Here’s What 1 Week Of Super Mario Odyssey Speedruns Looks Like

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super mario odyssey is a game that feels like it was just made to be speedrun you can get a good time without glitches or really hard tricks and the movement feels phenomenal if you're into platformers and want to start speed running i'd recommend this game first but now let's see how fast you can speed run super mario odyssey in one week so day one starts with learning the game and there's a lot to learn so we need to obtain 124 moons and because i don't want this video to be 30 minutes long with halfway to just explaining them here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go over the moons that have some interesting movement and for the rest i'll give a broad overview you'll see what i mean so we start the game with the pokey's brand and cutscene skip where you press the plus button to skip the cutscene and then we're off to the gameplay we get cappy and proceed to climb up the tower using some dives and rolls then we beat our first boss which is as simple as using cappy to remove his hats jumping on his head and then jumping on his hat to stop this cycle before doing the same thing again now we're on the cascade kingdom in cascade we start with getting this chain chomp to break the block and reveal a moon then we make it to the boss right away by capturing this dinosaur and hitting this trampoline with his left foot then if we release from the dinosaur at the right time and do a dive we can trigger the boss's cutscene the boss is as simple as knocking the cap off her chain chomp capturing it and hitting her with it three times before collecting three more moons finally we need just one more moon before leaving and we get it on this mountain before proceeding to go to sand kingdom now we start out in sand by getting three moons in the city one on the hill and three more on the temple structure thing one of these has some tricky wall jump movement because the ice pillar is weird and i pretty much always had trouble with it now we possess a bullet bill to fly over to a tower take its moon get one in a garbage pile one of the sphinx's quiz and one over in some quicksand next we use a bullet bill to get three more moons the last of them having some tricky wall jump movement before getting our last two all that's left is the cactus moon and this one at the hill by the oasis area and that right there is 16 moons in 25 seconds yeah that's what i meant by a broader overview so yeah sand has a lot of things to collect but lake kingdom is a little bit easier to start we ground pound by the ship to collect our first moon then we skip the first area of lake kingdom by wall jumping and diving here and then we get the next moon by the zipper we can then get three more moons in the ocean before doing a triple jump cap throw to make it to this platform and challenge our next boss rango this boss is really easy and you just need to repeatedly jump on his head before he can do anything now his three moons get us out of light kingdom wooded kingdom is next and we get a lot more moons with it we can quickly get three in the first area by hitting the bunny breaking the rock and just buying one then we jump over to this waterfall and continue on our way picking up two more moons until we make it to this underwater pipe here we get yet another two moons before exiting though this area is really annoying for me we pick up another two moons and this plant moon before continuing to our next area here we can do a triple jump dive to make it to our next moon fast and then roll to the next area so we don't have to wait for the slow grass platforms then there are two moons in this building that we use getting the stretchy boys finally we defeat the boss spewer is that is that his actual name to get our last three moons he's as simple as kicking his hat off hitting his head and jumping on the moving hat as soon as it starts now we're on the cloud kingdom all that's in cloud kingdom is bowser and it's not that bad of a fight what we do to make it fast is hit his white hat and then cap throw to get it but hold the cap throw button until we're close to bowser so he won't jump away once we do this three times it's time to go to lost kingdom now lost kingdom starts out with a really difficult jump we need to do a triple jump cap dive off this tree and it's difficult because the tree doesn't give you too much space to do it we need to do this so cappy won't get stolen by the bird then we have some pretty straightforward moons we have this hill one this butterfly two different moons on these platforms and one over at this tree then we alert the bird from behind so we can't take cappy now we need to get the moon in this thingy the one where you blow up the block this hidden moon this cave moon and the moon under the bridge for the bridge moon we can jump down and do a capture on a dive grabbing the moon dying and then getting teleported back to the ship where we can make our way to metro kingdom this movement's really cool casually metro is my favorite kingdom in the game and that holds true with the speed run now we start off by going down to the city and then jumping off this awning and then doing a cap dive wall jump dive then we can do a long jump to make it to our first moon we do some more of this kind of movement until we make it inside this building here we climb up the tower and take the moon at the top and then it's time to fight the wiggler boss this is the worst boss in the game and i will stick by that what we need to do is shoot all his glowing body parts and then shoot him repeatedly then we'll try to do an attack that we can't interrupt he crawls past you while he's invincible so we go to the corner so he crawls the least distance to save a little bit of time then we need to shoot his attacks and repeat the same process last time if you can hit all the glowing parts you can finish him off there but if you're not fast enough you have to wait for a third cycle so it's really important to be fast now we can collect our three new moons and continue now in the city we collect a moon in these bars the car moon this garbage moon the greatest moon in the game and this moon