How do I keep Shabbat? - UNLEARN, Zach Bauer, New2Torah, Paul Nison, Torah Life Ministries

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hello everybody is Paul Nitze with our life ministries and I'm so excited to have my friends back on this this is group discussion we have Zack Bauer Lex Meyer and Salva binos and we're going to be introducing each of them and we're going to be talking about different topics and we invite you to post your questions below the video and we will be getting together talk about other topics in the future so we'd like you to post anything you'd like us to speak about in the future so right now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna pass it along to Zack and he's going to introduce himself and then Lex and it's al and then we're going to talk about today's topic so a Zack say hello to the audience hello audience so hey listen it's gonna be back fire only with these guys I love I missed these guys when we don't get chance we're always busy we got a lot of things going on in our lives and so when we get together for something like this it's really special so um and then I love all the comments that we get when we do things like this we get a lot of comments a lot of good feedback and so that's always good too so um what I want to do they told me hey listen uh you Zack you pick the topic today and I decide that that's a great idea I have a good topic you know I get a lot of comments a lot of emails on my channel and on my website and one of the big things I get is about the Shabbat people who are new to Torah come to my website and like you know I really get this I mean I see it I see what yeah I see what you mean I get the scriptures you're talking about from the point of view from the Hebraic point of view now what do i do how do i get started where does my family do and my family um really wants to start walking this walk we know what's what's the first step Zac and you know one of the biggest questions we get is the Shabbat how do we keep Sabbath and so I thought it would be a great idea if we could go around the table and each one of us talked about how does your family keep the Shabbat because again this is something that comes up a lot with the audience that I have you know how do I keep Shabbat what does your family do what what's my marching orders and I wanted to kind convey the idea that there isn't a rigid set of marching orders really I have found in Scripture and we can talk about this is really just about five things or so that the the father commands his people to keep the do on Shabbat so it's not really that hard of a task or a commandment to keep and so I just went a little hard to open it up to everyone and kind of go around the table and see how how does your family keeps keeps your bot because I really believe that it's encouraging for people to see or hear what other people do and it gives them an idea of what they can do for their families because this is indeed a special time so maybe we just start back with Paul and and Paul can kind of open it up and it will go with lexan and and Sal and then I'll just kind of close on my end and then we'll just go down and whatever rabbit trails that happen to come along during the process absolutely yep but before I tell you how I keep Shabbat with my family let's introduce Sal and LexA just say hi guys and give out maybe your website and then I'll let everyone know how I keep Shabbat and then we'll go down the line the length you want to say hi okay sure hi I'm lux Meier and my ministry is called unlearn and my website is unlearned the laws calm hey guys I'm Sal Baldo vinhos and I'm with teshuva ministries and that's teshuva ministries net along with my ministry partner Scott Blair we put together a kind of a consortium of videos from across the net which features teachers like Paul like Zach and like Rico Cortes everyone on this channel as well it's a great resource for someone who's getting started so today's topic is perfect for the getting started page of teshuva ministries so go check that out wonderful guys it's so great to be back with you and the topic that Sal that Zac's bringing up today is I get a lot of questions about it also and have made videos on my website a tour Life Ministries or about it but basically what I tell people is when I ask me how should we be keeping Shabbat I first tell them it's not really focusing on what you should be doing try to focus on what you shouldn't be doing so we shouldn't be doing our normal day's work that we do every single day and we also got a look at the motive behind what we're doing a lot of people out there that say we're never supposed to touch money or do business on Shabbat well I know it's a day of rest and it's a day to spend with a family and also with fellowship but I also know if our motive you know I have no problem working hard on Shabbat but with the mode of promoting the gospel so when I'm with my family I love to just rest as much as possible I used to go to fellowship but I have little kids and my family couldn't always join me so I didn't like being separated from them on Shabbat so now we like to spend each other time at home with each other it's the one day a week that I actually sleep in later than the other days and and we just have a good time in fellowship with each other and every now and then we have a get-together with other believers and we go hang out with them however we just traveled and we with great fellowship with other people when we were on the road and my family is away right now and I'm here alone and like I said I was having a great time going out there and preaching the gospel with some friends on Shabbat and in great fellowship as well so for us it changes quite often but it's we don't focus on what we should be doing we like to focus on what we well we don't focus on it but we just be careful about what we shouldn't be doing and we let it just take flow from there what about you guys I I know you guys have children also what about you Sal how do you do it well when we first started out we we started off in a synagogue so we went weekly to a local congregation in Texas and we did that for quite some time and as it happens to be the bureaucracies the the hierarchies in an institution kind of drew us away from from that kind of corporate atmosphere so from there we went into a home study and it was my family which consists of six kids oh my gosh and I think everyone in this community wouldn't would understand and cheer for that but every time I say six kids they're like are they all yours uh well we picked some up at Walmart the other two were a target but back back to the story we did home study for quite some time it was my in-laws who thankfully and you know y'all willing live right across the street from us so we're very much like everyone loves Raymond we just come in and out of each other's homes it's very pleasant relationship with my in-laws so a family friend my in-laws we would meet every Shabbat we would go through the Torah portions and with kids to answer that more directly to with kids it is tough you know we try to set aside a set aside time for a kids learning time but it's honestly tough for me I I don't I don't consider myself a good children's teacher I love getting into the word and I love getting into really deep studies getting into the paleo-hebrew understanding how one word can take on so many meanings just by looking at the original Hebrew context and removing the Greek mindset now that we're in such a large more corporate gathering in my home where we have upwards of 10 families and the kids outnumber the adults most days it is pretty tough but we still try to incorporate them into the study you know we encircle them in my living room they sit on the rug they sit on the