How I Built My Sewing Studio

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hello everyone we just finished building our house which is pretty dang exciting but now it's time to build something else it's time to build my new sewing studio the one in my last place was an eight by ten which was actually too small to do anything really this one's going to be 12 by 16 because that fits into what the local permit restrictions are for where i live hello editing victoria here i just want to say that this video is for entertainment purposes only just to give you an idea of how a building is built this is not for you to learn how to build a building and then go build one so this is just for entertainment not for instructions on how to build something you're on your own for that i'll show you the site here's a spot nice little clear area next to some woods my dad mowed it for me and hauled over these cement blocks along with some wood to start there's a camper there it's gonna go away soon but i think it'll be pretty nice lots of nice trees and birds for a foundation we're just using pair blocks for the studio it's simple it's easy and it works well for the codes so if we have to move it in the future we can we put down black plastic underneath the structure to help stop weeds because we have a real problem with blackberries here we just use two by sixes that we nailed together for what it sits on it's better to use pressure treated but we had this on hand and just didn't feel like spending lots of money on pressure trade would once we have those level on top of them goes all the floor joists so we had to haul over a bunch of two by sixes which is what we were using because again that's what we had on hand to make the floor choice floor joists are on a 16 inch center so there's one every 16 inches and we had to cut them down to the right length then we had to have a couple pieces for all those drawers to nail into i believe it's called the rim joist and we had to mark them every 16 inches to show where to nail the studs into when you're building a wall you put the studs on either 16 or 2 foot centers you might think it's hard to find and remember to count 16 inches but these rulers are marked in red to let you know every 16 inches where to put your stud so we mark those these are going to be the pieces on the edge where these studs go and then we're going to cut them together so that they're the same once you got it all cut and marked out then you gotta nail the floor joists onto the rim joists and make them all secure you also want to make sure that they're square and not all crooked and wiggly piggly once you've got everything all nailed up it's really important to make sure that the structure itself is square and not like at a weird angle this is easy to do by measuring from corner to corner diagonally across and making sure that both of the measurements are the same 241 and a half okay if they don't match up you can just use a large hammer to tap on one side until it squares up and is the right dimensions once you've got all the square and level and whatnot you get to put on the floor we use three quarter inch tongue and groove plywood for this you gotta make sure that your first piece is put on straight because all the others work off of it if the first one is just a little bit off then they're all going to go crooked i kind of feel like half of building a structure is hauling around heavy pieces of wood and the other half looking for your tools to see where you misplaced them at this point we remembered that we hadn't actually secured the base to the beams that it's sitting on so we went ahead and did that on the back side i should probably crawl back under and secure the front but really there's so much stuff in there it's not going to go anywhere we nailed all of the plywood down to all of the joists it took a while but it's pretty easy nailing just straight onto the floor it's also fun once you get the floor down because then you can walk around on top of it and see how big your studio is going to be now we've finished nailing the floor down i'll show you what's cool about this size so this is 12 by 16. plywood comes in eight foot by four foot pieces so this only uses six pieces of plywood one full one two full ones then you want to stagger them so there's one cut in half and then a full one one cut in half and a full one and a full one this equals 196 square feet which is under 200 which is the code for most places to build the shed without a permit now that we have the floor done it's time to put up the walls put the two long walls up first and then fit the other walls in between we're gonna do two by four walls two by fours are not actually two inches by four inches they're a little bit smaller so if you ever work with wood keep that in mind we gotta figure out where the windows are gonna go and the door and plan for that but now we just got all these 20 foot two by fours left over from building the house it's a stupid length but it's what we got so we're gonna do it here and then over here you can turn around you know it's gonna be an ironing table sewing tables so that big window is gonna go here it's a good thing we're using this pile of wood because you can't even see that when all these vines are growing over it but got a lot left over wood for building the house maybe we'll even get another out of it building a wall is pretty similar to building the floor except where you know it stands up instead of laying down but you got to mark out where your studs are going to go there's studs when they're in the wall they're joists when they're in the floor we did the walls with 16 inch centers you can also do two foot centers but we just thought 16 is a little bit sturdier and so we wanted that you also have to figure out where your windows are going to go because obviously you have to account for that when you're putting the studs in because you can't just have a stun running straight through your window you have to put in a top and bottom cell for those to support the window for it to sit on and to screw into then you have to put studs underneath them or above them