Turn Your Living Room into the ULTIMATE Sewing Studio!

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hi everyone I'm Angelina and this is blue print DIY where we back our clothes to be just unique as us today is a very special episode because when I gave my 24 hours lost in my sunroom I said this next time you see it it will be right oh no I know it's gonna be amazing and now I am back and ready to reveal them awesome awesome sewing studio deluxe suite I have taken over my houses dining room formal living room and it used to be the four year so I wanted to allow the house to reclaim the foyer because I wasn't able to like almost use the front door because I was always using it that's where I used to sit on the floor every four videos on the top down version of videos I used to use it to record my look books I had a curtain and mirrors and all that stuff just to make my look books you know have enough light and all that kind of stuff so I have decided since we have not used our dining room in 50 million years I am fully taking that space over I took it over but I left the dining room furniture just in case we wanted it to be a tight around once in 15 years now it's mine now so I have my formal living room is my sewing and office space and then the dining room which you see here is my recording studio so I am going to show you around let's do it alright so we're gonna start off in my office area and I have some old elements as well as some new elements and I'll gonna walk you guys through it this is the IKEA lack table and it's the long one I've had this for 50 million years it is kind of exid esta el I really really like it on top of it I have some baskets that I purchased at Big Lots and I really like these because they keep my cameras and various reporting things because I actually do a lot of editing in my bedroom so because I have a laptop now so I can just take one of these baskets up with me and the laptop and it keeps everything kind of in one place headphones my notebooks and different things like that in one place so that when I come back in the office everything is here that I need I also have underneath this table a couple of things I need my travel sewing kit as well as my ironing ham I think that's what is Oh turn round cushion you suppress curved areas of a garden three two one the answer is tailor's ham I don't think I also have some other baskets under there my ribbon different things I don't use that often but I definitely use them and need to find them what I'm looking for all right so next up let's talk about my main desk this is basically just an old piece of a tabletop I actually put it in half the long way Tampa that I use in my son's room he has a table that is on hinges and it folds down and I just decided to take the rest of it and wrap it in contact paper this beautiful marble can contact think where I wrap it around the table top and it looks amazing and fresh and it's on top of a little cabinet a CPU cabinet it holds my main computer so that was the CPU and then on the other side I have a cabinet with a bunch of drawers that keeps my office stuff you know staplers you know everything that you need in an office environment it keeps that very nice and discreet and tidy and then on the desk I have a few things I have a clipboard I like to write my schedule out each week whether it's in my notebook or whether it's on the clipboard I just need to write it it helps me to stay organized and to actually get done the things that I want to get done and then I also a recent addition I have this pushpin board that I should took out of the other room that was there I had earrings sticking in it that is right over here to use for different notes and different things I want to keep in my mind or just display in my office area and then on the end here it's been there forever I have a file cabinet also from Ikea as well as my printer I have a brother 64 9cw I believe printer I've had it forever is an amazing pressure and press really really good quality it is a inkjet printer and now I get my seat from eBay it's a lot cheaper and the print quality is still good even at with that many years and I'll talk about my chair this chair is actually a mid-century modern chair and you have armrests but I system off and I also recovered it it's actually white underneath here but I wanted to be formed by a fabric wheel and I got this furry topper that is actually like really cushy and I put it on top it was something that he got from a garage sale or something like that and I just put it on top of the chair to give the chair a whole new look and then also a nice fuzzy blanket on top so that when I'm working late at night I can just be nice and cozy and if you have to subscribe definitely subscribe we are on our way to a hundred thousand subscribers we're getting closer every day thank you guys to everyone who subscribe and definitely share this video on your social media so that everyone will know all the amazing things going on here alright so let's talk about this area right here this area has actually been here forever I move this from my old next to my sewing table and it has a lot of the little things that I need need me but want to keep just away and not seem so different tools that I use for sewing as well for crafting packaging different like stickers I have one for different things that I use for hanging different things as well as one for stamps and stencils and I really keep things in there like my my labels and tags for my clothing line and then the third drawer