Building the BIGGEST Ork: The Mega Gargant for Warhammer 40K

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it's big it's dumb it's epic the mega Garden is one of the largest vehicles in the Warhammer 40 000 universe and I'm going to show you how I built it well I'm not going to show you exactly how I built it because I shot over 100 hours footage while building this ridiculous thing to put it in technical terms this builds a bit of a biggie so I built the main core from MDF since I figured I'd need the strength and I employed the unpaid labor of a flashlight wielding friend to cut the structural parts that make up the mega Garden one of the great things about laser cut MDF is that once you've done all the hard work in the design it just sort of flies together like a giant jigsaw puzzle the downside is once it's together it looks like a giant jigsaw puzzle so like some chilling metaphor for modern li-fi in case the entire thing in plastic stirring sheet to be precise and I'll cover all of that in detail a bit later in the video but first tracks I quite like the idea of Kit bashing the tracks because you know tracks are hard but reality forced me to design my own that sort of look a bit like a Panzer 4 if you squint all of the wheels are made from a delicious sandwich of MDF and a material called laser board now if you don't know laser board it's sort of a resin impregnated card that takes details really well and is still strong even in really thin sheets so ideal for this kind of thing and importantly it doesn't let off toxic fumes when you cut it on a laser unlike styrene and that whole chlorine gas thing it does when you burn it once I'd finished the top level of detail I threaded together all those little carcinogenic pizzas onto a series of bolts M4 if you're a bowl spotter now the idea behind that is not only would it provide a decent axle for the wheels but it would also allow me a method of attaching it to the chassis speaking of which [Music] now the chassis is essentially a box made out of MDF just like the tracks now you'll forgive me if it feels like I'm skipping stuff at the moment this is a massive build and there's a lot to get through if you've got any questions do the comment thing with the core of the tracks complete it was time to make it all look less like a fibery box so it's time to play slap on some plastic cut up some one millimeter styrene sheet take your hobby knife and bevel away the edges to make it look like it was hacked apart with all the enthusiasm of our green skin friends then it's time for rivets of the thousands of them I decided to use rhinestones in the end because the thought of cutting out thousands of plastic rivets is um well it's depressing they look alright though once you get some paint on them like all good awk vehicles I decided the mega Garden needed a walkway that goes to Nowhere this one's made from more styrene sheet and some Evergreen profile that I cut oversized and then trimmed down to fit once the glue had dried and after I was done admiring this tread play pattern styrion sheet I did the same thing on the top as the saying goes all good walkways need a handrail but I did a really bad job of filming this one so I'm going to show you how I did it a bit later in the video when we talk about the giant Gatling gun thing moving on I took out my pin Vise and drilled some holes into the walkway rather carefully I glued in the handrail with some CA glue and then repeated the process to mount the whole assembly to the side of the tracks for now the rest of the work on the track section comprised mostly of throwing on some more pretend armor plates made from styrene I also started roughing in some basic details because I I couldn't help myself but I was really Keen to avoid crowding what is let's face it not one of the most important parts of the model I want viewers eyes to be drawn towards the you know the head and the the guns and stuff so if I'd gone all in on the tracks I would have probably had to give it a face like a giga painting and nobody wants that the upper Hull of the mega Garden is where all the cool stuff happens it's it's got a gun battery and well that's about it really but it is where the arms Mount so structurally it's critical to everything else I wanted to make the arms posable but more important was the ability to remove them so I opted to build the shoulder joints from 40 millimeter PVC waste pipe and connectors now looking back at this on the video the shoulder joints look a little bit flimsy but remember those rings from the first shot in the sequence while I didn't actually film it those are used to reinforce The Joint between the PVC pipe and the shoulder so really it's the pipe that bears most of the load not the silly wooden box speaking of which the shoulders got the old armor plate and bedazzling treatment before being joined to the center body section two bits of Hull together I did some more armor plating but that's boring so uh let's do a door I've deviated from the design of the original model and decided to give this one large central door or butt flap the original epic Mega Garden had two rear access doors situated either side of a third set of tracks which I've not included because I don't mess with tricycles after some intense riveting I dive into the bits box to find some suitable parts to craft a mechanism I decapitated a zap gun from the battle wagon kit and added some cabling made from guitar strings I augmented that with some styrene tube section a power pack from a Space Marine last Cannon some more styrene sheet and of course sparkly precious gems and that's the door glued onto the back now as I always say if in doubt get the drill out so I did which made some nice holes to make these ladder rungs I made from starring tube and jewelry wire with that step out of the way came a long process of adding more and more armor plates and greebels to help sell the ramshackle orkiness of the whole thing that's definitely a word but also to push the narrative that this is a vehicle that's been in use it's seen action and has been repaired on the go also for some reason it's got a chimney made from a toy construction pipe