How I Beat The Hardest Gen 5 Nuzlocke

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this outspeeds everything now this is so scary [Music] pokemon blaze black is an incredibly difficult version of pokemon black it makes all of the fights much harder gives all the gym leaders six pokemon turns some of the boss fights into double battles but also makes a lot more pokemon available to you as the player i cannot believe that didn't kill i cannot believe that that didn't kill are you serious those are some of the unluckiest crits i've ever seen i this is a reset i can't win against berg now this rom hack is made by legendary hackmaker dreano and i highly recommend his work i think this is his best rom hack for challenge running purposes i attempted to play this game with my hardcore nuzlocke rules i can only catch the first pokemon that i encounter on every route and if a pokemon faints it's considered dead and i can't use it anymore additionally i can also not use items in battle i can't over level the next gym leader and i have to play on set mode if you click on the video in your top right corner you will see me failing this challenge for 40 attempts i can't believe this happened to me again i cannot believe this happened to me again i'm pokemon challenges i'm probably the best nuzlocker in the world and this is pokemon blaze black hardcore nuzlocke attempt 41. shiny pidgey we're killing this [ __ ] get the [ __ ] right here see you later pidgey give me that speedy b what makes the early game in blaze black so difficult will be illustrated later but after a couple of attempts it became very clear that tepig was an excellent choice for this run adaptability is a crazy ability that makes pig knights and emboars fire and ground type attacks even more powerful the strategic decision to pick snivy on my last couple of attempts was actually not based at all upon the fact that leaf storm contrary superior with dragon typing and draco meteor is incredibly strong in the late game it was more so based on a strategy that was developed for lenora and more importantly the fact that simple is incredibly powerful i feel like the first hard fight of the run is the third fight against sharon on route 3. my early game encounters for this attempt were spiro and hoothoot hoothoot is a good answer for lenora a fight that we'll be discussing in detail later on spiro is also actually decent for lenoir because it evolves within her level cap and gets growl which is actually one of the most important moves for that fight hooter deals with staravia in this fight because i decided to like myself into uproar but that comes at the price of locking myself into uproar an ice cream with cinnamon and something else in it oh my god this is why i didn't want to uproar i'm losing [ __ ] bluetooth here god damn it oh wait holy [ __ ] hold on i love you live live live nope not even [ __ ] close the counter crit rest in peace l city at this point it feels almost reset worthy to me because the margins for beating the lenora fight are so razor thin but i decided to keep going because i still have a flying type and a growler and spiro which is going to be good for gym 3 later on wellspring cave has some of the highest potential for early game encounters in this game however i encounter an axu which is extremely scary dual chop crit almost kills my singapore here and i try to maximize my chance for the capture but i have to run from it the next big fight in the run is the end fight before lenora's gym it's a pretty tough double battle mainly because of its speed management at this point and the scariest pokemon here is drought vulpix which deals immense amounts of damage with sun boosted flame bursts and his pursuit trapping zoroa i intentionally got spiro to the level cap here so it can be useful as firo which comes in clutch here by taking out vulpix i want as little xp as possible on firo so i split as much xp as i can once i'm safe and i've talked about this fight a lot already but let me actually address what makes this fight so difficult she's one of the many double battles in the game lenora's team is absolutely vicious all of her pokemon have retaliate and are either fast or very bulky getting something that tanks a boosted retaliate is next to impossible at this point in the game so going toe for toe with lenora trading pokemon is extremely difficult because every other turn if you kill one of her pokemon you're gonna get one shot by retaliate the strategy is for semapor to use tickle on my own cervin which with the contrary ability will raise its attack in defense instead of lowering it because her two lead pokemon both have intimidate another thing that makes lenora so damn scary because she sets your two lead pokemon to minus two attack contrary also plays off of that and actually initially as cervite comes into the fight already gives it plus two attack all right leech seed actually leech seeds stantler first so hurtier stays alive longer five head and tickle oh this is going to come down to a speed tie whether or not the stantler dies now okay that's good potentially please die god damn it please don't target the singapore if he targets simaport's over he is going to target singapore though he has to because he knows he can kill it yep well that's um another dead semaport before berg boys nice she's gonna heal here i can set up firo now okay kill the stantler and work up firo again i can't risk not killing the stantler of this turn i think if i do that i just