How Effective Is 6.5 Creedmoor?

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[Music] hey guys clint here with classic firearms coming at you guys today from the bunker with yet another debatable topic and let's just go ahead and hop right into it six five creedmoor is it the future is it the now is it pretty much the new 762 nato so what i've got guys is our ever so popular 308 winchester 762 nato uh similar you know how they look and all this stuff like that and one of the six five creedmoor just wanna show these off to you really quick because even though this one has a larger projectile 762 compared to 6'5 look at how much powder is behind this guy right here nuts this thing is moving all right now the two that i have right here are both the full metal jacket boat tail uh projectiles and this one here is coming in at 140 grain i think it is on this guy where the heck does it say it on the box here we go 140 grain on the 6'5 and on the 308 we've got 147 so try to get them as pretty much similar as possible just to take a look so with this one here being 140 grain we're going to go ahead and talk about muzzle velocity all right now granted you can get different weights and bullets out there a little bit later which is a light later right a little bit lighter which is ultimately going to force the bullet out faster right all those hot gases and everything that are pushing that bullet out of the burnt powder pretty much all of that's just pushing that bullet out of the barrel as fast as it can and if it's a lighter projectile it's able to push it out faster kind of makes sense right if it's a heavier projectile it's going to push it out slower all right cool that kind of makes sense in my mind so if it being a lighter projectile is moving out the barrel faster that's going to give you a higher muzzle velocity versus something a little bit heavier okay so i know that there are some grain weights out there in fact i think i have it pulled up right here like for instance there's 120 grain that is moving at 3020 feet per second that's fast guys we're talking about pretty much defeating body armor at that point all right because think about it most of your steel ar 500 things like that it says do not shoot with over you know shooting a don't shoot at it with dang it don't shoot at it over don't hit their targets with a projectile moving faster than 3000 feet per second and that's because speed is what typically defeats armor and things like that and you know bulletproof stuff all right we learned that with our friends at premier body armor so then they've got 143 grain that's moving about 2700 feet per second but the one that we have today being 140 grain which is a little bit heavier the muzzle velocity on this guy's right at 26 000 26 000 right that would be super fast 2657 so 26 57 according to the box there right and that's for that little guy okay now the 308 that i have right here 147 grain 308 this guy's moving at 27.80 so pretty comparable right there what did i say this one was again 26.57 so you know pretty close as far as muzzle velocity between these two now the 6.5 creedmoor cartridge has actually been around since 2007 that's when it was originally designed it's been produced since 2008 to present day and within the last couple of years uh department of defense and a couple of other these three letter agencies and other you know parts of government are actually starting to transition away from the 762 nato and going towards the 6'5 creedmoor why is that well first off i think this round is easier to control actually it's a heck of a lot of fun to shoot you know what it's so fun to shoot remember that nemo that we gave away oh the executive order if you don't let's remind you really [Music] quick [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] light recoiling and a heck of a lot of fun guys so we took that nemo and shot it at about only 100 yards which is well within the capabilities of the 6-5 creedmoor round this guy here can move probably past a thousand yards easily 762 nato starts to drop off pretty soon if you think if it's inside 600 yards i think seven six two nato's got it but reaching out past that while doable you start to kind of lose that momentum and all the stuff that you know pretty much lose the oomph behind it right so this guy here six five creedmoor man when we shot this guy at 100 yards it just dinged and it was hitting our still targets hard i mean you can hear that impact you know just you know just slapping the heck out of those targets when they got hit now granted that's not a scientific you know experiment or anything like that that's just wow that thing is really hitting hard compared to 556 or anything like that you can just kind of hear the difference almost and it was pretty crazy really so anyway the 65 creedmoor heck of a lot of fun to shoot recoil is super light compared to the 762 nato and so it kind of makes sense to me why the you know some military and different agencies are starting to transition over to 6'5 creedmoor because apparently it's a more accurate round it's got better faster muzzle velocity in some cases and they don't have to change out a whole lot on their already you know service rifles if you will so for instance the 762 nato and the 6.5 creedmoor pretty much share the same magazine and all you have to really switch out now is just the barrel because they also share the same bolts and things like that so pretty easy to shoot this guy and start transitioning more to this guy here without having to do an entire replacement of a firearm cost effectiveness that's that's a big thing there now cost effectiveness to us on the commercial market that's where things start