Pokemon Platinum Randomizer Nuzlocke Challenge | PART 1

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hello and welcome to pokemon platinum version today we're gonna be starting a Nuzlocke randomizer that means all the pokemons we encounter are gonna be totally random there's a whole bunch of rules that go along with being a Nuzlocke challenge I'll have those down to description if you're interested let's get started Oh crud hey okay we're gonna make this a rule if in the starter choices we get Dunsparce I will pick him even if the other options are like legendaries Dunsparce will be chosen I don't need no gosh dang info come on I'm a Pokemon master oh gosh here's the thing where I've got to touch the balls I don't want to touch his pokeballs but I've got to there we go I've touched your pokeballs touch the balls I've done it alright here's the most important decision am i a boy or am ia girl I don't know all right you know what guys I'll have you vote cuz I I don't know oh my gosh there's a lot of people want me to be the grill she does have that look at that crud he's got like the one scarf strap she's got the double how can we not pick her let's go and she got the pink boots okay we've got a got to do the name here dawn isn't that like a brand of soap or is that dumb well do whoa hey three I don't even know if there was a wha hey two but well there's this well we've got our rival as well but I was thinking a lot about what his name could possibly be and there's one thing that I noticed which is we can put gosh dang smiley faces and angry faces and crud in his name so this is a really good well-thought-out name so here we go I'll try to put the important stuff on the top but I'll probably forget that concludes our special program oh gosh dang I take one step and poop is everywhere dude did you just see the TV yeah I mean there's a giant flashing TV on the screen mmm professor own is a really important guy doesn't he live like in our town the town of like three buildings how did I not know him is this the new PC I mean I'm glad you noticed oh gosh dang it hi mom my mom's got like a bull cut what the heck she looks like Rock Lee oh my bad I said there were three buildings there's four okay this town is huge the key item in the bag can be assigned to this button okay I don't really have any key items now you might see some weird flashy speckles on the ground I don't think there's any way to fix that I think that's just something we're gonna have to deal with or this building's got to be important yep it's poops house it's the only other house with a mailbox so I knew it would be important so let's go inside oh gosh dang it poop just smacked into me jeez and there we go fast tech speed oh and the most important decision guys we've got to choose a frame type Oh 15 is good in this game let's go why does no one in Pokemon only own a toilet and when I was playing the yokai watch the other day and in that game you've got a toilet but not this game why does he keep running away from me this is the third time Kay let's go outside let's go see if we can find poop where are you you're slow I'm not jeez I don't have running shoes yet dude toilets are really lewd yes and just a heads up guys I am gonna be skipping through most of the text throughout this playthrough I don't know what they're asking me but I'm gonna say yes why not I should also mention I'm not going to give up after just three weeks like I did with emerald even if I fail over and over I will try until the end of the summer which i think is eight weeks from now so actually the end of summer depends on where you live different countries I think have different classifications for that crud but in the u.s. I'm pretty sure it ends in about two months so there will be at least eight weeks of this crud no matter how many times I fail we've got another nerd right here this guy with the lame hat did I got my cute little beanie on it's a pink bow I mean it's it's two pixels but it's definitely a pink bow but guys what do you say we go ahead and open up this briefcase and to a Pokemon we got we have this one is it okay so it's got the sprite of a Turtwig but this is an ohm estar so our first choice is omastar holy crud not even omen night dude omus star we go over here our second choice isn't oopsie and our third choice is a soul rock oh my gosh gosh dang I don't want my opponent to have a legendary though I would choose almost are for the memes but I mean ah alright we're gonna choose Yuki and before I have no good moves at all I'm so sorry that I didn't choose lord helix Duke CEA's is not a good legendary awk rod dukes he sucks gosh dang it I should've chose home a star can I start over all right we're gonna go ahead and battle right here this is our first battle now if we fail this battle I have to start over because I only have one Pokemon and if they faint they're technically dead champion poop oh we've got a move we've got confusion so we can actually do some damage this is good got withdraw not even worried about that crud we're gonna win this one so easily I just got a feeling we're gonna win this one look at this guy just doing withdraw come on I mean this challenge is basically already finished we why don't you I don't even have to play anymore I mean I just won I got a legendary we're gonna stop now oh no oh no that wasn't too bad super effective bite from a Nova star six damage like nothing press the B button and - about faster than ever before put on the running shoes and blaze new trails of adventure who the crowd gets instructions for shoes I mean maybe like dry cleaning instructions but I don't actually know where I'm going but I think we're gonna go on a date to the lake come on Barry oh the poopoo yeah guys we're going on a hot date oh yeah I could run now Wow Barry's got gosh dang I mean poop poop is got running shoes - I keep running into poo ha ha well we've got some grass right here but I don't have any balls yet I'll go check just make sure I don't have any balls okay yeah there's nothing in my ball pouch that's weird - keep saying key item Crotty but that's not my run button I should mention eyes like I'm not good at pokemon platinum I know this game almost not at all so this is gonna be very very very bad okay so this doesn't count thank goodness it doesn't count gosh dang - all right so it doesn't count until I get my balls oh gosh poop just keeps smacking right into my face okay okay oh my gosh I just freaked out cuz one of the rules of another lock is you have to nickname all your Pokemon so I almost failed but I think we nicknamed it here yes let's give it a nickname we have to honestly this face kind of looks like a puke face so let's put that on even though it's on poop casting puke see oh we got TM 27 now the TMS I think are randomized so I don't know what the crowd has got it might be like hydro pump or something if you cool flare blitz that'll work wait wait wait can I just go buy balls yes we can just buy some balls dude all right let's buy a bunch of them there we go we use all of her money we're broke hooray now it's time to go and catch some pokey man's let's go I have to go talk to my mom gosh dang it did okay I can catch things on the way back at least alright let's find out what our first Pokemon catches okay I guess okay I'll guess we'll get that don't kill it let's just hurt it a little bit hopefully the lot actually heard it a lot oh look at that crud okay let's go to our bag whip out our balls there we go hold down that b button guys let's go first pokemon it in the challenge no come on it's okay it's the first attempt people were not ready to hold down that B we got a brush off some of that rust do I want to use the premier ball sure let's use it let's be I forgot where the B button was on my controller I was pressing X that's why it didn't work guys now I'm actually pressing B there we go it works Jay Leno in a bikini what this thing weighs 52 pounds okay speaking of weight this is ridiculous okay so I ordered a Nintendo 64 HDMI mod so that I can play - to the 64 via HDMI the person who is going to mod it lives in the United Kingdom I think they live in Wales specifically so I'm going to mail this box to him this credit weighs 2 pounds and it's costing $200 to ship it like what the crud that's gotta be wrong feed there's gotta be something I'm doing wrong why would a 2 pound thing be to $100 to ship gosh dang a side note I didn't pay the $200 I was like that stupid I'm not doing that a little crud did do I put this all dude this one looks like a butt my someone looks like an umbrella who made these symbols some kind of looks like a never mind use the same face all right let's go okay so we've gotta go talk to my mom I've got to show her all my Pokemon I got the journal Wow are you kidding we did what the crud spy little poop here this is my favorite line I am so glad we chose this name little poop Bolton all right I'll take the parcel the poop I don't know what its gonna do with it please take that to my poop oh my poop took off like a rocket as usual oh man I hate when that happens I sting it I don't care about your key items let's go catch our next pokin out get in the grass our next Pokemon oh we got za - lets go illumise ah - confirm please don't bust my balls like this dude I don't have that much money I've got like eight balls and after that crud is gone I'm out I don't have any more money come on come on oh we got it alright hold on let me go see if there's any fan art on Twitter I gotta go search the hashtag crud art oh my gosh it's beautiful dude I don't know if you guys can see this you can't see this oh what the everything vanished this is complicated guys this is complicated oh gosh dang Quran why do I keep doing that one do the other monitor I've got two monitors guys look at this crud dude gosh dang pukes ooh alrighty let's give it a nick I spell that right I sure hope I did coz we're going with it I guess we can just go up now right now that I've talked to my mom wait did I not talk to mom oh I swear to crud okay now he's gonna teach you how to catch a Pokemon even though I've already caught a gosh-dang little leaf and an Illumina saw to know the crud finds a level-two by barrel oh I got my balls yes so let's go see we got this time hopefully not gosh dang be barrel oh my goodness do we got a Leafeon let's go get our balls out you ready guys let's hold down that big butt turn one two three oh come on why is it gonna do that crud it's like they specifically programmed it to wait after the third shake just the trick you did I'm not ready to whip out the foot wiggling yet we got to save that for the truly big stuff for now I think B is enough yes it was alright it basically does not fight but why the cred do I want this then I mean wheedle is a pretty good name oh my gosh we got a trainer I should probably go back and heal actually well I guess