6.5 Creedmoor - 135gr Berger Classic Hunter

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all right folks it's time for our next six-and-a-half Creedmoor video and this one's gonna be exciting we are going to shoot nothing but tiny groups because the bullets were shooting are the 135 grain burger classic hunter I've only shot five of these so far so I still got 95 of them left and the five that I did shoot was over in 6.5 Grindle and the group was awesome so I'm really looking forward to seeing how they're gonna shoot here in the baker's half-dozen Creedmoor I'm expecting big things because they have a very big price tag the best price I saw on him was over at match a shooter supplies they've got him for 42 bucks but right now as of the time I'm filming they're out of stock but that was by far the best price brownells was 48 bucks mid-south shooter supplies 47 Midway is 51 dollars so you get the point they're pricey they are very very pricey doesn't necessarily stick with the theme of our little 6.5 Creedmoor series we've got going on here where we're shooting an inexpensive gun and we're using inexpensive reloading dies and we're using inexpensive brass and we're trying to you know keep things keep the price under control but you know what if there's one place where you should occasionally splurge it's on some bullets especially this type of bullet where this is the 135 grain classic hunter if you're looking for a deer hunting bullet what do you need one box to work up your loads and get things ironed out and then the other box will last you 10 years now if you're going out shooting 50 hogs every night maybe it's not gonna be worth it but yeah if you're just chasing you know shooting a couple white tails every year then a box of these will last a long time and it's pretty easy to justify regardless it's gonna be cheaper than the the cheapest factory ammo so if you need you know if you need to convince the wife that's the way to go there is compared to factory ammo rather than other bullets but we'll see that they got to perform they have got to perform they need to live up to that price tag so in the last video we learned it up a whole bunch of random crap and we shot 70 rounds but now we've got a hundred pieces of beautifully fire formed brass so all of our brass is now once fired we're shooting the Starline brass with the small rifle primers and they're all in a nice once fired state ready to rock the biggest problem in the last video was with the scope here on the compass it fell off these little knobs came loose I was shooting in a lead sled and it was a whole lot of a whole lot of banging around going on with the gun so what I did was pulled out some blue loctite where'd it go yeah I got some blue you know medium strength thread Locker this stuff usually isn't that hard to break loose but it does a pretty good job of keeping things tight so put a little drop of this on each one of those knobs cuz I really didn't want to have to you know torque them down like crazy or anything so now they're on there with the blue thread Locker hopefully they won't go anywhere and we're going to continue to use the four to twelve scope that I bought with my gun in the vortex package it's been doing ok like I like the reticle I'm able to aim pretty well so I don't feel like it's holding me back a bunch maybe a little but not a bunch I think we're gonna be able to shoot some good groups today with it so Burger has got load data on their website for this bullet I guess I could describe the bullet and show it to you did youdid already do that did already put up a picture it's a beautiful bullet and the ogive design of these bullets are supposed to be jump tolerant like it's it's supposed to be able to deal with a bit of jump to the lands some of the other burger designs they're vld bullets and stuff you really need to get them close to the lands to get the accuracy from what I've heard but these are supposed to be a little more tolerant to a bit of jump and man they are pretty burger dos definitely has the prettiest shiniest bullets no doubt about it so to their to their load data here's the problem they have eight different powders well H 414 in Winchester 760 or two of the powders they have and those are the same powders so let's call it seven powders of those seven powders H 414 in Winchester 760 are the only ones I've got and I really don't want to shoot those today so what I'm gonna shoot is kind of the primary powder we've been working with here a little bit reloader 17 I actually picked up another pound of this so we've had good success with reloader 17 so far that's what we're going to shoot today the other is IMR 4350 I've had had several people request that I try out IMR 4350 like H 4350 a little more popular but a little harder to find but hopefully IMR 4350 yeah we'll try it out we'll see how it does so I have no load data for these for these powders we're just gonna make it up as we go so that's another reason why today's videos going to be exciting very high probability of blowing our face off well I wouldn't say there's a high probability I would say there's a higher than normal probability of blowing our face off but when we get to the point of picking out our charges I'll walk you through the process of how I am choosing what I'm choosing alright any time you go you leave the manuals behind and you go try and make it up on your own you really are you're on your own but it's generally pretty easy to figure out about what area you should be in as far as charge weight so I'll tell you what the the other thing we mentioned a bit in the last video but never got to was the Hornady overall length gauge back in our first baker's half-dozen Creedmoor video we used this case right here that I cut a slit down the side of with a dremel we were using this to