This HISUIAN ELECTRODE strategy is AWESOME • Pokemon Scarlet/Violet VGC Battles

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hey guys Aaron Cybertron Zhang here and today I'm back with another episode of road to ranked where I climb the online regulation dvgc ladder in Pokemon scarlet and violet and provide live commentary as I go in this video I'm going to be trying out a team featuring two brand new Pokemon 2 regulation D hisuin electrode as well as enamorous Therian form Jesus electrode hasn't really gotten too much hype behind it but this is a really interesting set featuring bullet seed and loaded dice the main idea is that you can use it to boost up annihilate's rage Fizz Stacks very quickly now normally for rage Fist and highlight you'll see it comboed with something like beat up from say mouse hold and those annihilips are generally a little bit slower and bulkier but this is actually Choice car finale his suing electrode is so fast like it can actually out speed Choice car for nylabe so the idea is that you use bullet seed immediately to activate the rage Fist and then rage fist immediately afterwards and annihilate with that choice scarf will be outpacing most of the format the history and Electrode also has some interesting utility in support moves like taunt and you can also use Screech to further decrease your opponent's defense the team also has a trick room component with entity arm Rouge and iron hands and enamorous Therian form is just a really bulky Pokemon that can deal large amounts of damage pretty consistently as always I'll do a quick breakdown of the team but if you want to skip to the battles check out the timestamps down in the description below and thank you so much as always for joining me if you enjoy I'd really appreciate if you consider leaving a like in the video or subscribing to the channel really helps out a ton anyway let's Dive Right into things breaking down the team now as always rental paced and team Creator are linked down in the description below and question of the day I want to know what your favorite strategy in regulation D is so far down in the comments section below the first book I want to talk about has to be electrode when I saw this team I was like I have to try it because I haven't seen anyone talk about electrode and I was curious how someone could make it work in this format and this is a really clever set electrodes-based stats generally are pretty underwhelming but it has one thing going for it and that is its incredible base speed stat base 150 is just easily one of the fastest in the entire format and allows you to go for that very unique combination of the loaded dice bullet C to immediately Stack Up annihilates rage fist so anilip has just enough speed but you are still going to be slower than electrode all the time and so the idea is you can just lead this bullet seat immediately and then get these really powerful rage fists off this is pretty different than from mousehole plus annihilate for example because with that duel you're often going to be a lot slower but with this Duo you can just angle to out speed very fast Pokemon such as flutter main for example so being able to just Stack Up rage face and then KO them immediately is really really cool the electrode here has ghost Hera to get around potential fake out and aftermath is honestly a really nice ability if the electrode is ko'd by a contact move then the moves user loses a quarter of their health that's really nice especially in chipping away at things and also breaking through things like Focus hash and multi-scale for the rest of the moves you've got Thunderbolt just for ability to chip obviously more valuable especially into water and flying type Pokemon you're not really going to be using electrode for damage here but it's one of those attacks where sometimes you just don't have anything else to go for taunt just to shut down setup and Screech which is also nice with the nightlabe off dating with this team you'll end up getting the rage fist Stacks up with the nightlabe and then Electro doesn't really have too much to do afterwards so Screech is a really nice move to just make sure that you can get the KO with those really powerful rage fists so this is kind of one of the go-to leads with this team and the annihilate here has other moves like close combat dream punch and final Gambit it's funny because I think when people normally see scarf and eyelid they almost always expected solid to be a final Gambit user but with this team I think it's actually more for the scarf rage fist than the final Gambit that being said scarf final Gambit is still really valuable because there is another component with this team which is Trick room you've got annihilate but you also have armors and ndd so one of the things you can do with this team is lead scarf annihilate with one of the trick room Setters just go for final Gambit immediately set up trick room and then go from there so it's cool because the annihlib kind of enables two different strategies with this team one being the rage fist strategy with electrode and another being trick room armors and entity Returns on this team and I feel like this duel saw somewhat of a comeback in late regulation C but it was never that popular and this duel was everywhere in the beginning of scarlet and violet VGC but it fell off a lot because once the room Pokemon were introduced obviously having four dark type Pokemon in the format that are somewhat popular to very popular decrease the popularity of armors and entity now Ting Liu is not nearly as common I feel like as it was towards the end of regulation C Champa is everywhere but chiu's usage also feels like it's decreased a little bit so I think there's more room for this Duo to operate it's pretty classic you just set up psychic training deals a lot of damage with expanding force and you can set up trick room as well so not really too much to say about this