FREE Linux Lab in the Azure Cloud - Linux+ - RedHat

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what's going on guys welcome back to network chuck sorry I'm late again I'm rearing to go let me tell you something though and this is super embarrassing but I sat here talking to myself for about 25 minutes I thought I was live and I was going on it demoing and stuff and then I looked and I realized I had not click the live button so I thought you guys were chatting with me oh my goodness anyways we're talking Linux we're talking in Linux labbing we're talking how I am labbing for my Linux plus I've been studying Lex just picked it up about a month and a half ago I haven't been too consistent but I've been hot and heavy recently me and Linux are really getting serious and yeah it was great practice great practice run like I was so mad at myself but I'm already a cup of coffee in so that means my energy level is like up to here anyways I've had the crazy technical issues all freakin week and that's just the icing on top anyways so what am i using to lab in Linux a thumbnail and the title kind of gave it away I'm using Azure I'm using Azure to lab my Linux environment and many people might think ok Chuck that sounds stupid that sounds expensive why well I'll tell you two reasons for two really great reasons it's easy to access and it's not that expensive it really isn't um when I am labbing I'm either you know at home cool you know I want to access real quick or I'm out on the go so I want to have a lab on my stinking phone I want to access my Linux configurations I want to able to access my Linux box from my stinking phone so gosh I'm ready to go cowboy I was talking to myself for about 20 minutes that's what I do most the time anyway so if you don't know what Microsoft Azure is I'll fill you in real quick Microsoft Azure is Microsoft's cloud solution the cloud basically means not your computer someone else's computer that's pretty much all it is and when you set up a virtual machine a Linux virtual machine in the cloud yeah you're gonna be paying somebody else to do it now I said in the title and the thumbnail it's free it is free for 30 days and I don't want to like have a gotcha or kind of like Oh clickbait is that what they call it clickbait no it's it's absolutely free no strings attached for 30 in fact let me show you real quick gosh I'm sure I remember what I didn't or didn't already cover and the and the dry run I'm doing this video the good news is I think I got the kinks worked out I'll only show you real quick I'll go to my display here this is my as your dashboard by the way I get to play with this a lot let me see my budget I'm running stuff all the time don't pay attention to that but if you go to this website at Microsoft comm you can sign up for a free account doesn't matter who you are in this matter if you're a business person toddler I mean you gotta have a credit card but you can sign up for a free account and you will have Azure for free for 30 days what I love about it is that it's it's really risk free um after 30 days you will not be charged a dime unless you say I love you as sure I'm ready to move forward I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level and let's go to a pate Oh let's go to a pay-as-you-go account so 30 days risk-free no worries so you can get a lot of labbing done in 30 days I don't know bout you but you can do some serious stuff in 30 days especially if you know you only have 30 days I love that like that mentality that mindset like oh I've got a lab for 30 days because I've got a free lab here now but what about what about after the 30 days now I am gonna show you no I just want to give this real quick before I go into my schpeel about why I think you should use it in this almost said nugget in this video I will show you how to set up your virtual machine in Azure going through the portal I'll show you how to also enable and this is so cool it took me a bit and it drove me nuts I'll show you how to enable it graphical interface for sent OS that's the distribution we'll be using and you'll be able to RDP into this Linux box yes you heard me correctly you're going to use Remote Desktop Protocol to access this Linux box from your Windows machine whatever and it's it's awesome and it was frustrating and the reason it took me the reason I didn't go live yesterday's ghost trying to I was trying to create a script that would automate this and just I would just say hey here you go guys automate it go for it and I almost had it working up to like five minutes before this video and I'm like did it work no so freaking frustrated well punched something just won anyway I love my decorations I love Halloween by the way let's gonna check the chat real quick make sure everyone is uh alive and well oh but anyways so the automation didn't work but the getting things working let me just give you a preview a sneak peek of what it actually looks like look what my main display once again now I will be revealing IP addresses here so don't feel special if you get it you're like I'm gonna hack Chuck I'm gonna delete everything afterwards so lemme alone this is my sent to s box which is right here in my a sure let me go to sent to s1 again that's the benefit of having Azure cloud you can lab up as much as you want to lab up I'm gonna access this guy right now connecting to him yeesh the demo gods better give me some great favor and fingers crossed no I did this before so don't worry I know it will come alive I know it will summon some and come alive and it'll be here in a minute I think