test our maximum overall linked with bullets but this is a much cleaner solution what you can do is get a modified case like this guy that has been drilled and tapped this is a Hornet II produced modified case you can make these yourself I've got the the the drill and the tap on order I want to play around with that a little bit myself here in the future but this is one that I ordered so I'll tell you what let's just go ahead and yeah let's just go ahead and do this it screws on right there it has a little lock screw there and then once you loosen that up there's this plunger that moves so what you do you drop the plunger down you take the bullet you're wanting to test you plop it right down inside of there and then we just push this in the gun we push this forward with you know which will move the bullet forward until it hits the lands and then once we get to the point where it won't move any farther we lock down the screw and we pull out all the stuff so let me do that real quick make some room for the gun here so obviously we need to remove the bolt stick our setup inside of there you know of course we keep pressure on it make sure the case is all the way up in there push it forward and then lock down our little screw yeah we pull it out and usually the bullet is stuck in the rifling that's not abnormal all right so we've got a cleaning rod and pop the bullet out of the rifling now we set it in here and that's it so the way it sits right there is the maximum overall length and my bill tell it is barely in there or it's not in there very much now the tool has a little slot there so your calipers will fit in there and it's looking to me like two point eight nine zero this will be this will be fun to try and get on camera there we go two point eight eight nine so let's call it two point eight eight nine and I like to repeat the process several times so let's loosen this guy up pull it down a little bit drop our bullet back in and just repeat the whole thing over again yeah that time I managed not to push it into the rifling it actually came out all right measurement number two we're getting the exact same thing two point eight nine zero or two point eight eight nine sometimes two point eight eight eight so I think that two point eight eight nine measurement that we got from the first time is a good one tell you what this is being a little bit of a pain in the butt as far as getting that final measurement because the neck on this guy is really quite it's a little bit looser than I would like so whenever you've got your calipers on there and this thing is moving around on you it's hard to get a stable measurement so now the question is how does that compare to the number we would get with the split case so let's do it with the split case so we just sit the bullet down in there a touch we grab our bolt we wedge the case under the extractor take out the magazine so I can get up in there with my fingers to help out okay then we just pushed the bolt forward and let the rifling push the bullet down into the case close the bolt and then open it back up this can be a pain in the butt with burger bullets in particular hey the bullet actually came out good because it seems like the the copper that burger uses for their jacket is just very soft and it really seems to like to dig into that lands and get stuck and if you know with this method if you're putting it up in there and then your case comes you know leaves the bullet in the lands your measurements gone so this this one can be a pain in the butt with burgers occasionally but hey we got it out two-point eight nine one so this is mm longer than what we got with the Hornady number let's go ahead and repeat it one more time that time it's two point eight nine zero and two point eight nine zero is actually what we got with the second time through the process with this guy so we're essentially getting the exact same number and after these couple of tests I would call it two point eight nine zero and consider that my number as far as maximum overall length with this bullet now if you look a little closer at where the boat tail starts yeah like right it right about there right so that is not a ton of contact between neck and bearing surface it's probably enough but especially for a hunting round you know where it might get banged round and loaded and unloaded 45 times and dropped and banged around in a backpack or whatever I'd like to see a little bit more contact between the bearing surface in the neck just to make sure that bullets not gonna get go anywhere right so I'll tell you what we're going to shoot 2.8 inches today we know that in the compass rifle our magazine we can shoot super long stuff but a lot of other guns 2.8 is about what you see for magazine length that 2.8 is that is also the the Sammy maximum overall linked for this cartridge so let me push this guy down in here let's see if we can get to point eight and we'll have a look at all right this is like two point eight oh three there you go see the boat tail where the boat tail starts so now we've we've we've almost got complete contact and not quite but we've got plenty of contact between the neck of our case and our bullet that would make me feel a whole lot better about things so that's gonna be our overall length for today now back to our horn in the overall length gauge there is an important consideration that you need to keep in mind in this case it didn't matter we got the same number with this method using the bolt as we did with this method now if you think about the way the Horn of the overall length gauge works this guy gets pushed into the chamber right the bolt is out of the gun so what stops it is the shoulder of our chamber so right so are our shoulder makes contact with the chamber and then our bullet is is up here just like that so what if