combination to round things out you've got enamorous which is a really really slow Pokemon it's base 46 speed overcoat's a really nice ability because it prevents you from Powder moves like spore from a Mungus and normally a Mungus Spore is one of the most annoying things to run into if you're using a slow trick room team because a moon is a space speed is just so slow but with this enamorous you'll be able to ignore that and just deal massive amounts of damage with all of your moves spring tight storm is the signature attack and it's 80 accuracy hits both of your opponents Pokemon and has a chance of lowering their attacks that by one otherwise you've just got good utility behind mystical fire earth power and moon blast I think the enamorous Therian is just a really good wall into a lot of special attackers you can just leave it on the field and keep clicking powerful attacks while your opponent might struggle to KO you you think about common Pokemon in this format and a lot of them can't take attacks from Fairy Pokemon in particular super well a fair amount of the teams I've run into end up just having like half of their team wheat to Ferry or they don't have a single resistance for example against it so that can be really valuable iron hands is the final Pokemon and this is a super offensive set with booster energy boosting your attacks that as well as three offensive attacks and attacked you also have electric Terror so the idea is to get a stronger while charge off but generally this is just a really powerful attacker and you can use it to very easily clean up end games so with this team there are multiple different modes that you can go with I think I always ask myself should I go with electrode annihilate in the early game or should I try to set up trick room in the early game electrode and annihilip can be really good if your opponent doesn't have Pokemon that can take the stack rage fist very well so for example if their whole team is just weak or takes neutral damage from Rage fist they don't really have a switching into it and they don't have Pokemon that look like they can survive it or maybe you know where the focus stash is or you can guess where the focus hash is then you can just start rage fisting everything and Snowball the game from there the United lips though has a decent amount of bulk as well so it's pretty difficult to knock out with just one move so against teams that look like they don't really have an adequate response to this duel I'll just lead it otherwise nddr marus is obviously a really strong lead combination where you can just go follow me trick room and then go from there often with this Duo if I'm leading it I'll have enamorous and iron hands in the back and for electrode and annihilate bleed I think you can really have any combination of two in the back uh hands enamorous certainly works as one Duo I think indeed to set up trick room and then having enamorous as the fourth also certainly works so the main thing to know with this team is you obviously have two very fast Pokemon in annihilate and Electrode and then the rest of the team is really slow so if you're mixing the pieces together you have to ask yourself how do I make sure I'm not contradicting my own means of speed control right for example if you have armors entity lead and you set up shirt room but you have a nylab and Electrode in the back that can be really awkward because as soon as ndd faints or arm Rouge fans then you have to bring up Pokemon that's really fast so keep that in mind as you play with this team but yeah I think the electrode in particular is so interesting this takes advantage of its incredible base beats that and enables a very unique strategy with bullet seed and loaded dice onto the annihilate so that's it for a quick breakdown now let's highlight some weaknesses getting into the weaknesses the first thing I want to highlight is that this is a really good best of one team but I think like it does rely a little bit more on the element of surprise so if your opponent has seen this team or seen the strategy you will be at a major disadvantage relative to some of the other teams that I featured on the channel and the main reason for that is just because Electro plus annihilate isn't really a meta duel whatsoever so when I use this I was anticipating most of my opponents to have no idea what this combo was going to do and I think even just having that on turn one as an advantage is a really big deal but if your opponent anticipates bullet seed plus the immediate rage fist they can obviously think about game plans around that if you're able to redirect the bullet seat away with a follow me user like mousehole for example that can be really valuable and I think one of the biggest weaknesses with this duel is if you're not able to get a big powerful rage fist for a one hit knockout on turn one because when you go for self bullet seed you're obviously committing an attack just to enable annihilate and then annihilip's going for an attack but let's say both of your opponents Pokemon survive the first turn then they can just double up onto annihilate for a KO I think this duel also struggles a little bit if you're your opponent has really good speed control on turn one so if they have something like Tailwind Tornadus and then something that can just thread and annihilate for a knockout like Choice specs flutter mean with Shadow Ball for example that can be pretty scary this annihilate in particular is Ghost Hera so it doesn't have a really good defensive Terra as a result super effective Ghost type attacks will consistently be super effective even if you Tara so that's one thing to watch out for electrode also can just be kind of a Sitting Duck after the first couple of turns especially if a nightlip goes down early because then it just doesn't really do that much while your opponent has likely two valuable Pokemon into you so that's one thing you're going to want to