depending on the size of the window so you still have something to nail the plywood on the outside too basically it's still just a bunch of sign and hammering but i really like putting walls together they're pretty simple then you can use that old diagonal measuring trick to make sure your wall is square because you don't want a cricket wall once it's square you want to put some plywood on it so that it stays in its shape we used a half inch plywood for the walls it's a lot lighter and easier to manage as well as cheaper it's a lot easier to put the plywood on the walls while they are laying flat because then you don't have to hold them up while you're nailing them down [Music] my siblings showed up right about now so we got roped them into helping us lift up the wall it's really not that heavy with just a couple sheets of plywood on it my dad and i could lift it on our own but you know they like to help them hold the wall up you use a couple braces to stop it from falling down secure them to the wall and then to the base you can use the level at this point too to make sure that they are going to be secure it's a good idea to put some nails in the bottom two yeah i won't miss it yeah actually i probably will but it always feels really good to get that first wall up building others is pretty much the same thing lots of measuring lots of cutting lots of nailing if you have nails to pull but you don't have a big nail puller it works quite well to put a piece of another piece of wood under your hammer then they pull up real easy gets you that leverage i'll do it left handed so you can see better then we're back at it day two it rained the last couple days so we took some time off got this first wall up so it's time to put the other long wall my dad cut this 16 footer which is the length of the building for the top plate we're going to use a couple shorter ones for the bottom plate that is the top plate up there and the bottom plate goes on the floor and all the studs get nailed into it so we cut some studs to go in here and i'm going to mark it you put them both together and mark it so the studs are evenly spaced top and bottom and go ahead and do that you're always going to have one stud here but you just line up with the edge and then go along and mark on both sides with 16 inches this is a 28 inch window in the middle [Music] so eight is the middle and yeah and 14 on either side this wall we just use the floor to check if it was squaring off for some reason the plywood sheathing on the outside of the walls six overhangs about just enough to cover the rim joists down on the bottom so this plywood goes all the way down to the bottom of the building and there's nowhere for rain to get into i nailed it down and then my dad used the saw to cut out the hole for the window opening there's just lots more nailing to nail down all the plywood on the sides it's like a nail every 16 inches or so so there's a lot of them my brother and his wife showed up at just the right time to help us lift the back wall up this one was a lot heavier since it had so much more plywood on it okay okay pretty set go [Music] okay looking good we braced it again so that wouldn't top over before we finished the other walls i made sure it's level and we nailed it down onto the floor as well this here is one of the windows now it's time to start building on these two side walls i have to figure out where the windows are going to go in them the drafting table is going to be on this wall so it's going to have the biggest window right over it and then over on this side we'll have the last window the height is going to be the same as this one and then it will be a shed roof that goes up to that wall i just had my zoom vintage swimming costume so long meeting and now we're going to try to get this up then that one and the roof between now and the end of tomorrow because it's supposed to rain on tuesday i know you probably get the gist of how walls built so you know a lot more cutting measuring and kneeling when we were building the house i didn't do any of this sign myself my dad was using this really crappy like plug-in electrical saw that he got for free somewhere the button didn't work and it would just go so when you stopped cutting it would just keep going until the blade stopped which is pretty dangerous a lot of the cheaper ones are like that then at the end of the build of course i went ahead and bought this one which has been one of the best things i've bought sometimes really pays to like get decent tools having a battery not dealing with the cord is great plus this one has the safety leveler like this won't start unless you push on the safety lever as well and when you let up off the trigger the blade stops immediately so i actually feel comfortable cutting with something just like when you're sewing and you want to use the right size needle or thread for the fabric that you're using in carpentry you want to use the right size now these are the two most common ones a reason for building this this is a 16 penny spike this is an eight penny this is used for nailing the studs to the plate the top and bottom plates and for music for all the joists on the floor this is the penny we use it for like nailing the plywood to the studs nailing is just something that takes practice get good at it try not to get too frustrated if your nails go crooked when you're learning how to nail or even if you've been dealing for a while and they're going crooked it's okay just try to straighten it out and get it going in straight if it starts in going crooked you can tap it on the side of the nail with a hammer to get it straight again and then just continue hammering i'll also say not all hammers are the same there's really big ones there's smaller finishing ones plus some of these ones that all look the same they're not my sister's favorite hammer doesn't work that well for me my dad's favorite hammer doesn't work that well for me but i found this trusty rusty one and it works great for me here you can see we're putting in those sills for the window like i was talking about that go above and below the window for it to sound