the measurement from the shoulder to the base of the cartridge does not match your chamber like let's say the cartridge base to the shorty no to the shoulder that headspace let's say it's five thousandths shorter on this case then you would see in your chamber well you put your calipers on here and you and you measure it it's going to be five thousands off it's going to be an incorrect reading with this setup the only thing you can be absolutely sure of is the measurement between the shoulder and the ogive where it touched the rifling right those are what are touching things in your gun so that's a measurement you can be certain about the other measurement you need you need to check it now with the split case method this is a piece of brass that we fired in my gun we did run it through a resizer to get the neck back down so it would you know grab a hold of a bullet but when we did that we measured the cartridge base up onto the shoulder to make sure we weren't moving it too much I don't think we bumped it at all or if we did maybe it was one thousandth of an inch so in this case the bolt is in there we've got a cartridge that's been fired in the gun and we can be you know maybe a little bit more confident about the number so here's our Hornady headspace comparator gage and if I grab a beautifully fired piece of brass from my gun it measures one point five three six and we should be able to grab any other piece of brass out of this box and it should give us the same number one point five three six right it's fire form to my chamber one point five three six so that is an absolute let's see what the Hornady yeah let's see what the Hornady produced case has got one point five three four so this guy is 2,000 short ER then our fired brass let's see the the case we were using for the split case method let's see what it is this one I'm actually seeing one point five three five so it's a thousandth of an inch shorter than our fired brass I guess whenever we sized it we actually did bump that shoulder that probably wasn't the smart way to go we should have left that shoulder exactly where it was from fired and just sized the neck but we're not always the smartest folks around here but still even though the shoulders may be not in the exactly perfect place we would want with the split case I really don't think it would matter because right as it's going in force is being applied by the bolt to the cartridge base and then the bullet here so our pressure points are the base of the case and the rifling those are the two places that are squeezing it together and what stops that squeezing is whenever our bolt locks up and we close the bolt handle so even if our split case isn't tight as far as headspace goes I don't think it introduces the error I might be losing you all here I'm just kind of rambling you know just kind of thinking out loud but a Commodore had brought this up in a previous video and mentioned that it was you know something I should keep in mind as I used the horn of the overall length Gage and it just never really dawned on me and it's it's it's so true in this case our modified case that came from Hornady is perfect I don't care about mm now you might if you're really trying to get you know into the lands or jam into the lands a very precise amount you know maybe that would make a whole lot of difference for you but I think in that case making one of these like tapping your own out of a fired piece of brass it's probably the best way to go I don't know just you know just something to keep in mind we're lucky here like I said that it didn't matter but I can tell you it will like my my six-and-a-half Grendel my old barrel versus my new barrel had a ten thousand so I think it was twelve thousand difference in headspace so if I had ordered a modified case from Hornady which barrel would it have matched I don't know just something to keep in mind alright that's enough talk about that stuff we know that we're going to shoot an overall length of 2.8 inches we know now that that's going to be at about a ninety thousand to jump to the lands and we'll see how how our burger performance if we don't see the sorts of groups we want to see then maybe you know playing with that overall length could help but we're not gonna mess with that yet so let's move on to load data right let me try and explain to you guys why I don't think I'm gonna blow my face off but we might and let's start with reloader 17 it's all about context clues we know we don't have the data we need but let's find as much data as we can find that is close that's close to what we want to be now in this case with a hundred and thirty-five grain bullet we're kind of in no-man's land there's lots of 140 and 143 bullets and there's lots of 129 130 bullets but there's not a whole lot here in the middle at 135 so let's find reloader 17 data down in the 129 class and up in the 140 class so the first place is our favorite and I'll tell you what let's talk about both powders at the same time that's that'll probably be the easiest and fastest way to cover this Hornady groups they're 129 grain bullets and the 130 grain bullet here in one chart so they show with real odor 17 they show a max charge of forty three point six screens with IMR 4350 they show forty three point zero grains and then if we go over to the next chart this is their one hundred and forty and hundred and forty three grain bullets with reloader seventeen they show forty one point three grains and with IMR 4350 they show forty two point zero grains now another very important thing to keep in mind when you're doing this when you're trying to make it up on your own bullet length can mean everything right did the amount of the bullet that protrudes down into the case and takes up case capacity makes a huge difference in your maximum charge so what I