The Return to the Trump Hotel, Phil's Underwear Standoff, and the Fall of Man | Ep 6

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welcome to the unashamed podcast with Phil Robertson of course ow Jase are also along for the ride today we've got we kind of jump back into Genesis and you know pick up sort of where we left off of the creation of course we had to talk a little bit about our return to the Trump Hotel because that's where we stayed when we go to New York and Jase has some interesting past and then also now some present to tell you about which is really funny and to show how the hotel upgrade has happened to the Robertson family has been quite the journey so I hope you enjoy today's podcast some good stuff in there tack pack is the premier monthly subscription box for military tactical and Second Amendment enthusiasts I think you qualify you bet you for just forty nine ninety-five a month they ship you at least a hundred dollars worth of gear from companies like 511 hex mag mission first tactical armor spec and America grip to name a few they ship out ar-15 parts EDC tools knives cleaning kits and a mix 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the river with the unchained podcast a long way from New York away from New York this is a funny story I will tell you you realize that when we go back to New York do all the shows to promote our podcast here that was the first time I'd actually been back to the Trump Hotel since I was escorted out when was that I'm terrible time five six years ago yeah back in 14 you know they thought I was a vagrant homeless and so even though the Trump's made it right and I that's how I actually got to have a relationship with him I had never been back to that specific hotel so when I walked in the people working there formed a little line and they were like welcome back Jace they said it like 1 2 3 it wasn't I think like the Academy Award to you they knew I was coming back what yeah I don't know total I mean I guess somebody made a decision from there in oh this is the guy we escorted out a few years ago so look the whole two days that we were there every time I walked in they would say my first name welcome home Jace and he went from a vagrant to celebrity I think they were being funny about it we were all laughing but because they had a little smirk on their face when they did it so I thought this is what you know and the guys though the bellhops and the doorman and amusement the same guys have been there the whole time we've been doing this for like six years that's where we like to stay and so I mean I know him now they're a whole welcome back I'd been back there yeah but you're a somewhat famous person I'll put you in that category and you go to a prestigious hotel and they escort you out of the building for being what they thought was a vagrant or a threat or a threat yeah and it's just not good for business and I think Donald Trump is more than smart enough to spot that so somewhere a word came down from the top run this bunch out of there they're gonna look a little rough it shows that Jays dead he said but I knew that Trump was serious about immigration I just saw hey Ranas hotel I mean yeah I believe that you know when he says I'm gonna build the wall he's building the wall for the same reason that I was in that hotel for 12 seconds and somebody was getting me the heck out of that this guy doesn't belong here it was a safety issue so I I kind of like that know that that's why that whole thing got started cuz I thought that made me feel good about that my wife loved it of course for a lot of reasons but she was like when you needed some humility but she said I've never felt safer I mean you wasn't in here a minute they were getting you out of here I like staying at a place like that well plus you got to get into the Robertson mine too let's let's be honest one of the reasons dad loves staying at the Trump is because they have a bone-in rib eye there and it says for two it well it is for two but I hate that whole the Asian guy who brought that in there you know not only did he bring this being a fine cut of beef cooked perfectly he brought it in there he bowed before me and then he walked out the door and I thought no we and I taste I waited till I tasted that first bite I said we've hit the jackpot here and I took my fork didn't need the knife and I thought yeah because it said they had aged it for like 30 days well about Donald Trump but I just went to his hotel and I said whoever owns this outfit oh they they got this thing going because I've spent going to various hotels with Motel six to people yeah yeah right next door and I roll up in there and I was it boy this is fine living here so finally it made me think I didn't run a hotel like that elect him so it's ears eyes things as though you think about the years you go back so you know thirty years ago we go on a hunting trip to film four videos for duck commander and so versus now you ripped the Trump eating the thing remember what was the story that's all I know that job was thinking of that still we're in Idaho I mean cuz you just were hunting every day man we would we used to do that all the time when we hunting or made our videos and so we just go on road trip for a week you know of course Phil you know he and bathe yeah and so you would just basically find a cot anywhere yeah then we we found some dive of a do I don't think it was a hotel was a motel it was just one floor so we take all our guns out you know cuz you don't want anybody to steal your stuff out of the truck and the way this thing was set up it was like a series of rooms and field was in the front room right by the door yep and it's like two or three o'clock in the morning that's correct you hear that door knob start turning yeah here and here someone outside missing with the door and yep and I thought well we had brought our guns inside so that they wouldn't steal our guns out of my really on the outside so so I'm in a position where the