The True Mark of Humbling Yourself - Zac Poonen

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and what is the mark that you humble yourself here it is God gives grace to the humble and how do you know you got grace you know the words we have preached for 45 years sin shall not rule over you when you are under grace all these 45 years whenever I've slipped up even slightly in my thoughts or with the rude world I said Lord why did that happen it wasn't some grass in some small slip-up why did that happen and God says you did not get grace because if you had grace you would not have slipped up you would not have spoken that angry word you would not have done that wrong thing you would not have got upset with your husband or your wife you did not get grace at that moment and then I say Lord why didn't I get grace no it says because you were proud I give my grace only to the humble so I learned that many years ago that whenever I'm defeated by sin even the slice supposing I find that thought I cannot conquer why only one reason pride you continue get irritated with your wife irritated with your husband only one reason my brother sister don't don't say she is bad or he is bad that is not the reason Jesus was surrounded by the most evil people in the world and yet he never sinned don't say I've got a wicked wife or a bad husband no you are proud and you did not get grace that's the only reason you got upset and irritated and lost your temper at least remember that from today onwards so that at least you can find a solution for it by going to God and saying Lord tell me how can I get graceful and so whenever the Lord said to me it's because you were proud you didn't get Grace and cause you didn't get race you slipped up there the next question I ask the Lord was Lord show me where I am proud and sometimes the Lord would show me something that happened the previous week where God blessed me in some way and I was not quick to give the glory to God I felt a little spiritual pride I'm ashamed of it but that's happened so often in the past that now I'm very quick to immediately not touch the glory of God do you know when you take credit for something that God did through you you're touching the glory of God you're touching something that's holy and if you did that in the Old Covenant you'd be smitten dead immediately huzzah once touched the Ark of God he just touched it and he was smitten to death thank God we are under the new covenant have you touched the glory of God somewhere have you taken credit for your well behaved children God have mercy on you have you taken credit for the way you have prospered in your work or grown spiritually God have mercy on you do you look down on others thinking that you're better than them instead of recognizing that it is God's mercy that's made you what you are humble yourself my brother and don't think that God cannot help you in tough situations difficult situations it says in verse 7 cast your anxiety upon him because he cares for you I love that God is not only opposed to the proud he hope gives great and he cares for you I love that verse Oh father you care for me you care for me so I don't want to grab anything I don't want to fight with anybody for anything I will not wrestle with flesh and blood for anything we've had a couple of examples in our CFC churches of people who left CFC in some other parts of India and walked away with the church building which is financed with CFC money I said take it I will not fight with flesh and blood for anything I'm too busy fighting with Satan and evil forces I have no time to come down to the level of fighting with human beings over silly things like property take it maybe you don't have that attitude and that's all you're struggling with sin because that property is more important for you than victory over sin no property on earth or Church property or my property is more important to me than living a pure christ-like life you take that attitude and I tell you you will come to victory very quickly your home life will be transformed your children will follow the Lord so many wonderful things will happen in your life which you're missing all this like all this all these years because you're seeking the wrong things first cost your anxiety on him because he cares for you never forget this verse my brothers I don't care who you are he cares for you and if God cares for me why do I have to worry I don't have to worry about anything people cannot take a hair from my head cannot touch a hair on my head without God's permission he cares for us that's why we have no anxiety then this is the connection I wanted you to see humble yourself under the mighty hand of God because God gives grace to the humble [Music] because verse 8 be sober in this area that means be very serious about this because your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour how do you understand that verse you think is persecution let me tell you something it says the devil seeking to someone to devour he has never in these two thousand years devoured any Christian by persecution never persecution purifies the church persecution purifies Christians he devours people by pride that's what that verse is referring to that's why it is written in the context of humble yourself under the mighty hand of God verse six why should you humble yourself because the devil who became the devil through pride is like a roaring lion his roar is the roar of Pride and he is seeking to swallow as many people as possible not only in the world but even among believers and even in CFC through pride so be alert be sober I don't want to say that oh I preserve myself so long so I'll be all right no it is God who preserves me but I have a responsibility to be of sober spirit that means to be serious and not to think that oh I'm beyond now it's gone well with me for so long so it'll go well with me forever then I'm in danger I want to have a sober spirit which says I want to be alert all the time against this roaring lion who's roaring and rooming around and he's roam around CFC churches and I will tell you a number of cases I have seen in the last 45 years elder brothers who have fallen devoured by Satan not by persecution by pride they prospered financially after falling away and you know what they say ah see we stood against CFC and God is prosperous financially uh-huh just look around the world and see who other people prospering financially today in other religions and you'll see whether it is a blessing of God or something else don't ever think that financial prosperity is the blessing of God God gives us more than enough for what we need but that is not the primary blessing of God that is the bonus he throws in you know like you work in a company not for bonus you work in a company for a salary the bonus is thrown in extra whether you get it or don't get it you work for your salary and the salary God gives us is victory over sin the bonus is a little financial blessing our prosperity always look at that as a bonus and not a salary none of you will work in a company just to get a bonus you work for a salary I want my salary overcoming sin and if the bonus is thrown in a financial prosperity I accept it if not it's quite okay but that's not what I live for
Channel: Bombay Christian Fellowship - CFC Mumbai
Views: 4,773
Rating: 4.9438596 out of 5
Keywords: Bombay Christian Fellowship, CFC Mumbai, BCF Church, Sermons, Bible Messages, Hindi Messages
Id: 4AWp5bSBHrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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