Tour Joel Salatin’s Ultimate Mobile Farm Structures

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[Music] here we are with chris and joel talking about their new book polyface designs and chris is the brains of the outfit just so everybody knows right up front chris is the brains of the outfit clear it out of the way if you want to build exactly like joel we gotta go around the farm and look at some of the more popular structures homestead friendly uh market farm friendly joel is a market farmer this can be scaled down this can be scaled up so this is going to be one of the more popular ones i think so can you tell just kind of give us a tour of one of these uh pastured poultry pen and maybe give us an idea of inputs and outputs if you don't mind sure so the shell the shelter is um is ten feet by twelve feet uh ten feet wide twelve feet long and two feet high the reason it's that dimension is because you can make it smaller but it's the same effort to move one small as move one big if you make it bigger then you start getting into too much weight so the whole the whole goal here is to have something that's so portable that it's actually fun to move the the single biggest um whatever problem that people encounter duplicating this as they make them too heavy either by using dimensional lumber that's too big or or a material set of aluminum using steel all this adds weight and then it's not fun then you get it's not fun so the whole idea is light enough to not blow away and predators to dig under but heavy enough heavy enough that it won't blow away and light enough that you can move it that's the idea and so um maybe i should move one just to show how easy this is and uh okay i'll i'll grab the i'll move this one let me grab the dolly up there just hang on don't underestimate the value of this tool right here and chris has done a masterful job in the book of explaining the dimensions the angles he even shows how to how to make a jig uh a jig on the ground um to get the angles angles right but everything about this is really critical for ease of function but this is the tool not a you know not a tractor not a garden tractor none of this stuff this is the tool so we come up to it with the dolly and just stick the two shoes under there like that and then you just you just well yeah when you're demonstrating things always go a little bit awry all right the point is that that that breaks the ground but not enough for the chickens to get out okay and uh and then we go up here pull the feeder the chickens just walk on the ground as we move it forward and now the chickens have a totally new they have a totally new salad bar they have new bedding so they can they get away from yesterday's manure you get a new place to lounge and that took 30 seconds yeah took 30 seconds so then we just go pull the pull the dolly out okay then you go to the next one the next to the next one the point is that with this little tool in 60 minutes without starting an engine without owning a tractor one person can move 4 500 chickens in 60 minutes in one hour and that's cancelling your gym membership too that's canceling you that's right you're canceling your gym membership here this is the puncture pen workout it's casting your gym membership it's canceling your uh your pharmaceuticals your vet bills it's canceling most of this it cancels your predator issues as well because the chickens are completely contained weather issues it it makes sure the chickens are on a brand new place every day and uh and it gives you it gives you the all the positives of pasture without the negatives of weather and predation and all that stuff and yeah and you do this without any machinery except this i mean that's that's the thing you know uh folks that are selling these these big you know these big hoop structures and schools and stuff i mean i'm glad it's on the market and i don't want to denigrate anybody but i can tell you that it makes a big difference whether you have this and a little 300 shelter versus a seven thousand dollar structure plus a tractor to move it that that's a game changer that's a real the capitalization is a game changer so i call this my dave ramsey solution you know pay as you go debt free and and you're just and you're up and running and all you got to do is cancel your netflix subscription for you know for two months and you build one of these so brand new all this the lumber aluminum accoutrements 300 bucks brand new brand new no that's not your labor but all you're going to do is not watch tv so your labor so so uh so yeah don't worry about the laborers you're going to build it yourself and um and the chris chris understands the engineering behind this aluminum the the aluminum actually uh as a as a metallic situ thing is different than steel and maybe he should address that i believe the the mechanical property or material property that we're looking at is emissivity and the emissivity of aluminum versus steel is about four times different meaning that it will absorb four times less heat energy so the reflective properties and just the material properties of aluminum not only does it make it lighter half half the weight of