wanted to do here if I grab the hundred and forty three grain Hornady eld X and I grab one of our burgers just wanted to compare their length now you can see the Horn of the eld X on the Left is a significantly longer bullet riot with its little with its little plastic tip so that's good that means that our burger is not exceptionally long and it's not exceptionally short when compared to this bullet it's a little bit shorter now Hornady with this bullet with the 143 they shoot an overall length of 2.8 inches the same bullet that we shoot so that means you know tips at the same place our bullet is not going to protrude down into the case as much as they're 143 grain eld X that should be lower pressure kind of we leave more room in the case than they do other factors at play but that that's an important factor so let's keep looking for information that that's we've got what we came from Hornady now burger has got data for their 140 grain elite hunter and they show an overall length of 2.8 inches with reloader 17 they show a max charge of forty two point six grains and with IMR 4350 they show a max charge of forty two point two grains so both of those numbers are a little bit higher than what Hornady showed with their hundred and forty grain bullets but they're still pretty close to one another so let's keep looking the next source is the Sierra load data for their 130 grain tipped match King with reloader 17 they show 43.2 and with IMR 4350 they show 43.6 if we go to their 140 140 grain bullets they've got a soft point and a hollow-point reloader 17 they show 42.3 and IMR 4350 they show 42.3 so same charge weight with both powders in that case forty two point three grains 140 grain bullet and then if we move down to the hundred and forty two grain match King they show forty two point one with reloader 17 and forty two point three with IMR 4350 so if we take what we've learned and we you know so in general heavier bullets require a lower charge weight with this you know with the same powder we definitely see that here I don't notice any exceptions so the 140 and 143 grain bullets the lowest maximum that I see is the Hornady with reloader 17 shows 41.3 and IMR 4350 they show forty two point zero so if we kind of consider that the lowest maximum well let's call it the minimum maximum just to make it super confusing at that at that bullet weight class then we go down to the 129 s and one 30s with reloader 17 sierra shot forty three point two which was the lowest and Hornady shot forty three point six so yeah so we'll call forty three point two our minimum maximum and with IMR 4350 Hornady shot forty three point zero and Sierra shot forty three point six so if we say okay so look at looking at those so it looked like in the one thirty class forty three grains more or less was a conservative maximum or you know was about their maximum and then up at the hundred forty green bullets let's see what number did we say earlier forty eight two we did have a 41.3 with reloader 17 so let's call it forty one and a half so I know that I'm right in the middle of these right I'm in the middle between the one thirty class and the one forty class bullets so what I've decide to go with is a maximum charge weight of 42.0 with both powders that is under every single max charge that we just talked about including you know a bunch of hundred and forty and hundred and forty three grain bullets the only one were kind of exceeding is the forty one point three grain max that Hornady had for reload or 17 with their hundred and forty one hundred forty three green bullets so I feel pretty good about this right like I said we're making it up as we go and anytime you do that in reloading for one thing you want to make sure you kind of got your procedures down and you're comfortable with reloading before you try any stupid crap like this and you want to do enough research to where you can say if I blow my face off it's nobody's fault but my own and I feel good about that I feel like I can say that so if I blow my face off today it's nobody's fault with Miami and that's why we're gonna shoot forty forty point five forty one forty one point five and forty two grains with both powders all right rest of the load data it's the same that we've been doing we're shooting CCI 450 primers we're shooting Starline brass once fired that has got small primer pockets we're shooting 2.8 inches of overall length and I think that pretty much covers everything so let's get down to it let's start we need to resize our brass that's step one now one of my favorite things about shooting a bolt gun instead of like one of my gas guns is the nice clean brass you end up with so I'm not going to be tumbling this brass or cleaning this brass in any way the only thing I did do the next tell you what let me get a piece that I didn't wipe off there we go here's a piece that I haven't wiped off yet and you can see just a little bit a little bit of crap around the neck or if you're shooting particularly light loads which I think I've got some of those yeah here's one from a lighter load that when it was shot you know the brass didn't quite seal the chamber very well and got some gunk down here on the rim of the case sometimes you'll see that but for the most part they're still okay and what I have done with these with the fifty pieces of brass we're going to use today just grabbed a washcloth a little tiny blue alcohol so that it dries quickly and I just you know gave the next a quick wipe because you don't want to introduce a bunch of gunk and crap into your sizing die yeah that guy into our sizing die so what I'm going to use for Lube today is just a little bit of reading imperial sizing die wax this is really good stuff a little bit on your fingers and just a really really light coat is enough to get the job done now depending