Turning my GARAGE into my DREAM Sewing Studio !

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i hope my shirt doesn't blend in too much with the chair i didn't actually think about that when i got dressed this morning as you can see i am in front of my garage door and i'm doing that on purpose because right now i am speaking to you with my craft room fully finished as you may have read from the title i am transforming the garage in my brand new house that i just moved into a couple weeks ago into my dream craft room this project did take me a little bit longer than i expected it to but i guess when i weigh it out in reality it didn't because i didn't actually do it in consecutive days so it took me about six days to finish the project but it wasn't six days straight so before we get started i wanted to show you a video of what this all looked like before because believe me it was ugly i absolutely hate that burnt orange color and if you're wondering why the garage is already a room it's actually a florida thing to turn garages into game rooms so now i'm gonna hand over the video to my past elves which um i was not wearing makeup it was super hot and sweaty in here and i was mostly either wearing t-shirts and jeans or sometimes pajamas so bear with me since the walma's three different colors my dad and i ended up going in and putting down this white as a base layer so we didn't have three different shades of the color this is the blue that i ended up picking and i really liked it once it was all done also painting did take up the majority of the time finishing this room because we had to put down the white and then the blue over it so we basically painted the entire room twice and then the last clip that you're gonna see here is my dad going in and finishing the top of the walls it is finished i know i look like trash oh my gosh okay it's all painted this is the wall with a door as you can see here we do have my chair um this is gonna be kind of a nice like filming area i'm gonna put some art up there um a couple other things this is going to be can you hear the ice cream truck hold on yeah but i'm thinking i'm going to put some bookshelves over there maybe with like patterns or i have a lot of things that i could put there but um so i'm thinking like kind of display storage this is all going to be covered by a curtain this wall right here with the washer and the dryer and the water heater i did hang or me my dad hung this sort of contraption here that is a clothes line but of course i'm gonna put curtains there but in this middle section here what we're actually gonna do with it the tv stand and then on the other side is gonna be a wardrobe where i'm gonna put all my uh costumes and then probably between those two i'm pretty sure that i can fit another bookshelf so on the washer and dryer side is going to be my vanity and then on this side of the wall is going to be my table with my serger and sewing machine and some cabinets for fabric storage and then lastly in kind of this sintered carpet area i'm gonna have my fabric cutting table i'm so excited for it um and a rug so i've got to put this rug in here because there's some tears in the carpet like some little grips on the carpet over here and then this actually this whole piece came undone it's really gross it's there and then it's not and it's there and then it's not first thing i've got to do before moving in any furniture is vacuuming i wanted to go ahead and take this time to mention you'll notice that i said on the clothesline i was going to hang curtains what i meant by that was if i was ever doing a photo shoot like that's where i was gonna hang my backdrops so and then this is the the rug that covered up those reps very nicely first thing i'm gonna hook up is my tv um even though i don't have the stand for it it's currently in the mail as i ordered it off of amazon because i could not for the life of me in any thrift store find something that was suitable to put my tv on so i've ordered something off of amazon i'm gonna put on a movie to kind of play in the background that i don't have to focus on while i do the rest of this situation okay so i feel like if i stand far enough away from the fan you can't really hear it yes i know i'm sweaty i'm covered in pain what else is new progress update so i've moved in all of the main furniture that i have for right now there's still some pieces that i'm warning off of amazon so yeah that's i guess you're caught up with where i'm at right now i love the fact that this chair swivels it doesn't really match my decor like my ambiance bella sorry bella's screaming i'm sorry if you can hear that well as you can probably tell um i didn't do anything for the rest of that night but i am here today determined to be productive and then i got the craziest news on the face of the planet that at midnight tonight taylor swift is dropping a new album zero heads up on that i've listened to taylor's music for a really long time like over ten years for her past four or five if you count this album i have stayed up till midnight streaming it uh then going to the store and buying it the next day obviously she's not selling her record in store because of the current pandemic that is going on but it's available online and i'll probably buy some physical copies so here's my plans for right now i have some boxes that came in with furniture pieces in them that i have