How Four Idiots Conquered PROJECT ZOMBOID™

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well hello there ladies and gentlemen welcome to project zomboid these are the end times there was no hope of survival this is how you died this is Project zomboid an open world Zombie Survival experience set in the fictional state of Kentucky a proud member of The Unfinished Early Access 2013 Zombie Survival sandbox family and arguably the most well-developed and most fun after all why walk 50 miles in Daisy only for literally nothing to happen when you could walk outside in project zomboid and dive instantly not because of the zombies or anything but because you just so happen to spawn in a bar get [ __ ] faced and all of the whiskey in the basement stole a car and crashed into a nearby Lamppost it was at this moment when I realized I was playing a masterpiece given the isometric camera angle and the potato Graphics this game is appropriately light on my poor old PC I would be surprised if your Grandma's old in night computer couldn't handle it as such project Zomboy occupies the The Uncanny Valley space between Fallout 1 and postal the player space before you is vast and varied Terror lurking around every corner ensuring that you can never let your guard down as you scour the area for supplies and equipment while on the flip side being every High schooler's wet dream once you get hold of a firearm indeed project zomboid has something for everyone the customization is absolutely insane everything is customizable from how the infection spreads to the speed and strength of the zombies to when the power and water supply inevitably cuts out myself personally appreciating a realistic experience set the spawn rate for guns and ammo to the highest level possible turning a quintessential survival horror experience into a doom knockoff because this is Kentucky God damn it and it is my god-given right to wipe the floor with zombie Gods should they trespass on my property believe it or not however guns are pretty [ __ ] loud and curing that itch in your trigger finger even once will have the entire State converging on your ass to turn you into a spaghetti bolognese thus your best bet for survival is to Stomp The dicks off of every zombie you come across or else sit at home eating raw beans and watching old infomercials on the television until the helicopter arrives helicopter get inside get inside right now Jameson you [ __ ] idiot I'm getting in geez looks like someone's in a rush imagine you're chilling out at home watching The Walking Dead on Netflix as a tutorial for how to deal with those pesky zombies outside the zombies are incredibly dangerous and there are a lot of them but so long as you keep the noise down you can happily finish binge watching the final season with nothing to disturb oh it appears that there is a helicopter pilot flying around Kentucky harassing Survivors by tracing their IP addresses and causing An Almighty swarm to assault them well this is awkward if only I had used nordvpn to encrypt my internet data and conceal my IP address as I freely surfed the web with complete privacy and security using the code in the description forward slash Black Yoshi for a two-year protection plan with four extra months no added costs I could have switched to any one of the 5 000 available servers hosted across the globe allowing me access to an Infinity of worldwide content free from government restrictions and media blackouts with complete anonymity it even comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee but you know what I think I'll hold on to it for now download now using the link in the description forward slash Black Yoshi for a two-year protection plan with four months bonus free of charge stay safe and stay protected so if you clicked on the video you're probably wondering how on Earth four idiots conquered project zomboid and to be perfectly honest with you so am I [Applause] the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is wrong with you I have critical injuries all right that's good soldier looking good looking good [ __ ] off what are you doing what are you doing we began a game with one simple premise load into one of four available Kentucky townships regroup and try our hands at surviving as long as possible creating whatever insane character build comes to mind which brings me to our next topic [Music] foreign to Echo the words of a more classic video of mine the character customization is incredibly Advanced think Fallout 1 mixed with Daggerfall you're given the option of over a dozen specializations to offer you various stat boosts adhering to different play Styles but if you're anything like me you'll settle right into the unemployed loser play style for the most realistic of experiences before you is a chart of special advantages and disadvantages you can apply to your character all of which drastically affecting different stats and essentially making the possibilities for character creation infinite you'll notice most of my characters are chronic smokers this is because if project zomboid has taught me anything it's that cigarettes are good for your health smoking one of your five packs a day will result in four more skill points to invest in increased strength or some hardcore driving skills don't be a poser become a smoker While most of the community may play it on easy mode and create a carpenter character for an easy win you can create whatever crazy [ __ ] comes to mind unfortunately for me my teammates Tech this is enough opportunities create the most useless characters possible I'm on fish I'm asthmatic I'm a hearty appetite I'm prone to illness