lose dude how does simaport die pre-burg every single run that didn't kill oh my god how the [ __ ] do i beat berg now maybe some crazy sleep powder [ __ ] normal gem plus six tackle boys the strongest tackle in the west i think star you should be faster than this right gotta go to staryu and tackle and water gun oh no i should have water gunned i didn't know if tackle would kill i think i had to but now the hurt here is gonna die it's really bad please live somehow nope uh [ __ ] um i gotta kill the watchdog they both targeted this okay that's fine it's completely fine moody i didn't even this had moody because i've always one shot this he got a speed boost he got a [ __ ] speed boost boys it's okay i have to sleep powder with prankster we're all good [Music] nice okay let's do this boys i have to hit every single sleep powder so give me some pokemon powers for that one boys smack down the vespiquan to kill it and sleep powder the mascara in nice that's one nice um i think i gotta try to kill the masquerade first because of icy wind and [ __ ] and sleep powder the scalloped nice that's two for two so i just target mascara and if it dies to bullet seed then we're fine and if not then the scallop gets targeted nice oh that's actually maybe not gonna kill yeah intimidate kind of [ __ ] me there [ __ ] oh nice jump off dodge the icy wind okay let's go all right sleep the yan mega smackdown oh another sleep turn on scalloped he's gonna heal on yan mega's turn i think the best thing to do with this turn is actually leech seed scalloped i think that's the only thing i can do that makes sense because leech seed damage isn't going to kill yen mega okay scallop you'd wake up rockslide okay actually crits jump left that's pretty bad oh okay rip yeah and mega sleeping though that's good oh my god we got crit again are you serious dude okay unfortunate granble in the leech seed slot on scalloped is kind of huge because i can set up a uh i can set up a bulk up here um what's he going to send out heracross might be a problem though oh the intimidate doesn't play after this is fine-ish what is scalloped gonna do i think it might mega horn i think i got a sec ramp that's decent okay i could live that yep okay that's unfortunate [Music] cool maybe killing the lebanese better there for leech seed but i don't know if i would have killed lebanese plus one attack on grambles a lot though i think i'm gonna go crawdant to maybe draw attacks towards it so that granble can live another turn i think we live that if it doesn't crit yep okay that's cool kind of nice and the retaliators boosted next turn as well could have protected actually yeah true flinch maybe nice all right past berg baby lost one pokemon more than i should have but that's okay the double crit on jump left really hurt i'm not gonna lie there's another fight here that guards the mid game of blaze black before we finally get to get more encounters and this sharon fight is a rotation battle which unfortunately is extremely rng dependent the worst route one pokemon in this game is moody b doof okay get that water gem boost it's my kill yeah nice crit i i think it needed that crit though i think that's right what's your right well signal beam kill this i'll risk it okay we gotta break sturdy on the boulder anyway that's fine i'm gonna signal beam again here dragon breath yeah that's honestly pretty good here [Music] okay wow that did jack [ __ ] but now we know signal beam's definitely going to kill simusage i'm going to signal beam now because whatever he rotates in is going to die or it's going to be bold or which we can take a hit from really easily okay dude superior actually shits on pig night huh okay wow leaf played not to it koing pig knight why that did jack [ __ ] i guess he crashes really bad from pig night because it's so [ __ ] light getting a little low i don't know if semester also has acrobatics i think we actually bust out the granble here this is a good ass team boys these guys are killing it all right now we just bubble beam easy clap boys honestly this fight is really not difficult another elisa fight we have no cheese planned for this but i think we have a pretty good team hippodrome is great superior is great we have a good pivot in starmie um i think manectric will do well tauros can revenge kill a bunch of [ __ ] pretty defensive team here but let's do it plus speed coming in really nicely here don't static me that would be really nice beautiful i like the uh yeah i like the storm and hippo lane it'll be a little bit better with with protect to get rid of more focus blasts but this basically means i can just stall this out essentially the idea would be to switch between these two straw me always recovers the focus blast damage with generator and eventually this runs out of focus blasts uh you can get parrot as a ground type by static also by glare also by stun spore all right got the crit nice galvantula this has energy ball the best switch is just tauros into the weak energy ball and um and just strength timing not gonna do anything there's the energy ball we can extrapolate how much damage he deals from that um that was like 40 i think thunderbolt kills me right yeah let's go my neck trick okay oh my god ho ho ho ho ho ho ho oh no no no no no no no i think slow volt switch and maybe strength kills then i think that's the only option right that's so bad i have to sack something here i think granville is the least valuable pokemon in my opinion if anything goes it's granble we can