to assemble so i think i'm going to spend the rest of today doing that oh and i also painted today this morning i painted my sewing table so i'm going to put together this is a bookshelf and my vanity and then i'm going to make food take a shower because i know that i am going to be sweating my butt off in here while i'm making this stuff so i'm definitely going to want to take a shower and i'm just going to get ready for listening to folklore just let's you let's make some furniture all right that took way more out of me than it should have it took a lot more hi gadget you say hi come to say hi it took a lot out of me and i still have the vanity to put together and i just don't think that i can do that today but i still want to be productive and i want to you know get some stuff done in here because there's still a lot okay literally right as i stopped filming my doorbell ring and it scared the crap out of me and i have a dog i have a dog i have another amazon package which is my fabric cutting table so i have mixed feelings um because now that's two pieces of furniture that i still have to put together yeah this clip is just in here so you can see how cute my dog is keep forgetting to order is a chair i don't know i don't have a chair for my sewing table that's yeah i'm doing great i'm just running into all kinds of problem memories that i seem to have forgotten over the last couple days of moving so actually you know what let me set it up so i have this vintage ironing board i'm gonna voice over this because for some reason the audio was pretty messed up but what i was saying is basically that i had been looking for an ironing board for a really long time and all the ones that i found were super expensive and my grandmother was also looking for one and i found one from pretty cheap and she found one too but um mine is superior we did not get them at the same place by the way but i'm just saying that mine's superior and i like got really excited about it right here because mine has a sleeve press and hers doesn't so oh and also i was saying that i don't really have a place to put it because i didn't think that far ahead we're just i i don't i don't know what we're gonna do but um we'll figure it out so i want to tell you what happened i went to to put together my um fabric cutting table and i realized that it said box two of two meaning i don't have box one so no wonder amazon said that it didn't ship even though i thought i had it i only have part of it um which kind of made sense because if you look at the box it's like how can you fit a fabric cutting table in there so i only have the legs i don't have the actual table piece but i do have a vanity so i'm going to put together my vanity i'm going to put up everything go ahead and show you because accountability right accountability i'm gonna put up everything that is in the living room there's a dining room table there so like it's not it's not like too crazy you can see like it's just some like fabric and then like my my makeup and some books and things so i am determined to get this living room cleared out um anything that i can't put together like my table uh there's really not too much left to do after that so technically i know i won't be finished finished but i want to be finished with everything i have today to put together my last piece of furniture and put everything from in here 10 here so i so i gave it my best effort of putting it together this mirror i've tried three different ways of setting the mirror up and i can't it's falling and i can't get any of this i'm not saying i can't get any of them to work so we're just gonna leave it like that and we have the little stool i actually didn't know it came with a stool but we have a stool sweet but you troublemaker you troublemaker okay so i finished building it and i like it i think it'll work very well gadget is playing with the box hey hey hey no ma'am no ma'am you can't do that you choose to go out because you know you can't behave you just get okay all right bye i have all my fabric here in trash bags because that was how it got transported um i have no idea what is what so i'm just gonna kind of go through it this is actually in a remnant section and i got it a couple years ago when i was cosplaying barbosa because i had a jack the monkey that i wanted to make a little vest for this is actually i turn it into a headband for my um woody from toy story disneybound it was actually one of my favorite moments because he like pointed out every single detail and one of the things that like i really wanted to include was the bandana but i didn't want to wear a bandana so i like tied it as a little bow around my head and he like he understood like he got it he like pointed to his scarf and then he pointed to the bow and it just made me so incredibly happy this is scrap fabric from my ella dress um i actually okay so every year i make a live action cinderella dress because it's my absolute favorite movie of all time and last year i made her mother's dress is what it's called it's called her mother's dress it's the dress that the fairy godmother transforms into her ball gown and i actually i took it to a con and i did a photo shoot in it with my grandmother as the fairy godmother there's a nail file in this how what like what did it this is actually a cosplay i'm gonna remake so years ago i cause played return of the jedi luke which i absolutely