I'm short-sighted I'm a cook which is how me and the squad ended up with a team consisting of Jason Statham lincara Saul Goodman and Fred [ __ ] der safe listen I got check check just out some new material I wrote on the floor just one of those days where you don't want to wake up everything's [ __ ] everybody sucks you don't really know why but you want to justify ripping someone's head off with no human contact and if you interact your life is on contract the best bet is to stay away [ __ ] it's just one of those days it's all about the he said she said [ __ ] I think you better quit talking that [ __ ] and then there's 10 extra pages of [ __ ] all my time [Music] we began our adventure taking to the road and experiencing more than a few variables in the zombie populations between us [ __ ] times do I have to stab these [ __ ] of a bread knife I'm [ __ ] running through the woods as the entire [ __ ] zombies because I have 50 of them on me because that's all he is as it turns out one of the greatest threats to our survival was not the hordes of flesh-eating zombies outside as it turns out it wasn't even the lack of food or water as both were fairly abundant as a matter of fact the most dangerous entities in the area were each other are we all okay I took slight damage from this well I can't even [ __ ] see you he's right next to you I want some canned peaches can you please give them to me I need to ask you something it's so [ __ ] NPC you've got to give him something give me Camp kitchens by 12 p.m could you just shout yourself again if nothing else project zombot is the greatest test of friendship you will ever endure from their choice in character traits to how they perform in actual combat forget Andrew Tate's Sparkling Water Challenge did I just [ __ ] say Andrew for [ __ ] sake if you ever find yourself with a friend like fat ogre bouncer man lock everyone in the house and burn the [ __ ] thing down how many zombies have you guys killed 43 okay let me see I think like three looks useless okay okay no I killed more in three I killed more in three I killed through that [ __ ] massive horde and you managed to kill two of them no wanna Through the Fire and Flames of it all in the midst of a raging storm we discovered a lone bar on the side of the road it was here that I realized how cozy this game was in extreme weather conditions you can see the rain pouring and hear the thunder crashing outside your hideout you can even see the wind pushing along the clouds and the fog in the direction it's facing it's also a testament to how good this game looks in spite of the potato Graphics through its masterful use of lighting and its distinctive art style it's in a rather odd Twist of irony then that in spite of how cozy this game can be you cannot let your guard down for one [ __ ] second screw those guys are you good holy [ __ ] I saw that you didn't even Flinch anything can be lurking around the corner at any given time and disaster can strike at any given moment this is one of the few games in recent memory I can think of where shambling zombies are an actual [ __ ] tangible threat to you as opposed to a mild inconvenience that anyone in their [ __ ] grandmothers could realistically overcome with its clever use of the camera angle and the player perspective and the surprising but reasonable strength of the zombies you'll never 100 safe at any given time anything can sneak up on you anytime anywhere which makes night incursions an absolute death trap that should be avoided at all cost in exchange for telling stories back at base around the campfire when I turned the right page of 18 I moved out of my mother's house she asked me why because she was diabetic and couldn't get to the incident herself but I told her that I needed to see greater pastures mother [ __ ] off mum [ __ ] off and she you know what happened she died right there on that bed on that bed covered in their own Shin piss and I'll tell you what foreign [Laughter] the next few days became about housekeeping turning the bar into a fully fledged home naturally the first order of business was to start binge drinking just in my [ __ ] wine it's my wine come on dude I called dibs on it but I wanted the white wine okay there is Dave you took the [ __ ] white wine yeah why oh okay apparently you snooze you lose you fat man I'll take the [ __ ] red wine we're gonna watch the [ __ ] movie we're gonna get shit-faced okay my guy already is he's literally the the trait he's got right now is just utterly [ __ ] is that literally what it says yes oh my God delicious actually do you want to hear the description [Music] I love you given the size of our group we could fan out and Tackle different objectives on our own volition thus I took it upon myself to scale the neighboring houses for sheets and curtains while our resident Carpenter lincara got to work on disassembling the furniture for planks and it's right here when I failed to reproduce any usable materials you fail to reproduce anything useful period yep the prevalence of carpentry in Project zomboid cannot be overstated without it you would not be able to board up windows and doors or craft crates fences or even water containers the latter of which probably being the most important as the tap water and electricity will inevitably run out it's a paragon yeah how's it going wait is wait it's a baroness incon yeah the water supply is uh oh [ __ ] no guys don't [ __ ] waste the water it's it's limited now oh [ __ ] we have limited water now I just said I do [ __ ] bikes wigs right to counter this you need a generator as rainwater will still need to be sanitized in a microwave and fresh