it's not possible to put all the plywood on the side walls while they are laying down because the ones on the edges need to overlap with the walls that are standing up now you can see behind me what i'm talking about we're only able to put that piece of plywood in the middle because the sides have to overlap with the edges also you can see the top and the bottom seals of that window that's going to go in over there when we put the last wall up we took the braces off of the long walls because they were secured to the other short wall behind us cut this didn't do a very good job we won't hire him back the wall got down to the other walls and the floor and then all the walls were up once the walls were up we could start on the roof we started by making a pattern on how to cut all the roof rafters they're notched so that they sit on the walls flush i then put up all the hurricane ties while my dad cut the roof rafters hurricane tides are what the rafters sit in and they get nailed into they attach the roof to the walls okay here's where we got to the other day got all the rafters up we're just using two by fours for the rafters they'll be plenty strong no one's gonna be walking around on the roof except for when we're doing the roof it's pretty funny though because i was thinking back to when we did the rafters for our house and they were two by twelves it's got a great big window here over the cutting table it's gonna be a pretty nice view smaller window here another big window here gonna put the slider here i think i've decided to go with the slider just need to figure out which one and order but tomorrow we'll put the roof plywood up put some tar paper on it then once the roof is up we'll measure how big it is to order the metal roofing there we go put the rest of the plywood on the walls then you know put the windows in electrical drywall insulation insulation before the drywall all that and we'll be done for those of you that are interested we used half-inch plywood on the roof as well lifting plywood on the roof isn't as hard as you would think but still it's not something i do for fun we also went ahead and put the rest of the plywood on the walls you can see how it overlaps the front wall here like i was talking about earlier you ever watch videos or something where people are making a costume and they're like i just whipped this up out of stuff in my stash and you're like gosh i wish i had 15 yards of silk in my stash that's how i always feel anyway but watching this i realized kind of like that but with wood i'm like we just made this out of leftover wood from our house but now our wood stash really is pretty much gone because we built my husband's office now too honestly my dad did most of the roof of my studio i'm not the biggest fan of heights and ladders i did do the roof on our house though but that was a much larger surface area so i wasn't so worried about falling off the edge here's how the roof looks plywood staggered like the floor is and it's just nailed down along all the rafters used a little over eight sheets of plywood and put some scraps in there too next we have to put the tar paper down and then we have to measure this as well to order the metal roofing windows going in is always a lot of fun it really makes the place feel more like a space and not just a windy old shed the insides come along my dad's working on putting those sides up we have one window in we still need to decide what doors go in here looked online couldn't find the ones i wanted anymore i don't know if you know this or not but a lot of those sliding panels and windows come out to make them easier to lift and so that you can clean them easier for the second story without needing a giant ladder i didn't know that before so i think that's pretty cool for a couple levels when i picked out what windows to buy specifically look for ones with these nailing fins because that's how you attach it to the wall sometimes when you buy windows second hand these have been cut off when they take the window out of the house so these are make it a lot easier mitch find a brand new sliding glass door on craigslist the guy just had it staying in his garage because it didn't fit in his house it involved a trip off island with a trailer which is kind of expensive on the ferry coming home but it was much cheaper than buying a new one so i feel like it was definitely worth it i wanted to have as much light in the studio as possible so i feel like it was a great deal putting in this standard size sliding glass door felt like a cake walk compared to the ones we put in earlier in the year which were 12 feet by 8 feet those ones were a monster and took four people this one was easy once we had the door in we're able to put on the rest of the plywood on the front of the studio my dad put some metal trim on the seam where those two went together to stop water from getting in and i nailed down everything i went and got the slider this morning it's perfect so we put that in just gotta finish putting the plywood up there and then it's time to start putting in the receptacles so this is a receptacle box and then it gets nailed to here and that's where the outlets are gonna go so it's time to figure out the electricity more figure out where i'm gonna put all of the outlets i figure should probably put more than i think i need but i have nine boxes so i'll probably just put nine then i also have to figure out where i'm gonna put the light switch probably right next to the door and then figure out where i want lights maybe one over there and one over here definitely one over here quite possibly one over there or do i want lamps big decisions gone around the room placed my receptacle boxes about where i want them to be now i gotta hammer them onto the wall at the right height there are these little edges here you want to have sticking out for that through the width of the drywall i'm just gonna use my hammer as a height for them so they're all at roughly the same height i don't know if anyone else is having this problem but like all of my clothes have started flying apart during quarantine these just have to last a