The Road to Geonosis | Clone Wars History S1E1

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[Music] ah friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is Allen and I am excited to announce that we are finally ready to begin our comprehensive coverage of the entire Clone Wars timeline from the valve Geonosis that the bound between a full-grown man and a bunch of lumpy children we're not only going to be focusing on the major events we're also going to be looking at what's happening behind the scenes and also events that parallel the main storyline that we've seen the films we will be separating the series into four seasons one which we'll be covering each year of the war now for those of you who aren't into the Clone Wars period don't worry we will still be doing our normal videos as well so take a second and hit that subscribe button down below so you don't miss out on all this awesome content [Music] hi I'm Morgan Freeman 22 years before the Battle of Yavin the galaxy hangs on the precipice of chaos and strife decades of Sith manipulation had weakened the institutions that had historically kept the Republic safe the Jedi and judicial z' in charge of keeping the peace I'll spread thin across the galaxy facing growing unrest on the street they are whispers of Civil War secession and massive armies gathering in the remote out of rim of the galaxy in the Senate of movement grows ever larger supporting increased executive power for the Supreme Chancellor the vultures are circling in on the capital as they sense the dying throes of the resound Reformation and the demilitarization of the Republic for two years the military Creation Act was stuck in limbo in the Senate with both sides lobbying for their cause garm bel ibless sensing the coming conflict attempts to isolate the Kirlian system from the rest of the galaxy by closing down its borders former Jedi Master Count Dooku a rising star in the galaxy leads the secessionist movement from his homeworld of Serrano and has recently ignored Chancellor Palpatine calls for peace and reconciliation war is a certainty and the real question is will the Republic have a military in time for the conflict the opposition fears a rushed repeal of the ruse on Reformation which has kept the Republic and Jedi demilitarized for more than a millennium which will lead to an accelerated path toward civil war with the separatist alliance they still hold hope that negotiations can succeed [Music] on the day of the vote the opposition leader senator Padme Amidala narrowly escapes a terrorist attack conveniently postponing the votes Jedi Master obi-wan Kenobi follows a lead and finds the source of the tak came from nute Gunray from the Trade Federation you sure you have the right coordinates in reality the attack order actually comes from Count Dooku himself and was designed to prevent the military Creation Act vote from happening for the fear that it might not have enough supports in the Senate despite all the unrest happening in the galaxy the reality is that the Republicans bankrupt and does not have the resources or finances to start a new military and it would be political suicide first senators the request for a tax raise and also at the same time draft their constituents into an army during his investigation obi-wan Kenobi officer stumbles across the hidden Kamino cloning world where an entire army of clones await the command of the Republic magnificent the army was originally commissioned by Jedi Master sifo-dyas who unfortunately was no longer alive this meant no one was around to explain why this army was created or who had the money to actually fund it after Kamino obi-wan Kenobi follows bounty hunter Jango Fett the original template for all the clones to the world of Geonosis beneath the planet's surface massive boundaries are working at full speed producing chips vehicles combat droids and other war materiel obi-wan Kenobi managed to report all his findings back to the Jedi Council and Senate before he's captured by battle droids under the command of Count Dooku I will petition immediately to have you set free well I hope it doesn't take too long I have work to do with the military Creation Act fill in limbo a group of senators along with vice chair of the Senate masa Mito and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine debate what the next course of action should be masa made us slightly suggest that emergency wartime Powers need to be granted to Palpatine because the Senate would be unable to reach a decision in time to prevent a separatist attack junior representative and potential Sith Lord Jar Jar Binks is in the room and takes the bait and in an emergency session proposes to grant Supreme Chancellor Palpatine wartime powers to create a military this was a brilliant move by mass media and Palpatine the discovery of a separatist droid army was shocking enough to scare many senators into voting for the emergency wartime powers they realized that Republic Barack recei and political gridlock would be dangerous in a wartime situation the emergency power requests also took attention away from the military Creation Act and shifted that attention towards Palpatine an extremely popular leader who had allies on both sides of the military creation debate it also helped that Palpatine was perceived as relatively neutral on most issues including the military Creation Act and was well trusted by the public and relatively scandal-free which was an impressive feat by itself with