there it goes lay this I am RDP RDP ting that I've never known the verb for that into a sinto s box and the azure cloud amazing this ah just makes me want to cry it's so cool anyways so let me just do bunks and things here is it expensive to have your personal machine in the cloud and I know that the other living options out there are cool too like you have a Raspberry Pi do that that's cool it's so fun if you can enable yourself to access it remotely that's cool too but also it can be kind of cumbersome to set up and then it's it's not sometimes you can't access it right like sometimes things break and then you have maybe you have an old laptop laying around and you install Linux on that that's fine - that's a fine thing to do but I I love the cloud because a I get to practice Linux and then B I get to learn a little bit about the cloud in the process which you should be learning about the cloud especially Azure now after 30 days I know it takes longer than 30 days to get most certifications where do you do after 30 days let me show you how unexpensive inexpensive it can be to actually have your a lab in the cloud and and Asher has this handy thing called the pricing calculator I'll show you real quick and I can vouch for it I do this kind of stuff all the time anyways I'm at the azure pricing calculator I already threw this in because I did a dry run in the video already but anyways I selected a virtual machine I put it in Texas I selected Linux sent to Wes and I selected my the size of it which is two gigs of RAM I recommend at least two gigs you can go smaller than that you can go to like itty bitty but you're not gonna be able to enable the GUI it'll just die on you I tried and you can say how many hours a month you're going to actually use this virtual machine that's where it's killer so I put in 60 hours 60 hours of lab time if you're allowing for 60 hours a month you're a beast and you know what a dollar-fifty that's a candy bar that's a candy bar so yes you definitely should right now and go sign up for a sure right and so I'm not an affiliate of Azure I don't get any kickback I just think it's cool I think you will benefit so much from learning a little bit of cloud just go to the process so at this point in the video I hope I convinced you to do it even if you already have a lab do this already it's just fun and a dollar-fifty come on and what 30 days free so go and go get that account and before I show you how to set this up get that account ready so I'm assuming and now you for watching it live you can't help it but I'm gonna show you real quick how to set up a virtual machine and Azure it's really it's it really is simple it's not too crazy I was gonna try and automate it for you but I didn't get it working so I'm sorry maybe I'll try it again and post in the comments um how's everyone doing tonight cool it's hard it's hard to chat I in the chat and then also talk anyways so let's look at the Azure cloud and get a virtual machine is set up it's my main screen here my main display so here in my Asscher once you sign up you'll have a screen kind of like this maybe not like this I customize my dashboard and what you'll want to do is go create a your resource that very top left here you'll click create and we're creating our virtual machine this will be your lab you can search the marketplace or something just click the Ubuntu server and I can change my image after and then here's the basic screen where we can figure all of our options our resource group will be your container for all of your goodness that you create now when you create a virtual machine in Azure you're creating also a subnet of v-net you're creating a public IP address all these are separate resources and they'll be grouped together in this resource group so I'm gonna create a new one I'll name it my sim to s lab okay this is good I feel like it's gonna continue that I'll name this my son's OS lab choose a region now this you want to put it close to you you want be able to access it quickly so I'm gonna put mine in Texas if you're in Southeast Asia do that right so I won't put it close to me I'll select my image which I'm gonna change from Ubuntu trying to get my enunciation right Ubuntu I'll change that to sent OS based 7.5 I'll change my size because I don't need two virtual CPUs I only need eight gigs in memory just to do command-line in small gooey stuff so I'll change the size to standard b1 MS that's the one I recommend throwing your password use your name network shut I mean we're familiar with password stuff just uh put it in cool kosher now the exports is critical and if you're learning networking you're already a networked boss you'll be familiar with this this is creating some access to this virtual machine now a sure by default keep it locked down which is great which is much what you might want all the time but you want to allow yourself to access this personal mean machine so we're gonna allow some ports I'm the fortunate one I allow our SSH so we can SSH into it and access command-line and also RDP so it can access that beautiful GUI so that's it for this page the next one to save some money we're gonna go to disks and by default it'll have using premium SSD which you do not need to change that to standard a lot better it's slower but you're not gonna notice I haven't noticed I use this all the time now I want to meander over to the networking tab just because I love networking and this process creates a virtual network of B net it creates a subnet for you creates a public IP for you and then here's your network security group