door you were the leading edge yeah you open the door the bed was it was weird cuz it wasn't a normal motel that's right and they open the door it's just a bed and here's Phil in his tighty whities and he had grabbed his gun and then later the crosses laughs I just knew they weren't supposed to be there he sat up like an Indian you know I mean just like in that position in position with ya tighty whities the guy opens the door and immediately raises his hand well he held the door opened toward me and the guy stepped through very nimbly and when he comes right past the door I've got this I was gonna do a hip shot I just had enough bullets here to do some serious damage and had the gun Lord on his frame well when he come he and he looks to the left and there I'm sitting there you know with my underwear do you remember what you said you said two words no he what what what he said was he looked at me he spoke first and he said wrong room and I nodded that is correct I say a word I think you said wrong room he said wrong I just nodded I just nodded you are correct sir and so look he backs out with his hands still up I didn't say get your hands up when he said wrong room look his hands come up like I said get your hands up but I never spoke I was watching it by then I watched the you know the aftermath look that guy had his hands up and he was walking across the parking lot with his hand and I was standing in the door now steal from the hip you know birdshot buckshot is pretty rough so he looks back at me and his hands are kind of like this but he looks back and he went they got higher or the further he waited so I think it was a combination of the beard the gun and just feels the underwear yeah which is living proof that a lot of times if you have a robber or a burglary intent on causing stealing your stuff and many times you actually don't have to say a word you can just sit there let him do the talking but and they'll leave with their hands held high so if your aren't what he didn't realize he might have he was about this close to dying so I'm in the last trip I went on a vehicle I fooled around and was you know running low on gas is like 1 1 o'clock in the morning so I stopped well it's just me there's nobody at the gas station you know what even open I was just getting the gas and I looked up here comes a fella walking across the street he's walking toward me so I calmly opened the back door I got a basically a solid off shotgun that'll hold 10 rounds and I just grabbed the end of it I'm just watching him come but when he saw me do that he put his hands up he said duck dynasty fan I said okay come on I mean he knew what was fixed that happened he's like he saw that door open I put my hand down and I'm looking at him like what are we gonna do here but I wasn't gonna pull it on him until I had assessed that there's a danger well it's not paranoia it's just preparedness that's right hey if it's 1 o'clock in the morning and you're by yourself and here comes a guy walking down the street towards you that's called being smart well somebody's jimmying your door you know it's locked fulfilled that was obvious he doesn't have a key and he's coming in I'm like bad move on whoever that is but here's what I love about our fans like this guy he wasn't offended you know most of the stuff going on between midnight and 5:00 in the morning is not good and I'm getting gas I'm in a vulnerable situation but now I'm armed I have my Bible and I have a weapon hmm I'm ready to go either way well that was that was that or side one of his famous line on The Today Show was that you know we'd rather have a Bible study but for gun fight breaks out we're ready the way you know them happens the Bible calls itself a sword you know an instrument of the almighty to to to cut to the heart it's called a sword for a reason because you know it's spiritual warfare so anyway so back it's good to be back home this is Zechariah and we have made some major strides hotel accommodations from the old days to today you're not a heavy thank you now having my Jimmy the lot at the trunk came full circle we're friends again right which is nice so we've been talking about we just decided to start at the beginning and we talked last time about Genesis 1 it's sort of the idea of creation especially compared to kind of what the world puts forth that talked about you know the idea of chance and you know we talked a lot about well you got to ask yourself how did we get here it's a question every human being at some point in his life it runs across his mind right they get him hidden it interesting just that God and his wisdom of the Bible we talked about Moses being the one that wrote this you know the first five books of the Bible that he starts with the fundamental question with the Bible itself where do we come from yeah because that's what people are going to always ask and it doesn't matter if you're about your education level anytime throughout history whether you live out in a teepee in the middle of a field well with the the acknowledgment of how you got here will affect how you live your life if you think we came from seaweed well you're just pretty much two schools of thought have emerged one is the supernatural that's a belief that some supernatural or divine force controls nature and the universe we're in that camp and my thinking is I love the atheist of the world and very agnostic I don't hate them at all I believe that there's some force who controls the universe no we have was in created being created and so I believe that you say if I'm mistaken I'm going into a hole in the ground so are all the atheist along with me they're going the holes in the ground will all physically die the the problems introduced in Genesis his sin and physical death both of them came with the fall of man any way you slice it even an atheist had would have to say you know something they may be calling it sinful I don't use the word seeing yeah but but is it right for burglars to come in