The Journey of Musa (AS) - A Recap

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[Music] foreign foreign [Music] i'm going to try and wrap up my recap of the ayat that i've already covered in a lecture series previously before continuing from ayah number 74. that's actually my goal in this series is to continue from ayah number 74 but because i imagine many of you have not been following my series online so it's beneficial because you guys are sitting here and maybe even some of the online audience to kind of get a recap of the story yesterday i tried to capture some lessons from the first part of this story the part of the story where musa is traveling with his own student and they realize they've gone too far and they've now started to head back today we're going to pick up from there and capture some main lessons from this next portion of the story mind you in my own lecture series i have not yet completed this portion the discussions on this portion of the story so i'll only highlight some things as i've covered them thus far they head back towards where they had come from and they both now remember this is the place where the fish went off in a strange way but as they head back they then allah says then both of them found one of our slaves one of our slaves and so allah does not tell us this person's name allah does not tell us any details about this individual in fact there's even a tafsir minority versus majority positions is he a human being is he an angel there are a hadith that point out that his name is al-khadir there are different pronunciations i'll stick with khadir right and then there are weaker narrations about why he's called that so there's a lot of discussion around that but our focus is not on all that secondary information our focus is why would allah the the clearest of all speakers who taught human beings he taught human beings how to be clear in their speech right and he gave us the quran that is mubeen by definition it is clear and clarifying by definition he chose not to tell us who this person is by name and he chose actually to even use a naked form abden ibadina then they both found our slave no one of our slaves a slave literally would mean they both found a slave from among our slaves it's really also very interesting that allah did not because from here on you're going to see that musa salaam is going to be alone with his teacher so they're going to leave the student behind so his role as a teacher is now finished and he's no longer going to carry you shall i but no yusha can go back head back now it's only going to be musa alaihissalam and his new teacher from here on out but finding him is something both of them accomplish together the muthana form is used the pair form is used of the verb to say both of them found him both of them found this is a significant detail because a lot of times when you find in the quran muslim is standing with haroon for example he's standing with harun but allah will use he said he's not going to say allah both of them said other places allah will highlight the presence of both of them sometimes allah will only highlight the presence of or the role of one of them which is musa in this case allah could have just said for wajada he found him so muslim found him but he said both of them found him this is significant again because a student that had failed him in the previous episode can actually recuperate and be helpful and now making up for that mistake right so your failure does not your failure is that of a project you failed at a task but you yourself are not being defined as a failure you can recover from a past failed event and then have success in future events what happens a lot of times is one failure is used to just either you do this to yourself you define yourself permanently as a fail oh my god i failed i'm such a loser i'm a failure in life i'm just i'm never going to accomplish anything and you beat yourself up and stamp yourself and tattoo failure on your face that's what you might do that to yourself and even if you don't do that to yourself others around you can take one of your failures and then slam you with it all the time right what allah is teaching us implicitly is that you can have a failure and you get up and you restore you make make things right and you move forward and you can still accomplish good and so he's now still an assistant to musa and he still takes part in accomplishing that important mission that could have taken lifetimes now about this servant allah azzawajal told musa in the hadith we learn he told him that there's someone more knowledgeable than you and you could have had the quran be more in sync with the hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi he found the one who was more knowledgeable than him because that's what he was looking for the one who was now man the one who's going to teach him but no allah says he found one of our servants this is an important distinction the highest of all teachers the most knowledgeable prophet of allah at the time the the recipient of taurat even above him there is a teacher and that teacher has even a higher ranking and that highest ranking is decide this described in the quran as what just a slave from among many slaves that we have like justice like the term slave in society is used for the lowest status historically somebody could be a farmer a slave is lower than that somebody could be a cleaner a slave is lower than that somebody could you could have any job but the lowest job you could have is what slave that's the lowest you can have but the slave of allah is the highest honor a human being can have and you know when when we become teachers like if i i used to be a preschool teacher i've taught all kinds of things i've taught i've taught arabic i've taught in a college and i've taught at a preschool right so i've seen all the strangeness humanity has to offer right in the classroom but in any case the point is when you're teaching at a higher institution if somebody's a professor at a high-end university it comes with prestige right if somebody's teaching teaching even children it comes with prestige but not like when you get into higher