which you can think it's like a can access list or a firewall it's so killer and so fun and so cool you can do so many fun things in Azure and in the cloud I mean I I'm not like Mary - sure I mean we're engaged but any cloud is fun and and networking in the cloud is just as fun so if you're like learning Cisco stuff I'm gonna be dabbling in this you can actually install cisco routers and firewalls and such in Azure you can connect your home lab to Azure you can just do all kinds of things so back to the lab let me switch back to my screen so network am I gonna change anything here this is all gold and great and perfect but I will change something on the management tab by default it'll have a boot Diagnostics enabled turn that off what this prevents it from doing is creating an additional storage account that you don't need and then that's that's pretty much it like that wasn't too bad right and click review and create at the bottom it's gonna validate that your configuration was cool and then that's it you click create in a virtual machine is happening it's creating a virtual machine right now to see it create everything in the process and before long you'll have a virtual machine in the cloud now once you do have that setup you'll be able to access it like this via command line via SSH you'll grab the IP address it'll give you access this and then you're off to the races now setting up the the RDP session and all that stuff on the Atlantic's box sent OS now I chose sent to us you're probably wondering why am i laughing on since OS it's a distribution of Linux the most popular when we probably know about is Ubuntu and most people do that I chose sent to us because really CompTIA is said to they in their their book they recommended that you use sent to us and I'm okay with that because I see my path going down to the Red Hat path after Linux plus and Red Hat is just the premium you pay for a version of sent OS or sent to us as the free version of Red Hat so it's cool you get to learn enterprise gray level stuff and it's that's pretty much the same and there are some differences like you know yum vs. apt those things but it's it's great anyways but getting it getting RDP setup on this was kind of a pain it's on the right guide and anyways I put the commands in the description enter those commands in the exact order once you set this virtual machine and you will be absolutely golden I promise you I spent a lot of trial and error making sure it worked I think I deployed about profit I'm not kidding when I said to put a lot of 50 virtual machines I making sure this work for you guys and then try to automate it and didn't work anyways so I'll show your book quick and you can probably follow a guide better than you follow this but looking at my main and display I shall just switch to photoshop and bring this up here we go these are the commands I want you to quick walk through of what it's doing first you're gonna actually have it use yum which is the package manager for sent to a theme is a apt you can have it update as packages then you'll pull in the EPL release you can actually install xrdp which is what we'll be using to actually access the links box via RDP you'll enable RDP you'll start the RDP service you will install your favorite graphical user interface I chose xfce because it's lightweight and it's it's not the prettiest one but it does the job so you'll install that you will put it in your ex-clients hidden folder and you're in your home library you'll change the permission to execute and and stuff and then it'll be good to go so I'm gonna just again this this process kind of takes a bit of time so I'm not gonna walk through every single step if you know these commands it'll work this command right here will probably take about ten maybe fifteen minutes depending on as your speed which should be fast because it's it's Microsoft right this should take about two minutes this will probably take about five minutes then everything else is pretty pretty simple xfce might take about ten minutes it's overall you probably looking at 30 to 45 minutes to install all these things I'm gonna try to automate it for you but I just OOP done itself that's so stupid but anyways I guess I'll just show you a few commands really not much to show because again it is a time-consuming thing but you'll enter sudo I'm not gonna say pseudo because it's people say pseudo sudo yum update you'll update your packages that'll take some time then you will install the EPL release so you can actually install xrdp you will not be able to install xrdp without that command and then you'll actually run the xrdp installation which is great and then you'll enable it with the systemctl and then you will start it now I had a plan to like do like a baking show where I had each step of each virtual machine I was gonna run through it but I didn't have time to setup like 50 million virtual machines now some guides will show you to they'll want you to allow some stuff through the firewall so if you're setting this up on on your own cinto s distribution the fire will might be enable by default but in Azure it's not and when you install xrdp it'll actually allow itself in the selinux stuff so you should be fine and then once you install xfce with this command you should be golden and they make sure things Oh disconnected me you can't go back in there I miss him took me some work to get this going so I like to look at him every once in a while and for real once you've entered all those commands you should be able to access it a quick reboot he'll be good I'll