really soothing and super delicious too I grew up drinking we we've called it herder varud which means turmeric with milk such a simple way our language was very simple growing up it was guati and um it is called many different things I grew up drinking it when I was Ill at night when I wanted something soothing my mom would make it for me and it's just really incredible the color is also just so beautiful and just looking at it makes me happy but it will also make your gut so happy the way that I like using turmeric is again sautéing it in a fat so whether you're making in a curry I recommend sautéing it in the oil that you're using first you can use it in rice you can use it in lentils and one tip I recommend is when you're using turmeric mix it in with black pepper black pepper helps with the absorption of turmeric but also black pepper is incredible because it helps with the production in your body of enzymes that breaks down proteins and fats so having those two mixed together are a super power mix next up we have cardamom which is not here A B C D next up we have a sweet spice called cardamom um you might have had cardamom in you know what I don't know where it's used a lot in western food but it's definitely used in Indian food a lot I tend to use it in sweets so like rose and cardamom a beautiful pair cardamom and saffron great pairing too so I usually make desserts um like cheesecakes and I'll add in some cardamum into there or it's also got a sedative property by the way so adding some cardamum in your evening tea or in your milk at night is really relaxing for you the smell is also phenomenal now cardamom has a really interesting property it helps to um stimulate the enzymes that push your food through your digestive tract your food needs help to get through all the different systems that actually allow it to get to the stomach cardamum apparently there's a property in it that helps with the pushing and the movement of the food through your body it's also incredible for indigestion and gas and bloating and constipation all the things that you might experience from an unhappy gut I'll probably end up repeating this over know again because you can use spices in exactly the same way usually but I'll throw the powder oh it comes in powder for no it comes in powder form and you can actually get it in the pods the pods are lovely and beautiful it comes the pods look like this and then you break it open and it's the cardamum seeds inside it so you can crush the pod on you you can crush the pot on the outside and then you'll get the seeds on the inside and then you grind it up and actually as soon as spices are ground they start losing all their aromatic properties but also it reduces in medicinal properties too so I always recommend buying spices whole and then grinding them yourself you'll notice such a big flavor difference when you do that compared to buying a ground version from a store that's probably been there for a while so if you can get the whole seeds and do it it's a little bit of extra effort and an extra step but it's defin but it's definitely worth it and I'm going to give you a bonus spice just in case all of these weren't enough this is aan it's probably the one you might not have heard of out of all of these my memory of aan growing up is when I would be unwell my mom would to be toasting these in a pan and I can smell it from upstairs in my room when I was sniffling and snotty and I had a cold she would add this with a little bit of Honey a bit of turmeric and some hot water um or she'd make it in milk but it helps to expel all the gunk out of your like um nasal passages and out of your when you got congestion but another incredible property of it is with digestion so it helps to stimulate your digestive enzymes in your stomach it's actually a heating spice so you won't feel that coolness of some of the other ones but it is so powerful like whenever I've overeaten which happens quite a lot or I've had a large meal and I've really enjoyed it and just you know taking a few extra bites I'll toast it first in a pan add in some water boil it and I'll drink drink it I notice a soothing effect and kind of the bloating or the discomfort goes away so fast again another secret little um spice that will do wonders for your stomach so I hope that was helpful for you I wanted to share this because spices are literally my life one of my missions in life is to get people eating more spices in the west there are a limited amount of spices that are used throughout foods and only when you cook special things or you cook things from different Cuisines are they used the more you get used to using spices as not just flavor but also as medicine throughout your day just like you take your supplements or your vitamins the better you will start feeling in every part of your life not only are they good for your digestion they help to boost your mood they help with your skin hair and nails they help with uh your immunity and so honestly please start seeing your spices as your protection and actually in my BG joyful I really focus on that every single recipe has some sort of spice in it and by the end of actually reading the book or using the book I hope that it helps someone build up their spice cupboard in a way that makes it easy to use and yeah that's my hope for you all add some spice into your life trust me it will make all the difference so I hope all these spices become your best companions for your digestion and I would love to know if they made a difference to you remember when you're taking something natural it takes a while for for it to kick in so don't expect result actually I won't even say that you may even experience a result within the first time you use it many people have especially after a meal when you try these out you will notice it but for a long-term effect I recommend trying it out every single day for like 30 days of your life and see the difference that it can make thank you all so much for listening hope you all have had a wonderful week and I hope you tune in next time
Channel: Radhi Devlukia
Views: 742,209
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Id: n2I7xFSQlWc
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Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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