keep in mind as well and then for the trickery mode obviously with Indian armors there are a lot of different things you can do for example having ice spinner to get rid of psychic train is really valuable having your own terrain is valuable having your own trick room to reverse trick room is valuable having in prison plus trickroom can be a strategy as well so a lot of different ways you could potentially deal with this Duo snarl in particular one of the best moves you can have against this Duo because you can do a lot of damage while also decreasing their special attacks and the main thing is if you're going up against the more trick room oriented strategy making sure you don't just give your opponent like a free switch in from ndd into like enamorous or hands and then stalling out the early game can be really valuable as well so yeah that's it for a couple of weaknesses let's get into these battles okay we've got a lot of dragon types here Dragon pull which just won the North American International Championship guard chomp Dragonite and then a bunch of ghost types in Sableye and Anil ape and then the arshifu honestly I'm thinking about just going with Scarface plus the hisuian electrode I mean isn't their team so fairy weak like I feel like enamorous should be really good here too and then for the last one what do I want to bring we don't have fake out on hands injury does give me redirection support and it has dazzling gleam so I'm down for that I think trick room is also probably an acceptable route in this game like expanding Force just across the board looks really good but you do have to worry about things like Sable I Plus or Shifu and I think we can just really catch our opponent off guard with the electrode strategy here so we'll see what they lead but I think just going for bullet seed into rage fist turn one is pretty strong in itself it's gonna be Sable I and Dragonite okay so I guess the main thing here is fear of sabley just going straight for a willow response to this slot that is certainly a possibility could also be fake out onto here I think one thing we could do is actually like switch in ndd and then taunt say boy to start I actually think that's pretty interesting basically like render the Sable I slot useless for now and then I can later switch entity back out into a nightlab for a rage Fest I just think and I love getting burnt here on turn one is not exactly ideal I'm mainly curious what attack Dragonite wants to go for here but having psychic train against a boy in general is pretty valuable cool they try to fake out so I could have gone ghost Hera into beat up but this works there's taunt on to say boy and Ice spinner okay that will remove Terrain spinner is a pretty cool move to see now I'm gonna go for the bullet seed and then switch back out into an eye lape had I just gone ghost Hera and then bullet seed into rage fist I think we would have been in really good shape but I was okay playing turn one that way I guess my fear is if it's not banded Dragonite and now they just extreme speed us Say by switches no surprise there into dragonport yep okay nice we'll get this off bullet seed one two three four great Dragonite just says outrage so it's not Choice band Dragonite and then they just go for outrage but after math here is actually really nice yeah this is going to be really interesting because what I can do now is just bring out Indy set up psychic train again and I think now we've activated an eyelape I can just follow me and rage fist everything oh I could fairy Tara here and just make Outreach completely useless that's kind of cool all of these are acceptable Tara answers but yeah honestly rendering dragon and completely use this is pretty valuable right now so I'm down to just Tara follow me and then rage fist into the dragonport slot like we've gotten an eyelid setup now right so yeah we were lucky that in this game like I guess if they were abandoned ice spinner would have done enough to actually knock out the electrode I honestly just wasn't expecting ice spinner there on turn one it's not that common on Dragonite sets but it's honestly a pretty good move given the amount of terrain that exists between Indy and rilla boom but here's Choice car for nightlabe now stacked up thanks to bullet seed Onslow Dragon pole that is a one-hit knockout Dragon Ball's gonna faint Elektra would honestly put in so much work in this game we were able to taunt into the same boy to force the switch and then after match for dragonite's potential multi-scale to be broken and of course bullet C to activate annihilate so so many fun things about NightLight being featured immediately which I love urshifu comes out now and that is going to be water or Shifu okay I think in this position I could just go for a follow me again and just rage fistacayo Dragonite uh of course I could just follow me the question is whether or not we think it's Focus Sash on urshifu they haven't tear it yet either okay I'm gonna follow me rage for Shifu I think Hershey food should protect here but it's actually going to be a Terra this could just be like a water Terra but given that I have enamorous in the back that has an incredible matchup obviously into both Dragonite as well as the Sableye so if they're not focused last year they should just be game over immediately even if they are sash I think it's still fine because the dragon is just completely useless right now here's straight scarf for hfist once again from annihilate it looks like it is sashed okay you're certain strikes I think with the Tara they will get the KO here okay oh they won't get the KO we survive on one HP wow and I actually had forgotten about the um the outrage interaction and how you actually get break out of the lock because of the immunity that's actually really interesting that isn't a mechanic I honestly just forgotten about so that's pretty cool anyway now I can just bring out an amorous and I think here