Life After Death Series: Part 1 - What Are We? - 119 Ministries

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to another teaching from 119 ministries our ministry believes that the whole Bible is true and directly applicable to our lives today if you would like to know more about what we believe in teach please visit us and test everything not yet we hope that you enjoy studying and testing the following teaching [Music] [Music] [Music] some hold to the idea that the existence of life is random and without divine purpose think about that for a moment that is a disturbing idea if the life we live now is all there is then there could be nothing more depressing it encompasses the idea that you and everyone else exists now only for the purpose of someday not existing a random blip of momentary consciousness the final end of everything we do Koen eights to it big nothing yes people live on after us but what is their final fate they also become nothing everything is then nothing Solomon stated to be the wisest man who ever lived came to a similar conclusion following the abandonment of God's ways Ecclesiastes chapter one I have seen everything that is done under the Sun and behold all is vanity and a striving after wind Solomon is stating that without God's eternal purpose for us life is vanity it is meaningless futile or useless it is like chasing after the wind but our very existence and the existence of the world around us compels the logical mind to understand that life is not an accident we were created with a purpose and thus life is not a momentary meaningless accident as Lee Strobel has so eloquently put it to continue and atheism I would need to believe that nothing produces everything non-life produces life randomness produces fine-tuning chaos produces information unconsciousness produces consciousness and non Reason produces reason I simply don't have that much faith regardless of perspective we all understand that the life we live now is in fact a terminal condition nobody debates that life results in death but in the biblical faith we also understand that death is not the end we were created with a purpose which is to glorify God as our ultimate authority worthy of all praise and if we accept embrace and follow that purpose our life and purpose extends into eternity in our faith we have the hope of being saved from death Titus chapter 3 so that being justified by His grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life but what exactly happens after death for those in the faith or for those that deny it what should we expect and when should we expect it the goal of this teaching series is to assist those in the biblical faith in achieving better clarity around some age-old questions concerning life after death do those in the faith go to heaven to others go to a punishment of eternal burning in something called hell the Bible states that both those in the faith and those not in the faith will be resurrected why is there a need for a resurrection after we die why are those not in the faith also resurrected back to life what purpose could that serve and how does that make sense what happens at these resurrections when are these resurrections to occur what happens after these resurrections a few different answers have been given to these questions and different positions are debated among those in the faith how are we gonna solve the debate for some yes for others perhaps not well we will be clear as to where we believe we stand on the topic of life after death we are fully aware that this teaching will not solve the matter for everyone our goal is really to exhaustively present the points from each side while we will present our conclusion at minimum we hope that the outcome will be that all will be equipped to make their own decision about what they believe please keep in mind that what we present in this series is simply our current understanding because of the complexity of this subject we could some day change our position on the conclusion or any specific point made in this series though there will be times that we will present this subject matter with confidence the presentation of this series is by no means a conclusive final say on the matter what we mean to say is this we could be wrong we intend to systematically proceed through the Scriptures to extract every bit of information that could assist this and mapping out the process and nature of life after death sometimes these pieces of information appear to contradict but because there can only be one cohesive answer we will explain all scriptural data points in such a way that achieves agreement from Genesis to Revelation it will be an exhausting process and the length of this teaching series will reflect that in the first part of this series we will give an overview of the various conclusions as it relates to this topic we will spend the rest of this series examining their reasoning that led to such conclusions following that we will then proceed to the beginning the creation of man to determine what we are as created beam's this will help us in defining key Hebraic terms that will serve as a template of interpretation going forward the overview the life after death series will consist of the following parts part 1 what are we part 2 what is death part 3 what is death continued part 4 difficult verses part 5 difficult verses continued part 6 the resurrection of the just part 7 the resurrection unto judgment and part 8 frequently asked questions We strongly