Ken Ham tours through the Ark Encounter with Billy Hallowell | Real Life Noah's Ark

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hi I'm Billy Halliwell from pure flix comm and we're about to take you inside the Ark Encounter a life-size replica of Noah's Ark this stunning structure is based on biblical dimensions and it's absolutely massive we headed down to Williamstown Kentucky to see the Ark for ourselves and we were totally blown away this modern marvel is 510 feet long 85 feet wide and 51 feet tall each of the Ark's decks offers a glimpse into what life was like for Noah and his family there's so much to explore so let's dive right in with an interactive interview with Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham here we go so Ken as we enter the ark here can you tell me what we're seeing well this is a life-size Ark and it was based on a wooden ship but it's billed as a building for tourists right and people don't realize that there were ancient cultures the Egyptians and Chinese others had built great wooden ships and if you look at this area here an engineer actually designed this based on how some real wooden ships were built so with those interlocking layers and so on it's not just you know a wooden side of the ship it was built like this people were very very intelligent and they knew by doing that it would stop the twisting and stop it leaking and so on so there's really these ancient cultures this is this is how they built some of their ships so it's it's to show that you know ancient cultures are very intelligent we have an exhibit about that on the third deck but also to help people understand you know this this really did happen this was a real ship and Noah could actually do this and one of the things that's incredible as you walk in you get a sense of how sweeping and large this is and that's the thing that kind of takes your breath away you're outside you look at it but then as you enter in you start to feel that immediately well this is a gigantic structure it's one half times the length of a football field half the width of a football field and it's built 15 feet above the ground and so from ground level to roof is seven stories high at the balland it's 10 stories high and 3.3 million board feet of timber so that's a big structure it's actually called a timber frame structure so it's the largest timber frame structure in the world not the largest timber structure but the largest timber frame structure which is a particular style of building with the lodge poles and the beams the way they are supposed to be in construction and so on what do we have here well these are cages actually the ark has sort of three different emphases for each of the three decks and so as you're walking deck one is basically emphasizing Noah has loaded the ark and so we have pages you hear animal sounds and actually the attention to detail is incredible because these cages they're prompts but they're not just props you could actually use them as real pages because the watery system works the feeding system works and actually under here you see the way to design to collect the waste so there's a waste of pronoun and be corrected in other words did you guys build this to actually be functional right in other words want to show people this is the way now I could have done it you know based on the way people do things today for instance we look at how they've solved certain problems in regard to various issues and make sure we did this to help people understand look you can actually do this it can actually happen and so Dec one noah's load of the ark deck 2 we have teaching exhibits and themed exhibits but an emphasis on themed exhibits index 3 we have teaching exhibits and themed exhibits but it's an emphasis on teaching exhibits so each deck has a different flavor so to speak so as people come in they see the cages the seed pods here we're getting the sense that hey Noah has loaded the ark because it's been water who could have been water could mean food you know a number of different things storage ready for the journey or things that that would use in the post-flood world you know after the fire after the ark lands and so as a story so often right you picture it you see the pictures and kids books of the animals on the oversi oversized animals on this little Ark and then you walk in here and you see the complexity is if you have to think about how would they handle employees how would they handle feeding the animals how would they handle cages and we've got specific exhibits that actually deal with that in much more detail as well and you know you said something that's very interesting because you said you know hear this story see one of the things we have to come to grips with is in our modern world the word story has changed meaning whereas story used to be in history today if you ask the general audience what a story mean today that's our fairy tales fiction and so we want to change that narrative n-acetyl show the real this was real this actually happened it's not just a story we don't use the word story in fact we want to use the word account the account of the flood the record of the flood in Genesis and we want to encourage people in churches to get away from using the word story because story today with our generation Z Generation Y tends to mean fairy tale and they get the idea the Bible's a book of stories we learn real stuff at school we want them to understand the Bible's a book of history and that's really what this is doing telling them this is this was history this really happened why was it important for you to build this we you know back in 1975 when I first became a science teacher the students were mocking me for being a Christian because they said the Bible couldn't be true because you know evolution and so on and one of the students said so Noah couldn't hit all the animals on the and one of the interesting things have been 40 years of travelling around the world one of the most asked questions I get asked is how can you bleed and I was I he couldn't fit the animals on board Paquin I debated Bill Nye at the Creation Museum in 2014 he mocked me for Bolivian Noah's Ark because he said you couldn't fit a millions of species on board well here we are there's some animals provide notice to like this is the swamp kind okay because in Genesis it says God created now in English is translated kind after their kind the land animals after their kind the implication is each kind produces its