I'm happy to just go for moonblast onto urshifu rage fist onto Dragonite I could see Yoshi food protecting here beautiful so we get rage fist off here that's your KO Dragonite excellent so nightly takes its second KO of the game they've got say boy in the back that can fake out but obviously you can't fake out into a nightlife which is ghost and the thing is stable I should never have enough offense to beat the enamorous here so in this position I can just double up onto the Hershey Foo but yeah that we had run into that outrage mechanic before not in this format but in a previous one so it's interesting to see uh anyway no like it's tempting to go for spring tight storm here but it can miss so why bother right like the only way they win this game is through urshifu in terms of damage so I'm just gonna double up onto that slot so we'll just go for rage Fist and moon blast yep and they have quash because there's a way I could lose this game where I go and I try to prioritize knocking out say boy so here searching strikes yep into ape so I think that should get the KO now but then it's gonna be a Sableye versus an Amorous 1v1 but you could see how I could have lost this game if I went for a spring tide storm and I just missed on the Hershey food right it's tempting to just get the double knockout immediately here but Kayla ursifu always just wins me in the game because say boy can never win the 1v1 so why risk missing an attack Hershey fear now faints water should be honestly put in a lot of work it did a ton of damage but yeah and I like went off in this game curious about the item on the Dragonite at the end of the day but now we can just go for Moon blast I guess I could have disabled slash Encore here but yeah you would have to disable me first and we only saw we saw fake out and quash so if you had disabled Encore that means you just have no offensive attacks or you're not running taunt and or willow wisp so yeah but I'm really happy about that game right we got to feature the annihilate plus the electrode strategy and what's really cool about it is allowing an eyelid to actually out speed everything while also not having to commit a super big item for example on the electrode and Electrode just being so fast allows us to go for that kind of play so yeah the only move I mean we didn't get to use like the Screech or the Thunderbolt and Electro Thunderbolts mainly just to chip away at things Screech is obviously really interesting where if you get the turn one uh but let's see it into annihilate then you can go for like Screech into rage fists and that just does so much damage and really just Ko's everything but in this game I just want to be a little bit careful about stay boy because Willow with Sableye is fairly common or at least when I see say boy that's one of the first moves I assume it has so I wanted to play around that possibility but we got to feature anilave and enamorous was really nice as a late game closer there too all right we're up against rank number 28 here and they've got dondozo this is actually my first on dozo matchup in this format so it'll be interesting what do I want to do here I think like Champa Dragonite certainly one lead to respect I could just go into the arm Rouge but if I were them I would probably lead chimp how to ice spinner to get rid of the psychic Terrain it could be something like electrode plus annihilate and just Thunderbolt plus drain punch for example the KO the champion turn one and then go from there a night leap of course can use a final Gambit to KO dondozo at some point if we get there this is electric Tara on the iron hands so can't like grasp hair defensively against ondozo I think I want to go electrode and I live as the lead maybe into the armor Rouge in the back I could grasp hero this for example can't help but think maybe Han should have come out here instead I'm a little bit worried about how I'm dealing with dumb dozo in general but let's see what they commit to because I think the other part of the problem is like I mentioned I want to dream punch into the annihilate but if I dream punch and I'm just locked into that right caliber dondozo okay I wonder if this is surf dozo that's how I got eliminated from the European International championships I think it might be here hmm I could see dozo protecting here foreign like I personally want to go bullet seed rage fist okay dozo protects are they just going for a hurricane I mean hurricane would be pretty strong here I didn't think they just lead or sorry let paliper get attacked potentially by his suing Elektra there so that's thinking maybe they switch out into Tatsu immediately I gotta go for Tailwind uh I think now it makes sense for them to switch out into Tatsu this next turn so pal up are into Tatsu and then just start attacking with dozo I don't have a defensive Terra here with the nightlabe which is bad so I think I need a stall-out Tailwind right now I mean I do think pelopers should switch out here uh I totally could have just got him for the beat up rage fist or sorry bullet seed rage fist on a paliper but I really really didn't want that to just switch into Tatsu with no punishment I'm gonna Screech into you and then switch out into ndd I think this is surf dozo though yeah so there's Tatsu I should have just had the conviction to attack more on turn one we don't have wide guard on this team nor do I really have that many immunities or resistances so it's just kind of tricky okay so you get boosts swap out like bold move to yeah just go for tail and that was really nicely done taking advantage of me being worried about um Tatsu switching in immediately I was also worried about it just being sash pelopers if I Target into that slot that could be bad here's the Tara so I don't know I expect water tarot right now but let's see I got absolutely crushed by this yep from the European International championships and it looks like that's what's coming our way