education and if your students are phd students you're and higher and higher up right so the the higher level knowledge you're teaching the higher your prestige is and here what is allah telling us in the world of learning allah's deen this is a different world and every other field of education in this world the higher up you go you earn the highest possible ranking and the highest possible ranking is a slave you get to be one of our slaves in other words the the the advancement in the knowledge of this deen and the closer you become and i become to allah the more we identify ourselves as just another slave of allah among others we don't distinguish ourselves on the basis of our knowledge others can distinguish you others can distinguish you others can say oh mashallah your tajweed is really good can you teach me but you don't distinguish yourself mr tajweed is here everybody rise you don't do that you're not you're not expecting special treatment in fact if you study the hadith it's really cool you know how they found him he was wrapped up in a blanket lying on the beach that's how they found him and they came up to him and they said uh and he just looked at him and he goes he said and he said and how how is there any peace around here so he basically kind of trolled him a little bit the first conversation and then he after that he said oh okay it wasn't a like a grand office or he was at the top of the mountain or he was lying on the beach and the blanket sleeping that's how he met him and it's it's by allah's design this was supposed to be the case right and just another person and even the quran describes him as just another slave why because allah is teaching us through this a philosophy of education the most knowledgeable the most honorable teachers among us what makes them the most honorable is their accessibility in fact it's their it's their oneness with everybody else you know they're they're not requiring a special status or to be spoken to a special way or to be treated in a certain way or to have certain uniform that when they walk in everybody was oh he's here okay sit up straight you know they don't need to have that because you know we have we have that in society that happens oftentimes and even in the religious world whether it's muslim christian jewish hindu doesn't matter we you know certain kinds of clergy certain people that have a religious title or you know status when they walk by it is known that they just they just made a presence you know they made an entry there's an entourage there's a kind of holy presence around them and everybody's like oh you know there's there's this this social status thing that we've created around religiously knowledgeable and this is not just muslims this is in the psychology of religion christians do this you know jews do this hindus do this right and in fact muslims do it too muslims do it also this kind of reverence now the thing is i should have love and respect for my teacher and you're going to see that musa is going to have humility to his teacher from the beginning so there's two points of view the student's point of view and the teacher's point of view i should have total respect for my teacher but the teacher should not consider himself in this position of superiority except in the role of teaching except in the role of teaching yes in teaching i i have a a superiority in teaching i can tell you what to do in teaching i can i can say hey you messed up fix this do this again i can talk down to you as a teacher i can be disappointed in you i can be proud of you i'm talking down to you but when it comes to eating we're eating the same food well i don't deserve a special salam i just have salaam alaikum like you we're going to stand in the same row in prayer and everything else we're equal what do we do unfortunately if someone has elevation in one respect then we elevate them in every respect especially nowadays in muslim society you know what we do when someone receives a high status in one area like somebody becomes a doctor then the rules don't apply to them then they're doctors at the restaurant and their doctors wherever they go they're the doctor special treatment expedited you know when people in in many muslim countries now that i've seen them up close and personal when you make a certain amount of money then the laws don't apply to you and the rules and the lines don't apply to you the passport line and the visa line and the hospital they don't apply to you once you reach a certain level of money then you have your own rules right because you reached a certain kind of status and but this does not apply this this is being negated in just the way allah had musa okay you know come into contact with his teacher just a slave from among our slaves it's also interesting to note that rasulullah the highest that he reached the highest station that he reached was when he was elevated in the mirage right that spiritual journey where he was elevated and he is closest to allah spiritually and physically now closest to allah and every time allah describes the mirage he uses the word subhanallah that journey that that marks the highest position any man has ever reached is being described as what so for me and you the highest place we can reach the most honorable position we can reach with allah is actually the problem happens the problem occurs with you and me when our study and our pursuit of learning allah's deen which is for allah starts getting noticed by people it's so we're doing it for allah but who's noticing people are noticing and people are noticing and they're starting to give you shaykh status right and they're starting to you know make you this holy figure right a young man came to me yesterday he said i make some good videos online or whatever and now i don't want to be held to this position okay yeah because that's what happens right this happened to me in new york by the way it's a new york story i'll tell you i was in um long island many years ago and uh when i started giving hubba i was going through a phase so i used to wear a thobe i had a much longer beard and some some people consider this beard we can discuss that at some other