sack rambo and literally just kill us with retaliate from tauros right gotcha okay miss thunder here would be huge yes that actually kills with normal gem friendship grinding paying off boys i don't think this can do really anything to superior this also has focus blast actually if i remember correctly i don't want to risk him going for an electric type move though i'm just going to go superior okay he does focus blast oh baby contrary nice we're so lucky dude we're so [ __ ] lucky oh my god these hacks elisa is seething right now i'm plus special defense i should stay in here don't crit me and we're all good yeah i'm definitely dead to crit now though okay stormy into hippo and just try to hit a dig i leave a flamethrower pretty easily i think i mean i could stall it out of flamethrowers here that's a lot of flamethrower pp it's very boring content not gonna lie but keeping hippo healthy is kind of important for the zip this is so dumb turns out regenerator is a pretty good ability huh this is why starmie is so good guys this should be his last flamethrower though oh that was he's already out okay cool easy boys and now we have full hb hippopotas four zip striker easy six oh boys [Music] it's just the optimal plan elisa is so mad right now she mad the plan is as follows we completely stall the hippodrome of earthquake and stoneage pp [Music] and we then proceed to set up six dragon dances with king drum and then we need to hit a hydro pump on exca drill we'll just try to protect the stone edge here nice that's one gun we have a backup plan guys if we miss hydro pump then hippodon kills the extra girl okay that's two stone edges gone stealth rocks up all right that's why we have lefties on altaria let's see the earthquake cringe cringe why did it stone edge why i'm so upset let's heal up oh i'm gonna [ __ ] wipe dude [ __ ] me all right let's go to hippo maybe i should have strength there to not kill it oh perfect okay there's the seismitoad this is the most value we're gonna get out of superior um [ __ ] we're so [ __ ] dude i think we're gonna lose not having altaria is so bad this probably has water absorbed so i can't actually kill it with any of my water types don't crit actually even quit it's fine this is 4x resisted okay okay we just got a leaf blade and kill this oh god dude we're so [ __ ] we're gonna wipe 100 100 wiping i mean if he goes extraditable now it's over yeah i think it's sack something and go to hippo sack who though i guess tauros intimidate is nice too okay take the earthquake possibly die we might live after intimidate actually live after yeah this is really really good for us now just zach the tauros this is -1 so i think um hippodon is always the play here don't [ __ ] don't crit good [ __ ] we win i think we went from here sand force hippodon is pretty strong boys don't need that water gem but it's fine okay and now kinder should clean up coil we win if we kill the marowak he just threw holy [ __ ] [Music] big [ __ ] dub big [ __ ] dub this marowak might not actually die to scald i think it was a range good luck [Music] nice oh [ __ ] okay that went horrible the next big fight is in charge stone cave you fight n in an incredibly gimmicky fight where his entire team is just different forms of rhodom this actually makes for a very difficult fight finding a team that can deal with six different electric types that all have good coverage is super difficult dark gem thief let's go [ __ ] me i think starmie kills this with mystic water for sure yeah absolutely four plus special attack too okay rough start but i guess we essentially got what we needed oh the confusion kind of sucks snap out don't hit yourself easy nice okay okay rodent freeze here we go i think we can stall this out of blizzards with starmie and hippodon maybe should have brought protect oh it's glaciate actually this is really scary i think i go hippo into lantern here see how much that does okay we're good we're dead to crit but i i don't think i can play around it slow volt switch into s into skull should do it i think just don't get fully paralyzed don't get crit here okay perfect dude slow volts which is so good hell yeah rodom wash thunderbolt nice it's fine don't paralyze so if fun did that i think i love shadow ball right non-crit for sure gotta go for the leaf blade here okay that's actually fine hit nice excellent really good could have switched up there into a thunderbolt but i want to keep i i probably should have sent in them yeah i definitely should have sent in starmie there into hippo as a mistake see what hurricane does well that's a two hit okay well sure hope uh it misses its next hurricane monettric is kind of low but let's see we might even be able to pivot if he misses hurricane that's really big probably dead to crit oh it's raining you can't miss yeah this outspeeds everything now this is so scary this is so [ __ ] scary oh [ __ ] um starmie takes a thunderbolt i think but now if i switch it into a hurricane i have to sack the question is who because monetric is actually kind of important for skyla um i guess lantern not as much i guess lanterns dying rip oh i [ __ ] up so hard when i didn't switch manip there i might live that reign over shouldn't really ma i guess it matters in the sense that my skull doesn't do as much damage but it should be a two at ko and i should live one thunderbolt oh my god starmie what a [ __ ] legend that was probably a range oh pretty sure he uses a random move here oh that skull burn was really