little bit longer good match them but i'm sick of wearing them now it's time to drill some holes so that i can run the wire through the walls i drill through all the studs so that i can put the wire through i'm gonna go ahead and height a little bit above the boxes but below this window and i'll just do a consistent height all the way around the room so that i know where the wire is this drill is something else that i bought towards the end of the home build that i really wish i had bought earlier having my own little compact drill that works well has been so handy i've really gotten my money's worth out of it between building this and putting together furniture i use it all the time it's great i don't know why i didn't buy one earlier this video is not sponsored by dewalt but if they want to give me some power tools to review i'd be okay with that in the corners there's a couple places where the drill is too big to fit in between the studs so i'm gonna put this thing on it and then come through the one next to it and be able to drill put in a hole here for a exterior outlet [Music] i've got 50 feet of electrical wire i'm going to stream between all the outlets and see how much i get done before lunch spoiler alert i did not have enough always just buy the hundred foot roll at least because you're gonna need more than you think and it will come in handy later at least if you build stuff it will i don't know about the average person when the metal for the roof came in we had to get it all up there we had already put tar paper up there but then all we had to do was lift all these sheets of metal up there and screw them down we're really big fans of this metal roofing instead of shingles because it's so much quicker to put up plus it's last for so much longer it is much more sturdy the light in here is very orange clearly i'll need to dry while i'm painted but my dad's up on the roof and while he's been up there i came in and i put in the light switch box and ran that cord that wire and then i put in the one overhead light i'm gonna have is gonna be over my drafting table so that's kind of box that you put to put ceiling light in so we got that in i got more electrical wire so he has the drill right now i'll have to get it from him and then i can drill the drill back through all these studs so then i can travel along one of these rafters to that our roof calculations didn't quite work out perfectly so we have to saw a bit of the wood roof off so they'll be covered by the middle and then that'll probably be it for the morning because it's friday friday means pastry friday which is when my family gets together he needs pastries every week for like the entire year i don't know since we've been building the house anyway great tradition highly recommend it went and got a big pile of insulation yesterday this is one of the most expensive parts of building the studio i mean if you count like the roof is one thing the floor is one thing i guess the studs and plywood for the walls would have probably been one of the most but since i had almost all that on hand this is the thing that i spent the most money on so far just got like the cheap one there's nicer stuff that's less itchy to work with but you know i'm gonna tie this place up a little bit my dad stuck some of his stuff in here when he was cleaning out his trailer i think i'm going to put some more supports up there for my gravity-fed iron one thing you should always do whenever you have your walls open is take pictures because it's really handy to know where all the studs are and where the wires go if you have any pipes in your house there aren't any here but we've definitely been referring a lot to the photos i took in the house to see where we can hang i wish i had better ones than i did so always take more than you think you need i stuck a 2x6 in the ceiling for my gravity iron so i didn't have to worry about finding the narrow roof rafter i'm a fan so what i did in my house it was super helpful was to show where each wire comes into the receptacle so there's four different spots that wires can come into the receptacle box and i'm showing where it comes from and which hole it goes into it's a simple little diagram and a number in each box this is number eight and then i'm also tucking the wires up in the box to make it easier for insulating and drywalling doing this diagram is really helpful if you are going to like use a spray paint to paint your house but we subbed out the drywalling because dryer is a pain and they used a spray method of putting on paint for the primer and it sprayed over all the notes i had written on the wires of which ones were hot or where they went so when i had this map it like saved the day we're just going to use paint rollers it's not going to be a big deal but in a few years if i want to like change something i'm not going to remember which wires are which this may come in handy one thing i didn't know in my house diagram which would have been kind of handy to note is which side the stud is on in the box because knowing where these are knowing that they're attached to a stud it's pretty easy way to find the studs when you're when they're all covered up with the drywall and you're looking for somewhere secure to hang into so i'm just gonna mark those with a solider line one thing that i really like about working with wood and just billy in general is the smells of it like i would come in here the last few days when i was drilling all the holes especially when we're cutting it just that smell of fresh cut wood is so good and now i just came in here and like the smell of the insulation it's just so specific and kind of fun don't really get that much from working with fiber because it usually just smells like your laundry detergent putting up insulation it isn't that fun but it also isn't that hard it gets stapled up onto all the studs it's a little bit of an itchy job it's good to wear long sleeves and trousers and cover up for it when you're putting insulation around the wires you split it down the middle in the thickness wise if you know what i'm saying so that the insulation goes on both sides of