time but anyway i had a much longer beard i had a though i had a turban right and jesus sandals i was doing the whole look right so and i would give the hubba and i was 21 years old and i would give the khutbah and when i would finish the old men from different countries in the world would want to come in almost in rupaul to want to shake my hand and then they would some people would bring their children could you make dua for him and other children would otherwise straight up just say could you on my child and i realized that that's because of the way i look the way i appear for some seems to i must be closer to allah now the same person if i just after salah took my stuff off and i went put the t-shirt on and played some basketball with the guys outside same guy would pass by nothing if i had my you know spiritual uniform on and the same person with myself that has been done for me and my children and bless my car can you touch my car you know like all kinds of stuff in other words we associate people will start giving you a position you didn't want it you're just doing what you think is in line with the sunnah of the messengers or you're doing something that pleases allah azza and people around you either people start insulting you because of your religion or people inflate your position because you're too extreme right but that's what you get and people start doing that to you and you know what human beings are a product of their environment if you're in a smelly place the smell will come on your clothes right if you're in a polluted area you'll get used to the pollution and you know what if you're getting you if you're getting praised or being given a certain position all the time recognized all the time then you might start getting what start getting used to it that i'm being treated in this way right or when i walk in they ask me to lead the prayer so i'm used to that and i'm used to no no no no no and then one time nobody asked me to leave the prayer like hey what's going on here i think i need to lower my mask a little bit they need to recognize who i have so i mean i'm still gonna say no but i miss being asked right this is this is not ibadina this is not just one of our slaves and that's the that's the beauty of this phrasing the teacher is being introduced first and foremost not as someone who will have a relationship with his student but someone who has a relationship with allah and as a result of it he sees himself and allah sees him as just one of many nothing special nothing out of the ordinary the other important thing here is uh this is this gets a little bit philosophical but an important subject to discuss allah told us that he will have musa alaihissalam meet his teacher at a place where two oceans meet majma the quran calls it and in another place in the quran by analogy in sultan allah says he fused two oceans together two seas together that clash against each other and between them there's a barrier that they refuse to cross they don't violate that barrier right i've actually had the had the honor of seeing that barrier in south africa between you know the indian ocean and the atlantic and how there's do two different temperatures of water two different kinds of sea life and you can see the two different textures of the water right on the right on the sea you know subhanallah but it's also symbolic of something has been given and by the way the knowledge of allah and the words of allah have been described as an ocean in which surah in this is not an accident if the words of allah were turned into if the oceans were turned into ink to write the words of allah so there's an association made with the oceans and the word of allah and muslim is going to meet someone where two different oceans meet now to put all of this together in a literary sense bear with me it's going to get a little bit philosophical the knowledge of revelation the knowledge of the torah that was given to musa the revelation of the quran that was is from the oceans of knowledge the oceans of the word of allah the words of allah that's one ocean the ocean of revelation this is but there is another book of allah not the book of allah that has revelation but the book of allah that captures all of reality that captures all of reality illahi kitab not anything occurs not any calamity strikes not any incident occurs nothing happens in the extended universe or in even inside of yourself no cell is moving no neuron is firing inside of yourself except that's also documented inside of a book inside of a book that allah describes so there are now there's two oceans two books two oceans the books of the book of revelation and the book that's captured all of reality all of what goes on so two two books right and musa alaysalam is supposed to go where two oceans meet where he's going to meet a teacher who allah has given access to the other ocean he has access to which ocean revelation the teacher he's going to meet has access to which ocean the the the knowledge of reality the reality of things the reality of things what this tells you and what does quran say about the two oceans there's a barrier and they don't they don't meet because allah the the human beings that allah taught revelation to they're not supposed to know the other side and the creatures a human being even in this case we don't know if he's human or angel we don't we can't say for sure but whoever he is of allah when he's been taught this ocean he's not to know the other side which is why in this narration when he meets with musa alayhi salam he says to musa alayhi salaam allah has taught you something i'm not supposed to know and allah has taught me something you're not supposed to know just like there's between them there's a barrier they're not supposed to cross there are two different kinds of knowledge and that's why musa alayhi salaam is going to learn something that is very different from revelation it's very different from the books allah revealed to prophets from the teaching of right and wrong from the teachings of from the stories of creation it's different from all of that these lessons are totally a different ocean and you know when you take a fish out of