really good that [ __ ] was so good holy [ __ ] okay oh that wrote him that was the first time that wrote him fan got actually scary oh he lives that was a range can still die nice oh man rip lantern i guess the lantern without volt absorb it's not too useful and if it had volt absorb it would have been insane in this fight skyla is not only the gate to late game but also one of the biggest run killers in the game she has an insane lineup of flying types in a triple battle which are incredibly hard to navigate in nuzlockes you need to have super aggressive strategies and think about so many options each turn flying types have an inherent advantage though because they can reach the whole field and her lineup is stacked with high quality pokemon there's so many interesting strategies to use for this fight and here's what we did discharge electric gem helping hand pog exactly how we expected it okay easy okay swan on the right list score on the left archaeops in the middle i think i double protect the sides here and just discharge again okay archaeopsis and defeatists yep he attacked uh perfect perfect and we take one earthquake we can just sucker punch the gliscor with galvantula and switch hurtier for like maybe even granble here okay earthquake coming through that's fine could have saved the water gem by going scishok but didn't want to risk it easy see that was an incredibly fast and explosive fight and that's how these triple battles always play out after this again a rotation fight with sharon guards us from a lot of encounters and a new phase of the game boys boys boys come on get the intimidate onto star raptor and throw out a scald this is gonna survive with sturdy maybe we get the burn though that would be huge [Music] didn't even proc the sturdy all right stealth rocks is fine all right u-turn that means it won't be intimidating when it comes back it's kind of scary semi-sage all right i'm just gonna keep keep attacking with kingdra i'm gonna dragon pulse here nice and this raptors back now with full attack i don't like this i'm just gonna dragon pulse okay this is so scary we should take one though yeah uh i think we rotate to stoutland stout would be kind of bulky though okay and now i gotta discharge nice very good so scald kills two pokemon here seems really good if he goes to simusage i don't think he can kill oh wait man strap is faster i'm [ __ ] dumb i just lost my kingdom for no reason okay it'd be like that sometimes [Music] i guess stoutland was the play until siraptor is gone [Music] oh retaliate true true true true fine [ __ ] never punished oh losing kingdom is a big [ __ ] deal we can get dragonite for jimmy fulfills the same purpose after this fight i'm feeling kind of down about the run because our encounter quality really is not great anymore it's well below average and the only reason we're this far is because of our good rng in the mid game we now have access to an incredibly huge part of the map with surf though giving us a total of 12 new encounters here's everything that we got adamant gyarados and i'm pretty sure rattle turns into moxie corsola plus special defense natural cure not even regenerator god this thing is garbage the electrode static neutral nature all right i mean we take those kangaskhan minus special attack on special defense early bird uh neutral nature dino okay okay we got the plus speed gabbite sneasel neutral nature technician oh [ __ ] boys hell yeah stun fisk minus special attack limber that's pretty terrible holding a black sludge immediately pl oh my god jolly toxic croak boys i just came in my pants forewarned barboz neutral nature boring oh my god plus speed kangaroo what is going on holy [ __ ] plus speed cadaver what the [ __ ] what is going on this is the run boys this is the run we just turned this [ __ ] around all right let's do this so the plan is as follows this glaceon is what's going to help us win this fight it's got a choice scarf and it's got blizzard if we lock it into using blizzard with its choice scarf and then get rid of its blizzard pp this glacion is basically non-existent for this fight just using struggle and we can focus down the right side so we're gonna what we're gonna do this turns we're gonna protect with high and we're gonna have gabaite do some damage to obama snow and then die excellent damage glaceon blizzards all according to plan perfect and now we go gengar and here's where the real magic happens we flash cannon to kill the obama snow and we spite the glacion getting rid of all of its blizzard peepee oh no this is bad hydraegon is actually faster than gengar that was not supposed to happen it's fine we'll figure it out there's the frostless okay so this is a problem because hail is currently up this process has snow cloak so we might miss on it the idea was to rain dance with gengar to get rid of the hail but because a gengar is slower that's not gonna work so we dark post the frost lasts and we rain dance wonderful absolutely beautiful i think i dark pulse here right dark plus pulse plus strength should kill this yeah exactly because if this dies to strength then glacion doesn't need a flash cannon but it eats a dark pulse that's the idea oh it might still die to struggle though okay this is really awkward this is so bad you have no idea how bad this is so beartic can kill weavile and cryogeneal can kill high dragon and we can't one shot either of these with any of my pokemon the cryogenic can't really hurt weavile so if i go into something i can kill