steel but also you get that that heat reflective property yeah so you're not baking your chickens you're not having baked chicken on a hot summer day did you know that joel going into this or did you get lucky no i didn't know that car i didn't know that going into this i just knew i just knew i want to i want to kind of switch so we can see these and it makes a prettier background um i just knew that all the poultry houses the tyson cargill purdue all used aluminum roofing i didn't know why okay but but we but we well those guys they're not stupid you know and so uh and so i i used aluminum early on it was available because we've got a lot of poultry houses in the area it was available and you know i figured they weren't stupid there was a reason to use it so hey you you know what else people are canceling because of this they're town jobs yeah people are cancelling their town job absolutely so speak to us about the sure vanity that's in one of these panels okay so in one of these shelters we put 75 birds in and we normally take at least 70 out i mean you're going to lose one to something to you know anything from pneumonia to a crippled leg to whatever so let's just assume we take 70 birds out so our average price is fifteen dollars a chicken gross gross so fifteen times seven is one thousand fifty dollars is that right yeah one thousand fifty dollars per shelter and each shelter runs four rotations of summer so it's six months so the birds are in here for five weeks so if you run four rotations of five weeks that's 20 weeks times thousand fifty dollars is um is four thousand two hundred dollars four thousand two hundred dollars per season through one of these shelters just one just one it's not that much harder to do too no no no it's not that no it's not because the cost the cost isn't walking out to the field yeah you know so if you're gonna if you're gonna walk out there you might as well you might as well two or three um uh or or or or 50. so these things uh these things add up and then from from a land perspective we run an average of 500 birds per acre otherwise if you add up the square footage per day times the five weeks times the chickens it comes out to one acre every 500 birds so every every 500 birds were covering an acre okay well 500 times 15 to 7 500 per acre so for a small acreage yes does this take labor sure it does but there's no free lunch the fact is you you can't do that with beef cows you can't do that with sheep you can't do that with meat goats you could probably you might be able to do it with selling uh first rate expensive raw milk dairy let's say you might be able to do it with raw milk dairy but there aren't very many things with livestock that you can turn that kind of i mean we're approaching you know garden type income and so so for a small acreage to be able to turn on income on a small acreage you know the small animal yes it takes more labor per acre but you can quit your town job so yeah so there's a lot to a lot to recommend okay thank you thank you so much for sharing about these things this is an amazing opportunity [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay are you on uh abc one two it's not on he could be out of a battery no it fell out i'm up oh did it fell off my back end when i just dropped hold it down there we go so these are what we call the hair pins so these are for the rabbits and um so we move these uh once a day and these are so light that they don't require a dolly they just slide i mean a you know a 10 year old can move these real easily the hairpin and the millennium feather net are probably the two models that we have here that are the the longest evolution uh i mean years decades in getting to where we are today i could tell you stories for a long time about all the the trial things that we did but when we when we finally came to this uh it really worked well why did you start with rabbits and why did you insist on putting them on grass well daniel this was daniel's entrepreneurial project we're we're big believers in child entrepreneurship and so he started with rabbits when he was eight and um he you know my older brother had had rabbits when we were kids he saw those rabbit shelters hanging up in the rafters of the barn you know i think rabbits would be fun for me we had we had some friends that were moving from uh from a a country a country house rental situation to an apartment in the city and the owner wouldn't let them have animals so they had to have some place to take their rabbits right when he was eight and about the time he was starting to get entrances ah i'll i'll do rabbits so that's how we start of course everything here is on grass uh i mean that that's just that work you know we're we're a cult on on grass so uh the you know from the get-go the whole idea was so how do we run these you know on grass will they actually mow somebody's lawn well yeah you can you can go up here and see where they've been so we're moving them you know we're moving them downhill and um so you can see the squares so you can see the squares where they've been one two three four okay they're not mowing it like a mower mower but but but they're