right now foreign yeah there's the surf I think I honestly might just get swept by this that one shot's ndd even with psychic seed oh man there's that life orb yep yeah that Tailwind is basically just a game changer here because if it weren't for tailwind and I live could just come out and get that KO I would have been better off clicking taunt that turn and then grasped her a trick room here basically what's gonna be a problem for me is I'm gonna end up having a nightlife under trick room but I'm gonna need to set up trick room right now so taunt grass Tara and then trick room but this is looking honestly pretty over that was just a excellent Tailwind turn one and a great Risk by my opponent to take given the water turret like we only have one water resistance or immunity or no wide guard sorry electrode plus elect grass Tower and I brought both of those in this game but I just can't let that turn one setup go the way it did basically it was so much so at least we get trick room up but I think it's a little too late honestly I guess one interesting thing is reversing trick room oh that actually is really interesting uh reversing trick room with armor Rouge like immediately because I think a Nyla could actually still sweep this game especially because okay because it's the last sort of Tailwind here they might protect and if I reverse trick room then I can rage this KO dondozo and then just expanding Force try to get the one hit knock out on Tatsu giri I think that's what I'm gonna go for I'm gonna rage fist here into dondozo and I'm gonna intentionally reverse trick room again knowing it's the last turn of Tailwind yeah so dondozo protects but that's what I'm expecting right so the idea as I reverse trick room and now rage fist ideally one shot standozo tatsugiri gets ejected out and expanding Force One shots that so it's a double KO the problem is I don't know what my opponent's last Pokemon is and I don't think I have a great matchup against most yeah so now I can intentionally go for the double KO rage Fist and expanding Force oh but you know what the problem might be dozo's probably just faster than me here wait is it against scarf ape it's 188 speed DBS Jolly nature okay we are faster I was a little bit worried there but yeah I'm not sure they can be okay so we get the KO I think if armors were at full HP I'd actually feel like we had a decent shot at this but because we've taken so much I'm not feeling great I just lost way too many resources in the early game so I do get the double knockout there if my opponent's last one is dragon on I think you stand a chance here but it's likely just going to be champao I think if it's water Hershey food I think we also could win okay the problem is if I had to guess this is just scarf and it's just surging strikes Into Me Now maybe I could have won then by actually setting up trick room again and then expanding Force there's three turns of rain I can't protect in front of version they have a guaranteed knockout onto this if they want to take it I'm gonna rage fist here I'm just expanding for us they just protect it oh it's just a double protect wait okay so so then it really comes down to the item on her Shifu I think um my other question is this awkward jet KO grass Terra armor Rouge right now and does a hurricane KO annihilate from the range on iMac because if you're my opponent assuming you're Mystic water you would think the play [Music] okay we know it's not focus hash caliper and we know it's not scarf and eyelape so rage fist will just get a KO here right now I think I can just rage this in developer and then expanding Force into urshifu because I would think Focus ashes on champao here is there any reason not to make this play they could go for a double if I were then like yeah you would think about Aqua jetting here right otherwise your play is surging strikes but then I get single Target expanding Force life form into urshifu okay I'm gonna go for it yeah they went for AquaJet on to annihilate that's the best possible option okay now we get rage fist into developer oh my goodness I can't believe we pulled that comeback off wow that's what you don't give up I'm really proud about how I played this one let's go I am so so pleased with that game it was looking so bad after turn one like that was just a great turn one played by opponent because I could have just straight up gone for like Thunderbolt or if I'd even just gone for the bullet seat into rage fist decayo caliper that's huge for me as well because thenveloper just faints and then like you don't get the Tailwind of if you don't get Tailwind up then I can just go Screech rage fisko the dundozo so yeah I was expect because I even mentioned the dondozo protect on her one I just wasn't sure what palabra was gonna go for but I guess you're never gonna just protect and hard switch into Tatsu right so yeah I think turn one it's never a great position for me in my head I was just like okay even if you switch into Tatsu at least I guarantee a lot of damage by making this play but yeah I think what I was really aiming to do was time things perfectly in this game that's exactly why reverse trick room so that annihilate would attack first KO dondozo and then expanding forces chaos Tatsu gear and I think that's one of the main ways that people deal with dondozo in competitive VGC stagger things in a way that you can KO dozo and then your other Pokemon can just kill tatsukiri so it's rare to set up trick room and then just reverse it immediately but because they had Tailwind up and because it was one more turn of Tailwind I figured I could go for that play and it worked out perfectly so yeah that was that was an incredible incredible game I'm so happy that we found a path to Victory after a disastrous start so that's why you don't give up in Pokemon all right let's see if we can break into the top 100 with the win here we've got both Genies thundersen Landorus hello my friends