Remove the bitterness from your heart, Learn to forgive others - Zac Poonen

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prease without christ i cannot live even five minutes without lusting and hating and being bitter without christ some of us may think well I've lived a pretty good life till now well you got to go a long way brother before you get victory over your sins you'll have secret sins that you never get victory over which you can conveniently hide from other people and pretend that you're an overcomer but you know in your life you're defeated in your thoughts and the reason is you have not come to a zero point when you get victory over sin let me tell you even your health will become better doctors will tell you that disease that if you are worried in your mind that can give you all serves in your stomach is there a connection between mind and stomach there is even a doctor will tell you that that if you got a bitterness and an unforgiving spirit against somebody you can get paths Rytas you may get migraine you can get asthma all these things there's a connection between bitterness and Ostler the doctor will tell you that unforgiving spirit can cause sicknesses in your body it happened to me many many years ago before I got married I remember I had to go to a hospital for a little minor surgery but in order to do that they put me under anaesthesia general anesthesia well the small little thing was over and I came out but a few days later I found a severe pain down my hand a very nerve type of pain it just didn't seem to going day and night so I consulted a top neurosurgeon so what do you think is the cause of this and I told him my had pinna through a little surgery he said it's not a surgery but during general anesthesia when they lifted you from the table and put you on the bed or something your neck may have twisted in some way because you were honest anaesthesia you didn't feel any pain if you're away cured ever done something about it but twisted in some way and something you've got happened here so that nerve or whatever it is and he says it really can't be cured you just gotta live with it I became so bitter against that doctor I was born again but I had no understanding of victory and I really wrote him a stinker of a letter he was a believer some of you think but the Zack had victory from day one no I didn't I was more defeated than you but this didn't get Benny better till the Lord one day said to me forgive him and you know the worst part of it is I was gonna get married in a few months I said Lord I brought to this doctor I said is this the wedding gift you have given me this pain my hand you know you can write some really strong letters when you're not a Christian when you don't behave like a Christian and the Lord said to me one day forgive him he didn't even do it deliberately even if he did it deliberately you must forgive him I said lord I forgive him doctors make mistakes I was healed instantly never had a pain more than 43 years no pill no injection no surgery could have healed it forgiveness healed it do you have some sickness try forgiving people stop criticizing those people of other religions and other denominations you may get healed forgive those people who did a lot of wrong to you and who speak evil about you you may get healed those are God's ways we need to understand God's ways many years later again a doctor made a mistake with me but this time I had learned my lesson forgiveness was instant no problem I could love the person forgive him even now even if I have to live with that problem all my life never doesn't make any difference have you ever faced a situation where a doctor gave you the wrong medicine or treated you wrong or did some mistake in the surgery and because of that your suffering I want to ask you do you love God well then do you believe that God makes everything work for your good even the mistakes that doctors make or the mistake that somebody else makes maybe you suffered because of somebody else's mistake in some way I don't know what it could be a legal document or something something was done wrong and because of that your suffering if you love God and you're called according to his purpose it doesn't matter what another person does to you it will work for your good and make you christ-like but if you react in bitterness and unforgiveness you'll become more like the devil that's all that's your choice I decided years ago I want to be more like Jesus I've had enough years living like the devil I don't want to I don't want that anymore I want to be more like Jesus I'm just telling you God's ways are forgive many of our prayers are not answered because we don't forgive many of our prayers are not answered because we blame somebody else all the problem in my home is because of my wife brother you can keep saying that you will not understand ABC of the New Covenant learn to forgive learn to take the blame upon yourself what is the difference between Adam and Christ the Old Testament is the history of people who followed the New Testament is the history of people who followed Jesus I see this one big difference among many other differences Adam committed a sin he opened his mouth and ate that fruit and he blamed his wife he couldn't take the blame for his own sin those are the followers of Adam they blame others always look what that person did look what the other person did look how this person treated me look what this person's saying about me is all false look at this look at that look at that look at the other thing of course I'm holy I'm pure that's Adam how is it with Jesus when he hung on the cross he took the blame hundred percent for other people's sins he never sinned he took the blame for other people's sins that is New Covenant there was a great saint of God many years ago in Europe called Henry Suso and just to help you get rid of your prejudice he was a Roman Catholic he was a godly man more godly than many Protestants and charismatic sand everybody else he was a man who was he was a single man he was he wanted to be like Jesus he prayed Lord make me like you and he prayed more passionately than many CFC believers to want to be like Jesus he was living in a street in one little house in an open street where house after house after house next to each other one day a woman came with a baby in our arms and knocked at the door and henry suzhou opened it he had never seen this wound in his life and she shouted out here is the fruit of your sin and dumped the baby into his hands and went away you know she was some prostitute who wanted to get rid of her baby and thought the best person to dump it on is this saintly man who lives on that road he will not come plane but everybody in the street heard it and they said aha now we know what this job has been doing in secret giving us the impression that he's a very holy man and all that and this is what is nice he was shattered his reputation was gone in a moment he took that baby and knelt down in his room and said Lord you know the truth I don't even know who this woman is I've never seen her in my life what shall I do and listen to the word of Jesus do what I did suffer for the sins of others what a word suffer for the sins of others by the way that's a PhD class those in second standard third standard won't understand it don't worry you won't be tempted like that you don't get such tough question papers in second standard third standard when you get to PhD level you will get those things so don't think don't be afraid that that'll happen to you next week but I tell you if you want to get to the PhD level this is part of the price you may have to pay where you get blamed for what somebody else did and the Lord says shut your mouth he was blamed on the cross for other people's sins and he shut his mouth he took it that's the highest almost the highest level of becoming like Jesus most people don't want to get there because they're always justifying them so no no I didn't do that and this then the other Jesus said about the Pharisees you are those who justify yourselves before men but that is an abomination before God read that in Luke 16 15 to justify yourself before men is an abomination to God that's because you want to prove that you're a holy person when you yourself know you're such a rotten old sinner inside well he brought up that baby as it has if it was as if it was the fruit of his sin brought up that child and many years later that woman got convicted of her sin we came into that same street and proclaimed to everybody I had told a lie that's not his child but God had accomplished in Suzhou what he wanted in those years he had made him like Jesus and that had been his prayer before the woman came to his door o Lord make me like Jesus so when you start praying that prayer be careful you really want to be like Jesus you really want to take the blame for the sins of others be careful what you're praying what you mean is I want to walk on the water and I want to feed the 5,000 with five loaves and those type of things no you want his ministry but you don't want his life but you don't realize the ministry comes out of the life in the New Testament in the Old Testament you could have ministry without life like Samson the guy could live in adultery and have a fantastic ministry not a Ministry of changing souls by the Ministry of killing lions and Philistines I don't want to kill lines and Philistines in any case I want to change souls Jesus didn't come to kill lines and Philistines and if you if you want the Ministry of killing doing external things that's you can be like Old Testament people but Jesus had the Ministry of changing people and for that we have to suffer
Channel: A True Christian
Views: 27,771
Rating: 4.928421 out of 5
Keywords: Bitterness in your heart causes health issues
Id: _pp7svppkRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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