on how well I'll tell you what the the sizing die we set it in the last video so we're not gonna mess around with it today I need a shell holder there we go actually you know what somebody did ask me about sizing die set up recently so yeah we'll go ahead and just reset the size and die so I've backed it out just a little bit and bring your RAM to the top of the stroke and then just screw it down until it touches your shell holder that's kind of your your first position and then you go ahead and sized a piece of brass well and then really it's indispensable having a headspace comparator kit like these from Hornady or something like the RCBS precision mic those are really cool they're a little bit pricey but they can do similar sort of measurements but this you know helps you keep from resizing your brass too much because with you know with a bolt-action gun that this cartridge was fired in the chamber it'll go right back into it it doesn't need a whole bunch of sizing to the body and shoulder of the case it just needs the the neck reduced down to hold the next bullet now sizing the case a little bit will help things feed a little bit easier especially like you know hunt and ammunition I generally shoot fulling sized brass just to make sure I don't you know end up out in the woods trying to get a stupid bolt handle to close because that's that you know with with next sized brass you know which is a die that only sizes the neck it works just fine you can shoot a case over and over and over again and only mess with the neck now the case does get a little tighter and tighter each time and eventually you get to a point where it's just it's hard to get the bolt handle closed and it's time to go ahead and just falling through size them and then you're back in the game you can just next size for four or five times or what so that's certainly an option but now one of the big advantages of that is not having to trim because I'll tell you what that's what we need to do as well so the the length of this piece of brass before we size it is one point nine zero nine so one point nine zero nine we'll see how much it stretches I better write that down and the other thing we want to do is look at the shoulder see where the shoulders at which we were measuring earlier so here before sizing looks like one point five three six so what I want to do is I want to screw my die down until this gets bumped back and we read one point five three five one two three thousandths something like that those are all acceptable amounts you know if you're loading for an ar-10 maybe three thousandths will be a little bit better for you but here in a bolt gun you know we could we could next size if we wanted to so we don't need to move it a whole bunch all right it's still reading one point five three six so we haven't touched the shoulder I'll tell you what let's see if the the length of our round has grown at all I'm reading one point nine one one so the the the round hist or the the brass has stretched mm at this point but I want to take the die down just a smidgen more until we bump that shoulder a little bit more lube again just to make sure one point five three five five we just barely touched that shoulder and I didn't see any additional stretch that time it's still reading one point nine one one now when I'm setting up a sizing die like this I like to use a couple different cases because you know every time I put this back through the sizing die the neck is getting squished down and then it's getting the expander ball pulled through it again and if you use one case to set your sizing die and you run it through ten different times that's a lot of wear on that one piece of brass so let's go down one more little tweak just a little bit I'm talking like a 64th of a turn or less and well I'll tell you what let's have a look at the shoulder yep one point five three six before and it's kind of a long one point five three six yes I see a five at the end a lot and sometimes I'll actually one point five three seven until I jiggle it and get it just right until it reads what I want yeah one point five three six length on this one is one point nine zero eight see how much it's stretched yep one point nine one zero so we're getting right at mm of case stretch it seems and one point five three five so we're bumping the shoulder one thousandth we're getting about mm of case stretch so that's good we're not gonna have to trim this time I think our max length is one point nine to zero so our trim length is one point nine one zero so these are these are already right about trim length we've double-checked the manual just to be sure yeah max case length one point nine to zero so I'll test them as I go and make sure there aren't any long ones in there but we know back from whenever we first started using this batch of brass that there weren't really any oddballs in here as far as length went now every few rounds I like to just get a little bit inside the neck of the case just to make sure to keep that a keep a little bit of residual Lube on that expander ball in there because a lot of times you know if things feel sticky or it feels like you know rounds aren't wanting to come out very easily especially that's where they're you know that's where they're hanging up is on the expander yep length is one point nine one one the shoulder is a long one point five three five still so we're fooling through sizing but we're doing it as little as possible and that minimizes the amount of stretch the admin amount imagines the amount of work being done to our brass and maybe brass that we treat this way isn't gonna last quite as long as brass did that gets next sized and only fooling sized every once in a while when you get when it absolutely needs it but it's still gonna last a long time tell you what let me see how