definitely mowing it you know you can walk on it you can walk absolutely you can walk on it it's not golf course and it's not like cow pies yeah you know rabbit rabbit pellets are not like cow pies it's almost cute yeah it is cute you heard it you said it it's like it's like it's like you spread it it's like you spread breakfast cereal you know out here right on it it's not burning it like this no like harness crust that's right that's right yeah that's right that's right because the rabbit manure is not is uh not because rabbits pee how much can they eat from the land daniel figures that they're picking up uh at least 70 percent of their diet on the land so we figured it up one day just for fun and figured out that one acre of grass put through rabbits is worth about fifty thousand dollars yeah so speaking of dollars what's your input on this thing what what what can one of these pens do and by way of cost and by way of yeah so so yeah so we bring them out at at six weeks they get weaned and then we dress them at 12. so they're in here for six weeks and um and so you know uh each rabbit is is uh sells for about 25 bucks um they're about eight bucks a pound times three pounds so for a sake of discussion well for sake of discussion we could even just say 20 you know make it make it simple and um and so each one's big enough for a litter and so we can put anywhere from from you know two to eight or even ten if the litter's real big we try to put each litter that's what this is this is this is the bunnies this is the bunnies of number 45. okay that way we can select for genetics if we want to keep for seat for for breeding stock we can we can track the the litter all the way through to you know to slaughter so so that's how we identify for genetic selection so if you figure six weeks apiece and again you know this is a deal like 24 weeks they can be out here in the summer so uh 24 divided by six is four rotations if you say the average is six bunnies per rotation that's uh 24 bunnies 24 bunnies at 20 apiece is 480 per per one of these wow this could be in somebody's yard absolutely we call it a bunny absolutely we call this nook and cranny farming this is nook and cranny farming i mean this is cool because all the infrastructure is portable yeah you can move it from yard to yard yeah you you could you could do it in a in a suburbs why you know with chickens and rabbits you could hook together you know two two three acre suburban backyards yeah and be in the farming business i've heard that rooster i don't even know how far away that rooster is but i've heard him like three times i haven't heard a thing out of these no they're quiet that's the beauty of rabbits they're quiet very very quiet culturally why don't we eat rabbits bambi thumper peter rabbit disney and they're cute yeah peter rabbit yeah yeah but there are a lot of cultures that do eat rabbit i mean the the british culture certainly does french um yeah rabbits are eating well all over the uh all around but but yeah they are kind of a little bit like lamb they're a little bit of an ethnic ethnic kind of thing and you got six six rabbits in here uh how many are in here one two three there's four four in here and these were small litters so a litter can be anywhere from you know three or four all the way up to ten okay so i mean we've had we've had ten in there and obviously they would mow more okay they would mow more if you had more in there yeah thank you and if there were less they would eat more off the land more of their own food off the land and less supplement yeah you have some supplement right there right you know automatic feeder under the shed and then your water water cool that's really cool thank you next up we are going to go into the racking house racking house this is gonna be amazing that's rabbit chicken two okay they're working together yeah this is in the book the racking house is in the boat what's in the book could somebody scale this down to a garage or does it need to be in a high tunnel oh no it can be in a garage yeah yeah this can be scaled down as small as as small as you want to make it yeah give us a tour tell us what's going on here well what's going on here is uh first of all you start with deep bedding i mean deep bedding okay um wow it's 18 inches it's way i'm not i don't know where it's way down there okay but here's what i want you to if you if you feel that that's warm oh wow feel that whoa okay so that's actually that's this this whole thing is actually a very very gentle composting going on it's not even wet no it's not even wet but that's that's that's the microbial activity that's going on uh in the bedding so the idea is that the uh the chickens aerate the bedding under the rabbits rabbits urinate they pee so that adds moisture and um and and that actually helps the composting um i mean it's actually better right under the rabbits um you know if you if you go over here see you can see that there's better and that now feel now feel that whoa that's crazy yeah smell smell that but i really trust you don't i yeah i mean you can put milk on it and eat it for breakfast it is i mean that is fat yeah micro and so so um if