show you a few troubleshooting commands to make sure it's working in case you're having some issues cuz boy did I have some issues I don't need let me go back to my face and check it on you guys because I haven't looked at the chat in a while how's everyone doing so much so they're not seeing something Oh I'm bummed you couldn't see my command line oh well no worries my bad well you um you can see me now dude someone passed CCIE hora YT peps Congrats that's incredible I don't know how how you did that alright anyways what was I doing before y'all distracted me oh yeah so once you set this up one spin and all those commands it is possible you'll have some issues some things you can do like it's the one that's working make sure your ports are open and running I don't my session died out did you do sudo netstat - ah what was this I think it's uh anta yeah this one will tell you what you want and I'll grep for xrdp to make sure things are looking good for my sudo password and yes so I can tell that 3 3 8 9 is running and I think I think you're looking fine things looking great and I realized I'm not showing you my screen again I'm telling you tonight is not the night so anyways again the command I'll answer it again sudo netstat - ant up and you'll grep for xrdp and there we go it'll and you should be able to make sure that 3 3 8 9 is running also 3 3 5 0 will be doing the pass through B and C and make sure that's running as well if you run into some issues you can also restart the service which let me grab that command because you know I don't memorize commands let me go grab it and you can also run this process with gnome and all the other cool things I shall just do sudo system CTL restarts xrdp yeah so like this it disconnected me from my already P session so yeah you can run through that make sure things are solid you can enable and disable it there's some basic troubleshooting steps I would take now I'm realizing this live stream was probably a jumble of confusion and chaos because uh technical issues so I apologize if this is kind of hard to follow but the Spirit of it is still alive if you want to lab up Linux which I encourage you to learn Linux Linux plus wherever you want to go for if it's gonna be l poq go for l poq and it's gonna be red hat stuff i forget the red hat abbreviations but it's amazing and you should do it in a sure do it or AWS I don't care Google cloud as cool as yours big Azure I think will be the winner over all the clouds and I'd be the biggest cloud out there I know that's controversial and it's a similar to the wine now yes yes George RTP on Linux it is indeed our DP on Linux B and C is fine too but I thought it'd be fun to do a RDP cuz it's you know everyone's got ready P going so I gotta I'm not checking my watch I got an update and there's other ways to act it's like I know I know there's more advanced ways to access so someone mentioned the V and C through SSH but uh this is a simple way to get it up and running this is for just quick labbing for yourself for your lab to be a little practice linux cuz linux is amazing anyways um that's pretty much the the video so I'm going to just look at the chat and do some am a someone said Asher's not catching up with AWS anytime soon that's a B you know III think it's getting some crazy market share I would watch out you never stinking though I saw question that from Yonatan Makara should I learn Linux first or wait for the new CCNA I'll tell you this my default advice for anyone is never wait don't wait for anything don't wait for anything if you want go for CCNA let's see what what is it September 24th tight timeline um you could go for it now I mean you it's possible it definitely is possible difficult because like what is this September so it's almost October so that gives you what five months if we were talking in February 2020 you can do it but if you're gonna wait for the new CCNA totally understand go for Linux right now don't wait for don't wait to learn one Linux go for it my default will always be start now mic the medic yet ninja is on Microsoft the beginning of Microsoft cloud takeover yes absolutely ninja joined mixer from twitch I didn't know this for a long time but twitch is owned by Amazon Prime or my prime owned by Amazon and mixer is owned by Microsoft so we'll see you where it goes rajesh asks where can I learn Linux for free that's a beauty of Linux is its most stuff is free like you can get Linux for free and there are so many amazing articles out there and the problem is finding structured amazing training for Linux and I think free man if you want like a good structured learning environment free ain't gonna be your thing you can find a great course for ten bucks you can go on CBT Nuggets a lot some money there I get some really really great engaging training but you got to invest in yourself I understand money's tight for people totally get that I've been there I've been there I've been there to where if I fail that exam I can't pay for another exam and likes for like six months because I spent some time saving that so I've been there I know that but you have to invest in yourself there's gonna be sacrificed for things that are worth it so do it super Tao hello super talent you just passed your Network+ right Congrats good to see in the chat now totally digging that out you've been a member for one month I'm digging that icon next to you and also so I've been talking with people in a in a my discord channel there are there's a thing called I'm blanking on everything tonight guys help me I've been working on I didn't this have