the wire you also just cut around the receptacle boxes to leave a space for them it's been about a month since i've worked on my studio i got a couple jobs one of them ended so that's good it was a short-term thing and then i was really busy with coco vid if you haven't seen those videos go check them out and now i have some time again so gonna have to do some drywalling it's mid-august now we got it all insulated my dad did finish insulating from me we ran out so we couldn't put some there but don't tell anyone and it will be okay i got most of the materials i need i got the mud and i got the tape but we just need to get the drywall itself so my dad's clearing off his trailer so we can go to the lumber yard and get to that my brother and i went in on a drywall hoist together because i have to drive all this place my brother is building a home office and then his wife is going to build a studio just this size they're all building too and then my husband looks like he's gonna be working from home for the next foreseeable future as well even when things go back to normal he's gonna work from home a few days a week so we have to build him an office next and i would really like a dark room so i mean once we build that many buildings we might as well get a drywall hoist because drywall is freaking heavy and lifting it up on the ceiling is a real pain drywall not that fun but it looks really good when it's done i don't know why i let my dad convince me by 12 foot long this is a drywall yeah it goes a bit faster but man they are hard to handle don't worry we put a heck of a lot more screws in before we took the hoist down i just didn't think you wanted to watch us put screws in for ages [Music] when we were putting the drywall on the walls i had the very important task of sitting against it to hold it up while my dad cut the holes out for the receptacle boxes they're kind of hard to find when you've covered them up we were just measuring but my brother got this niffy little tool that is a magnet thing you stick in the receptacle box and then you stick something to it and it helps you find where the receptacle box is so you trace it and cut it out or something i don't know but i'm excited to use it for our next building don't worry that we're covering up the window here you cut those out later drywall's easy to cut you just score down the line and then snap it and then cut it off nope nope once all the drywall was hung and screwed into place it was time to start prepping for money which includes taping over all the seams with this yellow mesh tape drywalling and mudding is something i know the gist of but not the finer details i should probably go watch some youtube videos on it sometime but we are not drywallers so don't be learning from us i mean don't be learning from us for any of this this is just for entertainment purposes but you know go find someone else for your drywall technique tips basically though what you do is you take this mud and you fill in all the cracks and seams and everything with it then you fill in all the screw holes and everything else and then you let it dry and then you sand it down then you come in and you fill in a little bit more and then you set it down you let it dry and then you fill in a little more and you keep sanding it down forever we got all the drywall up and i put mud in the gaps going along the walls as you can see there's big gaps on the window sills and also at the ceiling and at the corners so those get treated a little differently i also covered up all the screw heads so my dad's working on the corners you put a bunch of mud in the corner and then you take this sort of paper fold it down the crease stick it into the corner and put mud over it again so he's doing that in the corners and the ceiling which creates a nice edge i've been working on the window edges and so i put a bunch of mud in here to fill it in and then i've been using this metal it's like a metal corner with paper on it and so once i've mudded to fill that in stick this on there and mud over it to make it a little bit smooth so this is just the first coat so it's pretty rough as you can see but it has a lot of mud there so it's going to take a couple days to dry and then we're going to come back in and do another coat to smooth it out do a bunch of sanding but it's coming along it looks i'm pretty happy with it we've probably done four maybe five touch-ups of the travel now probably four three if you don't include the first morning we could keep going it's not perfect but we're not drywallers it would take many more coats to get this perfect my dad wanted to do some more touch-ups but i'm like no one's gonna be climbing on a ladder up in the cracks with a flashlight looking at it the bookcase is in it's gonna be fine i want to move on to painting so i have to vacuum up all this dust and then i get to prime [Music] [Music] so [Applause] okay i finished priming looks pretty good took exactly one gallon got a little messy though so i'm gonna go clean up have some lunch and then paint the second coat it's been fun thinking about how carpentry and building a building is like sewing and every time we do something i'm always like oh it's starting to look like a real thing now so it's kind of like that where you put the walls up and you're like ooh it's starting to look like a real place how it really doesn't it's like when you do up the side seams and you're like ooh it's starting to look like a real shirt now but it's not it's hardly there then you put on you know you put in the insulation you put on the drywall and you're like it's really starting to take shape it's like a real building now it's kind of like when you they have a really good mock-up or you have it all sewn together for the first time and you're trying it on for the first time you're like yeah this is like a real garment but you still have a lot of work to do you still have to you know put the collar on or finish sewing your seams do all the decorative in the trim then you paint the house the studio and it's like yeah this is like a real place now but you're still not done you gotta you know put in the stuff