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well hello there ladies and gentlemen welcome to LA Noir are you incredibly racist does playing dress up with the boys make you hard do you hate jaywalkers with a seething burning passions well why not join the LAPD Elaine Noir was developed by Australia published by Satan himself you play as LAPD detective and member of the Aspergers Community Cole films a man out of pocket and out of work after the U.S military deployed Le bomb over Japan a man who thereafter dedicates his life to solving crimes spending half an Army's worth of ammunition on tax frauds cheating on his wife and sucking Corey on his way from promotion to promotion Cole Phelps is the ideal police officer a true American hero if ever I've seen one a man so Unbound by neurotypical thought processes and even the slightest inkling of shame or social conservatism that no amount of death or destruction he leaves in his wake will ever Trump the smallest case of littering or even the most minute in fracture of owning a dog without a leash a man so Adept at the craft of interrogation he can flip between heartfelt and understanding sorry to have to tell you this Michelle but your mother is dead to utterly [ __ ] deranged you [ __ ] young boys Valdez he goes without saying that LA Noire is the most schizophrenic period piece ever conceived by man it goes from beautifully recreating down to the grain of dirt on the sidewalk every inch of 1940s Los Angeles to a near one-to-one scale of the actual City at the time all the way to a man using pedestrians as bowling pins as he attempts to haul them at the suspect Elaine Noir is one of my favorite games of all time and no amount of ironic script writing or post-ironic absurdism can truly communicate how much I love this game which in and of itself is ironic given that much of the game itself isn't a game at all to put it in simpler terms if you don't like the story The acting the pacing or the Stellar setting and environmental design you don't like Elaine Noir L.A Noir has shooting it has cars it has people shooting in cars but it's not GTA you can't even pull out a gun unless your CCP facial recognition software registers the target as a certified threat to National Security because this ain't that type of [ __ ] game you solve crimes you don't create more crimes for others to solve you do both LA Noire has five cases in total and the only way to get down to the nitty-gritty on why this game is so gosh darn damn [ __ ] good is to go through the game as it progresses through each respective case I mean obviously how else are you gonna play through a [ __ ] game hitting the ground running with the patrol disc Patrol Cole Phelps car gun the patrol desk is overall a glorified tutorial to help you understand Elena was based mechanics and it does so reasonably well covering pretty much every major aspect of its gameplay Lou going forward if there's anything to take away from this prologue it's how much cole Phelps really hates crime I mean all it takes is One bank robbery and suddenly it's a [ __ ] Doom level of how much wanton violence there is Senate Hopkins says anytime you reach for the shotguns you're either going to end up dead or wearing the citation so I guess it's okay Rob couldn't give any less of a [ __ ] Cole Phelps Paints the walls red with criminal offal with about as much emotional attachment to the situation as he would with wiping his ass Phelps also has these weird psychic powers where he can transfer his Consciousness through the dimensions when viewing newspaper headlines to uncover the true is behind the fake news display the writing is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it why contain it that's not to mention the bouts of PTSD induced flashbacks that strike in between each investigation back to his days in the Marine Corps part of the tradition of the Marine Corps and being an officer in the Marine Corps is the ability to make tough decisions the right decision is not always the popular one the right decision will get the man you care about killed unfortunately for everyone involved Phelps interpreted this as his men getting killed being the right decision if this intro seems Slow Burn to you that's because it is the first instance of gameplay you receive is you rifling through the trash until something vaguely related to what the [ __ ] happened pops up at which point you drive to a place drive to another place and assault a man in his own home without a warrant for owning a firearm in California and even then it's mostly watching people talk and make threatening postures at each other the most important thing this game teaches you is to immerse yourself in the setting to merge with the characters in the atmosphere it's mostly a bunch of geezers doing stuff with the got Chase sequence and shootout to break things up and that being said while Patrol does a serviceable job introducing you to these mechanics they are presented in about as Bare Bones of manner as possible except for that one Chase sequence where Phelps hops on the rooftops from building to building across half a downtown LA like he's [ __ ] Mario just because a guy jumped parole and if for this reason I'm skimming over a lot of these Mechanics for this segment because honestly there's better parts of the game to go into detail with regarding these mechanics the only time I failed this investigation on this desk was because I shot a murder suspect in the back as he was fleeing from his place of work so this game is actively punishing me for trying to actually play the game like a real LAPD officer would and I will say that despite being one of the most sprawling open World Games I've ever played it's easily the most linear much like Mafia 2 but without the fat