carpet and they listen they at least get it through osmosis even if the teaching isn't directly associated or done in a format that they understand it as long as they're there and they participate for a set amount of time then we let them go you know have a snack go play outside on the playground anything like that but but it can be a challenge with kids and and I would encourage you if you're starting a home group to facilitate a children study which is something that we're trying to do right now find that individual or find the group of individuals who have a passion for teaching children and that's not to not include them from the adult studies but it's to get-get the adult studies a little bit more less distracted if that's a better way of saying it but always incorporate the children you know toward tells us that we're supposed to you know raise our children the right way by having them hear the word and if at a minimum they're hearing us speak and discuss and have a good debate over what what we're talking about then they at least understand that that's that's how it should be that's how Torah has modeled our communities to be like wonderful wonderful that's great before we hear from Lex there are a lot of people out there that often tell me that there is no fellowship in them so they don't have anyone to keep spot with and one of the things we've done which is become common for me since I'm with my family I don't only have fellowship with others is on Friday nights we have a live Shabbat Google hangout that's really taking off we get about 80 to 100 people on there live every Shabbat night and regulars so that's really being able to give fellowship to people that don't normally have it and sometimes people are even on there with their children and I hope to get you guys on there at some point Lex what about you you're there in uh you just moved so you're a little farther away from a lot of people and sounds like in the middle no I mean Zacks in the middle of nowhere but what do you do on Shabbat well when we lived in Oklahoma City we had a home group that met in our house and we discussed you know kind of like what Sal was talking about we you know we read read from the scriptures and we talked about what we what we read and we had probably 30 or 40 people that would meet in our home and do that on Saturday evenings and we'd have some food and some fellowship and and just hang out and talk and stuff like that and we moved and now we live on the country and we live about 30 or 40 miles away from where we used to live and we still have the home group that meets in our house but we don't have the same home group that we hesitate Center and that used to meet in our house in Oklahoma City because some of them just can't drive that far some of them were coming from 30 or 40 miles on the other side of the city and coming in and now they'd have to basically be coming twice as far so some of them come once in a while some have gone to other home groups but we still have a home group that meets in our house and we still do Bible study on Saturday evenings but it's it's it's slowed down who comes but it's hadn't hindered us from being able to have the Bible study but we as far as what we do have Shabbat we have just my family we try to have kind of a special dinner on Friday evenings too to start kind of welcome in Shabbat and we kind of make that a special deal and we try to get the kids to sleep in on Saturday mornings but I say try because I have a five-year-old and two-year-old and they come up when the son wakes up and so it's hard to get them to stay in bed and stay asleep so usually I'll end up getting up with them and trying to keep them quiet so my wife can sleep it a little bit and then she does the same thing for me on Sunday so at least we both get sleeping a little bit on the weekend but you know the through the day throughout the day on Shabbat we will you know we've obviously we don't do any kind of work we don't you know we don't work on the car we don't work on the yard we you know we just try to spend family time and make sure but about family and do stuff for their kids and and then Saturday evenings when we have the Bible study so that's kind of how we do Shabbat and we have a so we have a similar approach to you as far as setting aside you know Friday evening comes around and you know we do a meal plan my wife puts together a calendar of what we're going to eat throughout the week but Shabbat we started about a month ago maybe two months ago where my in-laws come over for for dinner and we specifically set aside a budget for Shabbat evening meals where it's it's a special thing it's not you know we're going to do spaghetti and garlic bread there's nothing wrong with that but you know we want to we want to have a nice dinner so we'll get the bottles of wine we'll get we'll get salmon and then we'll treat ourselves to a nice big filet of salmon that's usually how it rolls out this past weekend we had a theme for Shabbat dinner and we went Mediterranean so my mother-in-law made falafels and tahini sauce and this great salad mix with pita and hummus so we try to make it fun we try to incorporate that into our Shabbat group as well where we have some type of theme and because it's essentially a crock-pot or a potluck gathering you know we put it out there hey this week we're bringing this what are you guys bringing or let's do this theme as you know I think one one time last we did foods from our countries because we have we have a couple from South Africa who join us I'm from Central America you know we have Irish and just the gamut of cultures that come into our home so everyone prepared a dish that was specific to that culture obviously keeping it clean and you know no shellfish all that great stuff so it's fun to Paul's point about looking at the things we shouldn't be doing you know for the longest time when we were going to Shabbat at a synagogue we would go out to eat that was like the sunday church thing to do right you you go to church and then you go have have lunch and we were convicted when we left that you know we were doing the wrong thing we were spending money on Shabbat we were not keeping it set aside we weren't being holy as we continued to study and continue to really inductively study Genesis and what what does it mean to work what is work understanding you know the prohibitions that rabbinical Judaism has put on that where you can't even flip a light switch you know that the burdens of the Torah that you know Yeshua taught against and the traditions for us we were convicted that what we were doing was wrong and going out to eat we still don't do that now but if I have to go get a pack of water bottles for Shabbat or if I forget to you know get something for a Shabbat meal I'm I don't feel the burden that oh my gosh I spent money on Shabbat you know I've committed a sin and that's a conversation that I've had a lot with new believers or people who are asking you know how do we celebrate Shabbat is okay well the Jews don't turn on the lights which they don't they don't even fold paper because they're creating something new they don't cook anything they don't start a fire all these different things and it's a matter of getting getting the understanding that they need to you know look at what the word says and you know there's nowhere in Torah that says you cannot spend money you cannot have an exchange with someone on Shabbat keeping it holy is an interpretation that you you have to do study for and how do you keep it holy so that's the my two cents on that so before we get into my book just for mine um we get we basically sleep in late like some of you guys we're talking about and we don't we don't do any work you know what I mean this is a farm there's always