own kind Bill Nighy mocked me by saying you couldn't fiddle the millions of species on board but species is an arbitrary term that that man is invented a farm class order family genus species so our researchers have done a lot of scientific research leading up to this what constitutes our kind it's a Hebrew word mean that's translated kind and we would say in most instances and there's a tremendous exhibit on deck 2 that explains all this in most instances a kind would be the family level so if you take dogs the family candidate that means that all kind that means only needed two dogs on the art not the different general not all the species not dingoes wolves coyotes and in fact we would say they didn't even exist until after the flood which is not evolution because they're still dogs it's just separating out some of our genetic diversity that's already there so you'll notice that right here we start teaching kind and as people get used to that word then you go to the next thing and we have intensive teaching on what is a kind and we explained it in much more detail how did you decide which animals to include which to put on display yeah that's an interesting question because that was actually contemplated our artists sat down and we wanted to include some common animals that people familiar with now you'll notice you can look in here for instance to say well obviously that's deer but looks different to deer we have today okay because it's the deer kind the animals that were on the ark wouldn't be the same looking ones as a species today because the species today came from them so you'll notice as you look for instance the peccary kind the pig kind here you can tell they're pigs but there's there's not a thing that looks exactly like that today they're so different so first of all we want to make sure that they look different which is why we couldn't use taxidermy in the yard because we couldn't use today's species more and then we wanted people to see animals that they were familiar with and then see differences and then we wanted our people to see animals they weren't familiar with for instance on the second deck you'll see some animals that you've probably never heard of before but from the fossil record we know they existed and so on so we wanted to really give people an interesting experience in regard to that why do you think so many atheists reject not only obviously the Bible but they ark they say that even in your debate with Ken Ham you know just dismissing I'm sorry with Bill Nye just dismissing it and laughing it off when we when there seems to be a lot of evidence on the Sun of things you know it really comes down to the bottom line is it's a spiritual issue and they recognize if what we're saying is true if what we are saying is true then evolution and the molecules demand sense is wrong if the Bible is true and God created us what does that mean it means God owns us it means God sets the rules it means marriage is a man and a woman it means abortion is killing a human being it means human beings are made in the image of God see that there are incredible consequences for them and incredible implications and so for atheists they recognize that this is to them now don't get me wrong when I say this is sort of in-your-face in the sense it's we're out there saying we're not going to hide behind something where we're gonna do something that's saying to the world I want you to understand we're saying the Bible's history is true we're saying there is a God who created and it's the God of the Bible and that you need to understand that and so in that sense to them it's in your face but we're not doing that in an aggressive way that's obnoxious I mean we through here we know market people or anything like that we're presenting the material it's interesting I see this on my social media I will critique atheism and so on but a lot of the atheists that then get on and respond use personal attacks ad hominem attacks blasphemy you know swearing expert is pornography not substance they're not the same substance of debate or the exact right exactly well as we're walking through this and people who are watching seeing we've walked a long way and we're not all the way through it we just want that and we're only on deck one yeah and so the reason I bring that up is because there's something about seeing nobody's seen any sort of replica that is to scale of Noah's Ark in the u.s. until now well you know a lot of parents when they bring their children here say things like this really helps make the Bible come alive and that's really what we're doing here it really does help it come and I'll give you a couple of instances here I I brought one of the community leaders from Northern Kentucky here to the arc not a Christian but he want to come see it and as we walked up to the arc outside and he stood there and just looked up and then he said wow I never knew Noah's Ark was so big and then he followed with maybe Noah could have hid all those animals on board see because even he had heard that argument there's no way Noah could fit the animals on board well it sounds like that was part of your motivation to in bringing that alive to show that the sheer scale it's one thing to hear 510 feet it's another thing to be inside of inside and to actually see it and for children I mean if you're in those shuttle buses when they come up the hill out of the valley from the parking lot and you hear the kids and I've had so many children tell me we didn't know Noah's Ark was so big because you mentioned something before as we're walking around about you know the Noah's Ark that's portrayed as an overloaded bathtub that's rustic appreciate me about the sickening giraffe did you see on the walls of churches kindergarten rooms and so on and people think they're cute but I would say they're dangerous they're cute but dangerous and we actually have an exhibit on that on the second deck as well because kids have so many Christian books today and Sunday school material that shows in this bathtub Ark it's actually reinforcing Noah couldn't afford it fit all the animals on board because most of go to public schools where they're told you know you couldn't bid all the animals on board and so on and so the church is actually reinforcing that the Bible's not true what about the critique that the ark could have never floated because of all the way to the animals and there are there are ancient ships that were wooden ships that were basically as big or