it's a long drawer and I keep all the zippers that I pull out of different garments as well as hardware for purses that goes in there and I also have here I always like to keep magazine I know that amazed people don't really purchase them too much anymore but at least once a year like to get a good everything somebody gifted me this one so I was super excited to get it was right one time so he's the magazine that's where I live so I was super excited to get back as well as this is a little sign that was on my rack for my runway show last fall so I keep it just as a reminder of just like how excited I was that day alright so next up is my backdrop that I've had for many years I you guys have seen this if you follow me for a while but I didn't want to you know just go through it for anybody who'd never knew what's in these baskets and one is actually really good for you I'm gonna show you but so yeah I have my mom's old serger this is the first surgeon she had my father bought for her and she gave it to me when I moved to Houston but it didn't work very well but I didn't not want to give this away to me it's numer abili up in its history so it's like an heirloom so I keep it and display up there on the end here these look like books but they actually not books they are actually hide away like those secret books and I keep my sewing booklets like my how-to books that come with the sewing machines and unless you know if I forget how to thread my surgery but I finally I don't need the books anymore so I just put them there just in case there's something that I need to refer I'll always have them and then let's talk about my baskets number one is the actual weird one and I'll show you what I have in here I actually keep hair in there which is so random in a salon studio but me and my daughter used to do doll videos and we made wigs for the dolls like you would if the doll is damaged we would clean it up and make new hair for it make a wig for it and so that's how this basket storage and then now she's a dance and I have to keep extra hair for different hairstyles and hang out through here so I keep it all in here number two actually has some random fabric in it so I'm actually probably cleaned up asking out and repurpose it for something else that I'm probably I'm sure desperately needed for alright so number three is actually random self and this number four has fur and you'll see that I have actually another place for fur but it's if this is wool it can't fit anything else so I have that prefer we used to do a lot of that foot with the dolls but now if I need a random piece afar like I recently made a hat and I needed a small piece of furnace I didn't have to freak out or anything like that just go to the basket get the color and it's already there number five has tape in it you can see that I don't have a lot of tape but you know just taping other random things and then number six actually has studs chains and random finish like finishing stuff I don't know what my rhyme or reason was this basket but it's all in there it's out of sight and that makes me happy then in number seven I actually have ribbing if you didn't know ribbing is super hard to find at the fabric store and so whenever I upcycle a a sweatshirt I cut the ribbon off of the pieces that I didn't use and I keep it because nine times out of ten I'm going to need that ribbon for something else and so now I have a start out of ribbing that I can use in other projects and then number eight actually has belting and like strapping and different things like that that is actually full I don't know I just by random belt at the fish store especially if I see two of my own those make this dress and I have used them I that's my go-to basket I use them in quite a few projects so it's nice it's nice to have them when you need them and then at the bottom here is my kids cute 6:04 every year whenever they do something special at school I can type on though my kids before it breaking will keep the boards that they break in there or their awards and different things each one of them have a cubby and we just keep their stuff down there all right so let's talk about this area this area is one of the areas that I've been wanting for so long I went to Ikea with a list of things that I wanted whenever I go to Ikea I always go into the as is and I would recommend that highly highly recommend that because what I found was two tables with adjustable legs for the same price as what I would have paid for just the eight legs so uh I was so excited I was just like yes give me those I'll take them other people started looking out nope these are mine like no nobody touch them don't know why and look at them so what I ended up doing is putting four of the table legs on this and making a counter height and that way when I do my DIYs and top-down recording I can be standing or sitting on a stool I have a school like a counter height stool right here and I keep it and I like to have stools because that way I can push them underneath the table when I ripping and running through there trying to get things done having stuff out of the way as much of as much as possible as helpless that is enough I have lights in the way but had a chairs in the way and different things like that I need to push them under the table and they're out of the way and I also put a tape measure I bought a white and black tape measure and I glued it to the front of the table that way measuring if I'm measuring like say just a piece of string or thread I can just measure out real quick