before teleporting to the top of the tower from there we can do a long jump to reach this dumpster moon and from there we go to the crane moon and then go right back up to the top of the tower to collect its moon the pool moon and the patio moon we then get the two moons in the busy street area before talking to pauline and then collecting two band members for her and this moon in this pile of junk now we can teleport back and make it to snow kingdom but before that this was actually the end of day one and i decided to do the rest of my learning off stream on day two so let's go ahead and see that now in snow kingdom we could start out by doing this but i didn't want an alpha rad run so instead i decided to do an easier route we start off by finding captain toad and getting his moon then we go into this well and get a moon from the boxes one from buying it one from doing a cool jump off to sunbrella and diving to this chest and one in this pile of snow then we go into the blowy guys area and collect two moons in there the goomba area and collect two moons in there in the brutal fight area but instead of fighting him we get this moon and leave the snow kingdom now on our way to seaside in seaside we start by doing some triple jump movement to make it to the top of this cliff and collect the moon i struggled for a while because i didn't understand that kicking the air is really useful because it seems to give you a little bit more height so be aware of that if you want to run this we continue on getting three different moons on their own various places before becoming a fish then we can collect this chess moon this cave moon this tiny hill moon this dory moon this murder the seaweed moon and this last moon in a wall now we can make it to one of my favorite places luncheon kingdom luncheon starts off with a pretty precise triple jump dive wall kick which again would have been much easier if i just understood kicking the air but we still got it done then we collect two more moons before making it to our next boss spewer yeah he's the same as before we continue on getting this moon in the secret room one on a hill one hidden in a box where we can do a no-looker that looks cool one in some soup one on a pillar and one on a small piece of land before going into the next secret room then the secret room we just do the fork mini game like normal collecting both of the moons in there now we get another one on another hill and one using the hammer bro to destroy some cheese and then we finish off this world with a moon where we light a torch thing in a moon where we get one behind the cliff before making it to some meat hop and collecting a three moon now it's time to go back and have ourselves a dragon fight the dragon fighter ruined kingdom doesn't change too much from normal we just dodged his attacks and wait for him to slam his head into the ground we can make this fight a little faster by damage boosting on the dragon so we can start pulling out his needles as soon as possible and simply ground pounding on his head without removing the hat with the cap throw as it isn't needed once that's done three times it's time for bowser kingdom bowser's kingdom starts with us making our way to the end as fast as possible until we can kill this enemy revealing a moon then on the next island over we get three moons one from collecting five of the moon shards one from poking a wall and one from going to the top of this roof now we need to face two mini bosses topper and harriet topper is the same as before but for harriet we want to try to hit the bomb back at her right away rather than wait for this attack then we want to jump on her head and when she goes into this little ufo thing we hit a bomb at her right away three times total now we have our fifth moon and we just need to make it to the end of the kingdom to fight the mecca brutal i did this fight by waiting for a bird to spawn and getting it then i would break the boss's legs causing him to topple so we can take out a brutal then we can poke the boss again and we jump out of the bird when we fly back before ground pounding another brutal then we need to make it back to the top of the boss without falling down to be as fast as possible which is really tight and difficult if we're able to do it though we just need to wait until he gets out of his invincibility state ground pound on another brutal jump back to the top of him again and ground pound on the boss one last time beating it and collecting our last moons now it's time for the final showdown on the moon here we skip all the extra content and go straight to the sphynx at the end of the level here you can do a ground pound into a cap throw bounce and then do two wall jumps and you can skip an entire area of boss fights and challenges this was really difficult for me to get it first but then i started aiming for this spot on my first wall jump and it became much easier i'll leave a video in the description that helped me for anyone more curious when we make it to bowser it's pretty much the same fight as it was in cloud kingdom except bowser spits fire makes more hats and tries to fight back a bit more than before but it's still easy enough with a little practice and now we're on the home stretch we finish off the run by possessing bowser and then making our way through the collapsing moon with little time stays here and there after we break through this area we just need to collapse four pillars something we do with a mixture of well-placed fireballs and claws and destroy the center cube allowing us to possess the light pole and call time as soon as mario blasts off now that was a lot of information to consume but i hope i did in an understandable and interesting way let's continue on now though with our first runs starting with day three now when i started my very first run my movement was horrid but it would only get better with time some main struggle points were getting to the top of this stupid ice column god damn killing this brutal which is the dumbest time loss of all time the easy bowser fight the tree jump and lost kingdom like the entirety of metro i even went in the wrong area in snow kingdom so i had to do a completely different than antenna moon and then the lunch