I beat Fundy's difficulty the FASTEST here is how

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This guy has potential

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/-yatsu 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
recently a youtuber called fundy made a plugin to make minecraft way harder and it was said to be impossible to beat if you move you die if you stop you die skeletons have lasers creepers are fast there are hostile axolotls and foxes that can kill you in two hits getting wood will get you punished eating is forbidden touching or placing water kills you you have to protect a dumb and weak cat all the way to the end and the dragon is stupidly strong no one would want to try and beat this so find the added price whoever was first to beat it would win two thousand dollars i hadn't imploded for a while and money tends to be useful here is my journey to rob fundy [Music] first i had to find something something that would give me an edge on everyone i already had some simple strats such as tower and dig a hole to trap mobs but that wasn't enough so i checked the rules and two things surprised me you are allowed to have a friend with you and most importantly you can use a set seed as long as the end portal is not filled yet that means i can start in a world i already know by heart and follow a precise plan all i needed now was a list of what i needed everything leads me to the end fight so that's where the list starts i will need blocks to tour to the crystals which are protected by glass invisibility potions to avoid the skeletons of dragon spawns and the bow and arrows to get to the end i'll need leather boots to not burn in the nether and under eyes which in this version have to be crafted not only with ender pearls and blaze powder but also with lapis and exacts as a speedrunner i don't like mining or hunting all i do is open chest and run and that was my plan here the seat i wanted would have a shipwreck with boots lapis and carrots as well as iron and wood close by there would be a complete wolverine portal leading into a bastion where i can trade for pearls arrows and even obsidian to nether travel a crossbow would be in the chest then in view distance a fortress for the netherwards and blue spotter finally i get the exact coordinates of the portal room divided by 8 to build my nether portal so that it gets me straight in finding such a seat would require weeks of world generation thankfully there is a solution remember how speedrunners also use set c to go fast there is another category about as popular and it's called filtered seed in this one the runners use a site to only generate seeds they want in my case i used those two and i managed to find the dream seed i was only seven hours in and i could already smell the money but when i actually tried on survival i quickly realized there were a lot of problems and i mean a lot of problems everything was so difficult a day lasts for 10 seconds but the night is 10 minutes the mobs are super deadly the only way to regen is by dying and the smallest mistake caused a reset it's sunday morning things have not been going well survival is way harder than what i thought it'd be um i guess i can just find new solutions i just found out that eating kills you that's that's dumb fondy didn't mention it in his video mobs mobs are pain i can't do anything about it and tomorrow is cool i won't have time at school oh my god but in such a challenge there is no time for laments i was giving up but suddenly i got a glimmer of hope when i realized fundy's weapon was a double-edged sword as i was doing runs i realized mobs never spawned on the first night and when i understood why i felt i truly could win in minecraft there are different kinds of mobs and depending on their nature they share a different mob cap the map cap is the maximum amount of mobs you can have loaded in your world before stop spawning more so if i could fill this mob cap fast enough no more monsters will spawn please give a round of applause for termites in this difficulty fundy made it so breaking locks would spawn 50 silverfish named termites if i break a log every time i load new chunks the termites will fill them up cap and i will never have hostile mobs that's when i realized i could use fondy's plugin against him and do you think such as killed the cat to regen fast or other crazy stuff i'll mention later with that i also changed my strategy from a shipwreck one to a village one it's sunday evening let's see what i can do what looks like a complete waste of time was actually viable experience making those ridiculous runs gave me an idea of how hard this was going to be and made me rethink my whole strategy many things were wrong and others were based on luck i'm thinking about pickling bathroom killing the blazes and even the squids on top of that the weekend was done and i had school the next day but come on it's for 2 000 so i did what any sane man would do i went to school don't quit school kids anyway that gave me plenty of time to think and every break i got was spent playing this game but this time with a new plan with 1.17 piglens became worthless so i'm still gonna get gold in the bastion but i'm gonna use it to trade with a villager for the squids i'll get them in the dryer ever but that's the easy part with