cut it and keep it moving so I really really like that and then on the table as well I also have my phone holder / paperweight / pincushion and I also added an extra drawer to this table that I'm really excited to have because then I can keep other things that I really need at this table so extra pens and pencils my chalk which I got out of that old sewing kit because I prefer to use a sliver of soap I keep that there a tiny screwdriver as well as my exacto knife and seam ripper essentials at a cutting table and oh let me show you this vintage sewing book it's for the singer 503 slant o Matic I just thought that this was amazing so what I have to hold up my camera is actually what I have bought or what my husband bought me many years ago to be a to hold the backdrop I'm using it now to go over this table in order to hold my camera this is a little device it just sits on this pole and I can swing my camera to it and it'll hold the camera to do the table you know the top-down recording I also bought another one to hold a light so that I don't have to drag my lights back and forth I can just use this and it has movies I bought a diffuser to go over it so it has diffuser and light up the table so I can get really good quality of recording for my top down shoot and then on the wall I purchased a set of hooks that sticks to the wall and I have my cutting mat as well as some rulers over here as well as I have my clips my pins and safety pins all the scissors and rotary cutter that I need pencils marking pencils the little wheel that I don't use this this is just here no I actually found a at a garage sale I found an old sewing kit and it was chocked full of vintage singer goodies amazing goodies so I'm super excited to have that it's just like you know one of those things I just I really really like vintage sewing stuff that I'm just super excited to have in my collection normally I don't make bold choices like this but I just felt like I wanted the curtains - I don't know this that have a little little something to them so these are actually I saw some curtains at IKEA that I really want it but they're discontinued and so I really like poems and different things like that there's plenty of palms here in Houston and I saw this fabric so I actually just grabbed this fabric last night from Ikea and I came home and looked up suckers alright so let's talk about the reason you probably clicked on this video this is my sewing space and currently I have two songshan's and one serger is the brother 10:34 D the second one or one in the middle is a singer 44:52 and this is the brother strong and tough this is my main sewing space and I had to I had to you guys know this is our motto but let me tell you I was so scared to drum the walls you know for the same reason that a lot of you guys are scared to cut clothes like ruler to our parents told us don't do it like don't write on the walls in my house we did not write on walls like that Bob you did not write on the wall you didn't even think about it like Donald so when it came to putting that up there I was super scared because if I mess up I've heard that this is kind of hard to paint over and I hate painting so I didn't want to mess it up but I wanted that on the wall and so I finally decided to do because it was ironic I'm scared to do a saying that says be afraid and do it anyway so I was gonna head I was afraid but I did it anyway and I'm so so glad how it turned out I made a stencil and then I just filled it in with the sharpie I got these glass balls for a little of nothing from Ikea and the first one I have my tape measures I have 50 mils half-measures tape and they're so cheap like I don't know are you guys like this you just keep buying but now they're in one place so I know you have two chameleons don't buy no more and then in the second one I have zippers that I have taken off of different garments as well as in the third one I have elastic my elastic and then this fourth one is full of all the thread that was in that sewing kit and there are wooden spools in here this one it actually has like gold on it all this old fancy and it's the same brand that we use hopes but it's coats brand like some 50 million years ago all right so this is the brother st 371 HD the brother strong and tough and I will be doing a review on this very very soon so far I am enjoying it and on the table the only things that I wanted to have were my organization things nothing else because I'm that type of person that is I feel the table things one more thing is not a big deal so if I keep it bare then in my mind my mind says that tables supposed to be bare so keep it there so that helps me just to keep everything looking nice so I made these for vlogmas and I will link the video here but it has my scissors in here as well as whatever thread I am currently using for any given project I also has a seam ripper which you need a singer just having and as a pincushion so as I'm sewing when I take the pins out I just stick them in here and each sewing machine has a thread trash holder so like when you cut the thread you put it in the trash and then I can answer that out that just helps me to keep everything clean and tidy which you know you need as much help as possible when you're sewing it can be chaotic and things get out of hand real fast alright the chair that I am sitting on I actually purchased this from Ikea and it is just a rolling stool I really really like it it seems like I was little nervous getting white but it seems like it is going to last very well