even bigger than the ark that float so of course it could float I mean they just silly arguments they just people who don't even understand engineering and don't understand how objects float in water and so on and certain principles of physics etc what do you think what challenge does this pose to atheists the sexual structure does obviously the events themselves but but having this here where people get a chance to come in and see the reality well I think a number of things number one it's a very iconic structure so it's not just a another building it's so unique that people who don't believe the Bible or believe in God as we do will come and visit it because it's so unique so that's something that I think frustrates a lot of it is because actually we don't know what the statistic is every day but generally from the exit interviews we do the polls and so on and from other factors about 30 percent who come here would not be Christian and eighty percent of the tour buses that come from secular tool come and and people get rave reviews they go to other attractions in the area and the last companies I've spoken to said when they asked them to rate the quality or where they went the ark is always number one and the museum Creation Museum is number two so I mean there's nothing like it you drive up to it there's nothing like it and you're like oh oh wow even even if someone's not a Christian believe the Bible it's an architectural wonder in fact a number of people have said to us this should be called one of the wonders of the modern world because there is no other structure like this anywhere in the world so what we do here is we outline the account just in pictures now at the Creation Museum we actually do this with life-sized exhibits so here because this has a different emphasis the Creation Museum is a walk through the Bible and to walk through the days of creation and Adam and Eve and so on so here we do a quick walk through using some spectacular artistry now going more into theology there's obviously a debate about timelines and how old the earth is and some say it's billions and you know years some say it's 6,000 years and why is a young earth an important thing to embrace the middle this video well first of all young earth is not the priority for us okay it is actually a consequence of what we believe the reason I say that you know I know in the church you can have different views of eschatology different views and modes of baptism different views of speaking in tongues different views of Sabbath day and cell shortage of anything everybody ever I different views but if you think about it almost theological differences their eschatology baptism speaking in tongues Sabbath people basically argue from Scripture obviously somebody's wrong right but right but they're arguing from Scripture in the context of Scripture but think about it the reason we have all these different views of Genesis in regard to were the days ordinary days good God appears devolution whatever you're not arguing from scripture if you think about it you've taken man's ideas of evolution of millions ears because that doesn't come from the Bible comes from outside the bottle now some people call that science but it it's not science in the sense of observational science and Bill's technology its historical science which means it's their beliefs about origins about the past so as taking ideas from outside a scripture adding them to Scripture - then reinterpret scripture and that's the issue to us it's undermining Biblical Authority and that's why we believe we've lost the coming generations from the church because they've been told by much of the church you can take what man says about origins reinterpret the Bible Genesis doesn't mean what it says now if you get rid of outside influences new to start with Genesis you just start there God created in six days it's good evening morning number day for each of them six days now people will say but we don't know what the word day means the fascinating thing is the word day is used 2301 times in the Old Testament and the singular and plural form so we know what it means everywhere it's used except Genesis 1 how come Genesis 1 is the problem and it's because they're trying to fit millions years in now people will say well in Genesis 2:4 it says in the day that the Lord created that doesn't mean an ordinary day correct it's not qualified by evening or morning or number or night when the word day is quantifiably evening morning it means an ordinary day when you look in Genesis one for each of the six days you've got evening morning number you've got day so the qualification there means in the context that means it's an ordinary day if you take those days as ordinary days Adam was made on day six he had a sunset at a hundred and thirty years old then you can actually go through those genealogies and then Seth had a son at a particular age there was a noise and so on and then he had a son at a particular age and it names them and you add up all those dates you get to Abraham then you get to Christ and then you get to the present you get to 6,000 years approximately so we would say based on Scripture alone right the Reformation tried scripture on that if you just use Scripture and took the words in context you would say you know what the whole universe must be about 6,000 years old so that's why we believe in a young earth and the other thing is if you believe in the millions here is the idea of millions years came out of the 1700 and 1800 you know the 18th the 19th century atheists and dears who are trying to explain things without God who want to explain the whole fossil record without God and they said that those fossils were laid down millions years before man now many church leaders said we'll take the millions of years and fit them in the Bible before man before Adam so it fit them in the days of creation or a gap between the first two verses or in verse 1 or whatever it is but as soon as you do that the fossil record is a record of death not just death diseases like cancer in the fossil record abscesses arthritis there are thorns in the fossil record said we hundreds of millions years old Bible says thorns come after the curse if you're saying all that death and disease existed before Adam before man after God made Adam he said everything you made was very good then God calls cants are very good but Romans 8 says the whole creation groans because of sin and it's a groaning world it was perfect but