Italians and this is largely down to the fact that side content outside of following the main storyline is borderline non-existent but we'll get to that later for now I would like to draw your attention to a special announcement from myself and Apex gaming for we have come together to present to you a new line of PC's fine-tuned to perfect and personalize the ultimate gaming experience for each and every one of you watching this video whether it's the latest titles bulldoze in the game scene like the Resident Evil 4 remake the most immersive of virtual reality experiences or even Microsoft Word our line of PCS cover every irritation every demand because every inch of every nook and cranny of our PCS are completely customizable from every CPU GPU down to the motherboard itself whatever your choice it will be your PC in every sense of the word coming at you with three tiers for three different budget brackets all with guaranteed High frames results Ranger Hunter and master and regardless of your budget bracket you can use the code Joshi that's j-o-s-h-i at the checkout for a 10 discount off your next purchase and that's not even the best part because you don't have to pay for everything all at once regardless of your budget you can apply for a monthly payment fee for a length of your choice instead of paying for it all at once affording you the ultimate gaming experience while looking out for your wallet so don't be shy and give it a try remember use the code Joshi j-o-s-h-i at the checkout for a 10 discount of your next purchase it may be the best deal you'll ever get as a gamer and speaking of gaming let's shift into fifth gear into the foreign congratulations you have now been promoted to detective working the traffic desk solving vehicular related offenses and other completely unrelated crimes it goes without saying that traffic is mine and many other people's favorite desk and this is 90 down to the fact that you've got Stefan [ __ ] Bukowski as your partner well do you mind if I shoot this guy he's getting on my nerve a man permanently afflicted by a bad case of Max Payne face whether he's happy or sad angry or Saucy he forever Bears the face of a man who has to put up with a lot of [ __ ] and where Cole Phelps is concerned the [ __ ] is never ending traffic is when the game really starts to get good as the base mechanics is advertising the prologue I've only elaborated upon and built upon in ways that actually force you to rub a couple of brain cells together across each crime scene and location of interest you will find Clues pertaining to your investigation and while these Clues are otherwise pretty [ __ ] obvious the game is pretty blunt about whether or not they're actually clues or not finding them won't actually Force the game to play itself for you because then in comes the info a misinterrogation mechanic much of this game's budget and the budget of his advertising campaign went into the game's unique if not slightly obtuse facial recording software which covers every inch of said actors performance from dozens of different camera angles in different corners of the room to capture even the most minute details of their performance this is wonderful in theory because there are innumerable nuances that are lost in translation from an axis performance by only taking their voice and interpreting it through painstaking animation or black thereof so allowing the actors to go wild and complete their performances as their respective characters as real actual human beings really add to the immersion inside characters and the story as a whole in theory in reality while the performance of every actor in the game is absolute gold they were obviously given some mad Direction especially this guy you're lying Morgan one of the most vital mechanics this game has to offer is interrogation you ask a question they give you an answer and it's up to you to determine from their response the cageness of their expressions and the evidence at hand whether or not they're telling the truth or lying and to be fair it's pretty [ __ ] easy to tell whether or not someone's lying because if they're telling the truth the tone of their voice will 9 out of 10 be completely flat and they'll cap it off by staring right into your soul without a shred of discomfort on the other hand no I didn't go anywhere near that car foreign [Music] for whatever reason every [ __ ] you interview in this game will lie instinctively it doesn't matter if they've done literally nothing wrong you could come across a guy drinking from a bottle of water and as soon as he sees her approaching he will [ __ ] leg it and God forbid you have enough on them to drag them down to Central Station because unfortunately for them you live in a universe where lawyers don't exist and neither do warrants or the Constitution effectively giving Phelps free reign to break and Enter and brutalize anyone he comes across no matter how innocent all potentially guilty although there is a punishment worse than death itself for failing an interview the incorrect response jingle [Music] the interrogation mechanic is much better on paper when you take into account all of the evidence you collected throughout the investigation and take it into account before enduring said investigation because nothing will make you feel like more of a [ __ ] Sherlock Holmes Giga brained genius than remembering the single grain of cigarette ash from a specific brand of cigarettes that puts the suspect directly at the scene of the crime at the time of occurrence literally nothing not even sex the traffick cases themselves are amazing for how spectacularly they escalated every game of an opportunity one car crash will lead to you smashing a Hollywood children's daycare service I hate everyone will lead