work to do there's always things need to be done and you know we do care for our animals on Shabbat we have to care for the animals have to feed the animals into water the animals those are things that you just can't ignore those things otherwise they're gonna die in 90-degree heat they don't have water um and you know we try to get we try to get as much done as possible before Shabbat sets in but you know there's just certain things like feeding the fish and feeding the animals I just need to be done and and so uh you know so we get as much of that done out of the way as possible sleep in late the biggest thing I try to tell people is keep that day set apart a lot unlike any other just have it set apart it's not you know make the day special somehow make it a special for your family your wife you know for our dinner Friday night we usually have guests over and we'll uh we'll do keep things simple we won't put out nice plates or tablecloth because at the end of the evening my wife happens to put all that away and wash it and and do all this so we don't have a dishwasher we can just throw it in we had you mean everything's hand washed here where we live off-grid and so uh she has to do all that so we do have paper plates paper cups or plastic cups and it all goes into trash and so it's no work for my wife to do our very little work for my wife to do and so she can enjoy the Shabbat and so he's like yeah you can do it for her Zach we're texting back and forth as we're talking so um yeah uh yeah no I she doesn't want me doing dishes because if I do days right well if I do this just things go put put put in places where they shouldn't be going you know so I make work harder the next day right yeah exactly yeah then she's stressed out because she does know where Zach put the cups at or whatever so um but yeah so we just got to keep things very simple keep things from the kids on Shabbat morning we sleep in late we give the kids up and some time in that morning I give the kids a blessing up my firstborn on my knee or and then my second born and we do I give them a blessing and I think it's very powerful words that a parent can give to their children they speak over their children and so I give them blessings every day or every Shabbat every week and then we usually go to a fellowship we travel to town and we get together with other people and they bring a potluck and we we just enjoy the word later in the day starting at about 3 o'clock so that gives us basically all morning and early afternoon just to spend with the family and just do nothing and just relax and and so the end of the day is complete because we get to get to go other believers and we fellowship and so with that that's very fulfilling for us and then we just end the day you know coming back home and getting ready for work the next day so it's that's that's how we do our Shabbat nothing too crazy but it's you know very simple well I gotta be honest I mean I don't I pray every day my kids are going to get the understanding of Shabbat but right now I'm not teaching them really well because I'm not setting up a good thing because they asked me about 20 times a day on Shabbat can we do this can we do this can we do this and we say no and they say why not my safe because it's Amash I don't know if I'm setting the best example this when they go off and you're they're free to do what they want to do hopefully they'll realize okay a Shabbat I can't do this and it won't stop thinking well now I'm free and I could do what I want because that is like the the killer for them when they hear us say no because it's Shabbat it should buy they're not able to do all the wonderful things they love to do during the week so but you know that's what we want to do and that's what all you seem to do is you seem to get your kids involved and that's an important thing that's important thing there's a topic I want to bring up for people because Zach you said and knew to towards your channel and a lot of people knew to tour acts this what I find is a lot of people new to Torah axis and a lot of people that have been in tour for a long time have division over this and it creates a problem but what we need to understand everybody but is extremely helpful and it's a blessing to follow the guidelines and instructions of our Creator regardless of how we each figure out how to do that but the thing we have to understand is you're not saved keeping Shabbat you know we have to understand that it's not a Salvation issue I want everyone watching to keep Shabbat do with joy but you're not going to hell if you messed up and that's something you need to think about if you're new to this and it's not you don't throw out everything because oh I messed up on but let me just say real quick before you go into this that the guy who was killed in the Torah in that Torah portion when he was out kindling star picking up sticks I was this week's Torah portion by the right well yeah right he was out right being outright rebellious against God's command so this difference in messing up and then there's difference in being rebellious well a lot of people that use that scripture - yeah yeah talk about the fire as well that we can't Kindle a fire and when you look at the Hebrew those those two instances are completely separated as well the man who was gathering sticks you you continue reading and it's directly in front of Korres rebellion and they were setting up their own Tabernacles in their own fire pants so so that correlation between the two is always oh you can't gather wood and Kindle Fire on the Sabbath well those two things aren't even in the same chapter ones in chapter 16 the other ones in 14 so how are you connecting the two when korah's rebellion is directly after the man who came to loot to Kindle the or gathered the wood for the fire go ahead Paul finish your at finisher stop Paul it's not all I mean if you read this past week story Porsha it not only was rebellious but it was the timing of it I mean he literally did it right after the warnings came about you know of being rebellious right after it it was like the worst populace of possible timing for this is something like this if you read it it came exactly after it's like don't do this this and you've done this and and y'all was mad with this and all of a sudden a guy does it you know it was the worst timing and and that had a lot to do with it there was an old Jewish man at our fellowship yesterday and he was on the borderline if he accepted your shoe or not but he was stunned he grew up in in Judaism and he was old I mean he was 80s or maybe even older and and when we brought that up about the man picking up the stick and being stoned uh he had a lot to say about that you know and uh and and just like you guys are say just like what's I'll said it just like what I said and I'm sure Lex hasn't pinioned about the guy no my own excuse me my father-in-law made a good point also he kind of said you know they just got told that they're gonna be wandering for 40 years maybe this guy was like you know what forget it all I'm just gonna do my own thing and you know you can't you can't decide to make up your own rules in the camp of the righteous she just can't do that and so it was outright rebellion what this guy was doing go ahead let's just for the record I picked up a stick on Shabbat and I didn't get stoned so it's that's cuz we weren't there yeah yeah all right got a fait uh well you know what I actually want to say something that's had done really have anything to do with the sticks the one thing that's that's really kind of been transformational in in my own life anyway is whenever I I saw how the how the Sabbath is a it's a sign of what God we're in covenant with because in Exodus 20 when it says remember the Sabbath