one kind of water if it's salt water fish and you put it in a different kind of water different temperature very difficult for it to survive you understand it can't tolerate it and so he comes from this ocean of knowledge where he knows certain things about allah through allah's revelation he meets this teacher and this teacher is from the other ocean you see from a completely different ocean of knowledge and he's going to meet them now you appreciate why we have to meet him where the two oceans meet right these two oceans of knowledge are going to meet at the place where the two oceans he's really beautiful how does allah describe this teacher who's been given knowledge from that other ocean the the ocean of hakka the reality of things the the secret behind things the secrets behind things about him allah says is the first thing we learn about him allah has given him that he had we had granted him a special love and care that comes only from us so before you learn anything about this prayer we don't even know his name we just know he's one of allah slaves and we also know allah has given him special love and care you know what that means if you don't have something you can't give it when allah has given somebody love then they exude love to others when allah has given someone patience they exude patience to others when allah has given someone knowledge they impart knowledge to others when allah has given someone then what do they give to others they give rahma to others they are a source of love and care for others you understand so when allah says that allah has given him this special that means everything he does whatever he does has rahma in it comes of mercy and love that comes only from allah and then allah says adds on we had taught him from our special vaults a special kind of knowledge would have been enough especially from our own behalf from our special vaults and then this which can also be considered if you don't understand what i'm saying learn arabic it's not that hard he he taught him special knowledge some special kind of knowledge this is allah's way of saying that the knowledge of this ocean is not easily accessible it's not accessible and the knowledge of this ocean unlike the knowledge of revelation they're fundamentally different they're fundamentally different you know the knowledge of revelation teaches us to be grateful yes it teaches us to be grateful but a human being could be grateful without ever having revelation learned in fact there are people who heard the quran for the first time and they say this is what we already believed their fitrah speaks to it their fitrah already corresponds to what the revelation said in fact christians came and heard the quran and said inna muslim in the quran they said we were already muslim in our hearts before this they felt it already right so then this ocean corresponds with human nature but the other ocean is actually special especially given to certain slaves i won't go into the linguistic differences between indiana and i've talked about that in other lectures but it's suggesting that this knowledge is highly highly exclusive you don't get to have it you don't have any inclination towards it okay so now we learned that these are two different realities before and it's better i established that philosophical base for you before we get into the eye it'll make things easier so here's the thing in revelation of the of all the prophets not just rasulullah but the torah given to musa given to islam the revelations given you name it the revelations one of the things that revelations have is the difference between right and wrong all of them they have a difference between right and wrong what you should do what you should not do it's always been there and all revelations that allah has sent have always encouraged human beings compelled human beings to be truthful and not be dishonest for example to be merciful to be kind to parents to keep family ties there's some fundamental basic things that have passed down from one revelation to the next to the next to the next they're consistent being grateful being being mindful being just et cetera et cetera et cetera right so in accordance with the revelations that have always been given human beings know the difference between right and wrong and where did they learn where did they confirm this definition from the word of allah this is this is where we get philosophical they get it from where the word of allah the word of allah taught us what is right and what is wrong fine whenever something happens in the world whenever something happens in the world does it not happen by the permission of allah always and whenever it happens it's the word of allah and it becomes so there's the word of allah that is revelation and there's the word of allah that is reality there are two different words of allah i keep going back to two oceans right two different kinds of words of allah now are there children that are innocent and in pain and sick in the hospital is that a reality yeah it's a reality are there innocent people that are killed yeah that's also a reality are there car accidents where somebody died who had didn't make a mistake the other person was driving badly and they died the other person died yeah other criminals who get away with their crime and are living living a good life totally and every one of those things could only have happened if what was there go in because none of nothing can happen without the um of allah nothing now the thing is all of these injustices they look like injustices they directly go against the other word of allah what's the other word of allah injustices should not take place liars should be punished justice should be served ingratitude is not an acceptable quality so in the word of allah there's a scheme of right and wrong and in the reality that allah created there seems to be a totally different formula where you see plenty of contradiction against the word of allah if allah says this is wrong this is wrong this is wrong how come he's letting it happen on this side in reality you see the problem you see that there are two conflicting things conflicting realities and this is