love the only thing that i would have changed is the pattern that i chose for the cape because like i would have wanted an extra panel because it sat right here on my shoulders but i would have liked it if it come a little forward too and then the hood was really weird it just kind of like sat it was like a square and then when you put it up it like looked like a hood so i want to get a different pattern for it so this is the fabric that i got for the cape which i absolutely love it's really textured i don't know how well you can see it this is for a project and i really love it but i'm not going to tell you what it is okay this next one is probably my favorite fabric i ever own so it is definitely going on display and if you don't know what project it's for i feel very sorry for you um but this is something that actually is going to i think might be like a series of videos based on how long it'll take me to do it just look at this real quick let's just let's just appreciate it um anyway so i was going to start at the beginning of the year and i had intentions to take it to a convention that of course never happened so i think it's just going to be just something that i just want to accomplish by the end of the year well today is day five so i did i took one full day of painting one day that was kind of touching up some paint and then moving in a lot of the furniture then a third day of putting a lot of stuff in here and building some furniture fourth day of putting more stuff in here and i am here on day five based on everything that i have here i'm gonna finish it tomorrow so you can see the progress of this dining room table and space around it with very minimum boxes and things so all that's left is to put the rest of the stuff in the craft room and then hang up some artwork and we're good i just want to show you guys a brief walkthrough of things in a little bit more detail i'm going to try to do it quick i'm going to flip the camera around and just kind of show you guys what's where all right so next to the door there's this cabinet i do have my sewing machine lamp up here i don't have a better spot for it yet but i will because it's a fully functioning lamp um so in this top cabinet here we have some patterns craft supplies more craft supplies in this drawer and then down here is wigs and then like tools for wigs like bobby pins scissors stuff like that that's a kind of like paint like spray paint tape tools closet um and then right here we have my wardrobe we've got some wigs on top that is a wig that i use for both meg and ella hence the ballet shoes and the glass slippers that are not finished then here's all my sarah stuff the tiara the sponge the shoes the red shawl because i have several of her outfits some random props and then just a bunch of shoes on the bottom this is a two-tier wardrobe merida sarah ella there's a couple cosplays actually that are in a drawer because i have to fix them but i did do a cosplay purge i've got some tailor outfits down there this is just a bookshelf i've got some vintage sewing things in here i've got some vintage sewing patterns that are going to be baggied and have a better home a bunch of my just play bills from shows that i've seen these are books from shows sewing books and you've kind of already seen in here some various magazines more books my very very very old taylor swift doll some more taylor stuff some disney dvds some pop figures a camera this is actually so this is a memory jar that i kind of have different things in it different photos uh like play tickets uh cards various just memories that i want to keep there's some movies and then my tv i have my vanity i will be getting a bin for makeup storage that goes next to it so for right now all my makeup is kind of in bags down there but i put my makeup brushes up and then there is this um victorian painting above it so then this is my sewing table got my sewing notions in this box i've got thread my sketchbook is back there this is my serger that there's currently an unfinished project on it um i've got a whole bunch of artwork up here this is actually a 1920s um like how to make a skirt so that's pretty cool that was a gift from my grandmother various art prints my lightsaber for luke which i really want to remake soon and then over here in this cabinet oh there's my little rococo 16th century statue so in this top cabinet as you may have seen before there is a bunch of fabrics and coming down here there's just more fabrics all my ones that have sparkles are in bags because i don't want them to leak over everything else um some trims and notions things like that my hoop skirt is back here for now it's about to be on my dress form because i'm about to work on that project some pretty fabrics on display this is going to be kind of like my filming area i have a nice chair here that serves more purposes than just for me to film on it um but i also have this little stand next to it that has a couple trinkets in it and i'll fill it up with some more here soon and then i put some of my favorite artworks on this wall so that's pretty much everything i wanted to say for now and i will see you guys next week with another video you
Channel: Lashley Designs
Views: 3,467
Rating: 4.7222223 out of 5
Keywords: diy, craft, sewing, remodel
Id: CTZGiownEYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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