food still needs to be cooked um who left the [ __ ] oven on yeah but generators can also be used to access TVs to allow for the playback of old movies on VHS and allows you access the news channels if they're even still up and running at all which brings me to my next topic I don't like to think about zombies missing arms legs they smell awful and they're hard to kill project zomboid benefits from the same mystique and intentional vagueness in the background behind the zombie invasion as the first season of The Walking Dead does just as Rick Grimes does in the TV series the player awakens to a world in total chaos the Dead Walk corpses thrown about everywhere civilian Vehicles scattered across the world in worse conditions than one before and the military checkpoints left completely derelict their vehicles in most of the Army's equipment either missing or Beyond repair I mentioned the walking dead because the environmental set pieces Rick Encounters in the first season are very similar to what you encounter in this game with Rick having woken up two whole months into the apocalypse the only way for him to make sense of what happened is the chaos laid before him the abandoned military vehicles and helicopters the rows and rows of bodies leaking out from the back of troop transport vehicles and of course Ebola holes and stress marks of fires and explosions on the buildings of course this all comes right before he gets hit in the face by the tutorial character and before AMC ruined this subtle World building by the mere existence of Fear The Walking Dead hello by not going into excruciating detail about the how the US [ __ ] military and by extension the entirety of society to come to a bunch of corpses coming at you with the speed of a mildly bemused pensioner the audience is allowed to fill in the gaps with their own imaginations and what little you are told only raises even more questions with the implications thereof only adding to the overall tension now of course you have access to something that The Walking Dead cast doesn't I.E a working radio and Five television channels to scroll through not to mention at least five working brain cells as time goes on more and more news broadcasts hit your screen most of them either complete [ __ ] or complete anecdote the only thing you can really confirm from these broadcasts is that there are zombies outside shit's [ __ ] up and things outside the Zone don't sound much better these suspicions being all but confirmed when The Newsroom starts running around like a bunch of headless chickens and starts letting crazy Pastors in the interview room who tell the whole world to kindly go [ __ ] itself all this before the power goes out and you're left there in the dark in pure silence mulling on the realization the world will never be the same this world building and the slow build up to the point of no return is phenomenal you know it's inevitable yet you still hold out some hope for the outside world you've no way of escaping the quarantine and yet the only window to the rest of the world is through your TV screen the information being passed on heavily filtered through government censorship or rampant speculation it isn't until the final few days when the ramifications and pure scale of the events unfolding truly hit the player and they are beset upon by the realization that they are completely on their own by this point we had technically already conquered project zomboid I mean we had a fully fortified shelter enough food and water to fuel the whole Army for a year and a running generator and plenty of fuel for it all of which we accrued relatively quickly and with a surprising amount of ease linkara had even begun making a potato farm and no the irony is not lost on me but tea drinker had a plan already in the dark recesses of behind the bars counter he was plotting our next move the ultimate test of our cohesion as a team and pushing us to every conceivable limit we were going on a road trip the Louisville mall was our objective no small feat as Louisville was situated on the other side of the [ __ ] State across a river and cordoned off by military checkpoints and barricades out the ass lucky for us then the tea drinker had it all planned out she drink you wanted to you want to take us through uh West Point don't you yes I would recommend it because we can camp there and get supplies there yeah tea drinker had mapped out a route through the countryside using slack stations in the neighboring towns as pit stops for us to wait out the night and regain our bearings we packed all the essentials food water extra petrol and Enough Bourbon to incapacitate an elephant I'm drink driving they can't stop me okay so I'm shit-faced I'm going oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] idiot why didn't you stop me from drinking that bourbon filled with Vigor and excitement we packed our gear and set out to the car encounting one teeny tiny problem before he could even set off his items in the rear race we can't get in so I'll remove the items oh my [ __ ] god that's lincara that is straight up then Cara why are you eating opening canned food don't open it just get rid of the [ __ ] [ __ ] on your seat cans yes you can you can oh my [ __ ] God but without the way we were off we were finally on the road to Louisville fast approaching the point of no return and whatever Horrors awaiting us from within tea drinker was the driver while I was the map Bearer handing out directions for tea drinker to follow and then the next right from our character's perspective so go south go south coast no South that is North that is North I don't know [ __ ] sake to