Blowing FIRE RINGS underwater

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Kids these days getting so excited over "new" things.
It's clear they've never been sat alone in the bathtub with their thoughts, a cig lighter and their own farts the day after the night before which was filled with far too much beer and that dodgy doner kebab from that not very clean looking street vendor who the semi-hot chick convinced you to buy yourself and her one from as there was clearly enough alcohol in our systems already to kill off any bugs, wait, she was a chick, right? Which reminds me, I must cancel my credit cards...
I think I may need to re-evaluate my life choices... again.

But hey, who needs eyebrows, right?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/-Loneman- 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

That corona haircut is somehow unpleasant.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/glastonight 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
somebody kept tweeting at me to make underwater exploding bubble rings but i don't know who it was so who wants credit [Music] luke this is a bad idea and you should feel bad how am i even supposed to ignite these things underwater what am i supposed to do just tape a spark plug to the end of an extension cord and dangle it in the water is this thing even on no of course you can't just tape a spark plug to the end of an extension cord and stick it in the water why would you even think of something that dumb but i do have to admit that was pretty epic so maybe this idea is worth trying i mean how hard can it be dolphins can make vortex rings physics girl can make vortex rings smarter every day can make vortex rings so if i want to ascend to become a real science youtuber i too need to make vortex rings now you can imagine a vortex ring like a donut that keeps turning in on itself as it moves through the air they're easy to make in the air using toys like the air zooka so i made this bubble ring prototype that uses the same principle of shooting air down a tube here is our bubble ring prototype it's basically just a sprinkler valve a pressure chamber and a brick and we're going to pressurize everything with this osha violation right here this is a propane tank but i refill it with air keep it away from me so the plan is to pressurize this with air and then quickly trigger the sprinkler valve by tapping the wires on the battery hopefully the sudden impulse of air will give us a nice bubble ring all right so i'm gonna fill this up with air okay well right away there's a problem all right sandra hit it [Applause] [Music] i felt that right that was deep so this thing could make some pretty cool noises but uh one problem it could not make a bubble ring all right that was definitely not making any bubble rings this might be harder than i thought and you know what i can't blame luke for everything so chas boy this is all your fault why would you think this is a good idea so here's what i'm thinking i have no idea how to make a machine that can blow bubbles under water but i know how to blow bubbles under water so i'm going to blow some bubble rings record it analyze it and then build a machine that does the same thing the first thing i noticed is that you have to open and close your mouth really fast to get a perfect bubble ring if you keep your mouth open too long like right here you'll add too much air to the bubble ring and it'll fall apart before it gets to the surface but if you open and close your mouth at just the right time and you let out just the right amount of air it'll create a perfect bubble ring that goes all the way up to the surface nice and smoothly so now i know what i need i need some kind of poppet valve that goes down and up really quickly to let out a short burst of air but i don't really know how to do it i was trying to figure out how i can pull the valve down to release the air and i was thinking about it for a while when i came up with the solution i don't need to figure it out somebody online has probably already figured all this out and i'm wasting my time so i was looking through pants online and i found this device which claims to be a bubble ring generator but really it just looks like some kind of psychedelic album art cover from the 80s okay now this is kind of interesting it's not exactly what i'm looking for but it's pretty cool it looks like it's a device for making small bubble rings in a fish tank so i made a 3d model send it to the 3d printer and it's only going to take 8 hours well don't worry that's a perfect amount of time to tell you all about kiwico kiwico creates super cool hands-on projects designed to expose kids to the concepts in steam each monthly crate is designed by experts tested by kids and teaches a new theme through hands-on learning and fun each crate also contains an educational magazine containing lots of additional content to take your learning and your project to the next level all the penguins cute there's eight different subscription lines and they each cater to different ages and interests each box comes with all the supplies needed for that month school looks different this year kiwi co projects are a great hands-on activity to balance the overload of screen time from online classes my mom's a teacher she's been telling me how hard it is for these kids to stay engaged for eight hours a day staring at their screen kiwico is a great supplemental tool for learning and really for fun because that's what schools seem to be missing nowadays show your support for my channel by taking advantage of this offer from kiwico viewers of my channel get to try their first month of kiwico for free so head on over to backyard and try it today oh you're okay buddy here's the finished 3d printed bubble ring maker you put the air in right here and it fills up underneath right here and as this fills up with air eventually the buoyancy of the air will overcome the weight of the paddle and it'll just flip up there will escape out of this hole hopefully making a perfect bubble ring so i've attached an airline to an aquarium pump and now let's put it under water and see if this thing works i'm gonna give it some air look at that it