actually the the this story is the quran's way of merging the two realities because actually for atheists around the world the number one argument the number one problem they present to any believer in god muslim christians who doesn't matter the issue they present is the problem of evil if your god is so great why is this happening this happened well how come your god lets this happen in fact muslims say this too in fact some some jews that i've met have even a more interesting take on it they say i don't i reject god i hate god i was like but you're jewish he goes yeah but even hating him is some kind of a relationship so long as we have a relationship with god is still our you know connection to god why did he let the holocaust happen why did he send us into the diaspora why did he let the pharaoh you know enslave us why did he do this why do you do this we i hate him i don't want to listen to him i complain to him all the time i tell him i'm mad at him i was like you tell god you're mad at him yeah i tell him i'm mad at him because he did all this stuff i was like yeah because you know that's the kind of relationship we have with god or just brave of you but i could see where it's coming from right it's coming from well if your revelation says that you are merciful kind generous and then i see lack of mercy lack of generosity injustice allah is just but the world is unjust the world that he created is clearly unjust allah is merciful but you see plenty of mercilessness all around you allah is truthful yet he's tolerating liars he's tolerating deception so how do you merge these two realities how do you reconcile them and yet all of this is happening by the permission of allah this is what musa is going to learn about a little bit and through him us because this is not a small crisis of faith this is a pretty big crisis of faith you all know that this surah is associated with the greatest trials that will hit humanity towards the end of time right and that that great trial if you study the hadith surrounding that trial one of its uh manifestations is that believers will wake up a believer and by the time or you know or go to sleep i believe by the time they wake up they're not a believer or they wake up a believer by the time they go to sleep they're not a believer they'll have a crisis of faith they'll have an absolute crisis of faith so it's pretty amazing that before this surah comes to an end allah deals with what would be the most powerful crisis of faith in in this story so he finds this let's let's move quickly he finds this mysterious teacher and then he says to him says to him shall i follow you that you might teach me can i please follow you so that you might teach me in other words i know that learning from you is not just sitting here and listening to you the kind of learning i need to do with you requires what following so you know how uh for those of you that are in the sciences you study the theory of engineering but there's the hands-on engineering or you can study theoretically you can study medicine but then there's surgery itself and shadowing a doctor and residency and all of that there's the hands-on experience learning our religion the revelation is given by way of words isn't it it's the word of allah it's the words of the prophet that's how the religion is passed on it's words that are being passed down right and then accenting or complementing that word of allah is the practice of prayer and all of these other things right but this journey this teacher is actually more about you following him just do what he does or just observe the observation right so he tells him can i follow you shall i follow you allah so that you might teach me from whatever you have been taught some some right upright thing is important here i want to know because musa al islam is always learning trying to better himself and rush means someone who's correcting themselves towards the right towards the right course so he as much as guidance he's the recipient recipient of allah's book and yet he's saying i could be more guided even now okay if allah is saying i could learn there must be more uprightness i can accomplish i can steer my course in the right direction even more so he humbles himself and says my my motivations for learning is i want to basically i put it in simple english i want to become a better person i'll follow you so i could have more rushed right and he's also saying you may have been taught many things but the rush that you have been taught i'd like to take some of that and this teacher of his immediately he knew allah told him that it's going to be musa israel the hadith tells us that he already knew him so he's expecting him and he knows which ocean he's already drawn from and he knows that when you learn something from the ocean of revelation that teaches you right and wrong when you come to this other ocean that teaches you about or that shows you the reality of things you're not going to be able to bear it so his immediate response is no you for sure you're not capable of patience with me you're not going to be able to have patience with me he didn't assess musa al islam's learning ability and by the way i've said this in my lectures before musa is actually pretty it's pretty epic to say to musa islam i don't think you have the patience because muslim tolerated living under firaoun with a lot of sabbath saw the israelites enslaved before his eyes and not be able to do something about it for with a lot of sabbath traveled through madiyan in the desert with spent many years of his life living out in madiyan not being able to go back to his own mother with a lot of slutter musa alaysam came back and heard many insults from the from firaoun and the attacks of the of the chiefs of the of the pharaohs for several years with a lot of sabbath musa alaihi islam traveled the water across the water with a lot of sabbath and then he dealt with the hypocrisy of the israelites when he was out in the desert with manna and salwa and the qatar and the twelve springs with an enormous amount of southern and his teacher sees him and says yeah you don't actually have sabha for this and you're like are you sure