in the middle of the gun deck grotz yeah yeah let's let's blame it on grotz I wanted to play some Grog crew members around the garden to form little cameos and add some visual interest starting with this little Menace who's doing some light welding work on the custom force field generator stroke washing line then there's this absolute hero with a pair of big Shooters taken from a killer can and uh this diminutive chap operating a giant lever I think it might control the big gun which is uh concerning I've gone off peace again with this one the close combat weapon on the OG gargant took inspiration from The Crab Claw School of industrial design I think it's in Norfolk I much prefer my claws to be more construction than crustacean so copy the design I employed on my gorgonaut model so massive chain sword two giant claws under Bob's your box crab wait no all of the pointy bits started Life as a forbidden sandwich of MDF which I hacked out with a file to remove some of the square edges I then took its little brother file and carved in some battle damage things looking sufficiently pointy added some armor sections to the upper finger digit whatever as well as some mounting points for Pistons which I'll get to in a minute the hand section well it's just another fancy box to which I bolted the claw and chainsaw parts M8 they're M8 soon enough it was time for a little game of hide the MDF and then I could move on to the arm which has a sort of Gantry crane style thing going after succumbing to a particularly virulent strain of foresight I decided to Prime the inside of the arm parts before assembly because well getting paint in there afterwards would just be I mean can you imagine [Music] that right there is one of those waste pipe connectors I was talking about earlier I drilled holes in the upper arms of the hole saw but it turns out 40 millimeter waste pipe isn't 40 millimeters so I hand-festedly enlarged the hole with the file which I didn't get on video so I just have to imagine it the upper and lower armor connected by a pair of lovely lovely m8s I wanted the arm to be able to articulate so I could pose the model bolts made a lot of sense right up until the point where I added a bunch of Pistons that don't articulate and force me to glue it in place speaking of Pistons I made these from Evergreen tube which honestly is a bit pricey for what it is but it does have the distinct Advantage they offer a range of sizes that telescope inside each other do what you need for pretend pistons for the hydraulic hoses I used aluminum Armature wire I quite often use brass wire for this kind of thing as it's a little bit more robust especially on models that you likely to be handling but the aluminum wire is easier to bend into convincing shapes that look like they conform with the model and you know physics to creating some of the larger Pistons I needed I realized I didn't have any styrene tube in an appropriate size so I raided my stash of these kids toy construction tubes which you can get from Joffrey B's best book Emporium or you know summer less totalitarian I'm a big fan of those little tubes they're dirt cheap and they find their way into almost every project including all over the arm which as you can see is done so let's do something shooty the OG Mega garment was on with a giant Cannon called a skull crusher and to be honest with you I prefer lasers so I looted she ordered though another old epic favorite the super zap gun as with earlier parts of the build the core of the zap guns made from a couple of boxes of MDF I attached a couple of cool looking rail attachment point things to the top so it had something to connect to the arm before moving on to the pointy end well that was weird so obviously it's another bit of PVC waste pipe I decided to surround it in a sort of MDF exoskeleton to make it look more sci-fi and less under the sink before turning my attention to the zap guns emitter now the dangerous end follows the tried and true sort of trident design that turns up in a lot of orc energy weapons and this kind of assembly really demonstrates one of the big advantages of being able to use a machine to cut 2D material in such a precise way as you can see it all slotted together rather nicely the main core of the zap gun complete it's time for an armor plate Montage before moving on to some of the more unique details for instance there's this massive coolant radiator I made complete with cute little paperclip pipes a bunch of Greeley bits that are added to the surface of course moreama plates and then it was walkway time which is uh the best time I used more of that tread plate pattern styrene that I showed you earlier drilled some holes added some 0.9 millimeter brass wire and some styrene rod for the rail it's not rocket science it's it it's a laser if it sounds like I'm getting a bit flippant as the video goes on it's because well there's so much repetition in this build I mean look there's more Pistons anyway I did the Pistons glued the two bits of the gun together and I had a laser so time for something with a bit more DACA I kind of went my own way again with this one the ogmg had frankly Preposterous weird boy Tower and a big lobber mazdon giant gantries a man a man feel right to me so I change it out for a frankly Preposterous Gatling gun obviously the Design's quite straightforward really five large rotating barrels inside Each of which are three smaller rotating barrels which is uh 15 barrels feels about right in order to save weight I built the body of the Gatling gun with a sort of skeleton frame construction which led to what was easily the most frustrating part of the build and carefully applying the skin of 20 000 styrene as a nightmare I really don't want to repeat anytime soon and speaking of nightmares here's that handrail soldering tutorial I promised some time ago brass Rod is by far the best material for this job it's strong it resists damage and it conducts heat really well once you've cut all of your pieces to size you really need a secure way of holding all of the parts it doesn't have to be fancy a bit of scrap wood some tape jobs are good arguably more important than anything else is