our eyes met even though I looked at the side of my face but maybe my eyes are is really far apart I don't know manager Jill wants to battle oh my gosh come on dude I would be very scared if I didn't have puke CD think I'm scared of venusaur oh you guys see the entire world Jack or was that just me and hanging out with wheel too much oh we could have had pollito dude I mean Leafeon is pretty sick though I like that they did the face did they did the poop face gosh dang it I know about the stupid key item window on the big box on the right is just like the background I could make it black I guess does that look better I don't know my pressing tab just beat up oh my gosh dude and we've got a rock in sense okay let's go up to jubler Bluff City I really hope this is not a rival battle that would be terrible take note of this guys there are three count them three Illuminati triangles it's perfect amount high-quality art right here see here's the thing that makes this so good you've got the Illuminati right here but they crossed off it right here and then drew it in that makes it awesome but the best part is that they took a picture of the picture and then posted that instead of actually like saving this and uploading the JPEG or something and we Gaga's doing we love the Leafeon right here the ultimate Pokemon your pal poop went in earlier you hopefully into a toilet did we must go to school oh here it is do more balls okay there's poop over there a burnheal okay okay so now's the polka Tech campaign so we gotta go talk to the clowns okay there's one right here of course let's talk to him hold up hold up let me let me get these clowns out the way I think I might need to heal now we're all healed up okay let's go let's just go to the trainer school whip some butts all right let's go for confusion and it's gonna take three of them all this might hurt please don't hurt okay it's fine we're good and we win all right I let's battle here scribe Chloe all right and they've got beautifly okay let's go ahead and use Peck see how good it is and I mean it's super effective but not doing that much Oh a critical never mind I thought we we need one more but no it's quite so easy Oh level five I think level six is the big one that's where we get the good skills we'll be good enough we might level six oh yeah here we learn nightshade yes nightshade is the move that does the same damage as your level right I mean six damage might not sound that great but I think six damage is probably better than a lot of stuff especially if I have nothing that's super effective ooh can we go up here oh dude I can catch something here you know what I think I want to get the old rod because I can catch some crazy stuff I'm gonna get something from this route guys don't worry I'll come back I could've just got some right there gosh dang it I don't care about the key items dude and old rod is a good thing yes indeed so the cool thing is that because it's randomized we're not gonna just get Magikarp I could gosh dang pull-up Mewtwo I don't know it could happen a hyper potion yes dude and let's see what we can catch here okay we've got an arbok and I'm not lying guys you're not to believe me but I have never bought or consumed anything from Starbucks get out your keyboards get out your game controllers I'm sorry PlayStation fans there's no B button on there but you can hold down circle or something jump press circle button so you're good but if you've got a B button press it's got a circle button jump and press it make sure there's no small animals under you I'm not responsible for any damage to anything like that let's go up the instant ball buster one two three yes all right we got on the face let's go so we've got this if the gosh didn't count with a picture of a flower on its head we've got a fan of course gosh dang it we have gosh dang fan art oh wait wait wait there's Illuminati three Illuminati's perfectly to make a triangle right here and also if you look very carefully the negative space of the fan blades actually makes a triangle as well look at them did we got gosh-dang Leafeon with the wheedle suit that is the best look how cute it is did a key item in the bag can be assigned to this button for instant use gosh dang it I know it's stupid key items man what like oh it's the poison that freaked the crud out of me there it is okay let's use the old rod here later the Pokemon what do we got right out of the water here we've got a gosh-dang drifblim let's go I don't want to die one of my top priorities is not death so I think I'm gonna swap here here we go guys let's catch this thing putting the ball inside the ball or not drifblim I'm going to take this fall and I'm gonna throw out your face gosh dang three balls busted I don't think anyone is busted is that many of my balls ever well in this playthrough this is a work we're gonna have to start wiggling feet and it busted it dude I thought we're gonna be able to save it alright guys everyone chat wiggle your left foot please work one two oh all right we're gonna have to go super saiyan guys I don't know if we're gonna be able to do this you might have to use both feet to make this happen fifteen wiggles per second guys Super Saiyan 3 right here come on it's work one two three thank you it finally worked thank you guys it worked I mean I guess we could name him hol up I got a pretty good name idea and I'll explain my reasoning just give me a second now the reason