because in six days God created the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he rested and so by keeping and observing the Sabbath we are identifying with the God of creation the one who created the earth in six days and rested on seventh day and we're saying this is the god I'm in covenant with this is the God that I'm following this is the God I'm serving this is the one I love and by keeping his Commandments we are showing who we worship and who we follow and so it's you know I heard a phrase one time you know you could tell me all all day what God you've served but I want to see it by the commandments you keep show me what God you served by the commandments are keeping and and that really you know when you think about it is huge because when Israel went into they started doing paganism and they started practicing the pagan ways and they start mixing their faith and and incorporating pagan worship practices well that was the problem is is they were not serving the God of Israel anymore they were serving pagan gods and so you know show me which God you served by which commandment you keep are you keeping the Sabbath the one that that the God of creation said this is a sign between you and me for all creation and and identifying with the Creator God who created the earth in six days in West another seven that's huge I think yep yeah it's uh it's uh it's something when people are new to this I mean when you first realize that you know uncomfortable realization I just posted some to my Facebook page of hope or some kind of Roman guy in some costume was saying that different scriptures that say the Sabbath is uh on Sunday and it was changed and what's it's it's a big thing because I mean this is probably the number one issue uh from an outer appearance when people start keeping Shabbat on Saturday on the correct day that they have to deal with their friends and their family and everything else this is it it's like okay we can no longer do these things on Shabbat oh we choose not to visit Sabbath that's the biggest issue the outside world has with people and and that's where it begins that's where it's like you know people start calling legalist and everything else that's the the biggest side and I want to encourage people that are getting flack from people that you're doing something right because now you're set apart and that's what holy means so you know if everyone's fine with what you're doing that doesn't nestin you know that's not necessarily a good thing you know so when they start getting worried about you erasing eyebrows then you're doing something right and the Sabbath is a big one so if you're new to this and you decide to keep Shabbat you know realize that that that's going to happen another thing is here's a question for you guys what do you do because I have I have several people that contact me and I know you get questions about this what do you suggest people do when it's a family with kids and one spouse is convicted to keep Shabbat and the other one is not what would you recommend for people in that case stoner let me actually have we have a we have a family in our group that's that's very much like that where the wife brings the children to Shabbat but the husband is still you know part of the world for for lack of a better term you know it's just something that you have to pray about and continuously pray about but it's not it shouldn't be a dividing matter you know unless that individuals into idolatry fornication and you know the four things that Paul talks about in acts 15 but all you can do is pray for that person and love that person with all your heart and as a community we pray for that family that you know the eyes be opened of the husband and you know he's a great guy he's a good secular person more than most religious people that I know takes care the family drives them you know to and fro he came to sicko that that was a step you know the advice that I can give is just a continuously Clarett pray you know there's there's going to be division there's going to be arguments over it but at the end of the day you have to be committed because the Covenant as Lex pointed out the covenant that you've made with the creator supersedes the covenant that you've made with your spouse because because of our hardened hearts Moshe gave us the ability to divorce but we need to have that compassion and that intestinal fortitude to pitch push through the these issues and not well I'm going to keep Sabbath starting now and if you don't do it we're getting a divorce you know Paul talks about this this walk in this journey being a race and you you talk to any athlete out there they don't go run a 5k because they decided to go around a 5k today they have to train for it they have to figure out what works and what doesn't work what foods are good for you what foods are not good for you they have to exercise they have to stretch they have to do all of these things in preparation before they can get it perfected and actually do the the intended goal of the 5k or the or the marathon so you have to just take it one day at a time continue to pray if they're not a praying family then make sure that you know if your community if you have one if you can find one online or you know get on Facebook community is such a loose term in this digital age you know you can have people pray with you pray for you you know join Paul's but study you know have that conversation with your spouse and say this is what I'm doing I encourage you to join me in it and if you don't I understand I'm not going to push it on you I'm not going to force you and I think that type of love and that type of compassion will ultimately soften their hearts and you know show them the true mercy that Messiah gave everyone because Messiah didn't go around you know beating people over the head about keeping Shabbat he just said keep my Commandments and that's it go and sin no more it's simple enough go and sin no more I often equate this to when I was in the military you know in in you know people who are noncommissioned officers NCOs which are sergeants and above you know all it to officers an officer comes and he'll give his platoon or his NCOs in order from up higher it comes down to him he gives in space passes down the chain of command and at some point the person you know the little E 5 Sergeant platoon leader has got or squad leader he's got to figure out ok this is the order it's up to me to figure out how I carry it out and so that responsibility falls on me now it may not be how the other squad leader carries his order out but I'm going to carry my order out the best way I know how and he makes that decision on his own and so you know it's like the same way with the commandments when when the when the orders come down when we look at the commandments we understand ok we need to keep Shabbat we need to rest on that day there's different ways you can figure out how to keep that commandment but keep the commandment there's figure out there's different ways you can figure out how to carry out that order but you know the order is to carry out the order and so I equate the military I see a lot of the military you know in how the tribes are arranged how you know Israel itself is arranged it's very military like and so in the same way when we would get an order in military you were to carry out that order to the best of your ability you may be different than somebody else but you still carry out the order and also our standpoint keeping in Hebrew is Shamar to guard it you know it's not so much keeping it to yourself and how you keep it but guarding the Sabbath you know you are protecting it from the outside elements the outside world you are placing a hedge of protection like farmers did with their sheep or shepherds with