How did the Clone Trooper Program Start?

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now friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is Allen I recently asked you guys if you wanted to see an entire series that covers the history of the Clone Wars you guys voted in the poll and out of the 12000 of you who voted in overwhelming majority of you said yes yes now we're still trying to figure out how exactly we want to structure this series but it will most likely be out within the next few weeks so until we start we're gonna be doing some pre Clone Wars history videos like we did last time today I want to go in-depth into how the famous Clone Trooper program started because the truly understand a faction you have to understand how it develops its military because of factions military says a lot about that factions culture society and beliefs before we begin though we will be using a lot of Legends content in this video for one there is very little canon sources about this time period and to from what we've seen so far with this needs new canon novels and sources the author's usually reference legends novels as their primary source material so until canon directly contradicts legend it's very possible that a lot of this legends material will be revived so in last episode we talked about he go Damas the cover persona for darth plagueis as a high-ranking member of the intergalactic banking clan and the leader of the secretive lobbying group damask holdings he go to Mass had an immense amount of power that he could wield from the shadows now every sit had their own strengths and weaknesses somewhere terrific at my manipulation and battle meditation others were terrific duelists Darth Plagueis the wise however was a great scientific mind and was known for using the scientific method to uncover the many secrets of the force due to the many Sith and Jedi wars in the past a lot of information on the force had been lost throughout the years Darth Plagueis rediscovered the ancient art of alchemy which utilized the force and ways never thought possible in an entire laboratory dedicated to experimenting with various life forms and he even caught a sip fit his end goal was to have a complete mastery over the force and control over the midi-chlorians that served as the conduit for the force for living organisms Darth Plagueis is actually one of my favorites if boards and that's partly due to his very analytical mind he was much more rational than other sips who were blinded by hate and ego he was always in control of his emotions and actions which meant that he was quite a capable individual and rarely self-sabotage Darth Plagueis like many of these sif during the rule of two era was concocting several different plans to wipe out the Jedi and eventually take over the Republic his master tenebrous proposed a virus that would separate horse users from the force it was targeted and only Lakeside users this was ultimately unsuccessful because there is no biological difference between the light side force user and a dark side for Schuster then Dark Legacy encounter to the species known as the yin chori a race of warrior like reptiles that had a natural resistance to force manipulation a perfect species to make an army for thus it preps at one point darth tenebrous had introduced star Plagueis to a species known as the Kaminoans Plagueis admire the Kaminoans very much claiming that their society was very sick like in nature the Kaminoans had almost been destroyed by a great flood that washed over the entire surface of planets instead of just leaving that planet they decided to stay and construct gigantic stilt cities only through careful genetic selection and breeding where the chem no is able to survive this great tragedy this curiosity and skill for bioengineering made them naturally very capable cloners and because the planet was in the outer edge of the galaxy far from the Republic's restrictions and regulations on cloning the Kaminoans were more than comfortable with conducting less ethical experiments and were considered the most talented cloners in the galaxy by the few wealthy patrons who actually knew about prior to this Darth Plagueis had used the Kaminoans that clone him exotic fauna that was either hard to find or extinct but now he approached the Kaminoans seeking their cloning expertise on the entry he wanted to know if the species was suitable for widespread cloning as an army their unique biological traits made them potentially very useful for fighting the Jedi the Kaminoans determined that the part of the brain that made the injury aggressive was directly tied to the part of the brain that made them so hard to control in the first place further studies by Plagueis showed that what made the injury so stubborn was the fact that they were able to create a force resistant bubble around their mind similar to what i Uslan re does so in order to make the ensuring more compliant we had to destroy their violent nature and their natural force resistance which kind of made them useless as anti Jedi soldiers Plagueis as he go down has had many opportunities to meet some of the most powerful and influential individuals in the galaxy including the Jedi whenever donnas had the opportunity to meet the Jedi he took him the Jedi Order at the time worked hand in hand with the judicial Zend oftentimes served as the negotiators for disputes of all kinds during one meeting he encountered three Jedi Master Dooku qui-gon jinn and sifo-dyas these three individuals all had very different views on the force and the Jedi's role in the Republic plague has tested the waters by expressing concern about the stability of the Republic to the Jedi qui-gon jinn immediately fired back pointing out down a scoldings close relationship with the Trade Federation was one of the reasons why instability was increasing in the first place Dooku haver criticized the Republic Senate's corruption and lack of focus Dooku was originally a part of a noble family on Serano and in renounced his title in order to join the Jedi Plagueis all potential in this Jedi and considered the possibility of eventually recruiting him but it was Master sifo-dyas response to Damascus concerns which interested him the most sever day is in not so few words called for the militarization of the Republic and