now it's no longer perfect so all that never disease and the fossil record has to come after Adam sinned if we're gonna be adamant on what scripture says how do you explain billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth and it's after Adam sinned Bible tells about a global flood the event of Noah's day if there was a global flood you'd expect to find billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water or less so the question really seems to be are you taking things outside of the Bible and putting them in trying to force them in or are you believing the Bible on face value there's my challenge to people I would rather stand before God and say I am guilty of trying to do my best I'm not adding any ideas outside the Bible to scripture and then the mirror when I say that you can go and look at archaeological artifacts and it can help throw light on things like you know what does it mean hide your light under a bushel and so on but that's different than taking man's ideas about the past based on naturalism and then using that to add into scripture I would say doing that is no different than what the Israeli stick with the Canaanite religion you know you read through the prophets Yuri through I desire Isaiah and Jeremiah and Isaiah back yes you know you read through all of them and you realize one of the big problems of the Israelites they adopted the pagan religion of the age you know idol worship and child sacrifice and so on and they merged it with God's Word that destroyed them I would say there's no difference really then what much of the church is doing today and taking man's ideas outside of Scripture and merging it into God's Word and it's undermining the authority of the word and it's it's becoming a stumbling block to the younger generations we're now doubt and don't believe the Word of God well it is interesting because I think even those who might not agree with you would have to that once you start to do that with a little piece of the Bible you open up a gaping wound where you could be doing it with all the Bible well think about this did if you said to people yeah I really want people to understand here not to misunderstand I'm not saying if you believe that millions years in evolution not a Christian sure salvation is conditioned on faith in Christ and not what you believe about the agency so it's not necessarily a Salvation issue it's not a solvent Asian issue per se it's an authority issue and if you think about it the first attack on God's on God's Word was in Genesis did God really say the surface set Paul in 2nd Corinthians 11:3 says beware as by any manner as by any means as the serpent go history subtlety so your minds should be corrupted to the simplicity of is in Christ in other words I want to warn you the devil is going to use the same method on you as you did on Eve to get you to position of not believing the Word of God and the things of Christ what was the method used or need to doubt the word so the attack is always going to be on the word that that that's the issue and you know there are people who would say oh you know Jesus Christ probably rose from the dead but you didn't see that happen no well you know atheists say we haven't seen a man rising a dead she'll be reinterpret that no because that's what it says right and they will do that with all the miracles in the new testament of Jesus and feeding the 5000 and is nice crossing the Red Sea oh I know you P I believe it because the Bible says it no because we didn't see it but we believe because the Bible says you get to Genesis I know you got to take man's ideas and you got to reinterpret it see in this era been an incredible inconsistency so much like an intellectual schizophrenia well and this is why people would then start doubting this they would start doubting you know that Noah's Ark was real I'd say ok and if you doubt Noah's ox real and the floods real what about the creation account look at the rest of Genesis actually because right what about Matthew Mark Luke charges this is this one of my favorite exhibits because this is the one that deals with the kind issue in detail and so that for instance a dog kind to see it's very possible see again we have here the dog kind looks very different to our dogs today does it does but you could have a dog kind like that that already has the genetic diversity because we've never seen matter produce information or a code system by natural processes the reason evolutionists really get perplexed is because we're saying all of these different species formed after the fighters - of the Don kleine got off the arc and it happened pretty quickly the reason it can happen quickly because the genetic diversity is already there so natural selection adaptation speciation that's just a part of what happens when the dog kind splits up and they move away from each other you develop different species because the genetic diversity is there evolutionists say it has to take a long time because they have to somehow generate the information for the new characteristics which we never see possible and so you could have had two dogs like that on the ark two cats on the arm and and you get all the different cats the American shoe though right fishing from the cat kind very easy to understand if people finding that hard to understand think about all our domestic varieties of dogs which are considered the same species great dane little chihuahua and so on what are the major differences there but we bred them within the in fact if you look at a Great Dane and a st. Bernard and a little chihuahua the differences there are much greater than a coyote and easily a walker and yet a coyote in a wolf or considered different species and they look very similar something I used to say see it's very easy for us to start to grasp it wow you could get all of these differences very quickly absolutely and so we have exhibits that do that so this is one of the teaching exhibits very interesting Wow I remember this detail is you know incredible remember I say to you you'll see some animals that you are not familiar with oh yes I thought that was a bear at first so that's a kind we find represent the fossil record but most people have not familiar with it so we want to put some of those sort of creatures here too and this is the exhibit where we look at each of those cages that we built to show you why they were built the way they were and so we want you to see that these really work as real cages and these are