much we're moving the body of the case so right here below the shoulder I'm seeing about a point four six four before sizing and after sizing seeing point four six one so here at the top of the body it's only getting squeezed in three thousands total so one and a half thousands on each side that's not bad that doesn't seem bad at all all right so sizing is over now I'm just taking a minute to wipe the lube off of each case they make brushes that you can brush out the inside of the neck that can be really useful I'm just going to use a q-tip to kind of make sure there's no Lube off of the expander ball still left inside of the neck now from the last time these were we're loaded most of the chamfer is still in place so I'm not going to go with these guys crazy with a chamfer and deburring tool but I do like to hit the inside just a little bit just to scrape away a little bit fouling get it shined up and ready to take that next bullet nice and easy and also you know the primer pockets are a little bit dirty now so I've got a primer pocket scraper there's several different styles you can you can use like this is a little li primer pocket scraper just you can you know it's just a little flat blade it's not well it's not really a blade it's just a flat spot you can even use a screwdriver just get up in that primer pocket knock out most of the carbon and it's ready for a primer you know and every time you handle brass it's another chance to inspect it all right this is new brass it's still in excellent condition but every time it's in your hands you're feeling you're looking splits cracks dings anything you know might show that that piece of brass is compromised and needs it needs to be retired but like I said these are these are in great shape so I don't expect to find anything still it's on my mind all right so I'm priming with this Frank for Arsenal hand primer again which i think is exactly the way I did it in the last video and actually we're getting into the parts now if you know now that we've prepped our once fired brass now we're just getting into the exact same process that we've used in previous videos with our new brass so we've wasted enough time gap in here so it's time to time to get this thing moving and get on the range here pretty quick well I guess the one it may be semi interesting thing we've still got left is once I get to bullet seating we'll talk about the different you know I have three different seating stems for my Hornet II seating die so we'll we'll have a look at the seating stem fit with the burger bullet all right I got my charges of reloader 17 laid out and I just pulled out the seating stem that we were using in the last video which was believe was the one here for the hundred and forty-three grain eld this is the this is the the seating stem I bought separately the the eld a max stem that fits this guy perfectly and I thought this bullet might use that same stem but it doesn't look like that's going to be the case because we put it down in this guy and it a little bit little bit wobbly er than I'd like to see so I was looking at the two stems that came with the die set one of them is horrendously wobbly and the other is perfect this guy doesn't move at all so looks good yeah it looks like if you've got the Hornady custom grade new dimensions die set and have the standard stems that came with it you're all set for this bullet at least okay so I've got our first five bullets seated let's see what sort of consistency we're seeing with overall length two point seven nine six two point eight zero two two point eight zero zero two point eight zero five and two point eight zero one so quite a bit of variation here when measured to the tip of the bullet ten thousandths as a matter of fact but let's grab our bullet comparator and measure the overall link to the ogive and see if it's C if it looks better measured to the ogive I don't have a ton of experience with Birger bullets so I don't know what's normal but it looks like the me plan on these guys is a little bit a little bit jacked up kind of like a lot of sierra matchking czar two point one nine four two point one nine four two point one nine four two point one nine four and two point one nine four so these were all perfect you know when measured to where it counts which is you know the ogive of the bullet they're all perfect but they just don't have uniform me plats right like the tip the very the hollow point of the bullets are just irregular and you know that's what leads to that sort of variation and it doesn't matter at all so I've just seated one of our heaviest charges still getting a little bit of powder movement when we're shaken so we've still got some case capacity left here with reloader 17 and the far 42 grain max charge but the case is pretty full like there's not a ton of space but there's a little bit so that's really it if something exciting comes up I'll let you know but otherwise I'll just see you guys out on the rain hi folks let's get this party started we've got a target at 100 yards I am shooting with the Caldwell lead sled again today so I'll keep an eye on the scope but hopefully that Loctite is going to keep us in good shape there so let's jump right into it first up is 40 grains of reloader 17 see if it blows our face off I am shooting with my suppressor the whole day today so the guns completely cold I haven't shot it yet hopefully my tightening of the scope and all that doesn't move our point of impact a bunch but if we have to chase our scope settings here for the first few shots then so be it all right good we're still on paper velocity 2546 that doesn't seem unreasonable I don't see any signs of pressure on the brass so good to go see if they'll group all right so it looks like our first shot which was which was cold bore and clean bore I had run a few