you didn't listen if you didn't have the chickens here in one week it would stink in here okay because the rabbits are pooping and peeing and if it just sits there there's no decomposition so the chickens keep this aerated this is the best compost we make on a farm right here it's it's gentle gentle warmth long multi-specie this this is so how do you when you harvest this so what we do here sometime around thanksgiving first of december all of this will move to the hoop houses and pigs will go in here and that way the rat that way all this fragile rabbit and chicken stuff won't freeze and um and pigs will go in here they can take any kind of temperature and they they will do the final heavy heavy turning in the spring we'll clean it all out with a front end loader put in a new 18 inches of chips start the whole thing over oh so only load it once a year only only load it once a year and empty it once a year the permaculture concept of of stacking here yeah so you've got two enterprises you've got chickens on the on the ground and rabbits up above you're using cubic footage not just for linear footage and so we can actually produce more volume per linear foot than even a factory farm but none of the densities is high enough to kick in pathogenicity so you can have the chickens that you know at 70 percent the rabbits at 70 percent 70 to 70 140 percent we can have 140 production but not but but not have the single density of of a single species at a density that actually creates issues so i mean i mean you notice there's a lot of animals in here but there's no smell zero i mean you can eat a sandwich in here it's it's it's fine i notice you don't have perches no why the chickens just sleep on the floor yeah you know you know look half the chickens you have to trade a lot of chickens don't you have to train them to a perch i got onto this long time ago i asked an old timer i said yeah i built this beautiful perch the first rack and house we had i built a big perch in there for them well only about 25 of the chickens used it i went to the neighbor i said what is it with the chickens and he said well well you ha you have to teach them to be on a perch i said well i gotta teach them to be on a perch and they must not really need it so they they just they just sleep here and they're spread their manure too yes they're not just pooping under the parts half the manure load that's right that's right so this is nice so okay let's let's scale this or okay a garage 500 square feet a minute that's too much to try to do math in our head there but how many square feet is this uh this is um i think this is 40 48 by 30. this is 48 by 30. so it's 1500 square feet so somebody's got a garage 500 square feet yeah what can they expect to get in here how many uh 500 square feet yeah we we tried it we try to not put the chickens in more dense than than uh one for three square feet so you could easily put you know 150 chickens get the car out of the garage yeah absolutely absolutely and then and then the rabbits could go in uh you know every every breeding pair if you had a 500 square foot thing uh garage um you know you could put if you have an alley to walk in you know assuming let's say you want to cover half of it with rabbits 250 square feet uh divided by six would be 40 yeah four times six 240. yeah so you can have 40 40 breeding does in a garage 150 chicken and eat if each dough if each dough gives you uh four litters a year four litters an average of six well just that's 20 let's say 25 our goal our goal is 25 bunnies a year per doe 25 times 40 is 1000 all right 1 000 worth 25 dollars a piece is 25 000 and then if you're if if you're 100 if you're 150 chickens just say average 50 production 50 production that's uh four dozen eggs a day times seven times seven days a week is twenty eight dozen a week uh times fifty fifty weeks in a year is uh fifteen hundred dozen of eggs at five dollars a dozen is seven thousand five hundred so we've got twenty five thousand with the rabbits now now now that's all that's only the the we haven't raised the bunnies so it well no no no no we haven't raised the bunnies we're assuming the bunnies are out in your yard okay we're assuming your bunnies are in your yard okay so so um we got 25 000 and then we've got 7 500 with the eggs that's 32 500 in a 500 square foot garage okay what are we waiting on get the car out of there get the car out you'll be getting a new car yeah yeah so yeah this is this is uh this is very very doable yeah very very good [Music] next up millennial feathernet joe tell us about it well this again has a long long evolution but when we started with commercial layers we essentially used the broiler shelters with nest boxes tucked under the under the back hood with a with a flip up door on them and put 50 birds in there moved them along and we thought this is pretty this is pretty cool and then we got visited by a couple from australia and this was back when this when this netting was just starting to come out they were just this is uh you know 20 25 almost 30 years ago this netting was just starting to be to be uh created and this couple from australia came and visited and they