How feminist ideology has led to the neglect of boy's education | Bettina Arndt

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I was a feminist when feminism was about equality giving women an opportunity to find their rightful place particularly in the public World which was tremendously important and exciting when we achieved that but what feminine feminism today to me is all about advantaging women at the expense of that and it's become very much caught up in the demonization of males I've came across an article I wrote 40 years ago where we just started to notice how badly boys were doing these would be girls well it's becoming very obvious is there are also a lot of boys falling behind and not achieving their potential we have really very much feminist ideology infiltrating all our education systems systematic programs to continue to Advantage girls and no one taking any notice of the fact that boys are falling out in huge numbers
Channel: John Anderson Media
Views: 4,032,557
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Keywords: John Anderson, John Anderson Conversation, Interview, John Anderson Interview, Policy debate, public policy, public debate, John Anderson Direct, Direct, Conversations
Id: 1iQEQaNiee8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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