patches down this guy just with some hop ease no crazy cleaning so the first shot went a little bit left and then the other four stacked right in there together sweet also the velocity on the first shot was twenty five forty six and then three of the remaining four were up in the twenty five 80s so looks like the cold bore shot was like thirty five or forty feet per second below the average of the next four and we had that little bit of left hand shift well keep an eye on that over time as we get used to our new Thompson Center compass to see whether cold bore shot being low velocity and hitting a little bit to the left maybe it'll be a trend or maybe it's just you know maybe it's just today okay next up is forty point five brass still looks good alright another pretty pretty good-looking group I'll tell you well let's go ahead and come up on the scope a minute and a half yeah there we go that should keep us a little closer to the dot okay moving right along next up is 41.0 grains of reloader 17 scope is still tight brass you know keeping a really close eye on the brass since you know we're making up the load data as we go primers still look nice and rounded no problems at all alright folks having some minor visibility problems here with the snow but that's fine it feels like Christmas man hopefully a big old snowflake hasn't landed on the lens of my target camera so I guess if you're not seeing if you're not seeing clear dots up there that's probably why but I can tell you whether you can see it or not the groups are looking good the groups are looking really good all right next up 41.5 grains yep still brass looking fine nothing to freak out about Wow the Sun comes out my camera is all screwed up all right that's a little bit better all right the brass was just fine we're up to 26 76 standard deviation numbers tightening up we'll have to see if that's a trend or not but these last 10 shots I've shot him reasonably fast and I started to get a little bit of Mirage off of my suppressor so I'm going to give this guy 10 minutes or so with the chamber chiller to cool down a little bit and hopefully this last group with reloader 17 will just let's just shoot them all through the same hole that's my plan all right took a nice little extended break and the suppressor is totally cool to the touch now shouldn't have any more Mirage problems but I'll tell you what here on this group now that we've got a nice I mean the barrel is cold to the touch let's see if this first round has lower velocity like we saw on that first shot we took from a completely clean in cold bore let's see if just a pretty cold bore it shows the same thing and I think the shot went left so we'll watch and see if this first shot see if it goes left and see if it has lower velocity yeah we're 12 42.0 grains of reloader 17 alright velocity was 2686 I don't see any problems with the brass brass is still looking awesome good deal alright second shot was twenty seven twelve so twenty six feet per second hotter and looks like that shot did go a little bit to the right interesting what to keep our eye on that okay so our average was twenty seven oh six even with that one shot that was down at 26 86 that first shot was really what screwed up the standard deviation because our last four shots were all between twenty seven or seven and twenty seven thirteen so that'll be that's something we'll have to keep in mind that first shot a little bit to the left and a little bit slower velocity well we've managed to make it through or reloader 17 loads without blowing our face off that's good no pressure signs to speak of so it's time to move on to the ugly cousin of h-43 50 I am are 43 50 she might not be as popular but let's see how she performs first up 40.0 grains okay velocity nice and low 2461 and no pressure signs which is what you would expect at that velocity level good deal so at the least it doesn't look like we got ourselves into trouble by starting too hot let's see if it'll group and the answer is yes it will indeed group 24 81 we're not exactly setting the world on fire there twelve point four feet per second standard deviation I've seen worse hopefully that'll tighten up as we get you know the case a little bit fuller give this guy just a minute to cool down a touch moving right along forty point five grains all right good-looking group right we can do with a little bit more velocity but that's fine we started low we're working our way up we don't want to blow our face off but so far man I am our 4350 looking pretty sexy to me I did it out did I mention that this is a three hundred dollar scope and gun combo have we forgotten that this is good stuff man all right next up 41.0 grains my brass is still looking awesome [Applause] a little bit of Miraj off the suppressor again hey just to make it clear I mean it's not really the barrel heating up the barrel certainly warm but it's the suppressor that's get a little bit hot a little bit of Miraj off that guy so I'm gonna give it just another minute here to cool down before we fire our last 10 alright folks another extended break suppressor completely cool to the touch yeah a little a little bit a little bit of warmth left in it but pretty much cool barrel cold so let's let's shoot these last ten shots see what happens okay 41.5 grains let's see if this first shot goes left and let's see if it's velocity is low well at least the piece of brass looks good yep we picked up 19 feet per second we didn't see the point of impact shift this time but we did pick up a little bit of velocity all right last up 42.0 grains so we're not exactly up to the crazy high of velocities here with IMR 4350 but we started low right we didn't want to blow her face off which I probably shouldn't speak too soon here but we started low we're seeing good good accuracy we've got