nuggets this morning in Azure and then I did this I like my mind is fried and also I haven't eaten today so I'm like I think my mind is dead the war games the war games the I capture the fly type stuff for Linux there's a site that's freaked where you can go through is Linux challenges to get it I was thinking about doing a livestream or just we we hop on a livestream and I just go through the challenges see if I can Challa pass it get your help get your input when I had some snacks would you guys be into that would you want to see me go through the I think it's called wargames I forget what it's called now but let me let me know it could be fun what networks works are there not specific to Cisco asks Ashby well network plus is a good one it's generic but as far as like getting a network certification you gotta get cisco juniper is I think the second place but Cisco's the one this goes the one Oh John Lewis or Jean Louis how do you get the free lab he's late we can rewatch the thing or the free lab basically the lowdown and like 10 seconds go sign up for an azure account you get 30 days free trial risk free to lab around all you want set up a Linux VM remote into it I showed you how to do RDP in this video and have fun after 30 days if you're labbing for 60 hours a month it'll cost about a dollar 50 a month so I think most people can deal with that oh um Michael Monson has dude Montes I can never see your name on to tez good to see you man um yeah you know what what people don't realize is that when you memorize a lot of commands you'll may forget about 95% of those so using a cheat sheet Google I use Evernote to keep track of stuff man don't feel bad if you forget crap I forget stuff all the stinking time Wow so great question from having is Jerry Bulevar haven't heard about cumulus or vie vos things by officer of iOS is a half and I've been toying with the idea of playing with something cuz I am I'm moving into a new house in about a month and I've been trying to decided what I'm gonna deploy my network as I'm changing up my entire network and I want to do open source and I was talking with a guy from Hillsong Ricky cook this guy's awesome and he said the Hillsong runs off of iOS so I I think it'd be interesting to try out all this open source stuff I love open source I think it's so cool I think it's fun and cisco is cool but they I the vendor lock-in is going away I think and I love Cisco to death but they're very locket lock and key in fact they're not really like playing with me so much anymore either like I I used to have a ton of access to Cisco and now they're kind of like later Chuck so I'm like well Linux is free so I'm gonna go play of Linux oh man any burning questions at all cuz I'm gonna leave and go eat because I know my wife will let me go pick up some food Andy asks what are some good entry-level certs for voice over IP right now gosh because the CCNA voice or CC and collaborations going away I'm entry-level I don't know of any right now that are like good in the industry I think CCP collaborations apply the best way to go um Jonathan French guy who speaks a little bit English hello or boo how was my accent I shall learn routing switching first or Linux I always learn what's gonna help you where you're at immediately so if you had a job that you think a Linux would be most valuable to you learn that if you think you're at a job where writing is switching to be most valuable learn that always learn what's gonna get you ahead or you're at that moment but as far as I think you know it's it's a tough one I think I think routing switching abruptly and then get into Linux if you don't have like a job that's pressing you to do either or motivation tips from my yacht to you is asking any any motivation tips you know you guys are the most motivated people what kind of tips can we have for him he's going for a CCNA and it's havin trouble I think for me what I do is that to keep myself motivated I have to lab every single stinking day alright I feel like I get impostor syndrome I start to feel weird so blabbing and giving myself those small successes where I like get to play on the command line and actually do something cool I mean like today I had some trouble with some stuff and I was lobbying and like it nothing was working out was about to ready to punch a hole in the wall but then I went through a few successes a few wins and that really helped out I saw question here I wanted to answer it now it's it's disappearing what to go for after CCIE from our white EP EPS I'm like I'm trying to say your name dude automation all the way automation Python as much as you can get into especially with this new stuff coming out all the new dev net certifications it's interesting to have the CCIE but for all the new certifications coming out all the enterprise automation tracks coming out for the NP I would go for those because things are changing things are changing so if someone's asking you know what kind of goals do they do a heat set for yourself when doing a lab like if they're going to like setting up next cloud or private cloud I struggle with that too like figuring out a good play a good lab they just go through I'm finding projects like setting up our DP and the cloud for Olynyk I'm sorry like heartburn for some reason for a Linux box that was a project for me or doing any kind of cool Raspberry Pi project like setting up an Opie Open VPN server will be great just finding a leave Linux projects I'll be great for CCNA lab guides are a killer he should do that boson that sim incredible I would go for that no I did