like we talked about in the motel steal your stuff and leave was it a good thing or a bad thing I said that's a bad thing he's broke in and stole stuff I think everyone acknowledges good and evil you're talking about even in Hollywood the think of the amount of movies that are centered around the Battle of good and evil the time so you have one group who believes in God naturalism is the theory that between good and evil can be reduced to non normative are factual terms and statements according to psychology and biology you can answer these questions about good and evil right and wrong hatred and love patience and impatience or war and peace you can answer all those questions through human means biology and thought energy so all I'm saying to all the atheist of the world that camp says it just happens somehow we don't know what caused it the the cosmos we know it's there we think there was some kind of explosion that put it into place we're camping out there and we will not listen to any want any other arguments I'm just saying is it possible that there is a being behind the big explosion y'all are talking about is it possible that in the beginning there was there is a God who created is it at least possible is it plausible so they would have to say well it's possible I guess so I'm thinking that's where I'm standing when I believe that someone was behind this they'll agree to all the various laws of force energy light gravity all the laws they'll agree with that they're all in place they're saying they just somehow all the various laws of the cosmos of nature or that are there but I'm saying well how did they get there so what you're saying is then by this description of naturalism or natural law yeah is a recognition that it's just nature it just is there and we don't really have an explanation of then we can figure it out with biology or psychology are saying now universal even in that world that there was a beginning oh yeah enough for a while they're just like well it was just always here kind of they were static they know there was a beginning that now they're like okay something happened now what they'll describe it is it's pretty comical when you google you know they use terms like big crunches and you know it's like all these things energy and gases combine something with these strings in the energy you know that supplied the energy that was just floating around there's no acknowledgement for how that got here I think with their you know their their rationale there's nothing it's just I would think out they would have to admit that when we discuss the fall of man the creation itself and the fall of man I think everyone an unaged atheist at least would say that it had ramifications to and still has to this day sin and physical death they're still here from my observation of the human race right the the you say well why do we feel guilty when we do this particular actor that you said what that guilt come from but we have a conscience that seems to be saying you know when you did right you know when you do wrong there's an awareness of that I think they would have to admit all we're saying is anyway you want to slice it what happened in the Genesis account the fall of man's sin is introduced and physical death with it remember don't eat of that or you will surely die before we get there let's let's back up so you're right what happens is we humanity human beings are really the dividing line because we can talk a lot about everything that's here what we see what we observe but in the creation process that we talked about before we get down to God creating humanity creating a man and then out of the man the woman and so that's where it really then becomes the the litmus test because you know obviously the other side believes in the theory by the way of evolution which says that it came out of the animal world which there's still a problem of how to get here and all that but just just think about that that basically animals evolved to us we're sitting here doing a podcast critical thinking you know I mean then looking at this thing to say that however far you'd have to go back we were swimming or amphibious or whatever wherever you know the whatever the latest there's a group of animals that we that we supposedly came from which group of animals handed down to us the knowledge of good and evil punishment yeah amen awareness of a God which animal group did we inherit that from because you would think there would be some animal groups just below us that we evolved from they're just right there never has it but you got warm-blooded man oh mammals they don't seem to have a consciousness of God and of right and wrong just us why did it stop happening okay you don't see cuz they're like well cuz we're just in this small window but if that process this happened you would still be seeing the process every once in a while that's right you know well their claim is that you just don't live long enough to see it so you watch these sci-fi shows and eventually in another you know million years or whatever we'll be able to do you know we've got we can we're pure energy and we're the ystem or that you know it's it's everything is about this it's just enough time you just need more time just you're not you're only looking at this over the course of your one life that's why you can't I think grasp it problem is is someone starts reading the Bible and they're like it seems like a story like that somebody made up especially when you get to the talking snake oh you have us wait a minute here we have a snake there in a garden there's a guy ya know what I'm out on that I think it's just that that people you know humans tend to be on a wavelength that they're smarter and you know intellect will win the day that's why you know at universities it seems to be that there for the most part when you may against the concept of God being in control because that's too simplistic and you make a good point that a lot of times people say well if I can find one