because he's he's pretty sober he's a pretty powerful example of saba but his sabbath has to do with this ocean what he's going to learn here even someone as powerful in his sabbath as musa this might be too much for him he can't handle this what it and by the way musa al-islam represents all of us in this why allah will show him things about reality that we all want to know about you know the question how come allah did this though how come my brother got his green card i got deported how come my cousin got married my even my fat cousin got married my ugly cousin got married how come i can't get married how come this one this one this one how come my brother my my sister's taller than me and allah made me shorter how come this how what was allah's reasoning why did i why did that even happen why in the world you know what one brother came to me recently allah protect him he decided to invest i don't endorse it in in bitcoin or some some some bit something right and he just he put ten thousand dollars in it and he got impatient for a week he couldn't do it he sold it for ten thousand he got it for the same money sold it for the same money the next day it jumped up you know ten thousand percent and he could have been a multi-millionaire overnight and i ran into him at a shawarma place and he's telling me why did allah do that to me how come what was his reason for can you tell me like okay i was like hold on let me check my phone let me see what allah's reason was like i don't have access to this ocean bro nobody does we don't know why that happened because is allah teaching me something i don't know i i don't know you know that's gotta hurt that's got to sting but it is what it is so here what what we're going to see is being told you don't have the patience to deal with to because what what you'll find every time musa alayhi salaam has the same question you know what that question is why why'd you do that why how could you why why why now the revelation of allah the quran the torah before the injury all the revelations of allah they never answered the question what why why were you born in this century why were you why were you born to these parents you look at sometimes you look at your brother and she said why are you my brother right so you don't have the answer to why and human beings really want the answer to why and allah you know what allah's answer to why is trust him eliza the answer to why in the quran in revelation is wise allah is to be trusted allah is loving and caring allah wait so this bad thing that happened is still allah is loving yes he is trust it okay okay no they can't explain just trust it somebody gets sick we say allah no problem it'll purify your sins there must be some hate in it there must be some good some good in it you don't want to accept it but the revelations tell us just trust allah musa alayhi salaam is going to experience things it's not just his teacher is you know you go to somebody to learn your deen you're going to say i'm going to learn the deen from someone who has better akhlaq than me who has better manners than me who's got more patience than i do they've got better speech than i do i can when i'm around them i feel like being a better person i'm more calm so he's it's really interesting and he were talking and they boarded the ship and they in the hadith tells us that a bird came and it pecked into the sea twice says peck twice and then he too his teacher turned to musa alaihis turned to musa islam and he said you know my knowledge and your knowledge is like these two drops and the rest of it is allah's knowledge right which is really cool because that means the revelation of allah is just a drop from this side and the the knowledge of reality on this side that it has is just a drop from the knowledge of actual reality and this is important because even when he explains why the reason was what it was the reason is only one drop among the larger reasons so there may be way more to the reasons but we're only going to get one drop out of the full reasons the drop that he has been given the drop that he has been given so now as they i'm summarizing the story as they board the the the ship he's going to start tearing the ship open by the way according to the hadith it happened immediately so he imagine this the your knowledge and my knowledge are like this bird that just pecked into the sea these drops is nothing compared to the rest of the ocean and the spiritual profound moment where musa is taking in that deep epic quote next thing you know he's got an axe and he's hammering down the bottom deck of the ship like in the middle of the spiritual imagine i'm giving this lecture right now and all of a sudden i take a brick and i hurl it at the you know like or i start axing down this table as part of your lesson what's going on what are you doing you know and so he's in shock he doesn't know and he says and he kept hacking away until the water started coming out and they're at the bottom deck so the people above can't see so they can't see it and they don't know what's going on and it's just you've done something so terrible what you're gonna drown those people they give us a ride why are you doing this and he calmly turns to musa and says i explained to you you're not going to have patience with me this is part of your education this is a different kind of so university just straight up tells you you're you can't you can't be patient with me obviously the ship gets damaged they have to pull back towards the land they didn't get very far and musa is still shell-shocked by what happened they get to the beach they see a child there's a bunch of kids playing and he's still like trying to take in like i'm supposed to learn dean from this person this person is going to teach me what's right and wrong and by the way from the from the revelations point of view damaging somebody's property attempting to kill somebody ruining somebody's livelihood all of these are haram or no absolutely haram so musa having a problem with it is because all he's ever known from the teachings of allah disturbs him about what just happened he should be disturbed so what he does is the right thing