to conspiracy to murder and a stolen car will lead you to gunning down a warehouse full of blue-collar workers due to a paperwork error traffic is probably the most varied for the sheer fact that nothing is ever as it seems on the surface and every time you look deeper into the circumstances some crazy [ __ ] comes out of nowhere and blindsides not only felt for you as the player and seriously there couldn't have been any better of a character to accompany you throughout this entire charade than Stefan [ __ ] overall traffic is pretty based it has a near perfect balance of shooting investigation and interrogation unrivaled pretty much anywhere else in the game perfectly capped off by the masterful introduction of Roy [ __ ] Earl oh who do you think you're talking to you German junkie [ __ ] if you couldn't tell already he's the bad guy while traffic isn't essential to the overall plot it serves as the perfect stepping stone to the rest of the story and the beginning of Cole phelps's character Arc to be continued through the homicide desk you stopped her because she's a drunken [ __ ] and she treated you like [ __ ] you stopped her for all the years you had to take it you've stopped her because you are such a weak [ __ ] sister Jacob and you wanted to erase all memory of It Go on try to deny it you can't prove I wasn't home that's like I made a mistake work in the homicide disc can be made arguably the most harrowing of all the desks given the subject matter and given the fact that the victims are all scantily clad women with very obvious signs of snuggle with a struggle Bukowski is shoved to the back of the bus for this desk in exchange for a fat lazy chain smoker named Rusty Galloway and it's here where you learn the true essence of Elena War because while you may grow to appreciate and even like Rusty you will always miss having that lovable pole by your side homicide is arguably the most straightforward desk in the game given that there's always a dead body some Giza behind said dead body and you gotta figure out who it is there's only one problem every single suspect legs it as previously mentioned every suspect you encounter will attempt to flee the scene regardless of their innocence thus you may grow to appreciate the many different methods available to you for stopping a fleeing suspect dead in his tracks or just plain dead if you equip your gun and hover the reticule over their backs for long enough Phelps will shoot at the sun and the suspect will [ __ ] himself why is shooting at the sun works and and not a Bus full of school children is beyond me but this is America who [ __ ] knows what goes on in any of their heads alternatively if you get close enough to a suspect a quick Time Event triggers where Phelps goes full [ __ ] supersonic racing and hits the suspect like a guided missile with the mother of all rugby tackles or else they may just turn around and attempt fisticuffs with you the melee combat system is serviceable it's not terrible given what it is but is sure as [ __ ] ain't no GTA 4 it is appropriately stiff and clunky for a man who did boxing in the Marines Phelps is just about as athletically inclined as a tortoise in a cage match generally speaking however homicide is also the most formulaic desk in the game as it falls into a routine of fine dead body find murder weapon interview a couple of red herrings your wife has been brutally murdered so how do you explain your shirt being covered in blood I cut myself shaving all before bringing the hammer down some poor schmuck only to find out later that you charged the wrong [ __ ] guy just another day in the greatest police force in the world you're given a couple of choices on who to charge at the end of certain cases but it never affects the game or its story at large although this may actually be a statement on how police work is more politics and PR than actual policing don't I [ __ ] know it in between murder investigations and in between pretty much everything else you do in this game you may get the call to respond to some Street crimes AKA random scripted encounters that are usually resolved by beating the crap out of someone or murdering everyone within the perimeter of the crime scene as far as gameplay goes they're pretty fun and allow you to engage in some of the more action-oriented mechanics more often as the rest of the game is incredibly slow burn but don't expect some Red Dead Redemption tier self-contained Shakespearean Masterpiece because on average it took me no more than one minute for each of the 40 Street crimes in this [ __ ] game so yeah if you want to stop a guy with a colander on his head [ __ ] fortnite dancing in the middle of the road in between murder and investigations than a few drinks at the bar then you're more than welcome to even if you have literally no reason to do so what so [ __ ] ever it's still pretty impressive how it's always the same guy who has to haul away the geezers you've arrested as well as for the conclusion of homicide it's the serial killer is literally just some guy who forces you to go through a load of Super Mario platforming puzzles to figure out the location of the next a poems which reveal the next locations are a little bit redundant considering all of the places of interest required for the investigation are already marked out your [ __ ] map before you start so the old trick of clicking on a random map markers until you hit the right one prevails once more game design is my passion LAPD drugs gambling prostitution popcorn these are the cornerstones of the Administrative Vice desks possibly the shadiest and the most illicit of all the discs in the game and who could be shadier and more illicit than Roy [ __ ] Earl speaking of money where did that role go I picked it up for