to apply a separate flux paste to the joints this helps clean the metal allows the solder to flow into the gaps and honestly it's like playing on cheat mode [Music] applied you really only need to touch the joint for a small amount of time to allow the heat to build up dab in some solder and let it cool all that's left to do is clean up and blend in the joints using a needle file and some fine memory paper and then you know do what comes naturally jam it in some holes [Music] the detail on the back of the gun was built up with various layers of MDF and styrene as before for reasons that I'm struggling to explain I decided to put a door on the back as well as adding a rope ladder made from strands of Twisted wire to help any Orcs that I guess can't climb a ladder on their own I really didn't think that through thankfully I did think through how I was going to mount this thing to the back of the gargans power pack once again I used 40 millimeter waste pipe and connectors but this time of the compression fit variety Theory the rubber o-ring inside would stop the Gatling gun from spinning around on its own accord and uh it does let's build some Rockets the original had two I'm adding five I don't think I need to explain why you'll be shocked to learn that these started out as 40 millimeter waste pipe which I gave a bit of a sand because well we want paint to stick to them I added a couple of protruding pegs into the MDF fins so I'd have some way of attaching them into the rocket body itself since the curved surface of the missile will present a very small surface area for glue to hold I figured it probably needed something a bit more secure than hopes and dreams anyhow I marked up the rocket bodies drilled multiple holes and then elongated the lower set of holes with a hobby knife so they'd have a rectangular aperture to receive the fence then it was time to break out the mathematics to try and calculate the shape I'd need for the nose cone which well yeah that failed so I found the online calculator instead forming the nose cone profiles from 0.25 millimeter sheet probably ranks amongst the hardest things I've ever done but I did get better as I went along with all that Troublesome geometry business behind me I formed an appropriately crude impact Detonator from some styrene tube and hex action before throwing some rhinestones in the general direction of the rockets and repeating the whole process four times I'd forgotten that I uh I still need to make the launcher so yeah let's speed run this because honestly it's not very interesting it's it's just a box but actually it's not just a box it's a it's a box on a Gantry it's a mega Garden you need gantries [Music] I should probably move on to the Head yeah let's do the head [Music] so basically the head's a fancy box [Music] as we've established geometry isn't my strong suit and because this box is in fact fancy I roughed out the shape in Fusion 360 which is an invaluable tool for this sort of thing and it's completely free for personal use so top tip to round out the basic detailing I added a handrail because you know Orcs are pretty safety conscious as well as a door onto a walkway with a ladder leading to the roof that the top the scalp anyway whatever you call it they needed an awk [Music] a nice little kit bash to round out the old cranium in my head it's an anti-aircraft Mount because amusingly if it's a regular big shooter it barely makes Range to the ground this thing's got nine turrets that I looked it up on Wikipedia and there's about eight more than most military vehicles have the turrets on the front of the hull were designed in Fusion 360 and breaking tradition I built them from a MDF box covered in styrene sheet four of the turrets carry a pair of cannons that are cut down from 15 millimeter copper tube using a tube cutter which is uh pretty hard to do on video without looking a bit stupid and speaking of stupid I decided to add reinforcement to the front of the muzzle using a series of laser cut MDF Rings these look pretty awful I tried to sand them down that didn't work made a concave sanding tool for some spare Plumbing which sort of worked but very slowly and then I just embraced my inner orc now there's an argument to be made that the combination of fast spinning tool electrical tape and fingers is a bad one and uh yeah it's probably quite a compelling argument as you can see all 11 digits made it through the sailing process unscathed by the way that's two pieces of 40 millimeter waste pipe there and uh the different sizes plumbers are sadists that discrepancy turned out to be pretty useful actually because it allowed me to make this big gun which broke up the monotony of making five identical turrets as you can see I hadn't really planned on making a larger gun so I had to blend its profile into the turret using an off cut of well more waste pipe I filled the gaps with some sprue goo made from Tami are extra thin and some offcuts of styrene tidied everything up added a few more details from some bits of MDF and plastic you know the usual sort of thing and that was five turrets so uh four to go well that was um that was definitely quicker doing it that way and that's all nine turrets haphazardly placed on the mega Garden I mean look at the one on the far left the state of that I couldn't even get the top one in the middle I mean come on Basics man anyway the last major part of the model to build was a power pack that sits on the back being in a vehicle it's covered in Smoke Stacks but it's also the mounting point for the Gatling gun and the cruise missile battery you can tell I was having fun with a laser cutter at this point I mean can you imagine cutting out all of those radiator grills by hand [Music] to mount the Gatling gun I built a trapezoid box that would sit on the side of the power pack assembly thanks in those small parts of the genius that decided that 15 copper barrels was a good idea the Gatling gun is the heaviest part of the model so for peace of mind I decided to entomb the mounting tube within the Box it's um it's actually pretty good that you can't see inside there because honestly it's a it's a bit of a glue apocalypse right