long time no see iron hands flutter made a bomb snow and iron bundle expanding Force looks really good here no I mean how in the world do they deal with expanding Force spam I don't see a very clear solution quite frankly I think like this should be one of the games where I probably shouldn't overthink things and just straight up go with Indie D plus armor Rouge honestly hands is a trick room attacker in this matchup looks incredible too right like we've got ice punch probably enamorous as the fourth the thing is I think ape Plus the electro can also be good there are a couple of issues though with that um so the main reason I actually want to do that is because I think my opponent would need a response to Indy the arm Rouge but quite frankly I just don't see a good answer from them so I mean they don't have a single psychic resistance or immunity they have multiple Pokemon weak to expanding Force I think like the Temptation for annihilate pure is that if they were to lead Landorus and give us a defined boost like we can snowball things so quickly because they also don't have an answer into rage fist quite frankly but one of my concerns is booster bundle being able to just outpace me so I want to respect that as an option specifically so yeah I think um we probably can just go follow me trick room on turn one but honestly even to follow me expanding Force to start the game could work depending on what they lead it was Landorus slaughterman so yeah like the annihilate electrode also would have worked here I think the main thing I'm debating about here is does flutterman have imprisoned slash trick room because I think I can just go attack here immediately booster on flutter okay okay give a little Speed Booster then I feel a little bit better about not playing towards a nightlabe if your speed booster I really don't think you're gonna have imprisoned trick room quite frankly I can just grasp her at trick room here and follow me do we really think they're going to be running in prison trick room on a booster speed flutter I just that's not the item to expect on it I just feel like if I get troop room up on her when I'm in such good shape so yeah I'm just gonna go for follow me trick room I'm going for the grass Tara here so in case they go for something like they have Choice banned earthquake I don't get surprised by that [Music] there are a couple things I'm worried about here them having a prison Jerk Room or just trick room and then Lander is having a rock slide Flinch here on turn one no Terror on their end or just follow me nice that is the best case scenario beautiful okay so they're probably bringing hands out right now but expanding force is looking really good already so I'll take it could be a bomb snow I guess as well I don't think a blizzard will get a one-hit knockout onto armor Rouge I really didn't think they would lead Landers honestly it is a bomb snow okay now if you're my opponent you should protect flutter and then either a roarvale or blizzard with a bomb of snow it's one place to just help me hand expanding Force right now but we're not Min speed so Obama's about speeding us under trick room is actually fairly likely here which can pose some issues I could also read into flutter Maine protecting this turn and just try to kill Obama Snow with armor can and dazzling in case they're Focus hash okay I just went for helping hand expanding Force and they're gonna tear here so I'm glad I didn't go for the armor Cannon because it's probably water Terra [Music] yep so far that's okay I think late game hands plus the enamorous looks pretty good for us if flutter doesn't protect here that would be the dream but they do yeah there's like such little reason to not protect there okay but they go for Aurora Veil so I guess it could be worse okay that is still so much damage wow huh what red card Obama Snow that's pretty sick wow that's that's fascinating okay hmm let's sing things through so three turns of psychic terrain I think there's a world in which like we reset the terrain but ah man not getting hands out there is a little unfortunate spring tide storm I'm just gonna help my handspring tight storm here okay at least it hits the bomb of snow we do actually outspeed Obama snow so that's interesting I guess that's not super surprising um the Miss is a little bit unlucky but it's fine curious where flutter's attacking here yeah that dense both but it doesn't really do too much okay uh it would have been so nice to hit flutter like it doesn't do that much probably 30 40ish is my guess I think one of the things I'm asking myself is if I can get another trick room up in this game and I think that's actually possible post psychic terrain because hands plus armor Rouge means I can just fake out plus trick room okay bring out Landorus and we are Overcoat here sorry Darian is only overcooked um two turns of trick room left man that red card really came out of nowhere as wild let's give up be needy here yeah I'm just helping hand spring tide storm We're not gonna do that much damage with them having Aurora Veil up but it's fine like we're just trying to chip away for a little bit right now hey it connects this time wait okay that did way more to Landers than I expected honestly attack drop on flutter rock slide indeedy survives nice Thunderbolt flutter wow but I live on nine and I get paired what is going on okay so because it's the last of a trick room you would think my opponent just protects right so I can just Moon blast Landorus I want a moonblast Landers switch out into hands personally it's a little bit risky because they theoretically could actually just attack here with flutter maybe I don't take that risk honestly I am gonna switch the reason I want to switch is because I want to reset up psychic train for arm Rouge because everything is expanding Force week and I think if flutter protects here I punish them so so heavily and we know it's plus speed flutter as