recommend not skipping ahead and encouraged the whole series is washed in close proximity each part builds to the final conclusions it may serve best for us to reveal our beliefs or conclusions related to our questions on the front end we will then spend the rest of this series mapping out how we arrived to such conclusions we will also discuss reasonable criticisms of our own conclusions and how they might be best addressed so here's the big picture and don't worry we will review all of the related scripture throughout this series when we die we return to dust death or turning to dust is the consequence of sin which started with Adam and Eve to return to something means that we become this same state that we were prior to life we return to what we were before man was made living we returned to dust in Yahweh's spirit in us that gave us life returns back to him as dust we were not self-aware or had a consciousness before man was created and according to Yahweh it is to that exact condition that we are told that we returned dust has no consciousness dust is not self-aware we return to that condition following death this is true for the believer and the unbeliever alike Adam and Eve did not exist prior to life and neither did we we return back to what we were previously nothing non life non-existence we become nothing more than the dust we walk on without a body we are not self-aware we do not have a consciousness it is sin that led to this promise of death as a solution for death meaning a return to dust we as believers are promised a resurrection unto life a resurrection is the only solution to death a resurrection is the only solution to not returning to dust indefinitely this is the purpose of a resurrection the resurrection is the hope we have in the faith without a resurrection we have no hope for eternal life without a resurrection life ceases to exist the upcoming resurrection was made possible by Messiah Yeshua and his sacrifice which removed the consequence of our sin through grace for those who are not familiar with the Hebrew name of our Messiah as Yeshua he is also known as Jesus and his transliterated English name we mentioned that because you will hear us refer to our Messiah as he is originally called Yeshua instead of Jesus at death we have no consciousness nor are we self aware consequently there is no perception of time or perception of anything really when we die the next thing that we experience is being raised to life with all in the faith at the first resurrection with various degrees of rewards due to us as individuals those not in the faith also need to be resurrected in order to face judgment because one has to have a form of consciousness in order to hear and understand the accusations placed before you and then receive the judgment that follows this is the only reason unbelievers require resurrection that is to face judgment there are two instances of resurrections separated by a distinct biblically prophetic unit of time of 1,000 years the first resurrection occurs at the return of our Messiah Yeshua at the first resurrection all those who are in the faith and have died will be raised back to life in a new body and those who are in the faith but still alive will also be transformed into a new body this new body while still apparently physical in nature appears to be different and better than our previous body it is made to last indefinitely and work perfectly and this new body our nature will be to only want to follow the Torah God's law or his will for man those that participate in the first resurrection at the return of Yeshua will receive certain rewards based on the outputs of our faith in this life we will then enter the 1,000 year Sabbath rest in which the issuer will reign physically on earth many of our rewards in this time to come will be designated to those resurrected in the faith based on how well we practice and taught the love centric Torah in this life how well did you understand and apply the Torah how well did you defend it and teach it to others how did you assist and support the effort for the nation's to learn and apply the Torah in the faith we will then be moved to the promised land in our resurrected bodies at the time of the first resurrection there will be some who are not of the faith yet survived what is known as the Great Tribulation and Yahweh's wrath while they do not participate in the resurrection they will consist of the nations Israel as the geocentric kingdom of the why on earth will minister to the world Yahweh's Torah and callin all nations to hear and obey the light or Torah will go forth to all nations during this time those that survived the Great Tribulation in Wrath and did not participate in the first resurrection because of their lack of faith will begin to enter into the faith while they still exist in unrest erected bodies or bodies that have not yet been transformed it appears that the benefits of this 1000 year period will aid in enabling a longer life yet death is still possible at the end of this 1000 year period when this second and final resurrection occurs there will still be two unrest erected groups Group one consist of all those who are not in the faith and have died throughout all of history as no one believers have been resurrected up until this point yet but now we'll be group to consist of all those who came into the faith after the first resurrection but have also died during this second and final resurrection those in the faith but have died will be resurrected