let's use up the last flat 40 millimeter pipe to help disguise the plumbing Vibes and sell the scale a little bit better added reinforcing bands from half millimeter styrene and crafted some small rings from aluminum wire which I would later use to attach some rigging as well as these little reinforcing strips I cut on the laser which I think helps sell the whole ramshackle deal somehow I managed to lose the footage of attaching the power pack to the back of the garden but I think you get the vibe if you picture glue and swearing and speaking of swearing I made the big brain decision to make the rigging from Twisted wire rather than one of the many commercially available products that shipbuilders use for their rigging honestly this was just awful and I'm watching the footage back it's making me Ah that's that's better nice soothing piano and that's the build of the mega gargant wrapped up evidently there's still a bit of filling rust effects and of course paint to go but we'll get to that in a moment and look it's those rigging cables they they turned out acceptably I suppose all right then let's get some paint on you I started priming the model and then realized I'd forgotten to seal any of the MDF parts now this stage isn't strictly necessary as long as you don't mind your MDF looking swollen and fuzzy there are lots of products you can buy for this but I've always found a 50 50 mix of PVA in water is more than good enough with the MDF cuteness issue defeated I got back to priming I use Vallejo surface primer for this because honestly the thought of blasting through half a dozen rattle cans on a project like this didn't really appeal even still I managed to aerosolize nearly 400 milliliters of vallejo's finest over there two coats I applied to the model it's actually really easy to underestimate just how much time every process on a model like this takes a uh I think the next one needs to be considerably smaller anyway it's rust time I used Vallejo Earth texture liberally applied all over the model to provide a rust texture and definitely didn't use any of it to hide any small gaps I'd missed during the days of filling and sanding I tried to build up the density in areas that I thought water would collect and then feather away the edges to blend it into the surface which actually worked out really well with the beige hidden away added a small amount of white paint to my primer mix and focus my attention on the centers of various panels and raised surfaces to give the black paint a faded look not only does this help sell the sense of scale it adds to the weathering and it brings out a bunch of details that would otherwise be obscured in Stark black primer which is great because I had no intention of going in and brush highlighting thousands of individual parts of the model mostly because I don't think it looks particularly good at this kind of scale but also because well I'd still be doing it now the next job was to go in and add a basic dark brown tone to all of the rust patches and around every single River or five thousand of them I'd be going in and adding lighter tones a bit later but at this stage I just wanted to get a good feel for the color density of the model and shockingly enough things were looking a bit on the dark side so I broke out the stencils this process was incredibly nerve-wracking not because I was worried I'd ruin the paint job underneath that would be easily repainted but re-cutting all of those Checker patterns isn't something I want to do anytime soon it all turned out okay though and any tiny bits of overspray that were apparent were easily hidden in the weathering for the sake of expediency most of this was undertaken with an airbrush using the dark brown and dark gray mixes that I made previously and there's a little bit of dry brushing here and there but I didn't film that and you already know what that looks like for the sake of brevity I'm going to skip to the Head now the faceplate was given a coat of usn light gray primer followed by a top coat of white then it was time to give the eyes the old glowing treatment with some quick and dirty objective Source lighting at this stage I thought I should probably break out the Citadel painting started with a base of mephistan red from the air range followed by progressively lighter Shades near the center mixed with troll Slayer and jacaro orange and that's the basics of how I painted pretty much everything on the model of course there were hundreds of details that I went in and hand painted the conventional way but honestly there's nothing particularly interesting about the technique and I really want to keep the video runtime under seven or eight weeks so uh here's the finished model all in all I have to say I'm pretty happy with how the mega Garden turned out now of course with any project this scale it's never quite finished and there's a bunch of little details I'd still like to add and some paint work I'd like to refine but for now I'm calling it a day I am a little bit worried that it won't fit through the door of the room I built it in though so uh so that's that's something I've got to deal with I hope you found the video informative perhaps even inspiring or maybe a little entertaining if you didn't enjoy it then I really don't understand why you're still watching maybe fell asleep or something you're welcome because you know sleep is important look what I'm trying to say is thank you so much for watching I'll catch you again next time you uh you did hit that subscribe button didn't you
Channel: Offbeat Builds
Views: 25,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ork mega gargant, ork, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k titan, orks, warhammer 40000, warhammer orks, giant warhammer, biggest warhammer, ork gargant, mega gargant, how to build ork gargant, warhammer, building ork, games workshop, giant warhammer 40k, giant warhammer 40k models, giant ork, orks warhammer 40k, orks warhammer, ork vehicles, ork conversion, ork kitbash, kitbash, warhammer build, warhammer 40k build
Id: BxMgQemYgPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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