me the multiplayer perfectly exemplifies why project zomboid is better with friends while the game is still incredibly fun on single player it can get incredibly lonely and a tad boring on Long play throughs especially before you end up doing is sitting at home doing [ __ ] house chores all day but the multiplayer offers you something in the industry they refer to as emergent gameplay situations brought on by the wills and actions of yourself and the other players around you adding tons of variety to any given situation and string you along with the added investment of watching your friends backs and the fact that there were four of us this did not make the zombies any less dangerous as we are all operating on the knowledge that one scratch or bite could spell the end for us case in point on the road to Louisville we encountered a lone Sledgehammer in front of us sledgehammers are invaluable if you have one you can base yourself in a second story building Smash Up the staircases and install sheet robes out the Second Story Windows making it literally impossible for the zombies to reach you needless to say I wanted it it was not meant to be yeah go grab the side chamber I'll just drive the zombies have you got it hey why did you make the guy with [ __ ] like clumsy hands pick up the [ __ ] Sledgehammer because he's the most Eucharist he's the most Expendable all right Dave all right oh for [ __ ] sake all right stop what all the [ __ ] seats are occupied all the [ __ ] seats are occupied dumbass get rid of the [ __ ] in the [ __ ] house so with that Sterling display of teamwork out the way we continued onwards stopping at each consecutive checkpoint along the way and making a royal mess wherever we went but none such mess would be greater than the Battle of Louisville [Music] now I hate to be the bearer of bad news but once we got to the mall what we found was relatively disappointing naturally the initial wave of zombies we encountered first setting foot into the mall was really quite High we were making a lot of noise and they very quickly vaulted over the balconies of the second floor to attack us however once we surpassed this initial assault we only had to clear out a few other consecutive rooms to figure out that the mall was nearly completely empty with only a few stragglers hanging around in the back rooms I don't know if it's done to the fact that we had gotten too good at killing zombies or if it as it turns out the zombies themselves weren't [ __ ] but I get the feeling that the entire time we were playing Resident Evil when we really should have been playing Left 4 Dead And while I hate to blue balls you like this don't worry the real challenge came right before the raid at the mall at the neighboring construction site for you the zombie dog getting confused because there's loads oh [ __ ] roller crawler crawler oh Dave to right to the right right we gotta get out of the factory out of the factory now oh thank you there's no zombies on the third floor oh [ __ ] that's a lot of them everyone back up back up that is a lot of them we're gonna need to spread it out oh [ __ ] they're coming through the walls against the odds we managed to hold out on the roof of the factory with the awful of possibly half of Louisville sprayed all over the floor it's very possible that in our initial infiltration of the factory much of the zombies from within the mall's Direction were attracted to us and got unceremoniously slaughtered before we stormed the front Gates but regardless of whatever the hell actually happened we had done it we had conquered the Louisville mall we had conquered project zomboid our journey was complete what followed was a long drive home the memories of all our Goofs and hijinks haunting us as we backtracked along the highway we returned to the bar safe and sound not with a chest of medals but with Vigor on our hearts and pride swelling through our veins lenkara's potato farm had even begun to Bear crops ensuring that we would be able to sustain ourselves for years to come and with that the book closes upon the final chapter of the four idiots four absolute buffoons who began life hating each other's guts only to by the end come together and see each other nothing short of brothers and I can't think of a better way to end this story and by extension this video thank you all so much for watching I appreciate this is very different from my typical style of videos but it's a video I've been wanting to make for a while and I hope you all enjoyed it all the same special shout out to my patreon members you lots are the reason I get up in the morning and it is truly an honor to put your names at the end of this video if you haven't already like And subscribe and hit the Bell icon because we're not done yet as I'll be live streaming project Zomboy through the coming Fridays and Sundays trust me it will be a lot of fun but yeah I suppose that's all for me today see ya [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Black Joshi
Views: 815,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black yoshi, black yoshi review, black yoshi gta 4, black yoshi payday 2, black yoshi scp containment breach, review, black yoshi battlefield 1, project zomboid, black joshi project zomboid, black joshi, black joshi scp containment breach, black joshi battlefield 1, black joshi review, project zomboid review, black joshi bf1, black joshi battlefield review, ambiguousamphibian, how four idiots conquered project zomboid, black joshi four idiots, project zomboid four idiots
Id: lDmZ4Oy85lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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