Craft & Sewing Studio Tour!

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hi friends paisley and glue here and i'm kind of between projects i'm going to start draping something later today so i thought i would show you my sewing studio while it's clean which almost never happens the fact that there's nothing on here is fairly remarkable so let's go through the room and i'll show you kind of how i organize things and the supplies that i keep on hand and maybe give you some ideas about how you'd like to set up your space okay let's turn to this corner first of all this is my sort of little cozy corner so um most of the furniture in this room are hand-me-downs this is one of my favorite things i like to curl up on this chair and do hand sewing while i'm watching movies or listening to music or podcasts um it can get pretty cold up here this is the second floor of our house so i'll curl up in this chair and do some hand work or do some pinning and um it's sort of a nice place to be as opposed to sitting on a hard chair so here's my trusty dress form i'm going to start this project today so i had to take my winnie skirt off she's been living here so she's on the dress the dress rack here where things in progress and mock-ups live generally i also have i like using like clothes hampers which you can usually find pretty inexpensively at like home goods or where did this come from target last week and this is keeping all of my fabric rolls and paper rolls organized because if they're not in a basket they'll like slide off and roll across the room we don't want that um so i like i have a couple things like this around the room that are handy to organize things with um giant mirror which was over our fireplace we moved in which was shall we say not our aesthetic so we moved it up here because it's great to have a big full-length mirror where you can see things either on your dress form or on you as you're trying things on i also keep all of my patterns in progress on sort of pinned onto the end of this wire shelf and i've also in the past hung them on hangers and hung them on the clothing rack kind of wherever you can put them that are somewhat out of the way i tend to make really giant paper patterns and then where do you put those so this is my not my favorite solution but they're here for now um here this is all of my fabric scraps so i do try to keep scraps that are too small to use again but i'll use them to make fabric cabbage later to stuff things or i'm still kind of on the hunt for a really good fabric recycling program there's not really any round in the midwest that will take a variety of fabrics usually they want you to do either like natural fabrics only or they need it to be a certain size and if it's a certain size then i can use it so why would i do that anyway i do keep them still on the hunt um this is where the majority of my craft supplies live so one of the things we moved into this space was i used to have sort of a crazy conglomeration of boxes that were all different sizes and colors and some were clear and some had patterns and that i collected over the years and it was like when you have an open shelving unit like this to have boxes that all are the same and stack cleanly is really important so even though it was a investment to get all the boxes that were the same it was important for me especially because i'm in the space so much to have something that even there's a lot of stuff on here they look cohesive and it's like just a little bit less cluttered visually for both my eye and when i'm filming stuff so i've got some bigger boxes that all match and then i've got some smaller boxes that i'll match so we've got a variety of stuff here i've got all my paints here brushes jewelry supplies wig stuff did i say paints already yes sculpting things stamps leather supplies now i have a box for that and then down on the bottom are like um like uh crap like foam foam clay that's what i'm looking for foam clay and various other sort of silicone molds and things like that i kind of stash at the bottom so here's where i keep all of that stuff and then i've got a bunch of other sort of crafty sorts of supplies so i keep some foam scraps over here in drawers they don't all fit in here i have another space for those and then some kind of tools that i use at this craft table i keep on hand so i don't have to get up and move too far so again same thing over here rhinestone setters a small heat gun my glue gun and things and and glue sticks are in here general glue clamps pliers and then i keep my trims over here too and then here's a separate section of that i was saying how i keep um upright things so i've got another laundry basket here that has worbla and pvc pipe and other sorts of like long pieces of wood and things like that that are kind of hard to store otherwise and then here is my craft table this was a our dining room table for a really long time it was a hand-me-down it's really it's a solid piece of wood it's super duper heavy so when we got a new dining room table i knew i wanted to use this as the craft table i wish it was like slightly bigger it's like 36 inches across and i wish it was 44 or 45 so i could put like a full width of fabric on it and i wish it came out like this much further but it's great and i love it um we did use these uh these are closetmaid brand and that they were the right height i looked at ikea they weren't the right height for what i was trying