their sheep you place a thornbush around the Sabbath so that the outside world does not influence what you but the right but my meeting is my thornbush doesn't have to be uh isn't bad because it's different than your thorn bush right you know I mean but there are people who will attack you because you don't have the same type of thorn bush that I do and and so that you do it differently so you're wrong and and you know that's where the traditions and doctrines of man come in no and so that's that's my big thing so I that one of the big things I get my email is that right there that my thorn bush is different than your thorn bush and so therefore you're wrong yeah well we have to understand you know we're here to help each other and and and that's what we have to do you know we have to think just like when you're new to Torah in general and people start questioning you first thing I always think is well what's their motive do they sincerely want to learn or help me or are they just trying to like find something we're all so if somebody's going to rebuke you about the Sabbath of the way you're doing something pray about what's their motive if their motive is really to learn or to help you and judge you righteously well getting a nice discussion with them but if you see their motive is just to like prove you wrong approved scripture wrong do your best to avoid that that thing because look even though we're all doing in our own way that doesn't mean we're doing it right and and and that's what we're here for to help each other well here that you know look I can be thinking I'm doing it right and doing something wrong and if one of you guys tell me you know let's look at Scripture together I know your heart and you know my heart but if somebody comes to you you know with the wrong heart then you got to just try to avoid them so it is an individual thing and we have to look at that but what somebody's motive when they start questioning you and ultimately it comes out to look it's your family your house and you know it's an individual thing and people do it in different ways and and I travel around and I see people doing the different ways and sometimes we pick up new ideas sometimes we try different ideas I mean you know we all have the ultimate setting and what we'd like to be doing but then we have life and you know I have a little kid and I have an older kid and my little kids not going to hang out all afternoon at some stranger's house in a fellowship and it's not in the congregation without crying and disrupting the whole place where my older child might be able to do something like hanging out there all afternoon or something so each situation is different and it changes as my little girl gets a little bigger that might change we might be able to go certain environments more but so it's always different you know and I want to encourage people again on a Friday night hangout this is a great way to open up Shabbat and regardless if you have stuff to do on on the day of Shabbat or not on Friday night you're hanging out with a hundred believers asking questions and just having a great time so it's really cool and it's 10 o'clock Eastern time to midnight Eastern Time and sometimes we go 3:00 in the morning and people say well why is it so late I say well as my family goes to sleep and now I have time to do that and you know and I personally don't like to stay up that late especially on Shabbat but I'm doing it for fellowship and I'm doing it for everyone and and it's just been a blessing that's another thing too I get this kind of question about people who who say and I enjoy this we just say I enjoy staying home on Shabbat and just not going anywhere even for a fellowship because just it seems like it opens up the day we have less to worry about when it comes to either traveling and some of our roads during horrible weather is just bad to travel and so in putting together whatever potluck thing we're bringing my wife is going to bring that day for the fellowship and so my family really enjoys is staying home sometimes and just avoiding the fellowship altogether but I really think that you really need to get together with people on a regular basis on Shabbat I think you really need to like you're doing Paul with your video all these people and I mean I know probably most of them have no fellowship at all whatsoever and so they love the idea of getting together with people and just kind of conversing and getting that fellowship of that and that love with fellow believers who have a have a love for the Messiah and their Torah and so that's something that's so huge for people but you know I really enjoy getting together on Shabbat with people and when and coming to fellowship and there's some people I think that avoid that because they think what like for instance the Sabbath day journey can we talk about that for a minute people are are are curious and they're a cautious about should I be traveling on Shabbat should I even go near on Shabbat I mean what are your thoughts I have I have a friend that never travels on Shabbat and in if you want to be somewhere on Shabbat he usually sleeps over somebody's house and you know he's known as that guy that crashes everyone's house but he's a single young guy and that's what he does and he's convicted and my thoughts on it are if that's where you convicted to do then I don't see an issue with it but I don't think it's a necessarily a command but he feels it is and he feels really strong about that I would love to have that conviction because this tip that'll keep you real safe but the father you drive the more of a chances it's it takes a lot of energy to drive uh but but you know some people have that conviction some don't and what do you guys think Lex and Sal will um you know I don't know the exact distance that's considered a Sabbath day's journey anyway but being that I live about 30 or 40 miles in the country if the people who came to my Bible study went according to that Sabbath they do anything they may not be able to come to our Bible study because it may be too far for them and so I think it probably kind of has something - I would say go with your motive and if your motive is to do something that would honor Shabbat then you know what you know what what's it matter if you're going to jump in your car and drive someplace but if you're if your motive is to do something that really doesn't honor Shabbat then you know maybe you need to consider doing it a different day or something it is I think probably the direction I would caution people if what you're doing is is on Rabat then you know I don't think you need to count your steps and see how far you get you know oh man it's ten steps short of being able to do this oh okay I had to stand outside on your porch because I took all my steps you know that's why the Fitbit was invented for Sabbath the weather bit a little bit the track your Sabbath day journey yeah but you know I think some people get too caught up in technicalities and details and and uh it really they don't enjoy the Liberty we have in it and their end the joy and the freedom that we have in the Shabbat because they're too caught up on nitpicking details and a lot of times those details aren't even in the Bible they're not Commandments - not their doctor personal script there yes doctrine it's something that some man came up with at some point and it kind of got adapted this tradition and people get caught up in those traditions and make doctrines out of them rather than maybe just using them as guidelines to establish your own traditions and so I I don't think there's anything wrong with having a tradition but you don't want your tradition to supersede or to Trump what the scripture says so you know it's fine if you have a tradition of eating