plenty of case capacity left to go up higher if we want to so alright 42.0 grains is last no pressure signs to speak of on the brass looks great alright not a bad little group to finish things off with outstanding just good stuff all around 26:12 is our final velocity here but no pressure signs we might be able to go higher here in a future video so let's get back to the bench talk this crap over alright let's start out with a look at the brass and it is going to be an extremely quick look because ok our first five rows here yep these bottom five rows are the ones we shot today and let's look at some of our top charges there's one there's the reloader 17 like I showed really closely in the last video this the bolt on this gun does have a little bit of a crater look but if we look at one of the lightest charges as well you'll see the exact same thing that's just the nature of this gun and other people in the comment section mentioned that they're that their compass rifles do the same thing nothing weird going on here with the brass at all nice round edges on our primers here's our max charge of IMR 4350 same deal so really nothing nothing at all to show here I could not be happier with the performance of these bullets just outstanding stuff we didn't shoot any groups over an inch our worst group was the highest charge of reloader 17 here at point 9 8 9 inches and our first group with reloader 50 yeah realtor 17 - keep wanting to call it realer 15 but reloader seventeen point nine one five inches just nothing but good groups I hate that we had to move the scope right we moved this go pup a minute-and-a-half after this group that kind of sucks cuz I like to be able to see you know what sort of trend we were seeing as far as point of impact shift but down here with IMR 4350 with the same scope scope settings we didn't have anything drastic we just had kind of a general upward trend from lowest to highest charge weight so man I just I couldn't be happier with how our little compass shoots this is good stuff I think it is clear though that IMR 4350 was the moment was the more accurate powder our best group with reloader 17 was this 658 but we had three groups down here with IMR 4350 that were better than that so really really good accuracy science from IMR 4350 and you know what with reloader 17 we got up to twenty seven hundred and six feet per second and that's really not that bad because I started thinking about thinking about it afterwards because our factory ammunition that we shot in the previous videos the Hornady with 129 grain interlocked this stuff shot 27:31 out of our gun so with our 135 grain bullet we were at 27 or six and this 129 was at 27 31 so that that's not far off and our 140 grain factory ammunition that we've shot we saw 26 55 so I think we can push this a little bit farther you know we've definitely got the case capacity we didn't see the first hint of any pressure signs so I would feel ok maybe pushing a little bit farther maybe we can hit 2,750 feet per second I don't know because you know we were we were pretty conservative on our on our charge weights the 42 that we came up with you know that was a pretty safe or at least it seemed like it was going to be a pretty safe top in - shoot - and it proved to be okay so I'd feel okay going another half grain at least maybe and same thing down here with IMR 4350 we're lagging a good bit behind right we're a hundred feet per second slower down here at 26 12 so we would have a little bit we've got a little steeper hill to climb here to get to to get we to where we want to be for a hunting load but overall couldn't be happier here's the ridiculous thing so this box is now empty the other 50 rounds were shot in 6.5 Grindal and I shot them today out on the same range trip like right after I finished this target I shot that videos range session the ridiculous thing is that out of this hundred bullets I shot five shot groups with all of it so 25 shot groups the three worst groups are shot out of the entire box are all on this piece of paper so that should that should tell you what we're looking at in tomorrow's video which is going to be the 6.5 Grendel video they're Creedmoor loves them the Grendel loves them so I am definitely going to be ordering some more of these bullets just outstanding performance well I should say outstanding accuracy and maybe once I get some more like say I've got some I've got some ballistics gel maybe we can chuck some into some gel and see what sort of expansion these guys get because in you know today's video and tomorrow's video these are really seeming like they're worth the money so we're gonna play around with them a little bit more probably or definitely but we've still got the hundred and forty-three grain eld axe we've got the hundred forty grain SST we've got the hundred twenty-nine grain interlock we've got the hundred and thirty grains here a game King so we've still got all the other bullets to have a look at here and Creedmoor so maybe we'll find something something else that the gun really likes that's a little less expensive I'm sure we will eventually so I think that's it that's where we'll wrap this one up I haven't decided yet what the next 6.5 Creedmoor video will be but it'll be soon I'll tell you that so if you'd like to help support my channel you can come to patreon.com slash reloading I've got affiliate links down in the description that you can click on before you go shopping for your reloading supplies that will pay me a little referral fee that helps a lot as well and I will see you guys tomorrow with the 6.5 Grendel video so see you next time
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 89,717
Rating: 4.909925 out of 5
Id: pqE8M2LvWKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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