into new bodies those in the faith but have not died will be transformed into new bodies just as those in the first resurrection how it plays out for both groups and the second resurrection is quite different those that are not in the faith but have died throughout all of history are now resurrected in the second and final resurrection this enables them to face judgment using the description of the New Jerusalem and the prophetic patterns found in the event of Noah's Ark what develops is rather astounding after the 1000 years the New Jerusalem arrives all those who are now in the faith now having been resurrected wide enter into the New Jerusalem as a type of Ark though is not in the faith are also resurrected in the second resurrection outside of the New Jerusalem to face judgment though is not in the faith have judgment pronounced on them outside of the New Jerusalem there is weeping and gnashing of teeth a desperate plea to enter the safety of the New Jerusalem but instead are cast into the outer darkness the light of Yahweh floods the New Jerusalem and are glorified in pure resurrected bodies can withstand the fire of Yahweh's pure light the light floods out of the New Jerusalem and dissolving and destroying all corruption of heaven and earth outside of it in an intense heat this would include those not in the faith that were resurrected into judgment of eternal death this is called the second death it is just like the first death but with no possibility of a future resurrection that saves you from death all corruption of sin is burned up and consumed by Yahweh's fire it was a purification heaven and earth are destroyed and death is overcome having an earth are then made new and forever begins in a perfect sustainable eternity clearly that is a lot to process an infinite number of questions can be swirling around in your mind what about this first what about that verse what about this doctrine what about that doctrine don't do that to yourself at least not yet we have so much to cover in this series and much of it is going to be rather fascinating as we challenge the historical conceptions of life after death in the biblical faith keep calm and study the Bible along with us we have much to discuss Isaiah the prophet mentioned several times that the end is revealed from the beginning Isaiah 46 declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will accomplish all my purpose well that understanding contains many profound applications here is one of them death is actually the reversal of creation does that make sense in the beginning we were created from dust animated until life via Yahweh's spirit the curse of death reverses our creation in the end we return back to our origin we return back to dust Yahweh's spirit returns back to him but for those in the faith become part of the new creation restoring everything back to the beginning before sin we are restored back from our return to dust by means of resurrection it is a new beginning in existence without sin and without death from which we are saved from both Isiah leads us into the next section of this teaching as Isaiah suggests to understand our end we need to understand the beginning in the beginning what are we in order to begin we suggest that we should start in the beginning and where is the beginning the book of Genesis and before we attempt to determine where we go when we die perhaps we should understand what we are as humans conveniently the event of our creation is described in Genesis so let's begin in the beginning the first step in understanding where we go when we die is to understand what we are while we live does that make sense in this process of revealing the nature of life after death defining terms will be paramount in order to understand this topic we need to speak the same language the book of Genesis was written in Hebrew so we must begin this topic by extracting meaning from the Hebrew every author of this scriptures going forward was also likely a Hebrew so the concepts established in the beginning will spill over to all subsequent scripture that we will review so again the first step in understanding where we go when we die is to understand what we are while we live what are we Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 and Yahweh God formed a man of dust afar from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath nee-sama of life and the man became a living creature nephesh we also offer the King James Version translation here to illustrate how the Hebrew word for soul is nephesh in Hebrew we learned nephesh equals afar + neshama in english it becomes living creature or soul equals dust + breath man needs the breath or neshama of life in order to live nation well literally means breath but that would simply be the physical understanding so then what is the Hebraic phrase the breath of life really trying to teach us as a component of man consider the common English phrases equating to death he breathed his last he took his last breath so not breathing equals the death and thus the opposite is also true breath equals life this is how we often interpret the Bible through a Western lens while what we said is true more importantly we need to treat these Hebrew words he bravely through an Eastern lens we will get more into that in a moment but if you're interested in understanding the importance of examining the Scriptures through a Hebraic contextual and cultural lens we would suggest our teaching Hebrew versus Greek thought we also need