to do so these actually were the perfect size so it's a set of three by three and then another set of three by four that i believe is on its side and then i have another set of 1 by 3 in this corner over here so that i can roll my chair into it so you can see that so it's a little hard to stand on the other side because i don't have a place for like my knees to go so i can sit on this side but i can stand all around it so this is a great solution to maximize the storage space underneath the table and then i have most of my fabric is in these bins so they're organized by color slash type so like general color but then when i get to like creams and blacks and browns of which i have a lot then i sort of start to break those down into um some different organizational things um the cats also love to scratch these so they don't look as nice as they used to when i first did this then we get into the sewing machine area this sometimes is on my table is kind of the like catch-all tools that i need sometimes for sewing and sometimes for being here and doing craft stuff so i've got all the pencils markers all my scissors some rotary cutters and blades tape and then i always have some sort of bin of safety pins handy because i use this constantly and usually there's like a straight pin pad over here too then sewing machine land so i've got my serger here i keep the i try to keep the covers on my sewing machines because my cats eat thread and it's real dumb so i have to keep all my thread and things covered up this is my main sewing machine that i use this is my bernina here and stays out on this table this but this is um one of those folding craft sewing tables so when we lived in an apartment this was really great because you can put the machine underneath the table and then fold it up this this part folds up and then this swings in so if you're looking for them they're called like craft tables or sewing tables they're not that expensive um and now i can keep it open all the time but if i needed to fold it away it kind of turned into like a little buffet or like cabinet looking thing and it was you know fairly attractive so this is sort of where i generally work i do keep my projects in progress in bins like this you can also use shoe boxes or something with a top if you want to be able to close something away and these are great just to keep all of your things together so notions pattern pieces fabric that's great and then i also have a little bit of a hidey hole here the way this swings open and i have a sort of a backup sewing machine stashed under there and then also this is another of those folding craft tables it's a little older model that i use for my serger here i keep muslin scraps for draping or mock-ups and also felt and batting for patting out dress forms if i'm going to be draping so i keep those on hand and then this is sort of a new acquisition for filming while i'm sewing it's fine it's kind of like a weird angle so it's a little bit hard to get in there um and i often end up doing things off camera which is annoying but we're working on it again with like little bins to hold all of your notions and bits so they don't get scattered around they do anyway but it's good to have um so he keep snips in here fray block extra machine feet seam gauges all those little things that you accumulate and need close at hand while you're sewing and then i've got another little bin to hold my um my bobbins here we have various drawers for scissors pins boning tracing papers down here zippers elastic velcro so those are kind of all close at hand the t station critical and then here's my jukey machine which is also relatively new to me and i love it great machine so that sort of sewing area then we've got this uh shelving unit where i've got all my patterns are up top i have a fair amount of vintage patterns and on all the commercial patterns that i've collected patterns i make myself are usually much larger and won't fit in small envelopes so those are stashed away in a cabinet and uh here are some more notions this is where all the closures live so i've got buttons organized by color and snaps hook and hooks and eyes buckles clips grommets all those sorts of things live here and i've got a little bit extra space here for um expansion in the future which is nice and then all of the tools that i need for my ironing station um i'd love in the future to get a larger ironing table sort of build one maybe that like flips up or something if you do a lot of sewing you know that sometimes you have large pieces of fabric you need to iron and this just does not cut it but that's for future me uh sewing tools though press cloths clappers um water spritzers all this stuff is important taylor's ham critical and then i've got interfacings of various types batting polyfill and then distilled water which if you're not putting distilled water in your iron you absolutely should the minerals that are in normal tap wire water usually build up inside the iron and it'll make it last a lot less long and distilled water is super cheap pick a couple bottles up when you go to the grocery store really easy moving on again upright storage so this is all my craft foam that are big enough pieces to roll foam dowels buckram and then in this big bin i've got all the scraps because we all accumulate a lot of foam scraps and i try to use them because they're so bad for the environment when you throw them away to um i try to use the scraps