How I tricked my opponent into giving me a FREE WIN in Rocket League | SSL 1v1 Ep. 34

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hey gamer i'm back with a new episode of supersonic legend ranked 1v1s where as you all know i'm super sonic legend and i play 1v1 so i try to do more than just play in these videos i try my best to explain my thought process explain my mindset all that good stuff so i do hope you guys enjoy this one we're starting off at 1381 mmr and my goal for this video is to get over 1400 mmr by the way make sure to watch until the end of the video something pretty funny happened so i tricked my opponent into closing his eyes which gave me a free goal and ranked and i have proof this actually happened so stay till the end and enjoy the video alright i am currently 1381 mmr so let's get into the first game here all right pretty quick queue one going on urban central against chavez on slime let's see let's see i think i've ever played this person before unless they change their name they're probably gonna rush here so i'll fake and get ready for a 50. that's fine see them flip back early so actually try a little cut nice that's just kind of game awareness by me he kind of once he flips back he kind of gives away exactly what he's doing like he can't go for that ball and i know that so i can cut but if he didn't flip back there then i wouldn't have done that he messed up his flip let's see which piece he gets i'm just gonna get whatever one he doesn't get i only go into that touch but actually helps him a little bit just shadow it out here watch out for any bumps yeah good shot not much i can do should have maybe thrown in a little bit ever better of a fake challenge not give him a perfect setup there well played on that dribble above there good shot let's see i'm trying to get 36 here if i can fake make him go perhaps dude back there i did a good fake challenge i made him go a little earlier than they wanted to let's see i'll just zone it out it's off try the musty flick on my the mustard man kinda got a batch set up not exactly what i wanted let's have to avoid demo here hopefully i tried to beat him to boost and i'll go this way actually a little loop-de-loop i know this piece isn't going to be here but i don't really need it it's soft touchy not really good for the demo nice that saved me a lot of one going to just recovery so far i haven't gotten really good at often set up let's see what i can do here bump perhaps nice takes his own medicine there sometimes i just forget that how op edible jumping is until i like my opponent does it on me i'm like wait a second i can uh i can just do that got a good one there okay try to touch it up for a while play here perhaps a little messy flick not really the muscle you're looking for but a pretty clean little slippery set to mostly type shot thing really been working on uh getting better flipper sets recently what i want to do here i'm just going to base what i'm going to do and what he's going to do i don't want him to get a super good setup here i can just go even if he flicks that i feel like i can at least demo i'm going to get back in time he might shoot him and watch out good 51. i actually don't think it's horrible so i'll get boosts try bump because obviously not here it's perfect i zoned everything out there it should be fine let's see i'll try to play out this bounce full field error dribble type b i'm gonna say behind this i didn't get the the perfect setup ibrahimovic uh that's a really good play yeah very good shot he baited me in there really well to think like i could have bumped him but he still had like 24 boots left where he kind of turned in and then uh jumped over my bum probably shouldn't even got for that bump looks like a fake kickoff they kick off shenanigans don't he gets boost because i do want to keep obsession with the ball here so he gets boosts i don't want to get a super hard touch to him touching backflip not the height i wanted fake avoid the demo he did just get a hundred boosts he's gonna go nice he could have gone if he just didn't didn't hesitate he could have gone there and he would have had the upper hand on me because he had a hundred views he hesitated so i just went insulin after something i'm not going that's we gotta get boosts and here actually i can do this into my own corner here try to land on the abuse he might shoot here okay it's actually not there i should have a little check to see where he is fake that's fine avoid bump bump him perhaps he's gonna get a clean 50. fake make him go for the boost now i get full possession um i hesitated savable fake good outplay okay thankfully i somehow bumped him a little bit kind of saw the fake there again if he just shot it would have been fine for him oh it's good it's good pain bro it's so many times i keep trying to bump him but uh it's not working out gotta jump over his demo attempt good touch yeah good shot good shot really wanted that demo i don't think i've bumped him like a single time in this game it's crazy he's really good at avoiding him i'll kick off again somehow it's going to work out i'll take this boost he might just shoot i just want to be ready for you yeah good shot it's crazy that somehow ends up working out it's like he totally messes kick off but it gets in a perfect spot though normally wouldn't be good don't anything too risky here actually get control of it instead of getting a bounce okay i literally like suck so bad like i literally haven't even gotten any good control at all so 39 here but he knows i'm pretty low let's flick it over that make him jump okay i actually did not expect that to go in definitely a stable shot i was just kind of flicking to make him jump landed on that so i get time to get his piece let me take it try to play boost here this isn't really shootable it's going to focus on not over committing on this i don't want to give him a free irritable setup so i'm going to pinch down even if it gives some possession it's better than getting into shot it's fine that's actually kind of risky for me to go for uh i could get into demo here gotta watch out no way man i was so focused on uh avoiding a demo you're trying to shut up you can look at his name plate here should be decent nice he messed up bad nice i'll sell time too i won't uh shoot