beartic and protect the weavil and then we kill the bear take next turn we can then kill the cryogeneal this is the play nice really good and the rock slide miss perfect oh this is so good judging from our previous calcs i think it's close but if drain punch kills i should switch weevil for like starmie here i don't think drain punch kills i don't think it kills i'm break breaking [Music] hidden power what type is that i have no idea oh wow good job cryo you did it dude amazing [ __ ] easy let's go everything went wrong well not everything but a couple things went wrong and we still edged it out with zero deaths [Music] holy [ __ ] if we beat this this is essentially our second furthest attempt psychic the man shall bug buzz the musharna fake out the persian so it can't fake us out some pretty good damage easy cheesy easy cheesy okay let's see who he sends out but no matter which two pokemon come out here we should be able to beat them samurai plus simasir perfect all right we scald the semester and we thunder the samurai damn that kills holy [ __ ] and it's called rain boosted this is always going to kill now all that's left is little against bug buzz nice punch [Music] so [ __ ] free so [ __ ] free draden is incredibly difficult right the dragon type gym leader in this game no he's not he's really not he's the easiest gym leader in the game rotation battles can be pretty easy after all if all of the pokemon are weak to the same type all right let's start off with a nice dose of fake out why the hell not all right can i beat this with my eyes closed that's what i want to know that's charizard did it try to belly drummond and failed i think that's what happened right that was uh dradogon that's salamance that was elements i guess i want to say hacksaws because i can't identify the cry nice that was probably hexorous okay he rotated oh that's flagon that's like that's kingdra kangra and now only charizard left right easy easy boys after another easy charin fight we get our final late game encounters and oh boy are they good let's see it oh my god i'm gonna lose my mind okay so this is actually because of hyper cutter this is kind of nice for grimsley because this is the actual counter to thunder wave charm prankster lipard this is the final encounter of the attempt boys let's get it how am i this lucky what is going on serious pressure kind of cringe to get pressure over defiant but this thing is still pretty [ __ ] insane we head into the elite four which are all double battles after a meticulous planning session here's how these double battles went we got night slash we got dark pulse what else do we possibly need okay the only issue with this sweep is that if we kill the jealousens with our hydragon it might proc cursed body on our dark pulse but that should be completely fine because by that time her team is so destroyed that it shouldn't matter we're gonna night slash the drift blim we're gonna dark pulse the goal look it's going down so slow but it is enough [Music] easy chandelure should die to a night slash and jealous into a dark pulse [Music] nice okay it's jealous and is bulky as [ __ ] but life warby dragon is a [ __ ] monster and lastly we have miss maggias and frost lass dark pulse them is maggias how did i get a life orb you can steal them off of wild cladel no cursed body proc everything completely according to plan that is a much better start than we had last time yeah it's caitlin this is who [ __ ] us last time so this musharna has sai shock and then reflect light screen and trick room taunt the musharna and it can literally do nothing double dark type lead so this gothitel [ __ ] up it's fine we can probably kill this i didn't teach x scissor i [ __ ] up this is probably still dead though life orb easy okay i don't think i need that crit all good all good oh that's so close okay this is pretty bad we gotta use the he we gotta use the turn that she's healing bronzong though and taunt before she can set up the second screen light screen okay oh god the problem is if reuniklis goes in i can just switch in we vile the turn i killed bronzong i think it says earthquake gyro ball i think list score actually does fine here this is why having protect on gliscor would be nice i guess okay musharrana wants to sigh shock the gliss score [ __ ] protect would be so good here i guess we can u-turn and take a gyro ball do we take a psyshock though is the question this court dies here is so bad yeah nice taunt mushroom kill the bronzong we're back in business [Music] holy [ __ ] are you nicole stice to dark pulse just um need to taste waste the term with wee vile i thought that would kill oh god this is so bad i just need to kill the uniclass just dark pulse it [Music] completely fine i need to kill something um [Music] i think killing behemoth is correct so i can go back into weevil wait this has energy ball [ __ ] me [Music] dude gliscor is such a monster though holy [ __ ] nice so easy so easy there's no way i'm gonna [ __ ] the next fight up like that right there's no possible way so the sock has sturdy right and as braylon has a focus sash now how do we deal with that easy we sandstorm protect the alakazam from payback flinging the flame orb cringe wait what oh god i had no idea that's how it works well we're [ __ ] boys good luck [Music] yup [ __ ] critical on alakazam you love to see it that doesn't two shot maybe after sandstorm [ __ ] me oh god i think i double protect for some more sandstorm damage on throw so we can guarantee