all of this i completely forgot about one thing i needed invisibility potions i thought i was in the clear with my golden carrots however the recipe is not that simple i needed a fermented spider eye usually that would be super easy to get but in this difficulty spiders have all been replaced by axolotls therefore i had to think of another way to get my hands on this eye and the only one left was in the desert temple chest that was a new thing to add on my list of structures required for a perfect seed and i would need hours to find it in the meantime other people were joining the competition and while they were trying i was at school on top of that i still had no confirmation my plan would work and i had never reached a place spawner but i'm stubborn and like the world wanted me to go on i got the perfect scene almost in less than an hour [Music] here is what the seed looks like a completable rune portal with some golden eluding two sword a grand total of four villages the desert temple i needed a housing bastion repeated to be the best which even had netherwords and a really close by fortress after some rotting i was ready and began this new journey as i was trying i learned and adapted as much as possible can't make a proper two blocks tower add a grid to the ground struggle with the cat being dumb make it sit in strategic positions was cool i couldn't do as many attempts as i wanted to but i was getting there and for the first time during monday's night i arrived at the blaze spawner [Music] this is fine this is fun good okay uh following this incident i asked my friends for advice and i got great ones thanks nettie ray and casey for the support for the blaze fight i would now get one blaze rod to make a fire ass potion with it and the magma cream i took from the bastion if you didn't know you're pretty much invincible with fire resistance against blazes unless they are too close with that out of the way i even managed to enter the end for the first time on tuesday but i had not brought trapped doors which got the best of me you'll understand later sadly i lost all my footage for tuesday but it was overall pretty good and with wednesday being a short school day i was 100 sure i would beat it on this date i'll let you judge by yourself [Music] as you can see i was not doing so well but kept going and after some time i managed to reach the end again invis was wrong and the portal was filled it was time for me to start this last step first thing first i had to destroy the crystals it was going okay and it even seemed one of them was not well protected i still had my invisibility so i went to shoot the tower but this is where all went wrong the shot gave me achievements that covered my potion effects when it went away i realized i was not invisible anymore and quickly dug a hole for myself when i felt safer and i first sipped on that in spot i dug a tribe to neutralize any skeleton that would still be angry at me then i broke a block to the surface at that exact moment the dragon got an angle on me and in a fraction of a second shot his breath right into my direction scared i instantly blocked off the hole but was already too late there was no escape to be found this trap indeed got a skeleton and it was mine losing that minecraft life made me lose hope the next few runs were catastrophic my sanity was in danger that sums up wednesday the very day that was supposed to be the one showed no progress people seem to be trying the same thing as me in different ways and it wouldn't take long before they beat it thursday was going to be filled with school except for the evening if i failed then i would completely give up this was my last chance my last run let's see the running details this run was like any others except for one thing i wasn't a cool with friends now they were saying stupid stuff but it was really motivating i get myself some wood and some iron after crafting leather boots and an iron pickaxe i'm ready to head to the nether then i open some chests in the bastion to get arrows magma cream iron my obsidian and even a crossbow after some gold gathering i head to the networks it looks risky but it really isn't once i'm back i make sure to fill the mub cap with termites and also kill myself while i'm at it if i do this it's to regen hell of course being back to 10 hearts again i go to the desert while still making sure i fill them up cap as i go oh and if i see foxes i make sure to make myself a two block tower since the game is in hard mode the foxes will follow me even if there is a hole on my way i get some squids and head to the desert temple to get my one spider eye and some tnt i swear this guy loves the sanity look at how fast he goes so far the run was going great and if i was to lose at least i had a lot of fun today my accidental friend is trying to beat impossible minecraft and it was hilarious okay no okay no no no yeah they're just hunting for better food than me you're not you're not good enough you accidental you're trying to play it on the guitar now after this i went back to spawn and killed myself aka regen i need to trade now [Music] wait that was so fast it was so funny that was ultra fast what no no no no i need to get the the carrots yeah there were no carrots in this village so i had to walk a pretty long way just to get a single or