getting a little tricky because you have had this round that's been produced for a very long time now ever since pretty much the inception of nato in the late 40s right so it's kind of like wow this guy's been around for a long time there are a heck of a lot well this is just a lot more available than what you could find with 6.5 creedmoor it's also a little bit more cost efficient for us down here right so yeah that's when things start getting kind of funny for a majority of us shooters i think pretty much what the answer here is for our long-range competitors shooters yeah i think you're going to find this guy to be more up your alley when i say long range i mean yeah you're pushing a thousand yards okay for most of us that are reaching out maybe to 500 yards at your local range if that's what you have available to you i think you're going to find that this guy right here is going to be just completely capable and 762 nato has been my favorite cartridge for a long time six five creedmoor i'm i'm i'm almost got it you know i'm almost there i don't know you know i don't know so cost effectiveness for us yes you've got it right here ballistic capabilities after the dod and all these other people have started doing their things apparently this guy right here has better ballistic capabilities outside of that 600 yards with the 762 nato okay so all right gotcha however this guy's also much lighter recoiling this one this one recoils quite a bit i mean it's not you know anything you couldn't handle i know plenty of new shooters that have picked up an m14 and shot in like oh this is awesome i love it cool it's kind of you know so it's kind of like that i would compare it shooting a 556 to a 762 nato you know kind of like how you would compare this to shooting a 762 nato this guy is super light recoiling and actually recoils lighter than some of my ars that are chambered in 556. i imagine that so super light recoiling a little bit more expensive maybe not as available not as expensive a little bit more available well maybe in this current market uh depending on when you're watching this video as of right now ammo is like crazy right now precious metals i'm holding right here uh so anyway take that with you know what you will but anyway a little bit more available traditionally than what 65 creedmoor is and a little bit heavier recoiling but the ballistic capabilities all within i would say 500 yards i don't think you're getting much more with this guy i don't know but then again i'm also not an expert here i am just throwing the discussion out there for you guys to talk about because i'm curious so let me know down in the comments what you think you guys educate me i just want to start i just want to be the guy that stirs the pot and starts the discussion all right i actually learn a lot from our viewers from all of you guys so appreciate all of your input especially whenever it's you know productive and positive that's always great there are some of you out there who just you know you do you do your own thing and thanks for contributing thanks for the views i guess but anyway so yeah i want to hear from you guys 762 nato versus 6'5 creedmoor uh or if i got you know i don't know fill me in with some more facts you know so yeah teach me guys teach me i'm willing to learn i am your student okay all right six five creedmoor 762 nato both of the rounds i actually thoroughly enjoy shooting quite a bit but i don't have a 65 creedmoor in my safe yet yet however nemo if you're watching this that executive order was sweet and if you want to send one my way i would totally be okay with that just doing it out there anyway all right guys i'm gonna leave the video off there check out our current giveaway by the way right now our current giveaway is something a little bit larger than both of these guys it is 338 lapua and it is the fn ballista if you want distance if you want serious distance it's with this guy right here i've got the trijicon on here guys this is a 3 to 18 by 44 trijicon 10 mile i think it is and uh 26 inch barrel on this whoo buddy comes with a eight round and a five round mag bolt action magazine fed semi-auto precision sniper rifle rifle if you will all right this is a precision rifle precision shooter here all you need is a monopod and a bipod and you'll be ready to rock and roll all right but yeah guys this is our current giveaway and uh no purchase necessary to win you get this guy faux free from us so head on over to click on that top banner on our homepage and you'll see right there where you can go to all of these different links and everything else to get multiple entries for you to win like i said no purchase necessary and all it takes is one entry to win it's not who has the most it's just that one lucky entry all right guys so again head on over to get this guy i'll see you guys down in the comment section looking forward to see you guys all you 762 traditionalists out there versus all you six five lovers i want to see you guys duking it out having a good time and being respectful of course i look forward to seeing it guys god bless you all and we'll see you next time at
Channel: ClassicFirearms
Views: 70,740
Rating: 4.7944479 out of 5
Keywords: 6.5 creedmoor, 6.5 vs 308, 308 vs 6.5, 6.5 ballistics gel, 6.5 creedmoor ballistics gel, 6.5 creedmoor vs 308 penetration, 6.5 vs 7.62x51, 6.5 grendel, 6.5 gun, 6.5 rifle, 6.5 rifle cartridge, 6.5 creedmoor comparison, long range, long range shooting, long range rifle, long range calibers, ar-10 long range shooting, ar-10 vs ar-15 round, ar-10, 6.5 creedmoor recoil
Id: 3aRpZWO7sAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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