and it's only for $33 but we have to get lunch too because it has a Mills and I can use it to go from each machine back and forth and that works with sewing anyway because as you're sewing you know you want to be moving as quickly as possible so you're working on one machine you want to to the serger and not have to get up hey you know alright so next up let's talk about these shelves I purchased these shells from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore and they were only like 14 dollars these are the Alpha shells and if you know anything about I think it's from maybe The Container Store but if you know anything about this brand they are super expensive so I was super lucky to find these and I have everything that I need while I'm strolling so I have in the first drawer I have the hair ties that I use in order to tie my bothers to the spool in Korea as well as a set of sewing feet that I purchased on Amazon comes in really really handy and then the second drawer has all of my thread used to keep them in a container and it was really hard to reach my hand down in there and when you're going faster just don't feel like it so I'm super happy to have them here just on this plate grab the coal you need make a bobbin and then the third drawer has just a random jewelry that I took out of the oven room and I just haven't figured out what to do but it also has a ton of vintage needles that I got out of that sewing kit I'm just super excited to happy and to be able to use them as well and just a set of needles some light bulbs and I also have my friend mother's sewing feet from her old singer and I was just super excited to get these from my mom this is a vintage walking foot and then I have some other feet in here as well as a song gauge that my mom gave me and I have some other feet in here as well and then the fourth door has just random things in it like I said sometimes you know we just need to put stuffs up close and then in the fourth drawer that's a fifth floor I have my collection of vintage but and I'm so proud of this collection not really because I didn't curate it my mother gave me all this but she found him at a garage sale and she gave my baby wondering as I'm going along okay that's fine you're showing us all this but where is your fabric well you guys know that I don't use fabric I use garments and so you're saying where are your garments I had a genius moment as I was planning this room out I was just thinking like oh my gosh what am I gonna do with all the dirty clothes like all oh oh the thrifty clothes what am I gonna do with them I have an unfinished walk-in closet in my house we have used it for storage for the longest or that master closet walk-in closet is going to be for all of the thrifty garments so that can hang them up and be able to see like okay it's almost like going thrift it in my own house amazing okay all right so here we have the senior heavy duty this is the 44:52 if you know anything about this line the heavy to do they have 44 11 44 23 44 32 and 44 52 this is the 44:52 there is no difference the only difference is the number of stitches and I'm basically used to stitch so I could have gotten a 44 11 the only reason I got the 44:52 is that it came with a walking foot so it was slightly more expensive but it was the prices I'm walking with and I wanted to walk the foot you know test that out to see if it helps with going through different leather and different things like that but I am enjoying this machine so far like I said I will be doing a full review of comparison between the two because that supposedly strongest up strong and tough this is supposedly heavy duty and we're going to go through all my seams which some is the best for us I clarity all right so this is the serger side and I have some of everything I decided that I really wanted this space to look a little bit more industrial because I have architecture background and I know how to build things in the shop I'm always building stuff working on stuff in the house so I decided to put some actual tools these are mostly just on tools but I do have my real up there I put that up there because I like to have it out I had it in a closet in the box and everything like that but I really really like to have it here and I have all my serger thread there right above the serger so that is helpful all right so let's talk about these amazing lights this room formal living room but it does not have a light fixture not in the room so I would either have to get a big lamp or just figure it out I have the reporting lights but I like to keep those in the recording studio and so I decided just for Sony like my own personal sewing not recording I wanted a light in here I wanted a light source and so I was in Ikea and you know they sell these just hanging lights so I decided to get to and hang them between the sewing machine and I absolutely love them and in order to hide the blackboard up on the ceiling actually perches the court court strips and attach them to the ceiling and the wall one down so that you don't see the black cord the whole way down and it keeps it to space straight it's not like hanger anything like that they go you know down behind the table and I have a light strip the hooks the three soil machines as well as these two lights together so at the flip of the switch I can just turn all of that in long now let's move into the next room the next room is actually my recording studio and this used to be my dining room and I have completely taken it over I have a mirror just really