all this uncertainty growing in the Republic this is a perfect opportunity framed our had the military Creation Act gun to vote a subcommittee most likely would have been created to investigate what the Clone Army actually was once the shock and emotion wore off from the discovery of the droid army the more rational individuals in the Senate would have questions on who created the army and where did the money for the clones actually come from I mean if you actually take a step back and think about it the Clone Army was extremely sketchy no one knew where it came from and as we talked about before the money trail for the Clone Army would eventually point towards interest in the Trade Federation and Commerce guilds who were widely known to have associations with the secessionist this would raise suspicion in the Clone Army and a thorough enough investigation could potentially even uncover Count Dooku's role in creating the army which would kill the bill entirely this part is wholly on top of that the individual who puts in the motion for emergency powers is Jar Jar Binks the junior representative from Naboo standing in for the absent Padme Amidala leader of the opposition and loyalists the faction that was anti large government which would have most likely voted against Palpatine so having Jar Jar Binks as a proxy for Padme brought a lot of votes from across the aisle that would have otherwise been lost if this was a vote entirely on just the military Creation Act if only senator Amidala [Music] Anakin Skywalker terrible bodyguard and mass murderer companies senator Padme Amidala on an ill-advised mission to rescue obi-wan Kenobi who is being held on Geonosis Jedi Master Mace Windu leads a strike team of 212 Jedi on a mission to arrest Count Dooku with a secondary goal of rescuing obi-wan Kenobi and now Anakin and Padme as well because well they're idiots and thought that somehow the two of them could break into a heavily guarded gene ocean hive world and not get caught then we decided to come and rescue you good job at the same time Yoda rushes to Kamino where he takes charge at the Clone Army and sends it to Geonosis Jedi Master Mace Windu at the head of several wings of Delta 7 ether sprite light class interceptors begins the assault on the planet the orbital cannons above the surface of the planet managed to destroy some of the Jedi fighters but eventually they prevail and managed to take down most of the defenses this means that the larger invasion force that comes afterwards can land on her ass the Jedi task force then Murray groups and heads towards the execution arena where obi-wan Anakin and Padme are being held they're able to somehow quietly filter into the crowd without attracting any attention despite the fact that 99% of the population on Geonosis is pre notion although the giant ants force was made up of many experienced masters most of the Jedi including even some of the Jedi Knights were relatively inexperienced in combat Jedi Knight Butler Swan going into the battle shared the same view a lot of Jedi's had not only did she not expected Jayne oceans that put up a fight she absolutely thought that the site of 200 Jedi simultaneously igniting their lightsabers would cause the separatists in the stadium to immediately surrender instead the opposite happened the Jedi rescuers found themselves in need of rescuing themselves the execution arena served as a perfect area for a trap as an entire Legion of battle droids flooded the arena well your average Jedi were able to use the force to predict blaster fire and smaller engagements from one or two attackers the chaotic battlefield of the gene ocean arena had far too many fighters and factors for the average Jedi to account for simply put for those not used the large engagements it was sensory overload and quickly the Jedi began falling left and right Trading the lifelong investment that Republic and the Jedi Order had put into them for the relatively cheap b1 bowel droids which really just took a few minutes to overall it was an extremely lopsided and constantly battle for the Republic and the Jedi most of the 179 casualties suffered during this entire battle occurred during the short period of time that's over 84% of the task force lost in the opening moments of the battle just goes to show you how incompetent and ill-prepared the Jedi were to fight in this war so now guys we have set the scene for the Battle of Geonosis to properly begin and we'll be covering that entire battle along with a lot of the side events and background stories that happened that you might not have seen in attack of the clones so don't forget to subscribe down below and hit that notification button so you don't miss out in the next episode and as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation tech
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 171,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, Clone Wars History, Clone Wars Lore, Battle of Geonosis, Geonosis, Clone wars, The Clone wars, Clone Trooper, Grand army of the republic, GAR, Separatist Alliance, Separatist Droid Army, battle droids, B1 Battle droids, Obi wan Kenobi, Count Dooku, Palpatine, Military Creation Act, Mas Amedda, Anakin, Clone Commander Ponds, Jedi, Jedi Order, Mace Windu, Yoda, Palpatine Senate, CIS, Padme, Droid Foundary, Separatist Alliance Navy, Droideka, Jango Fett, bounty hunter
Id: q2vulpel9KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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