looked at you know what we were doing and they said obsolete well i don't like to be told i'm obsolete who wants to be told they're obsolete and so you know i resisted that they told me about this netting i said you really need to try this netting well i've invested a lot of uh emotional and uh time and energy and we were on the front page of acres usa i mean you know you don't just walk away from a uh you know emotionally as much as economically i mean we had 20 shelters you know that's six thousand dollars worth of worth of uh infrastructure so anyway um took me three years and i finally said you know i'm going to try that just to prove that it doesn't work and so i got i got a roll of this uh the premier netting from premiere and um and i set it up around one of the chicken shelters and and uh and then stuck a five gallon bucket under the corner to let the chickens out and i sat there and watched it not work in five minutes i knew he was right we were we were completely obsolete um a michael and joyce plane from gundaroo australia is the couple and i knew we were obviously i walked to the house i said theresa michael and joyce were right we were completely obsolete and so then we started the multi-year thing of well what kind of structure what kind of shelter do you make and of course we started with kind of a hoop house idea but the problem with the hoop house is that all of the structural integrity is down low because there isn't any in the hoops well when you put all your structural integrity down low you got all this you know angles and and and stuff down that you trip over fall over catch chickens on all this stuff so really this is daniel's this is daniel's final final idea and it's just fantastic um it's essentially a scissor truss for an a-frame on skids and because of the design all of the structural integrity is up off the ground so there's nothing on the ground to trip over or catch a chicken when you move it and because there's there's nothing there's nothing going perpendicular to your flow and so it's very chicken friendly it's very person friendly it's very wet i mean the first the first hoop one we made we got it all up pulled up in the field put chickens in it we had a windstorm that night the next morning i went up and the hoop houses were completely destroyed um and then of course we rebuilt them better and then we kept running over chickens because we had all these little angles and stuff down close to the ground so this answer answered all of those things this structure is now i don't know what 15 years old we haven't done anything to it it's taken you know 100 mile an hour wind storms it's got a low center of gravity it's extremely strong 40 40 people can stand up inside of it you can pull it down a gully through a creek over a hilltop uh turn it in pinwheels it's just incredibly uh uh strong just one regular farm tractor can move it yeah yeah just a regular farm tractor you can move it yeah yeah so uh so there we are i can i can hear the people freaking out though there's no what about the walls well the the netting the electrified netting keeps the predators out and at night no owls getting somebody on the side they go in here and sleep they have roost you can see the roots in there so at night they go in and sleep and um it just works so how many chickens do you have in there a little over a thousand okay can you keep them out here all winter or did they go up to the hill no come come thanksgiving roughly uh first of december they'll go into the hoop okay and so 1 000 chickens is this one paddock that we're standing in one day uh-huh quarter acre you'll move them all the way where you go where are they going next they're going they're going up there oh they're going to set up with them oh you set up circle up there so that's the idea you set up the next paddock and then it's there's no disaster they that there's no they still can't get out that's right yeah you set up you set up a contiguous circle and then you open it up you move through you close this one yeah you pick up this one move it here so how do you hurt a chicken they learn to come with it they're just gonna come they learn to come with you yeah okay yeah they they they want new you know new ground new bugs new grass do you have to implement a pig board or anything no no no no they i mean initially when you start yeah you have to kind of work with them uh or or even or even leave the old one up just leave it for a few hours until they finally wander in um but no one once they get once they get used to it they know very much what's going on and they're they're crowded up there they're ready to they're ready to go but isn't it beautiful so beautiful look at them and that's a beautiful structure yeah yeah it really is and so 1 000 chickens probably a little easier for you half production how many how many dollar bills is that a year yeah so yeah maybe it's not easy uh yeah so so you know if if you're getting uh on on a rolling flock average of 50 production um a thousand birds are going to give you you know 40 000 a day uh that's conservative um so forty dozen a day at five bucks is two hundred dollars a day times seven is