to consider that Genesis chapter 6 verse 17 repeats the phrase breath of life but uses the Hebrew word Ruach instead of neshama in the creation of man account these words become somewhat interchangeable and there is a reason for that neshama is often translated as breath and Ruach is often translated as spirit Genesis chapter 6 verse 17 for behold I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh and which is the breath of life under heaven everything that is on the earth shall die why are the Hebrew words neshama breath and Rewa spirit used interchangeably for the creation of man because while the Hebrew word neshama literally means breath the Hebrew word Ruach often translated as spirit literally means wind there is a common functional denominator there think this through for a moment Hebrew is an action-based functional language in its means of communication so let's use that for the Hebrew word Ruach or spirit in English think of wind visualize it you can't completely can you you cannot see wind just as you cannot see spirit it is a power that you cannot see it moves or animates trees as it blows but you cannot see when you can only see the effects of wind that is what you can see not the wind itself but the effect of wind that is rua you cannot see rock you can only see the effects of rock think of your breath it is also a power that you cannot see forcibly blow on a piece of paper in front of you and you animate it it moves you cannot see your breath but you can only see the effects of your breath breath also creates words and words influence others either positively or negatively breath is an extremely important Hebraic concept and we are just touching on it you breathe in and do you breathe out you cannot see it but it gives life in this way it also animates you until you breathe your last you cannot see the Shema you can only see the effects of neshama you cannot see rua you can only see the effects of rua this is the relationship between neshama and rua you cannot see the spirit or rock from Yahweh that animated us from the dust into a living being or nephesh you can only see the effects which is dust being animated until life itself it is our thoughts and emotions that animate us the ability for us as dust to have thoughts and emotions were given to us by Yahweh we do not know if the ancients thought of the breath of life as a literal air oxygen that gives life we do not know if there's a mysterious spark of power or energy and man and animals that Yahweh gave to give us life but both of those are possible in either case it seems like they used breath wind etc as a metaphor for the spiritual concept of being dust animated into life obviously the point is that God is this source of life none of us are able to be alive unless in God gives us the breath of life he makes us alive maybe the idea of a spirit going back to God is an idiom for God making us dead or maybe there really is a mystical lifeforce that God literally gives to every living creature when it comes to what the biblical authors actually thought we are not sure however these possibilities seem reasonably likely for the purposes of this teaching the best we can do is examine what this scripture teaches us about our rock all while not ignoring other possibilities of defining the purpose and function of the breath of life when we examine our rock in the scriptures at least one component of the breath of life becomes much more clear functionally our rock acts as our emotional center or temperament you cannot see our emotional Center or temperament you can only see the effects of a person's emotional Center or temperament it is similar to our attitude patterns of our emotional Center temperament or attitude it defines our character it shapes how we live our life it animates and directs our life we just know that plants do not have the breath of life but man and animals do also unique to man and animals as compared to plants is the idea of emotion attitude temperament and character let's review scripture relating to our rock the rock inside of us as we go through it allow it to paint this functional portrait of our Rewa it can be troubled it can be revived it can be broken it can be moved it can be jealous it can be a character or personality it can be a characteristic or temperament it can be like energy or vitality a motivating force it can be mixed it can be stirred it can be anguished it can be rebellious it can drive us to understand things have you ever had an emotional drive to understand the Word of God it can constrain us as emotions such as pride anger or jealousy I've ever been an obstacle for you and understanding the Word of God it can be crushed it can be made right like one's attitude it can be made willing like one's attitude it can faint like an overwhelming emotion it is a temper it can be haughty it can be relaxed or chill or cool it can be humble it can be patient or proud it can be humble and contrite we can follow it we can change it or make it new who has formed inside of us by Yahweh we can guard ourselves in it so let's see if we can understand all of this a little better while the Western mind simply sees breath as the exchange of air within the lungs the ancient Hebrew mind often understood neshama as breath and Ruach as spirit in an entirely different way as can be seen in job chapter 32 verse 8 but it is the spirit and man the breath of the almighty that makes him understand our Western understanding of breath does not easily grasp the