How Do You Know You're Baptised In The Holy Spirit? - By Zac Poonen

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holy spirit what is the mark the identifying mark of being baptized in the Holy Spirit acts 1:8 power Jesus never said you shall receive tongues when you are empowered with the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit comes upon you you shall receive power now I believe there are many many godly men through the centuries who never spoke in tongues but who receive the power of the Holy Spirit and that's the main thing God may also give the gift of tongues but it's not necessarily given to everybody even to the church in Corinth Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 14 I wish you all spoke in tongues which proves they did not all speak in tongues but we must accept that fact that they did not all speak in tongues even in the first century some people make us believe as though every 1st century believers spoke in tongues it's not true but it was it is God's will that every Christian should have power tongues is one gift it's not the most important certainly but every Christian should have power and power does not mean that you'll become an evangelist just because you hear the testimony of somebody like moody or Finney that when they were baptized in the Holy Spirit suddenly moody says I preach the same sermons after I was baptized Holy Spirit and hundreds were converted and you think that if you get baptized the Holy Spirit hundreds will be converted no if you are an evangelist perhaps see the best illustration I can use is from the human body for a member to be a member of this body one sign is that the blood must flow through that member if the blood flows through a part of this body that's part of my body if I have an artificial hand that's not part of the body because the blood does not flow in it but this little finger the blood flows in it so it's part of the body that's a feature of the blood of Christ which determines whether I am part of Christ's body or not but even when the blood flows in my hand my hand may be paralyzed so I am a member of the body this hand is a member of the body but it's a useless member what does this hand need power and when it gets power will it become a mouth or a tongue no it will become a powerful hand if the tongue is paralyzed when it gets power what will it become won't become a hand it will become a powerful tongue so God has called you to be a mother and you get filled with the spirit what will you be you won't be a Evangelist you'll be a powerful spiritual mother and if your calling is to be a teacher and God fills you with the spirit you'll be a powerful teacher not a powerful evangelist is the wrong conception that many people have that power means we suddenly all become like tongues or all become like eyes no you will be powerful in that particular ministry that God has called you for and don't ever compare yourself with somebody else
Channel: Bombay Christian Fellowship - CFC Mumbai
Views: 41,082
Rating: 4.8985915 out of 5
Keywords: Bombay Christian Fellowship, CFC Mumbai, BCF Church, Sermons, Bible Messages, Hindi Messages
Id: EfzXAlcJsck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 6sec (186 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2016
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