thing this seems like an exception to everything else that makes sense therefore it debunks the whole thing and so the people think that way all the time no in the art you know I mean right I mean you saw what Hollywood did with that they couldn't even follow the same story I mean I thought it's pretty good maybe anyways interesting but they couldn't follow the real story cuz it's too absurd for them they're like this it just can't be but to me it's just as not just as it's way more absurd to say that we got all our intellect all our decision-making properties good and evil from the animal world survival of the fittest that that that's what you're going with does it meeting our ancestors plus the animals plenty of them can run faster than all of us they can see better have much better eyesight our more stronger than all of us point I had in the world do we get shortchanged because we've got animals that'll leave us in the dust we can't run you jump near as high and we'll eat you will eat you while they're at it you're like but look like we got a bad deal from from whatever group we came from because they are running us out jumping us at this point so we ought to be faster than the animal world if it breeds a higher order as you go we ought to be able to outrun a cheetah that's right but we can't no but they're saying one day you'll be able to so here's what the Bible says about our Genesis our creation in 1:28 he says let us make man in our image and we talked at that for how God is his triune in nature 3 you know the Father Son the Holy Spirit you see throughout the Bible so there's these three distinct you know aspects of God and so he makes us in His image he says fact about some dude he's lying there is no God as far as he knows he said he Moses are sitting under a tree think of the intellect it would have taken to dream up this story the Genesis account I mean well you some kind of world traveler knew about the oceans and land coming up do you talk about own some some serious mushrooms this dude was either way out there and was a rambling idiot or you say but it seems so orderly the beginning God created the heavens in the earth and then there was like the first day the second day the third that you're like it was so orderly put in there how could a guy just sat down under a tree somewhere in that timeframe and dreamed the Genesis account up well and into attributed to a multifaceted God yeah and then us created multifaceted we have a body a soul and a spirit yeah there's three distinct parts of us by the way made in the image of God so you're right that's a man for the time frame he live that's a pretty big and I think it didn't you can tell from reading Genesis the first 10 chapters that you're not getting all the details he's basically letting you know what you need to know cuz they picture you have this this weird circumstance is it in Chapter six I think where it's talking about the daughters then and the sons of sons of God and they created giants on the earth and well you know we see a little bit of that even today I mean what what I'm saying you see some huge guy well I think about Genesis six other people they're thinking more the seaweed process has really produced you know look at this but it's like every the Bible actually answers every kind of question they're even down to the John's it just doesn't go into detail even with the talking snake I said it it doesn't matter whether there was an actual snake to me talking or if that was some kind of picture of what happened because what really happened I wouldn't have the human capacity to understand and I think there's a here's a school of thought it happens to be man I never read it anywhere but I'm just read the Genesis account and I see about these big people if you could live eight nine hundred years like the Bible says they were living when they were made human beings were living eight nine hundred anybody he signaled when he stopped that yeah and I'm saying that about four hundred you're just you hitting about middle-aged you're four hundred years old I would think human beings would get larger bigger stronger because it was the perfect you gotta remember it was made the the cosmos you say if you had a perfect earth with the perfect amount of water there was no rain for a while there's a wall water with a mist you said I can see why you would find big animals if you had animals that were living if we're living eight nine hundred you say the animal world was probably out living us but but if you look at it you say the animals would get bigger because they were there the vegetation was far better than it is now I don't think there were any vast areas of desert Sahara desert sand all that there's nothing bad we know that it was called Paradise your genes your genetic makeup is perfect because remember when seeing hit we've been kind of going down genetically ever since and the years are getting less and less on us and you say finally we ended up by said if I have 80 but when you could go for eight nine hundred I think everything would be bigger would be more healthier you just remember to prove your point in Genesis - I could be wrong there just a thought let me just read that in Genesis 6 is whether it happened he said when men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them the sons of God who knows exactly who that is saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they married any of them they chose then the Lord said my spirit will not contend with man forever for his mortal for he is mortal his days will be a hundred and twenty and so then later on I think it's in Psalms he got around 70 which is the average generally which is how did he know that 2,000 years ago right and he got the average lifespan I mean I mean think about it but now of course the difference in Genesis 6 where you described we've already had the divided you know in in humanity you back up to justice - for we get there you see a perfect situation and Adam is created