concept that breath can help us understand and perceive also while our West and understanding can easily associate our emotional center and temperament as the function of the mind the Hebraic mind sees the same function in the breath the breath is what drives or powers our life in this particular verse we see how the roooar nation ma given to us makes us understand our temperament and attitude can lead us into wisdom or a spirit that is against Yahweh can actually be a barrier in our faith to further this point neshama is related to the word Shem this same Hebrew word for name on its most basic level Shem means character and authority it is an unseen power it is what drives character and the power behind Authority you cannot see someone's character or authority you can only see the effect of someone's character or authority for more on that we would recommend our teaching Hashem part 1 what's in the name neshama on a root level is also related to the word shimla meaning to hear think about it you cannot see somebody hear you you can only see the effects of somebody hearing you by observing that person respond to your words formed by your breath we often call Deuteronomy chapter 6 verses 4 through 9 the Shama the passage literally begins by telling Israel to hear two Shema but what does the whole passage detail as the evidence of hearing obedience the evidence of hearing Yahweh is obeying Yahweh you cannot observe hearing but you can observe obedience do you see how this works do you see how it all connects it is the unseen desire or wanting of the word of God that causes us to have ears to hear and carry that out in obedience stay with us because this is all going somewhere so Yahweh took us as dust and then animated us until life threw his rock or neshama surprising to some animals also have a rock or nation law animals also experience emotions and have a temperament it also drives their behavior and actions just like us it animates us to do something beyond just dust without the emotion and temperament that connects us we are nothing more than dust it is the nation MA and Ruach of Yahweh that animates us it is the breath of Yahweh that animates us it powers us the human spirit is the non-physical part of man it is the you we cannot see but we can see its effects it a human counterpart to the holy spirit which is the character and mind of God again we need to think Hebraic Lee John chapter three the wind blows where it wishes and you hear it sound but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit to be born of the Spirit is to be reborn with God's mind to adopt his perspective his thoughts his will his character his temperament instead of our own thoughts perspective and well these are things you cannot see can you literally see someone's emotions or temperament no but you can often see the effects of someone's emotions or temperament in the actions and words that follow collectively are Rewa or often called spirit consist of both of these unseen elements within us our thoughts and emotions anything that is an unseen power is biblically defined as a spirit or Rewa wind but you cannot see emotions can you but you can see the effects of emotions think about that for a moment for example you cannot see anger as an emotion but you can see the expression of anger on someone's face or in their actions you will see Scripture use this understanding in this Hebraic way when you see the phrase such as a spirit of jealousy numbers chapter 5 verse 14 you cannot see the emotion of jealousy it is invisible however you can see the effects of jealousy and a person's actions jealousy is a negative emotion intention or a thought that can reside in us you cannot physically see emotions and tensions and thoughts like jealousy but you can see the effects of them in our actions the same is true of positive emotions it is Rewa so a living being a soul Anna fetch has thoughts intentions and emotions in a way this is wrong as well a wanting or a desire is a spirit something that is unseen that is motivating you to take action some examples of this include the spirit of faith a spirit of faith 2nd Corinthians 4:13 is a desire or motive to walk out the faith and our faith is in the Word of God which is what has been written 2nd Corinthians 4 since we have this same spirit of faith according to what has been written I believed and so I spoke we also believe and so we also speak here Paul is explaining how this desire inside of us called believing is a motivation or desire to act because of Paul's and word of faith that drives him an unseen power he then speaks of his faith that is a Hebraic example of Rewa spirit comes from the Hebrew word Rua and the Greek word pneuma these words can also mean breath or wind themes which like the spirit can be felt but not seen at creation we were given the neshamah or Rua from Yahweh these are the thoughts and emotions that animate us they are us it is what we would call our consciousness through the actions of Adam and Eve the essence of us became corrupted our desire was no longer of Yahweh our spirit is no longer 100% Yahweh's will it is because of this corruption that we are promised a new heart and a new spirit from Yahweh Ezekiel chapter 36 I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean from all of your uncleanness and from all your idols I will cleanse you notice here that we need to be cleansed that is important and I will give you a new heart and a new spirit I will put within you notice here that we need