for amphibians to be in attention to detail is what's really incredible as you go through how you could water if you look at the exhibits outside and the big cages you'll actually see some of the models of like Noah's daughters-in-law up there putting water in and then how the water comes down to pee the animals that all work we can actually make that work oh wow so that's the attention to detail as we as we go down here we actually see there's Noah in his office you'll notice he has Scrolls and we have Noah's library here see people have the idea writing wasn't invented till the Sumerians or something like that but Genesis 5:1 says this is the book of the generations of Adam this is that Adam and Sherman others didn't write down the history and it was eventually handed down to Noah and some moment maybe some of the words even in the Hebrew language come from the original link before the Tower of Babel and then look they were intelligent they had workshops they could carve beautiful things all they'd build an ark and even a blacksmith shop why not that actually people forget in Genesis within seven generations so are workers of bronze and iron so when people say but you used iron in this ship well why not wouldn't know I have because long before Noah though work as a bronze and iron and there we have an exhibit dealing with Noah himself if you know Noah didn't start building that Ark till it was in you know about 600 or so years old well maybe God prepared him by building ships in the pre front will so when God said I want you to build an ark he didn't say I know how to do that Bible says no one did everything God commanded him so he's obviously familiar with what to do he knew what to do I mean in the idea of being divinely inspired as well is not something that should be crazy to people considering the beliefs we have in the rest of Scripture and how God the resurrection readies it raising Lazarus from the day exactly making blind people's circles yeah I mean look at Paul his his conversion all of the things that happen that are just completely stunning and God ordained why wouldn't this have been the same exactly Noah and his family had to go through one door to be saved think about that as a picture Jesus Christ said I am the door By Me If any man enter in he'll be saved there's only one mediator between God and man and that is Jesus Christ there's one way to be saved jesus said I am the door By Me If any man he'll be saved and so this is a reminder as know and his family went through a door to be saved we need to go through a door and that door is Jesus Christ which is why we have the cross up there this encompasses the whole purpose of what we're doing what do you want the end results of this to be what are you hoping the impact is we want people to talk about the Bible and the message is really this the history in the Bible is true that's why the gospel based on that history is true but if you think about it the secularists more and more are censoring anything Christian from the culture by and large they show in the Bible out of schools and prayer creation there are atheist groups getting symbols that represent the Christian message whether it be crosses or nativity scenes Ten Commandments whatever removed from all sorts of places and there's a censorship I mean a censorship in regard to information about kinds and genetics and speciation there's a censorship people have been so brainwashed and so indoctrinated I mean actually the secular world has legislated to protect the teaching of a theistic evolution in the schools and not let students even hear anything else if it's so so right in fact why would they be worried about people hearing other things in fact there there are Christian school groups and homeschool groups that come here to the Ark the Creation Museum and then they go to the Natural History Museum in Chicago or the one in Cincinnati or whatever and we say that's great we want them to see the difference because if if we're on about the truth of God's Word why would we be scared if we presented the best we can and presented the arguments and the information why would we be scared about them hearing what the sector or so we wouldn't be scared about that but the second us are sure scared about people hearing what we've got to say they try to censor us to stop us we don't try to censor them or stop them and so we encourage people to come here get this information understand it get some of their resources go to a Natural History Museum the Smithsonian or whatever it is and and as you go through once you've been taught how to think a different way and you've been taught about certain things speciation genetics that you haven't heard before you'll start to see it immediately and you'll start to say wait a minute they can't say like that's their belief oh they didn't actually observe there because if you think about it when you go to secular museums evolution is not in the glass case unless it's a model man has made evolution is pasted on the glass case or it's a story pasted on the holiness you don't dig up evolution and we want people to go away from here to reclaim the authority of the word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ to see people save one to the Lord to be in heaven with us that is our ultimate motivation and the message is history in the Bible is true and the gospel and the doctrines of Christianity based on that history was true and here you are showing that I appreciate your taking us through today and please thanks so much for tuning in you can find more daily inspiring content at pure flix calm and backslash pure flix with over 10 thousand titles it would be impossible for us to show you everything on pure flix calm but let's give it a shot [Music] you
Channel: Pure Flix
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Keywords: Ken Ham, Ark Encounter, Ark Encounter tour, the ark encounter, the ark, bill nye ark encounter, ark encounter kentucky, billy hallowell, noahs ark, noah's ark, ark, ken ham ark encounter, noahs ark encounter, christianity bible, christian, 2019 christian movies, theology, christianity theology, christianity videos, christian videos, christ, god, christian interview, christian vlogs, christian worship, church, christian church, pure flix, pure, flix, pureflix, atheism
Id: 1MV0_P4vA4Y
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Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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