Eve is created from him they're told to eat anything you want in the garden they named all the animals and all the animals eco which would be awesome you know so then so by the way we still call them what they call them yeah you know dogs still a dog right whatever language in cats a cat Birds a bird you like why don't we use all the man we are using you sir what they call water well water steal water well let's see what the dirt come up the ground it was called land a Mike what are they called in China said they'd call it land I think people who try to change that though but it is they did the same thing my dad he because he created you know that one frame in Genesis 2 we says he created them male and female better do their that but they're trying to change that but oh maybe not I mean what I'm saying is in our society they don't like what Phil is pointing out so at some point maybe they will try to call a dog a cat that's because I never thought someone would try to change a female you look at a female and you say okay I got it she's definitely not a boy but then they're like well wait a minute you know in her mind she may be so let's change this I mean it is I'm telling you tell me the amazing culture a dog would identify as a cat so we had to call him a cat about some of our logic that's going around you just think you would see getting back to the point if it was all this evolutionary process only from seaweed or spark or whatever you would think you would see more of a mix you know you'd think you'd see a dog running around with a cat's head yeah yeah how could it come out so perfect I'm just saying if you're a kid you don't believe in God why is it you call when God separated the water from the water the chasm in the middle was called sky he said it's my sky well atheist I don't believe they should use Genesis language to call the sky the sky because they're using biblical terminology they call the sky sky they called the moon the moon two great lights you say yeah there's two great lights with it well if we call land land water water then the animal world we call them by the names of Genesis well if I go to Genesis to get the names all straightened out if in fact it's not true I mean why not call it something else what would they said but they would say Genesis got this from somebody else I'm telling them don't call everything the same thing God called them unless you believe in God call them something else made you can't you Kate's calling was their terminology make up your own stuff down to truth no the truth is a dog still a dog and you know there's no there's no cat so you get to looking at it you're like ya'll quit using the language of genesis now but you don't believe in god the skys really not the sky somebody dreamed it's a fairy tale no such thing as sky water get up every morning and everything everybody does we're just gonna say no I'm calling a football baseball from now on that's what we're going so so the setup is we got this perfect place it's great Adam and Eve or the first man and woman they're the first husband and wife by the way we know they have tracked it back right tracked it back we all came from the first be my own well the DNA was I would I would say it was a game-changer but our life changer have you want to do it but it's still you know only Jesus can change the heart that's why you it move it move move the new because now they're struggling with what to call it for a while there's come this genetic code they're like well we can't call it a code cuz what happens to code somebody had to write to code there's an encoder yep so now they're trying to figure out what to call it the most complex information divulging happening in the body you have all this information and you know they say if you stretch it out when I actually write it down and unroll it because it's all packed tight in our body yeah it would like go throughout the universe for just one person I mean it's a grab all this inside of you're like wait a minute how come it started off so complex and then got more simple that doesn't make sense no I mean that we're so complex inside our body so the setup is they're told to their mate they're having they're populating the earth around children and we read about some in here but I mean there were others obviously because you read about them later all of a sudden you know Cain has a wife where'd she come from where they were what I said I think it's a much bigger if this is the same way I do revelation which is in its singular revelation Jesus's is it's a picture he gave you a picture you need to know and there's obscure passages in the Bible that that cause you to view the Bible this way remember the the story it's just a random story in like second Corinthians 13 nothing is thirteen twelve eleven where he said Paul said I knew a guy that was called up to the third heaven for 14 years yeah and I mean what in the world is this all about these that he saw things that couldn't be told and and he just leaves it at that but you read us read a story like that you know it's hard for the human brain to wrap yourself around how big God is and how he functions and how he did make all this cuz look basically if you could comprehend all this he really wouldn't be God if you could just comprehend it in your finite brain well he wouldn't be big enough and I think that's what was happening here so all the excuses that people who don't believe in God that they use it's all the same stuff on the arch not big enough for well how come there's evil in the world well that's a pretty easy one to answer if you really follow the rest of it let me take off on that because I want to get you to take on this so there are two game changers that happen we get to Genesis 3 give me the first two chapters we're laying it out things are great you know there's no sin in the world everything's perfect so we get to Genesis 3 and there's two things that we realize that happened one is there's there's a couple of trees in the