a new heart and spirit that is also important and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules notice here that just like in the creation account of man we are once again given a spirit from Yahweh a new spirit not the same spirit you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your father's and you shall be my people and I will be your God notice here we are now told when this occurs it occurs after the resurrection of the faithful and then we are brought into the land and I will deliver you from all your uncleanness and this is where we are cleansed we will receive a new spirit we will receive a new heart in receiving a new spirit we will only emotionally desire Yahweh and his Torah his will we will only be motivated to serve Yahweh our temperament attitude and character will be as Yahweh's it will drive all of our actions and behavior in receiving a new heart our mind is renewed our thoughts are in sync with Yahweh's will and his will only ancient Hebrews treat the heart lave and Labov as the center of who we are some of us might refer to our brain the same way the ancient Hebrews defined the nature of the heart the brain creates our thoughts our thoughts lave and live off and emotions ruah and neshama drive our body to act our emotions often drive our thoughts or mind to say this he bravely our Rewa can often rule over our legs they also share a similar trait we cannot see our thoughts and emotions but we can see the effect of them in our actions just like the wind or breath let's take this cleansing process and apply to a modern metaphor that we are all familiar with a good way to picture the relationship between the body spirit and mind is to draw a comparison to a computer system the human body is like computer hardware the CPU motherboard harddrive speakers monitor etc it is what you can see touch and feel the human spirit is like computer software data and data processing it's like the operating system the word processing the spreadsheets the web browsers etc this is a computer code or instructions you can see the computer but you cannot see the data and processing and software you can only see the effects of data processing a software through the physical computer now let's take this a step further our spirit ruha or neshama from yahweh that animated us as dust until life was once perfect our emotional motivations and desires were only after Yahweh these in turn drove our thoughts our leave and live off and actions to be in Yahweh's will but our software if you will became corrupted it then corrupted the essence of who we are or our data and processing if you will we began to do what we were not created to do in the computer world a virus infects software it corrupts software we took on this virus called sin it infected and corrupted our spirit so by Yahweh saying we need a new spirit and a new heart from him and keeping consistent with the metaphor we need an operating system refresh all of the corruption needs to be deleted and we need a new spirit and a new heart or operating system and in fact removing the virus or sin that caused us to not perform in the purpose in which we were created and for those who maybe do not know this our purpose is to glorify and respect Yahweh's authority by doing his will that is the purpose of man we need to be cleansed of this virus we need the corruption removed we need to be rebooted we need a resurrection when we die our bodies revert back to dust however Yahweh retains a form of us our thoughts and emotions he until the time of the resurrection it is then cleansed installed fresh as a new heart and a new spirit into our new body 1st Corinthians chapter 3 verse 15 hints at some rather important parts of not only this process but also the bigger picture if anyone's work is burned up he will suffer loss although he himself will be saved but only as through fire in the end only the parts of us that were pure that contained the pure spirit of Yahweh the pure mind will be retained all else will be cleansed away it will be burned up deleted we will be purified from the corruption of a sin hopefully this metaphor was helpful this metaphor is not intended to prove anything but should simply serve to illustrate is this scripture used that is intended to prove and we still need to bring much scripture forward so stay with us so what happens in between death and the resurrection what do we experience do we experience anything the body without the Spirit is dead but what about our heart and spirit our thoughts and emotions can we still experience anything when we die when a person dies their spirit returns to God who gave it we define ourselves by our thoughts and emotions our heart and our mind our body returns to dust but Yahweh retains our spirit Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and the dust returns to the earth as it was and the spirit returns to God who gave it without a living human body to reside in the human spirit is unconscious in a state similar to sleep our thoughts and emotions are silent returning back to our metaphor consider what returns to Yahweh to be like the data on our hard drive without a powered on computer to access the data it is silent and does nothing it is at rest it is asleep doing nothing the essence of us goes back to Yahweh and will not be available to us until we are made new in the resurrection when we have our new resurrected bodies Yahweh will once again reconnect us with his spirit but this time we will be incorruptible you could