What happened to the Genius Garage Fast & Furious Lykan Hypersport?

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come to find out right before i finally just cut with this guy the dude doesn't actually own the business so the genius garage lycan hypersport build update is long overdue and the car has kind of gone off the radar for some time and people been asking about it longer story short it is in the paint shop right now with all the composite body panels being aligned perfectly and judged up shall we say and getting this thing preparation for having that world caliber paint finish but it's really disappeared for a while last year in 2020 with the genius grad students was the mass of the entire build of the car so naturally we're actually creating a real car with this body shell used in the as the stunt car for the fast and furious live show in the past and furious and it's really exciting because you learn sort of like finding the frog dna in jurassic park you start to learn and appreciate what the original like and hyper sports really are with this being from the original molds we had a nice relationship started where debbie motors had reached out to me and offered some assistance with students or technical advice things like that so that was really nice and in getting toward the latter part of the year with the students most of their time through genius garage in 2020 was coming to an end toward the end of the summer you know classes are going to be starting up again they had a really great curriculum through in building the lycan hypersport built but also we got the yellow corvette out prepared that uh went to a great race at road america so it's the opportunity to have the team work and you know meet even more people and through the racing that we were doing with genius garage as well like in hypersport got at least two students that landed career jobs immediately one student had gone to i think uti for a year and he really wasn't getting anywhere after that um he was working at napa but he just wanted more for life came to genus garage got with the race cars got with the program and actually he's working for extreme experience now preparing all their exotic cars for track days and just happier to clam and really happy for them so that's neat that that launched that another young man who was kind of an mvp with fabrication and really just dove in headfirst with the uh the lycan build when we were at road america he was talking to people and meeting people and there was a company that does restorations and builds on pre-war bentleys and delahayes and old miller race cars and they even still have a foundry and cast and machine engine parts from longo and adventure race cars and actually he ended up getting hired by them full-time so that was really amazing but the lycan was not done it was a car we tested it mid-ohio the platform was amazing the chassis was one that i was super happy with what we all did together because i knew that we could throw a huge horsepower twin turbo engine at this and bigger brakes and the platform that we created would be absolutely rock solid for it so even in testing it with the stock naturally aspirated porsche engine we were crushing it initially in testing i mean just leaving high-end production cars with guys normal to track days in the dust z06s porsche 911s bmw m3s things like this just honestly crushing them and that was with the stock porsche engine so the paint was starting to make me apprehensive because obviously it has to keep going and there'd be new genius grad students coming the next year through my car contacts got a hold of someone that owned a body shop upper in the michigan area i'm gonna be a little vague which was part of a very very big chain and they had the ability to course do collision repair work on composites and uh paint cars for very high quality level they like genius garage and they like the ability to get the exposure showcase what their business can do so offered to in fact finish the body panels and paint the car and i'm like okay that's great that makes me feel a lot better because i have a lot to arrange and i believe it was in december that took it up up into michigan and up there and you know entrusted them to that and when you're working with somebody in regard to a project like that or a collaboration still lots in life comes down to a handshake or having the right relationships and entrusting people to do something because you're working on something together they want the positive exposure obviously i want genius crouch to be able to have the best product they can and finish the like in the world-class uh status so i'm going to give the guy some space you know it's not it's not a normal type thing obviously we agreed to they're going to be getting right on it over a couple of months it's going to transform and so i just leave them go for a few weeks connect with them and i had to send the mirrors up to them to get painted and whatnot so i connected with them got the mirrors up there and i started to think something's off a little bit because the language was he was using was that they're keeping it going but nothing much is happening and i start to worry about i'm like they haven't touched the car yet a week or two goes by and i i connect again just softly and see where it's going it's like well we had to order a bunch of uh composite things and epoxy and such to work on it and i'm thinking okay but why didn't you do that weeks ago i didn't say anything of course so more time goes by more time goes by and then is not picking up calls the way i would expect and i talked to my friend that uh originally connected us and he's like i don't know what's going on with the guy but cutting the chase with it because actually there's a bigger better part of the story but this just shocked me to no end because i suddenly had this horrific realization the car's not being touched now it's been a month month and a half and i'm like this doesn't make sense and i know this guy was very excited about the lycan being there because that's his opportunity to showcase the customers look how great we are we've got this project that we're doing but it hasn't been touched and i've been in the car business long enough and having a mechanic shop in the past having a race prep shop doing the work i can tell when somebody's bs'ing me and you can tell through the language when they answer or don't answer or dodge and i'm finally just pushing on it harder come to find out right before i finally just cut with this guy the dude doesn't actually own the business he directly represented me and all of the people in the car circle round that it was his shop turns out he was a gm at best but we didn't know so we found out later and i'm panicking because i'm like oh my god we have like one of the most famous builds out there at this shop with this guy and so i remember uh talking to him on the phone and i pushed him harder and i started figuring out what's going on he's like and one day he finally calls me he's like yeah we can't work on it so you're gonna have to come pick it up and i'm like expletive expletive expletive not immediately to him but i just i was flabbergasted because the problem is it's not that they can't paint it or i can't go pick it up the problem is he just wasted two months with nothing happening not only those two months but the months before when we had already arranged to do it so myself and genius garage with the build we lost i don't know four or five months just gone and so i find out what the deals with this guy and i just i i just