into as tiny pieces as possible before i throw those pieces away then we have our um the weapons wall is something that i did this um this year which is fun i made most of these not this but i did make this one um so it's just kind of fun to put some of your projects up in on display and then my reference library so most of these are costume history books that i accumulated during school um i still reference them a lot i've been looking at a bunch of things for winnie which has been fun and then i've got a lot of craft related items here too so like origami felting embroidery hat making and then a lot of patterning and drafting books as well that i've referenced all the time and sewing books kind of general guides to sewing which is good sometimes you need a reminder of how to put in a zipper then this is what i use to keep projects organized that are sort of long term so it's nice to have a little area where you can put things away sort of similar to the using the bins by your sewing area for current projects so all my winnie pieces are in here trims and things my shoes are here this is the commission that i'm starting next so i've got all the notions and fabrics that i've accumulated for that put in here and then here's upholstery project i'm also working on so it just kind of keeps things away you're less likely to lose things if you have the space highly recommend that so you're not looking for that zipper that you bought three months ago for a project my mr man dress form it's great to have one with legs i'd like to get a female one with legs but for the future this is sort of just enough space for me to lay out wider pieces of fabric to cut in the floor if i need to like i said my craft table is not quite wide enough to cut fabric on that are larger pieces so i do end up laying things out on the floor so i try to keep this space open for that i thought about putting the table in the middle and it would have been fine but i would have lost that option to sort of have a big space and i can also see myself in that big mirror from here so if i need to get like a wider or um more distance in my view then that is helpful to have this sort of length of the room open um this is a new thing that i just came up with that i had these backdrops for taking photos and i didn't i never used them because the frame was a pain in the butt to set up and then they were really wrinkled because they were folded um so this was kind of a proof of concept thing that i just did which is i put the backdrops on a piece of pvc and then put that on a um curtain rod that is sort of permanently it's not one of the curtain rods that go into a hook like it's bolted to the wall on both sides so that i can just kind of pull these down and the idea is that the fabric's not as wrinkled i don't know about that yet but um at least they're kind of up and maybe i'm more likely to use them though getting them rolled up it's a little bit of a it's not a high-tech solution but it works for me in this case the slanty walls which are normally kind of weird in here actually help because it when it comes down it clears this table which is nice then the other thing i did again with another curtain rod that i had laying around was i put it above my table here so that i could shoot straight down onto my table because like a lot of people who try to film their work table it's a super annoying to try to get that down shot with a tripod because you're always sort of at an angle or like not able to get the whole table it's horrible so the idea with this is that then i can i can shift this not really tall enough to reach i can shift this where i want it to be on the table in order to get that down shot so i haven't really had an opportunity to do that yet but i am excited about that project and then in the hallway here i have this great closet that i have commandeered for cosplay related things so that's not super greatly organized um but i've kind of got wonder woman's kind of always in a bag ready to go because i wear her a lot for charity stuff but i've got like a shoe rack here and then this is sort of overflow leather and faux fur i have a lot of that so i have to keep those in kind of big bins but then i've got all my costumes are hung up here on this rack along with more stuff on the floor but it's nice to have this space that i can kind of put things away and not have to look at it too much unless i need something specific so that's kind of my space uh it's a really great space i'm super blessed to have it and um i'll try to link some of the things that i pointed out in the description if you're interested and if you have any questions about anything about where to get something or what something was or what it's called let me know i'll be happy to answer it and i hope this helps you kind of brainstorm how you'd like to set up your own space see you next time
Channel: Paisleyandglue
Views: 5,092
Rating: 4.8648648 out of 5
Keywords: sewing room, sewing studio, craft room, craft studio, crafting studio, how to set up a sewing room, sewing room hacks, craft room hacks, sewing room organization, craft room organization, diy craft room, diy sewing room, learn to sew, how to set up a craft room, sewing room tour, craft room tour, diy cutting table, sewing supplies, sewing room setup, craft room setup, organizing craft supplies
Id: 1oZwstcAvSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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