worked wow that really does work good this thing really works a lot better than i expected and it's like every three seconds boop the thing flips up and you get a perfect bubble ring i'm impressed with this thing's design it looks pretty simple but it actually works really good if you guys want to try making one of these yourself i put the files down below in the description now it's time to make my own bubble ring machine and i decided to ask the inventor of this device if he had any advice for me hey all david whitis here glad to help i've been working on them for about 20 years the big holy grail was always to come up with one that would be used with captive dolphins in their tank to help keep them happy he gave me some good pointers but mostly don't give up basically what happened is i i just i came up with about 12 different ways to do it wrong david also said that he just finished a prototype that uses no moving parts at all try and figure that one out if you want to check that out i put his website down below in the description my bubble ring maker on the other hand has a lot of moving parts in fact i think it has too many moving parts i think that this mechanism here was just way too complicated also i think the solenoid was just too weak it didn't really have the power to activate this thing so i tried winding my own solenoid but it just didn't really work that well so i needed something with more power and that was a simpler mechanism well one day i was playing a nice relaxing game of rush i was getting beaten to death with a rock by a naked guy on a beach when suddenly it hit me a speaker would be perfect for this they can handle tons of power and they're really strong so we just need to remove the cone and only use the voice coil i ended up using this speaker you can find on amazon because it has an aluminum voice coil which won't fall apart if it gets wet then i 3d printed an adapter to hold the valve and assemble the whole thing into a waterproof housing now when i push a button the voice coil pulls the valve down and then these springs here push the valve back up against the soft silicone seal here up on top to close everything for consistency i made this trigger mechanism that allows me to vary the amount of times the valve gets pulled down for it anywhere from 30 milliseconds right here all the way up to 200 milliseconds i hope this one works after all the failures i hope i don't have to build any more of these things because i'm running out of pvc we got the one hose for ear the one hose for triggering it all right now for the moment of truth three two one bubble rings wow look at that it finally works sandra i'm gonna turn up the pressure and then see what happens i notice that the bubble ring will look different depending on how fast the valve opens so right now i have the valve as fast as it can go and it makes a really small bubble ring check it out [Music] it takes forever to get to the surface and it's pencil thin [Music] i think that's pretty satisfying i like those but sandra on the other hand she likes the powerful ones that jump right out of the water so in order to get exploding bubbles you're going to need an exploding gas mixture a flame like this means that there's more fuel than oxygen so if we turn up the oxygen we're going to get a nice blue flame like this and this is the perfect flame to make an exploding bubble ring jesus so i'd say that that's an explosive gas mixture so to make a spark underwater instead of using this little stick at 120 volts we're gonna need a much bigger stick at 40 000 volts so the battery powers this high voltage transformer which makes 40 000 volts which charges up these capacitors and then discharges them through the spark gap so the spark gap allows 40 000 volts to build up before it triggers and it dumps all of the energy from the spark plug into the end of my cattle prod here [Music] now the real question is to see if this sparks underwater oh yeah my friend steven came over to help me with the first test three two one at first i thought we had an awesome successful test but it turns out that there was a loose wire inside of the thing that detonated the explosive mixture but these things are easy to build so i could just build a new one in no time flat here we go sandra are you ready let's see if i can hit a bubble it's harder than it looks whoa it worked that was awesome did you hear like the gas bottles ringing after it happened whoa that's cool it works i can't believe this works you think that the explosion would blow the bubble ring apart but it still comes up to the surface and looks like a bubble ring now it is definitely time to get the high speed camera and see what we can do whoa did you see that one that one was awesome so that one was not a perfect mixture there must have been too much propane in that mix oh that's awesome oh my god it comes in like a spiral oh that's cool yeah that was a good one did you see when i ignited it it jumped out of the water more than normal cool i love how you can see the spark you can see it ignite and then start pulsing that was cool that was a good one now if we take a closer look we can see that the fuel rich mixture really burns a lot slower and not as powerful but it does make a really cool smoke ring in the water now the oxygen rich mixture on the other hand doesn't quite burn as it does detonate underwater and it shoots the bubble ring right out of the water when i first started this video i didn't think this was going to be possible at all but after literally dozens of prototypes i finally got something working and it is a blast let's see if we can blow up this balloon you can see the force of the explosion compress the balloon and as we proved in mark robert's video if the explosion's big enough it can cause serious injury these explosions might not be that big but i'm not worried about the explosion all right guys that's it for this video exploding bubble rings are awesome thank you for the suggestion uh yeah see you guys next time you
Channel: TheBackyardScientist
Views: 4,218,087
Rating: 4.9406638 out of 5
Id: rOCKjaYaYhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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