i didn't care i laid into him on the phone because and i just put it out there with with what i had like you're screwing us you don't get to just shut this over like you're gonna do this you're gonna muscle up and do it right and of course at that circumstance would you even want the guy to touch the car no but i kind of panicked a little bit and i ended up writing their corporate like headquarters going i think we have a little bit of situation and i think that we should work together to handle this in the most right of way this has got me greatly concerned there's a person representing they own the business they don't they've got a very prominent car and i was worried because i wanted to get the car out of there so where it became kind of funny in a horrific way the other general manager or perhaps the actual general or manager of this shop calls me and i didn't know who it was i saw the number being in michigan i knew it wasn't the original guy because i didn't want to talk to him at that point he calls me up and he goes and this is great because this was such a just a cheap tactic he he asked me he's like why do you think this car is here and i said uh would you like to elaborate on that question he asked me why i thought the car because the lichen was just magically at your paint shop just accidentally of course it's inferring and i said well as per many months ago i agreed with this person that we were going to be painting this for the sake of exposure and showcasing the business and everything you want with the nonprofit and there was the collaboration and he's like yeah i have no interest in that pick up the car within a week or we'll have an impounded click which also tells me they're worried if he wants to try to play that tactic but i'm also worried because i have been around the car game long enough to know that there are some unhinged people out there and you don't know what they may or may not do at any given time and right now my biggest concern was getting the car out of there as quickly as possible safely where it wasn't screwed up because and now my mind's starting to go a million miles an hour i'm like my god what have they done with this what if they screwed around with it or broke things or this and that and i remember the day that i went up there to pick it up i it was it was cold it was winter and i'm getting the big truck and trailer loaded up early in the morning and i'm just like worried sick about the car and the person that actually originally connected me with that guy that knew the whole circle he he goes with me kinda is my like pack up muscle whatever i i don't usually get nerves in a way you know obviously racing done a lot of adventurous things you know jets and sailing ships and all that sort of thing but i was just so worried about it i remember making a coffee having some coffee on the way there in the morning to go pick this guy up and i just got so nauseous i ended up pulling pulling over with the truck and trailer and i ended up vomiting on the road i was i was that big of a wreck over the like and being at this place so i picked up the guy we went out there and maybe i was worried for nothing but everything was fine the guy played nice you could tell like he's probably had people all over him but he played real nice and they had covered the car to make it look like they really cared even though it was clear they didn't because when we took the cover off there was dust all over it that's like you should have dusted it off before you covered it how stupid do you think i am but so we got the car out it was fine everything about it was fine nothing was messed up i don't even want to say it was a learning experience it was just another experience because like i said in anything in life it's building relationships and every once in a while something will bite you and i've had that happen you know i've had people who i i trust very well they're very smart business people introduce me to somebody and then they get surprised but unfortunately it takes away a lot of time but i think the best part of the story and the hero of it is with eddie's been wiki and with connections and people who have really come together to help make this possible and i got connected with a person named kurt who has a porsche racing team sports car racing team with various series career cups and such and it's called advanced collision incorporated motorsports and that name advanced collision actually comes from him owning seven different high-end body shops all throughout the south and the one in particular i met was in chattanooga and um i mentioned about the build and doing something together and they're very nice he and his general manager real person real owner real general manager uh talk to me on the phone i just said here's the project here's where we're at this is what we're doing this is the vision and i just love to have a great relationship and all come together as a team for it and they thought about and they liked the idea so we brought it down there and i was really touched because this is where you find that the car community can come together in in big ways and small and in this way it was big but they had gotten a lot of their employees at this shop wanted to be part of this build so it became kind of like like their own team their extracurricular team to do this and what's neat is advanced collision incorporated they're a factory authorized shop and collision repair for tesla as well as porsche and the porsche one is hard to get and they have the platinum level certification for everything so they're getting porsches sent in from around the country a world to be fixed that was the right home for the lycan at this point it's exciting when the the build with the stunt car and lycan hypersport obviously is something that actually launches careers for young engineering students and technical students it's been something the car community has come together and now even you know a shop and professionals in collision work and such are getting part of that and just buying in as a positive personal way and being part of the bigger picture which is great because that makes all of my stress that the guy leading genius garage that has to see the project through no matter what just makes it feel so great seeing the car community come together for a great purpose and i can't wait to see the car be finished this year we'd like to thank patrick adair designs for their support of the vinwicki channel this month patrick and his team make some of the most amazing rings out of the most exotic materials on earth they make rings out of superconductors and meteorites and stardust and all the things that you can imagine including old parts from broken exotic cars they've got over 20 000 customers and patrick decided to document his journey and the ways that he makes his rings and the cars that he enjoys on his own youtube channel so he's part of our youtube family he's coming by to tell some stories soon but check him out at the link in the description below and use the code benwicki for a 15 discount thank them for their support of the channel and find you an awesome ring [Music] [Applause]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 234,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Casey Putsch, Genius Garage, Fast and Furious, The Fast and The Furious, Fast 9, vinwiki, car stories, stunt car, body work, rebuild, porsche, Lykan, W Motors, Hypersport, Fenyr, Supersport
Id: c6LkjySCF5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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