you know salmon every Friday night but don't make a doctrine out of it that you you have to have salmon every Friday night because that's not you know that's just silly you know that's not biblical you know you know I mean and I think for me the important part you know aside from the the Sabbath day journey and and getting more into the motive what is the Sabbath it's supposed to be a joy it's not supposed to be a burden keeping Torah shouldn't be a burden so all of these restrictions and all of these prohibitions that have been done through doctrine and through tradition don't make Sabbath joyful maybe it does for some people especially if you're just starting out and you say no I can't fold toilet paper because the Torah says so okay you know if that makes you happy fine but at the end of the day Shabbat the Sabbath is supposed to be a joyful day and recently I you know I took on new responsibilities at my my job and it has been the most stressful a time in my life just a lot of stress what that did for me is a it's it's a position that I've always longed for with authority you know with title all of that stuff but that's that's this flesh side of my nature that desired those things and I strongly believe that our Father gives us sometimes what we want to show us it's not what we needed and you know now I'm at a point where okay I've overcome some of the hard stress transitions that have happened in my workplace but what that forced me to do was what I wasn't doing in the first place was praying every single day praying every single morning praying in the evening praying with my kids but it also made me long for and cherish and have a very joyful Shabbat that's what it made me realize that through these five days of just turmoil and stress and meetings and just back and forth that when Friday evening came I could just clear my mind of it turn off my email turn off all my electronic devices that would have me real you know remembering about work and just set it aside and say now it's it's my time to be without my family with my Creator and with my community so you know if something is a burden for you to keep on the Sabbath as long as it's not truly violating Torah you know put it aside for right now put it on the Shelf come back to it study it inductively look at the Hebrew look at the characteristics of who these people were why they did the things they did and understand what it meant to to keep it Sabbath a joy one of the things uh people often asked me on about Shabbat people that I knew to this is uh are they allowed to exercise on the Sabbath could they exercise on the Sabbath what your opinions about that how would you answer that if somebody asks you guys that you know just actually I get that question but it different forms like is it okay to go out and do working on my garden and on Shabbat organize it okay to go hunting on Shabbat and so my thing is like no that's like completely it's like hunting and gathering it's like gathering food and doing things that they they're all back in biblical times we're taking a break from and so I tell people no absolutely not I mean not like that but I like it Isaiah 58 and going after your own pleasures on my whole day looking after the things that I want to do that my flesh wants to do my flesh wants to go fishing or hunting or work on my garden because I love my garden or I love my whatever and it's just that's my flesh speaking out and saying I want to do those things and like no I should be concentrate on my father and in his word and in my family because he let he my family is all about my God my God is my position as a husband and father should be all about my family and so that's the thing in that that the father has given me so I want to tend to those things and raise my children in Torah and and so those are things I think I should be doing not the things that my flesh desires and exercising is one of those things you know what is I really want to go out next sighs because I can't find you know it really is the deal is you can't find time to go on exercise during the rest of week or go hunting or go fishing or go do whatever these uh some of these things are that should be something you can make time for on the other make time for your father on the Shabbat I mean am I wrong am I wrong here well I mean yeah go ahead Lakes well I was just gonna say I think a lot of the problem is people don't know what to do with empties time empty space sleep um white space you know you have you have this you have a you know six days of your week is just crammed full of activities you know you have everything scheduled everything planned you know you pull out your calendar and you have something going nine o'clock ten o'clock eleven o'clock twelve o'clock you know all day long you have something going on and you get to Sabbath and you have a day that's empty the day that has nothing planned today that has nothing scheduled and they say wow what am I going to do I need to fill this up with something I need to go out and wash my car I need to go fishing I need a you know whatever and I really think that has a lot to do with it and we need to learn how to how to be still and how to listen and how to be quiet and how to wait and have that quiet space and have that emptiness so that maybe God can put something in it for us instead of us trying to fill it up with something yeah let him speak to you yeah and it's you know it I'm reminded of the time when Elijah went up on the mountain and you know said there was a great storm and there's a great wind and and all this stuff and and but God wasn't in that and then there's this still small voice and that's when God spoke to Elijah and it's one of those things that we have so many distractions throughout the week sometimes Shabbat the only time we take you know we have a moment of free time where we can just sit and listen and say you know God would what have you been trying to say to me all week that I haven't been able to hear because I've been too busy and today I'm gonna I'm gonna clear my calendar for you and and let's just spend time together just me and you Father and you know just like you know I want to spend time with my kids on Shabbat our Father wants to spend time with us on Shabbat and so it's it's a time when we should clear our calendar and make room for him just like all the feasts you know in in Leviticus 23 it says these are the feasts of the Lord these are my holy convocations it's like he's saying I put these on the calendar these are the times that I have set apart and said you know you you guys make room for me clear your calendar and meet with me on these days and shibata's is one of those days and so we need to figure out how to clear our own calendars so that we can meet with our Father and and enjoy the time that we have with him and not try to clutter it up with with busyness if there's any question who who truly has dominion over the earth right now after the fall you can look at that lifestyle you know we fill our lives with meetings we fill our lives with little things to do material possessions there's there's no question in my mind who holds the deed to the to the earth right now because of Adam's fall because the adversary is trying to keep us away from the Sabbath and we have these discussions about you know is the Sabbath a lunar Sabbath is it a solar Sabbath is it the seventh-day Sabbath is it Sunday did Constantine really change it all of these divisive topics that have have the opportunity to continue to divide us but at the end of the day your conviction about how you keep Sabbath is not everyone's conclusion and that's the important part your conviction is yours if you do Sabbath in a particular way or if your hedge of thorns is done in such a way that isn't like mine or