safe keeping the department owes me 50. in terms of gameplay there's not much to say outside of what the players already experienced except of course that wacky little crate carrying minigame you're forced to play for half an hour just dropping a [ __ ] door Vice cases are notoriously long while most other cases in the game before this point average at about half an hour you'll regularly find each case in Vice and Beyond stretching out to over a [ __ ] hour apart and I wish I could say it was all sunshine and Roses because this is the part of the game where running out of any ideas for any interesting gameplay variations team Bondi just decided to throw a load of tailing missions everywhere and I mean everywhere and they easily take up half the runtime breach their respective cases it doesn't help that Vice is also bogged down by easily the worst case in the entire game the setup there's no mystery or ambiguity about what's going on with the setup some guy was paid to take a fall he didn't and now the mob and his manager want him dead time for another tailing Mission the characters in the cases set up aren't interesting in the slightest bogged down by the absolute mediocrity of Eleanor's worst qualities it's only saving Graces that right after this case you get the one where Phelps starts [ __ ] freestyling on a Mexican guy here's the deal later you give me information and I will give you to immigration oh if you've been paying attention to phelps's wardrobe you'll have realized just how many [ __ ] snazzy suits this man has access to this is because playing the game and leveling up yes this game has a level up system that I completely forgot about because I began this playthrough already at max level unlocks you with new suits either assigned to Phelps in each new desk he's assigned to or other more unique ones that come with their own Buffs to the player's stats these Buffs are incredibly circumstantial however the worst one being accessible only through finding 15 police badges hidden across the map in the most obscured and tucked away locations possible yes this game has Collectibles and it's not glorious because the rewards for finding them are either minimal or non-existent and the only feasible way you're gonna find them given the sprawling Urban Jungle that is 1947's Los Angeles is through a walk through so basically don't even [ __ ] bother vices bookended by Manifest Destiny a case with a lot of shooting a lot of shooting and also with Phelps getting chewed out and straight up the mode because he got schwifty with some German bird because some one ratted him out like a [ __ ] rat-faced piece of [ __ ] not defending Cole's actions or anything but holy [ __ ] Roy's easily got the most punchable face in the entire [ __ ] game of how much of an Unapologetic scumbag he is the thing is it's kind of weird because phelps's wife has never even mentioned or even seen in the game outside of one occasion and their relationship is as a result virtually non-existent so the plot twist has no impact and felt suddenly deciding to Shag this German bird really comes out bum [ __ ] nowhere foreign is the most depressing chapter of Elena War demoted and ashamed stripped of all this Prestige and reputation Cole Phelps is left to fend for himself at the bottom of the lapd's ladder you can even hear the pedestrians you pass talk exclusively about phelps's adultery as compared to the complementary gushing of the previous cases and Herschel Biggs phelps's latest partner in the 1940s equivalent of the chain smoking Boomer wants absolutely nothing to do with them go soak your headphones arson is possibly the most difficult of all the deaths in the game due to the fact that the narrative is now actively working against Phelps before this point in time Phelps has had to deal with crime scenes and real tangible leads with very logical conclusions leading to and from each crime scene in place of interest with arson however Phelps is now going out of his way to look for the strangest and most outlandish scenarios possible in an attempt to save face and Salvage his career in spite of the department shafting him so harshly over his relationship with Elsa bearing this in mind and given the incredibly flimsy nature of these investigations their respective leads and clues this reads less of Phelps having the mother of all hunches that a Serial arsonist is behind everything and more like him being willing to sacrifice innocent men in jail or bleeding out in the streets just to get his reputation back so for once cognitive dissonance between the player and the main character actively plays into the game's themes and further emphasizes Phelps desperation in this point of the story this all immediately goes out the window as soon as Los Angeles is burned To The Ground by a [ __ ] nuke war never changes Austin is memorable solely for the fact that half of it has absolutely nothing to do with Phelps but instead with Jack bloody Kelso sign on the door says Miss phelps's old war body and the walking equivalent of the deus ex machina why are you locked in the bathroom you talking to me when faced with the conspiracy involving the highest echelons of our society Phelps decides it's time to play his trump card an angry man with a machine gun and an utterly inhuman pain tolerance to go around the city of Los Angeles and kill all the bad guys even though he only appears in like the last hour and a half of the game Kelso immediately establishes himself as main character material in some ways even over Phelps and to be fair Phelps does kind of uncharacteristically wimp out in the last edges of the game while Jack goes around La painting the streets crimson red this is also the only desk in the game where ironically enough you get to play around