and i mean look at this and i sucked at the boss fights in bowser kingdom every single one of them and especially the mecha brutal fight which wow this is really hard to do correctly but only because i didn't understand it but we'll come back to that later anyway everything was going wrong at the very least we're very much on track to finish this run on the third day unlike other runs but before that we had to do the moon jump which really wasn't that bad i got it after a couple tries the bowser fight had some mistakes like normal but that's okay because we defeated him and we're going fast it all came down to the ending and surprisingly i did really well on it i hit the jumps didn't fail the 2d section and even hit some pillar fireballs which felt really good this made me end up with a very first pb of 1 hour and 43 minutes yeah ripped the sub 143 dream but hey i said to my chat let's do one more today and get the sub 130. well that didn't exactly happen especially with mecha brutal being my worst enemy but i got more comfortable with the run and was able to end off the day before one hour 36 minute time so you know it wasn't the worst and yeah for some reason i just really like missing better looking times by one second whatever there's always tomorrow except i didn't even do runs tomorrow ha ha got him but yeah day four i decided not to stream and just practice after my minecraft speedrun week i decided that less runs and more practice and rests were the way to go if nothing else this really helps my mentality so i like the change for this day i basically went through the entire run and focused on the parts i had trouble with this is especially important because this is the day i actually learned how to kick in the air and when i spend a lot of time learning the mecha brutal fight yeah both of these can save me a lot of time by the way important tip it for the mecha brutal fight when you are trying to get back on the mecha brutal make sure you re-center your camera that really helps a lot with getting back on him yeah that's just a quick tip but that practice led to day five where it was time to get the coveted sub 130. oh yeah by the way my timer says my pb is a 138 instead of a 136 because i had the wrong setting on but it'll get cracked it lighter now for my first run of the day we weren't starting too well this boss isn't even hard dude but after that we made tons of time save we got gold split after gold split after gold split well until i messed up the easiest boss in the game but i was able to keep my momentum going then i got to mecha brutal could my practice on this fight actually pay off well kinda i stayed on after the second hit but i did fall off after the third hit but it was still a big time save so i'm all good with that now all that stood between me and my sub 130 was the moon how i could even get a 127 moon jump first try bowser fight well could have been a little better what could have been a lot better and then i i died on the 2d section yeah i got a 130 and listened to sound music [Music] well let's do another now my next run had everything my previous run was missing i mean i did make some mistakes like not getting the fifth moon before activating the ship yeah that was dumb and losing my hat to the bird because i died earlier yeah that was dumb and performing pretty badly on the mecha brutal fight yeah though oh okay geez sorry but hey i got the 127 i missed last run so we made our redemption and called it a day and then it was time for day six where i didn't play or practice at all rest day and now the challenge was completely down to day seven all my hopes and dreams were riding on this day and i couldn't let myself down i wanted to get the sub 120 but it was gonna be tough let's get started oh yeah i also accidentally deleted my splits so yeah just don't worry about that so for my first run of day seven i played really well of course there was a lot of general movement improvement i could have done in places i could have made just a bit better but it really wasn't that bad well that's until mecca brutal of course but we came back from that and continued to play really well and that's how i ended my first run of the day with the 123.55 but now it's time for our last run so my final run didn't start out well please don't mention it but i wasn't letting that stop me from getting my pb after that i kept going saving more and more time a sub 1 hour 20 minute time didn't even seem unlikely but then cloud kingdom happened but that's okay because we redeemed ourselves what are you doing well at least after that we made some steady time saves so things were going okay we are stop well maybe this can be the time i get a good mecha brutal how does that even happen yeah we fumbled the bag but we were able to complete our last run in one hour 23 minutes in 55 seconds it says 53 but i accidentally paused the time for two seconds so yeah it's a 55. so overall super mario odyssey is probably my favorite speed game yet the game feels like it was made to be speedrun especially because you don't even have to do any glitches to get good times it's all movement i definitely recommend speedrunning this game for anyone who likes the game because it makes an amazing game even better but that'll wrap it up so thanks for watching guys but only about 20 of the people who watch my videos are subscribed so please do that and leave a like if you enjoyed the video also comment down below what your favorite part was and follow my twitch so you can see these types of challenges live alright enough shilling though our next speed game is getting over it so we'll see what happens you
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 249,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, Super Mario Odyssey Speedrun, smo, world record, super mario, mario speedrun, mario odyssey speedrun, smo speedrun, mario odyssey any%, any%, smo challenge, how fast can you speedrun, speedrun challenge, smo any%, smallant, alpharad, mario any%, super mario speedrun, i speedran for 1 week, 1 week challenge, fearsomefire, wr, fast, and here's what happened, 1 week speedrun
Id: vNfbk8TalQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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