say that we have a Yahweh powered antivirus program that ensures our operating system only wants and does Torah for eternity we will have a new heart and a new spirit but in the meantime following death there is no consciousness because there is no body for the thoughts and emotions to reside in and be carried out until then we are at rest we cease this is why the Bible so often speaks of death being like sleep sleep is when we rest we cease but in sleep we have the expectation of waking there is a reason for this metaphor specific to waking in which wieldy tale further later at the time of the resurrection God sends the spirits of the dead back to inhabit their bodies once again and in the next section of this teaching series titled what is death we will review all related Scripture for now as it relates to this section of the teaching series the important thing is to remember what we are so in summary dust + breath of life equals a living being or in Hebrew in the fish our nation ma or Rua from Yahweh is an emotional center that powers and drives our thoughts and actions a scripture that is often called the mind or heart and spirit our heart and spirit started out pure but became corrupted more than that and quite importantly Yahweh retains the essence of us at that so that when we are resurrected we are still us with thoughts experiences emotions etc things we cannot see but our us we are then no longer corrupted but cleansed and perfected we are simply cleansed of the virus of sin with a new heart any spirit from Yahweh we will have thoughts and emotions consistent with the will of Yahweh we will only do and want to do what we are created to do which is to glorify our Father for eternity and praise and obedience that will be our eternal joy as we go into more of the scriptures here are the Hebrew Greek and English equivalent key terms that will be important going forward besar and soma we have a body that body is our physical self it is our flesh it is our bones it is what returns to dust when we die in Hebrew this is called besar and in Greek the body is called soma and the flesh is called Sark's neshama Rua and numa we have a spirit it is the unseen animating force of our body that consists of our emotional center or temperament it even drives or powers our thoughts neshama means breath in Hebrew Rua means wind in Hebrew and is often translated as spirit in the creation account of man and animals hurrah and neshama are related and used interchangeably Numa means breath in Greek and is likewise also often translated as spirit lave or live of and cardia the heart or mind is the center of who we are in our thoughts some of us might refer to our brain in the same way that ancient Hebrews defined the nature of the heart it is this seat of all intellectual activity the brain facilitates our thoughts however our heart or mind is influenced or sometimes even directly controlled by our spirit nafech ursu hey this soul is the combination of flesh and spirit it is the whole person their character nature disposition temperament mind and personality through the necessary vehicle of a living body most importantly man does not have a soul man is a soul the word most commonly translated as soul in the Old Testament is the Hebrew noun nephesh and it's variant forms this word is also often translated as life the corresponding Sahay is translated soul in the New Testament and often what has led to some serious confusion on this topic for this reason in this teaching we will not use the word soul and spirit interchangeably as many make the mistake of doing even New Testament translators when we review New Testament verses we will often refer back to this to clarify what is actually occurring in the Greek not the English it is difficult to present this topic accurately without underscoring this important biblical framework it is when this framework is ignored or missed that allows misunderstandings of the nature of life after death understanding this operating framework defining what we are will immensely clarify what scripture is saying happens when we die this concludes part 1 of the life after death series in part 2 of this series we will dive deep into not only well defining death but also begin to introduce what occurs immediately following death we pray that you've been blessed by this teaching and remember continue to test everything shallow [Music] it is because of you our generous supporters who make it possible to offer these high-quality teachings completely free of charge if you feel led to support 119 ministries so that we can continue this effort please visit test everything dotnet and click on the support 119 tab learn how you can partner with us to take the whole Word of God to the nation's [Music] you [Music]
Channel: 119Ministries
Views: 46,433
Rating: 4.8421054 out of 5
Keywords: 119Ministries, torah, bible, hebrew roots, Life After Death, What Are We?, what is a soul?, what is a spirit?, nefesh, neshema, afar, ruach, Genesis 2:7, Job 32:8, John 3:8, is hell eternal, hell, lake of fire, sheol, heaven, is heaven real, heaven is real, afterlife, eternal damnation, eternal punishment, annihilationism, the new earth, eternity, eternal life, gehenna, abraham's bosom, purgatory, soul sleep, hades, the pit, tartarus, unquenchable fire, eternal flame, god's wrath
Id: oQn0t7k1pe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 56sec (2876 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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