spend a little bit of time in college but not to learn a networking I'd already learned that working at that point I know learning networking learning IT was all a combination of self-study and on-the-job training so I I started working my 8 plus I got a help desk job and then I picked up networking immediately I shadowed somebody I saw that it was amazing and I wanted to get into it so mostly on the job and a lot of self-study that's the best way people people don't realize this this career is so unique it's so interesting I mean it's not like because I haven't had like every career but I think it is I think it's amazing having is unique this career you'll be spinning all your time we're a lot of it learning learning learning and learning because you'll encounter something new every single day so you have to learn how to study and to learn how to self-study every single stinking day well starting to fade fast guys I'm trying to read all these comments and go through them but I'm feeling pretty tired rent asking why can't Cisco extensor apocalypse once again CCNA and yeah he has a short time to get it yeah it's it's a short time about five months between now and I think if I Matt's right between now and February 20 20 I still think you can do it now if you started two months ago that would been better right but I think you can do it like I'm going for my CCMP route and CCNP switch before sir apocalypse I'm gonna get it I have to I'm going to do it and it's possible anyways guys I'm going to sign off your um a quick update on my Linux plus I have a scheduled for October 1st but I've been so swamped with crap I have I had a turn time to study so I'm gonna I'm gonna study a lot here the next few days see how I feel I might extend it cuz I want it I want to give it the best I can I don't feel ready on it I want to be able to create content on it I want to feel good about it I want to be able to teach you guys some things I want to walk away feeling like I know it yeah before I go to the exam so I may postpone it a bit and it'll also be taking some as your stuff and some Cisco stuff is a law stuff going on but it's it's fun it's it's amazing and I'm so excited now Halloween is coming up I love Halloween as you can tell this is probably just the beginning of what I'm going to be doing in my office and let me know what projects you want to see Halloween focused if you're a big fan of Halloween I think that could be fun and anyways my my thing I want to leave what I'll leave you guys with tonight is the key that being successful on i.t the absolute key the thing you want to make sure you have is you want to have fun like that that is that is the only thing you really need have fun with what you're doing if you're not having fun you're gonna burn out and you're gonna hate it so find something you really enjoy doing if you get into a CCNA secnav and you love configuring OSB if you love troubleshooting which I do man you're gonna do it all the time you you're your spouse's significant other or your friends aren't gonna be able to tear you away from it so find something you love and have fun doing and it's not fun for you push past that a little bit like to see if this may be just a hurdle but if you've been doing it for a while and it's not fun maybe try something else but you have to make sure it's fun and maybe it's just a different area of IT you got to try like I'll be honest sometimes doing Cisco stuff constantly it gets pretty tiring pretty boring so switching to Linux or switching to Azure mance like a breath of fresh air like oh I love iti forgot how wonderful this was anyways oh as you're asked about IPSec VPNs I haven't done a video about that in a while I did talk about how I have a i dmvpn could dmvpn connection to my data center and actually traveled around europe can i thing back to my data center here in texas and that was pretty fun anyways guys that's about all i have for today I'm gonna end I'm gonna go with some like food or something and probably do some labbing but thank you so much for sticking around we're at a hundred and sixty I think three thousand subscribers now which is I don't even know what to think I'm just thankful blessed and I'm thankful for all of you who stick with me and it's so encouraging for me because I struggled just like you I have strong throughout this past week I've been dealing with crap where I just feel like I can't do anything I wake up and I'm like I can't today and I reached out on Twitter and people had all these amazing suggestions like it yeah we're in the same boat so when I get on here man I'm not the expert I'm not I'm just another guy like you going through it all try figure it out and trying to have fun that's all it is well I'm gonna sign off before I ramble anymore and I'll uh I'll see you guys next Monday for sure it might post a video throughout the week catch you guys later
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 44,038
Rating: 4.8443437 out of 5
Keywords: cbt nuggets, ccna, ccna study, ccna training, cisco ccna, cisco ccna certification, cisco training, comptia a+ 901, comptia linux plus, comptia linux+, comptia linux+ certification, comptia linux+ exam, comptia linux+ tutorials, comptia linux+ xk0-004, information technology, kali linux, linux for beginners, linux tutorial, linux+ exam, linux+ xk0-004, lpic 1, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 3, microsoft azure, azure cloud, linux azure, linux labs, red hat linux
Id: VIMaFk-R9xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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