that instantly yeah he messed up really bad i don't know how i beat him to the boost and got the ball i think uh i think he got a bad landing after his flight or something focus up here nice play boosts play the clock here all right i'll get a little shy focus on keeping possession after though so i get his boosts and i do not want him to get it on his car you know what i mean do anything i can just be a little annoying or he just doesn't have any chance that should be game honestly i didn't play super good i just uh i don't know i just lost the musty that's facts no i mean he's decent player i uh i definitely didn't play my best uh so my decision making was off on offense i didn't really get anything set up but let's go ahead and get into game number two all right instaq perhaps the same player no new player near tokyo here one against the grind let's see how it goes it's like the exact opposite kick up as the first guy try to hit it here so i can have a chance to possess that's bad yeah well played yeah i wanted i shouldn't have jumped i should have stayed grounded here that's just bad decision making by me and then he caught me mid flip at that point pretty uh pretty unfortunate simon van gaal thanks bro the video will be linked in the description if you guys want to check it out that's i 1v7 beside me i'm really video is insane man obviously i'm happy like it got a lot of views and stuff but just fun to uh really cool experience because i've been watching them for so long man it's pretty crazy but uh there i just got a good 50. i just didn't just go after the ball i put my car in between the net and where the ball is if he were to shoot that worked much better i'll try this squishy stride i got lucky it might be singing taken there actually getting a really quick setup another set if i want to should be able to hopefully get back oh we can't only miss nice love to see oh that is not what you do in 1v1 my man yeah i mean it's twos or threes that can work but and one when it's when you can't if you get overnight missing you can't read the bounce you just can't go for it i honestly messed up pretty bad thinking the flip reset game and open that and he it's like a little two goal missed by him as a jump here try to take it to my own boos see what he does so i'm not gonna take it across tonight i don't wanna just pass him he only has 24 here i don't want to oh you know he's going for the hundred look at him 50 here my offense is kind of trash right now like i don't know why i watched bumpy welcome touch and flick instantly should pass back here let's see we're gonna get his abuse release either way i'm gonna have like a pretty decent advantage in that situation nice it's misplayed by him there honestly i'm not i'm not playing good like i'm my attacks are kind of terrible i haven't really got anything amazing set up but it's kind of winning the the 50 50 game in the small ball game and so here i don't want him to get it set up on his car if possible i'm gonna put him under instant pressure that's bad i should go to get back though you'd kind of force him up like you didn't need to let's see it it's a fruit roll up oh god wait what i thought it would just roll down to me like i thought it'd be a free goal for me somehow still on this i guarantee you i don't think that was his exact intention but it worked perfectly caught me off guard kind of zoned out a little bit he's going for my boost here why in the world i don't i feel like this guy doesn't play tunnel 1v1 i don't know it's not like it's bad but you're just doing things that people i normally play against don't do like that like why would you jump there i don't know like the first step is fine but after the after that touch i have the clear advantage where he just can't do anything if he doesn't jump but i'm pass it right back to him but he take it like i said i'm winning in the challenge game the midfield game but i really gotta work on my attacks my defense is all right let him shoot i definitely shouldn't let him shoot i'm so stupid oh my god i'm actually playing so bad like i gave him a free shot there and then i've waited the worst time i just shouldn't have given her a shot it's been bad then we could have cut it off there before the shot even happened you should get back here bro you just you don't have goose there's no way that's in okay yeah we're fine that's fine fake it's fine as well a little giveaway possession by him i just gotta avoid demo here dude what it's not even in i don't know what he's doing he's just being weird he's gonna wait here don't let him flick me as long as i get the bump there we're fine purposely turn away from the bump we'll loopy loop like i did and again before this dude he did what hey like i literally haven't done a single good thing this game he's just like falling for the easiest traps i don't know why maybe he's like i don't know like i'm playing bad you know what i mean but i'm somehow winning here i'm just gonna shoot i don't have a ton of abuse make him jump what huh interesting way to play that i think now it's my possession here unless he pinches it yeah it should be my possession eventually out of the display and he gave it back to me that's fine i thought he was going early i saw the uh there's a little speck on my screen i thought it was his car so i should be my ball here gonna fake it so i don't even need that boost i'm gonna take back lucy and then try to attack this man you might just shoot i'll be ready for it all right this is literally not scorable here i don't really need a hundred boosts he's probably just gonna go i will just uh not overcome it here i didn't over commit and but i don't go i don't go i mean you know keep the game close a hundred percent uh meant to do that obviously but uh i didn't jump to that but still i kind of hit it right to him and uh ended up i didn't really have a choice at that point besides i'm i'm playing so bad somehow winning this turbo flick oh my gave him a free shot there see these are all like little mistakes by me that aren't good zero boost seed he's forced to shot he did not need to take let's take the boost server and i blocked essentially the whole goal there what the heck nice all right like i said i literally i played very very bad that game uh hold on let me i just have to get if i don't