he does the right he can't talk because when you have iman you don't have sabha for injustice so when he said you're not going to have supper with me it's the right kind of lack of sabar we're not supposed to have sabha for injustices and so musa islam is actually from the human point of view and from a believer's point of view in the right he's actually right and they get to the sea they get to the beach and he kills somebody he kills a child and if you follow the hadith literature it's a brutal murder it's actually a ruthless murder and that's actually where i'm going to pick up from tomorrow we're going to talk about that ayah of the murder but today because i i delved into the philosophical side i just want to explain a couple of premises to you that will make those easier because then from tomorrow inshallah we're going aya by ayah a little bit deeper right that's 74. so what i want to explain to you is um with this story we're going to learn that the the right and wrong that allah has taught us the right and wrong that allah has taught us is for us to know and us to live by while allah created a reality that is constantly going against this and you have to face the con the contradiction to this in reality all the time [Music] okay so we have to we there's going to be two conflicting realities and they're both coming from allah azzawajal according to what we know what you're going to see happen in the world will look very evil but we cannot see the way allah sees things he sees the entire reality so in simple words here's how i can explain it to you you know there are a million possibilities he could have killed the child he could have hurt the child he could have left the child alone and you know with every every choice you make there are multiple ramifications right a series of events domino effect right so there's domino effect if you kill the child it's a domino effect if you leave the child there's a domino effect if you don't damage the ship there's a dominant effect if you do damage the ship when you damage it every action leads to a series of other reactions right think of it this way if allah somehow gave you the map of every possibility with every choice all the reactions that will happen and he showed it to you then you would pick the same choice that actually happened as the best choice there there's a because we don't see the larger picture right so we just see the immediate incident we don't see how it plays into a larger reality because we don't have the full map in front of us who's got the full map we just see this one piece and it's leading to one other piece we can't see a thousand pieces from now easy a positive example of that is yusuf islam it's easy one to remember yusuf alaysalam got kidnapped as a child yes or no that can't possibly be a good thing but if he wasn't kidnapped as a child he would not have been sold into slavery and if he wasn't sold into slavery he would have never been falsely accused and if he wasn't falsely accused he would have never been in jail and if he was never in jail he would have never interpreted dreams and if he never interpreted dreams he would have never become eventually the the minister of egypt to run its finances and if he never became the minister of egypt during his finances egypt would have dr died thousands of people would have died in a drought because the only reason egypt survived the drought season and you know mass famine and hundreds of thousands of family men women children dying of starvation is because yusuf alaysalam interpreted the dream and so and by the way his family would never have been reunited and his brothers would have never made tawbah none of this would have happened if he didn't get kidnapped and if he didn't get some bad stuff happened to him but if it didn't happen to him the bad stuff would have happened to way more people you understand that it would have the ramifications of the the the harm that would have spread is way way more there's no way for us to see the whole picture human being our minds aren't designed to see the whole picture they're just not designed to see it and allah will teach us in this surah that there are situations in our life that people do things that are horrible people do things that are despicable and when they do them we cannot process we obviously it isn't fair but at one level we should fight against it at the other level we still know even as we're fighting against it there's a larger plan of allah at work these are two conflicting beliefs but they have to coexist for us on the one hand we will fight against injustice on the other even as the injustice is happening and they're they're they're the the unjust are winning there's a larger plan there's a benefit at work even when rasool says was you know injured at uh and almost killed there was a larger plan at work even when our mother is accused and her honor was degraded and for nearly a month or more she was being slandered in the entire city of madina and our prophet gets to hear horrific things about his own wife being said all around the city for over the course of a month they will still what allah says is good for you none of the people who did slander were doing something good but the event itself had some good in it because allah sees what the larger picture allah sees the large that's the that's the reality of that that's the hatika that human beings don't have access to and that's what we're going to be shown like that curtain will be lifted a little bit on the source code of reality we just see the surface reality there's a source code behind it and allah will show us just a little bit of that in this in the story so inshallah from tomorrow on i'm going to try to take on ayah number 74 where we're going to look at you know the shocking killing of a child and how that is going to give a reaction what reaction musa is going to have towards it
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 105,015
Rating: 4.9345818 out of 5
Id: aQ9jcj9eM84
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Length: 48min 14sec (2894 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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