with a flamethrower which is more of a threat to the user than the Target because of how impotent its range is alright let's actually talk about the shooting a little bit especially given how much death and destruction this game makes you responsible for in this last hour if there was one word I could use to sum it all up it would be stiff the character animations are stiff how the player moves is stiff the covers system is monumentally stiff and the feedback for hitting your targets and dealing damage is incredibly stiff in that your targets will barely even Flinch even when they're taking a fist full of 30 or 6 to the groin and there's also that you can't tell how low an ammo you are until Phelps or Kelso throws the gun in the trash the shotgun is easily my least favorite weapon in the game because unless you're wearing that one outfit that tightens it spread and increases its damage you're gonna find mafiosas regularly wiping your pellets off their suits like it's nothing but dirt the gunplay's biggest Saving Grace however is the weapon's sound design each gun sounding distinct from each other but with a very consistent sharp and Punchy audio design then you get to the bar and those shootouts are sparse and are overall quite short they're very impactful to the story and have quite a few elaborate set pieces making each one easily memorable so to summarize the shooting is janky but overall pretty fun but what about the soundtrack foreign obviously it's going to be pretty good considering it's one of the few things I know I was nominated and won on award for and also if you have a pair of functioning ears not only is it incredibly well crafted created with an orchestra using instruments and techniques of the time but every single track used fits perfectly with the situation at hand even when they're recycled and reused their use in each different scenario offers the track a whole new meaning and bounces off a completely different emotion depending on what's happening on the screen but the most consistent and most prominently used track in the game is the ambient interrogation note if you can make a single note sound good and perfectly play up the tension of the scene then by all accounts you've just created a Godlike soundtrack which is precisely what's happened from chases to shootouts to investigations and interrogations each track is timeless memorable and extremely Moody much like the game that hosts it and without spoiling any of the plot that's all I have to say about LA Noir if you think this outro is abrupt and out of nowhere you clearly haven't played the game I'm only ending the video in about as accurate representation of the game's closing scenes as I can and thus I announced the video's conclusion because I say so yeah without spoiling anything the game's ending is utterly impotent failing to deliver any of the emotional way that over 20 hours a game players builds up to this point and although everything is theoretically resolved by this point it feels like the game just really wanted itself to be over and done with which is a very strange feeling to have when playing a game the final cases are appropriately explosive and action-packed and just when the story seems to be finally reaching its climax it suddenly goes soft on you which I can't actually believe I fully read out loud in my own script regardless Eleanor is a narrative Masterpiece a master class in the city pacing an atmospheric buildup carried by the Stellar performances of its cast and the authentic Recreation of 1940s Los Angeles in the face of employee mistreatment and tensions between Bondi and Rockstar but what came out of all this chaos and the ridiculously e on gated development cycle was nothing short of one of the most memorable experiences in all of video game history and it is one of the few examples I can think of where purely narrative based game design and World building works for the game's absolute Advantage without a hampering replay ability it's kind of weird replaying this games after so many years since the last time I touched delay in a while was when I was still into my old YTP Series so you were in your wife all night yes that's correct what sidecar do you have Mr Mueller nine feet I think why are you lying to me Mr Mueller you're incredibly rude and insensitive you say one more word and I will blow your [ __ ] head off thanks I knew yes I also wonder why I haven't deleted these yet Elena walk is a big fat and 9 out of 10 for me not Flawless and minus a few bumps in the road nearly everything it does do you right it does extremely well and I almost can't wait to replay it again live on stream over YouTube at 7 pm British standard time so like subscribe and hit the Bell icon for the earliest notifications of when these live streams go live as well as any in all future videos for this channel but other than that that's about it thank you all very much for watching and a special shout out to the greatest patrons in the world you're all my favorite deputies take care everyone and have a great day [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Black Joshi
Views: 344,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LA Noire, LA Noire Review, LA, Noire, Black Joshi LA Noire, Rockstar Games, GTA, Black Joshi GTA 4, Black Joshi GTA 4 Review, Black Joshi LA Noire Review, Black Joshi, Black Joshi Review, Black Joshi Project Zomboid, Black Joshi Battlefield 1, Pyrocynical, Ssethtzeentach, black joshi scp, black joshi gta 4, black joshi project zomboid, Black Joshi Four Idiots, Black Yoshi, Black Yoshi BF1, Black Joshi BF1, gta 5 nightclub bonuses, Black Yoshi Review, GTA Series Videos LA Noire
Id: gkhr9wk9nl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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