isn't like Lex's or Paul's you know that's okay because at the end of the day we're honoring our father we're keeping the fifth commandment from from a spiritual standpoint we're honoring our Father and and we're setting time aside to be with him to learn from him to learn from each other and to edify each other studies to edify each other's walk because in the military when when you're on a road March when you're on a run you pick up that battle buddy you you help him up and you get him up on his feet so that he can continue that race continue that March because you don't leave that man behind okay and that's the important part about Sabbath is leave no man behind and continue to have that that that study yeah you know I won't call it exercise but I do do my are delight on the Shabbat I mean there's a big park across tree from my house and we don't get a lot of family time during the week to just everyone together all the time as much as we would like without some type of distraction and on Shabbat I'll be honest with everyone and we really enjoy it we take a bike ride at the park sometimes as a family and some people might look at that as exercise some people might look at that as family time but if somebody's watching with your new tutorial you can do it a long time I think it's okay to do that and you know it goes into interpretation Paul because how you interpret exercise I could turn around and say well me getting out of bed and stretching I just exercised my body I worked you know it audience to him exactly it all comes back to how you how you define things and and on individual basis your definition or your understanding of exercise or work it is completely different than mine and we have to just come to the middle and understand at the end of the day we're celebrating the Sabbath sure sure like I say we're going to find our interval individual ways to do it you know but that scriptures that we're up about not doing your own uh has really caught a lot of a lot of conversation about that too because it's one thing about not doing your own pleasure and it's another thing about what we consider work is and what we could say the rest is I mean take anything like that I think and it can go to the extremes of it right absolutely and sometimes people do and then it's so we gotta be careful with that and it's easy to fall into that trap when you first starting out in Torah and then like I said later on when you get in your ways it's easy to point to other people and show them what they're doing wrong so we got to be careful that and again folks look at people's heart I can tell you this week I had a unique Shabbat because my family's out of town and that really happens anymore where we're apart but a friend of mine slept over Friday night and we went Friday night we went yesterday on Shabbat and I could figure no way better to celebrate Shabbat but we went Street evangelizing and we just had the most amazing time but we were and we drove to get there and and we were associated with other people and it was a very unique experience but I see the Apostles doing things like that on Shabbat and it was just wonderful time so it's different but guys and wrapping this up give us your final thoughts of what we could tell people and people that are watching go and post your questions below and give us your final thoughts everyone ah watch I mean on panel about what you want to leave people with on this topic because they're going to keep asking it and you're going to keep getting it but what video will give us a minute or two here what would you say if somebody says can we or how should we be keep it to by what would you point them to and you're saying right now so they can get the gist a bit real quick other than watch this whole video I guess I'll go first I would you know I want to go back to X's 20 and just look at the command that God gave us he said remember the Sabbath and keep it holy he's already made it holy he made a holy when he created the earth in six days and he rested on seventh he blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy Oh you just asking us to keep it that way not to defile it with work not to defile it with distractions not to fill it up with our own desires and and and things like that but to keep it holy as a day set apart to him and so that everything we do on the day is for the purpose of spending time with our Father and so if we if we can do that remember and keep it holy remember to spend that time with him and to keep that time set apart and holy I you know I think that's that's where we need to begin at least you know and all those yeah I'll do the book end since you're in Torah I'll go to Paul's writings in acts 15 you know what is a new believer supposed to do in addition to keeping the Sabbath it's one of the four things but you abstain from things that are polluted by idols from fornication and from things strangled with blood but the fourth thing in that is that you are supposed to go to the synagogue and learn Torah every single week and that's the point you're not going to get it all in one sitting you have to continuously do this every single day every single week and learn from the Sabbath it's our daily bread we can't we can't not eat for six days and then expect to consume an entire meal of Torah or you know study time in one day it has to be a daily walk and you have to understand that you're not going to get it all right away you're going to make mistakes and you're going to get trapped in into doctrine into tradition and that's okay because it's a part of the process Arthur Bailey has a really great teaching on the religious traps of the Messianic faith if you have a chance to check that out if you go to teshuva ministries net under the getting started section it's the last video on there and we made it the last video on purpose because you're going to study all these getting started videos from 119 from Zak from Paul but at the very end you got to understand that this walk or any walk comes with its traps you know you can use the example of CrossFit you know that individual who just are it CrossFit is gonna be nailing CrossFit on on everyone's you know Facebook feed or whatever you know someone who's into the raw diet who just got into it is always going to be talking about this but you get into these traps and into these cycles of you know knowledge and gaining that knowledge but the important thing is your conviction is not everyone's conclusions and just make sure that when you're studying you're studying to be edified and you're edifying others and I love your point uh Lex about keeping it holy that our creator made it holy our responsibility is to keep it holy yeah Lex aunt Lex is answer is my answer so I'm just gonna go with what he said I keep to keep it set apart to keep it special you know and it's it's the first it's the first mention of the feast it's a feast make it a feast make it something special set apart there come on sure well in the scriptures I was talking about fell about this last night when it talks about those that won't make it into the kingdom and it talks about Liars and adulterers and all these things it doesn't say they're you know people that break the Sabbath are not going to make it and we were wondering this and we said well they can look at that two ways one way you can look at that as well you know it was so commonly kept that they didn't even think like nobody struggled with it back then the other way you can look at it and say like well it's not one of the four things mentioned in acts 15 either so you can look at it from two different viewpoints well that's the thing is yeah is mentioned the next 15 because the assumption is that you would go to Sabbath every single week to continue to learn so it's those