center of this place where these people are living and one is called The Tree of Life what we thought which one find out later means that they're eating from that they would have lived here they would have been no death but what what's our thing is fascinating about that and we may disagree on this so hey why did they have the Tree of Life you know cuz I thought I mean if I stick what happens if there's a branch breaks up could you get trees see under young branches one falls off lands on his head so he they had to eat the tree of life for a reason they were they weren't create like eat like an eternal being I think that's a key I'm gonna present that why why are you eating the Tree of Life and then you know so you still had to get sustenance to live that was yeah you were created that you're not answer not right that's right and you notice when he banished him from the garden there's a key little phrase there and he said you will no longer be able to stretch out your hand and take in eat of the tree of life and live forever we started the degradation process first it was 100 years then it was 120 they never said what's the term God is the author the author of life would simply mean they might have used the trees just as a but he's the author of life well and I think that's why he he the plan became that Jesus would one day technically be hung on a tree relations to and become the author of life again and we read about the idea of life in Revelation so let me get to the two game changers so what happens is there's another tree there called the tree of knowledge of good and evil makes perfect sense to me me too so it's there he tells them you can even be a tree in the garden including the Tree of Life one command one command don't eat from that tree show that they won't break it if it just was just one and it was in the form of that tree so that was one game changer is that now we have a command so there's there's a choice this made look what that shows you that God created us with a choice exactly which is why this whole thing happened so they were walking past every day so as one game changers that happened but then the most important game changer is in Genesis 3 is all of a sudden and you talked about it the serpent who didn't look like he would today but because of we find out later what happens to him but he's there so Satan the devil the evil one all the names we come up for he is inhabiting this serpent whatever he gives you the picture that he's the spiritual being that he's possessed by human right he's from that world that we know nothing about which is fine but we just know he's evil and what's the blokes what's the most of media is we don't the Genesis account all of a sudden he's just here impacting people because he starts talking to Eve and start saying did God really say all right you know created the setting first I think that's an important point because that kind of like what do you do when he tempted Jesus it was more about the setting you know well here you know if you're created by God and you're put in a garden here you know look at it from Eve's perspective whoever this God is is obviously powerful eternal all-knowing but in this one instance she didn't think he was she was he the guy was listening to the conversation well she wouldn't I mean you wouldn't be so so careless you think about it God knows all he knows how many hairs on her head but whenever we mess up is humans in those moments we feel like God's a million miles away he's obviously not who we said he was this all-consuming fire oh you would never do that you would never be having a conversation about something he said don't do right so I think it's important point because I think people tend to blame the evil one too much they're like well you know the devil made me do it you know you got James that's pretty clear you know God doesn't tempt anyone each one is tempted when by his own evil desire he is dragged away and enticed the the evil and and its powers the devil a demon spiritual forces of error you want to do it I think they set up situations like they did with job you know they just attacked him they said but you still have that ability to choose what you're gonna do about it well think about the the question is pretty innocuous did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden I think the question but the other point in that is he wants he wanted her to question God out he starts in with down so here's what here's her response we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden but God did say you must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden and you must not touch it or you will die well it was a great answer it was a great answer so everything is perfect right and then here's where the light comes in it says where line begins dad you talked about this for the the father of lies give him that verse Genesis 3:4 he says you will not surely die he says to the woman for God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing good and evil there's a lot of truth in that the best lie is the one with the most truth in it that's right and is that a lie when you really believe it you know because people convinced himself the the key phrase to me in there was when he said you will be like God and that therein lies the entire problem of humanity from this point to as we sit here today in 2019 it's people trying to be God and I think the underlying theme was the evil one was representing that you will never reach your potential if you do it God's Way right that was the underlying theme and I think that's what people today think they think I'll never reach I'm limited if I do it God's Way because there are certain things that in their mind they think they must do so there's limits them as the guy told me the atheist of the day he said at some point in the conversation he said no one is going to tell me who I can have sex with that was his that was one of his statements and he looked at me and he said and you