the Jedi in order to restore stability now after this meeting Darth Plagueis would begin to rethink his encounter plan what if instead of creating a clone army to fight against the Jedi he created one that fought alongside them a force that would earn the Jedi's trust and take advantage of their self-righteousness and then when the moment was right this clone force could turn on the Jedi and completely wipe them out Plagueis as apprentice Darth Sidious had actually spoke of such a trap some time ago he wanted to incriminate the Jedi person terrible crime against the Republic and then had the Republic turned against the Jedi by this point the insurer basically unusable they're way too violent and uncontrollable to be used as a military for the climate Republic Plagueis had given up on cloning them but we're still able to convince them to carry out an uprising against the Republic which further the stabilize the galaxy and also killed several Jedi at the same time when demas inquired about cloning to ginjury the Kaminoans had mentioned that humans might be a more suitable candidate for mass cloning as soldiers but there was still a problem the Kaminoans would never clone such a massive army even for someone as powerful as he go down us without a proper state backing the army the Kaminoans would immediately attract the attention of the Republic so demise approached Master sifo-dyas the Jenna who had made an impression on him many years ago Master sifo-dyas envisioned great tribulation for the future of the Republic and Jedi Order something Plagueis as CEO Damas would seek to woods Hager revealed to sifo-dyas that one of his investments in the Trade Federation led him to believe that the organization was rapidly militarizing themselves and that the Republic could see itself in a civil war by the next decade demas then confirmed what cypher Diaz had already been contemplating for such a long time the Judicial z-- and the Jedi would be overwhelmed in the case of a civil war their numbers were ready to queue to deal with the growing number of conflicts and skirmishes erupting across the galaxy and this point demas suggested creating an army by using Kaminoan cloners an army that neither the jedi or the republic would know about a secret army that hopefully would never have to be used but should the civil war erupted it will be there to protect the Republic demas then heroically suggests that he himself won't fund this endeavor for the greater good and stability of the galaxy somebody has asked for more time to think about this plan but eventually would go on to do exactly what the must wanted and started the contract the Clone Army now one of the major reasons why Master sifo-dyas was growing more and more worried about the future of the Republic was that his closest friend Master Dooku was becoming more disillusioned by the Jedi leadership and the Republic last episode we talked about the Battle of Gallagher on this event was one of the major calais that would lead to master Dooku leaving the Jedi Order the local governor on Galla Dron had been harboring a dangerous group of Mandalorians called the Death Watch they convinced the governor to hire their sworn enemies the true men of orange led by Jango Fett to put down a local insurrection and at the same time called the Jedi informed them that the true Mandalorians were massacring civilians this will fulfill the wishes of the DEP wants to eliminate Jango Fett in his vana Lorentz and they also really hated the Jedi Master Duke it was sent as the leader of a 20-man jedi task force do going to so just how dangerous the Mandalorians were and asked for reinforcements but their urgency of the situation prevented any from making it in time and battle ensued although the Jedi eventually won the day the Jedi lost eleven of its own something that was unheard of during this period of relative peace Jango Fett in a moment of raids had killed several Jedi with his bare hands and Dooku would remember this fearsome warrior for some time to come after the battle gala drun I discussed the Duke er refused to go on any more missions for the Jedi Council he spent the rest of his time in the Jedi Council having long talks with his friends like sifo-dyas about his concerns the entire message the gala dress showed how easily manipulated the Jedi Council could be and after the death of his apprentice qui-gon jinn at the hands of Darth Maul Dooku was finally resigned from the Jedi Order during was last year's in the order Dooku had also begun grown closer to Senator Palpatine he would eventually become dark cities as willing apprentice one of the first missions Darth Sidious gave him was to kill his former friend Master sifo-dyas with the death of the Jedi Master the source of the Clone Army would become lost another test that Palpatine created for Dooku was finding a viable template for the new clone army zigu after seeing Jango Fett killed several Jedi with his bare hands knew exactly who to call so guys that is the origins of the Clone Trooper program as you can see Darth Plagueis went through a lot of trial and error before settling on you humans for this program in our next episode we're gonna be looking at the process the Kaminoans went through in creating the perfect clones including talking about the many discarded clone types that were created before they finally settled on the ones we see in the movies so don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button we'll miss on that episode and the rest of our Clone Wars series that will be coming out very soon thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation tech
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 215,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, Clone troopers, Cloning, kamino, Darth Plagueis, darth plageuis, Hego Damask, Kaminoan, Sheev Palpatine, Chancellor Palpatine, Yinchorri, Clones, Star wars episode 1, Count DOoku, master sifo dyas, Qui Gon jinn, Jedi Council, Jango Fett, Battle of Galidraan, cloning process, How were the clones created, Who paid for the clones, Clone wars, The Clone wars, ORder 66, Grand army of the republic, Gar, Republic, Senate, Attack of the clones, darth sidious, Darth Tyranus
Id: u9glzBQrkv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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