vegetable before trading i had to regen health but as i was going back to spawn i didn't place enough logs to summon silverfish there are monsters oh oh oh don't worry it's not i need to kill them they want to kill me it's either it's invisible as if the game wasn't hard enough there were occasions where invisible mobs were spawning here oh here the only way to get them is to tower and scan the zone with your crosshair when you see this icon you can hit them until they die i swear that was definitely scary and seeing how well everything was going i started having the nerves now it was time for trading the cleric is great because he has redstone which i can use to up the length of my potions and lapis for the under eyes here i can use fundy's plugin to my advantage since the day lasts for 10 seconds you can reset villager straight super fast this makes it really easy to level up villagers the last thing i want from him is ender pearls but there is a chance he gives me bottles instead [Music] is that a happiness moment yes yeah yeah nice if if it failed i would have played this [Music] after getting some arrows and blowing up houses to get beds everything was ready it took me 15 minutes but my inventory was done and so was i everything was here my weapons my potions my tools my backups everything it was time for me to get to the nether shoe wish me luck all my help okay did you had to leave good luck what it's the first time that happens to me i don't care how or why i died what i needed now was to get my stuff back and fast one problem though if you're in the nether you'll burn unless you wear leather boots and in that case i had nothing but wood it's in those situations that you can tell the difference between a good and a bad speedrunner i needed leather boots but i took all of them with me and there were no cows around thankfully i found a solution when a fox appears it has a 20 chance of holding leather if i kill them using gravel and get lucky enough i will get enough leather to make myself boots yes yes yes after some crafting i came back to take my stuff i recovered everything and instantly came back to the overall to region health after what i got ready again but with a fear this time if i died in the nether i had no way of recovering let's do this okay [Music] this was a super close call and if it wasn't for my friend's advice i would have died now i just had to stay alive until i get to the stronghold and even if there was no danger i was still super scared my eyes and pearls are ready and i just had to walk to the coordinates of the portal note that this is not your typical nether portal the coordinates have been meticulously chosen to make that possible yes okay my run was actually going somewhere and i made sure to not forget about anything i had regen set my spawn point again and all my inventory was organized all i had to do now was to beat the dragon [Music] that scares me every time i haven't talked about the end fight just yet when the dragon purchases she summons cnts and if you hit her you're pretty much dead from time to time she will spawn skeletons which can kill you instantly that's why i brought invisibility potions finally every crystal has been protected by glass and when the dragon dies she does an insane final attack i had to destroy every crystal without dying shoot the dragon to death and survive the final attack this is where my crazy threats come into play to survive the final attack i will go to the edge of the island as fast as possible and for the crystals i'll just wait [Music] in this difficulty fundy decided you will die if you stop moving the way he does it is by summoning a squid from the sky that will explode on impact so if i wait under the crystals a squid will come from the sky to destroy them now that you know this let's go back to the run first crystal down nine to go that was the sixth one and i started to think i actually had a chance but that didn't last for long usually invis protects me from skeleton but this one was trapped right on me thankfully by some miracle the skeleton despawn therefore letting me get my stuff die a second time and get my stuff again i then proceeded to destroy the last four crystals and started shooting the dragon to dodge the breath i just had to tower a few blocks now the only skill required were patience and self-control [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i'm freaking done with this [Music] i had done it i beat from this difficulty and survival under two hours not all i had to do was to submit the run to fundy and hope i was first i wasn't but it's fine i actually had a lot of fun doing all of this and i don't feel like i've lost sure i don't have those two thousand dollars but that was a lot of fun and you know how you can make it better subscribe share it goodbye
Channel: y a t s u
Views: 926
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: fundy, itsfundy, fundy minecraft, minecraft fundy, fundy difficulty, baby difficulty, impossible difficulty, babymode, impossible difficulty fundy, impossible challenge, fundy challenge, fundy impossible, fundy baby mode, fundylive, minecraft but, dream smp, Wadzee, 2000 challenge, 2000 dollars, $2000
Id: bEpPSldISJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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