How did the Clone Trooper Program Start?
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 215,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, Clone troopers, Cloning, kamino, Darth Plagueis, darth plageuis, Hego Damask, Kaminoan, Sheev Palpatine, Chancellor Palpatine, Yinchorri, Clones, Star wars episode 1, Count DOoku, master sifo dyas, Qui Gon jinn, Jedi Council, Jango Fett, Battle of Galidraan, cloning process, How were the clones created, Who paid for the clones, Clone wars, The Clone wars, ORder 66, Grand army of the republic, Gar, Republic, Senate, Attack of the clones, darth sidious, Darth Tyranus
Id: u9glzBQrkv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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