say I said I say God demands a life of restraint I said but it goes back to right here in the garden you want God what he was saying is I'm gonna step into God's shoes I'll see you on done I'll be my own God nobody's going to tell me how I'm gonna roll so I'm saying and her reaction is not was Eve's problem it's not unreasonable when the woman when Eve saw that the fruit was for food in other words it wasn't like it was I mean it was appealing pleasing to the eye but also desirable for gaining wisdom she's thinking how bad can it be I mean I'll know more she took some and ate it she also gave some to her husband who was with her so by the way he's just right there you know he ended up saying you know blame the woman she's what he tried to blame her yeah because he didn't leave he could have just stepped inside no no no no whoa whoa whoa he should have stepped up so I think him a leadership role and said no we're not doing this I mean I think sometimes in your silence is just as bad that's right and not doing it he's uncomfortable you know all of a sudden you're having some weird conversation with some being you don't know and your wife is you know what was that saying the sand all that it takes for evil to reign is for good men to do nothing yeah someone said that like there's a quote but really that's true I mean that's what you see I don't know if somebody says I tend to look at and say that woman brought us a lot of trouble the reason you know you know that you to be submissive to you to your husband is that you're the one that's in first not not Adam you see in first then Adam I think his point was we're made differently we have different roles but trust me he dropped the ball here he didn't look I've used this example you know speaking when you're going I'm saying he's at the ball but she was the one to threw the ball over to it heads-up me intend to just hit and run they take the benefits of a relationship you know what I mean yeah and then they're out of there they don't want the responsibility or to hold you know people accountable and that's the problem in our society you know I know there's the ramifications of what we are reading it had far-reaching consequences to me all the way to us all these years later you say it's still and in physical death it's a problem and and we can't solve it we can't solve it and I'm never one Adam and Eve both just to say look they were terrible if they'd just not done this you know what would have happened if if you were to put any of us in their scenario we probably would have made a bad choice because we made bad choices every day so of course they're just they're just showed human nature when it can look they had one thing just one we think about all the things we tried to do and not do we talk about anyway you want to slice it out even the atheists and agnostics have to say for all of you out there who may be atheist or agnostic you have to say sin is a problem and physical death is a problem and we fear or both of them and there were death physical death you say always there all right and it is a problem for all of us so to dismiss it and say so anyway you want to slice it you get back to the the cosmic struggle the through the history you look back and you say you know they say what they want to but sin is a problem and and physical death is surely one and both of them have caused a lot of fear a lot of anxiety sin and physical death just really got 4000 years ago made up a story about two trees in a garden they would represent those two things that's right the is amazing death that we still struggle with incredible and that then 40 other authors would write various other letters in times of history that actually identify the same issue and then offer a redemption through the whole thing yeah to look at this and say well you you you guys the you bible thumpers you're not dealing with reality oh I beg to differ well this is reality right in front of you you say oh look at the sins of the world the murder - rape robbery right Oh misuse of the creation itself which he offers in anybody that gets into the creation details that we were talking about I mean if you're fair and honest it leads you to a creator it's too complex it just does details there's too complex we're still living with the results so so next time great discussion next time we're going to look at some of the immediate consequences that we see here in the text in Genesis 3 and then we're gonna look at some of the bigger consequences that happen for not only sort of what I call the first family you know their children and others but then that's gonna lead up to worldwide destruction in a very short period of time and we'll talk about the ramifications what that means in today's world as well so appreciate you as always checking us out unashamed you'd find out on iTunes or YouTube Spotify Facebook of course blaze is kind of our host site you can get that show in the woods with Phil blaze slash feel if your student had a lot of great stuff there don't forget about dads book the theft of America's soul if you hadn't had a chance to pick that up and read it it is a great book which really shows a lot of what we've been talking about at the genesis but we're seeing that all these thousands of years later and our culture trust me the evil one he started out whispering it easier but he's doing a lot of damage and he has bad human history so the book deals with that and will we see you guys next time on under shame you
Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 108,070
Rating: 4.9439921 out of 5
Keywords: forgiveness, salvation, christian, bible, study, bible study, BlazeTV, Phil, Jase, al, Robertson, Phil Robertson, duck commander, duck, commander, hunt, hunting, duck hunting, author, writer, America, soul, Jesus
Id: eE1dhi1_hjg
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Length: 49min 59sec (2999 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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