more for ambiance than anything else but then it also is helpful to make sure that I look decent when I go on camera I have a plant here spiky he is not doing too well I hold up I have the worst luck with planets so some of you guys are giving me tips on that and I'm gonna try that to keep to revive him and I also did a sharpie wall and this wall I didn't want to just be plain great I wanted something on it and those include a sharpie wall very dramatic I didn't want anything too distracting in the background and so I just do these kind of ales shades almost like a brick pattern but not quite I also have mounted my paper roll up there I can get other colors now and everything so I'm super excited about that and if you are curious about my look for today I have on the tie front puffy sleeve glass that I made from a couple of mention dress shirts I'll link that tutorial here as well as in the description box and I also had on my two-tone Jesus is one side of one pair jeans and once I have another pair of jeans and a clever way to take in a couple of pair of jeans that may not be able to fit you and as well I have on glasses from Z Lulu that was our bonus video for Thursday so definitely go check that out I have a coupon code for you guys over in that video they sent me five state new pairs of glasses I got to pick them out I picked my favorites and I showed you guys types of styling for the spring and I also got this rug I just think it looks really good whenever I'm doing look books and stuff like that and it's also a lighter color the floors in here are dark so I wanted to get the white carpet just to let more light bounce some more life you get better quality you don't have to have as good a camera as you think I actually have a Canon M 50 and you can do a very good job with a little bit so we talked about the lights that I have in this room I have these two stands and they just have totally faux plant lights but I bought super high-power florescent bulbs for them so that puts out a lot more light and helps me get really good quality better quality than I did over here I have one of my dress forms the other one is in the other room but I like to use this one for reporting because it's great on it's hot paint so if I guess if I do outfit that has a lot of color I can swap them out but I use this one predominantly because it you know just kind of blends in the background and then I also have on this rack some of my favorite curse lips of cycles that I've done and then on the other side I have a few purses that I made a couple of them one two three four that I've made or five that I made and a couple others use them and look books a lot so they hang here until you know actually want to wear them in real life but it's good to have him here because then I don't have to run all over the house looking for them and then in this space I really want this to be just like kind of like a foamy background another backdrop for doing sit-down talks or like I did the intro and I did like this was the background also for all of my runway inspiration reviews this year so I was super excited to be able to do this this is my car catalog and if you've been following me for a long time you know that this was always sitting on the floor I actually added legs and I like everything that I bought recently in the description box in case you you know are looking for that or that's something that you want to purchase and also if you use my affiliate links I do make a small Commission up that it's helpful for this channel and if you do I appreciation so thank you in advance for that but in my drawers I just have a lot of miscellaneous things all the little things like the paint and the yarn and the glue and fabric glue and yes a lot of paint and just miscellaneous anything that you need for crafting and then underneath I have a basket with a lot of not all of a lot of my denim cutoffs denim that I use in different projects and I really really love this it says never underestimate the power of a woman with a dream and I saw miss me yes and they over in this corner I actually have a bag of her I can't figure out what to do with this bag of fur and eventually move out in a way but I just left it there because sometimes I just want to remember that I have things sometimes I forget that I have things and different projects come up and I'll go looking at the first floor for it and I realized somebody already gave me a bag of oh yeah alright I hope you guys have enjoyed this tour of my sewing space my office space and my recording space which I call my sewing studio I hope you guys have gotten inspiration from it as you just little things that you can do in order to make your space your own and if you have a space in your house that nobody's used for its intended purpose claim it before somebody else does for real you gotta know that I've been in these spaces for 7 years now and I'm just so excited to finally claim them and make them everything I need them to be for the future alright if you haven't subscribed them and subscribe I have a bunch of other videos for you to watch right here so go check those out and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: BlueprintDIY
Views: 37,538
Rating: 4.9387074 out of 5
Keywords: blueprint diy, Sewing, sewing room, room makeover, sewing room organization, upcycled clothes, decorating, diy organization, fashion design, craft room, sewing space, craft space, room tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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