want to speak too soon no way okay we'll give him one we'll come on i'll get more lucky to the water so i can squirt on it's fine yeah it's like bruce here and then just make sure you can't get around this nice well played uh yeah i literally i was one of my worst one games in a while but we take it and let's get into game number three all right game number three the third and final game of the episode on neo tokyo and we're playing against faster hopefully this player is not actually faster all right terrible kickoff from both of us to be honest thing uh you might have an angle i should be able to block it okay might actually be a goal see that abuse yeah he might have been able to get back if he didn't go for a bump on me i'm not sure but once i see like he didn't go for that boost back here when he was going for that shot i knew he's gonna have low boost to recover that that's fine i don't know who this is i have alpha items a little touch there might as well demo he's probably gonna rush me i don't know let's see if we can scheme pinch oh my i was really clean really clean setup regardless but i feel like if i musty flick that i definitely could have or done any other shot like early here i feel like he gets back to that but the pinch he can't really get back to that super well i think it goes down for us nice it's gonna go instantly soft touch so i can control this oh he's actually going interesting let's play a boost so i think we can beat him okay we can't and now i'm out of booths figures you got a bad landing play booster [Music] oh [Music] all right all right this track actually works this shot all actually works close his eyes [Music] let's go let's go oh my god listen you have to think outside the box if you tell your opponent to literally close their eyes sometimes you can beat them you know what i mean you have to think different you have to think different i'll give him a free goal though i'll give him a free goal i i didn't think he would actually close his eyes my man listen my man listen i'll give him a free goal now i got my click bait it's like this insane new strat works not for real though i can't believe that actually happened very uh very funny 1v1 interaction man play ball here try to get a little touch nice pre-flip hmm gotta get back here i saved by us i don't really need that boost you can take it go for it bro okay it actually take oh i thought i was about to save my own shot i thought i was about to save my own shot got the demo though the pathing the way of balls going demo would work the best there i feel like nice i wonder if he actually closed his eyes he's streaming wait go under he covered the low there too a little drift shot would have been so good it's fine i think it's fine that's scary i can't get mid boots can i get this one almost i think i have time to get busy it's gotta make sure that it doesn't go right in the mountain right there very fast paced one game i'm gonna drop a pretty bad flick honestly you could say could have done much more powerful flick there you try i know you shine the musty on me i i can feel i listen i can smell the mustard coming like i see the way he's leaning back look he's trying the musty flick and then i just go i'm not gonna let it happen man i'm gonna end up all over all in the newspapers if i get musty flicked out it's probably gonna rush me i'll just bang it no shot demo okay actually you know we wanted to keep the game closer we did uh missed that on purpose you know there we go we get the demo let's see which side he spawned on oh he's right here oh you already know he got eated that's fine i just want to not do anything too risky when i'm up 5-1 you know what i mean i have to give way position for a little bit it's fine as long as i'm ready for the early challenge bra moment that moment when you get demoed in rocket league good shotgun i got the pre-flip demo well played by him three goals is nothing in a one voice we got to be real careful here about when you get bumped in rocket league wait he flips okay i could have scored that abuse no way this band is vibing bro it's not good you have time to get maybe down i'm 36 though yeah i know we ain't i knew he's gonna bump me i just have to full send it we do to him i think we do show him uh show him how it feels gonna taste his own medicine there you know what i mean it's air dribble bumps i think that happened in uh in another game i don't remember if it was in this recording or not someone tried to edit about me and it just gives me the miraculous idea like wait a second average robots are actually the most op move in the game let me let me try that i was almost going to go for the boost that would have gotten me scored 100 nice cover the high nlo with that all right that should be game as long as they don't commit for this commit for the bump don't over commit i isn't scorable unless he dimmest me i almost did yo does energy decal give you 50 plus strength or something yes indeed i literally can't handle bumper 50 you i got kind of like you though like he bumped me like a millisecond after i want to see if he actually closed his eyes dude all right like my opponent said he was streaming so here's that funny clip from his point of view [Music] dude dude by the way i'll have his link below if you want to give him a follow he seems like a really chill dude so hope you guys did enjoy this video and we did end up passing 1400 mmr we ended the video 1406 mmr so if you enjoyed the video be sure to drop a like and subscribe to the channel if you're new make sure to use creator code musty in the item shop and i'll see you in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: amustycow
Views: 924,097
Rating: 4.9520593 out of 5
Keywords: amustycow, rocket league, 1's until i lose, 1's until i lose musty, 1s till i lose, 1s until i lose ep. 34, 1's until i lose 34, 1's until i lose ep. 34, musty rocket league, rocket league 1v1, SSL 1v1 ep. 34, SSL 1v1 ep 34, musty ssl 1v1, supersonic legend 1v1, supersonic legend 1v1 gameplay, How I tricked my opponent into giving me a FREE WIN in Rocket League | SSL 1v1 Ep. 34, SSL 1v1, musty supersonic legend 1v1, 1v1 supersonic legend, free win rocket league, free win
Id: b0lS9Oef_0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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