I'm thinking we can aim in wiggle ball it's it's got a multiple there's a lot of depth to this name so the first thing is that he's kind of ball shape and he's wiggling you can see him right there the other thing is we had to use so many balls on this guy and the balls were wiggling while he was trying to get caught so it's kind of got a multi-purpose meaning to wiggle ball gosh dang a key item in the back I know one two three Bravo we got all three coupons guys and now we've got the watch 17050 gosh dangit poop alright we've wrecked that poop alright guys we can catch a new pokemon right here so let's go do it um huh we've got a bellossom one two three there you go guys very easy catch so at some point we can use them to take a hit or something like that so it'll be worth having I'm just so excited right now guys because well we don't have any badges yet we do have a full team we've had no depths yet things have been really good so far now that could completely change in no time but for now it's looking great all balls to grab balls to grab we've got to kill this kid to get to it though whatever it's worth it here we go cricketer and Zubat let's see if he's actually got cricket on Zubat via simulators always lag a lot gotcha all right manager Scarlett has got a bar boat that is definitely not cricket ah do you guys think that Starbucks is going to be the star of my team really this is not a zoo bat you crud oh my gosh yeah nothing is good gosh dang it I'm sticking please work just look at this is so free oh my gosh she's got bite please don't okay it's not gonna do that much gook C is just so good not gonna be defeated by a level six salamence I don't care if it's not a zoo bat did maybe if that was the gym leader and he had some really high-level Pokemon that would have been scary but level six now gosh dang it key item and here we got a protector let's go fight this kid gotta beat him up I'm never apart from my Shinx manager Scott is going to send out a heracross hey Gus should be pretty good let's go and yeah that was so good uh I guess I'll kill this kid as well Wow almost level nine wiggle ball levels up so easily let's just go up here ah do I want to kill her I guess I will who got swimmers oh he's sending out a huntail wow I think there's more balls to grab over here yes let's go touch those and don't get into encounters good we got a guard spec into the cave we go the Cave of Wonders will we find a magic carpet bring it on big guy I should probably heal maybe but I do have hm six right now how about it see how good your sorrow and notice guys there's three visible fan blades inside here and also check right here it says Chicago Chicago is three syllable syllables and right here electric three syllables again and then down here you've got power tools which is also three syllables so you have three lines each of them are three syllables coincidence I think not okay so we go up there and do rock smash stuff oh my gosh we're catching us elements did alright so I've got a damage this guy I don't know if he's got any kind of grub flying attack so I might get wrecked here I'm gonna my best to catch this he's got a head but it might do a little damage all right we're fine no ok we're swapping yes it's not dead oh my gosh we almost killed it one damage that is some hardcore rage come on oh we got him all right she's got the perfect name oh another salad dressing oh no dude I got a switch cuz if I fail too if I fail to run I'm dead alright we're just gonna we got a gosh-dang not die right now got it hit by a critical please run away okay we're gonna switch we're gonna switch here and I should probably go back and heal but I feel like we're so close to the next place who is even good okay we're gonna put puke see up front and I guess I'll use a potion if I run into anything so we find I know I don't want to fight here let's go but behind can I go behind her as well oh we can skip them we're skipping them good let's go just like that and we're out guys were two or oberg oh my gosh it lagged here too and I have a single gym badge don't be hating dude I'm gonna get all the gym badges you just got a relax man jeez holy crime up there's poop oh my gosh the lag here is hard core well what I want to do guys I'm gonna go heal up I know this might seem like a weird place to stop but I think we're gonna wrap things up here it's been over two hours I plan to play for about two hours per episode now I know we don't have a single badge yet and at this rate with eight weeks left in the summer without getting a single badge in one episode we're probably gonna have more than eight parts so I'll continue after the summer if we need to but we might have parts later on where we earn multiple badges at once the start to this one is just really slow but wait around things up here so thank you guys so much watching see you next time probably next Thursday take care
Channel: ScykohPlays
Views: 841,974
Rating: 4.9007063 out of 5
Keywords: Play, nintendo, LP, Lets Play, Walk, Voiced, Challenge, Narration, DS, Tutorial, Plays, Skyko, ScykohCrud, Commentated, Let's Play, Skykoh, Through, Let's, random, Lets, Commentary, Psycho, Pearl, randomizer, Nintendo DS, Voice, Narrated, randomized, Platinum, Diamond, permadeath, Pokemon, ScykohPlays, Scicoh, Scykoh, Walkthrough, Guide, Nuzlocke
Id: 5lgkYO0nxOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2016
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