three things that you abstain from but you continue to learn more because you like you just said culturally they just they did Sabbath that was a part of their life so yeah but absolutely but that's what I'm saying it could be looked at from two different ways if not specifically mentioned but if it was so normally done then you can look at it away if that's why because everyone did it you don't have to mention it so you can look at it that way but you could look at it another way and say well these are the most four important things people got to be doing but the point is it's not mentioned in the scripture of these are the things we got to do to get in and why is that not there versus these liars you know we know the Sabbath is mentioned much more in Scripture than lying and there are scriptures of righteous people lying but it says in the scripture Liars won't get in the kingdom but it doesn't say Sabbath keepers won't get in the kingdom uh so what I'm saying is like we said earlier is we got to understand uh actually it does say in Isaiah it does say that it says I will bring those to my holy mountain who keep my Shabbat and that's me it's very clear on that one but I think that we've all sinned we've all fallen short of the glory of God so if that's the case it doesn't really matter we're all we're all not worthy so my thing is it goes back to that heart you know do I have a wicked heart like it says that you know we all have or if I decided I'm going to circumcise my heart and and do things the way and follow my father's Commandments the best of my ability and and the best of my ability would mean to keep the Shabbat and I'm not gonna do it perfectly I'm not I'm gonna screw up so if I do that if I screw up am I doomed my nephew I am NOT getting into the kingdom whatever I think the father's going to overlook that's where the grace comes from yeah he this child has the willingness to obey my Commandments and so that's where I believe if I my point was in a renewed covenant it was it was either so commonly done amongst the believer I were preaching the gospel that they didn't even have to mention it or it they didn't give it as much the significance of other things but it's just in the New Covenant it's not there with these other things that are so preached about and I mean that's the thing I argue with Stephen Anderson about you know it doesn't say anything in the New Covenant about not sleeping with your sister that's because that was just like one of the most obvious thing is that you know it's you didn't need mentioning you know so it doesn't mean talk about sleeping with you know an animal either so it doesn't you know I tell Stephen Anderson was that mean we can do it cuz it's not mentioning the New Testament no but it was something that was so obvious to the people of that day that they didn't need mentioning you know everyone kept the Shabbat everyone you know was supposed to keep the Shabbat absolutely it is what uh you know with Constantine changing it and changing the day and all the other crazy stuff has happened people are farther away from it now than they've ever been before and for them to turn around and come back to it is a great sign of their faith and and also that it's the most amazing confirmation that Yahweh has at least begun and maybe even more than that lifted the scales from their eyes and it's a great testimony of one screen and so I think we can all agree no matter how you decide to do it do it and you know try to keep it and learn and you will learn more and we could say the same thing about Torah we could say the same thing about about the feast days and everything stop ignoring it stop making excuses and looking for loopholes and honor the day that our Creator told us to honor and do it the right heart and blessings are attached to that we are you all in agreement with that yeah yeah yeah brain can I thrown one last thing also it kind of goes along with with the last little bit that you guys have been talking about is our Messiah Yeshua said the Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath and it's it's a gift to us and so we need to welcome it as a gift and thank God for it and and bless it and you know treat it as something sacred and special to us it's for us it's not we were not created to keep the Sabbath the Sabbath was created for us it's a day of rest for us it's a day of fellowship it's a day of spending time with our Father and so it's a day for us it's not a day against us and I think that's where a lot of people get it backwards and they think that I have to make sure I step through all these hoops and do all these right things make sure I don't violate it because you know I don't want to I don't want to step on it and break it you know and it's it's it's it's not we it's not as delicate as I think people act like it is we're not going to break it that easily I think that we have to intentionally try to break it if we're trying to uphold it if we're trying to keep it if we're trying to honor it I you know it's made for us to do so and so I you know I'm saying this as a means of liberty that it's it's this freedom in keeping the Sabbath it's not a burden and so I don't I don't think we need to look at it as as something that is so fragile that we're just going to break it every time we you know give some it the wrong look or every time we you know to do anything yeah take too many steps yeah I walk too far today I scratched my head I you know I turned the light switch on you're not breaking the Sabbath it's not that fragile you know oh but anyway you guys everything else uh no I you know post your questions below everybody Zak anything else that's it no I took that's a great topic I'm glad we brought up I thought you know that I think people gonna get a lot of encouragement from this wonderful wonderful Sal how you doing anything else no that's it I think just continue to read the word and do it to the best of your abilities wonderful in case some people so people that are watching uh myself and Sal were able to put our ministry websites on the screen because of connectivity issues south of Zak and Lex were not so Zack and Lex give out your websites so people know what they are uh my website is new to Torah comm new the letter two of the number two Torah calm and I can go there and seen this video and other videos we've done in the past I haven't updated it in a while my updated today I think so all my stuff's on there okay and maybe I should have just wrote it on the back blackboard behind me here mine is unlearn the lies calm and if that just you know that just seems like too much to write out you can just do unlearn dot CC and then I'll kind of shortcut you there but unlearn the lies calm is my thanks wonderful and while add it's a Liva know what's on the screen tell everybody yours to those that are just listening and not watching sure it's teshuva which means to repent to turn around teshuva ministries net wonderful and mine is a Torah like or org alright everybody well thanks for checking us out thanks guys for joining we've got to do it again hopefully sooner this time than later and much Aloha everybody shabbat shalom mashallah
Channel: UNLEARN the lies
Views: 33,900
Rating: 4.8537273 out of 5
Keywords: Unlearn, sabbath, shabbat, torah, Zach Bauer, New2Torah, Paul Nison, Torah Life Ministries, T'shuvah Ministries, Should Christians keep the sabbath, how do I keep the sabbath, how should christians keep the sabbath, is the sabbath done away with, what is the sabbath, what is shabbat, how do i keep shabbat, the Biblical truth about the sabbath
Id: hYTR0Elmn1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 38sec (3758 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2015
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