fourteen hundred dollars a week times fifty is um fourteen hundred dollars times fifty is uh seventy thousand dollars seven seventy thousand dollars and and this this essentially is on a three day we move it every three days so a quarter acre every three days means we cover one acre every 12. so a six acre a six acre field gives you a 72 day cycle so with the with these we can touch that three times a year unlike the broilers where it's a lot more intensive a lot less intensive here so we can cover one three so this is roughly a six acre model a six acre model with a thousand chickens with a 72 day rest um generating somewhere between 50 and 70 000 a year but remember six uh uh for a hundred days they're in the hoop houses so this is not a total year-round year-round thing and people could scale this oh you can make this much much smaller yeah the a the angles again in the book chris points out the angles so that this can be scaled smaller if you want to scale it smaller do you know of anybody that scaled it smaller yes okay yes yeah there have been uh-huh yeah that's cool thank you guys yeah [Music] that's it all right they're here they're here let's go jason just saw the logistics truck go by oh my word did it go by here yeah i missed it does that mean that they're here they're here yeah oh man that's the books hurry get in he's gonna leave us [Applause] [Music] man your first book my first forward oh yeah there he is nice picture oh christmas morning in here with two little boys [Music] that's nice i mean it sits open uh-huh yeah so it's in it's in this is called um landscape format so it's it's longer than it is high which means when you open it up it it'll you know it'll naturally sit open so you can take it out you can take it to your shop you know and you can lay it out so nice chris did the plans you did the commentary yes like just to show you guys we'll walk you through the eggmobile here we start out with an intro from joel kind of explaining history giving you a lot of the ins and outs and why the design is the way it is then we move into kind of your basic tools so you have an idea of what you need for the project you could also put this in a printer easy enough the way it lays out and we kind of wanted it to be like check box format like you just go through and mentally check off everything you need then you got your hardware so you try to break it down nails screws that was cool other hardware nuts bolts is that one to one ratio uh not everything like this but maybe that we tried to get things as close to one to one as we could yeah um extraneous materials and then we got the cut list here let me tell you like 2 by 6 by 10 foot you need 16 of them and then out of those you cut 16 out of 1 104 and then your waist is in red here i dare say if joel was gonna build another one he's probably gonna look at this book [Music] even joe how many of those two by fours again give you plywood your metal cut list that's cool with an egg mobile the beauty of it is building with the materials you've got available and being creative with it too so we don't want to pigeonhole you to doing it exactly our way if you're one of those innovative types we wanted to give you the freedom yeah there so joel went through and he explained all of the most important aspects of like ventilation the importance of slotted floor square footage how many birds per square foot nest boxes how many birds per nest box so i mean even if you weren't building this particular infrastructure as as i started seeing what chris what chris had in mind i realized this is valuable just for for basic principles of construction for any do-it-yourself any self-reliance uh project project that you maybe you're making a trellis maybe you're i mean whatever it is but these these are basic um you know uh uh build principles even a way to learn some terminology yeah yeah yeah and show them this drill that's that's really the gate really is this a pig gate this is this is just how to make a gate a wooden gate like for a corral or a sorting pin or whatever again you know you can go down to the store and and you know spend 120 on a gate but if you've got access to some lumber you can build your you know you can build your own gates and this is the basic you know design of a build your own gate so there's there's all sorts of notches there's the simple metal strap there's a board notch to to have a you know a gate latch uh there's a gravity latch and we have these all so basically you know a gravity latch is where you want something real fast like in a in a catch in a catch pin um and this is a homemade head gate i mean those things you can spend a thousand dollars on a head gate and we've had ours for 50 years and i just made it based on teresa's grandfather's model and you can make your you know you can make your own make your own simple head gate and he's got how to make the notches and the angles and you know i just slap stuff together chris makes it real pretty right these hay racks we're gonna need to be doing that before the winter you got it in your book i know man uh we talked about uh winter hate uh like winter hay feeding hay storage how to calculate