well so it's not gonna have to worry about a Specs you know okay they didn't protect that's fine did they Moon blast here all right it's thousand gleam could have been a little bit better I think if we weren't paired I would have thought about just helping handspring tight storm again but I think the potential of missing that just scares me a little too much but I think now I can just bring out armor Rouge and just fake out whatever's coming in and then set up true cream again and then switch out hands yeah this is perfect I think we're good here uh oh my opponent hasn't teared yet no they tear it uh Obama Snow Yeah we're fine okay with that then I think we have this not 100 locked but I don't see how they beat trick room here and then me clicking I don't have fake out I forgot about that uh uh I'm so used to playing with fake out hands wait hold on okay well I'm still gonna click trick room here I think Trickum wild charge is fine they just gleam nice Ice Beam I have never seen Ice Beam iron bundle well we kale flutter but do I Fame from recoil here okay so then it's a question of are you carrying icy wind I guess it could be Focus hash bundo as well man their team had so many surprises oh I could have just protected and attacked there as well so I'm gonna follow me but they probably have blizzard here right so it might come down to whether or not they miss dream punch does cover for Focus hash bundle here uh follow me dream punch but it might be specs Bondo was the thing here they do go for Ice Beam yeah oh my gosh this game is kind of crazy booster energy attack boosted dream punch now wow [Music] yeah I realize now like I've never seen Iron bundle use Ice Beam because in VGC it's pretty much always freeze dry hydropomp icy win protect maybe blizzard which I would expect on that team Encore occasionally as well goes to show yeah like how rare Ice Beam of a move is but oh my gosh these these last two games have been just absolutely not I felt like I had an incredible matchup in this one so the fact it was that close made me a little bit scary but yeah I had forgotten about the lack of fake on iron hands because I was like oh I just fake out true cream and it's super free but yeah this iron hands doesn't run fake out because you obviously use ndd so frequently so you don't want to set up the psychic terrain and then have to stall out your own psychic train to get the fake out off so we had to adapt a little bit but ended up working out okay but oh my goodness that was these games have been so wild but what a fun episode that win gets us to the top 100 which is pretty sweet I've been having so much fun with regulation D so I hope you all have been enjoying the the videos but let's see what we get for our last game today okay Champa Dragonite flutter cheat bundle and then hands basically a reg C team part of me wants to go with the annihilate but I think the problem here is there's going to be a booster energy somewhere bundle or flutter probably bundle and I think a booster bundle scares me if I go into the armor Rouge they could go Chi you flutter honestly like I feel like enamorous is really good here they have so many special attackers and like fairy coverage and so their team is incredible here I kind of want to just go with electrode plus annihilate but my problem with this is like I might get blown up too quickly in the early game definitely bringing in amorous I don't know I think like psychics identity here is interesting because I can use it to set up trick room for the enamorous hands is also okay right because it just gets like one super super strong attack off here I actually don't know who to bring between hands and entity I think if I had five more seconds I actually would have swapped to hands there but I didn't want to risk switching and then not get the right Pokemon in I think you can make a good argument for both but I think the the hesitance in bringing hands is fear of it getting blown up but dream punch is such a good move here into chiu into champao into some a bundle as well how like so hmm like it I'm inclined to want to double up on a champao on turn one just Thunderbolt it and dream punch it the problem is they could easily just protect champao here on turn one I'm gonna go for it though let's see okay Tara I would expect normal Tara here on the Dragonite and then maybe e speed oh no I think I actually might just lose off this that was that was such a good Tarot yeah really well done well I get a pero that actually might swing things a little bit back to my favorite but they deserve to win this off that turn one alone yeah and they just go straight for outrage the upside of that is now enamorous can come out in just fairy Tara but I'm gonna be in a really huge hole from this turn one oh I do get the full power though okay that was incredibly lucky yeah we definitely just bring enamorous now fairy Tara spring tight storm switch out into needy hmm yeah that was just a great ghost Hera like the the reality is I didn't really have a super safe play around that I could have gone Thunderball rage Fizz until that's thought I guess but it's pretty weak to each fist so I don't know what's my best lead into Champa Dragonite I don't love any of the armoroosh personally okay boost that parental para may have completely saved I mean it's like a nightly wouldn't have fainted there I probably eat up an ice spinner and you can actually argue like eating up the ice spinner there is actually advantageous because then it gives me a little bit more Firepower for rage fist in the end game but here's fairy and amorous shampoo gets paired again so Thunderbolt full pair into double pair is super lucky and outrage goes into an Amorous but this is the risk of clicking outrage uh into a team with fairies but I've gotten Super Lucky so far this game after turning or just starting from turn one like powerful periphoparon champ how the odds of that are so slim and then Dragonite