the kill i really hope this kills holy [ __ ] i really [ __ ] hope this kills or we're [ __ ] please okay oh mock punch from concalder is so scary dude everything that could have gone wrong went wrong i didn't think fling at all alakazam is kind of allowed to die but it would be really cool if he could take concluder with him i don't think lisscore gets mock punched here i think we u-turn it i guess we can scout but it might be rng dependent anyway oh god dude okay berlin wants to what the [ __ ] is going on okay okay how does the ai save me every single time dude okay i mean i yeah nice poison private [ __ ] might do it right no no way see you later [ __ ] how is that a zero death fight my glitch score got burned well time for grimsley to throw something at me that i wasn't expecting or for me to completely misplay the fight one of the two is going to happen for sure right well i torpedo so the plan here is to blow the [ __ ] up out of these guys neither of those care if liopard pranks or charms or prankster thunder waves the worst that could happen here is lie part sucker punch crits the gliscor and torpedo aquajet crits it i think that kills good start that's why we brought the cherry berry easy and the shoot kill houndoom okay expecting that haunch crow i think the discharge on this honcho is a range however i need to go for it because i need to break the sash on houndoom realize the houndoom doesn't matter paralyze the haunch crow though nope i could earthquake the bisharp it can't do anything to gliscor and honstro is getting healed this turn so i can eq protect this turn i think i got an eq vault switch maybe honshro dies i can't go weevile because he wants to stone edge the galvantula nice i think this kills not even close switch into croak because this is never psycho blading psycho cutting nice and now we i'm pretty sure um croak is faster oh the oh crit easy and that's the elite four boys that's how you do it zero deaths what the [ __ ] is up this is now officially my furthest attempt because my because one of my attempts died to the fourth elite four member i've never seen this point this part of the game at this point the only thing standing in our way are rashiran and and gets us oh my god dude it's gonna dragon paul's crit immediately please just catch it dude nope okay yes yes yes i [ __ ] hate you fine that's a [ __ ] you love to see it boys we got this he's gonna dude he's gonna pick off one after the other he's gonna pick off one after the other crit capture again one it's that easy dude it's that [ __ ] easy just let me do that we're not adding rasher because we're not [ __ ] cheaters even though the game [ __ ] cheated us oh no it's a zaychrom guys pokemon s all right good luck [Music] no accuracy drop okay we're in this we're in this we're in this 100 in this 100 in this protect for leftovers here just waterfall see ya going straight for the sacrum huh all right okay dude forty percent accuracy drop on that night gaze to lose the game to just lose the run a hundred percent this is flash fire oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay all right gets us you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] boys do we eq or do we d dance that is the question i think if we d dance we die to sniper crit and it's scope lens night slash oh i'm leftovers right yeah i need to d dance to kill this never mind just don't get crit i don't believe what i just saw [Laughter] dude the ai what are you doing bro oh let's see how many free kills we get off of this dude watch out the toxic spikes are gonna [ __ ] us dude we're so far ahead there's no way we lose never punished boys okay he heals here a hundred percent right regardless i flamethrower [ __ ] easy gets this god why do we need 41 attempts for this [ __ ] game holy [ __ ] dude oh the cursed body that doesn't matter at all actually like not whatsoever all right the mirror i have ev's out the ass this guy's [ __ ] the snivy run boys how many attempts have we wasted using tepig thunder wave oh yeah he does have that this can't even damage me this is it crit into fully paralyzed he could also flinch right and we win blaze black is over holy [ __ ] when the [ __ ] did we even start this game when did we start this game like a year ago honestly all in all this was a fantastic rom hack this was the most fun i've had with adriana romhack i thought the early game was really really interesting mid game had a lot of cool encounters cool strats with doubles all double battle elite four is cool as [ __ ] everyone say goodbye to end congrats man you're not gonna see him for a long time subscribe you might think that you're subscribed but you're not only like 10 of the people that watch my videos are actually click click click the button okay and leave a like and comment or something i don't know uh see you in the next video bye bye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Pokémon Challenges
Views: 2,211,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, pokemon, gaming, pokemon challenges, challenges, pokemon challenge, gen 5, nuzlocke, hardest nuzlocke, blaze black, volt white, blaze black nuzlocke, volt white nuzlocke, gen 5 rom hack, adrive, smallant, new pokemon trailer, pro nuzlocker, first nuzlocke, hardest pokemon game, pokemon but, can you beat pokemon, can you beat
Id: pYPeYtUe8jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 26sec (3326 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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