put on the trim it's fun to think about my studio is all painted i have to touch up a few spots because white on white is so hard to paint but it looks pretty good it's just all white with a white ceiling i debated for a while if i was gonna put down flooring or not because you know it's a big expense well you know a couple hundred dollars or something i thought about just painting the plywood subfloor but it kind of got beat up while we were working so i decide i might as well put the flooring in now because if i don't put it in now i'd never put it in once all the furniture is in you want to have this yes i just got cheap laminate flooring but i actually really like how it turned out this snap and lock like laminate flooring is so easy to put in i got an under floor layman that adds a little bit of r value to it because i didn't put any insulation in the floor itself mostly due to cost so i want to make it a little bit warmer on my feet my dad talked me into shellacking my baseboards it's not the color i would have chosen but he had it on hand so you know it was free this point is a good time to go ahead and put in the receptacles i don't know why the one i filmed was one where we cut a terrible sized hole around it but whatever doing an outlet is not that hard though you know you really want to make sure the power is out i knew the power was out because there is no power hooked up to this studio at this point you should only do this if you feel comfortable and know what you're doing so i'm not going to tell you how to do this but you can learn if you want to you know at your own risk i did all the electrical for our house and didn't have any previous experience so i'm definitely someone that believes that you can learn how to do anything you want to do even if it seems intimidating just get some reputable sources get some learn from people who know what they're talking about and you can do it i had a hard time finding the light in stock anywhere that i could afford for my studio but i managed to find one at my local hardware store that did the job we finished the studio super echo in here because there's nothing in here but we got some baseboard trimmed down or doing a baseboard trim in our new house so that's pretty fancy um it's not quite the color i would have chosen but it's what we had on hand so better done than perfect plus most of it's gonna be covered by stuff anyway but now i get to move in my furniture which i'm super excited about for furniture i used a mixture of new stuff i got an ikea and old furniture that i already had in my previous studio i really like putting together furniture so that's good because i had two bookcases to put together as well as two dressers i'm really excited to have these bookcases because my old ones were crappy and these are much sturdier be sure to always secure your bookcases to the wall i feel like this is something i've never really done in the past but totally should have now i don't have to worry about an earthquake tipping it over on me [Music] very yellow out today very overcast because the wildfire smoke but it's time to build some of my furniture last night i put together the bookcases they look dandy and i'm going to put together my drafting table which i'm very excited about i debate a lot about what i want to use for my drafting drawing cutting table whatever you want to call it i didn't want to just copy bernadette with hers but it just seemed such a good idea to use the dressers with the big countertop on top i thought about building my own and i just didn't want to have open shelves because i don't like the open clutter like that i'm really excited about having all these drawers to put my stuff in i just think it's the best idea it definitely took me the better part of a day though these have a lot of pieces and a lot of parts overcast skies and smoggy conditions in the region are expected to continue into the weekend according to brian garcia a meteorologist for the national legislature but the duration of unhealthy air quality is something you have not seen when i opened up the packages i was like wow this is not the color i expected it to be i don't know about this it's actually quite a great and i thought i was getting the dark brown but you know what i'm actually really glad that i got these ones because the dark brown would have just melded into the floor in the counter top the ones i got i got these just because they were like the only ones in stock when i went to ikea i think tomorrow we got to go to the recycle center because this is a bit much got to tidy up all our old tools and stuff but it's so smoky out today that the ferry has its fog horn going let me just say that i have no if an idea how bernadette got her countertop on herself that thing is so heavy and it's so sturdy and so nice i thought about using a piece of plywood but then i thought i might as well just pay the money and get something really nice that i'll really enjoy once i had my table in i was able to hang the light so i knew how high i wanted to be however i kind of get too low still oh well once i got some things on the wall the studio is pretty much done i moved in all my stuff and i've been working it for a little while it's working out really nice i'm gonna do a separate video that gives you a tour of it all i'm gonna try to have that out next week i'm also gonna have a separate video on my ironing table which is right in front of me there as well as my ironing system i hope you enjoyed this video it was pretty long but you know it takes a while to build a studio i hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about carpentry let me know leave me a comment and tell me what you found was the most interesting part of building a studio or hope you learned something cool i'm really excited to give you a tour though so check back later and i hope you all have a great week bye you
Channel: Vtor Hunter
Views: 10,034
Rating: 4.9243498 out of 5
Id: Em-bfJX30GQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 38sec (2918 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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