chose the wrong target there as well so this is a game where if I win I have to very clearly address how lucky I got and think about why I didn't put myself in a great position from turn one the water main now comes out okay it's probably just ice spinner but scarf and eyelape is now looking really good I can just bring kite storm again here and follow me [Music] yeah that seems fine I think the question here is whether I should be risking the misses from spring tide storm it's just so tempting right now but it actually might be more consistent just like Moon blast they gleam there's ice spinner terrain's not really that relevant here so it's fine and we do connect again okay it does so much damage to flutter what jeez I guess fairy Tara just is just a really powerful move this is why I wanted enamorous in the battle in general though bundle to you it's to you okay so scarf ape not bad into that ruin beads of ruin I think here we don't risk the Miss right I can just go for yeah I don't want to risk missing here God annihilate in the back with the Tara a terror champ however it is you can't tear anymore I think moonblasting into chiu follow me here is fine scream oh that crit will do it but honestly for how lucky I got I feel like that's only Justice at the end of the day and they overheat uh oh because you overheat actually annihilate could still pull this off now yeah the problem is it's scarf ape so I can't click final Gambit I can't click any of my fighting type attacks so I have to click rage fist essentially here foreign flutter and the question is whether or not like how much overheat is doing to us they don't protect flutter which is good I wonder if that was specs I feel like it was doing specs damage right letter fans that's a crap that one doesn't matter over here are you doing over half oh okay I think we actually might win then it's gonna be close I mean the thing is Rage fist now gets one stack they're gonna overheat again presumably I'll get to two stacks oh if you have nasty plot though I'm also done for okay yeah this is really close I'm gonna survive this one obviously but I might even survive another one does rage Fest get the KO here oh my goodness okay they live on like three percent overheat connects does a KO I think it will yeah what a game GG they deserve to win that one though so like yeah I got so lucky right Thunderbolt para into full pair into full para into outrage targeting the wrong Bond as well um I wonder if enamorous could have survived if I didn't get cripped by dazzling gleam survive the overheat probably not I'm trying to think where else I could have improved my play Indie did not protect so that turn I don't think there's really anything else to go for could have maybe angled to set up trick room but with scarf ape in the back I didn't feel super comfortable with the trick room setup and in this game they LED shampoo Dragonite maybe it's just any of the arm Rouge has to lead them but the problem is like they can just ice spinner remove terrain like I could follow me trick room yeah you know okay I think the right approach is probably indity arm Rouge lead iron hands on the back and then enamorous that's the fourth I think that's the right angle to go like just set up trick room and say okay maybe you get rid of my terrain by hands plus armor Rouge plus an Amorous as a trio is just so good offensively into the opposing team so I think that's what I would do differently if I were to replay this but you know my opponent doesn't goes Tara there and they try to just ice spinner with champagne turn one it's also a very different game so great job of my opponent to recognize the threat of the potential scarf annihilate there and it's a very different game if champ how it just doesn't goes Tara on turn one so I don't really regret going for it but my opponent showed how well you can counter it right like and part of the problem for me in this one is that like I couldn't just go for bullet seed into rage Fizz because like multi-scale and Dragonite plus Focus Ash on shampoo means I'm not gonna get a knockout onto either Pokemon right and so I really have to respect that option but this was honestly such a fun episode all of the games were absolutely crazy and honestly this is one of the games where like I feel like if I wanted to feel so like you obviously take it if you get lucky right but I feel like my opponent just completely outplayed me with that turn one alone and deserved to win off that so it highlights one of the weaknesses of the electro Plus on high lip combo but that was so close especially the chiu versus analy band game there so yeah what a what a nail biter to end on but that's gonna be it for this one hopefully I've showed you the power of electrode plus annihilate it's a really unique interesting Duo and you know uh one of the things I'm trying to do in regulation D is just feature all kinds of different Pokemon and strategies and this one certainly not very standard or mainstream but features a lot of different fun Pokemon and I'm glad we got to highlight a lot of the different sets here but talk about some crazy games today anyway thanks as always for watching leave a like if you enjoy and I'll see you all next time alright peace
Channel: CybertronVGC
Views: 50,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aaron Zheng, CybertronVGC, Cybertron, Aaron Cybertron Zheng, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Scarlet and Violet, Pokemon VGC, VGC 2023, Scarlet and Violet VGC, Competitive Pokemon, Competitive Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Competitive Pokemon VGC, VGC Regulation D, Hisuan Electrode, Annihilape, Enamorus Therian, Hisuan Electrode VGC, CybertronVGC Electrode, Hisuan Electrode competitive
Id: EcjIAO9kWec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 36sec (3396 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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