How I Feed 7 Chickens on $0 a day

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these are food scraps that's one day why this got put in there these eggs must have went bad but that's one thing animal products including their own and the products eggs I'm just gonna lay this out and we'll talk about what's in it first up eggs I don't know what happened to these they must have went bad left him out something like that got old his leftovers they look like leftovers eggs yes chicken eggs it's a great source of protein for them often the only source of protein you can get for them if you're feeding them this way pepper they're gonna love those seeds they're gonna cut this what they don't eat maybe that stem is gonna break down into this deep mulch system and eventually under this mulch they're gonna work it into compost same thing with this onion you know they say not to feed onions and garlic they say not to feed chicken a lot but chickens will eat just about anything you just maybe don't want to feed them junk food you shouldn't be in junk food they shouldn't be in junk food onions they say that it'll make the eggs taste like onions same thing with garlic it'll make the eggs taste like garlic I've never had that experience but if you think about it who really cares if it did because who doesn't like onions and garlic with their eggs I love it but I haven't seen that happen strawberry tops potatoes cooked potatoes they won't eat raw potatoes some people say that's toxic well they they figured out that they that they know that they do have a bird brain but I believe they know what they can and cannot eat as long as you're feeding them only citrus or only onions and garlic or only raw potatoes and you could have trouble but you know you could put your maybe in the winter if you have some potato peels or broccoli stems you could if you're like us you have a wood stove and that's going might as well put your pot on top of there and cook that slowly watermelon pills they'll eat that all the way down to the Rhine and then the Ryan will become compost if you have pigs pigs wheat business how are things but chickens wheat mostly that's a leftover quiche again with some eggs and cooked potatoes and some greens ooh here's another bad boy avocado don't feed him avvocato the shells and the and the pits are poisonous to them but I've never seen them eat the shells in the pit even if this was hole they would peck through it and get to the flesh and they loved that flesh good source of fat for them protein there's just lettuce greens in here there is citrus that's another bad boy don't feed them citrus they'll eat they'll eat this part as long as you're not only feeding them citrus they love it and it's good for them it's got certain oils in it that they need and can thrive on and then the pill will eventually we don't give them a lot of citrus because we don't like to see the orange on top of our garden and our chicken run for a very long time but it would break a little bit breaks down a little faster gets mixed into with with this they're on deep mulch here that counts and put it directly on the ground so it encourages them to stir it oh look here's here's some beef some leftover beef and a Mexican give them some of that animal protein and I don't see why this is not if there's a garlic shell fell prey end up this compost but I don't see why this fresh from our house notice this a lot of Whole Foods is not a hundred percent better than any the best even organic stale grain mixed grain spaghetti squash anything in here Randy Randy's behind a camera anything in here surprise you Randy mmm no no no okay let's let him out let's see what they like what she go for first Oh quinoa came on there that's a grain they love that this one's picking up the potatoes let's go right on the egg Vic she's found the eggs and you know they like it when they pick it and they run off everybody else will get it though eat a egg though even eat chicken some people are afraid to even feed these guys meet you'll see in the store at cartons saying vegetarian fed for the eggs and I'm thinking those poor chickens why because they're omnivores they're made and designed look they're picking on it that's what they're going for first big eggs they're getting a bit of the pepper seeds sort of feel sorry for those ones that are vegetarian fed especially if they're inside and can't get outside at least get a bug the trick - feeding these one two three four five six seven seven hands on zero dollars a day number one we eat a lot of Whole Foods we're not eating a lot of processed foods so there's a lot of veggies a lot of meat some grains in the form of quinoa or rice or seeds from the pepper plant I believe if a chicken could ideally their diet would be 1/3 of seeds not necessarily grains 1/3 of animal protein and 1/3 of greens and I think they they're getting this today this is a perfect perfect platform for this I think if you're trying to ration this out and figure out if you have enough I'm pretty sure about a half a pound of average food waste from your house would service one chicken and plus they're in here on this deep mulch which they dig into this and they find biota life under there that we can't even see that they eat these chickens have been compared to my chickens down in the crop garden who get commercial organic grains they're just as old as these chickens these chickens are getting older so they're not performing as well as they used to with eggs the flock that's getting grains versus the that's getting 100% of our food scraps is performing about the same this might be a hair less but there's zero there's zero dollars involved zero dollars involved somebody asked me at a conference recently could I keep four chickens I mean is that worth it and I'm thinking they're thinking some of the investments some of the what they're gonna have to feed them you know the amount of eggs you're gonna get well you're probably going to get two eggs a day so you're gonna get a dozen eggs a week or more and with four chickens about any family is gonna have enough food scraps all to feet and look - for look she's already filled their crop so trick here is just start feeding them food scraps the average American is throwing away 16 or 18 I'll remember the exact FAC percent of their trash is food scraps so begin considering if your small just getting a few chickens just to get rid of your food scraps and start putting in the trash and maybe a vest some eggs out of that you'll for sure you'll free sure get some compost out of it if you do a deep mulch like wood chips or hay or grass clippings yard waste anything like that that's a Leafs Leafs you'll get eggs you'll get compost you'll get entertainment so let's say you don't have enough food scraps for the day and you need to feed them some other stuff but you're on a tight budget I've identified at least 20 creative ways to feed these guys off the land I mean just look over there we got some scraps from the garden bugs would be in that garden we could walk around we can pick weeds from the garden we could walk around and get weeds there are so many surprising ways just in your front yard to feed these guys especially a flock just right in front of your nose I've got more on that down in the description if you're interested in that going step further than just food scraps maybe you've got a bigger flock maybe you don't have this much food scraps on a regular basis I can help you with that with many creative ways check out the description for that oh yes let's show this Oh a cheese mouldy - so I must kind of like the grocer the food the better good for you
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 56,074
Rating: 4.9517212 out of 5
Id: MdJVXlbc0dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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