Permaculture Chickens

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you I'm Justin Rose from Asheville North Carolina husband - beautiful wife and Rebecca father of four beautiful children homesteader karma culturalist chicken farmer I'm noticing that a lot of people wanting to start to grow their own food I was one of them several years ago I was just wanting a more healthy food with a story that I knew where it came from so I started growing my own food but what I what I started to notice was I don't know what in the world I was doing so difficult to learn I started picking up books and researching online but still it wasn't quite what is it looking for our kind of needed a mentor uncor somebody who was into so now I look to the books but the books don't always have the answer so I thought that people are out there wanting to learn this stuff I want to help him out and I want to teach him I think there's a quick and easy way to do it I want to shorten our learning curve I'd like to start with chickens a lot of people start with the chickens they're very easy they're phenomenal work with they're good workers in the garden is a great entry some of the things we'll cover is how to cut feed cost by a hundred percent how to build your own housing how to process your own birds how to cook your own bird how to breed your own 100% sustainable so we're going to have pioneer an author Joel Salatin of Polyface farms and Jim Acton's is the sustainable poultry Network come and give us their expertise I'm gonna teach you everything there is to know from hatching your own chicks to put them on your dinner between some of the most beautiful moments in my life or when my wife puts down a plate of food and you have a couple of vegetables and you have a meat there and I can tell a story to that food for everybody wants to experience the joy of growing their own shake the products I'm going to show you how easy it is be there along with you every step of the way
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 316,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raising chickens, raising chickens for eggs, raising chickens for meat, growing your own chickens, growing your own chickens for eggs, growing your own chickens for meat, how to raise chickens, how to raise chickens for eggs, how to raise chickens for meat
Id: p_91p34sy84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 25 2015
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