how much hay you need wow for a given winter yeah we go and how much space then how much cubic footage you need to store that much hay i like it this is how pigs move and flow so you've got diagrams on you know how pigs move and flow um i like it pig handling i need this chapter i need this chapter on my way home i need that ramp into the yeah there you go trailer it's not just a building there's no no it's not management in there it is it is it's a lifetime of lessons yeah yeah it's it's truly it's truly capturing all of our practical experience in a in one in one book here's the rabbit rabbit giving people such a shortcut because how many years is this in the development 50 60 yes 50 60 years yeah yeah i don't stack a hay that's cool but you know a lot of first-time homesteaders that they've never done this you know and then you wagon falls off and bail falls on your child and you know this is it's so cool yeah you guys thought of everything well we didn't think i mean there were a few things we didn't put it we just we just ran out of yeah you can't can't go but this is a breakdown of how the plaston waterers work so you get a you know us congratulations guys thank you thank you 60 years of work and then how long y'all been working on this 2 000 hours 2 000 hours nice that's just you this is me that's just you wow joel's time and jennifer's time yeah well maybe be blessed with and all the years of trial and error to get this yeah at the conference you'd be blessed with clearing this out for another run soon yes you're the better reaction right there oh my gosh shut up can you believe that it's here oh you want to sleep with it sounds like she's put some work in too i have not been anywhere no but i have never caught the same thing for so long i feel like i have to oh i'm just going to put a little baby carrier carry it around it's beautiful oh my gosh daniel's in the office shut up it's here we can stop hearing about it just kidding just kidding next sorry for not jumping for joy yeah that's pretty fancy nice it's all color-coded with the idiot-proof tabs very fancy we need a windy reaction tell them to shut up she got to tell him to shut up daniel wants to know if it fits so please tell me it fits that's why you get the specs of the book before you have to order all this other stuff it's gonna squeeze in there [Music] [Laughter] it's tight it's tight who's packing them not me i'm out daniel's joel's son he's so practical he's already making sure it fits in the package he's ready to go if it doesn't fit in the package it doesn't shift anywhere there's gonna be a nuclear reaction look he's very and he's like glassy yeah yeah she's like he's like it fit it did it fit oh it didn't it fit that's good it's tight it's a good book it's basically a big book i'm getting my autograph copy right now and for those of you who are watching this the first thousand that order through first autograph right yeah yep how long is it gonna take you to sign a thousand points we're thrilled to get this information out there we think it's just gonna be um it's a game-changer for hopefully thousands thousands of people it's worth 10 times 100 times with cover price chris appreciate it buddy congratulations buddy thank you for making me a part okay then this will be my copy to sign mine all right cool well jason how'd it go that was good man it went so good yeah perfect weather and they locked down the info this book is amazing yeah you're gonna get one yeah okay sorry you're gonna get one man that was an amazing moment it's absolutely incredible that we were here we wrapped up our tour the books came at that moment this is like great like pinch yourself we got to see joel salatin uh received one of his book seized books for the first time and then got to meet chris guys that book is worth its weight in gold absolutely i'm honored that i am been asked by joel to help sell that thing so this is like before amazon guys it's not going to amazon until 2020. these things are ready to ship i've got all k i said joe i said we're going to do this let's do this big let's give folks bonuses let's put in tears guys i'm giving you a free surprise motivational sticker it's done it's coming it's it's going inside the book we're going to do a live webinar with joel salatin himself after the sale guys you have until sunday what is that i don't know i'll flash the date up on this what else oh i'm giving you a bonus video we also went around these structures and chris and joel some talked about some building ideas some building tips some things to think about when you build it it would be a great companion for this book because pictures and words are amazing and it's really all you need but that video would just be a little bit icing on top to help you build these things those are some of the bonuses i think there's is there more i don't know there's some tears if you want to go if you just want more of joel anyway check that out link is in the description
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 413,836
Rating: 4.9260898 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 18sec (2838 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.